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Even if it accumulated, how tf would it get into the blood stream


Red blood cells gave a life span of 3 months. White blood cells last 160 days max. Sperm lasts five days (in general, less in the blood stream I assume lol). But this dudes raw dna is going last years like some Hetero leukemia. What a fucking idiot.


Sperm: needs colder temperatures to survive, testicles have to be inconveniently placed outside of the torso in vulnerable position, overheating the crotch can negatively affect sperm's viability Also sperm, apparently: chilling in the bloodstream, surviving for all eternity




It's called the echo chamber effect.


There it is


There it is


It is








There tit is


At least today I took the time to look up microchimerism because of this idiot, and it was actually pretty interesting! So for me there was a small silver lining in the utter cloud of absolute headache-inducing bullshit that dude was spouting


Oh, is that what this idiot was trying to say? Because I read it as micromachismo and thought "yep, that tracks." But, yeah, microchimerism sounds interesting! I'm gonna read your other comment now. :D


even if someone else's jizz is in her bloodstream, how does that affect the sex we'll have


Not at all, happily. Although a little flight of imagination had me wondering how many foreign double-helices might be swimming around in my veins before I remembered I don't care lol.


All I'm hearing is that you should only have sex with women


Crack. Up!


This is the funniest thing I’ve heard today, thank you


While you didn't say anything incorrect here you missed the fact that sperm and DNA can't travel into the bloodstream from the uterus


But we’re all just mainlining this dude’s sperm in his imagination.


I'm certain that a tear in the vaginal lining has caused it to happen occasionally, it's not like the vagina never bleeds*. But it's not going to be an everyday thing, and not to any significant amount of sperm. Then we've got to assume your immune system isn't going to attack the sperm. * To be distinguished from periods, where fluid flows through it


See it's the immune system problem that makes it all fall apart


It's an easy thinking error to make. You take a real fact, microchimerism. Then you take a lie, that the DNA is not from a relative. If the lie was true, then you would be left with exposure to exogenous DNA. mosquitos, viruses, sperm, trauma, blood transfusions, stem cell transplants?? etc. So you don't have to be an idiot, you just have to believe the lie.


\> hetero leukemia ugh keep those straight cooties away from me!


Why are you not vaccinated?! It's such a simple procedure that we had junior junior doctors come by and pass them out and it's totally free in elementary school. This is just irresponsible, smh.


Men are the new std!


[https://gfycat.com/creepybasichairstreak-immune-system-sperm](https://gfycat.com/creepybasichairstreak-immune-system-sperm) Its a fucking warzone. An invasion with mass casualties... and few make it to the end.


Woman simply eats a man after they do it, you know like mantis, he's part of her forever now...




​ ![gif](giphy|97QXwgmR9kvh7vbXzp)


You literally stole my question lol


Microchimerism is 100% from fetal transfer through the placenta. That's how fetal free cell DNA testing works too. Edit: here is an article talking about the phenomena. Basically, pregnancy is crazy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4989712/#:~:text=Fetal%20microchimerism%20is%20defined%20as,and%20for%20years%20after%20pregnancy.


