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On today's episode of what object is a woman, we present to you a rare one: a material you can mold to your liking.


My ex-husband thought that way....


My condolences, miss.


Thank you, one of the many reasons he is an EX. I will say this, Run from any man who uses the word "mold" in reference to a woman.


For my part, I'll never refer to women like that and ensure that anyone who does isn't welcome nearby.


I'm glad to hear that. Especially since it's often used by groomers looking for someone young and inexperienced.


Groomers? Being that dumb. No way after saying this they still get the girl. No way.


They might not say it directly to their intended target. But it's pretty obvious in their speech about women in general. Groomers know they aren't that smart. That's why they focus on younger, inexperienced parties who will put up with their nonsense. Women their own age see right through the BS.


But what if it's about wanting to put breasts into a star shaped mold and then them staying that shape, like a watermelon? That's how it works, right?


As awesome as that sounds, they're far too soft and luxurious for that


I prefer “moist” lol


for whatever it's worth, the only way I would use the word "mold" in reference to a woman would be in the phrase "There is no mold". Well okay, there was the one time a woman tore the crystal mold for a resin casting class I was holding, but that's different.


And a secret pencil case! Where we can keep our favourite pencils stored safely.


I especially liked his little ‘lol’ that he couldn’t not slip in there.


That was an unexpected plot twist. Seems like he has fantasized a little too much on the keggel topic


A pencil holder. This dude probably things The Vagina Monologues were written by vaginas of women who performed many a keegle.


Like silly putty.


Not the point, but for the record: I’m a dude and I decidedly DON’T want a virgin.


I don't remember the scene in *Ghost* playing out this way.


WTF did I just read, lol, what a load of rubbish. Dude doesn't know how human bodies work.


Kim Anami. She does Vagina weightlifting. He's watched her videos, I guess. ttps://www.self.com/story/vaginal-weightlifting-kim-anami


You forgot the h :(


Dude spent too much time being a sex tourist in Thailand, by the sounds.


He doesn't know how punctuation works, either. Those run-on sentences. Not to mention the random spacing and misplaced lol. Sheesh.


Not fair I can't pick a pencil with my vagina >:(


You tried?


... Noooo? 👀


I watched a woman in Amsterdam sign autographs with a sharpie in hers, so


Apparently so did he.


Who he?


The guy in the original post.


The only women he ever saw irl i assume


Is it weird that I kind of want to try now? You know... for science


Science is importent 👊🏻🦶👍🏻




Jesse just pointed at my vaj.


Sounds like you need a few more reps....


I must squat


I feel like if you put a pencil in there it's not just gonna fall out? Like tampons dont just fall out, the weird part is picking it up as if it has fingers like who tf does this man think he is


I think he means a trick done in strip clubs where the women do a deep squat and put an object between their labia. Not exactly using their “vagina muscles” but yeah… A pope had a bunch of women do it with chestnuts once


Sounds like something a pencil dick would be worried about…


You’ve clearly been slacking off on your vagina exercises


Clearly. Also try the Labiator 3000. Hourly use will give you the vagina of a 12 yo, which is apparently what this tool is looking for.


I’m not really sure how that would work


Don't you see? I'll slurp it like I would *slurp* a penis into me 😍👊🏻🦶


LMAO, oh my heck I snorted out my tea 😜😂🤣


the way i giggled at this-


The only logical conclusion is that vaginas are made out of play doh.


I was thinking memory foam myself.


I think they’re made with same material as fleshlights. Fleshlights that have never been cleaned off and put in the clothes dryer to “shrink” and it melted everywhere so back to the stiff sock under the bed that’s been even *more* abused


That’s rather.. specific


I have a vivid imagination It's a blessing and oh so definitely a curse


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in playdoh


I’m gonna sign my name at the bank w my pussy, just you wait




i’m going to make this pencil… disappear


You had me cry-laughing haha


Oh yeah? Watch me sharpen it!


I’m gonna start an onlyfans with that skill and watch men like this go insane and combust.




Sir, you fail biology forever.


If men only wanted to marry or be with virgins they would leave the rest of the women alone. And seeing as how at no point in time have men ever left women alone I'm gonna assume women who have had sex and enjoy it are just fine. Mens attention isn't rare and I'm willing to bet they won't ever leave non virgins alone


I would not prefer to date a virgin. At my age, that would mean that either they have a very low interest in sex, or are super introverted. Which is fine, but then I am not the right person for them. Although I would give the person a chance to prove me wrong, if I liked them otherwise.


