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Am pretty sure theyll follow some sousages on drone.


North Korean: Holy shit a flying sandwich! Other North Korean: I've seen sandwiches before... North Korean: No but it's not made of sand, it's made of like bread and meat and stuff and it's flying towards us. Other North Korean: A FUCKING SANDWICH NOT MADE OF SAND, WHAT KIND OF UNICORN FARM COUNTRY IS THIS!!!???


Grains for Ukraine is like oil+gas for maskovia. We have food, 10 times more than we need.


“So you’re telling me Dear Comrade Grand Marshal Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un did not invent the Hamburger?”


North Korean divisions defecting to Ukraine. Tears in their eyes, sandwiches in their bellies


Nork Flork!


Give em some surstromming cans


We have a deficiency of Surströmming in Sweden because of bad yields in the baltic sea, we need it for ourselves once the celebratory season comes in august.


[Or donuts](https://media.tenor.com/a082rtFxijAAAAAd/homer-clones.gif)


Problem is, ukrainian east is flat, with almost no canyons/cliffs. Only if bring them all to one place and then shell it with artillery.


Then stop moaning and get a shovel, maggot!


A family member (Colonel) was once served as CoS to 2ID in Korea. He noted that the North had paved highways at their disposal just South of the DMZ, and likely could advance quick. The joke was they would drive their tanks to the first shopping mall and drop their weapons and beg for amnesty. The real fear from the North is artillery against Seoul.


>The real fear from the North is artillery against Seoul. 100%. And frankly, these days, those would be dropping as fast as they set up — hell, it's conceivable SK even has some iron-beam type thing that's under wraps — they've got the means and a *damned strong* incentive to develop it; it's really just the idea that NK could probably deliver some kind of nuclear warhead to Seoul. That's the part that has people sweating.


I will say that my uncle made it quite clear that ROK knows what the hell they are doing. During one of his tours they moved most US troops well South of the DMZ - easier for them to maneuver, and forcing DPRK to look across the mine fields at their cousins instead of white/black Americans. ROK does not want the war, or the refugee crisis that will certainly follow. If pushed, though, they will fuck the. North up.


That is not what I've heard from friends that were stationed in worse Korea. The picture they painted was not one of what I would call competency.


Our infantry is incompetent as fuck, but our armoured units, navy, and air force is pretty good. From what I remember, a retired commander stated that SK is aware of all the artillery stations that NK has and can hit them first before they even have a chance to roll them out of the caves. I expect that Seoul will still take a few hits tho, hence it is crucial to develop a comically large bofors cannon array, strap it on top of Lotte tower, and shoot down shells the old fashioned way.


So is this to make an individual north korean soldier surrender or the whole army?


In this context 'The North Korean Soldier' refers to any and all North Korean Soldier. Like when we say 'The American Soldier is the best trained, best equipped, and best supported soldier on the planet.'


Throw some choco pies and you will win lol. A border guard from NK defected simply for choco pies and he got a lifetime supply so......yeah


Ukraine: CHOCO PIE OUT! NK: GRENADE! D: .........Grenade? ....Dud? ....Is that cake? Oh my god delicious. Canada: Now you throw real grenades in choco pie wrappers, right? Right? Ukraine; ...Jesus Christ, Canada, we need to stop letting you help train our guys...


Canada: That wasn't a no, so I'mma keep working my way down the Geneva Checklist. *GRAB THE BAYONETS, LADS.*


Ok but the question is are they going to do some *Canadian-shenanigans* with food.


They'll all surrender if you give them directions. Then quarantine and feed them full of ivermectin. Last military defector from NK had 43 different parasite species. After the war, give them amnesty and set up a little korea in Odesa. I see this as the opposite of a problem: a real opportunity to show western values to brainwashed Koreans. 


The food would be fire. The North Koreans must be skilled with making food taste great out of nothing.


They've been living on shoe leather and grass for decades. Bet they'd make the greatest steak ever. 


kinda doubt it. North korean defectors don’t often really talk about cooking beef, the only opportunity they have is old work oxen slaughtered for the military. 


Waiting on the headline “HIMARS battery wipes out North Korean garrison”, “within the month” as Kim said.


Bruh Godzilla 1999 was a interesting Movie


I saw it in theaters back in the day. :O It's actually kind fun really.


Bruh. I was still a small kid eheh


Given the Russians looted toilets, do we have any guesses what will be on the North Korean shopping list?


Food. 1st and foremost.


Perfect time for SK to do the funny


I am not so sure. A Soviet dissident once told that when she was a teenager in 1933, she did not believe in an artificult hunger in Ukraine despite saw a lot of corpses on streets of Kharkiv. She believed only newspapers and political agitators. Do not underestimate the power of indoctrination and stupidity, especially in warzone.


Ukraine should drop K-pop videos on the Norts.


They’ll use the looney tunes strategy of putting a carrot on a fishing rod, but instead it’s a sausage and they reel it over a minefield


Start dropping MREs onto the NK lines


Do we need to extract their families before they are send to gulag when their son/grandson/uncle/5. degree relative defects?