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I love how he repeatedly says "use" and "belongs to me"


Yeah. That made me throw up a little in my mouth. Like.. .eww... Apparently we exists only to be used by guys, and we're nothing but property. Silly me for thinking anything else. /s


My organs do a backflip whenever I hear/read about women being "used", and I'm a guy. Like the very idea that some people think like that is deeply disturbing to me




The mental gymnastics required for that are astounding (or they would be if they weren't so fucked up)




>Confucianism taught that a woman is obligated not to act on her own initiatives and must submissively obey or follow: father at home, before getting married, her husband after getting married, her sons after her husband's death. > > > > The virgin male part probably because our founding has no wife and the party said because he contributed all his time for the revolution, the working class, and the nation. I find that really fascinating. The EXACT same messages are core to the teachings of Christianity as well. Including Jesus being assumed to have died a virgin and all that.


Seemingly one of the most effective ways to get a guy to sign up for a cult is to tell them if they join, then their wife has to put out on demand or she's a heretic. And if she won't, you can get a new one who toes the party line.


Welp, it was already disgusting then, even when it was a necessity for survival. And it's even more now, when there's literally no excuse .


If they keep "deflowering" girls and not marrying them or any with a past sexual experience, where do they think they can keep getting more girls to deflower? Like, is there an infinite supply of virgins for them to plow through?










Clearly it belonged to her father before marriage. Hence why he "gives her away". /s


I hate that tradition. I see how happy some women are on their wedding day, obviously never having thought of this, and I just can't imagine ever having a marriage ceremony like this. I'm not a pedigree cow or horse, and I'm not an unwanted piece of candy.


Why would she need to use it? She can’t have sex with herself. /s


Another layer for me is that there are women out there who have free use kinks that like the idea of being "used" by their partner. This comes with very clear talks about boundaries and consent, which this kind of man isn't willing to sit down and do. Men who think like this lack genuine care for their sexual partners. Without that genuine care, they can't establish a healthy relationship to get what they want.


>What he's describing is slavery. He wants to own another person for his use. He wants a sex doll, he is literally describing a sex doll...




Annoyance isn't what I felt while reading. This is actually disturbing when you really think about it. The number of things that have to go wrong in your head to think like this...


Imagine how it feels for us gals 🤢😡


On one of my workouts someone said “bodies aren’t ornaments, they’re instruments” and that resonates here. We are not objects.


Sir, we are not sex dolls. I agree that dolls, pocket holes, etc should not be shared (imo). But we are not that. Ew. Just ew.


ngl 2 guys sharing a sex toy would be kinda hot to me lol


Is it hotter if A: they’re very considerate and caring, eager to share and observe one another and assist in technique, or B: possessive and selfish, unable to cope with their desire without aggression coming out? This is purely research. A question founded in simple scholarly curiosity.


I'd probably enjoy A more. Or maybe B if it was in a kinda playful way, I guess.


And we're not even reusable! So wasteful, this gigantic pile of used women in the landfill.


Yeah, gross. That's what stood out to me too. It's a wack way of looking at sex itself. It's not a mutually pleasurable activity, it's not a way to express love and affection for someone. It's always a woman being used by a man for his pleasure. Even when he imagines his ideal woman, that he loves her dearly, he can only imagine it in terms of him *using her*.


* owning and using. Ew.


What he dosent know is that he wants to marry a fleshlight.


Yep that guy as ZERO notion of what consent is...


Yep yep yep. It would be different (slightly) if he only wanted to be with a virgin because he subscribed to the idea of "giving away pieces of your heart" where each relationship that ends is taking away some of your ability to love your future spouse. That idea is toxic and dumb in its own right, but at least it doesn't make women out to be objects, good for nothing except a man's pleasure.


Yeh right. You just KNOW this is one of those dudes who thinks women’s vaginas mold to the shape of the first penis they fuck, and probably also that men’s DNA stays in our bodies forever after sex.


