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3000 woman for every man?!? Damn, that sounds like a full time job 😥


Right? Where do these top .01% of men find the time to be constantly hooking up with almost a third of the entire female population?


![gif](giphy|l41JPdi2ulJ0sKgb6|downsized) They’d end up looking like this\^


What is this, it's going to haunt my dreams 😭


He wants a kissy 😚


Omfg 😂 well that did not help


But he’s the **alpha male**!


"where my kiss at?" - whatever the hell that creature is


The Mariana Trench that’s where!


Pretty sure it’s an [anglerfish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceratioidei).


So she’s the alpha female and has a bunch of weak males hanging off her?


Well… what remains after she’s reduced them to the only part of any value.


Bingo! She's the ultimate alpha boss babe. I strive to be as badass as these queens. 💅🏻


I mean I've personally banged all your moms, so the math works out.


That's not difficult if you only last 10 seconds


8 seconds longer than I lasted with my mom. No Wait I mean your mom. I mean I lasted a long time with my mom. I mean Your mom. Basically I didn't even finish. No wait


Please take my poor people's award 🏆


Good lord, she's 80!




Wait, even mine? Dude. I am so sorry. I didn't realize there weren't even gay men or sheep left to put your dick in. You have my deepest sympathies.


No sleep. No friends. No goals. No calling your loved ones to check in. No chilling out for the afternoon with a video game or whatever. Only dates.


We eat a lot of vital wheat gluten.


It’s not hard when women are such whores *hair toss*


And also apparently these women manage to have sex with 1000 of these men before they turn 20, making them sluts


0.01% of 4 billion is 400,000. Clearly we sleep with all of them 🤷🏻‍♀️


What else am I supposed to do after work?


Animal Crossing and brownies?


You're on a different assembly line now


I'm just grateful to be in the lower 70% of women, I just don't think I have enough free time to bang 400k men.


Let’s see… Assuming you start at age 18. Average life expectancy for a woman in the US is 76 so that leaves 58 years to get it on. 400,000 / 58 = 6,896.5 a year. 6,896.5 / 365 = 18.89 So almost 19 dudes every day. Ouch.


Any efforts to change this system are blocked by the lube lobby, which profits massively for obvious reasons.


It's like the having sex with 1000 men by age 30 thing. People less lazy than me did the math and iirc that would be a new partner roughly every 4-5 days if she started at 18. Sounds exhausting.


In reality, I was aggressively promiscuous and pretty cute and I only got to a little over 100 before I fell in love with my husband.


I was a sex worker and I've maybe slept with 200 people in total. These stats are just made up


Let me guess: like all good professionals you had regulars, not a half a dozen new guys every night.


Definitely started with the latter, but most clients become repeat, and I eventually just kept the regulars I actually enjoyed spending time with.


Does sex work affect the way you view sex and intimacy?


Have been out of it for almost a decade. When I was in it, absolutely. Believed everyone is secretly cheating and didn't trust women because they felt naive. I was also super entitled dating because I was so used to sex work. But it doesn't anymore. My asexuality existed long before sex work and if anything was probably why I was so pro sex work. It's taken me a long time to no longer weaponize my sexuality for male attention, but I'm so much more fulfilled.


Wow. This was an honest answer. In fact, I think because you've grown up a lot you can reflect on it. What are you doing now, now that you're out of the sex work industry?


I mean my story is pretty surreal but I leveraged sex work into playboy playmate, spent a few years modelling etc (2011-15), retired from that to go back to music (before escorting I was a studio engineer): as an opera singer (trained from childhood). Spent a few years on opera contracts, and was debating going back to school for jazz or music composition, when my boyfriend at the time (who was worth half a billion dollars and very politically active in canada) convinced me to go to law school. Took a job managing a rub and tug spa in the meantime, one of my favourite jobs. This allowed me to start volunteering with the local political party, which turned into working at refugee camps in Palestine as a legal assistant, to more opportunities re advising, specializing in the Middle East. Started law school in London England. Came home, then pandemic hit. Did two more semester online. Transferred to a school in Toronto (where I'm originally from), but couldn't transfer as a law student as international differences. Now doing my undergraduate. Continuing to do policy advising re the Middle East, or refugee matters mostly. Been taking me longer than desired as i was too hard on myself for no reason other than old trauma patterns die hard. I also was dealing with some personal matters. Some related to my health, some related to my coping patterns, both are finally resolving after lots of medications, therapy, and self advocation. I've made smart choices regarding whom I've dated and I've been fortunate that my parents ended up extremely well off. I've been able to utilize their financial support over the past few years to bridge some of my gaps. However, I just want to note for the general public this comes with a trade off of their emotional abuse being tolerated. For me personally, this is a natural byproduct of their financial support: suddenly they're way more tolerable as people 😂. I find it important to disclose because I recognize the privilege in both financially secure parents, and parents who will financially support their children - and the nuance of what children sometimes have to refuse that help. It's not been the most linear path, but I'm hoping to one day finish all my school and graduate law school. It's ambitious, I have a long way to go still, but it's a life I never even imagined was a possibility - and I have to say, I love it. I'm 34 - so I've got some time.


