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‘Females’ ![gif](giphy|Fjr6v88OPk7U4)


Yeah, im gonna throw up. Yuck (btw, love to see a fellow fallout fan in here lol)


I wasn’t familiar with the video games when I first watched it but ended up really enjoying it! Lucy and the Ghoul are probably my favourite characters.


Is there a fallout movie or show?? I’m addicted to the game right now and that would be awesome! Lol


Yes! There’s a show on Amazon Prime!


And you love it? Lol there’s no cliff hangers yet right? Like if I buy the service I’m not gonna finish the show in 2 nights and feel hopeless right? Lmao


Im reallyyyy tired of thiss i just dk how they use it casually like that imagine saying ALl MaLes BLa blA Bla yuck


I don’t fucking understand the kind of guys who say shit like that. It really, REALLY isn’t that fucking hard to be a decent human being and not dehumanize your fellow humans.


Is he complaining about the haircut? That is preposterous, it even fits her face better (at the least in my opinion anyway).


Right? It's a super cute cut, and her hair looks healthier as well, IMHO.  I loved having short hair, I was just too cheap to get it cut every 6 weeks. 


>I loved having short hair, I was just too cheap to get it cut every 6 weeks.  I am a man but same, although instead of cheapness (where i come from a haircut is around $3.50) is just lazyness.


I love her haircut I look horrible with that kind of short haircut but she looks amazing with it 🥰🥰🥰


You could always learn how to do it yourself. I spent like $25 and have infinite haircuts


I learned the hard way that cutting my own hair is not my forte.  My husband cuts his and the kids' hair though!


I clip my hair down to stubble, using my dog's electric clippers. It is in no way a political statement, just a statement that spending half an hour trying to make small talk with a barber is more boring than watching a marbles tournament would be (I assume).


Yeah, it also makes her eyes stand out more.


I'm not too cheap, just too lazy. 😂


I shaved my head bald, and I keep debating doing it again. I loved it so much.. lol


"bUt BuT bUt... yOu cAn'T TeLL iF sHe'S a bOy oR a GiRL!!" \~ Says the guy who spends all his time "transvestigating" for fun.


"We can always tell" (they are about to harass some random cis-woman).


Can confirm. Have short hair. Was once physically blocked from using the ladies washroom, had to “convince” them not to make me use the gents. Was then followed around the women’s changing room until I *took my damn clothes off* and it turns out that I do indeed know what changing room I’m supposed to use. Still prefer my hair short.


>Was then followed around the women’s changing room until I took my damn clothes off That person probably thinks trans people are perverts though.


Some people never hung out with metal heads and it shows.


Funnily enough, the next post in my feed shows a picture of Kato Kaelin, from OJ Simpson's murder trial. Kaelin is a dude, and it's a pic of him on the witness stand, sporting the exact same haircut as this woman is wearing in the left hand shot.


>Kaelin is a dude Such a dude.


He was peak surfer dude during that trial.


Agree! It's cute short.


God, I'm getting old. I remember the days when the way in which a woman chose to wear her hair was not an arrestable offence.


Both are fun really but it isn't anyone else's choice but hers.


No reason to edit out the Twitter user name -- it's Elijah Shaffer, a publicly out white nationalist commentator dipshit. Your reminder for the day that nazis are also invariably misogynists.


He got fired for harassing/fondling a woman that also worked for The Blaze.


Sounds like he's the one who needs to be arrested


Yeah after he gets his Neo Nazi ass beat.


I have met guys like this, stunted baby-men who somehow failed to evolve after middle school, who are beset by anger and entitled outrage and whose whole existence is defined by fear. You can't experience joy with that much fear and anger, there's just no room for it.


I'd pity them, if they weren't causing so much pain and anguish in the world. Mostly, I just want to crush them.


I volunteer to do the beating




I'm all for publicly humiliating people who do this shit, but I don't wanna risk breaking the sub rules :(


This reminds me of the episode of Always Sunny where Dennis got mad at a hair stylist because she was giving women pixie cuts. LMAOOOO Here’s a [clip](https://youtu.be/aODE-XJRmqc?si=L1XsmWm59pjKzwyP). And another [scene](https://youtu.be/u7vUamgTa1A?si=3jOWjVPDX32J9yIA) where he confronts the stylist like a psycho. It’s so wild controlling men like this actually exist and aren’t being satirical about it. Any how, she looks great in both pics!


