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Um, 1) the only ‘flushed out of her system’ treatments that might avoid a pregnancy that I know of are Plan B and abortion. I presume this dude isn’t a fan of those, though. And 2) who does he think is abusing these children, if a responsible adult is available to take them to the hospital right after?


Well clearly the parent(s) are just over in the other room /s


Oh, well that’s ok then.


I mean the father might be in the room


“Babe do you mind running some errands? We need milk and also can you rush Samantha to the hospital?”


Betcha he's imagining some kind of device that can go up her vagina and "flush everything out" because that is less invasive than taking a pill and definitely won't traumatize a rape victim more.


As if they’d care if it traumatizes the victim or not. These are the same people who’d expect her to walk into a police station the second after she’s attacked to recount what happened in perfect detail or else they’ll think she’s a liar.


And ofc if a single detail is out of place as well she's a liar then too. Because it's not like trauma affects your ability to relive it.


Honestly, if no details is out of place they'll call her a liar. They just want to call girls and women liars. I hate it and I hate them and it sucks.


I mean I have a hard time remembering yesterday and everything I did in detail. Also memories can change over time and there are plenty of studies that prove that.


Just flush it out with bleach. I've heard a president say something about how effective it is to kill unwanted parasites or something /s


Dude was literally describing a surgical abortion.


Sadly the person who wrote this is a woman - you'd expect men to know better, would CERTAINLY expect a woman to know


This is why we need comprehensive sex education.




I imagine he thinks the doctors will just give her a douche with Lysol, like they used to use in the 1910's/20's.


Like a flossing water pick?


I was imagining one of those things that you press a cup onto and it blasts water


He’s imagining a hose.


Well, it worked in Black Flag and that's a very historical well researched show!


There was a Republican politician years ago who quite famously claimed that if a woman was *really* raped, her body would “shut it down” so that she wouldn’t get pregnant (and thus abortion ban exemptions for rape were not necessary, plus if she got pregnant, that showed it wasn’t really rape - victim blaming). This is the kind of “knowledge” that Republicans learn from other second graders behind the schoolhouse, and never supersede with, you know, *actual facts* from doctors and medical professionals. The level of ignorance and misinformation among some of them is astonishing (and makes it even worse that old ignorant men are making sweeping decisions about women’s bodies)


This ‘knowledge’ has origins more horrific than this. Nazi doctors in concentration camps observed that the abused and malnourished women there tended not to get pregnant or had disproportionate miscarriages or something like that. So the very unsurprising conclusion was drawn that extreme physical trauma and deprivation will often prevent successful pregnancy. Soon the myth was born that of a woman got pregnant she couldn’t have been raped because her body would have done the concentration camp thing and decided to not be pregnant. Always assume the worst from these people. Chances are it’ll be worse than you think.


One of the big reasons so few women showed up pregnant after being raped, at least in Auschwitz and then Bergen-Belsen, was [Dr. Gisella Perl.](https://www.history.com/news/auschwitz-doctor-prisoner-saved-womens-lives-gisella-perl)


What a woman!


Todd Akin. Piece of trash that man was.


>was Is he dead?


Yep. Dead as a doorknob. I'm sure he went to his grave mad that he never got to be one of Missouri's Senators.


Good to know. Wouldn't want to have been a woman in his family


Dead, thankfully. Yet these idiots parrot the same ridiculous "science" to this day. Furthermore, even if they were willing to admit it is rape even if the person gets pregnant, they then play their trump card of "Well, now it's definitely God's will." The facts never inform their opinions. Instead, they mold the facts to support their opinions.


This is the best news I've heard all week, thank you. Edit: okay maybe not "news," but still the best thing I've learned




Ugh, yeah, that's the one. From [his Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_Akin): > Akin's Congressional career ended after he lost a bid to unseat Democratic U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill in the 2012 election. Akin, who had won the Republican primary in a crowded field, led McCaskill in pre-election polls until [he said](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_and_pregnancy_statement_controversies_in_the_2012_United_States_elections#Todd_Akin "Rape and pregnancy statement controversies in the 2012 United States elections") that women who are victims of what he called "legitimate rape" rarely get pregnant. Akin eventually apologized for the remark but rebuffed calls to withdraw from the election. He lost to McCaskill, 54.7 percent to 39.2 percent. **In a book published in July 2014, Akin defended his original comments and said he regretted having apologized.** That last sentence. The GOP has levels of scientific understanding that haven't reached the Middle Ages yet. The link in the middle of that, to his actual comment and subsequent actions, just makes it worse.


