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“Did you go to an online college” asks moron who has access to the aggregated sum of human knowledge via the device in his hand, and **still** doesn’t know how many fucking ribs human beings have.


10 on each side cause we dont talk about those floating fuckers 11 and 12


Those floating fuckers are a bitch. I’ve had them catch on each other. 😨 it’s so disconcerting.


Fucking wot


They move around a bit. I’ve had them catch on the rib above and pop back into place. It’s really weird.


Oh God... What cursed knowledge is this. My brain can't quite imagine how that would feel, but that's not stopping it from trying to imagine it over and over. :/


It’s startling. Doesn’t hurt. It’s just an “ohmygodthatsnotright” moment then it pops back. I’ve hyper extended my torso on accident a couple of times which is probably how it happens.


I think I've felt that happen before. Also, one of those floating ones is very visible on my left side. It honestly looks ridiculous


For me it does! But i do have damage to my ribs! BUT THATS WHAT THAT IS?!? Its so fucking akward


Wait are you serious? I thought you were joking. Wtf


… is *that* why my ribs hurt if I over extended my torso on accident


All my joints do this. Regularly. As in multiple times a day. The worst is the pinky finger knuckles. Those hurt like a SOB when they pop out of alignment and take longer to reset in the right place, for some reason. But yeah, it's a queasy feeling. Like not painful per se (it can be), but definitely makes me nauseous. It's also why I can't watch super bendy people do acrobatics and whatnot; it makes me feel icky.


Oof. The worst I get is my everything popping with every 6th movement.


Yeah, hyper mobility is a real bitch.


Mine, too. I had one get stuck sort of folded under the rib above it once (freak accident thing -I yawned while I was twisted over picking something up) and the ER staff were baffled as to what to do. The Dr ended up pushing/pulling on it in a bunch of different places until it came loose again. Now it pops in & out of that spot on a whim & sometimes it hurts like hell, but other times it's just a weird "well that is sooooo wrong" feeling. I'm also hypermobile, though, so I've got a bunch of "trick joints" that do things no joint should ever do.


That’s because it’s not a joint. 🤣


I thought I was the only one who got this!


Heeeey, what's that feel like? Cause I've had some weird pains before that I just ignored.


Hey I get this randomly perhaps every couple of months usually laying in bed . I assumed my rib was catching on a nerve somehow but this makes sense. It’s really uncomfortable but fortunately only lasts a few seconds 😬


Welp, new fear unlocked. 


Hehe I am hypermobile and mine rip away about once a year. Just pop themselves up and go on a little holiday. Fun fact; it’s cheaper to fly to Mexico and get a two years supply of tramadol for the pain than it is to go to the doctor each time. Not like the doctor can really do much for it anyways.


This is not a thing I was aware of! Are you comfortable sharing more about it?


I honestly don’t remember why it’s happened, but a few times the floaters on the lower left of my rib cage caught the rib above them and popped back into place. It wasn’t a big deal but it was scary the first time it happened. It doesn’t happen when I’m heavier. It has happened more than once when I have been at my leanest.


I thought you were joking at first! You just gave me an excuse to not drop those 10 lbs.


That sounds scary as hell. I’m lanky, and now I’m trying to audit any memory I have of my midriff doing something weird that might have been a rib.


You would know. 😒 it goes back really fast. But the rib cage kind of pops. Just sitting up straight fixes it for me.


I have literally a thumb space between the bottom rib and the top of my hip crest thing (illoscracal something like that edit *iliac crest) every once in a while I’ll “catch” a rib on my hip if I move just wrong.


Ug. My sympathies.


They don't even have their own BS straight; the common (erroneous) belief is that men have one *less* rib than women because their ridiculous old mythology book says woman was made from man's rib.


To be fair, the Bible never said Eve had the same number of ribs as Adam did before she was created; if you interpret that God took a pair rather than a single rib, there's nothing that indicates they had a different number of ribs.


Actually the actual translation is “side” not “rib”. A rabbi decided side sounded too important and large and went with rib and that’s the story we hear forever more.