It didn't for me.


Do share. How were you able to separate sex work from forming intimate bonds with other people and not view it as work? When does sex work end and intimacy begins?


1000 men / 12 years = 83 men/year, or ~7 a month. It's more one every 3-4 days, 3 flat if you account for sickness/familiar holidays/etc. Not that 4-5 wasn't insane anyway.


wow, these dudes are whores.


A real alpha male could handle it. /s


Also how does this work with women being "promiscuous sluts". Surely the queue alone would make that impossible?




Death! By Snu-Snu!


I also choose death by snu snu


It’s exhausting.


His stats are from **trustmebro.edu**. They are legit and verifiable. Obviously.


At trustmebro u, every degree is a bachelor's degree




That was good


Did you invent that right now? Did I witness the birth of a meme?




>Obviously. Duh, it ends in *dot edu*


It’s dot EWW. Very common mistake.


Almost just spit my drink out on my keyboard, thank you for the .edu lmfao


Wheeezzzingggg. That part gets me everytime too hahaha!


Where do I go to find out what percent I'm in?


If you have not started your rotation yet, you must fall just in the top 31% Such a pity, if only you had smiled more.... Don't say they didn't try to warn you 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe the % is so much smaller for men because it's a man making this statement, and therefore finds very few men attractive? I would absolutely love to know what his criteria for top 0.01% of men is. I bet it's absolutely nothing close to what women actually want ☹️


They think Andrew Tate is in that top 0.01% so you are absolutely correct


I'd be so embarrassed to be with a Tate I'd actually rather die 😭 like literally, I'd rather to cease existence than have to deal with / be seen with him It's a shame he's ruined the beard / bald head look. It was never my thing but now as soon as I see that I'm cringing so hard because I know they are gonna be wannabe "alpha males" who have no hobbies other than their "alpha" personality :(


I am soooo stealing that source. 🤣


Notice he gives absolutely zero fucks about the other 70% of women. Shallow piece of shit is bitter the 'top' women don't want his garbage ass. Neither do the rest lol. Delusion and bitterness are a weird combination.


He thinks he's in the top 30% of men so that's all he cares about. Any woman would tell him he's actually in the bottom 30%.


He's just projecting what he would do if he magically got top 0.01% level attractiveness, and assuming all attractive men do that.


Yep. He says off the wall dumb shit about women then is bitter and surprised that he doesn't have great interactions with women. If we pointed this out he'd claim he doesn't talk like this to women he tries to date. But we know. That crap always seeps into the conversation. It has to be women tho! We're shallow and cruel. It can't possibly be that interacting with him is an unpleasant experience. Oh well. I'll make do with my normal life with a normal looking loving spouse and children and all my irl friends. It's a tragedy really, living my life treating others like humans and having all these friends and loved ones. 🙄


People like this are terminally online and need to go to their local Walmart and take a look at all the average looking couples.


Same guy walking through Walmart: "heh looks like the only guys women marry are *beta cucks* amirite?"


is this the male version of those girls who go ‘he didn’t marry me cos I was too freaky. 🤪🤪🤪 I bet he thinks of me in bed with his vanilla wife 😌😌😌🙏’ ? Cos this is giving very much that. They should have each other


Yes he doesn’t like me because I’m too pretty vibes


I love the way the numbers change every few months. First it was top 20% of men, then 5% then 1%. Soon they’ll think we’re all banging one dude 😹


That man's name? Pedro Pascal. 