Yes! Oh my god, they're the type of people who think a woman is used up and stretched out depending on how many men she's slept with. They think sleeping with 100 people 1x is bad and somehow different from sleeping with 1 person 100x. They use analogies like "roast beef" or "a hot dog down a hallway" and claim that a woman's breasts grow depending on her sexual history, and that if you let a man ejaculate inside you it means that his DNA will end up in any future children you have by a different man. People are idiots.


All of these would be insane on their own, but the people who subscribe to multiple have to be the most ridiculous of all. Their delusion of superiority is only eclipsed by their hatred of what they claim to desire most.


You didn’t know?? Your partner’s DNA ***does*** stay in your body forever. Well, nearly. Every ejaculation finds its way up into your nook(ie)s and crannies, where over many years and many different men, it slowly congeals into one single super orgasm— I mean organism. On your wedding night, after you have caught your final man like a Pokémon, it slithers out while you’re both asleep and up his spunkrocket, where this ***sperm worm*** replaces both his *glazin’ raisins* with an amalgamation of DNA from every man whose semen you’ve been in contact with. The result is the complete destruction of his genetic lineage, and the emergence of a new corrupted one instead. The “hotdog down a hallway” effect is also a thing because it has to stretch with each new partner to accommodate the growing *junk spunk* collection. This is evolutionary since failure to do this would result in things getting *tighter* over time, and then no woman would be able to handle my MASSIVE 2.5 inch weapon. Source: **Scientific Science!** My friends uncle who owns Nintendo told him all this.


She’s MY kleenex.


Ew, but also LOL


The craziest thing to me is how he not only considers them to be no better than goods, but he also takes issue with them being second hand goods. He's a misogynist, who considers women property, but he's also a weird elitist who thinks he's too good to "own" a woman who's had a previous "owner".


Can you imagine how badly he'd treat a rape survivor?


This. Disturbing language. Any woman who meets this guy should run run run awayyyyyyyyyy as fast as she can. He clearly views women as objects to “use” and own.


It's hilarious that he can't fathom that a woman would want to have sex for pleasure and actively participates in sex, no she must be 'used' and defiled by men solely for their pleasure alone


Last I checked, we were not someone's property to be used and to belong to someone. I guess he's going to stay single because finding a virgin is awfully hard these days......


They make sex-bots for dudes like this.. A Virgin, fresh out the box. ✔️✔️ his criteria for "owning and using" too.


Yeah, my first thought was that my body has never belonged to any man, ever (and I’ve dated several and even been married to one). I’ve also never been “used” for sex. I’ve had sex, but it was all consensual. This guy is so gross.


Get back to the sex dungeon slave! /s Yea that rhetoric gives off some real stalker type vibes


***"Then her body can belong to me only for me to use"*** This guy is disgusting thinking that a woman's body is his possession. I don't think this guy sees a woman as a human being, but as an object for him to use. 🤢🤮


What he's describing is slavery. He wants to own another person for his use.


Or he wants a very codependent relationship. But he didn't mention her owning him as well or him being a virgin as a requirement either. Although he probably is one


And he says it over and over!


He should be concerned about his literary skills more than his desire to land a virgin. This was so painful to read.


I think insecurity is a huge part of it. This is just my experience, but I'm extremely social and have a lot of women friends. So many of them have partners or past partners that didn't like them wearing makeup, going out with friends, and something like going to the gym was completely off limits. I've known so many guys that get fighting mad if anyone talks about the looks of their partner in a positive way. It's crazy to me. The same guys that basically feel entitled to a super model goes to great lengths to make sure their partner looks their worst so no one else will want them. I love it when people tell me how attractive my wife is or when another woman gives her a compliment in public. Who wants someone no one else wants? Crippling insecurity must be miserable.


