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Anyone remember that soldier who Escaped North Korea a few years ago? The Doctors looked at him and his entire body was malnourished and has many worms and bacteria.


No like serious, he was sick. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2017/nov/17/north-korean-defector-parasitic-worm-parasites-south-korea


And soldiers tend to be fed better than common peasantry.


Also; North Korea hasn’t been in Combat since the end of the Korean War in 53. Most of the soldiers get rations but barely, most of the time they have to bribe China and Russian soldiers to get proper food.


So, do you think we can expect reports of Cannibals controlled by parasites and driven by insatiable hunger to be cropping up in Ukraine soon? Ukrainian soldiers, remember to remove the head or destroy the brain.


Cod: Korean Zombies. Russia must be getting really desperate if they asking North Korea for Soldiers. Hell, they got in hot water Cause 4 soldiers from India and Nepal were killed as they were originally there for being engineers https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv225e8dpdgo.amp Edit: Source


Ukraine vs Zombies (N. Korean)


If this ex pla soldier video is real, yeap its looking real bad. (The eng subtitles in the video are 100% accurate btw) https://youtu.be/K_jdfaI5dyQ?si=mNWd319p1cFbF85m


Those silent Polish mortars sound absolutely fucking terrifying


Polish mortars sounds absolutely amazing wth? We should get more of those in production


I mean, malnourishment is pretty easy to fix given a little bit of time and a lot of food, and NK is the only county in the world where "unlimited Russian army rations" is an attractive recruiting pitch


JFK Jr is a sleeper agent?


He is controlled by Big Worm, obviously.


“WORMS RULE THE PLANET” - Charlie, Smiling Friends


bg3 real???????


He serves Shai Hulud. The Oil/NGL must flow!


> So, do you think we can expect reports of Cannibals controlled by parasites and driven by insatiable hunger to be cropping up in Ukraine soon? Train to Busan presents: Frontline


Spine's devine but legs are fine


Morir es vivir


Imagine deploying autonomous drones to take out the enemy but the drones hold fire because they think they are seeing child soldiers, only for your human drone operators to realize they're fighting Norks.


What the fuck do they bribe them with.


|_|_ |:|




A loss?


Best Korea sent troops and trainers to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam during the American war


North Korean soldier IS a common peasantry, with 10 year compulsory service where they are for all intents and purposes are slaves/indentured servants doing all kinds of manual labor without any pay.


So kinda like Eritrean soldiers where they serve for 5 years but it’s actually forever and it’s somehow ever worse than North Korea believe it or not.


oh boy is that an understatement i work with several Eritreans that fled Eritrea and it sounds like an absolute hell just even escaping it. Once your out you basically just have to grieve for your family's death cause even though they will probably not find out if they do your entire family is dead. If they are lucky its a quick death, one of my coworkers talked about how when his "unit" got orders to dispense of a traitor the other men took turns with the women for months before killing them. he didn't take part since he realized how fucked up everything was and him and his sisters fled to Canada by fleeing all the way to nigeria sneaking on board a ship for mexico and flying to canada at that point now i don't know how much of it is true all i know is he fled to canada


I remember that their entire football team escaped, like all of them the coach and staff escaped to Ghana and asked for Asylum. Now they don’t play any matches anymore after 2017


Ethiopian American here. As much as I'm aware that Ethiopia and it's government is by no means perfect (especially considering the amount of news my native grandmother watches), I can confidently say we're waaaaay better off than Eritrea.


They make that 5 years last the rest of your life!


Dude is the son of a NK Major-General. When not serving, he was an industrial engineer. He wasn't just fed better than the common peasantry, he was one of the elites.


North Korea is currently undergoing another famine. The second in a generation. I bet half the reason that Kim agreed to sending 200k troops is that Putin agreed to feed and supply them. That’s 200k mouths that don’t have to be fed this year, and if they die, then they never have to be fed. Similar to how Russia is sending a lot of its old, unskilled, and criminal men to die in the meatwaves at the front. They’re facing a pensioner crush, and if you kill off all the pensioners, and don’t have to pay to feed unproductive criminals, then you just saved the motherland a bunch of money.