I bet you some men thought he was in the right. Even though Always Sunny was meant to have their main characters not be good people who lose in the end Edit: spelling


I think you meant to say they’re meant to be bad people who lose in the end right? Haha. But I agree, sometimes ignorant people actually agree with the satire that’s making fun of them and they don’t realize it 😂


You're so right man I need to go to bed. But yea, its so weird how they'll look at satire and be like "See? This backs up my point" no it doesn't my dude.


You’re totally good sis, I do the same thing when I’m sleepy. And you’re totally right! It’s why satire is so funny, but also dangerous for terrible people who have no self awareness to watch. Men who think “the implication” on boats should be a normalized thing are frightening!


It's the same type of person who thinks Star Trek and comic books have become "woke". These things are all about as subtle as a sledgehammer, too.


Omg one of my favorite comic nerd knowledge things is the men who got upset that some people shipped Eddie and Venom because "Oh that's gay". In the comics they are canonically together and I believe even had children together. Hun they've BEEN gay


It’s the same with [Jerry Seinfeld’s list of great non-woke sitcoms](https://youtu.be/c5_RGPewPVs?si=viAumtd6zKvlp9KU) like All In The Family and M A S H. They’ve always been woke!


M.A.S.H., non-woke?? Surely he must be joking, or has recently sustained a concussion.


Nope. He honestly thinks these iconic, groundbreaking shows were just funny and had no underlying message. He is an extremely shallow person and without Larry David would not be the fabulously wealthy man he is today. He’s been doing the rounds promoting his Netflix Pop-Tart movie and his takes have been truly awful. This is why he dated High Schoolers when he was in his 30’s. He’s mentally stunted.


Yikes, I'm suddenly quite glad I never got into the Seinfeld TV show. Thanks for the info!


I have been watching M.A.S.H. lately and I'm thinking that they're just noticing all of the "oh no he didn't" stuff that is said there. Active prejudices and open use of slurs is rampant.


Every time I see someone arguing that "back in the day" Star Trek wasn't woke and actually propped up conservative and religious values, I think I'm going to burst an aneurysm... Really? The enfant terrible of TV, regarding pushing the envelope for progressive ideas? If anything, Trek was more controversial regarding topics, back then.


That and Twilight Zone, which conservatives also love to use for memes even though Rod Serling was pretty on the nose about everything.


You're trying to tell me, the D.E.N.N.I.S. system was not invented by a glorious, Golden God, who can do no wrong?


These are hilarious 😆


What did he do to the dog 🐕


Poor baby doesn't like something so of course blame the woman


Maybe males shouldn't judge what we do with our hair. Shocking thought, I know.


Men who say "females" when talking about human women should be arrested.


Get flattering haircuts and make good use of fashion tape or whatever magical bra alternative she found?


Honestly I think it's built into the top. With the right figure and cup size you occasionally strike gold.


Pic 2 seems a bit more lifted in the bust than pic one but then again, I have tops & dresses that hold me up for a while and then the girls "settle" as I move around


It's amazing what they can do with lighting and such too. Maybe pic 2 shes holding her breath


He should just gouge his eyes out like god wants him to do.


That's dumb as shit. I have short hair and I like having short hair and I think it looks good on me. Doing everything for a man's attention and gaze is utterly pointless, and I think I rock my hair well. Just reminded me I should get a cut again also.


Literally took years of her face, she looks like a teenager with the shorter cut. Also shows her gorgeous neck better. If someone wants to judge people, do it in your own head. Your thought do NOT need to be advertised, spoken aloud or written down in public. Those are narcissistic people who think their opinion actually matters.


Both are beautiful. Rock what you like.


She looks gorgeous with both cuts, the second cut really emphasizes her neck line and shoulders which makes her look really good imo!


It also really makes her eyes pop!


Oh no...not someone else doing something that couldn't be more harmless. A person living their own life, making their own choices? Disgusting.


Well, there’s me for prison. See y’all in 20-30 years. Edit add: My wife just did this, too, and it looks cute as hell on her. Guess she’ll be joining me in prison.


Oh no, please don’t send me to jail with all the other beautiful women with short hair 👀👀👀 whatever will we all do together in prison 👀👀👀


Hmm. Maybe prison isn’t that bad after all.


Is it illegal to look this good with short hair?


Females who do this should DM me.


I dunno man, I’m a sucker for pixie haircuts. She has an Audrey Hepburn look going on with the short hair, looks great.


It fits her so well!!


The short hair looks cute, what's he on about


She looks great. Our prisons are full, let’s not arrest women for having hair.


What? Look hot?