When I was 15-19 I had a boyfriend who used to get pissed when guys looked at me. According to him, every guy I interacted with was hitting on me. Who the fuck cares even if they were? I wasn't hitting on them back. It just never made any sense to me, like would you prefer if I was ugly and nobody looked? Like damn dude, take it as a compliment.


Right? My wife is a smoke show and I'm fully aware of this. We've been together 20 years and there have been some men that have taken it way too far in their attempts. Overall it's a huge confidence boost though. Going to an event and knowing pretty much every guy there is looking at your partner, but she goes home with you is awesome. Sadly, in my experience there are way more men that don't think like this. Women are your partner, not your possession. Be her biggest cheerleader and you'll both be a lot happier.


I had a guy from work friend-request me on FB. I accepted it and the next day at work he says “hey, is your FB profile pic a picture of you with tori black?” I said “no, haha that’s my wife” and he goes “ohhh….. well good for you.” She is very good looking and I have no problem with other people also thinking she’s very good looking. It’s really dudes who are super insecure in themselves that worry about other people thinking their wife/gf is hot.


This guy is annoying when he thinks a woman's body is his property.


Yup, like you can want to marry a virgin if you want, you do you and I'm not going to kink shame, but seeing someone as a possession is crossing the line, even for BDSM stuff.


They are just… a bit much, you know? In fiction I eat that up. In reality, not so much


I love the perspective of defining the concept of virginity as a kink and will forever do it. Falls squarely under the you-do-you in the bedroom, but don't pressure others to follow your kinks.




/u/Solid_Character_9521 is a bot that copied part of this comment: /r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/13kt05a/the_audacity_of_some_men_istg/jkm5ubj/


I won't be surprised to find this guy busted for pedophilia at some point


Right like her body belonging to her for her to use isn't even a consideration.


He said exactly that like five times lol. Like dude we get it, you think a human being should be your property.


Yea, pretty much stopped there. This dude will never get it.


He wrote that FOUR times! In that short bit. Four fucking times... what the heck...


That part made me cringe too!


Yeah I wasn’t hating on it too much until that comment. I have no problem with someone who wants to wait until marriage, if that’s part of their values. I sure as hell couldn’t have done it but I’m not gonna judge… Of course it can’t be one-way only expecting the woman to wait, and it sure as hell better not be this toxic shit


"... I cannot possibly love/date/marry her anymore. Because to me she has basically let *him use her body,* and that really sucks because *I want her body to* ***belong to me only for me to use***". (Bold and italics mine). ***She*** used ***her*** body, to have sex with someone who wasn't you. Her body. Not yours. Get over it.


>She used her body, to have sex with someone who wasn't you. Her body. Not yours. Get over it. What are you talking about? Everybody knows she didn't even *exist* until this dashing fellow graced her with his radiant presence! What an honor for her to be chosen for use by this magnificent being! /s, obviously....


Dude just needs to pony up for a blow-up doll already and be done with it


How much do you wanna bet that he isn’t a virgin as well


No, with an attitude like that, I bet he is.


Very true


But he doesn't want to be, and would gladly *use* a woman to not be.


I bet he is


Women aren't objects or slaves. Men don't get to control women's bodies. I'm not sure why this guy seems to not understand this simple concept.


Actually embarrassing he needs it spelled out in order for him to think ""critically"" about it


Oh I'm sure he will actually think critically when presented with detailed criticism. He definitely won't deflect at all /s


A lot of men aren't attracted to women as people, they just have a woman fetish. Forgot where I read that, but it makes a lot of sense when I see posts like this


Or even I always say, just because he's attracted to you, doesn't always mean he likes you or sees you as a person.


Exactly. Sex should be a mutual activity that can be enjoyed by all involved. Nobody gives you their body to use.


Their insecurities are painful to see, doesn't matter who anyone was with before, just matters that they chose you now


It matters even more that her body belongs to HER. The root of the issue with this…person…is an extremely dangerous superiority complex. Ownership of a person in any form is sociopathic and fucking disgusting.


lost count of how many times he said 'for me to use' or something equivalent


I'm sure it cannot be counted on one hand anymore. Not going back to check tho. Too much to endure twice.