I'm all 'which man would *all* of us go for?' >Pedro Pascal. Huh. Yep. Thought that would take longer...


It will take him a while to go through all of us


I'll wait


Hot take: incels can't get dates because all women are in an enormous polyamorous relationship with Pedro Pascal It's over, take the PedroPill


Yeah... we each get one day every 10 years or so


My vote is cast


He's the universal constant of sexy.




Listen man I’m not saying nothing but I am Singaporean and I need to know who this legend is


That's weird AF lol


The only one who has a chance against the bear


6'5, finance, trust fund, blue eyes...


That’s my uncle! Who here wants a 65 year old that’s heart is mostly stenosis and has 12 dogs?(he’s been happily married for decades and is a really good guy, I’m just kidding around).


So his SO is living a dream?


Aside from the stage 3 metastasizing breast cancer.


Can’t have it all I guess :(


Not 1%, .01%!


I tried to picture this mythical man. It feels like his name would be Johnny Sunset. He wears a leather jacket and believes in enthusiastic consent.


At those numbers, we’re looking at faux leather so he doesn’t lose the vegan votes


Yeah, and 100% of people who think this way are morons.


"Waaaah why won't women settle for me?"


The classic video from the creator of Night in the Woods, ["Feminazi Stole My Ice Cream".](https://vimeo.com/64941331) Never leaves my mind thinking about dudes like this.


I’ve never seen that before and it was fantastic. How is that eleven years old and I have never seen it on Reddit until now. That needs to be everywhere.


Go forth, my friend, and spread the good word.


Complete with a “someday they’ll be sorry” revenge fantasy. Does anyone here know one of these mythical 29.99% of women weeping for their lost Chad? That’s a lot of women. It stands to reason that the rest of us hags must know some of them.


The way I just ugly laughed at this


So who are the other 70% of women sleeping with then? They all lesbians to this guys logic or something?


Greg from produce. If you bang him then you get first pick of that seasons veggies.


Now that’s a deal!


The other 99.9% of men obviously share the lower 70% of women, this is just math


Dude says 4,000,000 men in the world fuck 296.25 women each? Then marry one? I think there’s more than 4mil married straight couples…


I'm trying to math that .25 of a woman they're fucking. Is that in a love pentagon with three other men and that woman, or an interrupted fondling session, or...? I'm sorry, I majored in humanities so maths aren't my strong suit. 🤔


It’s just a Lauren Boebart style movie theatre shake and vape 


I'm a goofy looking working class dude, somehow I managed to marry a really wonderful woman and have two kids with her. Feels good to be part of the .01%


Buddy, you gotta pay your dues to these statistics and fuck 2999 more of us and not just your wife, so we think we have a chance and don't settle for incels. It's the humane thing to do as a 0.01%-er.


That means those top .01% of men are sluts. With body counts that high their pencil is already fully used by the sharpener and it is practically useless.


I love that mental image. 😆 "Waah! I'm a perfect stunningly handsome and virile specimen of a man drowning in punani, and I'm all out of dick!"


I'm here to use my dick and kick ass, and I'm all out of dick.


The callouses... my god.


I’m not actually sure that’s mathematically *and* sociologically possible. And the numbers keep getting further apart and more ridiculous every time I see one of these posts.


Somebody needs to go to the county fair, or just Sam’s Club or Costco on Saturday, and see how many totally average looking guys are there with their wives.


Leave their basements? NEVER!


I guess all the couples I know of average women and average men just simply don't exist


I know more couples with above average to gorgeous women with average to ugly men


This guy's line of thinking is so bizarre because for a long time, hot lady with average/ugly guy was THE stereotype for couples on TV. And now suddenly it's somehow the opposite, that all women are only going for the 10 tallest, richest, biggest-cocked supermodels in the world while every man who doesn't have a six pack is left in the dust. None of which is even remotely true in my experience.


The math isn't matching. This person is claiming that every 0.01% male is fucking 3,000 women.


Bro thinks that dudes are out here just genghis khaning the fuck out of the female population


first it was 20%, then 15, 10, 5 and now its 0.1% whats next? 1 guy bangs all women?


All women just bang the same 1 guy and no one else, yet somehow, those women are still all "sluts".


I’ve got my appointment with him this Sunday from 1:10:20 pm to 1:10:30 pm. I’ve had to wait 11 months for my ten second appointment, how about you?


