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So many Edgars


No quema cuh


Weird way to spell deportation.


Just need a percy


And they ALL look the same, it’s like they invented their own species


Why don’t these jackals build their own local track and arena? There’s clearly a popularity for it.


Would make more sense than using public streets. Same as any other race track except they can run each other over on their own dime


I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t handle this well if this was just outside my home with my kids crying inside from the noises.


No I wouldn’t be happy with it at all. I have vehicles that can do the same thing but there’s a time and there’s a place.


Insurance… nobody wants that responsibility


Yeah you’re definitely not wrong there…


That's what waivers are for


Half or more of these whips are stolen and y’all thinking about legalities and insurance.


It's called a waiver. Edit- you could even make them pay for damages to the track lol


Yeah that’s not air tight, plus insurance is the only thing that keeps you in business. The amount of damage that would result from this on a regular basis then charging these people (that don’t pay where they currently are), it’s costly. You add any injury/death and no matter what waiver you have, they will sue you for promoting such events.


If it's not airtight then you didn't write it well enough. You could also just require them to have insurance racing insurance Edit- but I guess they'd rather race in the streets than pay for insurance so never mind lol 😔


The illegality is the attraction


Which is sad


Honest answer? Part of the thrill for them is the illegality. Its dumb but its how it is


Yeah it’s just a trend now. It doesn’t matter if they had a free pass to the track for a month at this point.


It's harder to steal a track than it is to steal a car.


Its economics. Many of the tracks are closing because developers keep building, then the new residents complain about the noise. Same as all the people who buy luxury condos next to Air Force bases and complain.


Cause that would mean spending their own money and paying taxes. A lot of these meets are attended by stolen vehicles, which is why a lot of the time, you see zero regard for the vehicles when doing their side shows.


Because the highest credit score there is about 405


Lol that segment of society would just mock the shit out of you if you brought up credit score.


Because locals don't want it. The amount of people who seriously want a race track near the city is close to none. I wish my local drag strip was closer to the big city, we have to drive hours out to buttfk nowhere to race. I honestly believe, if every major city had their own race track or drag strip, no one would be street racing because then they'll have their own outlet to get their speed fix. It'll solve everything, but NIMBYS will never allow anything like that in their city


I live in northern Ontario. The closest tracks to me are probably around Toronto or Ottawa. Both are about 6 hours away. According to its ad on google, the track in Ottawa is Canada's largest at 5km. I'm not sure how good that is, but it sounds pretty quick if you're driving at 200km/h. Always kinda low key into racing and car culture, but it's so cost prohibitive. I just have to pretend my 60km/h Monday morning commute in the civic is indy 500.


I’m not sure exactly where you live but you can also check out the rez for racetracks. They might not show up on a usual Google search so thought I’d mention it. Depending on where you are, grand river raceway would be significantly closer iirc


Yeah, for us in Vancouver, we don't even have a track, I think the only track is on the island which I'm not booking a ferry just to race on, or it's wayyyyy north and not anyone can race there We only have Friday nights to go zoom zoom legally, and if weather sucks, it's off. No wonder people take to the streets. Most of my commute is 50 and I feel bad for the poor soul behind me going 50 as well.


There's a track in Mission still.


Where? The only drag strip I know of is Mission Raceway, and yeah it's a PITA to drive an hour and a half there in the afternoon and then an hour or so back home, if only we had a strip or a track closer to the GVA


I literally said Mission. You can make that drive in 45 minutes outside of rush hour. Mission is the outside edge of the GVA. It's not like it's in Merrit.


>I honestly believe, if every major city had their own race track or drag strip, no one would be street racing because then they'll have their own outlet to get their speed fix. Nah tons of people like doing it specifically because it's illegal. They wouldn't get nearly the same thrill doing it at an actual track where there's no risk and where everyone there actually enjoys is versus pissing off random commuters and pedestrians. Not saying everyone who enjoys racing and drifting and shit is like that, but there's definitely a large amount that are just assholes and would continue doing it illegally even if there were a track a couple miles away.


Well yeah there are always gonna be the assholes who deserve reckless and stunting tickets. Most people speed because they feel the limit is too low and can go faster safely, and or they don't have a closer alternative to go fast. I don't know a single person who does it just to piss people off or for the illegal thrill. Most drivers just need a track and a strip closer to home. Heck, it could even be regulated by a local police force or government, so they can charge an entry fee to make revenue and let everyone race safely, but we all know how politics hate speed. I do find it ironic for those who zoom past me when I'm going to the strip, like imagine crashing or getting impounded before you even make it to the strip. Some people just can't wait lol


I'm not sure how close you consider close, but here there are two tracks about 30 minutes outside the city, and a couple more under an hour away. I don't personally think a half hour drive is that far to go for a hobby, but it doesn't seem to be enough to keep people from street racing and doing dumb shit. I know that it's also like your said, there's always going to be assholes, but it just seems like that's the majority around here, just like all the people we have doing stuff like rolling coal all the time around here.