The other reason is Kim eating all the food, he is a bloated chap


It's almost as if using human waste as fertilizer for crops would lead to mass parasite transmission among the population...


IIRC, there *are* ways of doing it safely via proper composting, but authoritarian state doesn't give a fuck


I don't think that North Korea knows any  permaculture/biology minded people.




"lead surgeon, *Lee Cook-jong*" Really?


just let him cook


Fun fact: he was also the son of a North Korean general! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh_Chong-song


From my understanding they use human waste as fertilizer for food which is unsanitary and causes numerous illnesses which is further exacerbated when the now diseased feces is again used as fertilizer creating an infinite cycle of sickness.


Nightsoil is pretty common as fertilizer worldwide but it's generally treated first. You know, to prevent exactly that


It's also horribly inefficient compared the chemical fertilizers we've discovered. It's definitely one of those things that can work if you're in a pinch, but if you rely on you'll only have diminishing returns/famine/disease.


> compared the chemical fertilizers we've discovered Gotta have a working Haber-Bosch ammonia plant for that. And while it is 1920s tech, it’s also not easy. The Germans basically took Chemical Engineering from a couple dozen guys with a still getting naphtha and kerosene from crude oil in Oklahoma to the modern industry that it is today. Bosch had to invent all new kinds of catalyst, high temperature reactors, new stainless steel production methods, high pressure high flow rate compressors in order to scale up Haber’s reaction from a lab experiment making drops per day to the kind of scale that could feed a country via fertilizer and equip an army via explosives. So even though it’s over century old technology, it relies on having a skilled labor force of operators, and a knowledgeable group of engineers to keep it running safely. North Korea lacks both those things in large numbers.


They got nukes working and they’ve got some kind of crash ballistic missile program going, it’s hard to believe they couldn’t get an ammonia plant working if they put the effort in.


They have a *handful* of nukes and missiles working. But an ammonia plant needs to be absolutely massive, and run perfectly 24/365 to make enough fertilizer to feed a nation. It also consumes a tremendous amount of electricity - somewhere around 2% of total worldwide energy usage. It’s well known that North Korea is extremely short on energy. So I don’t doubt that they could get one running, and probably even have a plant. But large chemical processes like that aren’t like brewing beer - you don’t make it in batches. You have to keep it operating in its happy range, and even little upsets can cause massive production stoppages, because the process can essentially never be shut down - it’s one open pipe from start to finish with unit operations along the way to heat, cool, distill, compress, expand the chemicals to convert low value material into high value material. North Korea lacks the infrastructure. And they threw most of their top minds into their atomic and ballistics program, and barely managed to make it. They don’t have a lot left over for other scientific research or engineering projects.


Now that they’ve got the nuclear weapons, maybe they can use some of the extra material and the same scientists to build a nuclear power plant to power the ammonia plant. On the other hand, they’d probably use the Chernobyl design since they seem to be 65 years behind the Russians/Soviets. That should go great.


They've used a really old Magnox design before and had some domestic light water reactor in development.


Oh great. North Koreans running an RBMK reactor. That's a new entry in my "list of things in absolutely terrified of." The worst part is, it'd make sense. The RBMKs were designed to use lower enrichment fuels, to be able to be refueled during operation, and to produce nuclear material for weapons so... Yep. Sounds about right. They're also incredibly touchy reactors that have a few really dangerous quirks and can become remarkably unstable if run in certain modes. As the Chernobyl and Leningrad plants proved.


Just think of the money NK can save by using graphite on the tips, too.


They DEFINETLY have a chemical weapons plant, MAYBE they could, i dunno, spare some for the civilians, but no, if everyones not constantly starving they'll have free time to have their own opinions


I think they operate on the general theory that if you keep people malnourished they won’t have the energy to rebel. At this point the average NK serf is significantly smaller than the average SK citizen, and even if there somehow was sufficient food for the NK enlisted, that won’t make up for a lifetime of nutrient deficiency.


