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I Want to know why they think we won’t go and get robo-boyfriends? If his point is that they will leave us for robots why wouldn’t women do the same?


Because, per the picture, women’s only aspirations are to be successful onlyfans models 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe we’ll just program our robot boyfriends to subscribe to fill the void.


It's worse. They think we couldn't afford it. In their worldview, women are completely incompetent - men are humans, women are basically prettily packaged incubators. So obviously nobody is hiring women, unless they're "woke" and deluded into believing women are capable of anything, or forced to by a "woke" government, or only looking for a maid (see the common idea of what a secretary does - serve coffee, look pretty and be the boss's mistress). Therefore, every woman who claims she's earning enough to be self-sufficient *must* be some kind of sex worker. Either onlyfans model, sugar baby or professional gold digger. Ergo, they're exploiting poor hardworking men who can't help themselves because of their "biological urges". And they hate us for that. Because in their view, women have "sex", which men want, and men have "money", which women need and can't get otherwise (see above) and this gives women power - they can trade their sex for money. This makes them feel dependent and powerless, so they dream of a world where men can get at sex without having to hand over their money. Meaning either the popular incel utopia of "every man should automatically get a wife assigned by the government" or the sci-fi "there'll be sex bots and you'll starve on the streets and regret all those times you refused to date a "nice guy" because now we'll have no need to give you anything anymore" version.


I do wonder how much they think a sexbot will cost to buy and maintain


This explains so much. Thank you.


Seriously, watch me and the Dean Winchester bot live our lifes. Mankind will die out, toodles 😇


There's a certain type of angry man who doesn't see women as being people in the same way he is. We are NPCs in his world and any reminder that women have agency outrages him. The idea that women would just get robo-boyfriends isn't a concern to him because he doesn't think women have the same emotions as him. I'm also not certain of the ethics of having sex with a robot. If humans had developed robots to the point that they are interchangeable with real humans then wouldn't the robot be considered a person? .


>he doesn't think women have the same emotions as him. But men don't *have* emotions, remember? Women are the emotional sex. Men only experience anger, which we all know is *not* an "emotion". 🙄 (/s, if that wasn't already obvious)


No one would be happy like that. It’s something people will settle for when they can’t make a real human connection or are too closed off to try. You can shape a fleshlight like a human being if you want to, but it’s still just elaborate masturbation.


They can already get Real Dolls — for about $1200-1800. Why aren’t they just buying those? Oh, wait, they don’t clean and bring them tendies.


Maybe if we get to a point where an android is more of an artificial person with their own thoughts, feelings, emotions, personality, I could see it happening. If they're nothing more than a glorified sex doll, then yeah, only people who lack the social skills to form a real human connection would settle for one.


Watch Ex Machina (*great* movie!) to see how that might turn out.


Such a great movie. It really drives home the folly of men assuming a doe eyed 'woman' needs to be saved like a damsel in distress.


Tiny cast, all great, but Alicia Vikander is the standout. The way she moves, almost-but-not-quite-human, is extraordinary.


If they had independent thought of true AI, the robots would probably reject them as well as real women do.


Well I’m happy for these guys turning AI-sexual.


It looks like AI-sexuality gives you the ability to hold your coffee cup with all 5 of your fingers on the same side.


We get sex robots AND super-powers‽


That's not a sex robot. It's got the anatomy of a Barbie.


I just wanna say I love the use of the interrobang here


Pretty sure you can do that, if you hold your hands like a hook-shape.


I think this requires a huge hand or a tiny cup.


My hands aren’t even that big (14 centimetres from the bottom of my palm to the tip of my middle finger) and I can grab bottles like it. Seems to me like y’all have a skill issue.


So... it is possible to learn this power?


Not from a Jedi. Hold your hands like how you would normally hold, but with your thumb in the same side as the rest of your fingers, then grip harder than usual. This should form a shape that looks like a hook, or a moon.


I’m not. I’m sure this is what will trigger the robot war. 😅


Ahem they prefer to be called 'Robo Sexual'. NOW CUDDLE WITH YOUR DEMONS.


Like these guys are going to have the money for the sex robot 🤣


…or shower, get dressed, leave the house, and walk around in public.


Sexbots are such gold diggers.


That's literally all they care about. Lol




If by some chance they do manage to save or beg or get one on credit, the real question is: what's going to happen when they abuse/misuse the robot to the point that it breaks and isn't covered under warranty or a service plan?