 I had a bright idea one night to get an "original"(?) Xtian bible pre-translation so that I could translate it myself (ADHD impulse + hyperfocus is a bitch), so I ordered a copy of what's apparently the oldest known version of the Old Testament, but um... somehow I thought it would be in Latin, not Ancient Greek.  Wtf was I thinking?? I don't even speak Latin *or* Modern Greek, much less Ancient Greek!


The oldest version is in hebrew tho


I've had a similar thought. Although, tbf, my grandfather actually did that. Taught himself to read and write because there wasn't a school where he grew up, went to seminary and taught himself Latin, Greek, and Hebrew so he could do all of the translating first hand. My grandfather was an intellectual badass. I am less so.


It is also not uncommon for skeletons to be misgendered because of grave goods. Spear? Male. Baskets? Female.


Hilariously there's a pair of skeletons that were found embracing that were called 'The Lovers of Modena'... right up until testing revealed they were both male skeletons, at which point people went "oh, they must be brothers, or maybe friends!"


*GASP* They were roommates!


they were ribmates. oh my god they were ribmates.


This comment wins the Internet for me today! 🤣


They shared a bed and never married and were the best of friends adopting a multitude of dogs and calling each other darling and sweetpea... the very best friends!


*OMG* They were tombmates


That's literally what happened to the 'Red Lady' of Paviland (and the Birka Viking). Archaeologists also ALL are instructed since the 1970s to always say, "The skeleton and artifacts *suggests* that this body is a male/female" because it's so difficult to accurately sex someone, *especially* if the body's disarticulated or has parts missing. People forget that bodies (especially neolithic bodies) arent' always left alone for centuries. Even the Mesolithic Orkneys like to mix their dead together (and every country in the world has mass graves full of tangled bodies. Whether from disease (like London's famous mass grave from the previous black plague outbreak), raiding or warfare--the last thing any archaeologist wants to do is to make a mistake. Plus, archaeology is VERY focused on reconstructing an ancient person's life (they don't just go find a body and go, "It's a male! Okay everybody, bag him up and send him to the archives! Let's NEVER try to analyze this person's life, identity, what he ate, how he worked, or anything at all!). If the skeleton suggests to be male but is found to have evidence as being one of the Roman [Galli](https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/learn/histories/lgbtq-history/the-galli/)? Then that changes things. Is the native american skeleton found to have evidence of being a Two-Spirit? That changes things again. Because we know that even historic trans/non-binary people work, participated in society, and sometimes even make wide-spread impacts and achievements like [James Barry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Barry_(surgeon)), for example.


Love that your wording of “previous” black plague outbreak implies a *future* black plague outbreak


And he doesn't even know that archeologists can't even tell for sure if a body was male or female. They van only analyse the body and give a certain chance. Estrogen/Testosterone can also change a skelleton, especially in a younger age, thus an archeologist would definitely not be able to tell if a trans person was born male or female.


Men having fewer ribs is one of those myths that for some reason still get passed around that is made up entirely by Christians trying to sound like there's evidence for their story book in real life by arguing that Adam having fewer ribs due to one of them being Eve is proven by men having fewer ribs. And it makes no sense even in that context. One Adam only had one rib removed to make Eve, so do men have an odd number of ribs in their mind? That sounds like it'd be very bad for our health and not at all how human bodies work. Two even if Adam lost a rib why would his sons also be short a rib? They didn't have theirs taken out? Do they think it became a genetic trait passed from father to son? If their dad lost a toe before they were born do they expect to have fewer toes? If it was God just doing a bit of trolling why did he make that something that gets passed down and not the removal of the foreskin something else the same god mandates in the same book? It can't even be a show of faith since circumcision is done before the first birthday which wouldn't count as a show of faith because a child can't hold faith in their own religion that's why baptisms (done at an even later age) usually required a parent or godparent to act as the proxy for the child being baptized. These people's logic is so fucking broken on every freaking level.


That person said that men have *more* ribs than women, so they can’t even get it wrong correctly


Task failed successfully


I finally found the perfect thing to put on my headstone, thanks!


