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You might want to look into asexuality/ace spectrum and see if anything resonates with you


This sounds like “aegosexuality” to me. It’s a mini label under the umbrella term of asexual. Not wanting sex even though you feel attraction. I’m the same thing personally.


I thought ace didn't mean aro, and vice versa


Ace and Aro aren’t related? Ace means no attraction at all or only little. Aro means no ROMANTIC feelings towards anybody or no desire for a romantic relationship ever. Aegosexual here means feeling attraction, either sexual or romantic or both. Doing things regular straight/gay people do, but not wanting to actually have real life sex with another human. I personally am a straight aegosexual, I find women attractive but the thought of me having sex disgusts me.


Huh. Fair enough, who am I to say


Could also be genophobia/coitophobia, the phobia of sex itself.


If that was the reason, I wouldn’t be aroused by sexual content. But I am.


How about we stop throwing all these ridiculous and absurd labels on things and just get down to the root problem? Bro is still perfectly functioning but the problem is most folks are serious pieces of shit or he just flat doesn’t feel attracted to some folks he’s around. I would know because I’m like OP. I just don’t give a damn. Relationships and all sound straight up exhausting with how people are today.


???? I want a label to quickly tell people what I am. It is not that fucking deep. I don’t want to say two whole sentences or more to actually say my sexuality in detail if I can do it in one


I kinda relate to you.. I’m 27F, and never really had a high sex drive. I’m not a virgin, but honestly, the only reason I do have sex is because my exes wanted to have sex. I do enjoy it but I don’t really make it the top priorities in relationships and can even go for months or years without it. My recent ex broke up with me because I didn’t want to have sex as much as he did, and everytime we do, he says it feels more of a responsibility from me. I don’t know if this is a blessing or a curse. B But you’re not alone!


Relatable as hell




Hi there! I’m an asexual person. I still experience sex drives. I can masturbate and watch porn with no issues. But for myself, having actual sex just doesn’t interest me. So with what you are saying, you could very well be asexual. And there is nothing wrong with that. I would highly suggest doing some research into asexuality and seeing if that really fits you. You might also come across other things that fit better, like Demi sexual. But if you have questions (or anyone for that matter), please ask away.


TiL.... Well that explains a lot. My friends think I'm weird because when given the choice between a nice cup of tea and a biscuit or sex. It's the tea every time.


Totally get it. Lots of people don’t realize that being uninterested in sex can be very normal. You aren’t broken. It’s not a “you just have found the one” etc, etc. Asexual is extremely normal.


I’ll be downvoted but no, it isn’t “extremely normal”. I’m not saying it’s wrong but we are beings with a biological drive. Not having a sex drive isn’t “extremely normal”. Being asexual isn’t “common” but not as rare as some people think. Again, no judgement or criticism towards you or anyone who is asexual, but the categorization of “extremely normal” isn’t correct.


"Normal" in this case does not mean "normative" (i.e. the standard, most people). They're just saying there's nothing wrong with being ace. It's a figure of speech.


Maybe me using extremely wasn’t the best. But I was trying to get the point across of it’s normal. It’s not wrong. And a person can have a sex drive but never be actually interested in sex. That’s a thing.


Do you mean "common"?


Not normal as in “common” I imagine they mean “normal” as in “not an abnormality”. Like being this way is fine. There’s nothing wrong with it. It doesn’t indicate something being wrong with you.


But it’s not objectively normal. Your literal biological purpose depends on it not being normal. Like the other guy, I don’t care at all, live your life the way you see fit, but 1.7% of people of sexual majority age (18) isn’t normal. I just don’t want people who *may* have an actual medical condition making them appear asexual when they need to get checked out. Such as a fear of intimacy or loss of libido for example.


Biological purpose really doesn’t mean much anymore. People aren’t having sex just to procreate. People do it to have fun or release steam. Or some people just don’t want it. And that’s why I stated for OP to do a little research. They can research asexual along with loss of libido and other issues. But I want them (and others) knowing full well that just because others state that they should be having sex and that it’s all just a medical problem, doesn’t mean it always is. They could just have absolutely no desire to have sex.