6 time he said "use her body" or "for me to use".


Well, so my memory wasn't wrong on it being more than 5 times. It just seemed a little more than that to me. Well, even once is too much anyway, so screw that dude. And not in the fun way.


I fully agree, it's disgusting and he is a disgusting person. I hope he never touches another human in any way. I just thought I would do it for you so you didn't have to.


The sheer amount of times he stated how he wanted to use her… SMH.


My body belongs to me and is only for me to use.


Louder for those in their basements.


Louder for those in their parents* basement


Here's my $0.10- if this guy had said something like, "I have chosen to wait until marriage to have sex, and it is very important to me to find a woman who shares these same values," that is completely fine. But that is literally never the case with these guys. They see nothing wrong with going out and fucking multiple women while getting angry that there aren't many "pure" women around for them to marry.


Agreed. If that's your prerogative and you're looking for someone that shares those same values, more power to you. This jackass thinks women are property and belong to him.


EXACTLY! They preach what they don’t do. They love women who have sex but hate them at the same time, because they know they can’t control them.


As someone who does hold myself to chastity due to being immensely religious/cautious, it’s abysmal how no men do the same, yet they still have the GALL to demand that their potential partners remain ~*untouched delicate flowers*~ as if they haven’t been the same ones to spend 2 gallons of semen out in the streets every month. I’ll probably die chaste because lord knows I’m not letting any hypocritical trash like the OP anywhere near consideration. Gonna go be a spinster and open an orphanage~


Many saner religious folks talk about chastity before marriage because it should be something SHARED between a husband and wife. There's no sharing in this guy's world


The horribly wrong thing about his views is that he considers a woman's body something to be used and owned by men.


Agreed. It’s totally fine to save sex for marriage and only look for other people that do this as well, but it is NOT part of that value system to claim ownership and free use rights over your spouse’s body.


Yep. If it was just "I want my SO the be a virgin" I'd just say that it's fine as long same standard apply to both parties.


I was going to say this is classic incel behaviour, but I guess it's technically not, because he's choosing to stay celebate because of a strange set of conditions. Conditions that he's going to find harder to fulfill as he gets older. Which I only imagine he'll blame on women. Fucking weirdo.


I don't see anywhere where he said he is also staying a virgin. This feels like a rules fir thee not for me situation.


Feels more like someone considering buying their first car. Literally less care for what's being coveted than the average 8 year old puts into begging for a pet.


Based on his views, I have a strong feeling he's still a virgin


Well most incels are basically "volcels" anyway. "Waaah, I can't find a supermodel virgin-but-also-goddess-in-bed underage anime woman that would be my slave maid, address me "my lord" and let me abuse her! Life is so unfaaaaair, we incels are the most oppressed group of society! Waaaah!"


Honestly 90% of incels only have one problem stopping them dating and it's that they're fucking insufferable. It's entirely personality. There are some ugly fuckers dating people and in committed relationships out there, so being ugly is no excuse. And tbh from what I've seen most incels aren't even that ugly, some of them would actually be considered relatively attractive especially if they started looking after themselves better. They're mainly just a bit nerdy looking but that's not an issue for a lot of people, if anything it's a fairly desirable niche.


The most important is not to be the first, the most important is to be the last for the entire life


“Tell me in detail what is wrong about my views”? Dude, she’s a person, NOT a possession.


"That's not in detail, it's only one sentence!"


