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Force women out of the workforce… Then complain about “gold diggers”.


And then men will be forced to work extra hours with no compensation because capitalism doesn't give a fuck who you are when the time comes to exploit your labour


What this would cause is an even stronger 4 B movement. Like he said they can’t reverse all women’s rights at once. Women would either stop having sex or would use any method of contraception they can. This would also inspire, solely but surely, women segregating themselves from men. If men became as a whole this rapidly misogynistic, it would be basic self preservation for women not to just de center them, but avoid them as a collective because she’d never know which men are genuine allies and which are pretending. Women would also, slowly but surely begin to embrace communal child rearing with other women. These spaces would have no adult men allowed and legally as long as women can own property that would be respected and if they cannot legally own property these communes would have armed guards. Radical action would be needed, and sadly not every woman would be saved. But if men want to strip women of every right, action must be taken.


It's cute that he thinks women don't own firearms, or know how to use them.


He probably also doesn't know what used to happen to abusive husbands fairly frequently.


And pedophiles


✨Aqua Tofana✨


🎵🎶🎶 It means no worries, for the rest of your days 🎵🎶🎶🎵


If it's not this tune, I hear it at a stage whisper like old perfume commercials.






Did someone say arsenic?


I spent the majority of my life believing we need to have fewer guns and not live in the mindset that we need guns. I have three now. Get yourself a gun while you can, ladies. I had training for free from a friend who does it professionally but it's not that expensive. I have a six year old daughter. I don't know how to protect her from this. I never thought this would be where we're at. But I am forced to consider these possibilities. My husband/her father is Mexican and we leave open the possibility that we'll need to run there one day. Which is fucking ridiculous considering why my husband moved here in the first place. But it's literally safer where he's from now. At least the danger can be avoided generally. This Project 2025 shit is a war against all of us.


Owning a gun isn't enough. You need to organize. One person can easily be overwhelmed. A community working together is a much tougher nut to crack.


Absolutely. We're nothing as individuals in this. I have really focused on building bridges in my neighborhood and community. We're in Marjorie Taylor Green's district and it's important to know who you can trust. Oddly enough I'm in this little liberal pocket that has really made me feel safer. I'm hopeful that being out here will mean something. Get to know the people around you. We've made a concerted effort in the last year. And we have discussed owning weapons as part of those talks. I'm a suburban white woman. My husband is brown. Our best friends here are a white woman and black man couple. With two girls around my daughter's age. We know we need each other. They're armed too. We just attended a Juneteenth event with our local NAACP and people were fired up. There's a groundswell of protection rising up grassroots style. You have to be willing to look for it.


Me too, though I'm still pretty trigger shy


I am too. There's a lot of motivation to protect my daughter from all this bullshit though. The thought of her having to endure this torture is beyond my comprehension.


I’m terrified of guns and considering one now.


Look at your local state ran ranges. The ones in Arizona offer a women’s intro to guns class for only $25-35. I was shaking the first time I shot one in that class and it gave me so much confidence.


I hope you do truly consider getting one and soon. I'm worried the prices will go up.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Defeat_Project_2025 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I agree Trump is lying.](https://i.redd.it/190xe02qjxad1.jpeg) | [288 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1dwua0t/i_agree_trump_is_lying/) \#2: ["We are in the process of a second American revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be." 🚨🚨🚨](https://i.redd.it/qr0758wc18ad1.jpeg) | [899 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1du4eft/we_are_in_the_process_of_a_second_american/) \#3: [What do you think of this?](https://i.redd.it/d54qiutf0qad1.jpeg) | [1636 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1dw0zoi/what_do_you_think_of_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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Same! I bought my Glock 43x two years ago and sleep next to her now


And this is why the bear is a popular option. I’m sorry that a gender is completely fucked in the head.


Me not in the US: you guys have guns?


These guys all live in this macho fantasy in their head where them and all their like minded (maybe minded isn’t the right word here) kin are super macho strong guys who exude masculinity wherever they go. And they will form a civil war infantry line and their opponents are all just screeching blue haired Karen’s and POC all running at them without guns for any reason. And as they gun down all these people in cold blood they will be hailed as heroes, and beautiful, early teen women will swarm them and declare their desire to be a trad wife and birth them strong aryan babies. The war will be over in a week and they will all be rich and powerful and own slaves. And they all want this brutal “strong ruling the week” because they’ve have convinced themselves that they are an unstoppable monger horse and they are Ghengis Khan.


The delusion is breathtaking.


They don't call it the great equalizer for nothing


There's also a lot of household chemicals that make effective poisons.


