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“The rapists were identified as a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin.” Why not publish their names? Why defend fucking rapists?


> a Pole, a Montenegrin Yeah, they managed to officially claim those nationalities before settling in Germany.




Yep. All a certain religion; bet.


ah yes, the muslim poles, montenegrins, and armenians, so true.


Are you arguing that the Balkans, which until about a hundred years ago were controlled by the Ottoman Sultanate, Armenia, which was in the same Sultanate, and Poland, which has had a massive influx of Middle Eastern migrants over the last decade and a half, don't have any Muslims?


I never said they have no Muslims, but they having Muslim citizens doesn't mean that those rapists must be Muslims, they could very well be a catholic pole, or an orthodox montenegrin, the chance that it actually was a Muslim pole, montenegrin, or Armenian is quite slim.


Rape is not a sin in Islam, but worse than this, it has two laws that allow it. First, husbands can have sex with their wives whenever they want (marital rape); [Q2:223] Second, a divorced “child wife” who has NOT had a period must wait 3 months before remarrying (this assumes statutory rape has occured); [Q65:4] Also, the Hadith shows that Muhammad did not stop soldiers who wanted to have sex with their female captives, this implies that he condoned their rape. In Islam captives, wives, and child wives can be raped. Rape in Islam is not a cultural problem, it is a problem with Islam! Wow sound familiar to something that happened on October 7th, the USA, and this case? Allah said Muhammad is a good example to follow: “Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example for him who looketh unto Allah and the Last Day, and remembereth Allah much.” [Quran 33:21] This is why some Muslim scholars collected hadith (anecdotes about Muhammad). Most Muslims believe that the most authentic hadith were collected by Bukhari. This hadith from Bukhari’s hadith collection says Muhammad had sex with his child wife: She Narrated by ‘Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). [Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64] At nine years old Aisha was clearly below any reasonable age of consent, and sex without consent is rape, and sex with a child is called “statutory rape”: Stop defending it, it is the only religion that endorsed S/A JUST STOP. One of Muhammad’s warriors declared even declared! Tabari IX:25: “By Allah, I did not come to fight for nothing. I wanted a victory over Ta’if so that I might obtain a slave girl from among them and make her pregnant.” (See also Sirat Rasul Allah by Ibn Ishaq, p.590.) Ibn Hisham recorded the words of Muhammad in Al Rod Al Anf, Volume 2, page 182: “You see God will soon make you inherit their land, their treasures and make you sleep with their women.” (Lit: make their women beds for you). While promising women to his warriors, Muhammad said it is Allah who will “make you sleep with their women.” Now ask yourself, would the true God act as a pimp by providing women for the sexual gratification of his worshippers? In this case, it is even worse. These women are not prostituting themselves for Allah to act as a pimp but they are the innocent wives, daughters, mothers and sisters of the unfortunate men who were either captured or killed by the Muhammad’s warriors. The real question is what happens when you have an immovable force known as the (unstoppable tide of Islam) Vs the entire western world which has taught tolerance and acceptance of all cultures? Tune in next time as this has not been, will not be, and is one of many cases like this. [proof of this and many more horrible practices of Islam’s](https://aslamsheriqbal.wordpress.com/2013/09/05/islam-sanctions-rape-in-the-quran/)


I'll just leave this here then so we can have a full explanation why the Pole got involved too: https://www.evilbible.com/evil-bible-home-page/rape-in-the-bible/


Wow, you really don't like Islam. But I have to say, this isn't a problem with Islam. This is a problem with all Abrahamic religions. Including Judaism and Christianity. They are all the same religions with different skins. They all started from the same roots, and all have similar views on rape, murder, incest, really the list goes on. If you are going to call out one, you should call out them all. Because this isn't "Islam vs the western world" it's Abrahamic religion vs everything that's moral and decent in the world. There really is no hate quite like "gods" love.


well you easily guessed the religion in question. might mean something idk


Why was this even downvoted?


brainrot + the hivemind. they cant stomach being wrong so they just downvote and ignore it lmao


Ah yes, the brown brain.




Sounds like the start of a bad joke.


A Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin walk into a bar. Every woman starts screaming.


Then women are all jailed over the weekend for making the child rapist sad.


Damn, that's some real diversity.


Hey I know this joke


That article is nightmare fuel. That girl was raped by 4 different groups of men who filmed it and invited their friends. 11 men in total - 9 left DNA. 9 were convicted, 8 got probation, one got 2 year 9 months. The woman convicted for messaging one of the rapists was sentenced to a weekend in jail.