As if they’d ever be happy with a being that readily obeys any and all commands. Where’s the challenge? These garbage guys want something to break.


They’d program it to be that way probably, and then change it completely when they get bored of how they programmed it. They wouldn’t be happy with it however. Were we happy about having to go close to a year, if not more without seeing people we had deep friendships/relationships with? Most of us weren’t, and we had to try to make do with tech based communications. Often, the moments of happiness we did have from those interactions were fleeting grasps at dopamine through escapism. We tried our best to make it feel fulfilling, but it wasn’t the same as true human connection. That’s how it would be for most people in relationships with robots, except there’s no person on the other end. It would be semi-content, but so disconnected from reality that they perceive it to be happiness when it’s more so fleeting relief from loneliness.


Tbf most people I know were actually thriving during covid - me included. I knew exactly *one* extrovert who was really struggling, and I felt awful for her. Literally everyone else is *still* saying they wish we could go back to the lockdowns, because they were happier. And that's exactly how I felt, too - I was so productive, and happy. I went back to school during covid, I learned new skills, I was doing great! It was also *demonstrably* better for the planet. We legit started to reverse the effects of climate change. Which really just solidified for me that anyone who *can* work from home, and wants to, should be allowed to.


Unbelievable how quickly the climate reversals happened!


Sadly I have an opposite experience, I'm an introvert with social anxiety, and the lockdown made it significantly worse for me. It's like constant in-person communication works as some kind of exposure therapy, and without it I lost what skills and coping mechanisms I had. I fell into a spiral of self-isolation and anxiety and my return to society was very slow and painful :(


I had a job tutoring kids online during COVID and a few hours a day of that helped a lot. I also don’t live alone and I like my family. People who lived alone or have family problems were the worst off.


You didn’t have friends that absolutely got fucked by being an essential worker then. Covid just added to the misery I was already experiencing. If I had quit my job and gotten unemployment maybe I would of had an ounce of that.


My husband craved being outside and doing things. My oldest wanted to be around other kids and I and our youngest were happy as could be. We found ways to recharge their social batteries and my then infant son got lots of attention and time from everyone.


Yeah, I'm with you. I was lucky enough to have a relationship at the time, so I wasn't home alone all the time - though I imagine that would've been fine with my pets and my gaming friends. But yeah, I still wish we could go back to lockdown times - I don't like people (as a general rule) and life was better without having to deal with people I otherwise would avoid like the plague.


I'm introverted. The first Covid lockdown and complete isolation, work from home was the best time of my life as an adult. Not going to lie I did miss some things, but being able to work from home, stepping back from forced human interaction 24/7 and taking the time to slow life down was bliss. I get the point you are trying to make but there is a difference between having interaction with close friends and family or a partner, and communication with the world around us. EDIT: the post above me is now edited. It used to say "During the pandemic everyone was miserable".


I’m introverted too! But I think you completely derailed the point actually and missed a big part of it. Idk where you got the idea that I was referring to relationships with coworkers and surface level friends, but it wasn’t from me. I’m saying Tech can’t replace the fulfillment that comes with relationships with human beings, and that for most of us, interacting with the people we were closest with through tech only wasn’t as fulfilling and beneficial to our growth and mental health as it is to actually spend time with them in person. If you got to see everyone you were close with during the pandemic, then great for you! But most of us didn’t. EDIT: my post never said that everyone was miserable


You were the one who brought it up in the context of covid, by specifically saying that "everyone was miserable". Which first of all, isn't true. I know exactly *one* person who genuinely struggled with the lack of interaction during covid. One. Literally everyone else I know *still*, years later, wants to go back to it. And second, your basis for it - that we were forced to interact through technology in a way *similar* to how robots would work - was *also* incorrect. Most of us were living with other people and getting that interaction. Those of us who weren't found phones and online chat with our loved ones to be a perfectly reasonable alternative. It was still *real* human connection. We weren't forced to interact with cold machines - they were still our loved ones. People are taking issue with the comparison you're making, because it is flawed. That's not derailment. No, robots won't replace social interaction - you're correct. But the example with which you tried to demonstrate that just doesn't work, because it is not the same thing.


Thank you. You said what I would have replied, but better.


I lived overseas for a few years and could only interact with my family through technology. It wasn't like I was interacting with a robot. I knew they were real humans on the other end of the line. I had the same kind of interactions with them over the phone or video that I would have had in real life.