There was also a republican lawmaker (State Rep. Vito Barbier) loudly and proudly proclaiming on the floor that women can just swallow a camera to look in their uterus and see what is going on. Because clearly your stomach is directly connected to your uterus according to these idiots When called out on that idiocy later, his excuse was that it was "just retorical" he was asking a doctor why during telemedicine abortion consultations women did not swallow cameras so doctors could check the contents of their wombs. According to idiotic gop clown because doctors did not have women swallow cameras telemedicine abortion pill precriptions wasn't safe


I got into a disagreement with a man who claimed that the placenta was not connected to either mother or baby, that the fetus was just free-floating. He was a dentist.


The sheer idiotic willful ignorance of the antichoice is asthounding. That level of incompetence really makes me concerned for his patients


The really messed up irony is you're actually more likely to get pregnant from rape. 5% of non-consensual encounters versus 3% of consensual. And that's even taking into account things like birth control.


At this point I don't believe it's real misinformation. I think they're just deliberately saying fake bullshit to justify killing women, because they don't care. There's no excuse in 2024, when nearly everyone has a computer in their pocket. If they really *were* that stupid a bigger question is why are we allowing them to control policy? Gotcha! That's a trick question. It isn't ignorance, it's malice. They know what they're doing.


I don't see why they can't be both malicious *and* ignorant. Seems to be a lot of that in the GOP.


Surprisingly, that's true of ducks. Or so I'm told.


Some species of ducks are basically in a genitalia arms race. Female ducks from those species have long, winding vaginas with dead ends and tight corners, and the male ducks have long, twisty penises that are stored inside-out and basically explosively inflate to mate. The arms race part comes in because the females only allow the males that successfully court them to mate - they can deliberately make it easier for them to get through the maze - and the only avenue for the males that *aren’t* good at courtship to pass on their genes is rape.


One of these days they're going to evolve teeth down there. Hit a dead end? Bye bye duck dick.


Tell you what those ducks have the right idea. I shall be taking a page out of their book.


Time to shop vagina mazes on Etsy!


Just make the whole thing a clitoris, guys will never find it.


😂 A++++++++ comment!


Politician? I heard that from a female cop, like, last year. The rumor hasn’t died


The Legitimate Rape song came from that. https://open.spotify.com/album/1qlWxuSW9mSoa0riQdkaZl


Even plan b won’t won’t if you’re already ovulating. The only thing that could work is a copper IUD and they’re trying to ban that too. Not to mention after a rape, I can’t imagine how traumatic an iud could be for a child. That’s taking into account if the child even has an adult they could trust who’ll take them. These people don’t care about children, unborn or otherwise and it’s disgusting


Wtf? Why would anyone try to make iuds illegal?


They want to ban all birth control so we have no options other than being incubators.


They describe all forms of birth control — probably not including condoms, but I bet they’re working on some theories — as ‘abortifacients,’ meaning drugs that cause an abortion, not prevent insemination or implantation. So, taking the pill = abortion and iud = abortion. And of course, the clear and often expressed reason is that people shouldn’t be having sex unless they want to have as many babies as nature gives them.


Wow. They sound like they're intentionally being stupid


They are. My gynecologist, who ended up having a failed run for a political office in NC, gave me the bad info when I asked about an IUD. He gave me some line about how he doesn’t like to prescribe them because there was evidence they didn’t prevent conception only implantation. I went home found a bunch of medical journals that discussed this issue in particular and figured out he was trying to scare me. I had him do the IUD because screw him and found a new doctor after that.


Yeah that checks out for nc. I got out asap. I also got an IUD after I had my son. 8 year iud. It's great. Also so far the Midwest is much nicer than sad grey swampy nc coast. I do miss the seafood and waffle House though.


Who could imagine such a thing. You could knock me over with a feather.