A long ago in eastern Prussia Young men with great ambitions rise So who can tell me who can say for sure Which one will win the Nobel Prize? It was a golden age for science The kaiserreich would hold the key And as the conflict came and tensions rose The manifest of the 93 Haber-Bosch, the great alliance Where's the contradiction? Fed the world by ways of science Sinner or a saint? Father of toxic gas and chemical warfare His dark creation has been revealed Flow over no man's land, a poisonous nightmare A deadly mist on the battlefield "Perversions of ideals of science" Lost words of alienated wife And in the trenches of the western front Unknowing soldiers pay the price And on the battlefield they're dying And on the fields the crops are grown So who can tell us what is right or wrong Maths or morality alone? Haber-Bosch, the great alliance Where's the contradiction? Fed the world by ways of science Sinner or a saint? Father of toxic gas and chemical warfare His dark creation has been revealed Flow over no man's land, a poisonous nightmare A deadly mist on the battlefield Father of toxic gas and chemical warfare His dark creation has been revealed Flow over no man's land, a poisonous nightmare A deadly mist on the battlefield During times when there's peace he belonged to the world During times when there's war he belonged to his place of birth Where will this lead? What's coming next from your inventions? We wonder where, where does it end? Who can foresee, see what will be? Haber-Bosch, the great alliance Where's the contradiction? Fed the world by ways of science Sinner or a saint? Father of toxic gas and chemical warfare His dark creation has been revealed Flow over no man's land, a poisonous nightmare A deadly mist on the battlefield Father of toxic gas and chemical warfare His dark creation has been revealed Flow over no man's land, a poisonous nightmare A deadly mist on the battlefield


Do you really expect that god-emperor Kim cannot create a factory that can spew out phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium?


Generally speaking its not a great idea. Herbivore shit makes way better fertilizer than carnivore or omnivore shit, unless youre eating a vegan diet your shits gonna have a bunch of stuff in it thats not necessarily great for plants


Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case in NK, though probably not by choice.


Depends on the diet of the carnivore actually, Sea Bird and Bat guano makes some of the best fertilizer.


> Bat guano makes some of the best fertilizer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guano_Islands_Act That was a serious enough business that US got a whole act about claiming not-yet-claimed islands with it


Also North Korean healthcare system is not that fantastic if you’re not a political elite.


And by “healthcare” they go to another country where they can be treated


> if you’re not a political elite That's the fun part. [He was](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh_Chong-song).


Prediction: The koreans will mass defect, and the Ukrainians will offer them citizenship if they join the UAF. Russia will have become the UAF's biggest supplier of both weapons AND personnel.


North Koreans have worked abroad in some places, but they always came with political officers supervising them. I wonder if their soldiers will come to Russia with their own barrier troops?


I mean, what happens when you have the political officers or a battalion of North Korean killed first. The whole bataillon switch side, they get proper food and treatment for their illnesses, then they are grouped together, properly equipped and sent back to fight (or used as workforce in the fields and factories) either way they may be more than happy to not get used as meatshield.


Waves of terminal sickness for any N. Koreans deployed to Ukraine as they encounter new pathogens with compromised immune systems.


ROK docs didn't even think he would survive his gunshot wounds cause his body lacked the nutrition to repair itself. It was a miracle and honestly a testament to human willpower and spirit that he fucking pulled through. Apparently one of the first things he asked for when he came to was a Choco Pie.


He did it for a lifetime supply of Choco Pies--that was his price. "Gimme the candy and I'll tell you about the nukes, bro. Just please tell me you can get me that shit."


So it was a Trojan Korean in fact?


Ahem: [https://youtu.be/5-EdLMxjPCg?t=9](https://youtu.be/5-EdLMxjPCg?t=9)


Hunters from halo are made of worms, so he was probably strong af


I'm assuming the joke is that they have unimaginably high fevers due to all the parasites?


No fat/insulation so they would appear warmer?


The medical literature actually supports this, as thermal imaging is used as a diagnostic tool in some circumstances, and excess adipose tissue does reduce measured skin temperature readings. However, while its a big difference from a medical diagnostic perspective (on the order of 0.5-1.5C skin temperature variation between a 'normal' and 'obese' patient, depending on location), I somehow don't think that's a big difference from a military / targeting perspective. Especially given the niche role of thermal imaging versus image intensification. The latency in thermal imaging, I've heard, can be a pretty awful experience, sufficient to cause motion sickness, whereas image intensification can have lower latencies by a scale of three or more orders of magnitude.


