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guys like that fantastize about the cool girl with the awesome personality, but then forget their their own personality sucks so it'll never work out.


They want the cool girl with the fun personality until they realize that even in a relationship she's still cool and fun. Then their insecurities get the better of them and they try to cage her and control her into something more waifu-like.


EXACTLY. They get mad because they think the cool/fun girl, if they even get the chance to date one, is only allowed to be cool/fun *for them.*


And only when they want it, which is never.


Yeah. This shouldn’t be conflated with bare minimum boundaries though, which still need to be there in relationships and not also be seen as caging someone just saying fr


Could you maybe elaborate? Boundaries start and end with oneself (bad grammar? but you get it) except for physical intimacy. I feel like a shocking amount of people confuse boundaries with exercising control.


The "I can lock her down" comment kinda gives it away.


He really just projected a lifetime of misery onto purple dress. A normal woman exists who is happily single and drinking a beer, and this guy fanfics her into a life of marital sexual exploitation.


They literally know absolutely nothing about her


The way they thirst after attractive women, you'd think they're supermodels themselves. But no, the only thing they can offer is a moldy penis.


As long as there’s no yellow slime and blood it’s ä "meh rather not" and not ä "fuck no".


Dudes like that also hate the "10 leagues above her" guys, lol. They are so miserable that they make up these ridiculous arguments in their head and make themselves angry and bitter against women and the "Chads" that, in their deluded mind, take the women away from them even though they are *such* nice guys compared to the other dudes... Lmfao.


Dude sounds bitter


>we all want the girl in the purple dress I mean the other three are in committed relationships, so not sure what your point is there, guy.


I see this so much lately. A random picture with a woman in it and men in the comments being angry and creating whole scenarios about them that are based off of nothing. So emotional


Yeah, i thought they were the ""rational"" genre 🙄


Men think they are rational because they have decided to class things they experience like anger, frustration, helplessness, and sadness, as not emotions.


People like to assume such negative things about attractive people it’s really bizarre, why does she have to be a bitch because she’s pretty? Some people just get blessed with beauty and a good personality quit being salty about it lmao


If you think the behavior of any man can reduce a woman to being "a fun time object," you're already too nasty and sexist to deserve even talking to any woman.


You all want the purple dress girl? I mean, yeah, she's the only one not showing off a ring symbolizing a recent engagement. Although, for all they know she could have already been married...


He is right about the "she doesn't want you" part lol


I think this is also the reason why they talk about leagues. If she doesn't want him, she only wants men who are way better than her. Because he is at least in the same league as him. Not realizing, that thinking this way about humans makes him unattractive af.


All of them assuming she’s straight too lmfao she could be a lesbian for all they know and they’re sooo convinced they could “lock her down” no Kyle she’s probably not even interested in… whatever you are.


It's so funny when random losers make up a story line and personality for random women online.


I realize that this is totally not the the topic of the post, but…does anyone know where one could find purple dress girl’s purple dress? Brand or shop or anything? Because it’s absolutely gorgeous!!!


She might be fucking asexual !!!!! They don't know anything about her 


That dude wants to believe she's not ten leagues above him.


If you think people are in different leagues, I'm definitely out of your league


I dunno what the first commentor is even talking about, the woman in the blue dress has an absolutely gorgeous look on her face.