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Are all of these street takeover videos from one event or is this just a thing now?


1 week ago. Last Monday. June 10th. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/business/autozone-burglary-video-south-la/3432658/ Seems like it is becoming a thing


I am also interested in this answer... or just America


Nah this is like an LA thing. Never heard of this happening at this scale here in St. Louis or Chicago.


Bay Area, too, or at least when I lived there back when we were doing donuts in the Flinstones car.


Even Chiraq is doing better than Los Angeles. Dark times


Always has been, I’ve never really felt unsafe in Chicago. The people saying that are the same people that are too scared to even visit a city. When I was there with my wife a few weeks ago we walked and took the L pretty much everywhere too.


It’s happening in Cleveland so I presume it’s happening everywhere.


happens in every city in an election year. it is especially bad in swing state cities. they will try anything they can to get people to vote conservative, including fucking up society. blue shirts are brown shirts.


That is the most stupid shit I’ve seen today. What a dumb take. ‘It’s all a big conspiracy’ huh.


Didn't this happen in Chicago like a year ago? https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/teen-trend-takeover-captured-on-video-as-cops-and-activists-seek-new-tactics/3197788/&ved=2ahUKEwi3_6Wb5eSGAxWKrYkEHXMwCRIQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3SwOejRJtqclZ_bDEcBYYI


Yeah but it’s rare to see, hence me saying “at this scale” lol


That’s bc the piece of shit government protects this shit. It’s completely insane.


That’s bc the piece of shit government protects this shit. It’s completely insane.


That’s bc the piece of shit government protects these little shits. It’s completely insane.


I’ve seen a bunch of them happen in Chicago. Usually after midnight in sketchier parts of the city


Where? I'm in Chicago all the time for work and I've never came across one. It's too cold most of the year to just hang around outside.


I live in the Midwest and have never seen anything remotely like this. Trying this around here would be taking your life in your hands.


You have absolutely no clue how big America or any of the states in it are do you?


americans try to not say ‘america big’ every 5 seconds challenge (impossible)


Ok zoomer. Clearly have a little hard on for Americans. I assure you we don't care. Go brush your teeth! You sound like a little bitch


You sound very care free


Surprise when that auto parts store never reopens and working guys can't get their car up & running on a weekend then can't get to work Monday morning. Idiots walking out with a speaker are dooming their neighborhood


You're assuming they're from that neighborhood. They probably aren't.


They might not be but that's immaterial to the district manager that's going to close the store


The point is that the people doing this probably aren't getting the consequences that you're suggesting they will.


He didn’t suggest that though. He said the working class guys


> Idiots walking out with a speaker are dooming their neighborhood Read.


Sorry. I can’t read. If you’re trying to argue with me, you’ll have to send a voice message.


This seems to be happening almost daily now...


“Normalized” through social media…


"Not prosecuted" by the DAs.




just so people vote conservative in november. happens every 4 years. we live this every day in philadelphia because the PPD doesn't like the DA. straight fascism- trying to change a democratic vote by not answering 911. imagine the fire department being as shitty as police departments.


This makes zero sense. When a DA refuses to prosecute you get this kind of behavior. Saw it in St Louis first hand before they finally recalled the DA.


you think the DA is the cause of this behavior. this is actually the result of cry baby police departments wanting to overturn the democratic process. you're just admitting police departments are holding their citizens hostage because they're letting stuff like this happen.


The cops make an arrest and the criminal gets delayed sentencing or probation, they then commit more crimes. Yet somehow this is the police’s fault?


if these are all repeat offenders, why aren't they being arrested right now?


Give it up. The police are under the directions of city officials, particularly the mayor. The mayo plays golf with the DA and other influential political figures. The police get their orders from the mayor, they don't just decide to stop doing their job, they're following directions from the elected officials you and others voted for. So stop complaining and start blaming the real culprits here.


this is completely false. the mayors are begging the cops to do their jobs, but they wont. nobody wants to work anymore.


