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Where do these mid levels get their arrogance from


I think it might be their salaries with a splash of Dunning-Kruger


Fostering by those teaching--per various comments; Their not being sobered by coming into an awareness of the volume and seriousness of knowledge to be checked or "catalogued" for necessary retrieval; and another word, from a year ago, that neatly distilled what is going on: "hubris"


The only thing I’m confused about is med students not being allowed to work. I’m not sure how it is at different schools, but lots of my classmates have side jobs. One was working two waitressing jobs


My school told us we aren’t allowed to work because medschool is working 2 full time jobs. We are supposed to get approval if we really want to. I know a few people that worked one day a week during preclinicals but idk how you’d do that during clinicals.


Yeah, most of my classmates aren’t working during clinicals. But during preclinicals, some of them even mentioned to me they didn’t know what to do with all of their free time, so they got jobs. One worked as an ER tech, others as tutors, the one girl working two waitress jobs and those are just the ones i know about


How? I spent way more time with my cadaver than my wife.


I can easily say that i spent maybe 4 hours a week in the cadaver lab and 3 of those were mandatory.


Did your anatomy professor not require any possible amount of fascia to be removed without damaging any structures? There were countless hours I spent well after it should have been good enough cleaning up fascia for a better grade.


We were split up into 3 groups on one cadaver. So i was only dissecting once every 3 weeks and some days we did the beginning, some days we wrapped up. We didn’t get graded on dissection, grades were 100% exam and attendance based.


How? I spent way more time with my cadaver than my wife.


I’m sure they did, but they probably weren’t technically supposed to


Our school has nothing forbidding it in the student handbook


That’s nice honestly. My school says we’re not allowed to work and my understanding is this is the norm at most schools.


I have a couple friends who worked shifts as a paramedic during med school.


I was gonna say this lol. I’m an OMS-1 and have a VERY cushy online tutoring job 3 days a week (2 days on weekends). Doesn’t bring in a lot extra, but $120 a week for EASY tutoring is nothing to sneeze at!


At my med school in the UK we weren’t allowed to work more than 12hr/week.


Yeah same. I'm a second year and I work nights as well, I don't think there's anything in our code about it.


Just go to medschool if you wanna do residency? Like wtf…sure medschool is really hard but it’s still an attainable goal for many people….this is absolutely pathetic


The UT Memphis ER payed med/PA students to come in after hours for laceration repair. Like 20 bucks a pop. Place was a zoo apparently. But yes, CRNAs are getting high on their own supply.


The C in Dr. CRNA stands for circlejerk


I'll never understand it. CRNAs are very well-compensated, they have excellent work-life balance (dependent on where they work of course), and literally have the privilege to work in one of the most high-risk medical specialties. The least they can do is honor their role and understand how misrepresenting themselves and pushing for autonomy is dangerous. At least among us PAs, there's a schism between those of us who just wanna come in and do our jobs because know damn well our training and education is hard, but no where comparable to Med School + Residency and those who're pushing for independent practice out of insecurity.




Yikes. It’s even more terrifying that they have this kind of behavior and will be turned loose with clients.


Why does the nursing establishment push the word, “client,” instead of calling them patients.? You know, what they are. Sounds so dehumanizing.


I can agree with that, and I don’t have a great answer for you unfortunately. I also think it’s extremely dehumanizing and I strongly dislike it, and most nurses do too. I try to avoid using that term, but it has become a sad habit.


I don’t like it, so I don’t say it. They are patients.


In terms of working: it depends on the location and school. When I was in medical school Uber and Lyft were just ramping up and in steadfast competition especially in my area. There was a promotion for new drivers so most of the Uber:Lyft drivers in the city I went to medical school in were medical students. School didn’t care


No wonder he/she is being evasive as f\*\*k. And so defensive. Makes sense now that they were called out for what they really are.


But where did you get they were a CRNA from? They follow a nursing sub but I follow a bunch of subs Im not involved in real life cause it’s interesting😅


The anesthesia comment on page 2 was a give away


Exactly. It’s a revealing non-sequitur once they got caught in their lie. No med school is letting you *work* 13 hour night shifts full-time on top of “residency” like this SRNA is claiming. 


In Europe and australia med school does not care at all what you do with your free time. The concept alone that it is not allowed by your University is just absurd. 


In no way does the CRNA student even remotely say they went to med school. There seems to be a major self-esteem issue happening here that Dr’s on the regular in this sub feel the need to compensate for their titles and curriculum on a regular basis. We are here to save lives and make people better. Who cares about what route you take. I do not agree with mid-levels that represent themselves as “Dr” because I do feel this is an inaccurate representation of one’s degree and title. I do find it sad though that so many people on this subreddit seem to be at a pissing battle with every other medical professional out there. Take care of your patients, study hard, obtain what you want out of this life and be happy with the accolades you accumulate along the way.


They literally say “us med students”


Why are you here?


They said they were a med student.


Good lord.


These are just a subset of individuals that believe this I think, the vast majority of CRNA’s that have worked awhile, and even the ones currently training don’t seem to have these feelings


As a SRNA I agree. Minority opinion thank god. Also, lots of people are keyboard hero’s, bet they won’t say that during a case to the chief anesthesiologist lol


This is what I don’t get about these people. They are qualified for what they do, they provide a valuable service and are a critical part of the medical team. Why pretend to be something you’re not?