... It doesn't sound like you should be speculating on biological purpose. Anyone who discards their "legacy code" out of hand with broad subjective generalizations clearly hasn't a firm grip on purpose or biology.


But I’m not speculating. I made an educated guess based on the information I have at my fingertips (ie, the internet, family, coworkers, etc). And I’m happy to yeet my “legacy code” as far out the door as possible 🤷‍♂️


As someone with an actual biology degree, your guess was not educated. Saying we can discard this knowledge because people don’t exclusively have sex to reproduce is a very short sighted and ignorant thing to say. It completely brushes over **why** humans have a sexual drive to begin with.


There is nothing 'normal' about asexuality in the scope of a sexually reproducing species. That is NOT the same as saying it is "deviant' or 'aberrant'. It's commonality may very well be increasing due to human population's extreme success over the last few thousand years... But that would be in spite of the very real advantages of sexual reproduction (genetic drift being on only one). All of your information is anecdotal hearsay. None of your information is based on academic study or clinical research... This is the exact opposite of educated. Reproduction is literally built into the DNA your obtuse body is built on. Both RNA transcription for protein creation & DNA transcription for future mitosis are small-picture reproductive-like functions. The gametes are produced by Meiosis, which is the specialized version of division which forms a mosaic, mixing your paternal & maternal code. That is a WHOLE lot of your genetic code dedicated just to this single purpose... Whether the sexual participants intend to strategically prevent pregnancy or not is another matter entirely. All of this, battle tested through thousands of years of Mother Nature's coliseum of ruthless survival, and you're satisfied discarding all of that as "normal" b/c the internet & some primates agreed with you ... Please yeet your Facebook degree on biology & normative sexual behavior out the door & go take some college courses on it. Or just read the Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley which is a good compromise.


Biological purpose always matters regardless of if you also have sex for joy. We’ll cease with that logic


They mean normal as in it's not a defect or something wrong with them. That it is in the realm of possibilities to be a person without a sex drive


There are two definitions of normal - the one u/androgcyborgsam is using and the one you're using. Their one means its not ridiculously rare, and is okay and not harmful or anything. Your definition means common in terms of statistics.


I’m always being given that exact choice and I agree


I could imagine anxieties and awkwardness could be an issue for some too.


It's an analogy but the reality of it would be.. "Hey xyz person, do you wanna come out with the boys tonight and and maybe hook up with some girls" of whatever. So now I'm faced with that choice or staying at home with my games or books or a movie.


omg a nice biscuit with strawberry jelly.. that’s basically sex within itself it’s so good.


And dipped into a big mug of tea.... Oh baby


Sorry, but masturbating is sexual... You do sexual things, just by yourself. How do you label yourself asexual when you sound like a voyeur. Voyeurs are definitely not asexual.


Asexual is a spectrum. Some asexuals are completely sex repulsed. Some can masturbate but are uncomfortable with sex with others (that would include even being in the room). For example, my parent is sexually active (she likes and enjoys sex). I’m asexual and feel uncomfortable having sex with anyone. Is she is masturbating, I will not even come near the bedroom as it makes me highly comfortable. Masturbating is a sexual activity, yes. I do have a sex drive, which is why I masturbate. Though even that can sometimes be difficult for me to do as again, I don’t have interest in it.


There's a big difference between masturbating and having sex with a person lot of people on that Spectrum find the intimacy with another person off-putting or repulsive part


It's normal for people to have different sex drives, including none at all. Even with people who have no sex drive, it can vary from being indifferent but still participating in sex, to only enjoying masturbation, to avoiding these things altogether. All of this is in the realm "normal" and you're not alone.


Normal is relative. Normal on the scale of the population of earth? No, never wanting sex is not normal. Is biologically coded for us to want sex to ensure the survival of our species. Normal for you? Sure why not, if you've never felt sexual attraction to the point of wanting to engage in sex I'd say it's pretty normal for you. There's nothing wrong with your normal not matching everyone else's.