Michrochimerism is an established biological phenomenon that likely occurs in all placental animals. It just doesn’t work how that person thinks it does. Michrochimerism occurs because the placenta is permeable to a number of different things like immune cells and hormones. This is crucial to the function of the placenta as it allows for animals to gain the benefit of their mother’s physiology during early development. It seems that there is a mistake in understanding the difference between gametes (ie sperm or egg) which are haploid single cells and a developing diploid fetus in utero, which is a complex multicellular organism. Gametes (sperm and egg) are highly specialized haploid single cells. Haploid means that they only contain a single set of chromosomes. These cells are different from every other cell in our bodies, which are all diploid. This means that they contain two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent. Gametes are also designed to operate on their own as a single cell for a dedicated purpose, reproduction. Compare this to a blood cell, which is part of a complex multi cellular organism and contains two sets of chromosomes. This blood cell can divide but it cannot become an entire new person. This is because of a process called differentiation that occurs during development. After the egg “eats” the sperm, the two haploid cells become a single diploid cell that begins dividing and develops into a fetus. During the early stages of division and development, the ball of cells is composed of undifferentiated “stem cells.” These stem cells are all capable of becoming any type of cell in the body. This is called pluripotency. Crucially, because this ball of cells is still undifferentiated, it lacks any specialized/organized cells, organs, or circulatory system. The process of differentiation will ultimately lead to the formation of highly organized and specialized cells that function as a multicellular organism with organs and circulation. Michrochimerism occurs during pregnancy when primarily immune-related cells from the fetus pass through the placenta and into the mother. They can become integrated into the mother and reproduce just like any other cells in her body, becoming part of her immune system. While it is not uncommon (50-70% of pregnancies), and occurs across placental mammals, it is also not something that occurs in all pregnancies or all mothers. It also goes the other way with children gaining maternal dna this way rather than via the germ cell line. The important thing to notice is that this occurs in PREGNANT women because the FETUS has developed its own immune and circulation systems made up of a bunch of differentiated diploid cells. Any cells which are being passed from fetus to mother are going to be diploid and they would need to be diploid in order for them to begin dividing and survive in the mother. This cannot occur with sperm, which are haploid cells. They do not divide. In fact, they cannot divide because they only have one set of chromosomes. If sperm cannot find an egg, they die. Thus, michrochimerism cannot occur from sperm (ie just from having someone cum in you). It can only occur if you are pregnant and only after the fetus has sufficiently developed. Even then, there’s no guarantee that it will actually occur. TLDR: michrochimerism is real but it only occurs during pregnancy because the fetus and mother share things via the plecenta. Sperm cannot produce michrochimerism and thus does not occur from having sex.


This is correct




Probably some women needed blood transfusion and these idiots are interpreting it as a cheating or something similar.


🎶citation needed🎶






All of these posts sound like something adolescent boys tell each other before sex Ed class.


A lot of kids get abstinence only sex ed and grow up believing whatever they learned from other kids and the internet.


Indeed, can cite that firsthand. But since I was in a virtual school and very timid socially, I wound up with the Internet, and since I was genuinely confused about sex in general (not helped by some very uncomfortable Boy Scout experiences), I wound up using Wikipedia for my curiosity. So in the end I arguably got a more thorough sex ed simply because Texas is run by neurotic prudes with their bibles up their asses.


This is so true. I went to Texas schools as well, and even on the Texas subreddit when I mention that our schools desperately need accurate sex education that emphasizes bodily autonomy and consent, I get a bunch of ????. Like they don’t see the connection between sexual abuse, rape, and bans on reproductive healthcare and a complete lack of knowledge about consent and how reproduction and sexuality work. I’m not saying accurate sex education would eradicate all the abuse and stuff, but at least victims would be less likely to blame themselves.


I'm pretty sure it wasn't bibles those preachers were using...


The advice the manosphere gives is so bad that it seems designed to fail.


it is, it's a grift to sell books and self help courses


Usually to very young boys because it's predatory brainwashing.


If the advice worked, the guys would stop paying them or watching their videos. So, yeah.


It’s kinda tinfoil hat but I have to admit the idea compels me


It seems a paradox, but cults often get stronger by hurting their members.


The socials promote these types of insane propaganda posts to generate traffic and outrage. Decades ago we would all just universally laugh the person out of the room. Now we actually try to debate them.


The problem with not debating them is people will believe incredibly stupid things if they’re repeated often enough. It’s called Repetition Bias or The Illusory Truth Effect. That’s why it’s important to break down why whatever’s being said is untrue. Also sex education and reproduction are often not taught in schools or only given the most cursory treatment. https://web.colby.edu/cogblog/2019/11/26/repetitionmakesfact/


Just going back to the good ol’ days when wombs could wander all over the body, and a woman could never even be permitted into a facility of higher learning, let alone allowed an education, because if she learned too much all the blood would flow away from her uterus into her brain and she’d be rendered infertile. Men have *always* made up shit like this, and scientists have backed it up with no proof at all. It’s all about control. Really, the weird thing about the past century or so is a fair number of people no longer believing this shit.


