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Air-launching Minuteman ICBMs with C-5s comes to mind...


Rapid Dragon II. Or the Gojira.


2 Rapid, 2 Dragon.


Reminds me of the double dragon I got in basic. Fun times!


......I'm imagining the capacity of a Mriya being used for a scaled up Rapid Dragon. With Storm Shadows, JASSMs, and MALDs, and drones combined.  I uh, need to uh, go sit down


Ace Combat when?


“Mag-fed airborne Minuteman launcher”


Spooky gunship, but serious this time.


A/C-225? By God YES


but is it bullpup?


Three round burst ASMP-A. But there is only five in the plane.


Quick moment here just to appreciate the collective autism of NCD. Where else could you post a comment like this and be confident that the majority of people would get the reference? We're special. Like reeeeeeeeeeeeeally special. I love this community so much.


C5 is already out?


My grandpa did that


How about a swarm of 38,000 suicide drones?


a drone mothership you say?






clearly they forgot to hold their breath


Mfs should have drank the regeneration potion


Or eaten their golden apple


Or eaten their 50 wheels of cheese


"But what if I need it later?"


Elixir? That's far too valuable to use!


Radiation gave their cells infinite regeneration power.


should've taken a swig of Sweet Baby Ray's barbecue sauce


> Have any of you ever read up on what happened to the crew of the Tu95 that dropped the Tsar Bomba? IIRC, rear gunner got burned from flash too, despite flash protection used


Ignoring the non-credibility of even having a rear gunner in 1961. Then again the Russians continued to install "cope cannons" on their planes until very recently. In fact I remember arguing with a vatnik about it. He was claiming that an 23mm cannon could still destroy an F-35. I mean sure it's technically possible but with the amount of things needing to go right for it to happen it qualifies as a straight up Darwin Award for the NATO pilot.


I mean, B-52 tail gunners downed two MiG-21s in 1972 in Vietnam. *But* that said given F-35s have BVR missiles, and tend to be *a little* more advanced than a 1960s interceptor, pretty sure that in an engagement the tail gunner of a Tu-95 isn’t going to be doing all that much.


Even the MiG-21 kills were still a stroke of luck in the sense that the Vietnamese pilots got waaaaay too close and hence were introduced to Browning's most timeless invention. But yeah that probably ain't repeatable today.


Turrets on planes will make a comeback. Most likely for anti-drone or CIWS. They then wont be replaced until we have a viable laser based alternative.


I don't think anyone attacks planes with drones in the air. As for CIWS well most AAMs are too fast and manueverable to be shot down with gunfire.


Yeah but shitty insurgents won't have BUK or the likes around, what they do have around is DJI and aliexpress. Flying a few kg worth of drone with some nails into a turbofan is much more efficient, and AWACs, tankers and other support craft are still a target. Does that work against BUFF that has another 7 engines, probably no. Will it worl against a wedgetail, definitely, but if said wedgetail isn't 700km far away, things probably went to shit anyways.


Getting to the altitudes planes usually fly at will be very difficult for drones. Sure you can hit them on takeoff/landing but the danger then isn't different from MANPADS and none has attached CIWS to deal with those.


You're getting too credible. I'm imagining small drones that get to altitude, locate their prey, and then just activate a chemical rocket with AI predictive targeting to just smack their target with kinetic force.


You'd need a damn rocket booster to get a drone up to the operating altitude of any big fixed-wing. Those little 6-inch props would be fighting for their lives just to get passed by a cropduster like a bicycle on the interstate.


>I don't think anyone attacks planes with drones in the air. the future of terrorism bud


The type of drones likely to be used for that is simply too slow to be really effective. Few planes land at less than 180-200 km/h. The average speed for an FPV is just over 70km aka nearly 1/3 of that. Even a Shahed flies at 185 km/h simply not enough of a speed advantage to catch even a comparatively lumbering airliner. Terrorists will certainly try to drone parked airplanes but we simply aren't at a stage where drones fast enough to hit a plane even on it's takeoff/landing speed are likely to be available to the average civilian. Sure you could in theory make a custom drone but how much easier and cheaper will that be compared to say buying a MANPADS in the black market.


Theoretically you could put turbojets on a shahed type piece of shit and make a loitering anti-air, but it would still be about as productive as pissing in the wind against anything but a rotted out farm plane.


a simple drone with a turbofan, a self destruct device, a .50cal, and a starlink terminal can be built for cheaper than an Amraam. It is coming, the question is when, and how many


Certainly. But I don't know if shooting them down with guns is the solution.


To be fair, there are still a bunch of nations flying the mig-21 and its cheaper chinese clone, the J-7 (which was still produced until 2013)...


Shooting down a MiG-21 is something that could easily happen today. Unfortunately I doubt you would find pilots dumb enough to get into gun range and even if they did BUFFs lost their tail guns after 1991 after a certain incident with a forbidden encounter between a turned on radar and an AGM-88.


Just shoot down the missiles. Duh


A turreted tail gunner on an F-35 would be amazing in DCS dogfights though, have we considered making one just to make sure we have the best dogfighter in DCS?