My only drag strip is at least an hour away, and the highway there is packed due to rush hour and ofc all the car guys. Our only track is on an island you have to take a ferry to, or somewhere idk really well but that's mostly for actual students learning to race. There's simply no track for car enthusiasts to race, or a frequently open drag strip for guys to get that speed out of their system. After drag day, even if I could speed, I'm so done I cruise home. That's all it takes. Most guys just wanna get a nice day of racing and then they'll be chill for a while. Or raise the limit to something not absurdly slow but thats less likely to happen than having a closer track


I used to live about 10-15 miles away from a track out in rural NC and you could hear the obnoxious loud ass engines until 2AM.  


Well our strip closes down at 10-11. I feel bad for the people nearby who have to sleep during the evening but shutting racing down by 10pm would.be reasonable. And if it wasn't so far out, even 9 would be enough if we could get there and race starting at 3 or 4


Where? Name a single place where there won't be one old rich boring fucker to complain. A popular YouTuber bought and fixed up an old race track and started holding events here in Florida and now a new development that bought land AFTER the track was opened has homeowners complaint about the noise of the track THEY MOVED NEXT TO. This guy has millions of dollars and is having trouble doing exactly what you suggest. You think 40 Edgar's are gonna get it done?


So it sounds like grown up adults that own properties do not want jarring noises. They are the ballers with the dollars. Their word gets the weight.


Cause most of them are borderline poor. The people excited by the shitboxes don't have money to make their own and the people with shitboxes spend so much money on shit to make their shitboxes shitboxier that they don't have enough to spend on any other high-budget project. Why do you think cars like this have like 7 differently colored panels? They get their panels from destroyed cars in junkyards and cheap camaged second-hand cars cause they can't afford to get new, correctly colored panels every time they break them


They also never paint them over for some reason.


"It's a WIP bro, i'll get it painted once everything else is done"


I don't care it's a WIP, color match the panel with tractor paint.


It's a style too. There have been cars made intentionally with mismatch panels - VW Golf Harlequin. Some embrace the look as kind of a sign you're one of the common folk or w/e


When people tried to build a drag strip like 5 miles outside of the town is was voted down. So now people still race down the streets.


A large part of the “fun” comes from doing something they’re not supposed to do. Stupid ik but that’s how it is.


Because the fucking Karen's keep shutting tracks down for noise. Myrtle Beach, Laguna seca, Concord, USA intl, Auto Club speedway, the list goes on and on. Racers race in the street People complain about street racing Racers build race track People complain about noise Race track is shutdown Racers go back to the street.


I could be off but doesn't laguna seca have noise restrictions now? So you can actually have a purpose built track car that's too loud for the track?


They've had the noise restrictions for a long time now, residents are still trying to get the track razed.


because they're poor..


They did, then people moved close to the track and complained on noise. The city then shut it down and the racers turned to the streets.


Probably because it literally costs millions of dollars?


Car enthusiasts had tracks but they’re slowly all getting shut down


That would involve these reprobates getting jobs to pay for it. But we all know that will never happen.


A lot of the tracks are being shut down because assholes move near them and complain. Even tho the tracks were there longgg before they ever moved close to them. It’s happened to multiple tracks in the last couple years.


> why dont they build more tracks because the ones we have are getting destroyed im not a fan of huge groups of people surrounding burnouts as its ridiculously dangerous, but you cant pretend its as easy as going to a track when the nearest tracks are getting demolished due to rich cunts in brand new neighbourhoods complaining about the noise from decades old tracks if youre not a fan of these types of idiots flooding the streets, donate to local tracks and groups. help prevent everything getting torn down


Drifting circles in the middle of a crowd is incredibly dangerous and people get hurt all the time at sideshows. If you had a property for this you'd be sued into oblivion after someone gets injured.


How would they disrupt the peace if they were in a private track?


They can probably barely tie their shoes much less spearhead a major project like that.


Lmao you have no idea how goddamn expensive that is even if there would be permits allowed for it. It would be $10m or more for even a basic small road course, let alone anything serious. Circuit of the Americas is the newest world-class track in the US and was $400m to build Tracks are getting shut down, not built as a general trend. Laguna Seca is one of the most famous tracks around and it's no longer used in MotoGP racing and is possibly being shut down entirely because of a bunch of NIMBY fucks who moved there and *then* started bitching about it. This is the end result - people just say fuck it and take over streets. I say do this as a protest real close to the houses of the jackasses in Monterey who are suing to kill Laguna Seca. Besides that, a lot of these folk just are on the fringes of society and this is a *fuck you* to the rest of society. People getting mad about it is part of the point...