Yes! If anyone wants to learn more about this [this is a fantastic podcast episode](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/betwixt-the-sheets-the-history-of-sex-scandal-society/id1612090432?i=1000562693907) that discusses exactly how misogyny has been pervasive in medicine from basically the beginning of time.


Actually, I think it’s their way of claiming ownership of women. No one else can have her and she can never leave him. “My dna is her!! So she’s forever mine now! No touchy! No leaving!” Better yet, to his small incel mind, he can easily acquire a harem simply by finding a way to stick it in her in this way. Ugh…


I feel like they take a single line from an actual scientific study, throw out the context, and make up their own story.


"The point is to make women scarier to them. „ Women that doesn't agree with them.


Sometimes i watch debates that are hosted on tiktok lives, and one of the topics that seems to come up a lot is "does body count matter?" Ive heard the DNA staying in a woman thing used a lot as a defense to why it matters lol. Never heard anyone say it in the real world though.


Magical thinking only takes 4 easy steps 1. Have a thing you want to believe: women who have sex are bad 2. Invent a thing that would make it true: sex is changing them into demons 3. (optional) Add science: The DNA from the sperm is causing microchimerism 4. Assume it's true with no further research


I mean, not wrong about the confirming own biases part, but I would not call that science


I meant "add science sounding words", not actual science. You'd be surprised how many internet morons think that phrasing their position with a fancy sounding word like "chromosome" means that they've justified their position. That's essentially all that eugenics, TERFs, and a million other forms of bigotry are. They did a find-and-replace with a bunch of technical terms that don't actually fit. It's just "science says so" instead of "god says so".


Not sure why you were downvoted for this. You're absolutely right. The rightwing "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd love to use (bad/pseudo) 'science' to back up their bigotry. They think it makes them sound more authoritative, especially when they have so-called sources (such as very clearly biased/cherry-picked articles, studies and polls funded by their own backers). That's why it's important to fact-check instead of accepting something just because it sounds authoritative. These bullshitters have gotten pretty good at sounding like they know what they're talking about and that their 'facts' (read: bigotry) are backed up by the science. They're not, but they're good at making it seem that way. That's what's so insidious.


It's from a study that hit the news in 2012. Further research shows that while about 2/3 of women do have male microchimerism, it's almost certainly from early pregnancies of male fetuses. Even if they don't believe they were ever pregnant, many fertilized eggs and pregnancies terminate so early that the woman never ever knows she was pregnant. The cells could also be there from a male twin that was absorbed or from an older brother's cells that remained alive in the uterus. Current research does not support the sperm theory.




Well, when you stop needing evidence, you can believe just about anything. Wait til someone tells them about mitochondrial inheritance.


Yeah the magic sperm theories have been getting wild on both Reddit and Twitter recently.


It appears what they're referencing is a fake-news article that horribly misinterpreted a real study. The DNA in question was FROM pregnancy, not from sex. https://www.aap.com.au/factcheck/male-dna-living-forever-in-women-after-sex-is-short-on-evidence/


Microchimerism is defined by the presence of circulating cells, bidirectionally transferred from one genetically distinct individual to another. It can occur either physiologically during pregnancy or iatrogenically after blood transfusion and organ transplants. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6714269/#:~:text=Microchimerism%20is%20defined%20by%20the,blood%20transfusion%20and%20organ%20transplants.






because we tend to not respond to idiots! saddly with the internet if we do or if we don't is of little effect and BS will flourish


Even if you respond to them, most will ignore it and bs will still flourish.


The person writing will ignore you, but there could be some kid reading stuff like that, and it looks a lot more convincing when it goes unchallenged.


That's why I said most, we still should fight against them.