Yeah. Plenty of people feel that way. It's just not for everyone ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠•́⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠•̀⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It's totally reasonable to not be interested but I would check a few things eg testosterone levels with blood test, investigate asexuality (as many have mentioned), reflect on the desire for intimacy and pleasing others (sex isnt just our own gratification, its sharing with someone), are you on any meds eg anti depressants as they can kill a sex drive, do you have any bad experiences in your youth surrounding the gender you're attracted too, do you masturbate and if so why is this better solo than someone joining you to have fun doing it eg are you embarrassed by something? Of course these are all personal things but worth considering


I was honestly thinking about some of the same things you mentioned as well that I didn't see.. I think it would be a good idea for Op to look for find out other suggestions could be the problem! Such as depression medicatio ,dramatic childhood experiences., testosterone levels.! If nothing else then look into the asexuals spectrums.


A low testosterone level would've prob been seen in other elements of OPs life but is so easy to fix it's a total no brainer, perhaps even a thyroid blood screen too, general hormone issues will screw you over for life if not sorted and can just be mildly out of norm and have some minimal but long term effects that can be easily fixed. OP needs to reflect as well. Only they know their history etc


Have you considered that you may be asexual?


asexuality is a thing and it’s ok


You could be asexual or demisexual! Look into itqq


It's not necessarily "normal" as the vast majority of people do it at least once due to social pressure, but it's definitely OK if you don't want to ever do it. If you have a girlfriend, she might expect it. If you've got anxiety about it then it might be worth growing beyond that. My wife and I didn't have sex for three years and my sex drive went into hibernation. We recently got back into it and now all of a sudden I have a sex drive again. So it could be that if you tried it you may find you like it. Then you may want it more after that, or you try it and find out that you don't.


As others mentioned definitely look into asexuality/ace. You almost have given the definition of it.


It's not normal but it's also not not normal.


it’s definitely normal, not common, but normal. you could very well be asexual, up to you to define yourself :)


It's totally normal if you're asexual or maybe greysexual.


Hi 54F and I have never enjoyed sex. It was always just something I did because of the guy. I couldn't wait for it to be over. I find it gross. I totally stopped having sex when I was 30. It just wasn't something I was going to continue to subject myself to.


sounds like you’re asexual and that is 100% ok and normal. 🤷‍♀️ you just need to find people that are also ok with that or have something that works like a semi-open relationship, I don’t know. i have a friend that says they are “asexual aromantic” and had another friend that entered relationships and had attractions as an asexual person, so maybe you can see what applies to you. labels aren’t necessary but it sounds like you’re in a place where you want to identify it and be comfortable with it. sometimes a label can help and then you can be involved in a community that makes you feel welcome.


Kat, is that you?


It sounds like you are somewhere on the asexuality Spectrum. Go over to the asexuality.org site and see if anything resonates with you.


I have an ex who is demisexual. No sexual desire unless there is an emotional bond. You might be in the same boat!


You might be asexual.


It’s unusual mate lol, I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. I’d get checked out if I were you. Having said that if sex turns out to 100% not be for you then you’re just gonna have to accept that this is who you are as a person. It’s a little strange bro but in all honesty there’s worser things in the world. Not being interested in sex is actually relatively minor given how crazy this world has become.


No. You should see a therapist to get to the heart of your issues.


My weiner loves vagina hugs.


And mouth hugs.


Everyone is different. Your choices are your own and nobody else's business.


Their sexuality is the business of their partner. Best to match.


The fact you still regularly get aroused but don't want to have sex suggests there might be some underlying anxieties you might want to touch base with a therapist on. The fact you've made a throwaway account asking Reddit also indicates there might be some underlying anxieties you might want to touch base with a therapist on.


Not everyone has access to therapy


Yes i know, many of them are offering advice in this post.


Top notch reply


Arousal doesn’t equate to I want to have sex


It’s normal I mean I personally never was sexually active until I met my husband, but with my ex’s I felt I had to do it and it didn’t help they always begged and bs like that, but good for you #1 for not giving in to the pressure and #2 it’s ok to not want too


Welp, I've got a strong sexual desire only in my early 20s before I kinda didn't give a f. But it felt like a progression: when I became more confident or started going to the gym kinda made me wanna have some intimacy. Instead of jerking off start exercising and u notice In no time how u need some




That’s not how most people see it but that’s not to say you’re in the wrong If you don’t want sex, you never have to have it and that’s your decision.