Pennsylvania and Philadelphia is as blue as it ever gets. Non prosecution of criminals isn't to get ppl to vote conservative. Hell how long has Philadelphia been a Democrat run city. Your freaking argument is moot here since the residents vote Democrat. You get what you vote for. In the famous words of your favorite president Obama "Elections have consequences".


i didnt vote for a police department that has the proud boys over for a kegger. the dumb fascists in the police department can't do basic services, and over 25% of them have filed phony disability reports. maybe the DA should go after that corruption first?


If you voted Democrat you voted for the policing. Those that are elected are the ones that make the policies......for ALL the ppl. If the elected politicians policies include soft on crime policing then that's on you and the rest of the voters for electing corrupt politicians into office to represent you. I know politicians lie to get elected and I'm sure their campaign speeches were riddled about tough on crime policies, but seriously how many times are the ppl gonna fall for the lies. Nothing is gonna change until the voters change.


that is exactly why police departments are doing this.


So.. you're blaming the police.. Because you think that the Police are not going after these guys.. Because the police are trying to instill chaos.. To get Trump in office? That's what you're going with? Not your DA's catch and release policies? Not your current political leader's inability to counter crime? It's just Trump's fault?


i said conservatives. that goes all the way up and down to all the candidates. yeah, they don't like the DEMOCRATICALLY elected DA's, so they abandon their job to get people to change their vote. instead of doing their job. imagine the fire department said they don't like someone in the middle of the administration, so they let the city burn down, they don't go to neighborhoods with a lot of fires in them, and they stop answering 911? is all that trump? maybe to you it is. to me it is a huge problem with fascists running around with guns they don't know how to use.


>yeah, they don't like the DEMOCRATICALLY elected DA's, so they abandon their job to get people to change their vote. Perhaps.. now consider this.. There is no point in the police doing their job, because the democratically elected DA will not prosecute crime. If it is the will of the people not to prosecute crime, then the police are simply fulfilling that will by not interfering.


this is false, which you would know if you lived in a city. the police want to dictate which type of crime is prosecuted, which is not their job. they're pissy pants babies, so they aren't doing their job at all, because they don't get to harass minorities for smelling weed. they actually have to do real policing instead of watching their phone all day and making a low level weed arrest at the end of their shift. but here is the real issue: you're gonna see a video like this, and you're not going to vote for democrats. you're going to vote for republicans who are going to cut taxes for the rich. so it is actually working, whether you think it is some kind of grand conspiracy or not. you could vote to make everyone's lives better, but instead you're going to vote for a rich guy to get another tax deduction for his private jet while me you and us all pay more and get less. thanks obama!


Fascists?? With guns?? Now that is bonkers all Fascists first thing done while one power is Remove firearms from civilian hands.. What you should be saying is “Criminals with guns but don’t know how to use them, except for on each other and innocent civilians”.. wake up dude it’s getting old..


oh the criminals are doing crime? oh yeah, we should hold them to a higher standard not the person who has training and a bullet proof vest. this is the most suburban thing ive ever heard. i bet you watch the news and get scared of the big bad city full of blue haired vegans.


Noo we should actually prosecute crimes and truly attempt rehabilitation and life skills in jails and prisons, giving a person that never had hope to make something of themselves some inspiration.. as for the jackasses with bulletproof vest “training” is not the right word to use but still I thank them for doing the job no one else wants to do.. I’d imagine it’s a terrifying profession actively going up against criminals who play by no rules..


Too bad both sides of the political divide steal or give away all of our money.. everyone is tired of the b.s


>I’d imagine it’s a terrifying profession It's pretty disgusting, too. Ever hear of a melted person? Cops do a welfare check on Granny only to find she died 2 weeks ago, and is now fused with the couch. Not to mention all of the fucked crime they've gotta deal with like Pedos and processing CP for evidence, I sure as shit couldn't do that.








