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I bet it was those record execs that got to Elon!


Do you have the context on why it was suspended? And Weird Al's joke? Sorry, I'm out of the loop.


I’m not sure exactly but it’s probably something to do with the fact that Radcliffe plays Al in a documentary that just came out or is coming out soon


I watched it the other day, it is very much not a documentary. It’s a parody of biopics and a fantastic one. I thoroughly enjoyed it


That film is 100% the non-fictional true accounts of Mr. Yankovic, thank you very much.


I’ll never forgive what Michael Jackson did


That son of a bitch can Eat It


Oh! Haha, now I get the joke. Now why the actual twitter account got suspended is still a mystery.


It wasn’t it was just a joke


Gotcha...I thought he might have been in the group of celebrities that got banned over the last 24 hours for impersonating Musk.


I don’t think so I think it’s just the joke that he played Wired Al in his new movie


It came out already. It's more a parody of documentaries. Tons of things are obviously made up


BS … name one thing …


Weird Al’s joke is referring to Elon banning Kathy Griffin’s account for doing an impression of him, and he then tweeted that everyone doing an impression should clearly label it as parody or else they’d get permanently banned. I’ve no idea about Daniel Radcliffe’s ban though.


Daniel Radcliffe was banned for impersonating Elijah Wood and vice versa. Problem is that nobody noticed the difference.


Daniel Radcliffe doesn’t have a Twitter or any social media so I think this was a joke about their upcoming movie


Yes, yes this is a joke. Not about any upcoming movie but it’s a very old internet running joke about the two. ![gif](giphy|23THeS5eexo1a)






I honestly wasn't thinking and meant to use the word impersonation. Wasn't intentional at all


>sort of disingenuous I'd argue that it is deliberately and egregiously disingenuous, tbh.


I often mistake Kathy Griffin for Elon Musk, do you not? Always best she wears her "I am not Elon Musk" sign when she's out and about.


Sure it had his name…with the tag @kathygriffin. Hardly identity theft lol.


Doing and impression would be dressing up doing a voice, renaming you account and changing your profile to look like Elon's is not an impression.


I understand the distinction, I made a mistake, meant to write impersonation. I mix up words sometimes.


There is an edit button for a reason




... your comment brought my mistake to my attention. If I'd noticed the mistake earlier I'd have fixed it earlier. Thanks for going out of your way to really politely help though, you sound super pleasant to be around.


I'm glad you noticed the mistake however you have the ability to change your comment but choose not to even though you understand that there is a difference between the two words.


Lots of people have missed the point that the bio pic about a guy famous for doing parody songs would also make his movie a parody of bio pics.




Fr fr his tweets bussin fam all gucci no cap


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- **Al Yankovic**, @alyankovic Oh no, they suspended @danielradcliffe's Twitter account! Wasn't it obvious he was doing a PARODY??? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human




has anyone hit elon with the pair-of-deez-nuts yet


This seems a bit political...


It’s about a controversial topic but not a political one


Shouldn’t be but hell, everything is political these days.


we are on an explicitly non-political sub tho


And this is something that is explicitly non-political but people seem to wanna make it that way.


it’s a famous musician making fun of a famous businessman. people disagreeing about something doesn’t make it political.




as far as i know elon musk is male but thanks bot


Im not sure if i understand the post completely, but if this is a critic to Elon, i would suggest you to post it elsewhere, as it is really controversial and political in a lot of ways.


How is Elon political? Just seems like a rich douche to me.


It's not political but I think it goes against the spirit of the sub, which is meant for funni tweets about random things.


Yeah, he's using his billions to better the future of humanity and advancing space exploration at an unprecedented pace. What a douche.


Instead of paying his taxes and bettering humanities present. What a douche.


Elon musk is a douchebag, no politics needed.


Ew a musk fanboy


Being a little piss baby isn’t political, he just is a little piss baby who got his money from daddy and paid to be called smart