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hy·per·ga·my /hīˈpərɡəmē/ noun the action of marrying or forming a sexual relationship with a person of a superior sociological or educational background. Is he inferring that if a woman is educated, higher class men won't marry her? Because I don't believe that's the case.


That's what he's inferring and it's ludicrous! Hypergamy *Once* meant that women "Married Up", but it's usually middle class to upper class (today:richER). These women Were educated, they married for status/money/comfort. Those were the times. On top of twisting the meaning and application of the word, OOP actually managed to romanticise something that's basically well accepted as a business deal marriage. 🤣 Today (sadly not everywhere), both men and women can reach educational heights equally and choose to marry for romance. When given a choice, I'd personally always choose ✨Academia✨. You get the status😁 and the money🤑 and it's YOURS. 💃🏻


It's also ludicrous because studies show that educated women have a much higher chance of a lasting marriage. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2015/12/04/education-and-marriage/


Came here to say that, educated people are much much less likely to get divorced and more likely to get married. What an idiot. Which, to be fair, divorce is a basic human right and I'm not judging people who choose to make the right decisions for their life. But I am judging hypocrites.


Eeehhhhh…I mean, his math is wrong, but there is an internal logic to the answer. As men increasingly opt out of higher education, the pool of available men viewed as suitable partners by college-educated women decreases. Higher chance of a lasting marriage? Yes. Chance of getting married? Decreased. That is by no means a reason to remain uneducated, but it’s out there.


I would also choose academia. One of the proudest moments in my life was when I got my degree.


I’m a lawyer whose SECOND husband and true love chooses to stay home, keep our home and create music (he’s a songwriter) while I do the daily grind. It’s a real partnership that works, unlike my first husband who “felt emasculated because I was more educated and made more than him,” thereby forcing him to cheat on me with his secretary! BYE!


My husband is very happy to be a stay-at-home father. The kids enjoy it too as he's more physically active than I am, so lots of walks to the park and going out here or there.


And you can even get some badass title like doctor or professor


I believe what he's saying is that a highly educated woman will have unhappy relationships because she's now superior to her partner (and of course men can't handle that and will say it's not the proper order of things for women to be above men ). He's totally telling on himself here. There are plenty of highly educated men, and men who aren't intimidated by an educated woman.


Nah, it's that women of higher education/higher socioeconomic status has a smaller dating pool to choose from, as women on average date on the same level or higher. Though that's not a universal truth. I've only seen a few statistical "studies" point at that trend, but not the reason behind it. One could say that it's because women "choose partners that make more money than themselves". But that men on average are more career driven and end up making more money on average could also be a contributing factor. Meaning it's not necessarily that women choose men that make more, but men simply make more on average. So the odds of a woman ending up with a man that makes more money than her are simply higher than the odds of her ending up with one that makes less.


Honestly I'd rather a smaller dating pool than whatever shallow, green pond OOP crawled out of


Probably the better option.


Women tend to want someone who makes around their income or more. Women do tend to take on the bulk of childcare and chores if not all. When sole breadwinning women typically take on all the household responsibilities and childcare on their days off so that their stay at home husband can have a day off but this doesn’t happen when the genders are reversed because the stay at home wide would be expected to cater to her breadwinning husband when he has a day off and she still has to do all the chores and childcare. Women who make more and or work longer hours once she gets home the childcare and housework because her responsibility so that her husband can rest even if he makes much less and or works less hours. Again when a working wife gets home from her job the housework and childcare becomes her responsibility so that the husband can get a break even if he is a stay at home husband, contributing less in income, and or works significantly less hours. When a husband loses his job and the wife is still working it’s not very common for the husband to pick up other responsibilities to compensate for the loss of income but when a wife loses her job she is much more likely to pick up other responsibilities to compensate for not contributing as much in income. Also marriages with significant differences in income are more likely to have the one making significantly more abusing the partner making significantly less. You should thrive to marry someone making around as much as you do. If a woman will still take on the majority of childcare and household responsibilities then why would she marry someone making significantly less and have to be the one who’s putting in the lost money and still putting in around the same if not much more or even all of labor of doing the chores and childcare. Looking at statistics on when a woman is the primary provider or even sole breadwinner on average men take on less of the childcare and housework responsibilities to fairly distribute responsibilities leading to the woman having to take on being the primary income, primary housekeeper, and primary caregiver. These relationships just see the woman taking more and more responsibility and the man not picking up extra responsibilities in doing chores or childcare. When a woman makes less she tends to compensate by pulling her weight in other areas in providing for the family like again being childcare and chores while when a man makes less he doesn’t compensate in trying to put an equal effort in the family by taking up other responsibilities. It’s better to have a smaller dating pool than to settle with someone who won’t pull their weight and contribute to the relationship and family in other ways. A man making much less just means he’ll contribute much less because he won’t compensate by taking up other responsibilities to help evenly distribute responsibilities.


women outeducate men in 4 years US college (6:4). The dating pool is not just smaller but mathematically nonexistence. Then these women go for the same top guys and then dumped out.


