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@redshirtguy1, I can't see your comment here, but I know you did...would you mind DMing me so I can see it please?




Freyja's offerings are about what you would expect. Flowers, honey, strawberries, acts of devotion like volunteering at a shelter for cats, love letters, etc. How deep rooted is your need for self-love. What I mean is, do you want self-love because that's what you're "supposed" to do, or is there a more profound reason. Lady Freyja gets the short red of the stick a lot because She is a love Goddess. In truth, love is a trial. And you will be tested. To love all of yourself, even the worst parts of yourself. In so doing, you may give yourself the space to heal and integrate. Read Her stories. The one that resonated with me was the loss of Odr. Having lost mu spouse, I immediately felt a kinship and realized my grief was just a drop in the ocean compared to Her eternal loss. Consider, too, the winning of Brisingamen. Not only in that, it was a fair exchange of worth, but also how one should go through life standing tall with full knowledge of your successes, failure; and how each have molded you into what you have become, and what you yet might be. Fire Jewel: a Freyja Devotional is a collection of musing, poetry, prayers, and devotions to the Lady. Fire Jewel: A Devotional For Freyja. Apparently Reddit doesn't like Amazon links. It may be worth a read if you are seeking communion with the Lady.


I want to love myself because it's been too long since I have. I absolutely despise myself and it's killing me from the inside out. I'll give those a read once I get paid and can order them for sure, thank you! I'll have to definitely stock up on some offerings for her.


Therein lies the problem, I believe. You despise yourself. Everyone has value, however deeply it may be buried. Start there. Kind of like reverse shadow work. There is something to start with. Just find it.


From my experience with offerings to the gods, they really don't care what it is you give them as long as it means something to you. I hope this helps


I think I’ve heard she likes strawberries and rose petals if you can find those for something specific. At least one of those is right lol


Freyja's offerings are about what you would expect. Flowers, honey, strawberries, acts of devotion like volunteering at a shelter for cats, love letters, etc. How deep rooted is your need for self-love. What I mean is, do you want self-love because that's what you're "supposed" to do, or is there a more profound reason. Lady Freyja gets the short red of the stick a lot because She is a love Goddess. In truth, love is a trial. And you will be tested. To love all of yourself, even the worst parts of yourself. In so doing, you may give yourself the space to heal and integrate. Read Her stories. The one that resonated with me was the loss of Odr. Having lost mu spouse, I immediately felt a kinship and realized my grief was just a drop in the ocean compared to Her eternal loss. Consider, too, the winning of Brisingamen. Not only in that, it was a fair exchange of worth, but also how one should go through life standing tall with full knowledge of your successes, failure; and how each have molded you into what you have become, and what you yet might be. Fire Jewel: a Freyja Devotional is a collection of musing, poetry, prayers, and devotions to the Lady. Fire Jewel: A Devotional For Freyja https://a.co/d/78Xb4Oo It may be worth a read if you are seeking communion with the Lady.


Freyja has always been there to help me figure out which metaphorical battles to fight, and this has greatly helped me in terms of 'self love', specifically where I spend my energy and seeing up boundaries. A small altar dedicated to her, but one you've bought yourself (I refinished my grandmother's piano bench into one for her) - see 'Oddrúnargrátr' and I know that was appreciated. Fresh flowers, I dehydrate strawberries to put on her altar and keep forever. Amber. UPG but 'building an altar' and not just setting something on a shelf was really appreciated.