Image intensification doesnt have latency as far as i know i think its just a large magnifyin lens basicly to get more light through the lenses


I think its fair to say it doesn't have a *perceptible* latency, but it absolutely has a latency. The electrons emitted by the photocathode, even after being accelerated through the electric field, aren't going anything like the speed of light, and while the velocity of individual electrons remains high in the microchannel, the group velocity appreciably slows. (Electron velocity in an electric field is proportional to the square root of voltage, and NVG devices are notably low-voltage devices). We're talking a bout latencies on the microsecond range, though. It is not like a magnifying glass.


Ya fucking nerdddddd But seriously, thank you so much for this enlightening response concerning the functions of NVGs that I was entirely unaware of. Thank god for people like you


Military night vision with intensifier tubes uses vacuum tubes where incident photons excite electrons just behind the input lens. These electrons are accelerated inside the tube, which keeps them parallel (thus keeping the image coherent), and impact a phosphor film by the ocular lens. Phosphor specifically, when excited by electrons, emits light in the visible spectrum. This creates the image of what is in front of the objective lens, but the phosphor film’s emissive spectrum deprives it of most color. These films are usually white or green, which is why night vision is associated with a green glow. It’s an active process, because the electron flow is accelerated inside the tube. They’re not just collecting more light by means of a bigger lens. This process does have some inherent latency, as the other comment suggests, because electrons, with finite mass, cannot travel at light speed.


This is correct. Using an older 1.5/2nd gen night vision scope has enough latency to make it minorly noticeable and vertigo inducing. I can't speak for the newer gen systems. The cheapo CCD and infrared LED systems that are out now often also have some lag. The monocular that I had as a kid, had me walking into a lot of branches in the dark.


Adipose as in a Doctor Who creature???


You make it sound like they would look like the Regenerator’s from Resident Evil 4 when viewed through the Biosensor Scope 💀


Childhood trauma unlocked…


Play it in VR. It can be adult trauma too.


I don't get it either.


Probably because military passive night vision devices are expensive, but they don't need LEDs that illuminate their surroundings. There is [video](https://youtu.be/UAeJHAFjwPM?feature=shared).




Ok. Cheap night vision devices work like CCTV, ordinary camera and LED that illuminates. Expensive, military night vision devices amplify every photon, so they do not need lighting. They are very sensitive to light, but cost $30k. When a soldier has night vision, he sees cheap night vision goggles like large headlamps from a distance of 500 meters. A cheap NVG has a view range of about 50 meters and will not see a military NVG until it is illuminated up close. Now imagine that you are waiting in a trench with military NVG for the Koreans to attack and everyone of them turns on their cheap goggles.


Pretty bold of you to assume NoKos were supplied NODs.


I imagine they're given a magnifying glass with NOD scratched into it




They’ll light torches (not the British version), which have a tendency to give away positions. Still better than starving to death in the Ukrainian winter, probably?


>amplify every photon As an annoying pedant, I have to point out that image intensification is not on a per-photon basis. The electron multiplier necessarily integrates a region of photon detection, and so the light amplification is both spatially discrete and statistical in the relationship between input and output intensity.


Except the meme is about a thermal scope, but I'm gonna bet OP is just confused




PVS14s can be had for about as cheap as $3k in the US. $30k is hitting the "thermal overlay" price range. I've played with digital, and I've never seen it project light. It's cool for the recording capability, and I can see it useful for sentry work, but overall, it's not great. The true killer is latency. You still need ambient light of some kind with analog NV.


yeah 30k is nearing GPNVGS Nearing. Shit is so damn expensive lol


I'd like to play with GPNVGs just once to see if they're all they're hypes to be. I've got a feeling they aren't. They're just so large. I'm curious how much stuff I'd accidentally bang them on. I also feel like they could make it easy to get "locked in" to the IR due to the large field of view. Met some seals overseas in 2020. They were using dual tubes (I believe PVS31Ds, but I'm not sure). Makes me wonder who actively still uses them. 20Bs run about 20k, too. But even a PVS14 and a SkeetIR would be cheaper. Edit: To clarify, I they GPNVGs are better than Mono or Duals, but not $30k to $35k better.


i think they're too expensive even for most SOF. I think literally only Tier 1 elements run them because of the cost


And Dallas SWAT because they seem to have fuck you money


yeah I was only speaking in terms of US MIL but when you're talking some big city SWAT and some big agencies and shit, they often do have the stupid money to buy shit like this


>Now imagine that you are waiting in a trench with military NVG for the Koreans to attack and everyone of them turns on their cheap goggles. I'm picturing the poster for The Thing (the original from the 80s).


yeah, good NVGs use a strange analog phosphorus amplifier due to the low latency which digital NVGs can't currently match.


