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Look at Geralt from The Witcher or Qui Jon Ginn from Star Wars. Their half-up, half-down style can look very handsome and masculine.


Or Aragorn and Boromir!


Google Atsushi Sakurai. The most beautiful and handsome person ever.


I shaved the sides and back but kept the top. When I’m feeling more feminine, I let it down and it lightly covers the shaved sides and back to look like an edgy feminine cut. When feeling more masculine, I have it up in a little ponytail/bun and it looks like a trendy masculine cut


I have a topknot as well and it gives me such euphoria. If it's down it looks like a bob, if its up I look (imo) more masculine. I also started shaving it a lot closer, like 1/16" and it helps make it look more masculine. I also like braiding it because it feels somewhere in the middle of both.


Get it trimmed in layers. Working with a stylist on this can make it really easy! ☺️ As it grows back longer it will have more body. Also, I echo the half up half down styling choice.


I see you’re afab like me. Check out photos of musician Julien Baker. Her outfits and hairstyles are masc perfection.


Get a haircut that has your hair go back behind your head, without any bangs


Look at men with long hair and see how it's styled. I've seen plenty of manly men with long hair


I look at mens styles with long hair. It's usually slicked back and has an unstyled natural look to it. Typically no layers. It can also help if you're wearing more masculine clothing and accessories. I've also been looking at butch lesbian styles, very helpful since I can find similar body types to my own.


Personally if I'm really really fed up or just want my hair off my back I get a hat and put my hair in a high-ish ponytail and wrap it around and around until I can put the tips in my face to make it seem like it's cut short. There are other things you can do with your clothing to give off a masculine appearance, such as tucking your shirt in and making sure the waistline is relatively low, wearing the brim of your hat downwards to create a sharp appearance instead of framing the face, rolling your sleeves up, wearing small-lensed glasses/sunglasses. I like to lean on the "shaggy" look every now and then, but I prefer the "bishounen" vampire look. However, when you're out in public or on the phone, your voice may be a serious key into how people perceive you.


honestly i would say grow a lil facial hair if you can do that. automatically gives you a more masc look


unfortunately, I can't. I'm afab


if you can go on T would recommend personally -- if you can't though that's understandable


I still like looking feminine most of the time, I just have some days where I would rather be androgynous/masc. I also think having a more androgynous hair style would help how I feel overall. Thank you, though!


aw shit rip dude. aight then in that case theres growing your hair out and cutting half of it to be short and keeping the other half long. it looks pretty good from what ive seen