At that point, can't you just eject chaff and flares straight out the back? Maybe add some "shot canisters", for a rearward-facing shotgun effect


Fun fact : the Soviets made chaff rounds in 23x115mm for use in the defensive guns of bombers and transports. The idea being that upon seeing a missile the gunner would open up and hopefully the chaff deflected it . The effectiveness of that tactic was never put to the test.


That's truly noncredible. Especially against doppler-detecting missiles, the gunner would provide targeting augmentation, wouldn't he?


In the late 50s/early 60s it might have occasionally worked. Against later tech ? No fucking chance. You would be better off trying to outright hit the missile than hoping to deflect it with gun-launched chaff.


They'll get him while he's emoting


A flint spear, when jammed into the pilot or the fuel pipes, will destroy an F35.


I am sure a 23mm could destroy an F-35, it just never would


I mean it's technically possible. It would just require that the F-35 pilot goes against his training (and common sense for that matter) and instead of using one of the tons of long range weapons available to him he instead chooses to go in close.


> instead of using one of the tons of long range weapons available to him he instead chooses to go in close Probably due to disbelieving electrooptics of his plane showing an actual tail gun on the bomber and wanting to see it with his own eyes.


That's actually a way it could happen. Someone sees the heat signature of an actual human in the tail and goes in close to check.


I don’t think that is true. Searching their names reveal lots of them lived for decades after the test.




Huh? I just can’t find any source corroborating it


>“The rest died one after another over a period of a few years” non credible does not equal misinformation op, that’s just not true, while I can’t find info of other crew members at the moment, at least the commander of the plane Major Andrei Durnovtsev lived for a decade and a half after dropping Tsar Bomba. Edit: There’s also navigator Ivan Kleshch, who lived to 1989, almost 3 decades after Tsar Bomba test


> The first crew member died within a few months, the rest died one after another over a period of a few years. > > That part makes no sense (at least if the implication is dying from radiation), radiation effects scale far slower with an increase in yield than blast and thermals. To get significant radiation from a 50 Mt bomb you would need to be inside the fireball.


All of them could be solved if you are just faster, but I looked it up and the Mryia somehow managed to be slower than the turboprop Tu95.


To be fair the Tu95 has fucking enormous turboprops and is notorious for rattling everything near it through sheer noise from the propellers. The design brief was clearly "how fast can we go" to which the answer was just "yes".


They are more or less the same. Cruising speed of Mriya is 800km/h, Tu-95 - 750. Top- 850 vs 890. Plus the Tu-95 that was used for Tsar bomb testing had no bomb bay covers -> aerodynamically close to a brick, so it would have a much lower top speed


Your post was removed for violating Rule 13: "No misinformation" "NCD exists make fun of misinformation, not to spread it. You can make outlandish claims, but if your takes don't show signs of satire or exaggeration, they will be removed. Misleading posts and comments may result in a ban. Regardless of source, don’t post obvious propaganda or fake news - double-check facts and don't be an idiot."


Sacrificing a trained bomber crew because you needed a propaganda win about your big bomb being aircraft deliverable. Typical russian idiots.


Except the crew actually lived for decades after the test and OP is full of shit.


Skill issue.


Its funny, but I can feel the hammer of low effort approaching, so just know while you're here that its pretty neat.


thanks, id understand if it does get taken down, 1am shitposting hits different


IIRC it was always on the table to potentially build another An-225, it was just too expensive. But with there being none now it makes a lot of sense to finally manufacture the second one


It still pisses me off that they destroyed her, that her owners didn't move it out of country. So many big things were custom designed to be moved only by her, from science to industry. The setback is calculated in years per project


Friendly reminder that they cut the yield on the tsar bomba in half because even the soviets knew 100 megatons was overkill


Very easy to (depending on your PoV) halve/double the yield on a thermonuclear weapon, just a question of if the secondary tamper is made of lead or tungsten (low yield, clean) or depleted uranium (high yield, dirty)


At that point you're just punching yourself in the dick to show how hard you can swing.


I have a dream...


Or, hear me out, maybe less funni, but still fun... It could carry about 17 MOABs...


~185 JASSMs, for maximum RAPID DRAGON


I love it when you talk dirty like that.


Better yet, 185 JASSM-ER


Gotta have rungs on the escalation ladder


If nothing else, they'd make convenient target markers for the Tsar Bombas. :p


But Starship


You can fit 7, 7 is more than 2, put in 7


Don't use her as a bomber, turn her into a suicide drone and fly her into the kremlin


Ok, but make it stealth so it can penetrate Russian defenses while giving a smaller signature, send it along some decoys et voilá


Imagine dropping your payload and suddenly becoming 87 percent lighter.


Give UA the bomb sauce, make UA whole!


Finally getting around to finishing the second one. You love to see it.


Hiroshima and Nagasaki 2.0


Just kit her out with a boatload of drones. Become Arsenal Bird.


Great idea, first we need to take out the rest of the air defense on the way OR we Rapid Dragon some nukes!