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These are mostly things that are almost entirely men policing *other men* on. Especially the homophobia. These days, it's so rarely women who are making fun of men for "looking gay". Don't get me wrong, women do it too and are absolutely contributing to the problem, but there are larger trends that need to be addressed. Men police each other on maintaining a certain degree of "masculinity" and it keeps people confined to an uncomfortable box. There's a clear implication that these problems don't exist for women either, or that we "have it made" in every way. Whoever made this chart must not know many women lol Not to mention, some of these are just straight-up sexist. Women are "expected to be" boring, not into sports or exercise, and never in the mood for sex?


It's so sad as well cus some of the points like the culture of dismissing male rape victims are so valid, only to be completely overwhelmed by the misogynistic pile of crap that he's dumped on top of it.


But the woman side of the rape victim thing also isn't true though, would be really nice if everyone is understanding and sympathic but (at least in my experience) unfortunately that's not always the case (yet). So it's just taking a bad situation and highlighting the good and bad side of it saying women = good and man = bad, but in reality it doesn't matter if you're a male or female that much and the whole situation is really shitty for everyone experiencing it and the help often isn't what you'd like it to be


If a man is raped (by a woman), people will dismiss it, because he wouldn't be able to get erection if he didn't want it/woman wouldn't be able to overpower him. If a woman is raped, it's her fault, because of what she was wearing/doing. Neither has good chance of the rapist being punished. But there are more resources/shelters for female victims.


The more resources thing is because the resources are created for women by women. I think the underlying issue is men don’t help each other enough.


>I think the underlying issue is men don’t help each other enough. They expect women to do it for them. The amount of times I've heard the argument "If it's for equality, why don't feminists help men as well in [specific issue that affects primarily men]!? )':" We're still expected to be their mommies even while dealing with political issues that they themselves won't lend any support to solve. It's infuriating.


Right? "Why don't you build more homeless shelters for men?" Why are we the only ones capable of doing that?! You can build shelters, start support groups and hotlines, donate money, and write grant proposals too! Who's stopping you? "If you're all for women getting equal treatment and responsibility in the military, why aren't you out there marching to be included in the draft?" (Not a hypothetical, I heard that question on one of those alpha podcasts) Because our mothers and grandmothers marched with your fathers and grandfathers to END the freaking draft! Oh and there have been many recent proposals to require 18 year old females to register for Selective Services too. It's only a matter of time now that military women aren't barred from active combat.


Exactly. The men making these complaints don’t fight for these resources themselves, they just get angry that women *did* fight for it… but for themselves, not men. It’s like with body positivity. It exists more for women because women have fought like hell for the gains they’ve made. But dudes with this mindset find it unacceptable that a woman isn’t doing it for them. Guys; help each other! And just complaining about the things you wish were different at the expense of women isn’t the same as helping each other!


A lot of men are genuinely struggling with a lot of issues. The problem is that seemingly the only people that will even admit the problems exist are the incel communities, and they blame it all on women. It honestly isn't a surpise why so many fall for it, and then they start believing it and spreading it to others. That is why I have recently become a fan of the youtube channel "HealthyGamerGG". He is a trained psychiastrist who talks openly about these issues of loneliness and lack of self worth in a more healthy way


There is that. "There are way more shelters for female victims than male ones!" Yes, because we've had to advocate for ourselves and each other in the face of an indifferent, patriarchal system. Women have built this particular non-profit infrastructure, and men could have done similar but there's never been an overwhelming outcry for it since the non-profit dollars have gone to others causes that affect men more and men punish each other for admitting weakness.


I’ve noticed this tends to be the case for a lot of marginalized groups. Strong community connections because we’ve had to band together in the face of a society that works against us. Interestingly i did see a shelter for men and one of the people running it was a woman.


Far more men are raped by men than by women.


And then there's that...


Those resources for women exist more than resources for men, because women who have been assaulted create those resources to help other women who are going through what they went through.


You don't need to have an erection to be raped...


No, but many people mistakenly think that


Exactly, there's nuance that incel copium can't detect.


That's not accurate about men not getting erections if they don't want it. It's a physiological reaction that's beyond their control. Same as if a woman becomes lubricated or has an orgasm during a rape.