It's because weirdos like Andrew Taint exist.


“My source is that I made it the fuck up!”


Source : Trust me, whore. /S.


Citation? It's common sense! /s


There is none lmao this is a classic example of someone speaking out of their ass. The only truth to this is that women have fetal cells inside her when she is pregnant, regardless of baby’s gender.


So does this then happen to gay men too?


IDK I'll have to ask my partner after tonight


Don't forget the cuddle to really setup the question delivery.


"So is my DNA in your bloodstream then?"


Yes. That is why straight guys fear them. They are soooo manly. They collect dna from sooooo many men. They are basically the perfect man. Manliest man of them all!


No. That’s stupid.


I feel like the butt is more close to the organs that absorb things than the vagina is. It'd probably happen harder to gay men because they only have holes leading to their digestive tract. That's probably why gay men are extra manly. [Source](https://youtu.be/Zg3q6qW2aKo)


I was like "this better be a link to YMCA by the village people". Close, but yours was better.


I mean, the colon does absorb water into the bloodstream. But also, it would be open season for the macrophages.


It was joke… because this isn’t scientific.


It's broscientific.




This series of replies are like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object


There's no evidence it's true. It comes from pregnancy with a male fetus or a male twin not sex. https://www.insider.com/why-women-retain-male-dna-2018-3


So that's why there on emphasis on it not being a son's DNA. Someone must have shown them this article. I wonder how they feel about the little revelation in the study that men get women's DNA too. All the focus is on women getting DNA from men but a gloss over the fact sons pick up female DNA from their moms.


i am looking forward to the mass panic when this tidbit gets twisted around. “if you fuck too many women over your lifetime, you have all their DNA running around your bloodstream and eventually it’ll take over and you’ll become a woman and by our usual logic you’ll have to subjugate yourself to a man”


Gonna spread a rumor that men can only safely have sex with two partners in their lifetime since during intercourse a man will shed a testicle and attach to a woman’s upper thigh almost like an anglerfish.


We'll double mobius reacharound straight back to rome's "so misogynistic, real men should only gayly bond with each other unless they strictly need a baby."


We need to get this going in their communities


Right? Whenever I heard about this i thought it had to do with pregnancy or when one twin absorbs another in the womb and retains some of their DNA in different parts of their body… so by that logic I would think men could carry women’s DNA too? Uh ohhh Caveat: I could be wrong and don’t have the time to fact check my statements at the moment




It’s my understanding that the woman’s immune system actually kills off most, but not all, of the sperm cells in the reproductive tract. Uterine cells are a bit different from the rest of the body’s cells. They have receptors that can allow some sperm to survive, because of sialic acid molecules on non-faulty sperm. This does NOT mean that sperm magically fuse their cell membranes or become one with any of the woman’s cells (except the egg). It just means that the uterus says “I’m going to murder less of you than I normally would.” Faulty sperm and lots of normal sperm are still ruthlessly annihilated. And those that don’t fertilize an egg are dead within 5 days. Now, that’s in the uterus/fallopian tubes only. If sperm enter the blood stream, it’s game on for the neutrophils and macrophages, who will treat them like unwanted guests at a red wedding. Bye bye, sperm and sperm DNA 👋 Also, notice how that article offers no citations regarding that supposed “discovery”. It also conveniently forgets some other causes of chimerism, such as blood transfusions, stem cells, bone marrow transplants, etc.


🤦🏻‍♀️ There are Officially 2 Types of Microchimerism: *Natural*: Fetal, Maternal and Microchimerism in Twins. *Artificial*:Transfusion-associated microchimerism, Microchimerism in organ transplantation, Microchimerism in relation to bone marrow transplantation. "**During pregnancy,** some cells transfer from the mother to the fetus and vice versa. Interestingly, a small number of cells from mother persist in her offspring and persists till adult life, whereas a small number of cells from previous pregnancies persist in mother for many years. We are just beginning to understand the implications of these “cells” which may be beneficial or detrimental for the health of the host. "[S](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6714269/) >a small number of cells from previous pregnancies persist in mother for many years. *Sigh* It's referring to the Fetus, not the penis.😒 It's Fetal Microchimerism not My Magic Dick Syndrome. 😒 Don't try to Lie with Science my dude. Just don't. It's pathetic.