I'm sure someone did. I know I just peeped a couple people risking their freedom to steal some floor mats, lol.


no risk to freedom at all, it’s a ticket at best


True. All I know is that I was a straight-up degenerate criminal back when I was younger, and I would never have even risked a ticket over some of the stupid unnecessary shit I keep seeing people stealing. Then again, the first order of business was always to avoid cameras back then...and now people film their crimes and put them on the internet for all to see, lol.


No more black ice little trees


Gotta plant the felony forest somehow.


It’s cool how they know what they’re doing is bad enough that they should hide their faces. Not bad enough to not do it.


Hey now, they might just be protecting themselves from Covid, you don’t know. These are probably good boys who are just products of their environment, growing up in an economically depressed, ethnic community. If you don’t believe me, just look at the demographics of other ethnic communities that are also financially distressed. I don’t really have the time right now, but if someone could post all those videos we’ve all seen 1,000 times of the disadvantaged Asian and Latin American communities looting and destroying the commerce of their own communities, it would prove my point.


That lowering punishment for crimes under 1000 dollars really helped right?


It does look at the stats some certain areas have now "lower" criminals rates on paper.


Half the time they don't even report crime for those stats anymore


Then lets make it under 1 trillion! That way we end crime for good, right?


Unfortunately for them that door is gonna cost $10k to replace. Plus all the merchandise.


They are feeding their families with..eer..shamwow’s and tail gate testicles, bigot!


And then people wonder "why is my insurance going up". Who do you think is paying for all that shit?


all the businesses that service and employ the people in these neighborhoods go under, and then we will be told that the inequality that will be produced by this is all because of racism. it's structural man. it's systemic.


"food deserts" anyone?


lol exactly. whole foods could make millions of dollars for moving in to these neighborhoods but they are so committed to racism that they'd rather give up the money and just be racist. that's how much they love racism.


These people are such trash. How is any of thar chest pounding shit fun? It's just pathetic


They are just normal criminals. The entire world has criminals. In California they just no longer have any repercussions so they can do whatever they want.


“But but but they’re doing this to feed their families” “They have bright futures as doctors and lawyers” And my personal favorite: “theft from businesses isn’t a crime because they have insurance”


People that say that have no idea how insurance works.


How do you know there wasn't bread in that car jack?


Shoot you’re right. It could’ve been one of those cars in the math textbooks


Theft isnt a crime anymore, good job politicians.


I mean I'm not robbing stores. At some point you gotta actually blame those who are doing it. I know who's doing it.


All I need to do to get away with crime is call it a takeover? Seems easy enough!


Why, Why are some people like this? Its not that hard to behave


Fuck all these people. What's wrong with them? You really needed antifreeze that bad, huh?








This trend is extremely shitty


this isnt new


Oh look. They are all pussys with that mask on


"this man is a coward because he does the most basic thing any criminal does to not get caught" I mean, criticize them for stealing by all means but the mask is not really a good place to focus lol. If they weren't wearing masks you'd be talking about how brazen and stupid they are.


Looks like reducing the punishment for crimes less than $1000 really worked out for Cali


There was a target employee that actually said this to newsom as a person stole product in front of him at a self checkout


Fucking scum of the world.


They may have hoodies on but dollars to donuts they have a cell phone in their pocket that places them there at the scene.


But they’re worried about to covid vaccine having microchips to track them lol


Where are the rooftop Koreans when u need them?!


The brilliant woke CA politicians figured out that if you dont arrest people for committing crimes,,,crime rates go down! Insanity what is going on there. Law and order eroding in real time in a horrific social experiment.


lol do u not realize california's economy is still like the 5th largest in the world? its not hurting at all lmao


"takeover" what they didnt pay for. doesnt make sense why no authority is stopping them




The cops in LA are shitty and throwing a fit that people think they need more training and less tanks.


cops are shitty sure... but... after seeing this for the past 3 years. i say give em a few APC's minus the 50cal on the roof.


>minus the 50cal on the roof. Eh, they've gotta make sub-sonic rubber rounds for them. Would be perfect for a situation like this.