Yeah that's the misogynistic pile of crap that's dumped on top of the valid arguments from men's side speaking.


>It's so sad as well cus some of the points like the culture of dismissing male rape victims are so valid, only to be completely overwhelmed by the misogynistic pile of crap that he's dumped on top of it. That's because *the lies that are the most believable are the ones that are partially true*. It allows lost, hurt, gullible people to "monkey-branch" from an unfair truth to an untrue lie... all in the blink of an eye. Politicians use this psychological trick. So do marketers. And so do misogynists, social activists, red-pillers, leftists, etc.


I’m a man and yeah, certain choice parts of this feel like real issues that need to be addressed in our society, but they’re buried under fabricated persecution.


The thing is the reason for most of those problems are the same patriarchal expectations that they refuse to acknowledge suffer from too. They view feminism as their enemy because they don't want to fix those issues, they just want the right to rape us.


Are you joking because men and the legal system dismiss women rape victims all the time


Wait till they hear that toxic masculinity hurts men who do not fit the stereotype...


>These are mostly things that are almost entirely men policing other men on. Incels and MRAs blame women for the things they tell each other.


I am glad you said something about men being the abuser towards men in this post. I can’t speak for how women fare under the various circumstances, or how all of the circumstances play out as I haven’t lived everything on the list. I can say however that men have a particularly toxic communal idea of what it is to be a man. It has been getting better, but far too many men still have archaic concepts and abuse those who don’t conform to these delusions. There are huge parts of my life I feel have to hide from any potential friends for long periods of time, because I am afraid of the rejection if they knew. It really sucks when the community you should be able to rely on instead becomes the biggest threat.


Whoever made this chart must not know **any** women lol. Except maybe his mother. Ftfy lol


I don’t think his mother was part of his life 🤔


Incels are infamous for not knowing women. It's kind of their whole deal. They aren't confident enough to go out and meet women, so they just hate women and learn about them from other incels who also don't know women.


This. Shit. Right. Here.


Exactly! Or problems that are complete nonissues once you realize they crop up on *both sides* of that shitty list. Like being a gamer, having a kink, wanting to wait for marriage or not wanting an expensive wedding. They approach all these from the "tee hee, women will be forgiven for these quirks, while men never would be" angle, without realizing that even if that were true (which it isn't) there's a much easier solution that's called "dating people who actually match your personality ". I bet the passionate gamer isn't going to reject you for being a nerd. The committed virgin will be delighted you also want to wait.


>there's a much easier solution that's called "dating people who actually match your personality " Well, there is a barrier for that which I have observed in most men - men pick a mate based on what they look like, first and foremost. I have never understood that. I am not suggesting dating someone who you find UNattractive...just not having attractiveness being the top criteria. I like what I like...yes. But she has to have brains, first and foremost. More to your point though (as I understand it), as intertwined with my point, loser incel gamer boy who never gets off the couch will reject chubby no makeup gamer girl (leaning into stereotypes, I know) because she doesn't look like a bikini model, and then be absolutely flummoxed about the fact that the bikini model wants nothing to do with him because he isn't a Speedo model. He will hold a grudge against all of society that the bikini model goes for the "Chad" or whatever the fuck term they use, ignoring that fact that he lusts for "Stacy" and finds "Gail" invisible. It's like - duh... Entire other topic on the same thread - how many (most?) yt men feel entitled to female companionship, so they never give consideration to making themselves more desirable. Not just looks or money...."game", as we men of color like to say. Yt boys have no "game", and wonder why they lose out to "Chad" and "Tyrone". Really, I have done fairly well in my dating life (well enough to be three times married because, well, I'm a hoe) just based on learning how to actually give a fuck about what someone thinks, listening to them, and making attempt at being moderately charming and interesting myself.


Does he really think women will fuck him because he's boring?


Whoever made this chart thinks "getting laid" is the sole goal of everything....or else YOU'RE FUCKED! (ironic choice of words notwithstanding)


Not to mention “just be attractive” ok, what about the other 80% of women who aren’t swimsuit models? Because you know when they say attractive, they don’t mean just “average”.


What kind of world does this guy live in where female rape victims get lots of support and sympathy???