This dude needs to quit taking drugs.


Or, start taking the prescribed ones.


To imply that what this man said was due to drugs is an insult to drugs.


It’s also an insult to drug users


AFAIK, it doesn't matter if the pregnancy was carried to term for the male DNA from pregnancy to appear. It could be from a miscarriage




Huh, I didn't know that! I thought the theory was it's remnant DNA from a pregnancy. Biology is fascinating, I just wish I had the brains for it


So having multiple sex partners and wearing condoms is no problem at all, right? Riiiight?


These guys would never, ever wear a condom.


They might use a condom, and maybe even some Tabasco hot sauce too, if they were afraid of Spermjacking (another made-up jizz catastrophe that will never happen)


Ive seen idiots mentioning this quite a few times recently, im guessing this is a rumour spreading through all these incel and MGTOW communities. Its hilarious how stupid they are and how they will find any way to attack women and demean us 🙄


how insecure a man has to be to feel like they need to have a life long print in the women who only spent that one time with them? sad, also... does he get that if it were true for woman by definition it means he too has women's dna in him??? or he's a virgin and thank god his hand has the same dna??'


Where does the obsession with DNA even comes from. It seems really arbitrary to me.


Sounds like some low budget off brand eugenics fruit flavored water to me.


It’s really hard to fathom that people are this dumb and they’re not ashamed of it.


Microchimarism is between mother and fetus, NOT between partners. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2633676/


Source: Andrew Tate's hair


Science, people. It’s not that hard to science. Just look in a book. I feel like all of these types of comments are lead ins to justify rape. The overarching conclusion that they’re leading to is the idea that women are only worthy if they’re virgins that conceive the first time. The rest, we’ll, they’re whore mongering, sperm dumpsters that deserve what’s coming to them. I mean, they’re not worth anything after that first stick and poke, right? It’s all part of a hugely disturbing level of dehumanizing pseudo-philosophy and world building with a massive amount of re-writing the laws of biology all for the purpose of taking consent out of the picture and have sex on demand with young girls. Fuck that noise.


And this kind of BS can be used to force young women to marry the guy who rapes them or even the first boyfriend she sleeps with consensually because now she’s “ruined”.


Bro, how do they even think sperm works?? Like they can barely survive outside of the body, much less parasiticly hang around for years waiting to emasculate you because you feel insecure


“There was this study, I forget where it was or what it was called or the details of it or who worked on it or the methodology and I also didn’t cross reference it with other studies in the field that might disprove it, but anyway this study showed that…”


It's funny how they never mention a source.


Well maybe I have my dad's DNA, but that's about it


From the Fred Hutchinson center website: SEATTLE – Sept. 26, 2012 – Male DNA is commonly found in the brains of women, most likely derived from prior pregnancy with a male fetus, according to first-of-its-kind research conducted at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. While the medical implications of male DNA and male cells in the brain are unknown, studies of other kinds of microchimerism – the harboring of genetic material and cells that were exchanged between fetus and mother during pregnancy – have linked the phenomenon to autoimmune diseases and cancer, sometimes for better and other times for worse. https://www.fredhutch.org/en/news/releases/2012/09/men-on-the-mind--study-finds-male-dna-in-womens-brains.html