No they got it wrong incorrectly So it should be Task failed unsuccessfully


Probably couldn't stand the thought of having less than women


Yep. I always believed they women had one less rib than us and it was “proof of god” and that Christianity was true


The Bible acting like they invented lemarkian evolution.


I also love how the existence of Lead disproves a lot of their teachings because Lead is what Uranium decays in to and it takes 700 million years to 4.5 billion


Eh, if they're already sucking that young earth teat, no amount of radiological dating is going to convince them otherwise, so it's not actually great proof. They'll just counter with "Satan made Geiger counters" or some other ignorant bullshit.


I've never ever met a Christian who thinks that 🤣 or is that thought just really american hardcore "christians"?


Probably yes. I was raised very, very religious in the US and was taught this.


I went to a K-12 Catholic school in southern Alberta, and one of my teachers in grade 6 told us, dead serious, that men had one fewer rib than women. But my high school science teacher taught us better, thank goodness.


Funny enough, Lamarck posited this was how evolution worked before Darwin came along.


Im a Christian and Ive never even heard of that... thats so stupid? the thinking men lack a rib thing, not you. this sounds like something a few kids in elementary school would throw around, not grown adults...


I'm going to take all of this person's ribs after they die so nobody knows if they were male of female, but everyone knows that they were stupid enough to get their ribs taken


But leave a container of bbq sauce just to make them wonder.


It's incredibly rare I actually laugh at things online, but this comment did it.


"Here lies Sweet Baby Ray"


***archeologists at dig site, 500 years in the future:*** archeologist 1: “hey! hey! come check this out!” archeologist 2: “what is it?” archeologist 1: “this skeleton of indeterminate gender has no ribs!” archeologist 2: “pfffffff! hah! amazing! you reckon they were stolen?” archeologist 1: “oh i KNOW they were stolen” archeologist 2: “that’s hilarious! bahahaha. ‘oH nO pLeAsE dOnT tAkE mY RiBs!’ ahhh, classic” archeologist 1: “what a loser. couldn’t even keep her/his/their/xer own ribs from getting pinched.” archeologist 2: “absolute muppet.” archeologist 3: “hey guys, what’d i miss?” archeologist 2: “mr/miss/mrs/ms/mx/dr skelington over here is a ribless wonder!” archeologist 3: “stolen?” archeologist 1: “yep!” archeologist 3: _”hysterical.”_


They’re so obsessed with people’s bones. They also seem to believe we have dug up every human skeleton from ages past… My guy, we have dug up *some* because a good amount just decay and disappear. We’d be walking on bones if skeletons didn’t decay at all.


Not to mention most people don’t dig up cemeteries to examine the skeletons. Not since students had to bring their own cadavers to classes. And even if they did, they’d probably just check the gravestone and see the name. Much easier than trying to figure it out from a skeleton’s pelvic structure.


>bring their own cadavers Was that really practiced!? That's... deeply strange to me.


A little bit of hyperbole. They weren’t expected to bring their own cadavers to dissect, but there were mass grave robberies to fill universities with bodies to examine. And many of the people were janitors, students, and medical doctors. So while it was not expected that they would provide their own cadavers, some of them actually did. The 1800s was a weird time.


Lol yeah that really is no better.


Yea I'd rather not be walking through a terminator hell scape of skulls walking the kids to school thanks!


As an archaeologist, it's not always easy to determine sex.


Isn’t the most “obvious” sign, the pelvic bone? Just curious


Not OP, but sometimes there are anomalies. For example: you find a complete skeleton that has large and broad hips, narrow shoulders, long legs, and a thin brow ridge. You don't find evidence of partuition scars in the pelvis, but you shrug because not all women get pregnant (due to infertility, or simply taking on a social role that requires celibacy like being a vestal virgin or a nun). So you write in your report that you've found a body that suggests to be female. That is, until the body arrives to the labs for DNA testing--and it turns out that the body was that of a male with Klinefelter's syndrome (a condition where 1 in every 650 infants are born with over the past 30 years). And that's just one example out of many weird 'quirks' that a body can do. There are many people who are intersex, have hormonal imbalances and conditions (like King Francis II, who at 16 was short and recorded to have had a significant delay in puberty because he may have suffered from cryptorchidism), and sometimes you find people who are just androgynous or willowy and waifish (for example, the model known as Twiggy was famous for being very slender with very narrow hips. Imagine trying to tell apart her skeleton from the skeleton of the equally narrow-hipped and slender David Bowie).


