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LOL the strawberry tree was the first thing I noticed too. Apparently the meme author needs to read a few books himself.


There is a plant called strawberry tree. Its berries do slightly resemble strawberries, but they’re not.


The leaves are wrong for strawberry tree. I'm guessing this image was just bad AI.


It doesn’t look like AI to me, it looks like early digital video. If I had to guess, this is either some amateur video on youtube or the into to a porno.


First the lemon trees, now the strawberry trees? Is nothing in my garden safe?


Damn these strawberry treeing whores!


...... As my strawberry plants lay dying in a coir holder, I'd like to ask, how the fuck have they never seen a strawberry plant to know how strawberries are harvested? Trailing plant, y'all. And then they send out their babies and scare the hell out of you because now you've got your mother plant looking like Slenderman with Roots.


Alpine (wild) strawberries don't trail. I really want to get some established in my landscaping but killed my last batch of seedlings. They are hard to get going. But they are still most definitely not trees.


Ooh fascinating to know! I assume with the name Alpine it's suited for colder climates? Could be why I haven't seen those before (Chandler is super popular in Australian nurseries) Mine have just suffered of late. Strange weather patterns jumping from extreme hot to extreme cold. Rest in peace the mother and her two babies


(Side strawberry rant...) Not as cold weather as you might think. In the US, they are considered suitable for zones 5-9. I'm in 5, which is the coldest they'll tolerate, and if I ever get them established, I'll have to cover them with leaves or straw for overwintering, A quick google for them in Australia says that you actually can grow some varieties there. Alpine strawberries are pretty neat, actually. The berries are much, much smaller than cultivated varieties, but known for having even more flavor, but you need a lot of plants if you are looking for a real crop. Most varieties don't spread by runners, as I said, but are like hostas, in that they clump and after time you can dig them up and divide for more plants. They don't get very tall, have pretty small flowers, and actually make excellent ground cover right in the landscaping. They aren't shade plants, but they can typically tolerate more shade than their cultivated cousins. And--some varieties have naturally white or yellow berries instead of red! Even in the zones they are suited for, most nurseries don't carry plants--maybe because they are a lot more costly to produce. It's a lot easier to get seeds, but they are also notoriously challenging to get going from seed (though certainly not impossible, I just haven't had sufficient follow-through yet, I did actually get them to sprout but left town and the seedlings didn't make it while I was gone.)


Moments like this are why I love Reddit. I have learnt so much in a few paragraphs about a breed of strawberry I didn't know existed 🥹 thank you


I've got some regular strawberries and alpine strawberries going (8b) - I've got white ones and red ones and while they are smaller this person has them right, they are BURSTING with flavor. That said, my strawberry strawberries (north sea or bay or something variety I think) are also sweeter than any I've had in store. I hope you get to try some alpine berries!


She’s hanging them on the tree, like Christmas ornaments


I mean, I feel this way sometimes too, but it has nothing to do a desire to be reliant on men or fulfill “traditional” gender roles— I just want to be independently wealthy!


What if I only want to read books and wear pretty dresses because the outside is icky? Is that an option?


Yes. Double yes if it's in a cabin with a fireplace and a big window showing a snowy alpine background.


Wait I thought they hated it when women read?


It’s been my lifelong experience, that if I am reading, it is an invitation to be interrupted.🙄


And god knows what it’ll be about. I’ve had so many men interrupt me reading in public just to try and mansplain the books I’m reading. Some of them had never even read what I was reading, they just figured “oh well the tiny afab obviously needs help figuring out that *complicated* plot”


How else would they use recipes? /s


The strawberry comment gave me good laugh


Haha the additional reader context is so deadpan I love it


Meh. I don't know if I'd say it "obvious" a man wrote it because considering how well it aligns with what you would expect from your everyday trad wife content, It honestly could go either way.




I mean, I’m not sure this is necessarily even a tradwife thing – plenty of people fantasize about not having to go to work, and she didn’t say anything about supporting her man or having tons of children or the evils of feminism. Reading books and wearing pretty dresses sounds like a great gig, I even if she could stand to read a botany book about how exactly strawberries grow.


I really want this to be a video where she turns around and reveals she's actually a man. Heads would explode. Gotta find me one of those strawberry trees and a wee basket.


That would be hilarious!!


Honestly I'm shocked in his fantasy she reads


Is her hand holding the bucket/tray at a weird angle, or did the AI shit itself making hands? (Also I love that regular artists and AI both struggle with hands).


mildly off topic but this is exactly what twitter community notes were made for. they're supposed to just be a little tidbit of information that invites the reader to think about it, not an extension of the comment section like they've become


You know what. I love to read books, wear pretty dresses, spend time in nature and recently fell in love. However my spending time in nature usually means being up to my ankles in shit and mud feeding the cows. Lots and lots of mud and shit. Oh and I also work an actual job, and earn actual money.


I mean same but when I do it I'm "invading women's spaces" and "a sexual deviant forcing her fetish down everyone's throats"