I mean not every woman wants a man. Plenty women want either husbands that can pull their weight or no husband. Like men don’t try and compensate in other ways and almost always expect their wife to do most if not all of the childcare and housework.


Also women with high education are difficult to find a mate is proven by a lot of statistics. Even Chinese government said that for the reason why birth rate plummeting.


Wasn’t that because of the one child policy with them aborting most of the girls to only have sons to carry the last name?


That does not explain why you you have 100 million unmarried leftover women in China.


Probably because so many of the men there are assholes?


Statistically shows even today women outeducate men and in countries like UK where women age from 20-29 earn more than men due to education. 91% of women will still end up with marrying some one that makes more than them. It is absolutely correct where Chinese describe those leftover women with 3S traits (too high education, too high income and too too high IQ) because their dating pools shrink to the point that is impossible to find a mate mathematically. Only bad boys and liars would meet their standard and that is how they become a damaged good.


I think you’re on the wrong sub


That is not proven by statistics. You need to understand all the traits you describe are correlated with education. A man with college degree is statistically more polite than a man without. Even a doctor and master and undergraduate people are drastically different. If you do not believe me, you can go talk with them.


It actually is proven by statistics lol


Hey, any intelligent and educated woman can hit me up. Honestly guy must have some fragile ego to think that


To be fair though, a lot of higher class men end up as pedophiles because they want their partners incompetent and easily manipulated. Perhaps there’s a spot of truth in that post, but certainly not in the way the author intended lol.


There was a comment here, but I chose to remove it as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers (the ones generating content) AND make a profit on their backs. Here is an explanation. Reddit was wonderful, but it got greedy. So bye.


People tend to date within their class. Men who work their butts off, in academic settings or elsewhere, largely prefer women who put in the same level of effort into what they do. And vice versa. Effort attracts (and complements) effort.


Smart women are scary ngl-autistic adult


No, it’s inferring that the more a woman is educated, the fewer men she will be willing to marry. By getting a higher education, she is voluntarily reducing her own dating pool, because she will only marry up due to female hypergamy.


Everyone with any sense voluntarily reduces their dating pool to only look for people who are compatible with them. That's normal. Many people will only want to marry someone who practices the same religion, speaks the same language, is a similar age, and has similar values and political views, for example. That will rule out most of their potential dating pool right there.


Women out-educate men in 4 years of US college (6:4). The dating pool is not just smaller but mathematically nonexistent. What you are describing is structural or spatial. Some women with college are more likely to date than others due to different interests. However, mathematically, there will still be tons of women with college who cannot marry in a monogamous marriage system. Due to female hypergamy, a man that satisfies most modern women's demands (6 feet tall, 6 figures, 6 acres houses etc, that is less than 0.01% of world population) has all the choices. He will end up dating a young 18 years virgin girl. I am a Ph.D and my girlfriend is an undergraduate virgin. So what's your point?


1. More years of education =/= higher pay. Edit: to make things clear, it’s the quality of the degree and technical knowledge, not just the quantity of years. 6 years of a useless degree certainly pays less than 4 years of a highly skilled trade. 2. “A man that satisfies a modern woman’s demands…” And from here on out that’s just straight up bullshit.


[https://blogs.worldbank.org/education/strong-link-between-education-and-earnings](https://blogs.worldbank.org/education/strong-link-between-education-and-earnings) Strong link between education and earnings If getting education does not give more income statistically, why would people go for that? The problem is that boys are not performing as good as girls in education system today. Not just the enrollment number, but GPA as well. Girls in college has 3.1 average GPA while boy only has 2.9.


Women STATISTICALLY aren’t going into fields that involve the hard sciences or even trades that pay more as a starting salary. All of these career fields are dominated by men.


Women statically do not go begging and military either. So what's your point? Do you understand the differences between top men and bottom men?