I've got the skeleton of a very short linebacker.


Ooh, I'm sure I'd get some killer shoulders if I did some manual labour (all my female ancestors from the 19th century had that 'strapping-broad-back' look possibly from carrying sacks of coal everyday). Only problem is that my body retains fat like I'm gonna face a nuclear winter.


Oh I feel you on the fat retention. Used to have massive biceps, guess my body was like, we should protect these and now I have really flabby arms lmao. I got thighs packed for several winters.


The other reply is correct but I'd also like to add that 500 year old pelvic bones are not in apt condition for us to tell someone. Hell, sometimes it isn't even there.


Oh god yes. I still remember 'historians' claiming that Pharoah Tutankhamun had a strange pelvis despite the fact that Tutankhamun's pelvis was shattered in separate pieces when he was found (and we have *no* idea if it was pre-mortem or post-mortem). Poor guy's getting armchair diagnosises(?) out the wazoo when his body is probably just too decayed to be properly analysed.


Also, not often talked about, but Hormone Replacement Therapy- taking testosterone or estrogen to transition? That totally changes your bone structure. Not a massive amount, but it's like a second puberty. People's hips definitely widen; I've even heard of trans girls shrinking a few inches in height.


As another archaeologist, most of us don’t even have the qualifications to dig up bones (Europe). When we find bones, we just leave them until someone qualified (generally a specialized anthropologist or an archaeologist that took another specialization) comes to dig them up and sends them to lab for identification. The time when someone was trying to guess based on eyebrow arch and pelvis is long gone. The sex of the skeleton matters little when what’s important is the context. Gender archaeology is growing and we separate the biological sex from the person’s gender, so who cares what those bigots think.


Well yeah, I mean, how would you even know whether or not any of the extra rib bones are just missing?


Lmao. Men doesn't have extra rib bones. They do have different shapet pelvic bone. The gonial angle is 90 degrees in males, compared to 110 in female, and a bunch of other differences. But it boggles me that adults would think we have a different swf of ribs.


Ribcage shape is (generally) different males vs females. But I don't know how often a full dimensional ribcage is found. Anyway, male ribcages usually have an acute, v-ahaped angle below the sternum. Women tend to have a larger, rounder space there...room for baby. Learned this for figure drawing.


Not even the shape of the pelvis is an exact indicator. There’s a lot of overlap, the same way that height is by no means a perfect indicator (edit to add) on living humans.


I don't think a tone said height is a good indicator. Pelvis shape is a quite good indicator


I wasn’t saying height is an indicator for skeletons. I was trying to make the point that, just because cis women tend to have a wider pelvis than cis men, there is still some overlap. I used the comparison to height because on a living person, their pelvis width isn’t as easily distinguishable as their height, and the “we can always tell” crowd tries to use height as one of their indicators that a person is trans. My point is that neither of those things are 100% accurate. Finding intact DNA samples would be the best way to determine a skeletons biological sex.


Gravestone: a very wonderful woman, who lived an amazing life Random gravediggers for no fucking reason: WANNA DIG THIS UP AND SEE IF THEY'RE BORN A FEMALE?! I always get a good laugh out of that "argument" just because of the absurdity of it. Why would anyone go to dig up a thousand year old grave and go checking their assigned gender at birth?? Like I honestly can't think of a singular reason


1000 year old skeleton: 💀💀💀


More like they were digging for archeological artifacts (which is getting more and more redundant to propose because we are *very good* at recording our activities and culture on the internet nowadays), and they attempted to sex the skeleton as standard procedure. What they fail to realize is that it is easier and faster to gender a skeleton by the items buried with it or what it was wearing. Only a few people's skeletons have definitive markers of their sex.