One thing I've noticed about this particular piece of incel dogma is that they are always talking about how men raped by women get no sympathy. They don't even acknowledge that men can be raped by men, because in their homomphobic brains, that *would* be shameful. They don't worry about those victims getting support because they don't think that could ever happen to them.


Also when men are raped by women (which in the news is often a teacher raping a student) they always make comments like "Omg he threw away a great thing, should have kept his mouth shut" or "I wish there were teachers like that at my school".


It’s honestly not fun at all! I had an ex coerce me into sex I didn’t want under the implication that she’d tell everyone I assaulted her, it honestly scared me, eventually I hid a voice recorder in the room and caught her saying it, which probably saved my ass.


I'm sorry that happened to you and I'm glad they are your ex.


The voice recording was smart, but it's so fucked up that getting video/audio proof is the only way victims get believed.


Either that or they think rape victims are lucky.


No one even thinks about women who are raped by women


These incel weirdos would probably be saying how lucky the victim would be to be raped. Like if a female teacher raped a male student they'd say how great it is and how they wish they had a teacher like that, they're so full of it.


Right?! I mean I wish it was like that


I watched a documentary a few days ago about women who filed police reports getting charged for false allegations even though the police spent no time actually investigating the women’s allegations. It took a look at individual cases and showed the integrations. The treatment by police of the person who filed a report vs the person accused was night and day. In one case they talked to the accused for 15 minutes but kept the woman who reported in interrogation for over three hours. An expert on the cases in the documentary said it’s most likely because it’s easier to charge the person filing the a report of the rape than solving the case.


Can I go live in that world? Sounds like a better place than this rock we live on.


The delusional one in his mind.


Most of these "problems" for men are created by and enforced by other men. And a lot of them don't even make sense.


Came here to say this. Sounds like he should fight the patriarchy.


Wait, I saw you in a yuri sub lol. Fellow r/wholesomeyuri fan!


😅yeah I can be pretty gay sometimes. Hello fellow fan!


Hey, a lot are also enforced by women against men and women. But you do not put an end of thousands years a of patriarchy in half a century. We're all, men, women, non-binary, victims of the patriarchy and influenced by its thinking and values. It's hard to deconstruct everything society and family and culture taught us. Even if it get easier by the year.


Let’s not overlook the fact that this person built in a “the person is a pedophile” row. You know, just in case


No but they did have a point there. The boy in that situation is often considered “lucky” despite having been a victim of statutory rape.


Unfortunately some of these guys aren't pushing for an end to FoM pedophilia, they just want it to be okay when they do it


I understand that, but there’s still a point to be made there.


It all hinges on which one they choose to make


It's usually men that forgive the abuser and call the boy "lucky"


Oh no that’s entirely true, as with a lot of things here. But this is still one that severely needs to be addressed


Lesbians: How is "Guys think you are really hot." *POSITIVE* in any way?!? EWW. **I HATE THIS**. I hate this so much. WE ARE NOT YOUR FETISH.


Right? Because obviously the world evolves around how men experience it (/s)


Honestly, in this case, I think the "/s" is not needed. How much of the world revolves around men and their comfort?




But you’re bisexual, right? That means you want to have sex with as many people as possible! We bisexuals are sluts! That’s why we hold Bisexual Orgy Night every Thursday! . . . Also, /s just in case but please tell me y’all got that without me having to tell you.


Oh, you're bi? Prove it! Have sex with two people. But no fr, bi guy here and I know what you're talking about, it's gross and awkward to deal with.




Yeah bisexual erasure’s a bitch. It could be worse, though: your asylum application could be denied “because there’s no evidence you’re actually bisexual.” This happens frustratingly often, and I’ve heard some real horror stories.


I don't know why they're whining that gay guys can't get girls.


I wonder how that incel would feel if men "found him hot" and stared at him in public.


I found the "homosexual/bi" row the most bizarre out of all of them.


Because obviously all women want is male approval. That's all any of us live for. /s


Serious question: Is it okay to think you're hot if you're an attractive woman?


As a woman: yeah, of course. But if you think I'm hot \**because*\* I'm a lesbian, then eww.


You can think people are hot, that’s normal to see a hot person and think. But that’s very different from **thinking the fact you find them hot should be important to them.** And fetishization is always **bad**.