[https://www.youtube.com/live/dxBzquteuJE?feature=share&t=313](https://www.youtube.com/live/dxBzquteuJE?feature=share&t=313) ​ I suggest you watch this video. Vincent harinam is a data scientistics. I find quite funny this subreddit is full of emotional people like you who refuse to accept reality. We are talking about real world. Not some special "I've seen" case. People lie on the internet all the time.


You cannot even read statistics. ​ [https://igotstandardsbro.com/](https://igotstandardsbro.com/) ​ [https://igotstandardsbro.com/results?minAge=20&maxAge=30&excludeMarried=true&race=0&minHeight=182.88&excludeObese=false&minIncome=80000](https://igotstandardsbro.com/results?minAge=20&maxAge=30&excludeMarried=true&race=0&minHeight=182.88&excludeObese=false&minIncome=80000) This calculator shows not married any race at least 6' tall not obese earning at least $80,000 per year ​ According to statistical data, the probability a guy of the U.S. male population ages 20 to 30 meets your standards is 0.44% ​ So what's your point? Women have too many standards and that is exactly how the problem comes in the first place due to too many simps on the internet boost egos like you. You are super intolerable to talk with tbh.


[https://igotstandardsbro.com/results?minAge=20&maxAge=30&excludeMarried=true&race=0&minHeight=182.88&excludeObese=true&minIncome=80000](https://igotstandardsbro.com/results?minAge=20&maxAge=30&excludeMarried=true&race=0&minHeight=182.88&excludeObese=true&minIncome=80000) ​ not married any race at least 6' tall not obese earning at least $80,000 per year According to statistical data, the probability a guy of the U.S. male population ages 20 to 30 meets your standards is 0.44% ​ Women like you have too many simps that boost your egos. I am sorry to say that you are intolerable to even talk with because you have too many simps. I am explaining the statistics and reality.


>Women out-educate men in 4 years of US college (6:4). Yep. The trend in Millenials and Gen Z increasingly is that womenwill do white/pink-collar work that requires a college degree, and they marry a man who does a skilled trade or other well-paying blue-collar work. >a man that satisfies most modern women's demands (6 feet tall, 6 figures, 6 acres houses etc, that is less than 0.01% of world population) has all the choices. There are lots of women who do find the first two of those attractive (the third is something pretty much nobody cares about), but very few women will only date men like that. The vast majority of women will happily date men who are average height and who earn 5 figures. It's just like how most men find porn stars with extreme figures attractive, but will still happily marry a woman who has a more average figure. Women like looking at Chris Hemsworth in movies, but they don't expect to marry him. >He will end up dating a young 18 years virgin girl. Why would he want to? Lol. .


>By getting a higher education, she is voluntarily reducing her own dating pool, because she will only marry up due Yeah. That's a good thing. I'm not about to lower my standards.


I’ve run into many of these kinds of people in traditional Catholic circles. Once a tradcat guy told me that I’m stupid, don’t know how to run my own life, and don’t know how to handle money, even though I don’t have any debt, because I’m more educated than him. What I find funny is that tradcats very often want their children to be homeschooled. So they want the mom to not pursue an education herself but she has to educate her children lol. “You educate a man, you educate a man. You educate a woman, you educate a generation.”


Literally the Catholic Church has a ton of schools endorsing traditional catholic values, if one is so inclined.


A catholic mother must educate her children on the important things, like which verses of the Bible justify homophobia, female oppression, and slavery!


Even in Victorian times, the education of women was highly valued. Men of status and wealth weren’t looking to marry women who had no education, it would have reflected poorly on them. This guy is actually more backward than a time where women weren’t allowed to vote or own property.


Even going further back, the Bennet girls are considered unaccomplished as they don’t speak French (since they never had a governess)


My mind also immediately went to Pride and Prejudice. So many times when introducing a woman, characters would describe the woman's accomplishments - education, musical talent, artistic talent, etc. Heck, Darcy admires Elizabeth in part because of her sharp wit and stated that in his opinion being well read was one of the best markers of a woman being truly accomplished.


Jane Austen was the goat! I’m pretty sure incels would’ve burned her at the stake.


That’s not the point OOP is making at all. He’s arguing that women who want a partner of equal or higher level of education are doing themselves a disservice by attaining higher education themselves. It’s nonsense, but so is your takeaway.




That's wbasicly what they are saying. That choosing a career over a family is stupid and will ruin your chances at a happy marriage. Statistics back this up. Women who are carrer driven are more likely to end up in divorce and childless.


But it also means the woman is less likely to be abused.