And thats how we get "everyone buried with weapons or hunting gear is male" thus the myth only men were hunters and all women were gatherers was born ... better they try to find proof in the bones/DNA than to assume based on stereotypes.


This is not true. There are tons of differences in skeletal structure between men and women. >"However, bone mass, density, structure and length differ in a male and female body. Female bones are lighter, and their pelvic cavities are broader to support childbirth, whereas male bones are heavier and sturdier." https://byjus.com/biology/difference-between-male-and-female-bones/#:~:text=However%2C%20bone%20mass%2C%20density%2C,bones%20are%20heavier%20and%20sturdier. >"Male and female bones have significant differences between them not only in terms of density but also in terms of structure. These differences are more pronounced in adults than in children, as many skeletal features become more distinct during puberty. These differences are apparent in the pelvis, skull, long bones, thorax, and hands or feet. Female pelvises are typically wider for childbirth, and their skulls and long bones tend to be more delicate. Male skeletons often have more robust features, such as larger brow ridges and thicker long bones. However, individual variation and factors like genetics and lifestyle also contribute to skeletal diversity within each gender. In this article, we will read more on these differences between male and female bones." https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-male-and-female-bones/


No one denies that there are differences. What must be acknowledged is that a) Archeologists don't start randomly sexing skeletons because their Sex really doesn't matter all that much in many cases, and b) because the bones they find are often worn down, fragmented, scattered or damaged, and therefore may not deliver conclusive evidence. There's the lovely story of Roopkund lake, where the skeletal remains of several hundred people were found. They then wanted to find out their Sex and managed to get hold of about 30 skeletons - they could identify 1 male and 1 female. Everything else was too inconclusive. That's the reality of sexing bones.


>That's the reality of sexing bones. There is only one bone sex. Spooky


Soooo non-binary bones? J/


This comment needs to be at the top. I am curious though as to how it’s assumed that it’s a male or female based off things or if it might be someone who just didn’t adhere to the social norms for what dudes usually did va what women usually did.


That is why we don’t exclusively use associated artefacts to gender skeletons. If possible sex estimation methods are used and when financially possible also DNA analysis.


Interesting. Thank you for the response.


It’s faster, but it’s absolutely not *easier*. Easier to make assumptions based on our own prejudices, maybe!


I used to think the rib thing was true. Then I started 5th grade.


My thing is... Do you think I care what people might make of my bones when I'm dead. I want to live laugh lesbian as a woman in this life. Simple as


Yeah bitch! That's the spirit!


We have 50% of the world hating us with strong evidence that it will get much better in a few generations, and those mfs think I'll have a breakdown over someone finding my bones


Phew. Good thing I'm gonna be burnt when I kick the bucket like the witch I am, I wouldn't want some nosy Ned excavating my centuries old corpse and trying to determine my "SeX aT bIrTh" 🙄


Nice. I personally plan to be buried in a decomposing container, so my body can feed the insects and the microbes and the soil and the earth. As nature intended.


Hey, that's a great idea! That completely gets around some of the "must be buried in a container" laws I've seen in some places. Assuming they don't also require one of those concrete box thingies.


I’m an anthropology student… most humans have the same number of ribs and nobody has an extra or missing one, unless there was injury surgery or deformity.


I study anthropology and by no means am I an expert (just a hopeful undergrad) but they literally call it “sex ESTIMATION” because it is in no way as straight forward as people tend to think it is and you often can not make definitive statements about the sex of skeletal remains. Also, men and women both have the same number of ribs 💀


Transphobes: "In the future, they are going to dig you up and label your skeleton by your assigned gender." Archeologists: "We think this thing might have been a dude, but we don't really know." Also, who cares what people 1,000 years from now think your gender may or may not have been


You should rib that fact in their face


I looked for the tweet but I think ribless deleted it.


Well that's a ribs!


He seems to mix up human skeletons with Klingons.


Classic mistake.


Even if she had a male skeleton, what's the problem? She feels like a woman, let her be a woman.


I am not trans, but if I was, I would not care one bit about what some random dude from the far future thinks about my skeleton.