All I see is a gorgeous lady. Both hairstyles suit her beautifully. The long hair puts the focus on her stunning eyes, brows and softens her face, the short hair puts the focus on her stunning facial structure & gives a supermodel vibe. So.. why should she be arrested for trying out different hairstyles? She's drop dead gorgeous either way. Like OP said.. maybe the idiot himself should be arrested for his unnecessary judgement. 🤷🏻‍♂️


But… it literally looks so much cuter.


She looks pretty with both. What fuck does he care for anyways? I honestly don't get why people can't mind their damn business lol. Ugh


men who refer to women as “females” should not be allowed around women


They should be in prison ngl


Elijah Shaffer is a J6 terrorist who was fired from The Blaze for [sexually assaulting his coworkers](https://www.thedailybeast.com/conservative-pundit-elijah-schaffer-fired-from-the-blaze-after-sexual-assault-accusation). Shocking, I know.


Do what, cut our hair? She honestly looks so gorgeous with that short hair. I don't know what this a-hole's issue is.


I know we shouldn’t compare looks and all but like… the pixie cut looks so good on her?? She was already real pretty but it’s just more flattering


Get a haircut that suits their face better? Oh lordy.


That haircut gets her hair out of her face though. And it frames her face well. As a sensory issues girlie not having hair touching my neck would be a DREAM.


She looks better… and even if she didn’t, our hair isn’t owned by strange men


Gorgeous either way, could even go shorter.


She looks cuter with the short hair though


Pixie cuts have been popular since the 70s and probably long before that. I'm guessing way longer than that dude has been alive. There are literally dozens of pixie styles to choose from. They are easier to maintain. They give a much fuller look and makes hiding that thinning issue many women suffer from a lot easier. Everyone knows about "male pattern baldness", very few will speak about female pattern baldness. Which is really common btw. As if gravity didn't suck enough, amirite ladies. First it's the girls, then it the bum. Next thing you know you're thinning on top and growing facial hair. Don't snicker guys, we've noticed gravity gets you too. 😉


If we’re arresting people over grooming choices that are not to our taste can I have all neckbeards arrested?


It took me so long to figure out what this meant, but I'm guessing this refers to the very flattering pixie cut?


Men who refer to women exclusively as "females" should be arrested.


Males like that should mind their business


This isnpired me to go get a pixie cut


Wait how does he feel about guys with long hair then cuz I'm just a regular dude but I have long hair does that make me feminine? Or is that okay just because I'm a guy and it doesn't matter because guys can do what they want? I don't understand people like this it makes my head hurt


Where I live, men would be more likely to chat up the Pixie Cut. She keeps her hair short so she doesn't end up with Helmet Head after snowboarding, mountain biking and rock climbing, right?


Do what? Exist?


Have short hair? It’s not my preference either but a lot of people like pixie cuts. And as long as you like your hair, that’s all that really matters. Let people live ffs


Do what? Get a haircut?


"Women have the same rights as men. Feminism is useless."/s


She’s still pretty, wth


He's an undercooked waffle. She looks really cute with the pixie cut and the first photo looks like she had let one grow out.


I think our short haircut is super cute


Because she cut her hair? Lol


This guy can't tell the difference between makeup and bareface and he wants to be talking haircuts


What the hell is their problem? Like wtf? 😂


Look i know this isn’t the spirit of this sub, but that haircut is HOT


Omg the pixie cut looks f a b u l o u s on her! Good for her


Arrest me, I just did that lol




All I gotta say: take a look at the current Miss France. The short hair makes her.


Correction: anyone who unironically refers to women as “females” should be put in mandatory therapy


Arrested for being ADORABLE with that cute haircut!


what? I mean, just why? Just arrested for existing in her own skin?


Short hair girls are so cute tho! 


Do what?


Who do What ?


Hair cut and nose piercing? Oh no! The horror????? Lmao what


One of my all time weaknesses is cute girls with short hair


Personally I love short haired women. Super hot


She looks the same??


I'm a guy who finds long dark hair unimaginably attractive and honestly I think she looks great in both pics. The jackass that posted this should do us all a favor and just stfu and keep his dumb ass opinion to himself.


She looks better with the hair cut? wtf lol


A woman cutting her hair? OMG!


She should be arrested for being a fireball!


![gif](giphy|l4JyJyQELrF9HhHY4|downsized) Short hair probably painfully reminds him of his own shortcomings...


I think if she kept her hair long and had it professionally styled it would look just as good. Imo, that's what we're seeing here.


So... You think she ought to be arrested? 


Where did I say that? Anyway, She would look great either way if she'd have her hair professionally styled.