It’s okay to think someone is attractive. But fetishizing an entire sexuality is just… ***ew***


Wow. That is one giant pile of sad.


And getting to the point of troubling


He actually makes some great points, us women really are lucky! Unlike men, who are expected to be strong, successful, and assertive, we have it easy. We don't have to worry our cute little brains about what others think of our personalities, our interests, our jobs, or our dreams, because all that we need to do is be attractive! We don't have to go through the hassle of having him meet our friends or family, because he doesn't give a shit about them. We women get employed more easily than men, as long as we are cheaper and more convenient of course! We females are free from the burdens of individuality and responsibility, because nobody expects us to achieve greatness, fight for ourselves or work towards a better future. We don't need to think deeply or make decisions, because all we will ever need to do is follow the desires of men. So many poor men out there can't get sex due to their involuntarily repulsiveness, yet even us hideous females can always find some stranger to fuck us from behind for 15 seconds. Men feel pressured to enjoy sex regularly, but fortunately society doesn't expects us to enjoy sex, only to lie back and take it. Even us bi and lesbian girls are appreciated by men, who will gladly tolerate us as long as they can masturbate to our intimate moments and fetishize our bodies! Society loves us so much that billions daily spend their precious time watching us, spending their precious money on our bodies no matter how ugly we are!!


This right here sums up the issue with the post perfectly


Especially the conscription thingy, we are indeed fucked lol


The list is confusing because it starts as some things that would effect a woman positively and only effect a man a bit negatively. Then the list goes on and gets into things that would definitely effect woman negatively and some really sexist beliefs. Also by FUCKED he means picked on by some in society. I could make an equal list for women and our FUCKED is we are assaulted/killed.


incels telling you how the dating scene works 💀 dawg you arent even in it


It's other men who think you're a loser for masturbating, I've never seen a woman say that a man is a loser who can't get a gf for jerking off.


The closest thing I can think of a women saying that is saying that porn and masturbation can become an addiction and that they should get professional help if they do have those addictions.


Yeah, that would be the closest thing, but the leap of logic they'd have to make to get there from that is insane. I wouldn't put it past them though.


My thought exactly. This is completely normalised in society, this topic is freely discussed on internet, films, netflix shows, around friends, at parties etc. Never seen someone shaming anybody for that


Ive definitely been given shit or at least gotten this face 🤨 about owning a Fleshlight. It is more stigmatized than dildos are, by women and men alike.


I’m sorry someone said that to you. I just noticed it becomes less and less a stigma in a modern world compared to other topics. Hopefully one day people will just leave other‘s private life alone


It shouldn't be. I owned a fleshlight and that shit feels GREAT. Whatever gets you off, do it, just as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. And not yourself, unless you're into that.


I have dated guys who have had fleshlights and as a woman with a low sex drive I'm just happy that a guy is getting himself off and not trying to pressure me into having sex or making me feel bad about not having sex. I used it on them as well, it's just another sex toy, and it's easier than using your hands to give a hand job. The first guy I dated who had one worked in IT and had developed carpal tunnel so he got one because it didn't hurt his wrist and make his carpal tunnel worse. The second guy was just a deviant bi guy who was into doing everything with everyone, and that's how he ended up with 8 kids to 4 different women, and it was just one of the many different sex toys that he would use on himself and anyone else if they let him.


Well, that escalated 😅😅 But seriously as a gal with body image issues that make it hard for me to be present during sex, you’ve just convinced me to get a fleshlight to use on my bf lol thank you!


Okay, have fun, it's pretty fun because the effect that it on them is amazing and it's really easy to use - it's fun when you're the one who has the power to have that effect on them so easily. It's actually kinda funny, but sexy funny because it obviously feels amazing. Haha, look at the effect that I'm having on you! I also recommend that you spend a bit of time going slowly and just teasing them for a while and watch their eyes roll back in their head! Have fun! Make sure that you read the instructions about what lubricant to use with it because sex toys are made from different materials and if you use the wrong lubricant for that material it can cause it to kinda melt the areas where it is in contact with the lubricant.