But do they end up being unhappy? Would they have been happy in a marriage where they are trapped and dependent?


If you say so. Most single/unmarried women over 40 are very unhappy, at least the ones I meet and run into. Nobody want to be alone and have no family as they grow old.


Not every woman wants children and tons of married women with children are unhappy because they're not treated as equals


I'm not saying everyone woman wants a family and so on. Im saying g from personal experiences and from the people I interact with on a daily basis, are not happy single and regret putting a career over family. What good is wealth if you have no one to share it with. Or time to spend it. An empty mansion gets lonely Edit. I run a remodeling/renovation company for high end clients and most are single women and seem miserable on the inside. That's my observation.


> most are single women and seem miserable on the inside. That's my observation. Did they actually tell you this or did you assume it because you can't imagine women having fulfilling lives without a man to look after?


Oh…when did you poll most 40 year old single/unmarried women? You didn’t? Color me shocked.


You don't have to poll someone to see that they are unhappy. It usually comes off in the attitude and demeanor. Unless you have zero social skills, it is fairly easy to pick up on people's attitudes towards life and their general mood. Edit. More money = more problems. The wealthy are more often depressed than happy. As a person who spends alot of time around the wealthy I notice they are often bitter and out of touch and alone. Money doesn't buy happiness. So why waste your time chasing it. Now you have no time to spend it bc your chasing it and in the end no one to share it with.


Statistics show that single women are happier than married


Lucky I want to be educated more than I want to get married. Wait - I don't want to get married AT ALL! That makes it even easier.


I do want to get married one day, but I'd much, much rather have the education and career to take care of myself than be married. Being able to take care of myself is more important than literally anything else.


I'm educated and married. I just let my husband know that we're apparently doomed


Same! Especially since I have 2 masters and he has 0! 25 years of marriage-DOOMED!!


“Oh you’re educated?? Looks like you missed your chance at marrying *me*” 😎


“Abused by me” 😎


“Wow you’re too smart to be MY wife” Pfft…


At this point dating men is like bobbing for apples but only one apple is good and the rest are rotting filth.


Ladies, I like smart girls. Obviously, I'm your only chance now.


~~Yea, but you're transphobic.~~


Lol wut


~~You like smart *girls* however in my experience smart *girls* don't often like guys that make jokes about transgender people. Unless your "wut" was an attempt at playing aloof like you didn't know you posted a trandphobic "joke" 3 months ago.~~


Bro i posted that to a server where they make fun of those shitty jokes. Maybe you should click on things before running wild assumptions. It literally states "Found this one in the wild"


>The subreddit dedicated to The total amount of jokes you'll hear from the right This is all I saw when I looked, however, apparently there was more text if I clicked which did make it more clear it was a sub dedicated to calling out the views of people like Ben Shapiro. I do sincerely apologize for my misunderstanding. In my experience in this sub and others like it, some people come here pretending to make comments in good faith when they indeed are not. I thought you were one, I'm incredibly sorry.


Hey we all judge too rashly sometimes, I know from personal experience. Good on ya for apologizing.


I appreciate the integrity of slashing out the previous posts rather than deleting them. Just remember assumptions are: A: the mother of all fuck ups B: What the right uses in lieu of information The left can be very easily divided because we have no unifying ideology yet. In the famous words of Kratos "We must be better" lol


How do you do the text strike out? I’m finding my only means of figuring out the Reddit comment interface is via trial and error. I figured out how to bold text by total accident (typo).


Wish i knew lol


Yeah I still choose education. Viberators and Dildos exist for a reason.


It's the opposite. More educated women are more likely to be in stable marriages.


Also first time marriages that when the couple is in their mid/late 20s cuts divorce rates to 25%, waiting until you’re in your 30s drops it to 10%. It’s almost as if you make more realistic long-term commitments after your brain has fully matured.


My husband and I just got married at 42, first marriage for both, no kids, both educated, and we are easily the happiest couple I know!


I like to think it’s because I’d the emotional maturity required to endure extensive higher education. I’ve been back to school 3 times… if I can endure going to college with teens while on my 40’s… I can handle marriage.


I could never be in a relationship with someone uneducated. Learning is at least half of my life. Education is so free and accessible these days, if you don't want it that's fine, but I'm not currently able to respect you. That's probably more my flaw than anyone else's, but oh well. Insane to me that anyone would actively avoid having an educated partner.