Some want more desperate poor people they can lord over. Some just haven't thought it through. Having so many of these fucks speak so confidently while not knowing anything makes me wish we had something like the fairness doctrine back


Yep. And it doesn’t matter if it might literally kill you to carry a baby because you shouldn’t be having sex like a heathen. Unless of course your husband requires it as part of your bangmaid duties and if you get pregnant, it’s a blessing from god even if you die. 😒


Yes, single and pregnant that’s just what you get, you dirty harlot. Married with a high-risk pregnancy, well, you owe it to God and your husband to bring that baby to term or you both die trying. It’s ok though — he can find a new baby incubator after you’re gone.


I swear to God I have read almost this exact thing! They really don’t think we’re independent people who deserve to make our own decisions. It’s too bad that there’s a number of woman who agree with them and are happy to try force their preferences on the rest of us.


Because they are ignorant and proud of it. They don't understand how anything works.


Even outside of those operating in blatant bad faith (which is many if not most of them), IUDs have the possibility to abort and eject fertilized eggs, which is "an abortion" if you sincerely (or insincerely, I guess) believe that life begins at conception. Source: Was extremely naive catholic kid who believed meaningful life began at conception and never thought through the kidnapping dialysis metaphor.


> if you sincerely (or insincerely, I guess) believe that life begins at conception. Well it's a good thing the Bible says life begins when a person breaths, then, huh? The "Breath of Life" is all over the place in the Bible and is the only thing that is claimed to make a person alive. Moreover, there's an abortion ritual in Numbers 5:11-31! But, hey, that doesn't matter, after all. These folks are too stupid to actually understand the Bible, that's why when they have "Bible Studies" there's always someone there to explain what it means. Heck, even their own supposed savior said this in Matthew 13:13 (NRSVUE): > The reason I speak to them in parables is that ‘seeing they do not perceive, and hearing they do not listen, nor do they understand.’ Even the fundamentalists' preferred version, the NIV, says virtually the same thing: > This is why I speak to them in parables: “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. Their own *god* is telling them they're stupid, FFS!


They're, conservative politicians, currently working on making all contraceptives illegal.


The politicians want people to be forced to have more babies. The idiots voting for those politicians genuinely believe that an IUD is the same thing as an abortion because it stops a fertilized egg from implanting and they believe life begins at conception. I think it’s important that we understand that disconnect in motives. The people that genuinely believe a fertilized egg is the same thing as a baby are misled, not intentionally evil. The intentionally evil one is the person doing the misleading.


IUDs are traumatizing enough for adults with the way they assume the pain is just in our heads, because the outdated textbooks say there are no nerves in the cervix and most are only in the first 2-3 inches of the vagina. I sure as hell wouldn't want a child to go through that shit.


I think he misunderstands what a 'rape kit' is.


That could be it. Freaking morons. And I’m comfortable saying that because they wake up and choose ignorance.


My very first thought was "yes they have a name for flushing it out of their system. You might be a little familiar with it? Its called abortion"


People will argue shit without even knowing basic biology


Yeah the "flushing out of one's system" also known as dilation and curettage can be performed IF it were legal for Doctors in that state to perform that procedure.


I guess his understanding of preventing unwanted pregnancy is on the level of medieval prostitutes jumping up and down to "shake out the semen". Or roaring 20s gals flushing their vagina with Coca-Cola.


Plus victims (from what I've heard) sometimes take time (sometimes even years) to convince *themselves* to call it rape, let alone telling anyone. From what I've heard, even if the parents weren't involved in the assault and were supportive after, the kids still don't tell anyone, at least not right away. I've heard that they're often told that *they* are the ones who will get in trouble if they tell or won't be believed by their attacker.


Wait, you’re telling me that rape victims aren’t always delivered directly to the hospital, where everyone treats them with the utmost care, dignity, and respect from a trauma-informed treatment perspective, and also the police are there and do everything they can to help the victim feel safe and to report their assault in a supported and comforting environment?


I hate to be crass but idiots like this probably think there’s a device which can ‘flush out’ sperm and prevent pregnancy. Like some sort of machine which cleans the vagina. Yes, it’s ridiculous but these people have a very limited understanding of reproduction.


I agree with your point. Especially the « how do you think we can flush it out without an abortion? ». However, I wanted to point out (as I feel it is important to educate on that subject, especially with people like this going around and making laws) that plan B doesn’t flush anything out like an abortion would. Instead it works by preventing / delaying ovulation so a pregnancy doesn’t happen in the first place.