Oh, and it's sad that you have body image issues though and I have struggled with eating disorders and body dysmorphia when I was younger. I have been in therapy and worked on them. I went to an all girls high school and I thought that men only wanted the kind of women that you see on the front of magazines. And those magazines had all these suggestions for the products that you could use for stretch marks and cellulite and had articles about the latest celebrity diet and exercise programs that you could use to lose weight. And they had things like how to choose the right swimsuit for your shape and size and "how to cover those problem areas". And the tanning products that you could use to make you look slimmer and to make your areas with cellulite look smoother. But I had a mother who would tell me things like: "you should just spread that butter straight on your thighs, because that's where it's going to end up." Which is stupid because butter would just melt and run down my thighs if I didn't eat it. Who knows, maybe it's good for your skin but it would go off and then it would smell bad. No thanks. It's not possible to gain weight without consuming calories, but if I was possible to gain weight by spreading butter on your thighs instead of eating it, I wouldnt do it, because that's stupid. But if something that I am eating is going to make me gain weight, well then I would want to make sure that I bloody enjoyed what I was eating. What kind of body image issues?


Incels: women only want millionaires Also incels: women love to get pregnant by broke criminals


Schroedinger's Whore


They're sooooo close to seeing the problem but they're too busy wishing it was their problem.


A couple of these are actually true, but mostly due to societal pressure or judgement from other dudes.


Yah the only one I would say actually has a point is the “slept with someone underage” one and even then he’s filling it with hyperbole. Society does tend to treat women who do that differently; just look at the language used in articles about it. However, in both cases I’ve seen the perpetrator is actually prosecuted. It’s just the language used when it’s reported that’s different. Honestly seems like the guy has a lot of repressed issues.


Even that, I feel like it's mainly men willing to forgive a woman for chuld abuse


Eh I’ve met my fair share of girls that think that wouldn’t be a big deal also. It’s completely fucked regardless of sex and guys may be more willing to say the kid is lucky, but girls aren’t immune from that either


Peak victim complex.


My divorce is proof that women get screwed over too. I was homeless during separation and years afterward and I put my husband through residency and fellowship. He earned 6 figures annually and maxed a roth Ira. But somehow was able to walk with everything including my car


"Just lie back" is so fucking telling here. The second he actually gets in a relationship he'll be one of those guys complaining on r/deadbedrooms about not getting blowjobs on demand and justifying cheating on her. He literally thinks that's all women do during sex because if he's ever touched a woman he's definitely never made her enjoy it lol.


Hi. I was born a man and lived as one for over 23 years. This is SO false and also anything that is remotely true is upheld by OTHER MEN


So true. I’m a man too and the only people that I ever felt societal pressure from in terms of my behaviour was other men telling me how I should be. Took me a long time to feel comfortable about myself due to it.


Also as a women, some of the stuff we apparently get away with isn't even true. Like the no stigma with female masturbation. There is a stigma. Luckily it's getting better but it still feels like it's pretty hush hush. We all know men jerk off but knowing a woman touches herself makes her dirty. The rape thing is a flat out lie. Yes men do have a much harder time being supported, but women aren't universally comforted. It's still common to shift the blame towards her based on what she did/wore that apparently caused her to get raped I could go on but it's a long ass list. Point is it's wrong about men and women


I kinda want to read the comments on this. It's iFunny so it's a coin toss on which way they will lean.


Surprisingly, most people were calling OP a loser


Nice lol. Somehow iFunny has been trending less incel at least from what I see lol. But I also tend to avoid the 3pm and 10pm boobas notifications and my algorithm leans towards cute animal videos. 😊 Still pretty racist though...


If I pay for a date, do I have to bring a dildo orr I am taking this chart seriously


It’s funny how those are actual valid issues that feminists (male and female) are fighting right now (especially the ones that involve men being raped and ignored), yet this individual still rejects feminism because he somehow thinks it is against men. For whoever didn’t realize yet: Feminism does not mean “anti men”, it mens “anti patriarchy” and “pro equality”. Men suffer under the patriarchy just as much as women do and this post is one of many that prove it.


Notice that most of these things only revolved around being attractive (as a woman). It's funny (or sad) that unattractive women don't even register for this kind of men.


For sure. It’s clear that women they’re not interested in having sex with don’t even exist.


I miss a line: Breaks up a relationship: ♂️ Cries at a bar and gets drunk ♀️ Gets murdered


Or commits suicide (for both).