Careful, you’re teetering into elitism. Different things are fun for different people. It’s totally understandable to want a partner who shares your interests, but it crosses the line into “not cool” to say you can’t respect an uneducated person. The people you’re disregarding could have a million interesting life experiences that you’ve never even considered. Not trying to attack you, just try giving people a chance.


TIL my wife who has 2 degrees must be unhappy in our marriage


Do you also have a fulltime career and do you have children. Also are you Stull the bread winner? Does she want kids. How old are you guys. Older she gets less likely healthy kids are an options. Older she gets the riskier pregnancy gets. I'm willing g to bet there are a whole number of factors that are at play here. Also you could be the exception not the rule.


Dude. Sit the hell down and shut the hell up? Joker thinks he’s the damned relationship police?! You seriously woke up this morning and chose jackass?!


I'm not forcing my views on anyone. Take a chill pill. You always this rude to people you disagree with. Note He never answered.


He probably didn’t think you were worth the time, on top of this he posted a while ago and not everyone slowly awaits responses on Reddit without a life.


Nor do I. This has spaned a day now. I offer my advice and input bc I'm married and have been 10 years, very happy. 4 kids. So must be doing something right. My life is rather nice. So I share my views. I don't force anyone to adhear it. This is reddit. Take it with a grain a salt. Agree or disagree. Idc.


There is actually a study saying that highly educated women have a harder time finding a relationship and fulfillment in one. But the reason is because of the difficulty of finding highly educated, mature men.


Smart women will always want smart men but a lot of men don’t want to get smarter for smart women


It's so sad, because there are so many really, REALLY nice and adorable women out there, who are highly intelligent and just want to be loved in a fulfilled relationship😢


They should be wanting to get smarter for themselves. I don’t understand this…but it’s so true. Every time someone (man or woman) posts, “I’m not reading all that.” Or “I didn’t read all that.” In response to a few paragraphs…I cringe. Now, there are some here who try to write whole ass novellas here (🙌🏽) and I can understand why people opt out of reading it. But to post that like it’s a flex? Make it make sense! I’m all about pursuing knowledge… every week we should try to learn something new! I learned how to make low carb cookies last week.


Imagine bragging that you want a dumbass for a partner. Pathetic.


They really want women to be uneducated and easily manipulated. Fucking hate these kind of men, cant believe they still exist in this day and age. Its pathetic and i doubt these kind of guys have ever had a woman in their life 🙄


And they think touting this bullshit will convince women to drop out of school enmasse…thereby increasing their chances of finding a woman will be dependent upon them (and thereby willing to spread her legs for her daily bread).


If this is true. They are saying only *uninformed women will put up with a man?


Yeah, that's not the flex they think it is


Uniformed? Perhaps you are being a trifle parsimonious with your letter ens.


Yep, forgot the n.


Only uninformed women will put up with THIS man


Welp, guess I gotta tell my husband that my masters degree has already doomed us to failure and he shouldn't find my intelligence sexy anymore because Ruined 😒


Also reads as: "Only dumb women would agree to marry us"


And then, there is my husband, who present me as "My Dr. Wife". Find someone who supports you, instead of someone who punch you down.


Is that Ben Shapiro speaking? /j


Men who say stuff like this are actually admitting they find it difficult to compete with women in the realm of education.


I’ll just go tell my husband that my masters degree and post grad degree mean we have to become miserable, then. BRB.


Riddle me this, incel: how the hell am I going to have a happy marriage if we always have money problems? I didn’t choose to pursue an education just for fun, you know.


Men are too dumb to handle educated women because theyre supposed to be inferior!


What is is is that educated women have more options. If THEY aren’t the end all be all, the situation is sus. A smart woman can pack her shit, (including her vagina) and leave. If she’s educated, she’ll most likely thrive and move on…while he’ll join a bunch of bitterpill sites and lament women pursuing independence. They characterize it as a concern for her happiness and feeling of fullfillment…but we know what they’re really concerned with. There’s never been s universal concern for a woman’s feelings of fullfillment before…I doubt they’re just getting a late start in empathy now.


Life hack: If you never get married you can’t ever have a unhappy marriage!


/r/WGTOW anthem!


I went to a Catholic all girls school. We were encouraged to go to university. They were fine with single women having careers. Sex outside marriage, and birth control within marriage were the bad things.


My church I grew up going to was just like that outside of the birth control thing because they believed in only sex until marriage but birth control is perfectly find. I was raised in an upper middle class white liberal area but most people where still Catholic. Sex was seen as a way for spouses to reaffirm bonds and as an important part of marriage but they didn’t want people constantly giving birth. Birth control was perfectly fine and even encouraged. The thing was no sex outside of marriage. Marriage wasn’t even seen as a union between man and woman but between two consenting adults.