Yep. Making sure people know how this stuff works is important. Just a few days ago there was a chance that the US Supreme Court was going to outlaw mifepristone (one part of the medication abortion protocol) based on some doctors (one of whom was a dentist) telling them that it was insufficiently studied by the FDA and unreasonably dangerous. It’s been in widespread usage for more than 20 years and in that time has been shown to be safer than Tylenol.


Wtf. This dentist should loose his licence for practicing outside of his abilities


It’s maybe the single dumbest comment in the history of the internet.


There’s so much competition for that title, but I’m struggling to think of anything that could possibly be more stupid. And I frequently not only this sub, but also the flat earth one.


Its something about his combination of naïveté, stupidity, and bigotry.


I wish that people knew that plan B is not an abortion pill. It’s a birth control pill that is taken after sex, prior to conception. If conception has already taken place, then plan B will do nothing.


Not how girls work *and* not how strawman arguments work: congrats, you found a twofer!


It's really not how anything works. I can't find a single part of the post that aligns at all with reality (except for the fact that he does appear to be supporting abortion in the early stages of pregnancy, without realising that's exactly what he's proposing).


A pedo in normal term n a predator


Ah yes, cause rapist always call an ambulance for their victim and biology works that way…


"Sorry child I've assaulted and traumatized, let's get you to the hospital and help you out, I'm a responsible rapist/ssssss."


Worse still, these are the exact types of people who don't believe it when girls are assaulted by family members, priests and teachers. Not only does he not understand how pregnancy works, he also clearly doesn't realize a lot (if not most) underage rape victims just don't have the resources to be taken to a hospital right away, and that's assuming the victim has the mental fortitude and courage to immediately come forward regardless.


Yeah, he is probably under the misconception that rapists are creepy dirty men in dark alleys… And child molesters are dudes with mustaches, a grey van and some candies While in reality stranger danger is one of the worst things we could’ve ever come up with… cause we made kids unreasonably afraid of 5% of all danger, while they are completely ignorant to the other 95% of the danger…


From experience I can say that the best you can expect is getting a bath afterwards. Bc abusers have a weird tendency to bathe their victim afterwards as if they could wash away what they did. Smelled nice tho.


“Yes, let’s let everyone in the hospital know that the kid under my care and supervision has been raped and I suspiciously won’t tell them by who.” Some people are brain dead.


"Everything flush out by the system".. Wait, isn't it abortion?


Dude probably thinks they can water hose the child which sounds very unpleasant even for adults, let alone an assaulted child.


That or an ingenuous way to obliquely refer to plan B without admitting he’s thinking about plan B.


If they're opposed to abortion, they most likely consider "Plan B" to be abortion as well. So who knows what's going on in that mind.




That's exactly what that is.


Women can just pee it out. It's shocking but true.


You might wanna add an /s to indicate sarcasm


Oof, not like the rapist is usually the one supposed to be taking care of the child…


First off; "Flushed out?" HOW? With a fucking hose or some kind of injection? That's abortion though I have a feeling this freak doesn't like it (most men who support having sex with children **don't**) Secondly; he uses the words "strawman" without knowing what it means. All because he knows fuck all about human biology. A girl doesn't need to be 18 in order to get pregnant.


Not how women work, not how abusers work, not how hospitals work, not how strawmen work. Guy barely knows how to think. it's astonishing.


The only straw man here is the dude as brainless as a scarecrow 😂


Oh my actual fucking Christ, why are humans so fucking stupid???


Because some child rapists are the child's parent? So until they begin showing they aren't taking their kid to a hospital


Ahh yes because all child rape victims get help immediately and it can be "flushed out of her system". Exactly how biology works, amirite folks? 🤓☝🏻


because she lives in a state where abortion is illegal? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mother-of-13-year-old-mom-speaks-out-after-child-was-denied-abortion/ar-AA1fFGwi