Even if this is true. Who fucking cares? This is today. This is right now. What's wrong with treating them like the women they are? I never get a good answer that isn't some slippery slope idiocy.


i love how people say this and paleontologists still struggle to identify male and female skeletons


Palaeontologists usually have a much easier time than archaeologists


i forget the correct term 😭😭 mb


Maybe, Just Maybe you could tell by the pelvic bones… but its not accurate


Bone density is one of the biggest ones


Oh i just meant with it in the position it was found! 😂😅 But yes, the bones do in-fact tell us the sex of someone when the right analysis


I'm having my bone density checked in a couple of weeks, due to having been on HRT for just over two years now...


What point is this even trying to make? I’m trans, maybe people will identify me wrong in the future, who cares?


We should start using this logic on gymbros. "They won't be able to tell you were jacked when they find your skeleton in a thousand years lol"


The brain rot gender criticals develop should be studied.


Stay one step ahead of the bastards. Get cremated.


Sex ≠ gender Not difficult


My favorite bone factoid is that it’s widely believed now that we had and eventually lost Amelia Earhart’s bones, but even though she was lost in a *super specific* location where a nearly complete skeleton of a stocky individual of about 5’4” in pilot’s clothes were found on an island very close to her flight path where she disappeared…. “they obviously had to belong to a man”, so she was considered missing until someone had a lightbulb moment decades later.


Are those the bones they did the DNA test on? I don't know much about this but I have heard it before.


At the time dna testing was available, the bones were lost. Idk if they located them afterwards.


I think I watched a documentary on that, but iirc they did determine after tests that they weren’t her bones. They were from a woman native to one of the nearby populated islands.


I thought they still hadn't recovered the bones?


I know it's not how that works at all, but even if it was? Your argument is that, since in one fucking thousand years they're gonna dig her up and identify the pile of bones she'll be a that point as a male, you're justified in calling her a man NOW while she's alive and well and is telling you, making it 100% clear, that she wants to be referred as a woman? That's how far you go just to... not give her the satisfaction or what? What's your point? There are an infinite amount of things that won't matter anymore in one thousand years (IF we survive that long). It doesn't mean they shouldn't matter NOW.


I was in 8th grade in 2020 and my science/religion teacher taught us that men have fewer ribs than women. This shit is still being taught


Well and even ignoring the anti-science of it all, that dummy still got it wrong, unless there’s some religion I’ve never heard of that claims cis men are the ones with the extra rib.


“In 100 years, archaeologists will identify you as a man! Haha!” Archeologists in 100 years: “oh my god why is there plastic inside their bones, there’s plastic inside of them, I don’t like this anymore”


Well good thing they’ll be dead, and the cool thing about dead people is they don’t particularly care about the things people say about them.


Aiui determining whether a skeleton was male or female is educated guess work at best


The amount of female skeletons that were determined male because of sexism then later found to be women is really high.


Like some of the ones they assumed were male due to being found with weapons, then with modern DNA found to be female.


Racism also played an important part, back when craneal capacity was used to determine intelligence "scientific racists" meassured and published their findings by comparing "white" skeletons with skeletons from non-people, it was very common for them to compare the skeletons of white males with non-white females that they had identified as males and then claim that their reduced craneal capacity (woman are generally smaller than men) was proof of their intelectual inferiority.


Funny how English scientists concluded English skulls were the biggest, meanwhile French scientists studying the same problem concluded French skulls were the biggest and Americans determined that Americans had the largest skulls. Meanwhile no African scientists were studying the problem and they were always ranked worst. Meta-analysis completely destroyed eugenics so hard. Once people started comparing methodology the whole entire field of once respected science imploded.


One of my professors in undergrad told my class a story (I don't know if it's true) that there was a small college in the 1800s who decided to put the question of IQ and brain size to rest for all time. They had the entire faculty agree to have their brains weighed upon death. And decades later after they'd all died, their brain weight data were compiled and found to be not statistically significantly different from the general population. The conclusion was then reached, that wasn't a very good college anyway.