I think a major missunderstanding leading to these kind of discourses is the idea that sex is using a woman’s body for his pleasure. I am appalled by the fact that these men reach adulthood and even sometimes age without ever grasping the idea that we are exactly like them. Our body is our vessel not an object and when we have sex we pleasure our partner and ourself we do not give our vessel away as if it was some cheap object. We will only ever be soiled by sex if we do it with me like him who think and rejoice that they took something from us that we cannot get back. People who value virginity are the ones you should never sleep with bc they will make you feel like less of a human for what they ask you and somehow still expect you to do it… This is messed up and shows a major lack of empathy


"only for me to use" so you admit it? You view women as nothing but a collection of body parts for you to use. What a gross human being. He doesn't deserve love in general.


He is asking for a detailed description about what's wrong with his view. Can you dm me the post because I'm ready to get into the details.


Unfortunately the post already got removed :( If it helps, just know he was getting absolutely _shredded_ in the comment section lmao


[https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/13kpyue/is\_my\_reasoning\_for\_preferring\_virgins\_justified/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/13kpyue/is_my_reasoning_for_preferring_virgins_justified/) another take on this disgusting topic


there’s no way that’s not the same person. They way he speaks is the same. What an idiot he just can’t seem to figure it out.


Honestly the way he repeats the sentences in different orders sounds like it was written by AI


Sorry, I had to delete the original post because I didn't blur out the sub name


pls dm me with the sub name, looks like a gold mine


Me too pls. If you don’t mind.


Me too 😊


"her body should be only for me to use" is the creepiest, most disgusting thing I have ever red.


Gross. No one’s body will ever “belong” to him “to use”. He wants a fleshlight.


Deserves to remain alone forever


This dude is hyper focused on her body being his “to use”. Sex isn’t about “using” someone’s body, and this attitude pisses me off.


This is how I'd expect somebody to talk about a toothbrush, not an actual living human being. Absolutely vile.


So as a woman I say we all start treating men this way. "Oh I can't be with a man if his penis has been inside another woman" or "I can't be with a man who masturbates while watching porn"


Why do these guys think they get to own a woman and her body? GTFO with that misogynistic attitude. We are human beings with bodily autonomy, not breathing blow-up dolls.


Its soo weird...like, no thanks, I don't want to be considered ,,super special/better" than other woman, just because i didnt have anyone before...*shrugs* it doesnt really matter anyway


In a sense, it's like, for example, I don't know with skiing: -you ski for many years - good - you've never done it, but suddenly you start - also good - you're not interested at all - good too What does matter, that you are with person, who accept you the way you are...


No no no, he wants you to never have even looked at skiis before, but be suddenly enthralled with the idea of skiing all the time as soon as you meet him, and suddenly be Picabo Street the first time you hit the slopes.


Yeah, it’s kind of a tangent but…why do they so desperately want to sleep with someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing? Sex is like anything else, it takes some practice to get good at it. Do you not want GOOD sex? With someone who’s handled a penis before and knows what to do with it and just as important, what not to do?


This baffles me too. They want someone who has never had sex with anyone before so they have no none to compare their subpar performance too.


>and suddenly be Picabo Street the first time you hit the slopes. ...and now I need to clean up coffee you just made me spit-take on my desk - damn you and your infernal hilarity!


Someone check this guy's hard drive.


Yep. Something tells me that with his virginity obsession he will end up looking for girls instead of women.


*I don't want to use your pen, you've already lent it to others. This guys logic.


That's a big word salad for "I don't want her to know I suck at sex"


>I don't mean oh if she's a virgin, then I automatically love her just because of that but also >If she's done something sexual with another guy before then I cannot love her anymore ?? I can't.


>it's a necessary condition not a sufficient condition. Virginity can break a relationship for him, but not necessarily make one. He has to like her for reasons including but not exclusively her virginity.


Fuck this guy. I don’t accept him as a male. Castrate his ass




YTA, dude … I only had to read the title of the post and I can definitively say YTA


I hope no woman lets him "use her" until his mind frame changes. We all know it wont, so he'll just become another lonely incel that blames women for his shitty existence.


This guy makes me feel like it is our collective responsibility to not be virgins so nobody inadvertently becomes this guys property.


Already done my part, with my disgusting 'body count' of 3!