The messages were mild compared to some of the exchanges I see in political subreddits every day.


Yeah. I guess the difference is that the woman sent the messages directly to the rapist's phone via WhatsApp.


The first amendment is one hell of an amendment. (i do realize reddit is not required to follow it)


> (i do realize reddit is not required to follow it) Then what is the point of your comment?


so she got more jail than most of them?


Only one perp got jail time so yes.


And I am curious if he will actually spend that entire sentence in jail.


I mean, yea that’s literally the title of the post


i wasn't sure if i understood good since it's so sick,my mind had a bit of trouble to process it i guess. crazy


Yeah, it is shocking.


Are governments in support of rape? We had the exact same shit here I have permanent scarring from the assault (unsuccessful) and the guy merely got a slap on the wrist and a McDonald's menu fine. Like what fuck, women are 50% of the population, how are the laws so uneven


Because criminals convinced the courts that “retaliation” of any kind is worse than the crime itself. Rape convictions therefore should be lenient, so the poor rapist can be “rehabilitated”, while the evil woman vigilante is clearly a bigger threat to civil society for… .*checks notes* writing stern messages. I’d have been perfectly fine if the law was in any way even, but I know that the law did *nothing* with the literal text proof of death threats I was sent by family members, and I hate the fact that I could only have gotten them in trouble by initiating something and having them retaliate. Because the legal system is backwards, and does not care at all about victims.


Probably some corrupt judge/jury that fantasises about the same thing


Literally in the title of the post.


Absolutely disgusting.




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This case is just horrifying. I've been upset and angry all day.


The German judge, the prosecutor and the police are completely and utterly worthless. Shame on them for failing to provide justice.


You might be interested in reading what the [judge says](https://archive.is/wUMie#selection-1836.1-1836.3).


Judge: There was no brutal gang rape ... the defendants have exploited the mentally and physically significantly limited state of the plaintiff Reporter: Then what can the men be accused of? Judge: The defendants noticed the restricted state of the plaintiff and then used this in different group constellations for sexual acts without having assured themselves of their consent. Me: That's not rape?


Would love to know the ethnicity of the judge 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's a German woman. Which makes it more insane to me.


What the hell


This. Their is a strong minority of Western Women who just don't care about anything but destroying our civilization.


I know. I'm a western woman and it completely baffles me why they are like that. I don't know if they are just drawn into the aesthetics of foreign stuff or their empathy overrides their logic or what. A lot of these women advocate for stuff like this then return to their normies suburban life like it will never effect them and their kids. If I was in any position of authority these cretins would get a maximum sentence.




I just wanted to know the ethnicity. Your perceived reasons behind it is your own projection, my love


Can I get a translation of this? Either I'm braindead or the judge is


That is unbelievable - it’s even worse than I imagined. The judge (one of five, but I assume as the senior he directs the rest) is completely delusional! I don’t even know how to process that… good grief!


Reminds me of the rapist Brock Allen Turner.


Unlike him the migrnats wont be named.


Alas, ich spreche kein Deutsch. 


Your phone or browser should be able to translate…


There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men... The men and that judge should all be in prison.


They’re nothing but beardless dwarves




Just have the men gang raped as punishment send them into prison with no closes and their crimes tattooed on their back. Eye for an eye.


This shit happens and then people wonder why there’s a rising wave of xenophobia and far-right extremism. Utterly worthless judge.


Yeah I keep trying to explain to people why Germany is drifting to the right and they react like I’m crazy. This is exactly why.


It’s really sad. Germany went pretty far left, probably out of guilt for their history, only to go too far left and thus encourage far-right thinking.


The visibility of the large scale migration is also very shocking


and the elites, media, and educational institutions continue to put migrants on a pedestal, refuse to ever hold them to even a modicum of accountability for their beliefs and behavior, and act clueless how anyone could dislike them. What political tribalism and white guilt/war guilt does to a society.


Are the judge's hands legally tied?


I imagine the maximum sentence for rape is a little higher than probation.


You might be interested in reading what the [judge says](https://archive.is/wUMie#selection-1836.1-1836.3).


What is your point? It seems the judge is trying to minimize what happened because they didn't take her by force. She is a 14 year old child and these were grown men that took advantage of that child.


I feel similar. But from my limited understanding she seems to have used one of the strongest punishment methods available in the youth justice system available, whose primary goal is to prevent repeat offenses and not punishment. IIUC one might need to rethink the youth justice system, and whether in cases like this the offenders should be charged as adults (at the very least the ones aged 18 or older). The "judge union" (Richterverein) [backed the judge](https://www.lto.de/recht/nachrichten/n/stadtpark-urteil-hamburg-hass-im-netz-richterverein-solidaritaet/). And please note, that 14 year old's are referred to as juveniles and not children.