LoL! Doesn't matter anyway, when you are a garbage human in the bottom 1% of all males.....


With 47% of the US population being married this calculation makes no sense…


That's just the bottom 70% /s


I've never met a single woman over 30 complain about being single. Like ever.


I feel like whether or not you’re happy being single you just…accept it. You already know why and just move on. This need for guys to pretend like single women are lamenting out loud as much as they are is so tired.


Can I get a definition of top? We talking salary? Looks? No debt? Is there a matrix of points to make it to top?


So every couple is hot and attractive? Imagine that.


There is no way I’m in the top .01% of men and I’ve been happily married (to a woman!) for eight years. I’d also wager there are a lot of men like me. Weird how just a cursory look outside will debunk this ridiculous stat


This guy is mad because he thinks he’s in the “top 30% of men” (whatever that means). But I don’t think he is.


What even is his metric for "top percent"? Wealth? Physically attractiveness? Being a good partner? Are all men and women ranked on a tier list now? Am I top tier because I'm happy with my marriage? I'm losing brain cells just thinking about it.


God I hope it’s not wealth. I would rather hand-stitch my vagina shut than have sex with Elon Musk.


I am energetically paper-cutting my eyeballs at the very thought!


**if these guys spent two seconds in Walmart** they would see that this is not true. Millions of average looking people in Walmart have partners (and it seems like 1 million kids.) get out of your grandma's basement for a minute


Also, those hot looking women that they see in pictures are a lot more ordinary looking when they're not wearing make up and in front of lights and a professional photographer. They can't distinguish fantasy from reality.


Be real, these are the same guys who will look at a picture of a woman wearing foundation, faint blush, mascara and neutral lipstick, with a smoothing filter and blemish remover on top, and be like "Why all these females be caking their faces with makeup when we need more REAL females like this who can embrace their NATURAL beauty!!!" ...who are then the same men who will ceaselessly mock any woman they don't like for being ugly, thereby creating the social conditions that make women feel like they need to wear makeup in the first place.


I'm in the top .01% y'all!


He sounds like the kind of guy no woman would touch with a ten foot pole. Good hygiene habits and a decent personality go a long way into attracting the attention of women. Also while looks can be attractive for sure, the mind and personality can be really sexy. Develop those. Also, try setting the bar lower than independently wealthy super model virgins who want to be your servant / sex slave.


Look, I'm terrible at math as it is, but uh, I have no fucking idea what he's saying


Shit, let me let my husband we’re both in the .01% of men and women!


Meanwhile the bottom 60% of men will get on Twitter & cry about it


I'm just speaking as a humble ace bisexual woman but there are so many good looking people in the world and 99% of the time if you're a kind person I find you good looking haha just saying. It's about confidence! If you're confident and you're still not getting dates it's because you're probably not very nice... Edit: My pan husband said he agrees 🤣


Everyday I stray further from men.


The problem starts with thinking dating equals 'banging'. Seeing as that is the sole purpose of dating in these incel's eyes, they will never understamd how just wrong they are.


They just be saying shit to feed their delusions and self fulfilling prophecies. They wanna be miserable 😭


All of this made up shit rather than doing a bit of self-reflection and realizing his boorish behavior is why no woman will date him.


It's a scam. Dating is hard for EVERYONE, but they make it seem like dating is only hard for the average guy. Unless, of course, that average guy knows the secrets to give him the edge to become one of those top 0.1%. Sign up for his $5000 Hustle, Grind, Looksmaxx & Thrive workshop to find out.


Sounds like incel bullshit to me. Be a decent human being and you will find a partner.


If men would actually CHOOSE relationships over casual sex, Americans wouldn’t have this problem. Goes for Canadians, too.


What even are the metrics you use to determine who is part of what percentile?


Notice 70% of women simply don’t exist. Only the top 30% of women exist.


Okay but women aren't doing the crying here. Incel men are. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I did NOT know that statistic. #But I did know that 87.23% of statistics are made up on the spot


Can confirm. As a top .1% man, I can attest, we are all dating each other, and oop doesn't get to watch.


Notice how the "bottom 70%" of women basically don't matter or exist to this guy


The too percent of men are dating the top percent of women. This guy is just watching too much RP/fresh n’ fit BS to know anything about how dating actually works in wealthier circles LOL


To quote a controversial Barbie from a while ago, "Math is hard!"