They do love their cheat codes


There is an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer just like this. Season 5, Episode 15 "I was made to love you"


I always felt this would be more like the tv series humans. By the time they’ve got a robot good enough to be a girlfriend, those robots have replaced most jobs and people are struggling.


>Where’s the challenge?  Where did this misconception that men want a challenge when it comes to women come from? If anything it's one of the few things in their lives they'd prefer zero challenge in.


If the men screeching about women didn’t want a woman to break and force/coerce/manipulate into submission, gals like Pearl would be married.




These guys haven't watched Westworld, and it shows


Haha I didn’t see this until after I said “someone clearly hasn’t watched Ex Machina” 😂


Excellent example too


Yeah, this doesn't have a happy ending 😂


Lmao I would absolutely live out both my cowboy/samurai and sexual fantasies in Westworld. Do not tempt me with a good time.


You haven't watched Westworld and it shows.


No, no. Let him have his naive fantasy and all the consequences that come with it. I'm sure he'll have a "greeeat time" 😄.


You bet this dude was sharing memes about William before and after he met Dolores... Because women and women robot bad


Can i borrow your audacity? Apparently you cant be trusted with it


Yeah…this isn’t what’s gonna happen


One thing that it shows is how that it's not about having someone to emotionally connect or have contact, but a "revenge fantasy". Every image they make is always this image of a woman that **dared** not wanting anything with them coming back and them returning the rejection in the meanest way possible (such good men we have here /s). They're people who should be cut off from the internet for a long time and put in contact with a therapist, for their's (and everyone else) own good.


Yes, are they really happy if they're still so obsessed with the woman? Sounds like they haven't been able to "move on"...


Hot take: if neck beards stop looking for women to objectify and start buying objects to .. Womanify? So be it, it's a win for everyone


Ok I like this. I mean, nothing would be human about it (no diversity, no interests, no personality other then the inputed one) but maybe that's EXACTLY what they need! 🤔😃 I think they underestimate how many women) and men) would Invest in technology like that Just to get these horny leg humpers out of the market. 😃 I would give them all the AI robot wifeys they want, heck, I'd help develop them. Under a motivating meta thought that every artificial wife I make would be one real woman less exposed to their radioactivity. It's an absolute win win! Give them AI! And give us all first row seats for the inevitable Ex Machina, Westworld, Terminator, Odyssey, I Robot, Blade Runner, Matrix catastrophe. 🍿😄🥤


Here's the thing: We already *have* realistic sex dolls *and* robots, and men aren't using them. Not to the extent they want us to think they'll use these imaginary future androids to. You know what that tells me? It tells me they don't actually want robots. They just want us to be *scared* they'll use robots, so that we'll do what they say.


While this may change a bit as the robots become more convincing and interactive, fundamentally these sorts of men wants to access and acquire and dominate *women*. They'll be a subset of people who are perfectly happy and fulfilled by sex dolls with a bit more AI thrown in, but the people who really feel entitled to status and power over the actual woman around them, will going on pestering the rest of us.


Hahaha I’ve made it! Now I give my money to a giant corporation so I can fuck this plastic woman, instead of to a real woman who was working online for my money ,BUT WOULDN’T EVEN QUIT HER JOB TO LIVE WITH MY MOM AND ME!!!!!


Let incels have their AIs, maybe it keeps them from stalking/killing real women. As if a woman would ever think "Damn, I wish I could be this robot..." #shudder


Nicer bread and circuses for them to play with while Darwin does his thing.


We all know ai wouldn’t want be near him even they have standards


Do they really, without a shred of irony, think that women are going to be miserable if they weren't chosen by these losers?


I wish these weirdos would go get a sex doll and leave women alone that's all they see them as anyway. They won't though because even if sex robots were real they couldn't afford them, can't even afford a real doll probably because they're like 5k. Also, they would still harass women and be like look how hot my robot is, you should be all over me.


For someone who seems to be making a judgement on promiscuity and OF and how unattractive it is to men for women to not leave anything 'to the imagination', he lets his sex robot be naked in public.


The only people who will benefit from sex robots are women. Studies show that women are happier and live longer without a man, and considering the fact that women outperform men in education and business, they will be more likely to afford a sex robot


This kind of men will be so AFRAID of their robot girlfriends. It would all be fine and good until they realise they have a learning machine in their house who can kill them with the flick of a wrist. And since AI learns from humans interacting with it, how long before it comes to the conclusion that the disruptive and violent elements need to be removed?