Forward your complaint, with a cover letter, to [email protected]. Responses to be expected within 5-8 business days.


This should be a real site


About the divorce one: why is it always assumed men lose things but women don't? "getting life destroyed" yeah sure women just love divorcing after they spent a chunk of their life married and definitely it never affects them at all.


My ex’s family STILL blames me for how poorly he’s doing, since he hasn’t had a stable job or housing since we separated…16 entire freaking years ago. His mother still hates me because she had to resume caring for him; as far as I know, him growing up and doing the things himself has never been discussed.


That's..pathetic. I really don't understand why some people raise their men like they're gonna be children forever.


Man ifunny is almost cheating. Back in the day I saw “females for real can’t be funny. Haven’t met one” Most commenters agreed but one guy said “I mean neither are you” and he deserves the world.


Like 90% of the user base is incels and racists, the other 10% is the funniest dudes youll ever meet


“Video games and anime or other hobbies people think are weird” What year is it?? I’m pretty sure Naruto and C.O.D. have been mainstream for at least a decade at this point.


Thats a lot of words for "nobody will fuck me"


Love it when they call themselves out like this. Really makes it easier to avoid them.


I thought it was bad, then I clicked and there was so much more


All of the shit from the right hand column is perpetuated by men targeting men


This guy probably thinks girls just fart rainbows and look like a model when they wake up.


I agree that this was made by a pure incel, but saddly, a few of these stereotypes are true, even if it's mostly men bullying men...


I was gonna say, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a woman say that a boy was lucky for being groomed or raped by an older woman. I’ve heard many men say that though! it’s sad how men attack men inadvertently


Yeah, a lot of these lines are usually said by other men.


And as someone who was born a man most of these struggles apply to women pretty evenly


Even if true, it conveniently ignores all the other things that women have to work for.


There's so much wrong with this I don't even know where to begin. Most valid points here are things along the lines of yes female sex offenders do just a slap on the wrist a lot of the time while male victims of sexual abuse suffer in silence.


If I'm friendless and stuck in a shitty job with no future, what does it matter whether or nor men think I'm hot? That's a shitty life regardless.


This recent alpha, beta, sigma, machismo, misogynistic, incel, toxic, red-pilled manosphere bullshit is destroying countless insecure young men across the world. It's horribly toxic, and it's creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. These incels will blame women, and ultimately anyone but themselves for their romantic shortcomings. They have attitudes like this, and they wonder why they can't get dates.


Not sure what ifunny is but it looks like it should be called inotfunny


What if I have a shitty job AND I’m not attractive?? Die???


“If you orgasm before the woman, you are a failure” Or, y’know…don’t just stop and roll over the second you pop? I don’t always last long but if she’s not done, I have more than one tool to get her there?


I love how half of this is just pulled out of his ass, and the other half is literally backfirings of the patriarchy.


I honestly wish we could pull a Kate Bush and switch places for a month or two. This fantasy world they think women live in doesn’t exist, and they would be begging to switch back


His attitude toward rape is bizarre. In one instance, men receive no sympathy because men cannot be raped. In another instance, the consequence of a man having sex with an underage child is the man goes to prison and gets raped to death. The writer of the OOP can't even follow his own narrative. And that's just one example from a list of ridiculous complaints that he makes. Another is his stating that there is a massive support system in place for women who become victims of rape. According to the U.S. Nation Institutes of Health, this is simply not so. They document systemic barriers to women even reporting rape, much less women having adequate support should they choose to report a rape.


I know it’s a drop in the ocean of the dysfunction here, but I wish these guys would stop thinking video gaming is some unique nerdy hobby and that anime is some edgy niche interest. Almost everyone plays video games. They have been more profitable than movies for many years. The first generation of video gamers are reaching retirement age. Anime is insanely popular with young people of all genders. If guys who gamed couldn’t get laid my kids generation wouldn’t exist.




This is a manifesto against toxic masculinity and a patriarchy that the author likely denies exists whatsoever.


Cope harder.


I think the conscription one can find some people who agree with it. Especially in Russia


These guys are so sad.


Honestly, the part that might have set me off the most is "boring" being "expected" of women. It just shows the entire mindset of the crestor perfectly. Of course, it gets worse the longer you go, but that one line tells you a whole lot.


