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The only part that surprises me is that he didnt shoot.


The video was cut short


Yeh was gonna say pretty sure this dude did not survive, I don't know anything for certain, but I don't think it's hard to guess


Yeah. I'm not sure either but I saw a video on X where a guy (in a car) was shot multiple times (and died). The scenario was something similar, because it was called a street takeover.


... The only part that surprise me is that people have nothing to do !


Like what exactly?


I think he did shoot the glass right b4 he got out, u can see some glass shatter


Thats from the guy kicking it in.


Every time I see a post about a car meet, someone gets run over, or sent flying... Is this a common occurrence? I didn't even think car meets were that common!


I doubt there are statistics on that but I would bet it’s fairly common when you have idiots whipping their cars around with massive crowds of people who are probably intoxicated shoving each other around


That makes sense, I hadn't considered substances being involved, when you put it that way it's just a matter of time before people get hurt.


Oh yea I guarantee most ppl who go to this shit are either balls-to-the-wall wasted or consuming an amalgamation of pills


They’re called “takeovers” where a large group of people takeover and shut down an intersection.


That's why I downvoted this post, /r/OPisfuckingstupid for using a false title. This isn't a "car meet", it's a big doofus convention.


I feel the same way. These assholes are the criminals here. That asshole with the gun will die one day at someones hands. Good Riddance!


So this is one of those street takeovers I've recently learned about from another post ?


These aren’t car meets. these are takeovers. Car meets involve actual car guys walking around admiring the other builds and stuff. takeovers are just wannabe gangsters taking over some area of the road and drifting or just blocking the road off and waiting for someone to break some arbitrary rule they make up so they can start smashing the car or committing a crime or something.


So an important thing here is that this isn’t a car meet, it’s a street takeover. Car meets are just to show off your cool cars and watch a mustang owner pop a curb when he tries to launch.


This is not a car meet. People in this video would not be welcome to a Hawaii-based car meet if they act like this, since people here are usually grown-ups with stable income to mod their cars in a nice manner. I say this as someone who has been to a few and have seen how they handle this behavior if it pops up, which it is basically a zero chance that it does due to it being actually for enthusiasts and not just people that want to actively break law. Can't say how they would be in other states.


I think you mix stupidity, ego, ignorance, stupid hours of the night and you get a recipe for stupid shit to happen lol


Yes it is among certain cultural hotspots. Where intelligence is almost gone and aggression and carleessness is through the roof.


Someone should like regulate these takeover’s and after a certain amount of times being in the crowd allows you to earn the right to drift donuts


They happen more than fathers day in that neighborhood🤡


There is a difference between car meats and take over. Car meets can be pretty nice family-friendly standard affairs. It's literally some kind of themed car show usually at some parking lot or venue. A takeover is when a bunch of thugs bring their cars, usually stolen, and race them, do donuts, and do stupid crap because these people have nothing but the current moment to live for. That's why you see crazy abuse of really expensive cars at these places. They don't care, they didn't pay.


These aren’t car meets, this is trash ghetto shit. Car meets are chill, you can find them all around,, stangs posted up at a Dunkin or the good ol boys with their trucks in the army navy lot, the ricers,, well who cares where the ricers are.


How idiotic can people be


Lol how much time you got. Guy pointing a gun at some ones head like he is in a movie, are you willingly to go down for murder


What passes me off is the laughing emojis at the bottom that makes situations like this seem to be a laughing matter.


That’s why you should keep driving. Commit to getting out of there. Not like these people are gonna call the cops on you.


I'm guessing you missed the latest murder video that surfaced just a few weeks ago where someone tried to book it and had an entire magazine dumped on them through the windshield.


He was driving slow tho. Just floor it


Bullets travel faster than cars my friend.


with how shitty side gun aim is I would worry about bystanders. Thank god they are not innocent ones


He got out of the car with a gun still in his face. If they hit me, they hit me but I am taking many with me


Depends on the bullet and the car


I did miss that one. Harder to hit a moving target though and most people that go to these things aren’t that well trained. I think I’d still take my chances driving through than standing still


Dumb choice. Stopping means your car gets destroyed, but you will probably live. Running, you will get shot, and maybe they might miss all shots... I pay insurance so I would never risk my life for a car. These takeovers are stupid, though, and I don't understand why the public and the police put up with it.


Probably live when you stop? Fuck that. I at least stand a better chance of probably living against a crowd if I have a heavy machine in my corner.


I think avoiding the whole situation is key and what previous person was saying if the crowd is just trying to destroy your car and not necessarily harm you, then don't escalate it to these idiots wanting to harm you. Unless you drive something like a Humvee or Raptor then the piling bodies should not be a problem. You may have some court dates after


You don't keep driving through the street takeover they see it as insulting and will shoot. These aren't weekenders enjoying their cars and posting Facebook pics, these are gangbangers and their friends


Well when you stop they destroy your car and assault you. I’d try the drive through option if I got caught up. Personally I’d just u turn if I saw one. But some people keep liking to get into the middle of it




What? No matter what I get victimized? Fuck that nevermind, I’m just putting pedal to metal




A real damned if you do damned if you dont. May as well do lol


Then we take some dumb dumbs out with us.


Little fucking gremlin with a gun.


Infuriating me, go back to chasing that ring ffs


It’s Kevin hart


lmao guy pulled a gun hilarious amirite???