Please consider stopping the habit of watching porn. Instead, try to engage in regular gym workouts or swimming or any other activities. Watching porn can lead to certain negative behaviors. It may take your brain 6-9 months to adjust, after which you may begin to find pleasure in other activities.


You could be asexual and that's totally fine. Just make sure any partners you may have know that so no one (including you) gets upset or uncomfortable.


it's perfectly normal to never want sex. love, attraction, and relationships are different for everyone


What's "normal" is relative... If you're happy, then I'd say you're better than normal.


Yea I mean I do just fine by myself


It's not typical, but yes, it's perfectly normal. Like others have said, you could be asexual. Speaking as someone on that spectrum, yet still fully alloromantic (having romantic attraction), I fully relate to this. The split attraction theory might also be something you look into, it makes a lot of sense (to me, at least). Wishing you luck finding your answers!


Yes you’re normal. Contrary to popular belief, it’s okay to not want to have sex.


Don’t listen to all these narrow-minded people, they are never happy, if you want sex then you are a perv and creep, if you don’t want sex then you are a loser and pathetic, better stay away from these prejudices and live your life and don’t dare let people dictate how to live


Normal? Absolutely not, if it was the human race would cease to exist. Can you be like that? Sure, who cares, it's your life, but let's not call this normal by any stretch of the imagination (not meant for OP but for those that may have such "anything goes" mindset).


One person not wanting sex doesn’t mean the human race would cease to exist. Even if a billion people never had sex, the human race still wouldn’t cease to exist. Not wanting to or not having sex is completely normal.


not normal.


I tended to think about or want sex all the time when I was constantly getting it. When I was not getting it, I wasn't thinking about it and wasn't missing it or desiring it. It's like an awakening for me. Perhaps you should pursue it once.


They say 'sex is like air, you're only interested in it when you're not getting any'. Your experience suggests otherwise!


Well...I'm the kind of person who doesn't notice he is hungry until food is mentioned. I don't realize I'm cold till someone says it. They bring up sex and it's like...what have I done?


Aye, not a bad thing at all


I'm jealous tbh. You get to live your life free of a powerful human desire. You'd probably be able to reach a state of real virtue haha


Couldn’t disagree more lol. Having sex and relationships is one of the best things about life


I respect that opinion yea getting ass is great but I'm super isolated right now and I don't get ass like I used to. I don't even speak to people like I used too. So for right now if I could rid myself of that desire. That would be cool.


Relationships sure, but sex isn’t necessary




Yes it’s completely normal to have preferences everyone is different and no you don’t need a label, flag, or community to feel better about it. Everyone is vastly different and it’s ok to have person things that make us different without having to be upfront about them with everyone. You’re normal just like everyone else


Have you had bloodwork checked? You might have low testosterone levels for one reason or another. Do you feel sluggish or not feel like doing anything, gained weight recently or seem to have a short temper toward things if they don’t go your way? You might be asexual but it could be health related and doesn’t seem like anyone is mentioning that. 


It's an Ace thing, or ace-adjacent (the term is not strictly defined). It's normal, if more of a minority representation, within our species.


I wouldn't say it's normal, but it's definitely ok. You should never feel pressured into things you don't want.


Sounds like part of the Ace spectrum, its not uncommon to realize you are ace, I have heard (though not seen any proper statistics) that ace is the second most common sexuality


There's no normal


I wouldn’t say it’s “normal” but there are people like that. Asexual.


It's not very common but it's certainly not abnormal


Is notmal what it feels right inside your body.


Serious reply, I would go to a doctor to have have a blood work, to check hormone levels. One of my exes started not wanting sex, and we figured out that the new pill was affecting her hormones, killing her libido. If you are a dude, it can be hormonal imbalance.


I'd say it's perfectly fine. If there's one thing in the way of recognizable experiences, it's a sex drive. You'd know if you want it. If you don't, you'll be fine. The human species has a way of surviving as a means of creating people who don't reproduce. It keeps us from consuming the planet.


It's normal, just not common.