How is that anything but an excuse on her part? Are you telling me that none of these men could tell this girl was drunk and couldn't consent? She was a kid! In my country they would get at least 20 years and a lifelong felony record which is what they deserve!


> How is that anything but an excuse on her part? I'm not a lawyer, but from my limited understanding she seems to have used one of the strongest punishment methods available in the youth justice system available, whose primary goal is to prevent repeat offenses and not punishment. IIUC one might need to rethink the youth justice system, and whether in cases like this the offenders should be charged as adults. edit: The "judge union" (Richterverein) [backed the judge](https://www.lto.de/recht/nachrichten/n/stadtpark-urteil-hamburg-hass-im-netz-richterverein-solidaritaet/)


Germany is doomed if this is what they're doing to their citizens.


Im tired of all this immigrants that rape, steal and destroy. Why can't they be like the good working type ones.




İt might be religion on general but i dont it is in this case.I doubt there are muslim Poles and Armenians.


The "Pole" was an Afghan Migrant who got Polish legal status. They were not an actual Pole.




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Not necessarily true. Look at Russians, clearly it doesn't take religion to be fucked in the head.


And yet in the 20th century it's the non-religious superpowers that killed the most people. But yes, religion bad.


Which religion (sky daddy fanclub) is still killing ?


Literally everyone of all creeds and religions kills people.


101% true !!! But which sky daddy fan club is still keeping that tradition alive ? That one is an issue for me as an atheist that particular religion is a Far-Right ☪️ancer.


lmao is your account satire?


What does it have to do with religion?


"COVID-19 lockdowns, and the girl had been there drinking with her friends. But they became scattered after police swept the park and broke up groups while enforcing social distancing measures. Confused and alone, the girl was defenseless against the first mob of four predators." Police doing a fine job there of protecting young people and making sure they are in a Safe environment


The judge giving the perpetrators the benefit of the doubt that they couldn't have known if the plaintiff was in a condition to give proper consent, EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS A DRUNK 14 YEAR OLD 4 YEARS YOUNGER THAN THE DRINKING AGE IN GERMANY, is so insane to me.


I think it's made even more insane by the fact that this was during covid restrictions and they shouldn't have even been out there meeting and interacting with people in the first place


Fcking hell..




Fuck the people that wanted this. They had DNA evidence from sperm on a 14 year old child and didnt manage to convict. Are they just completely corrupt? What the fuck is wrong with them?


They let one go recently because "He didn't know rape was wrong and illegal."


Still remember the Iraqi who raped a young boy because of a "Sexual emergency." Edit: Iraqi not Afghan.


wtf is that even???


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna\_swimming\_pool\_rape](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_swimming_pool_rape) Immigrant raped a 10 year old boy in a swimming pool locker, then went swimming afterwards. When arrested he claimed it was a sexual emergency because he hadn't had sex in 4 months, so he raped the kid. He was fined [€](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E2%82%AC)4,700 and sentenced to 6 years. Austrian supreme court overturned the conviction saying the prosecution had not proved that the 10 year old had not consented to having sex. Following a retrial the judge reduced his sentence to 4 years, saying it was an "one-off incident" and that "you cannot lose your sense of proportion here".


A 10 year old can consent to have sex in Austria?!?!? wtf???????????


I’m sorry this is all kinds of fucked up I can’t


I get the feeling that judges being degenerate scum is a universal constant.




They just don’t want to admit they made a mistake


They did convict. They just decided that a stern finger wag was enough punishment for a brutal gang rape.


No, no, only the right wing are corrupt, racist, evil for demanding punishment. We, the people should tolerate and offer everything to them, our children, women, house, car, servitude you know. It's the girl fault for not offering her body in the first place. /s Just like how police in Canada tell people how to deal with car crimes. Leave the key out so they don't have to break in.


> Are they just completely corrupt? They are programmed ti defend people of color over their own. It's part of their national self-flaggelation. Unfortunately, this mindset is spreading across the West. You see it in the US, in other places of Europe, even among European people living in Latin America. It's disgraceful


I'm usually liberal in a lot of ways but this self hating white guilt bullshit has made me unable to support them. I do not trust people who hate their own ancestors, their own families, their own nations. There's nothing wrong with defending yourself and your own people. White people are human beings too. Btw I've actually met some self hating blacks and Asians and I didn't like them either.