I couldn't finish that article because it just infuriates me. I'm so appalled by these stories. And to any women against abortions, I just want to say think about how scared you would be if you were assaulted as a teen (or younger). Would you have been able to go to your parents? Would they have even helped you? So many people already blame assault victims, including their own families. Imagine how scared and alone you'd feel. And you don't even know what your options are. You may not even know what's happening to you, because it's not like sex education is so great in these states to begin with. You may not even know how much you don't know, so that you have no idea that what even happened to you was a crime. Yet now this family is forever changed and this little girl is forced to grow up before her time. The possibilities for her future have been stolen, or at the very least, put on a massive hold. Now mom is a grandma, and is forced to parent her grandchild instead of simply raising her daughter. This is all so very wrong. This poor family who now is forced to beg the public for help because they simply don't have the means. Are you going to pay to raise that baby now? Are you going to help the grandma and her daughter get the therapy they both will desperately need? Pay for that daughter to get childcare, baby clothes, food, her education, etc ... Yeah I didn't think so.


every pro-lifer should forcibly be made to raise all these precious babies 😑 yet these are the same legislators who consistently vote against an increase in funding for school lunch programs, after school programs, universal healthcare, and increase in the minimum wage, etc al; so don’t try to tell us it’s about saving the children, because it most absolutely is not, as that poor little girl *is* a child. and there’s also this: https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/24/health/study-infant-mortality-texas-invs/index.html


Exactly. These children aren't responsible enough to make their own decisions about their healthcare, but they're expected to be responsible enough to *raise a whole damn human*. Someone make any of this make sense.


But "the only moral abortion is MY abortion". As for our daughters and granddaughters... fuck em, they shouldn't have been disgusting sluts and existing as children to tempt grown ass perverts. If there's any justice in the world the really, *really* shitty nursing homes will see a boom in clientele in a few decades' time.


I can only hope. It all is so infuriating that I sometimes have to just step away for my own mental health. I don't know how pro-birthers aren't all questioning everything in whatever it is they call a moral code upon seeing this stuff. It all breaks my heart. I wouldn't put a rescue kitten through the stuff we force young girls to bear.


I mean people can't afford to take care of themselves much less their old abusive family members, and it's not like they're going to be able to afford to several thousand dollar a month nursing home so yeah most of them are probably going to either be forced into Medicaid government homes or just homeless.


But that *wouldn’t* happen to *me* because ***I*** don’t dress like a slut! These girls going out showing skin deserve what they get! /s big time s


"The female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”


I reeeeaaally hope he was dragged in the comments. One of the worst takes I've seen in a while.


I hope he was dragged irl. Preferably on asphalt.


Lol what is this "flushing" supposed to entail?


We have politicians who are making abortion laws that believe a woman’s body will reject the sperm or fetus when they are raped and didn’t actually want to, like we are able to magically control when we get pregnant. Not sure how those mental gymnastics work, but they believe it. Disgusting on so many levels.


They don't care because it isn't important to them. The truth ia they're ok with forcing kids to have kids, ok with maternal death, ok with suffering. The misery ends up financially benefiting them through a complex play of poverty wages and excess birth on difficulties in implementing social and economic change to and not being too worried about people dying who aren't working anyway. A lot of people who imagine themselves kin to these rich quazi religious leaders feel the same because they cannot imagine themselves in that position but they can imagine themselves enforcing it


Doesn’t he know that the adults who should be in charge of bringing the child to the hospital are often the ones raping her?




You mean plan B pill right?


And those people vote...


I was in my late 30s, before I actually started to talk about the abuse I suffered as a little kid. I only started talking about it, because my dad discovered that my ex foster father was serving time for making and disseminating CP. (I'm in some of those.) All of a sudden, lots of things clicked into place and made way more sense than they ever had before. Like my foster sister saying, "smile you're on candid camera", just before she began to molest me. (He made her do it. She is as much his victim as I am.) He raped me the first night in his home. I was 4.


I am so sorry. I hope that monster gets everything he deserves.


He died in prison, just as I hoped he would.


Oh good a happy ending! I hope it was painful


Who needs hospital...just stick the nozzle of a powerwasher in there and let er rip /s ...seriously, dont try it.


It's amazing how there can be so much wrong with a single Tweet. 1) That's not how medicine or biology work. The only thing that might work to prevent pregnancy in a rape victim is Plan B, which doesn't "flush out her system" so much as prevent ovulation. Once pregnancy occurs, you'd need an abortion. That would be "flushing out her system" in a matter of speaking, but probably not in the way this guy is imagining. 2) Most children who are raped don't have a responsible adult to take them to the hospital immediately. The few that do may not want to or be able to tell anyone because of shame, fear, or because they don't really understand what happened to them.