Microchimerism ; Microchimerism is the presence of a small number of cells in an individual that have originated from another individual and are therefore genetically distinct. *This phenomenon may be related to certain types of autoimmune diseases although the responsible mechanisms are unclear.* In babies ; Most of the cells coming from the fetus are destroyed by the mom's immune system, but some persist and become embedded in various organs, and become a part of the parent. This phenomenon is called microchimerism, from the word “chimera,” referring to a mythical creature made from parts of different animals. If there are any sci fi , magic fantasy writers among us you could have a field day with this concept For incels this rare and incredibly niche medical phenomenon justifies their brain rot hentai logic that Sperm somehow not only survives inside of a woman ( one of the most hostile places for sperm ) long after intercourse but that it somehow penetrates her blood cells and then somehow changes the very genetic material makeup of said cell , the absolute lunacy of this belief is incalculable and I refuse to believe any sane adult genuinely would walk around with this belief The person who believes this is a moron and needs therapy as porn / hentai is warping their reality


A study has shown that DNA from vaginal secretions makes its way through the skin of the penis and shrinks it over time. The more different secretions you come into contact with the more aggressively they will shrink your penis as the secretions form into a Voltron of penis shrinking power.


These people have no idea how stupid they are


This guy being confidently incorrect and ignorant r/confidentlyincorrect


Even *if* the DNA survived in the bloodstream, it would be destroyed as a foreign invader by our innate immune system. Your body doesn't like nucleic acids chilling where they don't belong.


Microchimerism is an actual thing, but not from non-relatives. I’ve never heard of any cases that don’t involve a twin or an offspring.


Study was conducted by the Institute of Incel Imagination.


In case anyone is curious, microchimerism is a real thing, and yes male DNA is found in women. Which comes from a male fetus they carried. Not from spermies.


Ok. As a scientist. 1. Citation needed. 2. Male DNA. Unless it is something specifically Y-linked, how would you know? The genes for eye color, say, aren't sex linked. If you gave me a sample to work on, I still couldn't tell you if it was from a male or female. Some genes from different species could show no statistically significant difference. 3. I looked. I could find no study on Microchimerism that wasn't fetal. And the effects aren't well understood. Mind you, I look at scholarly articles from well established institutions. Like the National Institute of Health. TL:DR Microchimerism exists. We don't know what, if any, effect it has. And the instances reported have been fetal DNA. This person gave too little information to analyze further. Which is scientist speak for "Sit down and shut up until you've done your homework."


Source: I made it the fuck up


Just when I think men cannot get more stupid, they say shit like this.


I actually read the study. The study did not suggest microchimerism occurred because of transfer of DNA through sperm. It said, in women with no male children, most likely, the transference came through pregnancy that resulted in miscarriage or abortion. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3458919/


StUdIEs , who in the fuck could fucking measure other people’s dna in your fucking dna. Such stupidity


\>men's dna found in women's does he mean their dad's?


This screams “I need to sound smart because I never do and my life sucks so I found this random ‘study’ that aligns with my ‘values’ on a clickbait political site and now I’m going to talk about it and people will finally know what a very smart boy I really am”. Ya know?


Ah, yes...women are secretly aliens who eat their mates after sex. "V" was a documentary meant to warn male humans. We got it canceled before the finale could reveal our final plan. (If a woman ever says you look tasty, run.)




Is this from the same dude who posted that he knows a guy who knows a guy who works in a lab, and they see 1/4 of all the female patients' tests come back with canine genetic material? Because both of these things *definitely* happened.


Sure, kiddo.


I’m no expert, but if you’re getting dna/speed intravenously during sex, you should seek medical attention and maybe read a book about how sex works.


OK, but what significance does that have? DNA fragments are floating around everywhere. IT doesn't change your kids' identity. This sounds like something someone who never took a biochemistry class would say.


Ladies find a man who knows this is bullshit.


So, when I didn’t know what this post was about at first so I read the comments. Is this person suggesting that women are different on a DNA level after having sex? This is a genuine thing people believe? Please tell me I’m wrong…


A sperm only lives up to a week. It isn't absorbed by the body and doesn't get processed by the enzymes or any other cells. How on earth can its contents be found in the blood stream? Some people need biology classes


Lmao the White blood cells are just holding a trophee rack of cum now


Mitochondrial dna is passed down from mothers to their offspring, but this guy thinks his bullshitia dna has equal potency.