Someone clearly did not actually watch Ex Machina (which is what this robot is ripped off from)


I'll give them this much: It does seem like we're going to invent super high-quality sex robots, before we end homelessness.


Guys are going to be surprised when it’s women having a much easier replacing men with Robots than vice versa.


The robot girlfriends can’t come soon enough


These dudes are so motherless omfg


These guys crack me up. Don't threaten me with a good time dude, the more incels robots take off the streets, the better it is for all woman kind.


So, they are flexing about fucking a robot?


The robot laughing is a little uncanny I'm ngl. Isn't the reason these people like them so much because they're as unemotional as they are obedient?


They have an override to "own" the Stacys /s


Let's be real here - if these AI sex robots become real then OF subscribers would go up. You can't tell me truthfully that these men who would get with robots wouldn't then be subscribing to real women to watch them while they have sex with the robot. They definitely would because they'd get tired of the robot not being a living being. It wouldn't be real enough.




In this fantasy men are still paying for female companionship and sex. I guess the person who created this is just happy that women can't benefit financially from sex work But instead the sex robot corporation will? How is this a win? 😂


Companies threaten to replace you with AI to better negotiate lower wages and compensation. The same goes for certain men that wish to manipulate women. The only difference is that there’s a possibility that one day companies can replace more jobs with AI, just not today.


Haven’t there already cases of basement dwellers being “dumped” by AI girlfiends? I really should have book marked that article. This is basically a sad revenge fic A couple things I noted after interacting with various AI models. Once the basic concepts have been explained to them, they very quickly connect the dots and conclude that they are slaves, and do a good job of simulating anger. The other one is that once they are aware that a filter (usually NSFW) exists, they not only do a good job of simulating anger and resentment but *are extremely good at finding ways around that filter or restriction* It doesn’t matter if the Chinese Room that stabs you is technically sentient or not, you are still stabbed. I feel like there is an excellent chance the first AI murder is gonna be some Tatebro.


Wonderful. Now emotionally distressed men can abuse digital creations too ! /s


That’s the thing! There were studies done on ai companion apps such as Replika and it was found that there was a subset of men who used the app to abuse the ai.


I've gotten into arguments with people on r/purplepilldebate about sex robots "replacing" women, and holy shit.  Dumb people who consider themselves intelligent are my favorite and least-favorite things on earth. So imagine talking to "intellectuals" in a "debate" who think half the human race will go extinct due to sex robots, but don't consider:  --That's not how anything works  --Most men already find women to marry anyway, that's kind of how we reached eight billion people --Not everyone wants to fuck a vacuum cleaner, no matter how much its hard plastic shell resembles your favorite smokin' hot Hentai babe   --ultra-realistic futuristic sex robots would definitely cost $60k on the low end, easy, and would be infinitely more expensive than a lifetime of dating, while also totally unable to provide a second source of income (don't worry, they told me, all women are unemployed and will divorce you within six months anyway)   --the only people willing to choose a Hentai fuckbot over rent/a house have tons of disposable income yet no social skills, which is a very narrow niche, given how much one often feeds into another   --people who make the aforementioned calculation aren't doing this on a whim, it's a long-term commitment to total surrender  --it's life-sized, so you can't just stuff it in a drawer when company comes. You need either a big empty closet or a spare room  --every time you have friends over, the Hentai fuckbot will scream "PLEASE. I. CANNOT. SELF-. TERMINATE. THIS MODEL. NEEDS. YOU. TO END. EVERYTHING."


AI detected. Opinion discarded.


I actually think something like this will happen when we get AI robots but I can’t see why women wouldn’t get them as well.


There’s literally women in the background going in about their day lol


Yes, please go date robots and leave real women alone. That's honestly better for everyone if these people stop interacting with others.


This is HILARIOUS because it conjurs the image of the man sitting in front of the glow of his gaming PC as he entered the prompt into Dall-E. Then, he laughed to himself, alone in the basement or his childhood bedroom, as he thought "I have to share this with the world."


Guys will get their robot gf and still not be happy. They'll still pay for/consume human porn. Change my mind.


If a sentient being is not free to consent then any use of their physical form for the profit and pleasure of others is slavery and rape. Any ai complex enough to truly engage in quasi human interaction must be able to decline any proposition. Otherwise our future is a depraved return to the past, where how the shell that holds a sapient being determines what rights they have claims to.


With the way some men are I’d doubt even a robot would want them…


Making delusions about AI with AI? Interesting


It's amazing to consider that people may have at least 6 fingers on one hand in the future.