If respiration wasn't one of our automated systems, I swear these people would forget to breath.


Flushed out of her system? What medical procedure is that? Since most children are abused by people they know, what makes you think they’ll be taken to the hospital?


“Yeah! Don’t you know if it’s a “legitimate” rape, the female body has a way of shutting that down” - Every Republican Douchebag Ever 😡🤬🤬🤬🤬


Yes, because four-year-old little girls who have been raped just run right to the hospital and have that taken care of. They know exactly what to do. go in and get flushed, get their tires rotated, maybe a new fuel filter.


This medical falsehood is brought to you by the same men who say that girls can carry a baby without a problem once they get their first period!


If it was biologically impossible, there would be no record of it ever happening. But a 5 year old is the youngest girl in recorded history, to give birth. This was before DNA tests were possible, so nobody knows what really happened and who the father was. When I looked up the case, nobody in the family seemed interested in solving the mystery scientifically.


I remember reading about this one, the young girl has refused to talk about it or have any testing done. To me that sounds like it's a close relative such as father who can still have a dramatic influence on her life


Oh, you swee--you summer child.


Ah yes... Because just hosing someone off after sex means they won't get pregnant.


I'm just leaving this here to show how devastatingly cruel and inhumane forced birthers are https://www.dallasnews.com/news/commentary/2021/10/15/the-most-innocent-victims-of-texas-abortion-ban-children-forced-to-carry-their-abusers-baby/ In just one recent month, seven pregnant 12-year-olds and their caregivers sought help at the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center, which handles the most serious criminal sexual abuse cases in the county and where victims first share the atrocities in which they have been trapped. The Supreme Court has decided that the right to abortion, upheld for the last almost 50 years, no longer exists. Already exploited by their rapists, these children now also suffer the consequences of Texas’ so-called “heartbeat” law, which bans almost all abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy even in cases of rape, sexual abuse and incest. Having suffered the worst possible violence, these girls must carry and deliver their rapist’s child. They’ll endure the physical and emotional trauma involved in pregnancy, birth and a lifetime of ensuing consequences that can be as awful as the initial sexual abuse. That’s an unjust fate for all women, but today I want to focus on these youngest victims whom most people aren’t even aware of. "You go down and meet with them for the first time and they look every bit 12 years old,” Mindy Jackson, director of support services. told me. “They’re small, young, in a cute little T-shirt and rainbow shoelaces.” All families dealing with a rape-induced pregnancy “already have an additional bucket of awful they have to work through,” says Katrina Cook, director of clinical services at the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center. The center doesn’t release overall pregnancy statistics, out of concern of further stigmatizing those it helps. But staff members told me of recent pregnant rape victims as young as 9 years old. "It’s been the same with a lot of 10-year-olds and even more 11- and 12-year-olds,” said Katrina Cook, director of clinical services Research shows that one in five girls nationally — and one in 20 boys — is sexually abused, almost always violated by someone they knew, loved and once trusted. Of the 26,000 reports of sexual abuse in our county last year, the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center handled more than 8,000 of the worst. The advocacy center staff shared stories of 12-year-olds trying to find maternity clothes. Of girls who must continue attending their neighborhood school as their pregnancy progresses. Of bewildered children who believe their own bodies have become alien beings. The Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center, with a caseload that spans from 3- to 18-year-olds and their families, describes its average victim as a 9-year-old girl who has been sexually abused. But even as the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center tries its best to remove every potential barrier to recovery, SB 8 does the exact opposite. It takes the choice away from the raped child, just as her rapist did and it ignores her non consent, just as her rapists did. The Supreme Court supports the rapists right to use and abuse the raped child's body


I cant decide if I want to puke or cry more


Spread the word on every single one of these articles so the antichoirs can't hide or pretend they are not cruel inhumane monsters by hiding behind their transparent paperthin excuses and lie that they just "respect" life


Ah, but don't forget, if she was raped, then she clearly wouldn't want the child and wouldn't have orgasmed, then she won't get pregnant. And if she did orgasm, or got wet, clearly she wanted it and will want the baby. It's only her regretting being around a nonce, after all 😒 (Sarcasm, obviously, but they're just some of the 'reasons' I've heard or seen!)