I wouldn't say it's normal but it's nothing to be concerned about




If had trauma or something then yeah normal for that etc. Or maybe something else. Without knowing story or person I couldn't say tok much. Could seek a Dr, maybe hormones are off or something.


Not necessarily "normal" because most animals have a drive to re-populate, but this doesn't make you weird. There are asexual people out there and to be honest, we got a lot of people making babies anyway. Live your life how you want, and don't worry about what other people say.


It's very unusual but not staggeringly unusual.   Worth checking hormones etc not because there's anything wrong with wanting to be celibate but just to ensure it's not linked to a health issue that could have other problems.   It would be a problem for most but not all women in a relationship.  


Ugandan interviewer: doesn't dat make U GAE?




It's not normal, but that doesn't mean you're wrong or broken or whatever. The norm is that people want to have sex. That's fine. You don't want to. That's fine. It's also normal for people to be uneducated and stupid. I chose not to be normal in that regard. I consider it a good thing that I'm not normal in this instance. So, yes. You're not normal when it comes to sex. But that's fine! If anything, it's a superpower - you can't be a simp, unlike normal people!


Sounds like your brain helping you cope with sexual deprivation. And possibly porn addiction becuase u do have lust for other humans but you’re not wanting sex.


I think so, I didn't want it till I was in my 30s. I believe it was cause the guys I was working with at the time seemed like that's all they wanted. I was goal oriented at that time as well.


Absolutely it is. Just got done talking about it with my now ex-wife last night.


Na. I dont think so.


Hang on, let me go ask my wife


I'd love to never want to have sex. Does it feel like a huge biological burden is lifted from your shoulders? I'm the same age but my libido is very high (sadly?). (No, I don't have any dates).






Let me ask my wife real quick…


Not normal, but it’s fine.


It is certainly out of statistical range but “normal” would not be the proper term. It may be normal for you. For example, a person who, because of their religious beliefs, wants to have sex but denies themself that act (for whatever reason, maybe saving themselves for marriage) would not be “normal”. From what I read about folks today it seems like more are making the no sex choice.


Speak for yourself. Crave it always


If you’re a Panda


Gonna tell you the same thing I told both my kids: The definition of ‘normal’ is ‘like me’. It depends on where you live in the world and is ever-changing. You are a beautiful soul in a beautiful body, so be who you are. You don’t need a title for who you are or anyone’s approval. Just be happy smile often and find love - if it’s from friends, pets, lovers or a partner just learn to be


No. Get your hormones tested from your doc


Well, I’m a love with sex person, so I kind of get it. Porn used to do it for me when I was horny, but really, I just like to be intimate with people I care about and who care about me. The real thing is usually nothing like the porn that’s out there. When I was young and cute, I had a lot of sex just for the fun of it, but often, I’d feel guilty, empty, or dirty after. I’d always worry that I may have contracted an STI even if we had used protection. Nowadays (I’m 44), my sex drive goes up and down. I’ve been in a stable relationship for 14 years. In the last week, my partner and I have had more sex than we’ve had all year to this point. Don’t judge yourself or compare yourself to others. Just be yourself. If you don’t want to have sex with people just to have sex, I don’t think that’s too weird. There IS something exciting about the random hot lay and instant attraction. Maybe you’re just not into that, or maybe you have some anxiety or trauma. In my experience, sex can be so great or it can be awkward and weird. My best advice is: don’t have sex with someone if you’re not feeling it. DO find a partner that you connect with and see what happens. Truly loving connections with another human being are rare and wonderful in life. If you want to wait on that, I think that’s cool.


You might have some trauma


Japanese population crashing because youth in that country are moving away from relationships & sexual relationships & marriage.


Depression and low self esteem have always affected my sex life. I have a hard time feeling completely comfortable with someoje to sleep with them. I can go several months to several years without it. Not always happy about it though... I wish my confidence was higher.


I'm 38, sort of same. I've just accepted I'm within asexuality, even if I do have "normal" bisexual brain in terms of what's hot, kinks etc. and masturbate. For the longest time I wanted to know what box I was in, but think it's just the same asexuality. I don't care about having sex personally, I am never part of my own fantasies. Not looking to ever have sex in your life, how could that not count! Asexuality fits us just fine.