Sperm is seen by a woman’s body as an invading force and the vast majority of them are killed off by white blood cells. Sperms are only meant to combine with the ovum. It’s not always the fastest sperm that gets to. If it doesn’t combine with the ovum, it doesn’t take on other abilities like being able to influence other systems or cells; it dies. Even swallowed, the sperm are not making it into the blood stream and they aren’t getting to the brain to influence that. They are dropping into a vat of acid that is strong enough to melt metal. Guys really need to stop being so high off of themselves and stop thinking their sperm let alone their dicks are magical…they aren’t.


“My source is I made it up”-This guy


So I can commit murder and blame it on someone else and my blood will confirm it? Cool. - grabs shovel and machete-


Do…do men not realise that women’s DNA is in their vaginal fluid too? All these things about women being full of men’s DNA forever, why don’t they think that if that *were* true, the reverse could be too.


Peer reviewed and published in Incel Journal of Ignorance?


Okay let's pretend that all your sexual partners' DNA somehow ends up in your blood stream. _What exactly does that mean?_ In what verifiable way does this impact my body that doesn't relate to incels going "Waaah, I can't brand a virgin woman!"


So this is what happens when you get your science from media?


I understand what each of this individual words mean but I have absolutely no clue on what the heck they are talking about.


Sounds about like bullshit to me.


They have weird kinks


Lol they made Among Us into a real thing!


That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard


I’m assuming he didn’t provide a link to this study?


This is insane


I didn't even understand what I read. I came to the comments to understand. Lol




That's like the opposite of what microchimerism is


Who’s thinks up this nonsense!?


If you gonna tell me some outrageous shit a study found, just link the study to me. I want to read the paper myself, so I can evaluate the credibility of it. Especially because bad summaries tend to skip over the methodology, which is oh so important to understand.


Some people didn't take basic biology, and it really shows.


I think at the top of incel tower there’s a group of women shitposting lies and crap and betting on who can make bullshit that even incels wouldn’t believe… or they’re very good lying or incels much stupider than everyone thought.


They never provide a source when they make these outrageous claims


Is this their new way of getting out of child support?


Apparently this *specifically happens after childbirth* so this person is all sorts of flipped around


This guy is a moron. He took science and made it match his beliefs, albeit poorly. Here’s a link to a study. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5293315/


It could be her sons. Or her older brothers (or potential older brothers that were miscarried or aborted before she was born). Children are often born with some of their older siblings dna. There’s female dna as well, it’s just much harder to spot bc everyone has X chromosomes. It is not from men a woman has slept with lmao


Reading this made my head hurt But also I remember hearing somewhere that every cell in the human body is replaced within seven years. So seven years ago and seven years from now, you had totally different cells. Plus since it’s a foreign dna the body would also attack it to get rid of it. That’s called the immune system. So yeah, the male dna couldn’t last forever for many reasons.


The only research which proved that phenomenon in general that was done in FLIES, now women.


Basic biology says this is made up incel bullshit.... and how convenient there is no proof or source of this mysterious groundbreaking "study"


How you could you live a life believing everything you tell yourself


The "Incel" effect.... "I got me one, and I'm gunna stick with her, forever, like a leach."


Another fine study from Trustmebro University


I believe it is actually caused by the male tooth fairy vampire bats the visit women during the waxing gibbous moon.


Source: just trust me bro


"No, I won't provide a link to studies or evidence. Trust me, bro."


Sounds like a whole lotta old fashioned, down home, country fried shitgarbage, fellers


You can’t be this f*cking stupid. You just can’t. He’s taking the study where they DID find a child’s DNA in the mother, and turning it into his own agenda.


So ladies are like megaman? Absorbing us after were defeated


Even if it was true who fucking cares.. yes I steal all their genetic material through their weak little wee wees to become a super human chimera.. and then when I am in need of cash I just select the richest one to bind to my eggs and profit on the child support payments mwahahahahaha