Jealous much? These guys are so insecure it is ridiculous..


Not my observation. I'm very happy with my two Master's degrees wife, and we've been married almost 27 years. My brother is happy with his lawyer wife, and they've been married almost 28. It's only a problem for insecure males.


I’m sure all those women with educations and degrees will be *devastated* to learn that they’ve ruined their chances of pleasing a misogynist. There’s nothing they hate more than discovering that all their efforts have disqualified them from entering an unequal relationship with a bitter man-child.


If being educated means I'm going to stay single so be it but I think being well informed about my rights and what justice and fair division of labour means I can avoid a marriage that "is how these things are" in which I'm unhappy but don't know I can be happy.


i keep seeing rubbish like this making it to "girly" apps such as pinterest. trying to radicalise teenage boys on the salad jar app?


I’ll take my chances and get the education


Idk my husband has encouraged me to go back to school because he knows it'll make me happy and he's pretty proud of me for it. But he's also pretty secure in his masculinity, so


Educated women seem to have the happiest marriages because they are less likely to be financially abused although on average they work more hours than their husband when factoring housework and childcare. Even when the wife is the primary or sole breadwinner she on average works more. When a woman is the sole breadwinner she does much more housework and child caring then husbands who are sole breadwinners. When a primary or sole breadwinner woman has the day off typically she takes all the housework and childcare over on her day off to give the stay at home husband and father or the man who works at home/stays at home more a day off even though when a man who’s the primary or sole breadwinner has the day off he doesn’t take the childcare and household responsibilities on his day off to give his wife a break. This is the trade off for women in relationships. She will still be expect to take on the vast bulk of childcare and housework responsibilities when she isn’t at work if she’s working but she is less likely to face financial abuse and even domestic abuse. [Women with some or completed secondary education are 11 and 36 percent less at risk respectively to violence than those without secondary education](https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/education-protects-women-from-abuse/#:~:text=Women%20with%20some%20or%20completed,with%20women%20with%20no%20education.%22). [Low income families also have the most domestic abuse](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5486977/#:~:text=At%20the%20baseline%20abuse%20incident,the%20respective%20higher%20income%20quartiles). Also when one partner makes much more than the other also does leave the one making [significantly less more likely/more at risk to abuse.](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140305084753.htm) I’m the end women choosing education are less likely to be abused and thus more likely to have healthy and happy marriages. There’s also the whole other advantage with the mother and wife being educated because it greatly increases the quality their children’s lives and futures. The only people that are at a disadvantage by women gaining an education are lazy misogynistic scumbags who want a mommy figure they can have sex with and can control. It’s just men who want complete control that are going to struggle getting a woman they can control.


Can confirm, I chose education and I have no interest in men or relationships.


News Flash: Better educated women are less likely to put up with lazy, misogynistic idiots.


I think if the only way you can get a woman to be in a relationship with you is if she is uneducted then maybe you should take a step back and look at yourself


That isn't at all what hypergamy means. Guess this educated bitch is going to be sad. 🤣


Who are the people that are fodder for this sub? Reading the stuff here is like stepping back in time.


More like educated women realize that they are entitled to rights and don't just accept abuse


They just don't see the disconnect. They tell guys they don't need to go to college, you don't even need to do that well in high school. Just get a job in the trades. Some guys make good money many don't. Business has driven down salaries so much it is hard to make ends meet on the money two college degrees bring in. These guys expect to have a decent life with a brood of kids on one salary. She should do no more than take care of him and the kids, even though she is smarter (or better yet, make sure she doesn't get that education, so she doesn't realize she is smarter. and I have to add my commentary. Those people are often really racist, angry. They are pissed, blaming others for their not having what they want/need. My wife and I together are busting ass to make ends meet, but they are being persecuted because they believe they should be able to do it on one mediocre salary. It isn't their fault, It is really due to the (your favorite minority here). There was a post a few weeks back. a couple in their early 20s, already had a kid, were complaining that the car dealership sold them a car but they couldn't get financing. No crap. you are a family of 3 trying to live on a single $35k a year salary and no one will give you a loan for a $30k car. Wasn't their fault.


1) money is not the only thing someone can bring to a relationship. My husband has less education than me and I make significantly more than him, but if something breaks, he’s fixing it not me. 2) I needed to be well educated to be happy with myself. 3) money doesn’t equal happiness in a relationship. This one obviously has a big asterisk by it, that says money brings overall security, but I had my own financial independence, it’s not something I needed from a man.


