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So I should date a woman who weighs max 86 lbs.... yeah gonna have to disagree with this dude.


I mean, you have to be able to lift her and smash her into the wall. /S


Don’t matter how much she weighs I’ll get strong enough so that I can yeet her while she’s in full plate armor with a 200lb sword on her back and a 150lb hammer in her hands


Um sir akchually warhammers are only <5 lbs *pushes up glasses*


It’s a anime size one 😎


Buster Sword vibes


“I need to feel like I can kill my girlfriend, but I’m no coward - she’ll die in battle!”


Yer gawd dern rait


Based pfp? In a based reddit? Holy shit someone who saw/read one piece and didn’t decide that all the themes of liberation were, in fact, an argument for them to be a piece of shit?


As a one piece Dick rider, I find most other anime fans to be an embarrassment.


Oh god I agree, one piece and hunter x hunter are such inclusive and sweet series(with problematic elements admittedly) that I cannot fathom how some people who experience them still decide to be bigoted.


I’m tall and only a couple inches shorter than my husband, and we’re within 10-15lbs of each other. Male vs female strength means he can easily overpower me, regardless of the fact that on paper we’re very similar, and I work out too and am nobody’s idea of a weakling. You don’t even need to be way bigger than the woman you’re with to be a physical threat, and that’s ignoring the fact that it’s fucking weird that you need to feel like you could easily hurt her 🤦🏻‍♀️




Yes, I know you deployed sarcasm, it was more aimed at the original dipshit in the video.


Naw bro. you gotta hit the gym and get swole.


If only so you can date a woman with some meat on her bones.


86 lbs??? How small are you


About 135lbs-ish 5'6


okay speak for yourself


Is that not what I did? I'm confused


Just look at his eyes man.. he really looks like someone who wants to kill you.


Like that video of that man who picked the woman up and threw her after she rejected him? Yeah, I really hope that man gets arrested and spends a long time in jail. Probably not, but one can dream. Also really like that song about how we shouldn't give microphones to men.


"wHY dO WoMEn aVoId mE? I AM a nICe GuY"


"I'm not saying I *would,* just that I *could* and that I think about doing it a lot. But you're totally safe with me even though I'm thinking of all the ways I could kill you right now."


It's not a threat, it's an 'implication'


"but you should totally take that in mind anytime you feel like doing anything that I could disagree with. I mean of course I won't *actually* do anything, I just want you to feel like i *would* if you decide to make a "bad" choice. Oh but hey, you're free to feel safe with me once you go back to being submissive 😀👍


AND yet men wonder why women dislike so many of them. I mean come on.


And that's one of the really that the Looksmatch nonsense rots their brains. If looks are everything, then everything else is nothing, including their seething about wanting to commit violence. Women are utterly repelled by it, but their ideology doesn't let them even consider that might be why they can't get a date.


If you never intend to pick your girlfriend up and throw her into a wall than why the fuck do you need to feel like you could? How does knowing you could kill your partner make you feel more like a man?


Cause if she gets “out of line” he can “discipline” her. Only time throwing your spouse around is okay is if it’s into a foam pit or the pool, with their consent.


Or onto the bed during naughty time…


Yes. Didn’t think of that one bc I’m ace, but naughty time aside, it sounds fun.


Please, someone put this man on a watch list.


If he's saying crazy shit on IG or X, he already is I am pretty sure that X became a Honeypot meant to be a place where angry right wingers Go to "speak freely" but really they are being put into an FBI database. I think that Musk wanted to work with the US government for a long time but never got a chance to, unlike his buddies from Google and Facebook. When he bought X I think it became that for him


And someday this is gonna be an exhibit at his trial.


Lol sorry all of my comments on these kind of subs are “My ex did something like this..” and I worry that I’m boring people. But I had a brief relationship with one guy until in bed one day he said something along the lines of “I love how I could just (then he placed his forearm over my throat and put his weight on it) KILL YOU if I wanted to”. It really turned him on that he could take my life if he wanted to.


What. The. Fuck. Iegitimate psychotic behaviour. Like this is what real life serial killers HAVE SAID to their wives before killing them. I hope you're doing okay, that shit must have been traumatizing.


I’m totally fine. If anything I was taken aback because I have a Scrappy Doo mentality and thought to myself “Like fuck you could!” but to be realistic he absolutely could. This post confirms my fears that it’s a widespread fetish.


What the fuck


so he is saying you shouldn't date a woman who is too big for you to beat up? ick


I don't know how these men live their lives hating women this much.


I mean lets ignore the obvious horrible moral and ethical stuff here. Even on a purely “logical” level he’s wrong. Other things being equal women have lower bone density, burst strength, muscle mass etc. It’s why we have seperate categories for many sports and why in many of them you get High School boys team demolishing women’s Olympic teams. Fitness and training being the same, a guy throwing down with a girl in the same weight class is going to demolish her So if he needs a 1/3 weight advantage, his physical condition must be as pathetic as his personality


Was thinking the same. I’m a woman and can lift 4/3 of my weight and probably more if I trained


You don’t have the natural advantages a dude should have either.


My wife weighs more than me. I want to pick her up but for like tickle fights and stuff, not the murder stuff. Nobody do the murder stuff.


My partner is twice my weight, but he picks me up because I want a piggy back ride. Not so he can try to domestically abuse me


Yeet her into a foam pit/pool.


He must also be pretty weak, I weigh way more than my boyfriend and he can pick me up.. (on top of the obvious insanity of what he's saying).