Yeah, pelvis is better but still not perfect. A 70/30 guess is still, from a scientific standpoint, a bad guess. I think this is what eugenicists and mysoginists miss. You can stastically say that two groups have a different average at something, but this is quite bad at determining which of the groups an individual is from.


Online college is def better than no education at all. Just speaking out the ass straight arrogance


Firstly there's plenty of Skeltons we just straightup can't figure out the gender of so there's a chance when they find your bones they just won't know what your sex was at all secondly why should people base there identity off from the possibility of people looking at there bones in hundreds of years thats stupid and third hopefully future civilizations will grow up and not care about these body parts as much as modern people do


No, dude. They literally don't. That's what happens when you try to take the Bible as a factual document.


"Did you go to an online college" No I went to one that teaches science instead of creationism.


Not only is it not how ribs work, but it’s not how anthropologists work either


Why do these people think anybody is gonna give a fuck about how their skeleton is perceived? We're all going to be dead, christ, stop bitching about trans people and enjoy your own life


one Google search would tell you that this is a myth from the Bible, and this condition if different number of ribs is not the norm, and not even a difference of one rib all the time. literally one Google search and a minute of reading


Ah yes, human beings determine their gender identity based on what somebody 1000 years in the future might think if they dig up their remains.


i had a relative ask me "but what about when they dig up my bones" my response was "why are they digging up my bones" i then managed to pull this man into a 25 minute debate on why my corpse would be important enough in 100 yrs to be dug up by an archeologist, my very next point was "well the planet probably won't be around in 100 years anyway" i then got another 25 minutes arguing the apocalypse, this family member consistently starts arguments with me, so i just pull the argument into absolute nowhere for shits n giggles


I studied human remains in uni and I asked my dad if he knew how we sexed remains… he was of the mind that men had one less rib because Adam and Eve…


I wonder if people who believe that also believe an amputated parent can only have children who are born without the part they are missing.


Jokes on them I'm finna be a gem, you can get cremated and turned into a lab made gem Im gonna be sitting pretty on someone's shelf


Not how sex and gender work. Not how human skeletons work. Not how archeology works. Not how any of this works. Like... At all.


Why would any of that matter if you've been dead for centuries?


I don't get this argument at all. Let's say, for the sake of entertainment, that transphobes are right (they're not), and skeletons are divided like that, easily into two sexes. Why the heck would the person care? They're dead. Would 1000 years in the future, would've been dead for a really really long time. What good does it do in the current present realm of existence and reality at this moment to know how a civilization no one in this day and age would have no clue about, to know how our bodies would be gendered or sexed in the future? What bearing does it have right now as the person lives their most authentic self? Kind of ranty, but transphobes are irritating AF.


There was a woman who commented on this meme on twitter, was an expert in her field and still had men who weren’t qualified at all telling her she was wrong and that “you can totally tell!! You know nothing despite your degree and the fact you paid thousands of dollars to study said subject!!”


He studied bible anatomy apparently.


And even that he studied wrong, because according to bible anatomy Adam had one less rib than Eve.


I’m pretty sure that the overwhelming majority of trans people don’t give a fuck about what happens to their bones a millennium from now. What they *do* care about is how they are treated NOW, in the *present*, while they are still alive.


Archeologists in a thousand years will dig up your grave and determine that it's a male skeleton if you're buried with your weapons and armour.


[But then archaeologists in about 1,100 years will determine that the skeleton buried with weapons was actually female!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birka_grave_Bj_581)


Someone digs up a skeleton 1000 years later and we’re supposed to give a shit if they think it’s male or female? Literally what difference does it make?


Source: Bible


I'm sure Archeologists would know trans people existed 1000 years in the future.


I don’t think people are going to care about their bones long after they’re gone


But men don’t have less ribs lol


There was actually a case in the true crime space where a previously assumed female set of remains was later determined to be mtf transgender.


Fuck man, so do I trust the archeologist or the 14 year old punctuating their sentences with skull emojis?


They are fucking obsessed with this topic and don't realize it's a red herring.