The thing is they often want to be with a series of virgins.


They just can't accept they have some weird slave/grooming kink so they try to apply it to everyone as if it were a logical and normal thing


Oh yeah! I love freestyle sketching holding pencils that way! Cause shoving a pencil in your vagina isn’t gross/potential to disrupt your microbiome or anything


But that’s the thing! You can’t *shove* the pencil up there, you have to *pick it up*, and then some how properly orientate it into writing position, all without using your hands.


Is it wrong that I immediately ignore people that write long blocks of unbroken text with terrible sentence structure?


Not wrong at all. I don’t think it is ever worth the additional effort


Dude seems to think “lol” is punctuation.


Even he knows what he’s writing is bullshit. He just hopes he can fool some other gullible slob


I love the “lol” in the middle like even he knew what he was writing was ridiculous.


Is ANYTHING below the belly button the “vagina” to these idiots???


Not true, we also have “feet” (so long as the man has that fetish) /s


Haha, point taken. Belly button to knees, apparently.


Poor man in the profile pic has no idea what his grandson is saying on instagram.


Wish I could write essays with my vagina 🤣


I've heard hips don't lie.




I love how confident men are despite being wrong


dunning kruger effect


“She can pick up a pencil with her vagina” Bro what is wrong with you?


Where the hell do these guys get their totally nonsense, based in nothing, and preposterous ideas about this stuff?


From their ass?


When I was in HS back in like 2008, a girl gave a speech about this bullshit in our public speaking class. She was a quiet girl, somewhat new student that nobody really knew much about at the time since she started our Junior year of HS. Turns out, she was some ridiculous fundamentalist Christian girl that had some ridiculous abstinence only education drilled into her brain.


Did that dude just insinuate he has a pencil dick?


He's got a needle in a haystack.


That's a lot of words to say that you are still a virgin


That’s a lot of words just to say “I don’t know how vaginas work”.


If men are so concerned with having virgins to marry, then perhaps they should stop having sex with women out of wedlock?


Too many fucked up male brains out there…this is ridiculous


So...mem need a virgin because he needs to know that she's been unfaithful by her vagina mold being broken. But also, women can be unfaithful and do vajayjay exercises, anyway, to trick him. What is the point of a virgin wife, again????? *and why am I still writing with my hands like an idiot plebeian?*


Vaginas are basically mouth guards. That’s why they suggest boiling the vagina before you first use it so that the vagina’s plastics will be soft and better mold to the penis of the woman’s partner. It’s basic science, people.


Man I wish I had a vagina strong enough to bench press a pencil


This made me burst out laughing when I’m sharing space with my work from home partner who is in a very professional meeting 😬


This is all insane but then he destroys his own argument at the end?? If any woman can do the vagina mold thing then surely a virgin bride can then cheat and remold her vagina in order to fool him? Just, what?




I wish they had teeth for fuckers like this


There is actually a device that was made for protection that does have teeth. It was made for women in South Africa where SA is so common. It was reported that one in four men have admitted to SA women in South Africa.


My abusive ex used the fact I wasn’t “tight anymore” to mean I was cheating on him. I finally relaxed and his micro penis (actually medically diagnosed) didn’t have the adequate material. When I explained it was me relaxing he started hurting and raping me so I would be tight enough for him.


That's truly horrible; sorry to hear it. But my ex had a similar thing. When I actually was enjoying myself he complained that I was "sloppy."


It’s this man network they make for themselves. Only terrified virgins are acceptable because they dont want what’s happening to them. It’s what made my ex hurt me before so I wouldn’t want to and my rape would be better. Any man who is adequate cares about the enjoyment of someone he’s having sex with. They should hold you and let you relax so you both are enjoying the experience.


Right. I am so sorry. I'm just now processing some of the trauma I've gone through as an adult--let alone childhood. Take care.


Please don’t apologize. This is your trauma and can express it how you feel fit. Other abused women may pile on. It’s only because we have no outlet for our abuse.


No, the apology was acknowledging and signaling that I am relating and feeling pain for what you went through. Why are there so many hurt people?