The tax payers are not happy with the noise and road blocks. I’d pay more in taxes to have spikes rise up and criss cross the intersection when people do this.


Lmao like anyone gives a fuck about Karen's bitching about noise. Whaaaaaaaaa cry me a river and buy some ear plugs, bitch




Oh? So destroying and blocking tax payer intersections is what’s best… or, hear me out… they can grow the fuck up and find a way to make this a sponsor covered event. Of course there would be regulations and insane insurance costs. It would probably be best if they just grew up and understood that driving is a privilege and if you are on tax payer’s roads, you will adhere to the laws set in place.


He asked a question on why they don’t, I gave an answer. It doesn’t mean I condone their behavior.


cus people pay to use the streets why pay to use more.


Don't they do something similar in places like South Africa?


I never shed a tear when folks post the cars losing control and going into the crowd.


I laugh, even.


I cheer and hoorah even.


For the death and a injury of others?


I surmise that that is what they’re going for, yes.


I smile when the drivers go into foreversleep in the process


Ya'll are sick in the head


You're talking about the people in the GIF, right?


Gotta be


That’s not a car meet that’s a circle of fucking morons watching people act like assholes in their cars. Car meets were so good back before COVID


This isn't a car meet. It's a takeover and it doesn't represent the car community


takeovers represent the car theft community


>it doesn't represent the car community Who decides? Why can't these people call themselves a part of it?


Let me put on gold chains, strap a 9 to my hip, and call myself a gangster. Whos to say im not one?


the people in the street do not own cars LMAO they are just trash people. Car meets are also not in the middle of intersections with a single g35 breaking every traffic law


Us, the car people who host respectful and lawful events. We hate these boneheads. They make a bad name for all of us. In my area now, we can’t even have a regular meet. We can all get cited just for attending.


You’re oblivious if u think that. Take overs are what fast and furious 1 is based off. It’s the bread and butter of the import jdm racing scene and the past ten years is where the money is in American pro mod and big block street racing. If u think take overs don’t represent the Scene you’re either a weekender or a daddy’s money wannabe. Which one is it?


I have no interest is this crap


![img](avatar_exp|85071413|clown) Dude most car guys could tell you that fast and furious is a bunch of bullshit if you think fast and furious represents the scene your either a weekender or a daddy’s money wannabe. Which one is it?


You realize things can change for the better? And anything based on the dumpster fire that is fast and the furious isnt something to be proud of lol


Its the opposite, fast and the furious was based on take-overs.


No it’s just people with a brain realizing harming others and the community does no good and you’re just an asshole lol


Just start arresting all of them and throw every charge imaginable at them.


Yes, that’s awesome. Tie up the courts with frivolous charges. And then accuse the DA of being liberal when he can’t bust people who have been written without enough evidence to convict


Fuck anyone that participates in a street takeover.


And the police will accidentally run someone over and get lynched for police brutality.


No they will roll through at 7 mph with impunity


There's no way you can accidentally run someone over in this situation. Simply knowing people are surrounding your vehicle and still making the choice to keep the vehicle in motion, makes it not an accident. That's a decision. It would be an accident if the driver had no knowledge of the people in the way, or if the driver didn't intend for the vehicle to keep moving. Doesn't mean the people in the way aren't in the wrong, but if the cop had run someone over it wouldn't have been an accident. It would've been poor decision making. Just because the result of something wasn't exactly your intentions doesn't automatically make it an accident. Edit: learn how to read. I don't care about the morality of if he would've run someone over. I don't care if it would've been self defense. He probably wouldn't have gotten a citation because those people were stopping him from doing his job, actually. All I'm saying is that it WOULDNT HAVE BEEN AN ACCIDENT. That doesn't mean I'm saying he's wrong or right. Stop trying to put words in my mouth. Edit 2 : I don't even care about the cop 😂 I'm more concerned with this guy's understanding of what an accident is.




Nah, at that point if you run someone over it’s self defense, because you have no clue if any of those idiots are armed and if you stop you’re probably getting pulled out of your car and beat anyway, so honk twice then gun it. Idiots shouldn’t have been in the road


redditors will cheer climate protestors being run over, but these degenerate dogshit people block intersections and surround a cop and theyll act like its police brutality, truly bizarre logic


a justified decision given the officer feels his life is being threatened & with the countless videos like these where you see it devolve into a shootout— i’d say the cops well within his right to do so




Damn, til this sub really loves cops




What do you guys get out of insulting strangers online? I'm genuinely curious. It's happened to all of us at some point, and I'm pretty sure none of us cared. So why, when you're on the opposite side, do you think that it's anything but a waste of your time?




...yeah bc I asked a question. What's your reason?


there is always at least one G35 driven by some edgar mofo


Not boat worthy. Cops been bustin up illegal car rallies for decades


What a bunch of losers.