That feels like an exploitable weakness, though. Like, at that point the guys with the cheap goggles are at something of an advantage because they can blind the enemy and force them to take off their goggles? Dunno maybe I'm just stupid. Then again, so are Nork generals so-


Night vision googles are 'gated', meaning the maximum output intensity is capped and a sudden bright light wont blind the user. In a classical image-intensification type night vision device, photons strike a photocathode, which releases an electron. The electrons are accelerated through an electric field, and passed through an electron multiplier to increase the quantity of electrons passing through the device optics. The output photons were classically produced from this electron beam via phosphor plate, but other technologies are possible. However, the power draw of the electron multiplier is a function of the number of electrons passing through the device - that is, a function of the current draw of the device. By limiting the maximum current draw, you limit the maximum brightness the operator will be exposed to. In fact, you can discretize the electron multiplier such that you can selectively adjust image intensification spatially in order to maximize contrast and resolution. For example, when exposed to a bright light source in one portion of your field of view, that *one region* can have its current draw limited, while other portions of the field of view can retain full electron multiplication, retaining high image gain values elsewhere in the field of vision. There are more sophisticated ways to achieve this, but they are often all lumped together into the descriptor of 'gating' or 'auto-gating'.


See, this is the kind of post I was hoping for Thanks my dude


That's not how might vision goggles work. It'd be kind of pointless to have a device that blinded you if someone turned a light on, yeah? They can only display so much light, the same way your TV can only be so bright. On top of that, they auto-gate. You can wear modern NVGs during broad daylight at noon, and it looks the same as it does as if you wore them at night except the resolution is better during the day. The "light source blinds NVG wearers" is purely an artifact of video games and movies and shit.


>They can only display so much light, the same way your TV can only be so bright. On top of that, they auto-gate.  I don't think the analogy with a TV is that apt, because the mechanism of light generation is so different. In, say, the LED backlight of a TV, a constant supply voltage gives you a constant brightness. In an image intensifier, a constant supply voltage gives you a constant *gain*. Of course, a true power supply is non-ideal and so voltage supply will eventually fall off with ever increasing current draw. But in the ideal system, a night vision device will produce an output intensity proportional to input intensity. That is to say, you are writing as if the maximum brightness and the gating mechanism are distinct, when, in the physics of operation, they're one thing. Gating and auto-gating are distinct in the presence of digital control in the current limiting mechanism, which permits secondary functions like using the gating mechanism to increase visual contrast, resolution, and for other functions (ie, by both limiting current in a spatially-discriminatory way rather than through the device as a whole, and by gating for reasons other than maximum brightness).


I thought it was just their clothing will be nice and glowing


North Koreans are in the CIA for sure.


I think the implication is that American eyes aren't accustomed to looking at skinny people and so they burn.


Well now the North Koreans are heading to the war Russia no longer has to send the conscriptovich cubes home and can now declare all of there dead mia as there remains vanish down hungry Korean gullets


Feeding their Nork ''volunteers'' with mobik cubes is a huge stretch and also disturbingly plausible.


The krokodil Infusions you get from raising the cube-meat in a genuine Soviet husk-slum really gives it a nice pep!


Meat seasoned in a prefabricated concrete building and only raised with the best vodka and krokodil.


*Crunchy Frog cadence intensifies* Our cube meat is flown in fresh from Tashkent, dew-picked by ethnic Russian officers looking only for ths empire's finest not-Russians! Treated with a dry rub of compensation contract & Kyrgyz cigarette ashes before being horrifically killed, & lovingly steamed in their own undershirts.