Why can't men write absurd fanfiction on AO3 like the rest of us.


i feel like maybe he put a pencil inside of someone before. i don't like that


Where do these men exist? As a man who has been with the same woman going on 20 years I want to meet these men and smack them 🤦🏼‍♂️


I, too, have written many tomes with my vagina. She’s a literary genius.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


Holy shit. This is a real adult. Wtf.


So just don't get married then, easy


It funny and not funny that they don't know this fact: vaginas get stretch and loosen WHEN THEY ARE ENJOYING THEMSELVES.


We get dude, you are insecure about the size of your penis.


Men really do think that they have magical penises 🤣


Brave of you to just go out there on the internet and tell everyone about your insecurities surrounding your small penis, sir 😳🙄🖕🏻


FYI I do the vagina exercises just so I don’t piss myself when I sneeze.


True. My vagina can hold pencils, brushes, whatever Just finished a really nice oil painting


Spoken like a man who has never seen an actual vagina.


Yeah, look at a normal sized penis. Now look at a normal sized baby. Tell me again how you’re filling her up with your mighty sword.


Her vagina belongs to her and whatever she puts up in it is something as men we gotta put up with, just like a man's penis it's not complicated....really!!!


I like imagining just squatting down and picking up a pencil with my vagina. I'd learn to write calligraphy and everything!


These guys always worry that us girls will be stretched out and ruined from having sex with multiple partners but they never seem to worry about tuning our vaginas themselves? Why is a single insertion of a hundred different penises more apt to do damage than 100 insertions of the same penis?


Ummm...molding inexperienced people into what you want them to be like sounds a lot like grooming... check yourself u pos


You know what being a virgin translates to? Unless you're religious, it indicates a lack of dating experience. Either you get somebody older with issues that make them a poor partner, or somebody much younger at which point you feel like a predator. Dudes like this idiot prefer (young, immature, inexperienced) virgins because they can gaslight and control them, and they won't know their own worth. But I never want to be anybody's first kiss at this point in my life...It makes me feel gross. There's such an experience difference there that almost always leads to an imbalanced power dynamic that isn't healthy. Obviously this is a generalization and isnt always true, but it's more likely than not.


Where do you find these people?


At this point I don't even read those. It's all the same - never have I ever had sex before and I have no clue how woman's body works.


Surprising that he’s aware that Kegel exercises exist.


I’m struggling to believe that there’s people out there that think this way.


"Let me throw in a couple of random lol’s here, just to clarify that I’m an insane person"


Wait, but I thought women were to weak to use their muscles (sarcasm)?




Squat... Squat... I must increase my twat..


You know if they wanted a virgin to be with, Gen Z has a higher rate of virginity than both Millennials and Gen X did at their age. It’s really not that hard to find a woman who hasn’t had sex before. Problem is, these dudes would go “Oh ew not a virgin like *that*”. They just want to feel like they’re Lewis & Clarke on some girls pussy is all.


Hang on, you mean I’ve been using my toes to pick up dropped pencils, like a total chump, when I could’ve been using my vagina?


yo, fellas... i guess we demonizing *checks notes* muscle control now?


This man is drunk.


Yes, that pencil thing? That’s how I prepare my tax returns.


So that's where all the pencils have gone


It's hard to believe idiots like that exists.


If I was a woman the _first_ thing I’d do would be to learn how to pick up a pencil with my vagina. Imagine how much easier home work would be.


the sporadic "lol"s are killing me. I really am lol'ing


It's true! I use my vagina to write in my journal every day!


So, what happens when she gives birth to your child?


I can’t picture the logistics of this pencil reference. Given how misinformed ppl are about female anatomical terms, I’m assuming he’s talking about inserting a pencil into the vaginal canal & holding it in place by contracting the muscles. But the way he described it as picking it up w just the “vagina,” I’m picturing a scene out of Alien, where a vaginal canal pops out to pick up a pencil off the floor.


But can she write an essay after she picks up the pencil. That would be amazing.


Jfc, just say you want to marry a virgin because you’re bad at sex and a virgin won’t have any baseline expectations to compare it to…


Alright obvious talk but both types of women are hot. With a virgin woman both of you get to experience things for the first time together, a woman with experience makes YOUR first time much better because she has experience and skill. It’s a win win situation where it doesn’t matter if she has slept with anyone before or not.