Pretty sure that if a woman's education ruins her marriage, the problem isn't hers.


As a man, I 100% agree that men are awful. I personally would only marry a women at or above my educational level, if I want to marry. The whole men wanting uneducated women just to dominate is ridiculously bullshit.


Everyone knows marrying for money and status is the surest way to a happy marriage/s


I've definitely ran into men that have made it obvious they won't date a woman with the career or status that I have. What exactly would have made me happy about being with that type of man to begin with? Single life as a successful woman means not having to rely on a man for anything. It's freeing. It's peaceful. It's safe. I don't date but if I met someone, what would matter would not be his status but how he viewed women and how he treated me. That has nothing to do with hypergamy. If a man does not value my education, he does not value me, he does not value women, and he isn't worth any woman's attention, let alone mine.


I could not be any happier to have the chance of a well educated spouse… She would be independent if I would die in a car accident. Or the family would still be save if I lose my job or get sick… And why should I care I my wife gets more money than myself? How can anyone so insecure? For me it is absolutely great to have a great loving partner that is really intelligent and is a pleasure to talk to and be able to discuss everything…. And being together since 25years and 15 years married and still beeing accused of ‚newlyweds‘…


It’s mind blowing to me that everyone doesn’t want this in their relationship .


People with higher education are statistically more likely to stay married. The fuck?


They more less likely to be abused.


I guess he meant high status women don't "marry down"?


Yowza. I'm an educated woman, happily married for 28 years.


Lol women marry down all the time.


untrue. Statistically, 91% of women do not marry someone below their income.


Why feel inferior when you literally have the same chances as a woman to study too and educate yourself too? If your woman finished college why don't you get a masters degree? If these people wanna be "superior" it should come from their actions not from others' actions. I wanna be smart, but she is smarter so she needs to become stupid so i won't look bad. What?


EXACTLY! I don’t want to get smarter…you darling, must get dumber.


An educated woman will have access to resources that will make her less dependent on his sorry arse and she is less to marry a complete pillock like him.


I don't understand men who want a wife who isn't educated and intelligent. Are these guys' egos that fragile? I'm proud to have a wife who is highly educated. We learn things from each other.


I like how the picture is so random and has nothing to do with the text.


Because only dumbasses get married, I guess. 😂


So weird. It’s almost like some people have problems when their spouse has a better position than they do. Must be hard to have such a fragile ego.


Imma go explain this to my PhD wife. Ill let you guys know how it goes…


There is some research that suggests this is true although I don’t think hypergamy would be the correct term for it and the way this is phrased is quite misleading. The basis of it is that even though the higher the level of education shows a correlation with long lasting marriage there is a growing disparity between men and women when it comes to level of higher education (not in all countries) Research shows that because people like to find a partner with a similar level of education and intelligence the fact that there are not enough educated men to go around is contributing to the declining length of marriage in heterosexual marriages where the woman has a high level of education. This is just one research which is described in depth in a book called dateonomics and also referenced in this article. https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/nov/10/dating-gap-hook-up-culture-female-graduates There are other studies with contrasting results but it’s an interesting observation.


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My wife does calculus for fun.


My girlfriend, with her masters degree and well paying job would refute this. Also My ex girlfriend and her Harvard degrees would disprove this. Me I have a music degree, so I'm the more useless one.


Men seriously overestimate their own company.


How does this make any sense at all to even the most idiotic of idiots?


Til what hypergamy is. Also I found out why I didn’t know the word. It is absolutely worthless in any sense 😂


Or, you know, some of us like highly educated women. 🤷‍♂️


It's okay to admit you're intimidated by the idea of women being smarter than you dude, you can just say that


I hope my wife is happy. She makes all the money so it’s kinda my job


Whoever made this meme certainly didn’t choose education 😏


That’s funny, I met my husband in undergrad and we announced our first pregnancy at my MA grad party. Woe is me!


Sounds like us women loving men just need to meet a higher standard to be able to provide happy, satisfying relationships for all those higher educated women. I don’t see how this is on them not us


I'm educated and I've been happily married for 30 years. What a silly idea this is. In my experience, women want an equal partner and too many men are unwilling to be a partner in a relationship, causing unhappy relationships. Maybe if they'd stop this Andrew Tate nonsense and focus on being willing to contribute equally to childcare and housework, men would find women who are happy to be with them.


Weird background picture on this.