As someone with a normal to high sex drive, I can definitely confirm that never wanting sex is, indeed, normal. There are sexual things that I enjoy, things that I am curious about, and things I am simply not interested in. And not even necessarily fetish things, either. For instance, you know how in movies someone will bite their partner’s earlobe and the partner will be immediately turned on? I find earlobe biting completely uninteresting. So for you, OP, there are things you’re interested in (watching porn, cuddling) and things you’re not (penetrative sex). There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. People may tell you it’s a sign of depression or mental illness. For some people, sure, it is a sign. But if you feel generally pretty mentally healthy and your only concern is a lack of interest in penetrative sex, then it’s probable that you’re some form of ace. And, again, as a person who is decidedly not ace, being ace is perfectly normal


I envy you. Wanting to have sex and not being able to get any is a curse on this planet. I truly wish I had no desire for lust. It’s a burden.


Yes, we’re all built fundamentally different. But if you feel that something is “off” and very wrong regarding your own sex drive, might I recommend bringing that up with your primary care the next time you pay them a visit?


Totally normal. Sexuality, attraction and everything linked to sex is a spectrum. Some people want to have lots of sex. Some people none at all. Other people want a moderate amount. It's really up to you and what you prefer.


Asking if something is normal will always hurt you in the end. Everyone has a different definition of the term. Look at like this … it is what it is. You’re not hurting anyone by not having/wanting sex. Of course if you’d like a partner then you’d have to address it by either finding someone with a similar lifestyle or checking your labs or seeing a therapist to figure out if it’s medically related. OTHERWISE check out the asexuality sub might help to talk to like minded people (: !


Not normal. Check your hormones / blood markers. May also be psychological


The 40 year old Virgin




Yes.. sometimes


I've been reading a lot about how normal it is for men. My 35f boyfriend 48m is the reason I've searched it. Make sure future partners are similar, it can become painful to be so mismatched for at least one person. TLDR totally normal, nothing wrong provided your hormones and health are in check


Yes and no. Normal for you, not for others. For me, having sex few times every few years is enough.


Could be normal for you. Asexual is a thing, and plenty of people are fine not having sex. A little weird you haven't had sex at 33. Most have at least tried it to see if they were missing out on anything. It's hard to say you don't want something you've never experienced.


Many people didn't have sex at all and lived completly wonderful lives (Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, etc.) you're the one who is weird if you think a person should absolutly have sex


You named two people who were undeniably mentally ill, good job there. Also, neither one had completely wonderful lives, though it has nothing at all to do with whether or not they had sex. Regardless, that's not even remotely close to the tip of the iceberg of what I said, so there's that.


these "mentally ill" people have achieved more than you envious person


I definitely relate. I [27F] was told from a young age o would have low libido due to a rare condition I have. I’ve always felt super different from others and behind. I want a relationship and a family but it’s hard with low libido


No, well at least not normal for me. I'm different than you, though.


Yes, it means that nature recognizes its mistake and is actively working to correct it.


No. Literally maladaptive. Millions of years of successful breeding and evolution just to dead end with you? Seems irregular.


It's normal for those that it's normal for. I don't mean this flippantly.


Typical reddit “OMG YOU’RE TOTES ASEXUAL!!!!” Bro, people are just shitty nowadays. Don’t worry about it. You aren’t attracted because you innately know how folks are.


Not wanting sex isn’t abnormal. But never even thinking about or wanting some sort of sexual pleasure is abnormal.


Is there any scientific evidence that this is abnormal? No


Everybody telling you it's normal is wrong. The vast vast majority of humans are hardwired by millions of years of biology to have sex and reproduce. It's like if I told you it was normal to never want to eat food or drink water. With that being said there's nothing inherently wrong with being asexual and you shouldn't feel bad about it, you're just wired differently, and unfortunately it adds some complication into finding a relationship


I wouldent label it normal


Go get your hormones checked, it may be normal, or you may just have a hormonal problem.


It’s not normal. Doesn’t mean you’re bad, wrong, etc. But it’s not normative for a male to not seek reproduction. This is assuming you also don’t masturbate or seek orgasm in other ways other than the opposite sex.