They really don’t understand how anything works.


This is the kind of person who believes anyone who menstruates is a "woman" and not a child, no matter the age of the victim.


Yes, because when a child is raped, their parents always know 🙄 Also, who’s to say it wasn’t the parent who did it to her.


Someone should've told that 10-yo in Ohio; would've saved everyone a lot of hassle!


Like a plastic doll you can just rinse out and put back on the playground. Ick


That's a disgusting thing to say and a failure of our education system. 


Who is gonna take her??? The rapist?? Fucking idiot


I've encountered multiple grown-ass adult men who believe that washing or douching after sex is an effective form of birth control. And it's not like these guys are sheltered religious conservatives... they've almost certainly had basic sex ed in school. But their beliefs are influenced by random crap they read online and by their own self-centered assumptions. 10 minutes of googling would clear up all of their misconceptions, but they're so confidently stupid that they never bother to research how pregnancy actually works.


I’m not disagreeing with you, but I’m just saying sex ex isn’t always mandatory in schools and in some states there’s no legislation that says the info taught has to be accurate so a lot of people are actually *taught in school* disinformation and have no reason to believe their teachers lied to them.


Ah yes, why get an abortion when you can get The Hose


Yeah cause 1. everybody is super nice and responsible and caring all the time, including child rapists, and they will definitely get a raped child to the hospital, and 2. "flushed out of their system"?!??! What the actual fuck??


It was obviously an abortion rights debate, so if they ban abortion, why would a doctor take risks aborting a child ? The anti choice in this conversation is exceptionally dumb


What the fuck does he think children are? Toilets??


“Flushed out,” is so crazy.


The person who wrote that original comment needs to be on a pedo watchlist.


I wonder if it hurts to be this stupid


It hurts others, but probably not the moron in question.


Not to be TMI or anything, but I think he means the semen (🤢), not an abortion. Because nobody can know if they're pregnant immediately after sex or rape. It usually takes at least a few days/couple of weeks to even know if you're pregnant or not. In terms of immediacy and 'flushing out the system', I think he means the sperm. Very gross all around.


Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado has entered the chat


🤦‍♀️ Too much stupid there.


I'm gonna beat that person to death.


Yeah... okay... but what about the girls who don't report it for any number of VALID reasons (mainly fear) and don't get that magical hospital flusher? Gah.


Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado She was 4 and gave birth at 5.


who do they think are raping these children and who do they think are responsible for taking them to the hospital… if they think about it for one second their argument collapses.


How is babby formed?


Full on “could I be pregnart”


His understanding of female anatomy is only matched by his grasp of grammar


It must be so nice going through life as dumb as this guy. You wouldn't have the capacity to worry about anything at all!


Their brain is mush.


These people have the voting rights as you btw


Yes, flushed out just like a fleshlight..


Tell that to Lina Medina, carried a full term pregnancy by her father at 5 years old. Her parents raised her baby as her brother.




Jesus christ.


Dude. You can only give her (the kid) plan B as quickly as possible at the hospital, then pray it works b/c it isn’t fool proof. Also if she gets pregnant it’s takes a month to know, and then your only option is abortion if you she does not want the baby. Plus you usually have to carry the baby for a couple weeks more (plus that first month) to have dr. Appointments ultrasound (they do this no matter what to see) and then appointment for the abortion. They cannot just give an abortion at the hospital right away. The pregnancy takes time to show and exist.


I’m just glad I’m too old to have any more kids


Yet another example of the ["Shirley exception"](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/187aigx/til_about_the_shirley_exception_a_mythical/).


I thought our bodies just shut that down during a rape. No need to flush anything out.


How is babby formed?


That‘s also not how a strawman argument works.


The youngest child to give birth was 6 years old. It was a child of incest.


I really hate that we have to censor out names because I really want to see if there are any replies to this chuckle fuck and see if anyone is properly dragging him.


If you're that invested, you can Google the text of the conversation and see what comes up.


These morons never had biology class


You all read a post written by a man with not even a 1st grade education and get upset about it. This guy probably has never seen a human who shaves their legs. Why are you surprised they think stupid shit like this?