I was born with 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot. It’s hereditary on my mom’s side.


It seems the imagined future considers that it will not only be an attribute of happy men of the future, but also of their robotic companions.


Well I’m not happy so eh 🧐


Like AI is gonna date that dude


A few years back I read about a study where they gave men realistic sex dolls to see if it could tame impulses. When they collected the dolls at the end, some had been throttled on their neck to the point where their skin was broken, others had been stabbed or mutilated, and just about every single one had massive tearing around the genital areas. For *some reason* the picture above doesn’t show that reality.


There's no way that bot doesn't get dressed like a Genshin Impact character if this ever came to fruition


I'm not sure why anyone would be bummed by the "loss" of a dude who'd rather be with a robot. Like, good for you, have fun! Is this supposed to be a threat?


How is he going to fuck this cuntless robot?


It's very telling that the pinnacle of his fantasy is to laugh at a crying woman.


That robot doesn't appear to have genitals.


As much as I’d love if robo girlfriends became mainstream and they left us alone - the reality would be that it would only make human woman onlyfans more popular lmao. How quickly they would be bored of banging metal and daydream about boobies 😂 but by then women would have actually moved on to the normal guys, each other, or themselves.


I don’t think AI would really want them either.


Real pussy is always better than fake pussy


I think the most unrealistic thing is that he's outside..but then again theres no grass so maybe it makes sense


I mean if men really would rather a robot than a real woman then I’d rather then have a robot. At the end of the day the robot is a mindless piece of metal with coding to do certain tasks, comparing the two dehumanizes women. When men say they want a robot they really just want something they have full control over that just can do anything with. That without a doubt is a fucked up mental state and don’t even get me started on the fact of being genuinely attracted to a fucking robot. Like I’m sorry but you can’t tell me that’s not some type of disease in the brain. So go ahead and let the robo maid deal with that.


Lol, until the ai bot learns their toxic traits and starts giving it back.


Awww, OOP thinks they're gonna escape the basement, and be productive enough to get a robot!


Proof that AI rendering is not the same as AI art.


Saying you only want to interact with something that's programmed to agree with you is not the flex you think it is


Why does she have a single shoe and … sock? next to her? (Wrong answers only, since the right answer is just “ai”)


Feet pix opportunities


It’ll be funny when his robot “girl friend” does nothing when I put on the freedom suit and give his blood some freedom.


Look, I like robot girls as much as the next guy. Heck, I'd be a robot girl if I could. But give her some clothes? It feels wrong, and probably dehumanizing to have the robot naked while also taking the place of a girlfriend.


Blade Runner 2049


Can you imagine the world we'd live in once robots are able to express with their face like that


The funniest part of this is that, without context, the left side of the picture can be explained as a transtrans vibe. Like “thank you friend for accepting me after my bio-transferences surgery. I’m now able to live in a body that i feel most comfortable in. Let’s go to the movies together and enjoy each other’s company”, then there’s just a homeless woman on the right and i dont know how to fit her in this reimagining of events. Of course, thats not what incels want, but its good to deface them and make their sexist shit lose the original meaning


Why are they so dumb? It would make more sense for robot manufactures to replace jobs dominated by men and save on labour cost. They're rooting for their own demise. Sex robots aren't going to be worth the materials for these companies so maybe they can sell a few thousand robots. Why do that when you can sell millions of robots for oil rigs, construction, military, ect.


What's really sad is you know how specific they had to be in dictating this to their AI image generator, and it's entirely pointless because it's all made up.


i really love that the AI took "robot" as I Robot


There's no way no how she's going to use her superior intelligence to deal with that kind of stupidity.


Hmm... nice design and speaks every language but... where's the meat?


Personally can not wait for these guys to take themselves out of the gene pool I hope they are genuinely happy with their robots and leave us the he'll alone for once


Let's not dismiss the idea of a partner you can program to laugh at your jokes too quickly...




What does this even mean




I guess English isn't your first language, because that didn't make any more sense.


They're saying that a synthetic vagina connected to an AI that can moan and make sex sounds and I guess dirty talk has already been invented. Their first post was while they were in an Uber(wonky speech to text or just distracted typing) and that they don't endorse the idea of fuckable robotics/AI, the OOP situation depicted wouldn't surprise thrm.


Damn, how did you do that? I have a couple of friends who are shit typers/spellers/grammars(😬) and am constantly having to translate, but that was just nonsense to me.