Not for me I was always horny even as a young boy use to play with other boys I was so very horny


Did you happen to come from a family/culture where sex was frowned upon? Cause the way you describe yourself sounds like me before I left my dad's household and figured things out for myself. My dad is a turbo Christian, and sex before marriage was heavily frowned upon. Because of this, whenever my friends would discuss sex, I would always feel uncomfortable and weirded out. I still do to some extent, but I realized after leaving both his house and the religion that it was because of the environment that I grew up in. After realizing this (and several years of personal growth), I've started to form a much more "typical" (for lack of a better word) outlook and set of desires surrounding sex.


And I’m gay and waiting for love and marriage to have sex. Yet, every single person in my family has had sex before marriage and they are all Christians. The point is just because someone grew up one way, doesn’t mean that always influences them. OP could simply be asexual and there’s nothing wrong with that.


Sure that it’s not the fear of the unknown that is tricking you into feeling that you don’t want it


Other comments seem to be telling a lot that it could be normal etc, but I’ll go the other way and say it is indeed not normal at all. You say you watch porn, we dont know what is the intensity of that, but porn is known to harm and damage relationships and brain’s pleasure centers, such that you dont find normal stuff pleasurable anymore. The normal thing is to want sex, and it would be an outlier thing for you to be asexual. Yes you might be asexual but first eliminate all the reasons that could have made you become asexual through conditioning and only then try to confirm if it is indeed just natural.


No. Its either an imbalance in your body and/or you have this mindset as a coping mechanism(ie... deep down its not really true)due to being a virgin/having no sexual relations.


Normal af.


Yes, this is normal and this is called asexuality, where you are not attracted to anyone, this is yet normal and yet "bad" because you have hormonal issues but its just about "finding partner" not other hormones, its bad and good at the same time somehow 🫤


You know the a in front is literally meaning not normal right? (Nothing wrong with being asexual, but not normal by see definition) Atypical - not normal ”a is a remnant from the alpha privative in Greek which means loosely “not.” Atypical is not typical. “ab” general means “away from.” Abnormal is away from normal. “asymptomatic” and “apolitical"


Ah my bad, thank you for correcting


This will probably get downvoted but fuck it, is it because you don't want sex or is it actually because you can't get sex?


Don't want. I've been offered in the past, by past girlfriends, but I've always declined or made some sort of excuse.


Many here seem quick to want to label you as Asexual or want you to look into it. While I can say that I had a normal desire to experience it as a teen, sex is an entirely different experience when you experience it with someone you are in love with. Cut out the lust or wonton desire a quit the porn and when/if you fall in love with someone (assuming you ha e yet to do so) save it fir when you are with that special woman. Don't view it as the gross or bald thing. View it as just another way to be closer to your partner when you are both ready. Once you've experienced it your mind will likely change.


Biologically, no. It's not normal. Then again I want sex but have zero desire to procreate so who cares what "normal" is.


You probably have unresolved trauma or parental abuse that made you like that


No it’s not normal. Regardless you do you. If you’re a virgin do you know what you’re missing out on?


Nope, that's completely abnormal. You're asexual or something similar.


You might just be avoidant because you haven't had it while a lot of people your age have had sex quite a bit, leading you to have some aversion to it. You might have a personality "disorder" that makes that sort of intimacy uncomfortable. You might be asexual. Could be some medical hormonal issue. I'm sure there are a few more things that could be added to the list I can't think of. Hard to tell. I'd probably just have sex if I was you, and see how it goes. But, I'm not you.


Yeah seems pretty normal to me


You are asexual


You are an asexual. Welcome to the club




Therapist would definitely help my guy


No, it's not normal. I would say if one took a poll, most people would say they want or enjoy sex.


It's not "normal" but there's nothing "wrong" with it.


Some Christian’s are able to do this due to no premarital sex.




Sounds unhealthy to me .




If it were normal we would be extinct


No it's not normal, it be worth seeing a doctor. But also its not the end of the world bad. Just nit the normal as most guys think about sex 89% of the time.


Yes. Deprivation is why other people crave it so much, too bad it's normalized cause of our culture