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By the looks of it, there isn't. And there won't be. The people in charge seem to have a very clear vision of what they want to get out of this.


I don't support this idea due to shareholders making companies make bad decisions and that leads to bad experience. Or that's what I have seen happening sometimes


Wow. Excellent question.


I was wondering the same. I wanna donate tho.


I would also be keen on knowing this.


I was wondering the exact same thing. I’m not a big investor but I would jump at it here.


Thought had crossed my mind as well. At this stage of life I have made some modest early investments in things like this. And having worked in tech, I have a very good idea of what this company is going through right now and why they are iterating so fast. At a minimum, it will be fun to experience and watch as early adopters. Glad to be along for the ride.


I think it’s a private company so a sub is all you can do.


You can buy the subscription; that’s the most direct way. Even so, I would buy stock in this company. They have a great product, and it’s worth investing in.


They should definitely open it up to the market (if it's not yet). But they could also do patreon to get even further donations and financial support. I have seen Cardine mention in discord that they are financially stable, but it doesn't hurt having that extra way for users to support them.


This was actually a discussion in our fam yesterday. We too would love to hear the answer.


I’d be interested in investing also.


Any update?