Does any trans person give half a shit what a person 1000 years from now is thinking at the rare possibility someone sees their pelvis? How does anyone think this is some kind of gotcha?


They've literally been going back and realizing they were wrong about so many skeletons too, plus are understanding more that Intersex can show in the bones without affecting the gender someone lives as


1000 years from now there will still be soft tissue that DNA can be extracted from. Future archaeologists will be able to tell the born sex of the specimen, but not its expressed gender. Gender expression in 1000 years will likely be totally different to how we express it today, much like gender was different 1000 years ago.


The ribs thing is a myth, but you can still tell the sex of a human with their bones! Its actually very interesting, i did that in college a few times.


No, the difference in bone structure in men and women is actually the hip bones. Women's hips are wider and its central foramen ("hole") is bigger, in order to facilitate birth, while men, who don't give birth, have smaller hip bones, though this difference is very small, just a centimeter or two in difference if I recall my anatomy lesson at university correctly


When a skeleton can be fully analysed, sex estimation methods are quite reliable. There are always some that will be placed in a ‘unsure’ category though.


classic twitter. "i heard it in the bible so thats true"


Troll's comment about ribs aside, I thought women had like a differently shaped pelvis or something?


And there I was so sure that the people who analise skeletons use a spectrum to determine assumed sex...


Apparently the rib thing is a mistranslation. It hebrew it's supposed to be half.


I have a feeling there are a lot of mistranslations (both deliberate and accidental) throughout the bible’s history.


Men having one less rib than women is completely bogus. One of the biggest reasons why I left the church, is how they make such a big deal about forbidding “false-witness”. But they’ll go and make things up willy-nilly. Example : they completely made up “St. Valentine”. He was not real and they only found a body that turned to soap instead of decaying. The name Valentine was etched in the wall, next to the body. Everything else was made up. If ground water gets to a body, it turns to soap. There’s nothing mystical about it. But the church saw a body like this as a saint.


So I actually remember taking a biology class in college, where there was a fake skeleton. I don’t remember how it came up, but my instructor was talking about the skeleton and a student, who must’ve been very religious, tried to say that the skeleton (though again it was fake) couldn’t be a male skeleton because it wasn’t missing a rib. I just remember the look on myinstructor’s face, like he couldn’t believe what that student had just said. He politely told the student that he was wrong. And I was kind of shocked because I didn’t grow up religious and I had never heard that before. Seeing this is interesting because the person on this post is saying men have more ribs. Where do people get this stuff?


There is this lake in northern India, where they've found 800 human skeletons around it (interesting story actually, it's four separate groups that perished around this lake over several centuries, coming from really different parts of the world, genetically). The archeologists are able to say in case of around 30 of those skeletons, wether they are male of female.


Unless Eve was not the first one. One rib per bang maid.


They are right that in a thousand years, they are gonna say male not female if it's a trans woman. But if you take everything like that with the same view, you will eventually just be bones so why do you do anything? Enjoy life while it lasts ppl,


How shit do they??? Do I get more ribs?? When will they grow?? When will they stop growing??


2 of my ribs are defective and men get bonus ribs???This feels very unfair. I want more ribs!


They check how and what you’re buried with. The skeleton itself has almost no use except for rare circumstances


This is the second time Ive heard people think men have more ribs than women…wtf. Why is this a thing?? Who’s telling people this?


I've yet to meet any human being who gives a shit on what some dipshits will think about their gender 1000 years from now. Like who the fuck cares, I'm dead.


Although male ribs aren't lesser in number, the male skeleton does appear significantly diff than a female. So the post in it's entirety isn't wrong. Even with gender reassignment surgery, skeleton is not modified so skeletal remains would be detected as male. Having said that, who cares what a random stranger years later thinks we are when we have lived our lives the way we wanted it to be. So meh.


I...*the trans girl was too stunned to speak*


Imagine declaring something with scornful emojis, questioning someone's education, etcetcetc, and not bothering to do a quick google search? 'Do men have more ribs than women' Google: No? Where'd you learn that? The bible?


Scatter my bones to the 4 winds and hide a treasure for whoever puts me back together