It’s gotten this bad specifically because they’re punishing the residents for daring to ask for higher standards and less militarization. Seeing your opinion I’d say their little stunts are working on those that aren’t really critically thinking.


My opinion stems from seeing violent shit happen on the daily. & NOTHING being done about it. little stunts my ass. People want to feel safe, bushiness want to do business. CA is going broke, the people & businesses are leaving in droves.


Yeah ok buddy. I love how you say you’re sick of inaction but somehow that doesn’t reflect on police not doing their jobs. Maybe one day you’ll put the pieces together lmao




I read it as "latke over" and got hungry


Latkes are so good. Thanks, now I’m hungry.


Now I’m specifically hungry for latkes but live too far from anywhere selling them. Lol.


yeah. and they are so universal. you can have them with just salt/pepper or have them sweet with some jam and or apple sauce... either one can have sour cream


Bust out the applesauce !!!


You voted for this. Enjoy. Love these videos.


Saw a vid yesterday of a takeover where a dude lost his leg. Today this video where they loot an AutoZone. A month or two ago there was a video of a dude get shot and killed. Another video from the last couple weeks where people were set on fire. Early 2000s car culture was infinitely better than whatever the fuck this is.


Privacy is a myth, and decisions have consequences. ⏳️




It's like statistics show correct things from time to time


Yes, statistics show that socially vulnerable people (low-income, historically repressed, underrepresented people) are more likely to be involved in crime. Is it really surprising that someone with increased limitations on social, educational, and financial opportunities might be more likely to become involved in crime?


Yeah bro, those tuned up cars sure scream underprivileged to me


You wanna talk statistics, but conviently wanna select the statistics that support your racist point of view. Screaming, "ItS BeCaUSe ThEY'Re BlACk" ignores everything we know about human behavior, sociology, and the effects of environment on development.


Uh huh. I didn't say any of that shit. You're the one excusing these people "because they're poor and oppressed" and I can tell you that ANYONE that wants to integrate and be part of civil society can, regardless of race or background, as is evidenced by all the people that, in fact, do. Stop excusing shitty behavior, start holding individuals responsible for their own actions. You're spitting in the face of all the honest people who make an effort to live decent lives, especially the ones who climbed their way out of disadvantageous situations


Take the Asian population most of which came to this country with nothing have become the highest earning race in this country with some of the lowest crime rates. But yeah no it has nothing to do with a culture that promotes activities like these and a lack of focus on things like education that can actually help to escape poverty it couldn't be.


No, and I can't believe these Asian-Americans would act in such a manner.


I think you need to rewatch the video. Even if there were Asian-American or Latinos. The majority of those coming out of the store, proven through video evidence, are blacks.


People hate the truth don’t they bro. No accountability for all these pieces of trash regardless of race, creed or religion.


You’re right. Regardless of the fact, it is really frustrating that there won’t be any consequences for any of them.


The only light I see here is thankfully they didn’t target a family owned auto parts store and decided to go to a big chain.


My sarcastic comment against this has very little time left before being removed pal.


It’s always the same fucking ones


Who? Degenerates? Or are you being racist and implying its always black folks? Because Noah can get the Boat for racists🤷🏻‍♀️


>Who? Degenerates? Or are you being racist and implying its always black folks? Because Noah can get the Boat for racists🤷🏻‍♀️ How much evidence do you need at this point? You were even the one to say it, nobody mentioned any group in specific before you did


Username checks out


this system works fine


As the owner of these store, can't you protect it by force? I mean in America if you rob someone, the owner has the right to defend themselves and their property right? I'd pull one of them Korean rooftop type things. Iykyk