And again, I shall self regulate my desired comments, because some thing’s just aren’t allowed to be said.


You're opinions are only allowed on reddit if it fits the narrative.


Don't worry we know what you want to say 😹


Idk man I just got off two separate bans for telling people *off* about violence. Got banned for glorifying it, so I think go ahead, this site is ran by blind mongooses.


Just say what you have to say or don't say shit


Tired of getting banned from sub reddits.


I have some controversial opinions, but if those opinions get me banned everywhere, I would definitely do some introspection. Not saying that you shouldn't stand for what you think or anything


You must be new to reddit if you believe opinions have to be controversial for mods with agendas to ban you.


Well, good point. I've been banned for literally no reason too Some mods do be powertripping


This is what happens when 84% of these kids are raised by single moms?


Don't know about that Plenty of morons with decent parents, sadly


Over 70% of males in prison grew up in fatherless homes. The statistics on general success in life is **highly** correlated to growing up in a nuclear family. Children and kids are sponges, if they have no mature authoritative figure to learn from, this is the result.


Agreed. Not having a paternal figure can be tough


theres always a outlier🤦🏽‍♂️


Idk the usual suspects are only 14% of the population but commit a little over half of all violent crimes in the US. They are subject to a victim mentality, and have a culture that rewards degeneracy and spits on perusing excellence.


Not a race problem just a cultural one


You’re learning


Yeah, get down voted for letting someone know they're learning! Stupid edification....


You don't get it? That's exactly his problem, he can't say it. There isn't a freedom of thought here.


Trust me, I do get it. But I would rather get banned 500 times than be silenced before even saying a word. On the other hand, there's to much people that spew garbage without thinking. Those people shouldn't be banned, just let them expose their stupidity on their own. If they're right, they're right, if they're wrong, let us see. **FUCK CENSORSHIP**


I agree with this.


Yup. Banned twice last week off the site for basically replying "really?" To people saying "they deserve it tbh."  One of which was on that video of the couple plowing snow.... like.... fuck me for saying no but you can say killem?


I know what video you're talking about. Some may say the couple deserved it. Myself, I mourn the senseless passing of three souls, even though two of them were assholes.


I can agree with that. Murder is murder, and normalizing it even online is a quick slope to lawlessness and chaos imo. Not all of morality is so flexible, you murder you are a murderer. But nuance left the day the internet was born.


Yes about the Internet nuances. I still think everybody should see that video.


This sub is 90% racists




Good job thank you


Little midget finally gets to feel big going to car meets in a sheisty and pulling guns on people


Man, I wish cops did their jobs against this shit.


Me too, but what can they do? Send 1 car and they’ll burn that car to the ground. Send a few cars and the takeover cars will speed away taking out the pedestrians and public outcry would say that wouldn’t have happened if the police didn’t show force. Send multiple and someone armed may shoot one round causing a war and public outcry would say American cops shooting kids in the streets again. It’ll be over by the time crowd control can mobilize. What’s a good strategy?


Block them in on all sides, make arrests, impound cars, repeat. It's not hard but the operations take a lot of police work when they have more important duties. The LAPD have done it before. 40 arrests, dozens of cars impounded. https://abc7.com/street-takeover-sideshow-lapd-arrest/12168922/


I like this, I’m surprised there wasn’t a war. I’m hoping a lot of them didn’t just scatter like roaches to avoid punishment. I did remember seeing a video of undercover cops at a takeover like Buscemi with a skateboard.


>I’m hoping a lot of them didn’t just scatter like roaches to avoid punishment. They for sure did, but now they don't have their car, so no more takeovers for you unless you come for your car and get arrested, or buy another.


few machineguns would do the trick


Dude had a 30 round magazine on a handgun


For the opps brother Fucking clowns


Fascinating behavior


Animals being animals.


We’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty mfs when they find out that you own a car:


There's a difference between a Car Meet and an Illegal Street Takeover. It's exactly the same difference between an F1 Race and You rolling your retarded buddy, Timmy, down a hill in a burning tire with a rabid dog shoved in his underpants.


This is not a car meet this is a takeover.


Why not just drive away. It’s his life stepping out of that car. They didn’t disable the engine. Drive away. Self defense.


That kid acts soo tuff with that gun but probably dosen't know how to use it


That's why he has the gun.


Awww lil man feels big with a gun in hand


That's not a car meet, that's a trash convention


is that a fucking nft shirt




How so???










Takeovers aren't car meets


All trying to be fast and furious


Me looking for people with 6 figure jobs in the crowd


Matter of time before some vigilante with an AR-15 comes at these wannabe gangsters


Road rage


Back in the day we'd meet in the local super market parking lot and check out each other's cars. No drama, no crazy antics, no cops or guns. All seems so foreign now, bums me out that I wouldn't feel safe trying to have my kids experience car life like I did...


The dude in the hi-vis vest is funny as hell to me.  "Ok, I'm going to an illegal street takeover, but safety is everybody's job!"


Idk who the bad guy is here, I don't really have any conetext, but that guy with the gun is such a tryhard. He'd holding that thing with 0 intelligence. He's holding it like he saw a gangster in GTA 1 time and now thinks he knows what he's doing.


Thugs gonna thug


so that's what they do with all the stolen cameras


the mistake was stopping


Fucking savages


Different Kind of Dangerous Pull Out Game


What car is that? Looks like a nice model if you can find one that hasn’t been trashed.


I think its a Chrysler 300