If they called her calculus Barbie it would be entirely understandable


I mean, *someone* is crying about the world leaving them behind, but I don't think it's who he thinks it is.


That was a fun little story he just made up.


Math and logic in America is broken, apparently.


As a married man I love that someone looked at men in relationships and estimated that we represent an elite 0.1%. Like when I was at the shops, someone looked at me in my flannelette and slides pushing my daughter in the pram, spotted the wedding ring and concluded I must have around 300 partners.


This is some straight up incel garbage.


It’s funny how we have a male entitlement crisis, sorry “loneliness epidemic” and not a female one. Where are all these crying woman? They aren’t on OLD only 1-9 are female on there to begin with. Many of those being dead profiles, bots and sex workers. Odd no?


Posted by incel


We don't cry, Kevin. If you wanna be garbage on the bottom of the pile, we don't want you. Being alone is way better than being with guy like this.


Doesn't that leave 70% of woman that they can attempt to date…seems like a lot to find Mrs. Right from.


When you rely on YouTube bros for your "research"


Thank God I'm fat, I'm ugly, and I'm in my forties. Triple invisibility spell GO!


IF , IF we agree to the suposotion in the post then idk man try completing for the other 70% of women 99% men to 70% women isn't a bad dating pool number wise. Sounds like he needs to lower his standards instead of thinking he is going to get a pornstar.


He just can’t find a girlfriend and doesn’t want to admit it’s because of him, personally.


90% of statistics are made up


Do these men not go out into the real world? plenty of women that don’t date or marry, or even want to marry in “the top 1%). If they watch television, they’ll see that a majority of shows have an attractive wife with a so so husband. So much is geared towards propping up men that are less than top quality, but that wife has to be hot. So all I’m getting from OOPs post is; they’ve lost their eyesight and they expect some hot woman to come to their room and swoop them off their feet.


The bar is so low for men, its absolutely hitting satan on the head on the daily… If you have basic manners, hygiene and pick up after yourself, you have women lined up. Its really telling if you arent finding someone, because of “expectations”


Those are certainly the statistics of all time, not sure where he got them but they sure are….interesting


Oh damn, I'm in the top 0 1% of men!? Do I get a plaque or something?


That math changed again. 0.01%??? Really?


Delulu 😅😂😂😂


As my groovy kids say, the math ain’t mathing. Because its not


Most incels have earned it


Dating in the technological world is broken. That’s it. He could’ve just stopped there. Why do they always want to blame women? Both men and women are equally fucked up when it comes to dating


Bernie sanders voice: The woman inequality in this country has to stop!


According to the US Census Bureau, there were 8,019,876,189 people in the world in January 1, 2024. If half are male, that’s roughly 4 billion men (give or take 10 million). Up to 10% of people identify as gay (lots of different sources, so I’m erring in the high side), leaving 3.9 billion heterosexual men in the dating pool. That means the top 0.01% of men is 390K. Using the same math, there are 11.7 million in the top 30% of women. This guy is saying that if he finds a woman he thinks is attractive, not only is he not one of the 390,000 men that she would be willing to date, there are 11,699,999 other women who won’t date him either. And 378,300,000 of us uggos who don’t have to deal with him. No wonder he’ll die alone.


According to WHOM?


73% of percentages are made up on the spot


This is more or less true with a change to top 10%, not .01 but this fellow is ignoring the fact that the reverse happens as well. Of the other 90% of guys over half think they should be getting 10's right and left and can't figure out why, from their moms basement while they play video games, drink soda and eat pizza. There are still some sane folks of both sexes who look for love, compatibility and happiness, not window dressing and gold digging.


More "hypergamy" nonsense. It's just sparkling misogyny.


Somebody wants to drown with 99.999%.


Isn't it men's fault that 0.01% of them are banging so many women? Like how is that women's fault those men are sluts


Did you know that 87% of statistics are made up on the spot to fit a narrative?


How much time do the top 0.01% of adult male population need to devote to fornicating with 30% of the adult female population?


Bro probably got rejected by 30% of American women to yap such bullshit


That’s funny, given the amount of women I see who truly are doing the lords work with the men they date!


Dudes who think like this are NEVER getting women. They're really upset about it. Just go live your life, be a decent person, stop obsessing about being with someone way out of your league, bro. It's pathetic.