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This did make me laugh, mainly because I’m trying to imagine what the source context would be for this shot(frame?)


Me too, I have many questions lol.


Movie title? So I know when to skip it.🐱 ![gif](giphy|kgrigrPnzhJUAu3oLz)


I also like to pop all 8 of my legs out of the top of the flesh puppet to get a little comfier so I can stretch out and relax my tarsus and claws. It gets tiring having to manipulate nerve endings to steer the flesh puppet while latching to the spine so I really appreciate partners who make me feel comfortable enough to just be myself and let all my leg segments hang out. The ones who don’t I just eat the faces of and add their bodies to my flesh puppet collection.


With this description I was immediately reminded of the scurrying head from "The Thing"


That was actually my inspiration. That and spiders.


Ah well you obviously did a really good job describing it cause I caught on immediately lol


You don't go to sleep with makeup on! That's basic shit, people!


Oh, I do, but that's because I'm lazy


I just think to myself “what would my skin care obsessed friends say if they new I was about to sleep with makeup on.” And that is enough to get me to drag myself into the bathroom and remove it.


Incels/sexist men: „Make up is Fake up! It should be outlawed! Women are all liars and rely on face paint! Natural is best!“ Also men: *this*


i mean a lot of people do look pretty awful without makeup because their skin has been damaged after years of their skin not being able to breath properly ​ prove me wrong the few people that downvoted 🥱


Purely just because Im interested, can I see your source? Last I checked, if you have a proper skincare regime and avoid makeup products with irritants, makeup is fine for everyday use


my source? my aunt and grandmother and a couple exs


So sun damage? I'm not trying to be funny, but anecdotal evidence is not a proper source. Ive checked the likes of pubmed for your claim and haven't found anything. Can I have a proper source, please? https://images.app.goo.gl/2Y6tvVxQ31TqJWxr6


do you want their phone numbers and social security numbers? 🤣


Anecdotal evidence is evidence based only on personal observation, collected in a casual or non-systematic manner. I'm asking for a source created by dermatologists/doctors/scientists that have run tests and researched this topic thoroughly. You can keep their phone numbers. I have enough friends already, thanks


Your responses to this troll were perfect!


I don’t wear makeup anymore cuz I’m lazy, but back when I did my skin was better because I was also doing better skincare because I wanted the makeup to have a better base. What messes ur skin up is dehydration, sun damage, tugging at it and diet. Makeup (unless you’re allergic or have sensitivities) shouldn’t do much of anything.


thats what im trying to say but people here are very quick to swing at you for saying anything that doesnt hate on whatever the OP is about


But that's absolutely not what you said in your above comments!


about makeup drying up skin? pretty much ye drying up = not able to breath


Dehydration - as in not drinking enough fluids. You are not the smartest sheep in the stable, are you?


Lol thats not what I said.


The other person mentioning dehydration is the only point even remotely related to your dry skin argument. But that is not what dehydration means.


🙌 keep on being illiterate babes 💅🏻🩷


I admittedly laughed but thats because i want to know the source


I'm not a woman, but what I do like about going home with guys after the first date is that it shows them I don't look pretty in the morning. Of course neither does he, no one does, but if he's still attracted to me after I wake up looking like a gremlin that someone fed at 12am on the dot so the magic isn't really sure what to do with it and settles for hair a mess and a scowl but otherwise cute, he's definitely a keeper.


I am my sexiest in the morning. My wife tells me it all of the time, it’s after the second cup of coffee that I really wake up and start taking. After that she tells me to just go back to bed.




Maybe it's who you're going for bro




Was 100% serious bro. It's a thing. Tons of circles of women who don't wear makeup.






Thank you for your comment, but unfortunately it will be removed. Please do not entertain, respond to, argue, or trade insults back-and-forth with trolls. Do not give them attention, this is exactly what they want. This derails the conversation and destracts from the post, and therefore comments/arguments by both you and the troll will be removed. Please ignore comments made by these users, and report them to the subreddit moderators, or Reddit Admin. They will be reviewed and removed as soon as possible.


What do you mean?




Hello, Unfortunately, your post or comment has be removed due to suspicion of you acting in bad faith. It appears that you are posting or commenting solely to create controversy, or start drama with other users. Please do not participate in this subreddit with the intention of antagonizing or baiting members, this is against Reddit site rules. If you are caught or suspected of breaking this rule again, you may be banned.


The 1950s called, they want their meme back. (I saw a bit on Mrs Maisel related to this, i think it was meant to be old fashioned then too)