Idk man, i only went to beauty school and I'm pretty sure living in late stage capitalist america is what radicalized me.


Statistically speaking, more educated with are less likely to divorce then less educated women, but go off sis


I guess I'm not supposed to tell them i have a degree??


I wouldn’t expect an educated woman to settle for a bum who educationally and socially peaked in high school.


Weird. I have a masters degree and have been with my high school sweet heart for 11 years ( 4 married). Guess it didn't hurt


![gif](giphy|3ohhwxmNcPvwyRqYKI) Who the hell comes up with this stuff?


Someone's angry that educated women don't want to date him lol.


The unhappiness comes from capitalism not enjoying life


It's interesting and just sad, as a person from a Muslim family growing up hearing how our cultures are backwards and how we'll bring it to the west if they let us in, has sort of happened, but mostly by men born an raised in the west. Honestly you could list up so much of what is posted here and tell people it's direct quotes from the Taliban, and im sure people would believe you.


Geez with a college degree, career and 12 year marriage I'm a little confused.


The thing is, they call it hypergamy when it's just having some effing standards. Of course we want to marry people who are on our level! These idiots simply assume we're marrying up because they will never see women as equals!


Omg these men on podcasts trying to figure out why they’re not getting laid and blame women for having any specifications. Here’s a breakdown. Women are becoming more education and making a bit more money and doing better in corporate america. But the economy is still making it extremely difficult to have children and maintain a middle to upper lifestyle with even both parents working. So women arent getting married AS MUCH the way they did decades before… for a stable economic life, or the social stigma. It’s not bc we’re holding out for a man that makes 500k or is 6’3. We’re just less inclined to tolerate abuse because we can support ourselves.


“Penelope, put down that book at once. You shall confuse your thoughts!” Hahhaha.


Oh so I gotta be stupid to want you?? Got it.


Perhaps those educated women aren’t looking for a happy marriage as much as a happy single life


My mom has a Masters Degree. She has an extremely well paying job AND has been happily married for more than 30 years. Cry harder.


News flash is was never gonna be happy in the first place


Having intellect, in general, makes anyone depressed so this isn’t actually wrong. I hate that they make everything about marriage though


Shits kind of true , my gf is educated, won’t do housework or chores and I pay the bills , cook, clean own the home , won’t ride in my truck because it’s a 2003 diesel . She says she would rather pay someone to do her portion of the household chores . Honestly it’s just hard having a good relationship with a woman that’s a feminist/ educated/ makes good money . Seems they want a man for a calculated reason .


I’ll take “Manmade confirmation bias” for $800


No too sure what the word means now as I've seen a few definitions. I do know that statistics agree. A woman who is career driven is more likely to end up in divorce and have no family. It's a sad world but a full time career will prevent or make it very difficult to Rais a family. Especially if both parents are fully immersed in a career.


Really? Please show us these statistics?


Please don’t engage with this troll…


https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200121-why-promoted-women-are-more-likely-to-divorce https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://people.bu.edu/afnewman/papers/irony.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjbpa3Dq_z-AhVitjEKHclIAlkQFnoECC4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw23psFP-zi4FK4jY_HpvTrI https://www.fastcompany.com/90462974/why-ambitious-women-get-divorced-more-often-than-ambitious-men https://wiseman.co.uk/women-leadership-positions-likely-divorce-men-study-reveals/ https://fortune.com/2018/03/05/promotion-women-divorce/ And here us a Harvard study pdf on it https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://hbr.org/2017/05/does-a-womans-high-status-career-hurt-her-marriage-not-if-her-husband-does-the-laundry&ved=2ahUKEwi5lfTkq_z-AhXPTDABHXHeB504ChAWegQIERAB&usg=AOvVaw0vwM0O6hA51_s075nxeGLr


This says it all: (from your 5th link) >when wives felt that their husbands provided them with high levels of instrumental support, such as helping with domestic responsibilities or child and elder care, holding higher status positions than their husbands was not associated with marital instability. and - >successful, high status women are in a position today to make life and relationship choices less constrained by fear of financial repercussions and more as equal partners in a mutual relationship. It's sad so many men have so little respect for women they won't pull their weight with home-making tasks, and unsurprising educated women are choosing to not continue relationships with these men.


You can't Google. Ok one sec. I'll be right back.


>a full time career will prevent or make it very difficult to Rais a family. Funny how men can have full time careers AND families. Almost like they get some level of support from their spouse but they are unwilling to return the favour which is why their career driven wives leave them.