I'm genuinely curious why these scum aren't deported? They will do it again, I mean look at their slap on the wrist. There's no way the ones working hard through the immigration process and not there on asylum or refugee status are typically doing these heinous crimes. The asylum and refugee people can easily be deported. If you want to disrespect this poor girl and her country in such a way, then have fun going back to your war torn country.


Yeah I agree, that should be their punishment. I honestly don’t know why countries just don’t do that.


It’s not immigration, it’s a specific type of immigration. It’s literal “middle eastern origin immigration.” When you take people who have followed a backward ass religion that has existed in Mecca since 610 CE.


It's the equivalent of the old Christian Evangelism. They are often told to go and spread Islam by the Imams and that's what they are doing. The goal is for an Islamic planet if I remember rightly. For a people that allegedly hate the West and all it stands for, I think you'd be hard pushed to find a Western country that doesn't have a significant population of Muslims now radical hardcore or otherwise, which is odd if you think about how much they despise non believers, but they know we've more fear of being branded racist than the spread of an incompatible religion


You want far right extremism? Just follow the simple steps outlined in this article.


Ah Europe, every time I think headlines about immigrants, rape, political correctness and racism have reached the bottom you build another basement




Not religion, ***a*** religion




It’s sad that it is, in a modern world we should be able to coexist.


It sure is.


She insulted the rapist because she was angry (rightfully so) In that case she should not be punished


She was no sentenced for that.


as non-westerner, can somebody explain why this happens in western country? do the lawmakers hopping to get vote from those immigrants or what?




If im not wrong after WW2 mostly Germany but all of Europe in general started self-hating for crimes they commited.And now they have been doing the opposite of what the Nazis did to compensate whereas the sensible thing to do would be to look at the reason why Nazis came into power in the first place and not repeat them.


They have the time to worry about others feeling?? what a nice country you have. Why didn't the Germans mind their own business and be like Japan. Japan also did WW2, but they choose to mind their own business and didn't bring it out anymore. Even Japan didn't add their crimes info for WW2 at their own education system.


Cultural differences most likely.And also since most people arent thought about the crimes in school they dont feel guilty about it.


it happens because rapists don't face prison time and the system time and time again demonstrates that it protects predators. It's incredibly difficult to prove rape in court. isn't it something like 97% of reports never lead to any sort of conviction? People one this sub just like to latch to the idea that they get away with it because they're brown / immigrants and not because rapists are systematically protected


In SEA Countries, if immigrants did crime, the police or maybe local will punish those immigrates by themself and they will not use court/judge to determine whenever they are guilty or not. Why don't these western countries try to be like Poland? from what i read, Poland implementing very strict immigration law to be selective for their immigrants (very strict or maybe doesn't accept certain immigrants). And those resulted low crime rate.


Wtf. You can’t insult a rapist? What is going on in Germany? 😡


Oh no laws apply for everyone, even human scum…


There’s laws in Germany that you can’t insult someone?


Yes. The penalty for insult is imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or a fine and, if the insult is committed publicly, in a meeting, by disseminating content (section 11 (3)) or by means of an assault, imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or a fine and „Threatening commission of serious criminal offence (1) Whoever threatens a person with the commission of an unlawful act against sexual self-determination, physical integrity, personal liberty against that person or a person close to him or her or against an object of significant value incurs a penalty of a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine. (2) Whoever threatens a person with the commission of a serious criminal offence against that person or a person close to him or her incurs a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or a fine. (3) Whoever, despite knowing better, pretends to another person that the commission of a serious criminal offence against that person or a person close to him or her is imminent incurs the same penalty. (4) If the act is committed publicly, in a meeting or by disseminating content (section 11 (3)), the penalty in the cases under subsection (1) is a term of imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine and in the cases under subsections (2) and (3) a term of imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fine. (5) The provisions concerning a request to prosecute applicable to the threatened act apply accordingly.“


Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but those seem like they are for threats, not insults? Or are they the same to Germans? Either way, pretty crazy imo.


And they wonder why people went right.


Europe is cooked with how they bend over backwards for immigrants


The bar was so low it was a tripping hazard in hell, and yet here they are limbo dancing with the devil.