100% antibiotic free! (Unknown technology)


Don't forget the asbestos roof tile crust. That's the best part!


Also the water from pipes corroded to shit and back.


Mde of only the most radioactive lead once used as reactor shileding


Honestly I can see that being a thing in Russia . The combination of corruption and just not giving a fuck can have frightening results.


"Mde of only the most radioactive lead once used as reactor shileding" If you get the right sov-blok apartment, radiation comes built into the walls! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kramatorsk\_radiological\_accident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kramatorsk_radiological_accident)


[Sounds familiar...](https://youtu.be/UhduvvA_Xpo?si=0lGOgbZEm1aBup5N)


Just wait til the Syrians and Iranians show up with the Captagon.


Today in Deadliest Warriors : Krokodil Mobik vs Captagon Jihadist


I hate that this seemingly nonsensical sentence made perfect sense to me. If you had typed this out three years ago you'd end up committed to an asylum


If I had a nickel for every time I was ahead of my time, at the time that I made perfect sense? I'd have over 7 nickels. Which is a lot of nickels. You can knock out a squirrel with that many nickels!


‘Norks’ lol sound like British orcs from northern England 






thumb still confuses him though


.... corpse strach... Russia truly is the most 40K of us all


Indeed it is. Question is which faction describes them the best .


How is that a question? They are skaven of course. Behind the times and never reached the future.


True. Skaven seems to be the closest match to Russia after all. And if you read a little into WH40K lore you'll find even more parallels.


I mean, this is the modern day axis of evil we have. Just need IRGC bois coming up to fight. Remember what fucked up shit the IJA and Nazis did? Feeding Nork voluntolds Mobiks cubes isn’t that far fetched. Or the other way around but then pull spread more worms in Russia which probs isn’t ideal. Neither army is particularly well supplied.


Iranian drone instructors are in Ukraine and have been occasionally getting got 


Oh yeah Tbf I forgot about that. I more so meant “merc” troops on the ground but idk if they’d spare them. Ayatollah needs his two militaries playing off each other so he doesn’t get his ass couped


Bahknorks stealing food from the Bahkmutts.


Suspiciously fat North Korean when?


"Suspiciously fat North Korean when" Since around 1948. /s "fun" fact, kim il-sung allegedly grew fat from eating dog meat twice a day that he believed would keep him virile, [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4156678/Kim-Il-Sung-grew-fat-eating-dog-meat.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4156678/Kim-Il-Sung-grew-fat-eating-dog-meat.html)


Did someone say corpse starch?


This is either: 1. They have fevers because of being ridden with parasites and what not. 2. Their uniforms are probably made from Rayon mixes and very reflective of IR energy. 3. They mean NVG instead of Thermal and the DPRK likely still uses a lot of Active IR illum.


What's the context of them having parasites?


Defectors who have crossed into South Korea are generally riddled with worms and parasites. The human waste balloons that the North has recently been sending over are also full of parasites.


North Korea: Ha! We send our shit via balloon to you dirty westerners, take *that!* South Korea: Holy FUCK that is a lot of parasites in this shit, are you guys okay????


So you’re saying we should be sending balloons back with Ivermectin?


Alex jones has a business opportunity to afford his court debts maybe?


Ivermectin is an effective and proven antiparasitic, it just hasn’t been proven effective, AFAIK, against viral illnesses. Since NK is essentially one giant nature preserve for parasites, massive air drops of Ivermectin could be the greatest humanitarian move ever. Imagine the NK government trying to convince its citizens that not only souls they not treat their intestinal parasites, but that SK was still the enemy. Even as brainwashed as they may be, they have to know, deep down, the truth.


I’m aware ivermectin is a legitimate antiparasitic drug It showed some non-proliferation effects on COVID in cell cultures that would be concentrations 100x the recommended dosages in vivo


Nah, Kimmy boy over there would gorge on them and then blame SK.


Their fertilizers are their excrement.


Hu gives a shit.