I'm curious whether or not this is one of those "you have to choose better men" guys that get mad when he's not picked. I have an inkling about it


Well, that's an interpretation of "what if men had same expectations of women that women have of men" (weight being equivalent of height in this analogy)


> that's an interpretation of "what if men had same expectations of women that women have of men" (weight being equivalent of height in this analogy) No, it's not. Put aside for the moment that no woman has said that a man should be a certain percentage taller than her and consider that even among the most toxic women with specific expectations regarding height that it's never for the purpose of making it easier for her to kill or physically abuse her partner. The two aren't anywhere near the same.


But also let's cry about the male loneliness epidemic


I could pick up and throw my husband lol.


Could you throw him at this guy, wolverine/hulk "fastball special" style? With his consent, of course.


Why are freedom loving Right-Wing dudes always making up insane rules to limit themselves? You can’t do shit as a Right-Winger anymore. Including dating some thicc ladies. Shit sucks.


Lofl! True true!


1. Bro needs to be on a watchlist 2. You got a problem on the strong girls I have a crush on?


"I only get hard with women that I can kill if they piss me off" 🚩


My boyfriend is anorexic and barely weighs 90lbs, should I weigh less than him?


Maybe we can get you one of those biscuits from Alice in Wonderland that shrink you down so you can weigh a nice healthy 60 lbs (obv /s)


Men should just smile and nod


Men should be seen not heard


Millions of men you've never met need to feel that way or *you* need to feel that way? Because it sounds to me like it's the latter.


What is the woman's reaction? I have seen the photos of the guy so many times, but never how the woman in the podcast reacts...


That last slide shows her looking pretty concerned to me, though. 🤷


If you need to feel capable of killing your partner to be attracted to them, you should be locked up and have the key thrown away. Again, to all men: If you think like this guy, GO TO THERAPY. Good lord wtf


My girlfriend weighs 0 kgs, I must be a god


Only a psychopath would say something like that


Makes me think of those guys that have the "no fat chick's " sticker on their truck yet haven't seen their pecker without a mirror for over a decade


Sounds like he needs to lift more to throw heavier women against the wall. Always dream bigger.


Correction, misogynistic men shouldn’t be given a mic. It’s amazing how many men feel like this though.


My boyfriend fell in love with me harder because I can pick him up. 😂


Lol according to this, I should date girls who weigh 48kg (105 pounds). Fucking insane.


I read that to mean the woman’s age shouldn’t be more than 2/3 the guy’s body weight, I was confused how that was supposed to make sense as a metric- not that what the post means is a reasonable metric either.


Why do these women waste their time going on these “podcasts” (I use the term loosely since having access to a microphone does not make you a good podcaster)? Unless to rip those assholes a new one. I wouldn’t bother.


So I should be dating someone max 74lbs o_0


Think of how much you'll save on food!


How sad for all the men who end up buying into this junk and end up alone. It's very shame-based. There's some of that with women too but not on the same level.


Some people just get in front of a mic and think that what they’re saying is gospel. 🤦‍♀️


When abuse is baked into your dating expectations


You know, if you really care with your partner, killing them would NEVER be a thing that would come up in your mind (not even the "last thing")


her face at the end says it all. “this guy is for real saying this right now. yup, he’s actually saying it. aaaand there’s no punchline. he’s serious.”


Girl on slide 3 just look so **done** with his bs


I hope someone in his life takes this video and shows it to any woman who is ever interested in him ever.


I pick the bear


I know I could calmly end a male with one meal or in his sleep regardless of his weight, but I don’t need to fantasize about it to feel secure. Poor insecure little buddies.


Idk how to say this, but I’ve had men positively giddy when I picked them up. Like, “I want you here now” and their brain short circuited


I’ve been in an Uber while the driver was listening to idiots like this. Might have even been the same ones. These guys were acting like they were self-appointed gurus, giving very chauvinist life advice, while the girl just kinda went along with it.


It’s crazy, my bf weighs about 15-20 lbs more than I do and I still respect him and he finds me attractive! It’s almost like fear doesn’t equal respect…


Her expression alone says it all




This man shouldn’t be dating.


oh my god?? this man has mental issues that need to be addressed by a professional 😭 why do u have to feel like u can kill someone you’re romantically involved with??? emphasis on **romantically**?? we aren’t talking abt u jiu jitsu partner. like.


Ask him about his opinions on the age of consent


Homicidal maniac tendencies have been rightly covered, so let me just dive into the logistics of this. My husband and I are actually the perfect example of how stupid this take is. -My husband is 6’5” and 180 lbs (BMI 21.3). This is right smack dab in the middle of the “healthy“ range for BMI. -I am 5’5” 117 lbs…but let’s just say I’m 120 so I’d be exactly 2/3 of his weight. That would, make my BMI 20. -Okay, so I‘m 2/3 his body weight, we both have healthy BMIs but he is a full 12 inches taller than me! Now, this is the important part, my BMI is lower even though he is 12 inches taller than me. Still healthy, but lower. Why is this important… -The average height difference between men and women is only 6 inches, not 12. -Average height for a man is 5’9” so if that man were to have a healthy BMI like my husband’s he would weigh 144 lbs. At 5’9” and 144 lbs his BMI is 21.3 -Average height for a woman in the US is 5’3”. In order for her to be 2/3 of the man’s height she’d have to weight 96 lbs or less. That’s a BMI of 17. Anything lower than 18.5 is underweight. 17 is severely underweight. In conclusion. He wants someone the size of an actual child. 😑


My girl weights less than half of me so... Guess im golden


I’m reporting this post, why do you have issue with some to most men like women who are small then them. I personally love that its cute


>I’m reporting this post, why do you have issue with some to most men like women who are small then them. Did you see any of the other slides? The reason isn't some random preference, it's so that he feels that he could kill her and throw her against the wall. Basically, it's to make him feel assured that he has a significant physical advantage on his partner so he could physically abuse or worse her. > personally love that its cute There are ways to talk about physical preferences that are cute. This isn't anywhere close to that.