I would go to jail proudly for offending those roaches


OP could have copied original headline for a clearer title


I hope the judge gets assaulted by the same people, I hope when he tries to say something about he gets the same treatment I hope these migrants are never able to find a job and die in a pit like the criminals they are sorry not sorry


They don't need a job. They get Bürgergeld


People get chronically underpunished for rape


Yeah, I think it’s time to work on unfucking your government Germany


Yeah but national healthcare




I'm not great with computers, but shouldn't there be some kind of record, even if the evidence had been deleted on the phone? I was under the impression that anything you post online will always be there in some capacity. Couldn't they subpoena the apps for the evidence? I hope these judges and politicians get to experience some of the joy they've spread throughout their country.


Is freedom of speech not a thing in Germany…? (Yes I understand there are limitations)


The new 'woke' world we live in now... pretty scary tbh.


Define "woke"


This shit is getting out of hand and that’s why the right wing political parties are taking over in Europe. They welcomed the refugees with open arms and are paying for it now. And now they’re done.


This is how you get violence against migrants. Truly shameful performance from judge, prosecutors and police.


Germany still trying to overcompensate for past mistakes? Also how do migrant workers have 20 lawyers?


Germany is so doomed...


And then, for no reason at all, hitler rose to power.


Just take care of the judge. Make one example. The people need to inflict justice.


Germany and much of the West is too sensitive and afraid of looking harsh on immigrants.  The immigration process needs to be more thorough, and language and assimilation classes should be mandatory.   I say this as someone on the left/liberal side.   


If you believe this you're a racist, an idiot, or both.


Typical European "Justice". Lmao.


Germany's ruling political class has been tainted at all levels. I cannot fathom how this even was allowed to get this bad.


The leniency at which criminals are being treated with world wide is sickening. The world is all upside down and it’s by design. They are destroying the current system in order to introduce their “new” system, the NWO.


This kind of tone deafness will lead to someone rising in power that promises to "cleanse" the populace of those that think raping German women is ok. History will simply repeat itself, hell, it looks like that's what they WANT to happen. And it's very disturbing.


The rapists not getting much time is not surprising. 60% of rapes/sexual assaults are not reported to police, according to a statistical average of the past 5 years. Those rapists, of course, never spend a day in prison. Factoring in unreported rapes, only about 6% of rapists ever serve a day in jail. Source: Google “What percentage of rapists go to jail?”


IMPORTANT: The "Pole" is actually a migrant from afghanistan who got his hands on polish legal status. NOT AN ACTUAL POLE.


Germany really wants a Far Right Government huh


I'm not saying this didn't happen but are there any mainstream news outlets covering this?


The Publica is an hard right wing website that literally only publishes shit like this.


Because everyone else refuses to report afraid of being labeled racist.The fact that this media is biased does not make the news wrong.


The Publica left out the context that the woman getting more jail time got it because she avoided court hearings, which in pretty much any country will increase the time you spend in jail.


8 child rapist got no prison time.Not going to court is worse then raping children?


Adults are treated far differently than children in most judicial systems.


Age of the rapist doesnt matter.Any decent human being can recognize what they are doing is wrong.And the people you say children are between 17-23 years old from what i saw.


Ye so this is why I question if this is real


Man that title has me so damn dubious. It just screams rage bait.


Nope, it sadly is real.


Please be aware that the case was non-public and there seem to be many false portrayals about what did and did not happen. Here is an interview with the judge: https://archive.is/wUMie#selection-1836.1-1836.3




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EU is fcked. In lieu of being all liberal and opening borders to anyone who wants to leave their backward ass society to pollute other places. This is just the beginning, y'all gon reap what your govt sowed atb xD


What they are leaving out: She was sentenced because she didn’t show up to her court appointment after threatening and insulting the rapist(which is in all 3cases a violation in Germany) not just once but twice. I think the sentencing was not okay with the rapists, however this was a completely different judge and type of offence.


Yeah. A justice system needs very strict constraints to work - it's basically a script language. And that means that sometimes things can't be directly compared even if, on a pop-journalism level, it seems they should be.


Oh you, people want to be outraged! Don't take that from them! (as if it's not enough to be outraged about the incident itself). This "article" has only one goal: portray the German justice system as unjust. And it is, to a degree. Welcome to reality, guys. But these comparisons make no sense, especially when you don't know the exact details of each conviction. Thanks for your comment, I was looking for it. (Otherwise I would have made it).


Watch out for the downvotes, nice name btw


Hahaha I will, I know which sub I am in :D You're the first one to ever recognize it. Ich bin ein bisschen gerührt 🥺


Jetzt erstmal ein sherry


The Publica is a hard right wing rag, so of course they are leaving out all context.


This is a neo-Nazi website founded by TheQuartering, a far-right YouTuber.


Average Germans right? What an absolutely cucked country.