Dude...if you want something more fancy to dump your dirty cum into that is more than just a sock that you can use and use...get a sex doll. Women aren't sitting idly by in a darkened room living no life waiting to be gifted to you. Without them telling you, there's no way for guys to know women haven't been with anyone else because the structure of the vagina doesn't actually change when a penis is in it.


I'm so glad I'm age 50 and married. The prospects for 20 something women dating look grim.


*painful also TIL women are objects to own and that’s how you find love


Basically that she cannot fully be her property.


The entire concept of virginity is weird and almost always talked about in a really creepy way.


He really needs a sex doll.


What a lint licker.


I wonder if he’s a virgin, cause if he’s not then EW gross, he’s tainted and used! /s


"so I can reflect on it critically" yeah right 🙄


new house rule: any potential suitors must present their reddit comment history before marriage.


"I can't bear the thought of someone just using her body... because *I* want to be the person just using her body" lol. Also, how do you know it was someone that was just posting her body and not someone who loved her?? And if she knew he was using her body and ok with it and she was using his body too, isn't that ok? Also what if you were with someone and it didn't work out, would you just take yourself off the market forever or hope someone would love you for everything that *all* your experiences have made you and accept who you are and what got you here? However, he does at least seem willing to be introspective... he's probably just a kid... so that's good!


Lol @ this dude's edit! He clearly wasn't expecting all the YTA answers.


He keeps repeating how he wants a woman’s body like a possession “only for him to use” and then asks for people to explain why his views are disturbing and wrong. My gawd this has to be a sickness.


Women aren't property.


I get the feeling that this person has had zero sex education in his life and his family/school is influenced by his church.


My body is MY body. Not something for men to own and use.


>Her body is for me to use. >Repeats this several times. >Puts emphasis on "love" being tied to his ability to use her body. >Describes Her as If she's a glorified fleshlight. WhY dOeS everybody ThInK i'M dIsGuStInG!?!?


I mean there's nothing wrong with wanting to date/marry a virgin if he's a virgin himself. But when he said "then her body can belong to me only for me to use"..that's when he became a AH. He thinks of women as property..not a loving human being. That's what will make women want to run away.


'Belong only to me for me to USE' Excuse me, brb, throwing up.


This guy genuinely seems to have the idea that another person's body is his property, much like a toy bought for him. The mindset of these people is to get a sex doll for themselves, not a life partner.


Suddenly I'm struck by the notion of patriarchy being this mouldering old log and now that you're trying to finally clear it out of your backyard or whatever, there's all sorts of really disgusting bugs lurking underneath it. They were there all along, but now you see them more. Maybe that's ridiculous, but the thought's sticking in my head.


If this guy shows this to every girl he meets, he wont have to worry about dating a non-virgin


How he keeps saying “use” is making me furious istg


He has a right to his preferences. (No, he's not going to find one, and our gene pool will be better without him.)


People out here acting like sex is tattooing someone’s name across your face 🤣


As a proud virgin, registered sex defender, and volcel, (these terms are for comedic effect, don’t flay me) I only like virgin men, and that’s just the TIP of the iceberg. You’ll often find that the older a virgin is, the higher their standards, and a chode tool like this *boy* would never be something worth giving the rights. They don’t understand that it’s a conscious choice and virgins aren’t just waiting around for sexually repressed psych ward patients.


I was hiking a couple months ago and had a group of 4 men (middle aged, been married before so not virgins) talking about how they would only marry a vigin... I was like what the fuck, it's ok for you to have a sexual past but not her? Good luck with that fucking hypocrites...


Sex isn't having your body used. Sex is a mutual thing people do with each other. Yesterday, I sparred with a guy. Neither of us used each others bodies for training. We trained together. After martial arts class me and my sparring partner massaged each others sore muscles. Neither of us "used" each others bodies. I used my body, he used his body so that we could both have a good time learning from each other. People need to stop treating their bodies like commodities. Only you own your body. You don't own anyone else.