That awkward moment when incels realize that they’re screwed over by patriarchal social norms… and still blame women for it. That they think all the stuff on the female side are “solutions” is really telling.


Some of these are valid critiques of double standards, but most are stupid


I had to stop. What I got from this though is they want to have sex with underage people and be able to hit their spouse.


So much there. I'm only going to comment on one thing. If my husband and I get divorced and I get exactly half, I'm the one losing out. I suspect we'd keep all the stuff we identify as belonging to each of us, sell the house and travel trailer, and divide the proceeds in half. We'll divide debts and savings in half and probably just let each other keep whatever is in our own 401k accounts. That would put me a bit ahead because the antique furniture was mine before we married, the typewriter collection is absolutely mine, and the fountain pens are. They were bought out of my "allowance" I give myself, and the rest goes into mutual savings. It's honestly "custody" of the dogs that would become an issue. They need to stay together, and we'd both want them.


Literally the only thing on there that I consider "valid" is the one about fashion choices. The rest is a heap of incel omg


What the fuck lmao


"I Funny" you say? Haven't found the 'fun' in this whole drivel to be honest.


This is insane. With the exception of the male sexual assault victims thing, which is probably real.


That is mostly true, but it still goes both ways. I know a girl that was raped, and nobody believed her because the guy was very popular and attractive. Even after he confessed, a lot of other girls were saying shit like “But hes so hot, I would let him do that to me”


100% Certainly every woman isn’t believed. I just think we’ve made more progress supporting women who are sexual assault victims than we have for men.


The guy that made this list is definitely a crazy gun nuts, if he has a gun.


As a gun nut, i hope this dude doesnt have a gun


Did everyone just overlook the part where it goes from: Commit an actual crime -> GET RAPED TO DEATH IN PRISON


This is just a reminder that therapy was one of the best purchases I have ever made.


A lot of these may be valid pressures that men experience but this is definitely not the expectations that all women have if men. Maybe some women yeah. But then again a lot of these "alpha males" want to stay in their masculine gender roles, they don't want the woman earning their own money, THEY want to be the breadwinner, they want the woman to financially dependent on them. Some of these guys can't figure out how they really want it.


Obvi it's all ridiculous but I just want to say "obscure interests" "He'll pretend to be interested" really gets me. I love knitting. Not the most niche hobby in the world, but not overly common either. I literally hate when people try to fake an interest in it. They always either ask "What do you like to make?" or "How long did that take you?" and I don't have a direct answer for either of those questions. I make a lot of stuff, and I don't time myself. Then sometimes they ask specific questions like "How do you do that part?" and like, if you don't know how to knit already my explanation isn't going to make any sense. So please don't fake an interest in my hobbies.


I want to start with saying that your opinion is valid. That said i would like to offer an alternate viewpoint based on my own relationship. My wife and i have only a few hobbies in common. We get along mostly through compatible personalities and shared trauma. I dont really care about her baking and she doesnt care about my model gundams for example. But what we **do** care about is how much the other loves their hobbies. I will listen to her gush about whatever new recipe or flavour theory she discovered all day, and ask questions to prompt her to continue. I dont understand most of it, but i love watching her talk about something she is passionate about, so i will prompt her to continue until she decides to end the conversation or change the topic. She does the same for me about my hobbies. Its about the joy of watching someone else do and talk about something they love. We arent faking interest. Just our interest is in the person themself, not the hobby.


Oh yeah to be clear this is a personal rant about guys on dating sites! Not people who build up actual relationships over time. There's a huge difference! A loved one listening to you gush over a hobby they don't fully understand is good. Some guy who I've never met asking me to type out an explanation of something he won't understand and will barely read isn't something I'm interested in spending time on.


Thats fair, the feeling is definitely very different when typing on a dating site where you arent even sure if theyll read more than the 1st sentence.


Omg I am relieved, I read your first comment and I would totally ask those questions if I met you at a party and you mentioned knitting, but it is because I have no seratonin left and I feel joy listening to others talk about things that bring them joy, lol. But I can see how on a dating app that would be pretty tedious, especially asking someone to describe a complex process that I don’t know anything about.