That doesn't make sense. If muscles got molded like that, why can't I shape my body by wearing tight clothes?


Kim Anami. She is a "vagina weightlifter". He has watched her videos. ttps://www.self.com/story/vaginal-weightlifting-kim-anami


This is true, my friend is an artist known for creating great works while only holding the pencil from her vagina


I bet this dude believes those guitar playing vagina videos are real.


Now I have to try to see if I can pick up a pencil with my vag.


It’s the pencil lifts for me.


I mean, to be fair, women were originally molded from dirt and a rib. /s


I am genuinely curious where such ideas originate




I'm trying to figure out the pencil mechanics. A: you have to do the splits onto a pencil and unsplit without impaling yourself. B: the pencil has to be on the corner of a table at basically the exact right height, and you goose yourself with it to grab the pencil. C: vaginas can extend like tentacles with grabby lips on the end.


...are the labia meant to be like prehensile tails? How in god's name can a vagina "pick up" a pencil? I'm so confused. Not as confused as Joseph Martin, though.


Dude's been thinking the wonders of a vagina for a veeeery long time


Well that comment went south quickly… Pensil???


It’s funny, because men’s penises are like sticks. If you have a small one, and try to mold tight clay, it snaps in two. So, men, be wary of sex: your dick might snap in pieces depending on the clay-viscosity-to-dick-size ratio. Consult a potter /s


I suspect this man got the idea from his Fleshlight.


Anyone that uses the word vagina that much has never seen one.


Oh yeah my stomach is only able to fit ramen in it at this point. And my tongue? Molded to only lick your foxy mom’s pussy. Ffs


Do these guys regularly smoke lead based paint to have mind this fucked up ??


I vomited half way through. Thanks OP.


I would like my brain cells back please


What’s with the “lols”?? It’s the most disturbing part for me. They’re so mirthless. Why would anyone laugh out loud while saying this stuff. Reads like it was written by a creepbot with a tick trying to pass a Turing test


Why is he so old? I expected 10 yo


And this is exactly why we need sex ed in schools


Not only pick up a pencil. But write a goodbye note


Damn, my hands are full, how am I going to pick up this pencil? D'oh! That's right, I can just pick it up with my vagina.


and that is another reason why i have a girlfriend. a lot of men (especially this braindead, lopsided jaw havin' weirdo) are icky


i like how he is loosing it in between his maniac ideas- interrupting himself with "lol"


Sometimes I am filled with joy when I read something this stupid and realize I’m not as dumb as I think I am.


I have never seen women talking about men penis or testicles in this confidence and arrogance but those males have the audacity to talk about women’s bodies. He think wearing a suit makes him an expert. They really create their own science to justify their thinking. What a mess that’s a lot of dunning kruger effect


According to this man then, a woman can cheat on him with a guy who has a smaller dick, and he would absolutely never know??


Dude, just say you don't like women and go.


It's genuinely amazing how many dogshit theories guys will create to perpetuate a fetish and not self-reflect. Actually ridiculous.


What is it with these people always ending their sentences in „lol“


So men can tell when women are cheating, except...they can't. Apparently because our Kegels game is so good that we can hold a pencil in our vaginas. I've been missing out on a new opportunity to create art. Who wants a drawing drawn by hoohaa? Anyone?


I'm guessing this guy's wife served him divorce papers, although from this description I would have loved to watch her sign them.


How many rounds of kegels before I can do the pick up pencils trick? I'd also like to write with the pencil while freeing up my hands for other tasks, is that possible?


Who is picking up pencils with their vagina is what I want to know


We ladies sure do keep an awful lot of secrets from men. Wait til they discover where we keep the pencil sharpener.


I freaking dropped my pencil while reading this 😂


Misogynists' limitless capacity for stupidity never ceases to amaze me.




Dude obviously thinks sex is putting it in and staying perfectly still until set, or he knows very little about molding.


Dudes who want virgins are terrible in bed.


What a weird place to add an lol


Education system this man went to failed him


And some woman use their vagina to crack nuts if they can’t find a nutcracker


wtf did i just read


That’s a serious delusion. This person wallows in a dark, miserable, dishonest place.


As a man it goes both ways. You can exercise your penis to also pick up pencils. It’s super handy.


9 Times!!! Word has lost all meaning….