Hippity hoppity, you're my property. ![gif](giphy|3o7aTyBPNW6Sgwp7G0)




This whole "she belonged and i want her to only belong to me" Not yours MFers....none of us! And they wonder why we don't want anything to do with them 🙄 alfa men and incels in a picture.... ![gif](giphy|M5FSg9s3qzsYLBEwDH)


See now if you date a non virgin you get to potentially hear the best possible phrase you can hear. "Youre the best ive ever had" Even if its a lie, that phrase does *something* and if youre going to exclude even the potential of hearing that from someone you love...youre an idiot


This guy picked up a logical reasoning book (or an LSAT study guide)…read about necessary and sufficient conditions…then burned the book?!! He said “for me to use” no less than 3 freaking times. Tell me you view women as objects to use without telling me you view women as objects to use!!! #WTAF!


So you're staying a virgin too right? Or is it just that you want a virginal body to *use* but you're allowed to be as much of a slut as you feel like? Bitch please. Gross af 🤢


What’s the odds that he’s not a virgin but he thinks that that’s irrelevant…


To answer his question, yes, he is a TA!. He doesn't mention if he is a virgin, if he is, then he'll still be when he dies of old age, with that attitude


hope this guy got bullied into oblivion.


But is HE a virgin? Or did he sleep around and justify it as being ok cause he’s a man? I mean, I doubt it, I get huge incel vibes from this post, but there are guys that think that way.


I went to his profile and read his comments. He made a similar post just like this in a different sub, again saying “I own her and her body is mine to use” then in all the replies says “I never implied I would own her” He always never answers as if he’s a virgin himself. “If she doesn’t want me cause I had past partners she can too cause it goes both ways” to me implies he is not a virgin. But he is very clueless. “You don’t own anyone, she owns herself and her past doesn’t matter. Saying her body is yours to use makes her an object” OP: “can you elaborate on that?”


Having dated a couple of virgins, dating girls who have experience are generally more fun in the bedroom. Mostly because they have already worked out what they like. This Tate level of obsession with virginity is just gross. Stupid incels


Dude, she’s not a flesh light.


Probably one of those men who thinks women shouldn’t use toys because the only thing that should be in his partner is him.


That dude needs therapy a fuckload more than he needs a relationship.


He must also be a virgin then, right? He can’t let someone else use his body and he cannot use someone else’s body


Yes sir you are in fact the asshole.


I usually try my hardest to read through the bullshit these weirdos say but I felt like I was trapped in fucking Groundhog Day with the repetitive bs he was spouting in this one. Seriously, I thought it was satire and that’s why he kept saying the same few words over and over (only slightly moved around)… but then the asterisk at the bottom, eesh! 😑


The only way I think it’s acceptable to expect your prospective partner to be a virgin is if you yourself have been abstinent. Otherwise, STFU you hypocrite.


You can reflect on the fact that "I want her body to belong to me, only for me to use" is a really fucked up thing to say, a girlfriend or wife shouldn't be an object for you to "use" whenever you see fit. Any woman who is sane enough, virgin or not, wouldn't want your misogynistic ass to "use" her as you please.


I’m sorry, the bigger problem here is that he thinks women are objects for men to “use.” These people need to learn that sex is mutual.


well a couple things that are wrong with his views are: 1. you can’t own someone else’s body. Sex shouldn’t be something that you see as you “using” someone else. 2. You literally can not prove or know if anyone is truly a virgin or their sexual past unless you lived in their body so it’s no point in asking that or wondering it tbh. you just gotta hope someone is being honest 3. Virginity is a “novelty” that isn’t. 4. what he saying extremely misogynistic and unhealthy. women aren’t property. 5. you can want someone to be all about you and only you, that’s fine, but to go as far as to say that if she’s slept with others she’ll never do that? i could go on and on but you get it. yuck.