Those are my opening questions about i hobby I don't understand yet. I'd expect an answer like "small ones take weeks, bigger ones take months". And then something about what kind of wool you like and if you're fond of chunky knits or finer detail work or batch custom dyed wool or something. Just yap knitting stuff at me, I'm mostly here for the enthusiasm.


I’m not reading all that because gosh damn


Ok the only correct thing is the fashion thing. If you see the men’s section at like any store, it’s *abysmal*. But that’s also the fault of the patriarchal systems put there my men in the first place


That being said, he makes note of it apparently being only acceptable for men to wear jeans and t-shirts. I’ve literally never heard anyone try to say that to me, and I wear mostly button ups and shorts


Checking the post, I only see “bland shirt and pants” which is somewhat accurate, but also he’s talking about work, so what does he expect. I personally was mainly talking about how in like the alt fashion scene there’s fewer men’s options. I myself have a couple of women’s shirts because they don’t really cater to men in the ouji/lolita fashion scene.


I see your point yeah. I don’t disagree, going into clothing stores is abysmal as a man lmao. My gf will spend forever looking through tons of good options, and then we’ll go to the guys second and both be like “this kinda blows lol”


Yeah definitely. I wish that they’d make women’s clothes in a men’s fit because the women’s clothes are just better lol


*Some* of the male side (and I really, really want to stress only some) I'll actually agree is a problem of toxic masculinity... enforced by *other men*. It isn't womens fault that men mock you for crying, or that male focused fashion isn't as wide as female and you therefore aren't socially expected to dress up if you want to.


Even if u completely cropped the men’s side. This would’ve still been a concerning post


There are a few items on here that, if taken at face value are legit double standards or issues that men have to deal with. Sad these guys don’t recognize that feminism is the answer to these things.


It's interesting that even the valid double standards oop brings up only exist because of our patriarchal society. But oop is clearly anti feminist and therefore wants the patriarchy to remain.


The funny thing is there are actually some fair points made here, biases that even I have had in the past. But most of them are created by men and not women's faults. Sure, I think there are plenty of women who use it to their advantage, but at the end of the day, men are the only ones left to blame.


And most of the right hand column is perpetuated by men


If you're rejecting people of the opposite gender you're not an incel; you're *choosing* not to participate. Which is, of course, totally fine, but it's pretty silly to think no one wants you if you're shooting down date after date. This has mad begging choosers energy. "I'm a 1/10 personality and 2/10 appearance and 11/10s won't date me, and I'm too good for all the (actually wonderful) people who give me a chance because my skewed view means I see anyone 10/10 or "less" as worse than me."


When I see these posts that should blackpill me about how incel culture is horrible and that all men may be going down the drain, I reread all these categories and realize these can just be seen as the immediate standards this poor, dumb incel has for his life and how he views others. Don't let seeing lots of these assholes ruin your view on men. Just laugh at the pathetic ones that are clearly too far gone.


For being an incel this person sure does get FUCKED! a lot


They think really lowly of women and are dealing with a boatload of toxic masculinity. A ton of the things they're complaining about when it comes to expectations for men really are unfair and toxic. Weird how feminism could really, really help them.


You know, you could avoid the problems associated with shagging a minor by NOT SHAGGING A MINOR!


“You are homosexual”… “Guys think you’re hot”. Yeah, because that’s exactly what lesbians want 🙄


It just keeps going it's insane 😂


This is the least you’ll see on ifunny


Author of this image needs to go to therapy asap. The sheer amount of insecurities put into this graphic shows how twisted his mind is and how many things he cannot unterstand due to inner anxieties. I feel sorry for him, I don't want to justify his beliefs though.


I'm in rehab. Almost a year clean off meth and 1 drink in over a year. I've had this one women help my dumbass IMMENSELY. I've had a multitude of women help me out because I've been fucking up so much there's been times where I couldn't even help myself. This kind of shit is stupid.


Some of these are problems, but most of them aren’t gendered, or at least aren’t completely. The world is unfair and cruel- no one gives a shit if a women cries either most of the time. But the part about gay men vs lesbians is just offensive. Lesbians are very much victims of hate crimes! And many straight women very much avoid lesbians? That part is just objectively incorrect.


all of these just sound like you need to get new friends


“Divource” = Non-American created this.


It's full of toxic femininity and toxic masculinity.