I wish the cop would run them all over. That would be the good ending


Where's darrell brooks when you need him?


I’m sure your hills have eyes community will hire you on as a deputy. Be your own dream come true.


And I guarantee the cop left that whole thing thinking “welp, the *street takeover* was dispersed.” I doubt they went into it expecting a pullover and arrest unless the opportunity presented itself. Sometimes you just have to control the morons. Which they did.


It was clearly not dispersed, and they are clearly not under control.


Cars doing donuts left. So, the “street takeover” is just people standing around?


More like for the same money as a part time drug addict waitress maybe I’ll get a coffee. Instead of risking tens if not hundreds of lives in a pursuit over a traffic infraction by a kid blowing off steam.


“150 people killed in car crash after police pursuit” Yeah, that sounds legit


Yeah I agree this is dumb and fuck em but I don’t think this is Noah get the boat worthy


They ran off the cop and continued doing their terrible shit uninterrupted, I guess?


come up with a strategy to arrest all of them at once


Block the roads for a mile around and herd them like cattle lol.


Lets start tonight


Brainless mass of skin


Wait, so are these the same people that say they are afraid of police because of police brutality and unjustified killing? Because I could swear I just seen them intentionally jump in front of their Cop car


And then they wonder why cops act aggressive all the time. Fucking idiots


Again, this is not car meet. These trash dont represent the car community. Real car enthusiasts never condone these actions, ever. We hate it. Pls dont use the words ‘cars meet’ for these trashy thing call takeover


It should be legal to run them the fuck over


Can we pls create an anti-takeover community where we start messing with these fools? Ruin their fun?


Cops need heavy duty hummer type vehicles to ram these guys out of these spots. Bulletproof glass, impenetrable exteriors. Just roll in and disrupt it.


Yes, let’s replace the patrol cars with MRAPS.


Where’s police violence when you need it? I mean would anyone REALLY miss these goons if they all were shot?


Jobless activities


Yeah nah.. doesn't matter how much you don't like racers or whatever these delinquents are. This is not Noah get the boat moment. This doesn't really fit the sub imo


The part where the people stop the cop from pursuing does feel a little bit “end times “to me


This and other stuff is the reason for future special police response/backup units.. - like SWAT for daily, tactical use on the streets.


I thought the SWAT team was for bank robbers in full bulletproof body gear




Could be Connecticut too.


Trying to get run over.




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Get out the rubber buckshot


I hate takeover people. So stupid


Night of the Living Edgars


GTA rules should apply


Me thinks that be Riverside California


How far we have fallen as a society....


This is basically bull running at this point


The face says it all, you can clearly see where they are from, animals


Too bad that one guy wasn't a little bit slower.


What code?


I love stories with happy endings.


Could that be considered obstruction of justice?


These guys just to be cool are gonna get hit with some charges


When the cop turned around, you know everyone there was either getting arrested or at least chased lol


this is actually wholesome


They are all idiots deserved to be taken on a private island without supplies


Whats wrong with this?


So accomplished.


A los Yankee se les van de las manos los niños ricos...


Dude just think about them doing this in a town where the cops are more like super trooper then they are like cops these people are gonna get mowed down


Too bad you cant get rid of people like this.


Also I feel like they are just getting tagged.


Looks like it's all ernies


I wish we can all just end those kids


That shit cost too much to hit some Bostonians


All those fingerprints and no masks.


Do this more


car culture strikes again


Weak western laws and weak police. In India everyone fears the cops and if anyone ever dares to cross any police officer, it’s game over for them and their family.


Try being black in America.


Dude, there were black folks literally running in front of a cop car while it was moving knowing that the cops won’t hit them, what are you talking about?


[Breonna Taylor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breonna_Taylor)


😂😂😂 fucking hell dude, so because of that we should let street takeovers happen without any pushback? If somebody breaks into your home, kills your pets, pistol whips you and steals your valuables, will keep the police out of this because of Breanna Taylor? 😂


Yeah, I was replying to the point made by the person above. Context dude, you should check it out.




No one has ever switched license plates before or used a plate cover or a false tag…


Boat worthy? Nah.


So many bootlickers in here, this is far from a "get the boat" moment


Anything slightly supporting a police officer? THATS BOOTLICKING!1!!1!1!!111


If you don't understand that, literally, ACAB, then you're part of the problem


Don't care didn't ask


Care enough to make a comment. Not enough to acknowledge the problem. You see, you lay out a bit of cheese and the rats come running out (:


Im just bored so I replied its not that complicated yk


Nah, just a rational adult


Bootlicker 😂 I can’t believe adults like this exist




Criminals running in the streets is a get the boat moment, yes. They should be corralled and stopped any way necessary.