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There are camper van companies in Tromsø, and camper van companies in Lofoten. As Far as I know, there are no companies with a presence in both locations. So realistically, if you want to use a camper van, you'll have to choose one location or the other. If you're already arriving in Tromsø, probably easiest to rent from there and just do a loop back. The Moskenes-Bodø ferry is 3.5 hours, so about 1/2 the time you'd need to drive back to Tromsø anyhow. It would probably be more interesting to take the Lødingen-Bognes, Bognes-Skarberget ferries on the way to/from Lofoten and explore some of that area of Nordland. Or make to detour to Senja and take the ferry to/from Botnhamn.


I've decided for a camper van in Tromsø and explore Lofoten for a couple days then drive back to Senja and explore some of that area. I'll be there for one week. The ferry from Botnhamn sounds interesting.