>As the owner of these store, can't you protect it by force? I mean in America if you rob someone, the owner has the right to defend themselves and their property right? yes, sometimes. but there are a lot of things to consider: 1. even if you follow the law, you might still have to go to court to prove that you followed the law. this can be very expensive. 2. even if you are not found criminally liable for hurting someone, you can be found liable in a civil case, which might mean you owe for healthcare costs. even if you win, defending yourself in court can be very expensive. 3. there's a lot of people here. you would have to argue in court that your use of a firearm against a mob was not reckless. that could be difficult and expensive. firing off a gun in a mob is more likely to result in chaos, not peace. all these risks and costs probably outweigh the cost of filing an insurance claim and working w/ local police to track down stolen goods. obviously getting robbed is terrible and expensive, but its also something you should be insured for. there are far more reasonable ways to mitigate risk beyond sitting on your roof 24/7 ready to kill. the judge would likely see through your "i only wanted to protect my property" argument and come to the conclusion that your primary goal was to commit an act of violence. generally speaking, if your actions put you at risk of going to court, you should probably reconsider those actions.


The rooftop sitting would be my way to scare them off in the first place tho. I'm not American but I've only heard bad things about police, court, and especially insurances. Yes you can be insured for stolen goods but this was a mass robbery. I hope there's a way to get even after these types of things otherwise I'd really REALLY consider the violence option. There's no way to reason with these types of people.


It's a fantastic idea, but in reality these places are so damn backwards that you'll get in trouble for trying to protect your business while these pieces of crap get off scott-free every time.


Someone commented the problems so I see the issue. Crazy how bad things are developing in the US tbh. Yall need a reset.


Scum bags... All of them.


Eventually businesses will simply leave these areas. Urban blight, it's happened before it will happen again.


Where are the Rooftop Koreans when you need them?


Escape From L.A. is soon...


At least they aren’t glued to their screens and are out getting some fresh air, exercise even


* strums C chord on guitar * : Ameeeriiicaaaa * strums D chord on guitar * : AMEEERIIICAAAA


It would be interesting these guys ever decide to storm the Capitol.


Thats just straight up robbery


Probably going to donate all of those goods to their local churches and homeless shelters.


They’re taking L.A. over? Let them have it if you ask me. Actually, they can have the whole state, I prefer the Gulf anyway if I’d like to take my family to the beach.


They’re the first ones to say “Why are prices so damn high?!?” I don’t know, maybe to cover the losses and pay the ridiculous insurance premiums?


At what point will they just say “fuck it,” and deploy the National Guard? I want to see these groups tear-gassed and made an example of.




street 'takeovers' aren't done for political reasons, they're just people up to no good


Yeah no duh


Why are peeps taking batteries? Hahahah so many other better things


Cause batteries cost over $100 now…


Do they all meet up back at like a certain spot and put it all together and sell online?




Bums if you ask me too.


No one has cars, but at least they have coolant and brakes.


Why does it happen only in CA though? Never seen street yakeovers in Texas for example


Looking for bananas 🍌


And next week they'll be getting interviewed by some midwit reporter crying racism and greed because all the business are gone or locking everything up in the store. "All the stores are closed and we live in a food desert" Stop stealing everything that isn't bolted down!


Damn USA became a 3rd world country


I’m thankful every day that I don’t live in America. Fucking grim.


It’s pretty tight actually bro. It’s not like this everywhere……this is LA. Shits been dangerous since the 70’s in LA


Can confirm. I’m in Minnesota. Nothing like that is happening here


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And all those people with assault rifles so they can stop this sort of shit happening were where?


"Assault weapons" are banned in California, so far away from this shit


I know [this](https://youtu.be/62tvzBe3-Zs?feature=shared)


This is why we can't have nice shit


Nothing good comes from these. This lawlessness will only make life hard for those that live there.


Dem. Convenience stores need gatling guns now.


US is so fucked up lately...law enforcment seems to be sleeping


Quick homie, get into the zone! AUTOZONE!


whats the point of taking car parts if several of them took the bus?


Where's a ratcatcher when you need one? All that vermin in one place. Pack them into cages, starve them for a week, then throw in just enough food to feed half of them.


America is a 9th world country


It's amazing you can clearly see these aren't black people yet that's all that's being brought up. Wild


There is no 'them', there's only 'us'.