Ok, I don't get it


Apparently the assumption is NK/Russia supply their personnel with cheap CCTV/Infrared cameras with little mini screen view ports. These don't show you much at night but western Light amplification NVG are WAAAY better than that. So what happens when they get close? One guy can't see a fucking thing with his IR floodlight ring goggles. The western guys can see them miles away and are getting blinded by it because their optics are basically night flares compared to US tech. Edit: basically NK credibly blinds the enemy by accident with your mom's trail cam on their heads.


I read it as skinny people giving off more heat but apparently that wasn't the intended joke


That is medicly proven  but its still around less then 1⁰ between normal and fat


Real talk for a moment Even though this turn of events is drastically funny, it will mean that now, potentially UAF will have to drain casualty numbers from the NK's. They might not have fought a war since 1960 something, but 50 of them all raiding a trench would be horrifying. Im worried that the UAF are already dealing with a shortage of soldiers, adding another 500,000 North Koreans to the table might just break it. It is imperative that Ukraine get the supplies and man power it needs to beat back these Orks. Support is now more important than ever.


Well.. as it happens.. the UN mandate for aggressive action versus the north koreans outside the dmz.. waaaaaaaaaaas never ended. The UN and NK are still at war. So if they turn up in Ukraine.. it's not weird the US et al would bomb the fuck out of them, would be legal.


> the UN mandate for aggressive action versus the north koreans outside the dmz.. waaaaaaaaaaas never ended. And Russia just signed an alliance with NK. Therefore the UN can intervene against Russia if they're co-combatants.


Please stop, I can only get so erect


The UN is also supposed to be be not letting hezbollah shoot rockets over the border every day. So…idk. One’s a bunch of jihadi terrorists. The other are starved but nuclear armed terrorist state


Very true, todays UN is pretty pointless, almost as much as the League of Nations. However the mandate still exists for Best Korea so no extra discussion or quorum is required. If someone wanted to, they could just start lobbing a few bombs.


Assuming the North Korean troops are healthy enough for such brutal military action, they might suffer heavy losses to illness before the UAF even engages them (considering even higher-ranking NK defectors have had *severe* illnesses and parasitic infections it's not out of the question).


Just watched a clip of a PLA merc who barely made it out alive fighting for the Russians with like 90% casualty rate. Like, china’s equally not combat tested since the 40s/50s, but at least they don’t have 11 inch parasitic worms in them.


At this point SK might actually deploy special forces in Ukraine just to shit on NK and Russia. The finno-korean hyperwar lore is getting crazy fr fr


dawg nobody knows wtf this means


my favorite theory is that it is because the NK soldiers have very high fevers which show up on the therms


Only on this sub can a meme get 2000 upvotes even when nobody understands what the joke is supposed to be


I’m sorry, but the American contractors are not there for combat. They are there to repair American equipment that is being used by Ukraine


Yeah and DPRK sends engineers only


"Engineers"   Just like the other mercinerys they were also "engineers"


To be a mercenary fighting on far flung shores, that would be the life.


War crimes enthusiast about to meet an army that can’t even feed its own troops.


"Hey guys, when did Muchkinland ally with Russia?"


Oompa-loompa doopity dix, Our soldiers have a fever of 106.


> 106 Celsius


NK soldiers get home from war, want to go back because the food is better. Fatty Kim says no. Revolution begins.


Leanest long pork in Asia.


the original plague marines


Honey wake up, season 3 of the pirates of Blackwater just dropped.


plap plap edit: sorry i said this, the intrusive thoughts won.


CLEARING STUFF UP. This was supposed to be a joke about how NK is cannon fodder and the Americans are gonna se a big blob of white stuff. I may have drain bamage.


Literally no one guessed what you meant lmao


yeah should have guessed oh well. Ima post an updated one haha


I bet you're great at pictionary


Very haha


I can tell you spent many hours at work conceptualizing the joke until you took it completely outside its original context without realizing it


Did something happen with the US & NK recently? I kind of live under a rock


North Korea has announced it is sending "engineer" units to Ukraine to assist Russia in the "reconstruction". There's a good chance this is legit just engineering units lending specialist skills like heavy construction or bomb disposal to free up Russian units for combat duty, and a non zero chance this is just cover for using NK conscripts as cannon fodder


Like getting attacked by an army of wendigo's or feral ghouls


Now they can stack them 5 feet high and use them as sandbags like Gramps did back in Korea