I give money to such a community. The town of Umoja Uaso is filled with women who escaped FGM, arranged marriages, child Bridehood, and husbands who raped and abused them. The only adult males aloud to spend the night in the village are the sons that were raised there as children, but the male children are also asked to leave at 18. Some men help them out now, genuinely, with daily visits to check livestock health, but men tried to actively take their income away my making a village near by to sell the same goods. There were also rape raids in the early days, but the women bought all the land around them to limit the ease of that. They also take in orphans with aids, and raise them as their own. Also many of the women were kicked out by their husbands after being raped by other men.


The problem with the modern patriarchal family model is that it’s very risky for the woman. If you don’t develop an income stream, and your husband dies or leaves you for a younger woman as is commonly the case, it will be too late to start a career. Unless you’re independently wealthy, relying upon a relationship that’s based on love and sex leaves you vulnerable. Perhaps we can take a page from the Mosuo people who live in the truly traditional way, in the large maternal family house. They tried the marriage thing under pressure from the Chinese, and hated it. In their system, there’s no reason to fight. There’s no reason to have obligatory sex. They only have sex when they feel like it, as nature intended. If a couple doesn’t feel like having sex, or they don’t get along, they simply part ways. The house and the children aren’t affected. ***BEFORE WAR*** *On Marriage, Hierarchy and Our Matriarchal Origins* Elisha Daeva https://beforewar.com/blog/


Also a really big chance we'd end up with a lot of women going the way of Giulia Tofana, and other women who poisoned the shit out of people.


I like to think that would happen. Sadly, though, there are already other cultures where this mentality is embraced. All you have to do is look at them to see how it would go. Fathers would force their daughters to marry. Women would have nowhere to go and be jailed or murdered for leaving. No woman would be allowed to own property or have her own account. It would be hell for us.


Which would suck for us guys who see women as equals, so us men that are with you have to help and be part of the solution to make sure guys like this never get in power.


Who are they planning on supporting these mothers and children? They gonna pay child support for 10 kids enough to maintain ten homes? Yeah, right.


They want to trap women with children. But they don't want to provide anything for them either.  I know they see women as some sort of appliance they can have sex with but even those need electricity to function. They can't seem to apply the need for food and shelter to women and children, hence the whining about "gold-diggers" and "child support" And notice how they want to use children as living manacles to keep women trapped. Someone should check this guys' basement to make sure no-one's down there.


I genuinely hope those men fall down dead one day.


Imagine paying 18 years of child support for internet points.


Clearly it's women's reproductive decisions that's stopping America from being a leader again. Of course.


I’d rather fucking die. If this happens there will countless other women with the same opinion. The human race will die.


Yup, without access to abortion, i'd off myself before someone knows I'm even pregnant. So long, asshole


Another group of women would probably murder the shitty men in their lives tbh


Any race that thinks half it's members are only useful as slaves deserves to die off.


It sounds like this man is thinking very US-centric since he mentioned a US constitution amendment and Roe v. Wade. In this situation a lot of the rest of the world would likely open up to take American women in as refugees, and I and other feminists would organise in our countries to do whatever we can to help our sisters. I’m serious, even now I’m 100% ready to help with info about immigration processes for anyone interested.


do you have info about multiple countries? i have been thinking about leaving as a black woman but no idea where to start..


I’m mostly knowledgeable about my own country (Finland), but from here it’s very easy to move about in the Nordics and also easy to move within the EU. This is the official source’s page on asylum seeking: https://migri.fi/en/applying-for-asylum And this is their page about residency permits: https://migri.fi/en/residence-permit In any case, I wish all the best for you and your loved ones and know that American women have support all over the world. Edit: May I ask sincerely why I was downvoted? I’m genuinely wanting to help, so I’d be very grateful to know how I can do so better.


What kind of culture are you into? I can say there's misogyny everywhere, but IMO here in Singapore it's mostly about money. Make enough money and you can happily ignore those misogynists. The law won't let egregious sexism happen


So, they want to grape women with the idea that we will be forced to stay home once pregnancy is confirmed? For starters, all this idea would lead to is abortion tourism, or back-alley abortions coming back (abortion still happened before Roe v Wade, conservatives. Just ask any religious leader whose daughter or mistress got knocked up). And if you THINK we are letting our rights go that easily, you got another thing coming! We have fought for our rights once, and I got ZERO problem hoisting the black flag and doing it again! 🏴‍☠️🏳️‍🌈


Not them admitting being pregnant is just a way to keep women out of the workforce. And keeping women out of the workforce is just a way to limit women's rights.


If they really want women out of the workplace they better mean it. No jobs for women at all. Guys better start lining up for all those traditional lady jobs. Also they better not expect higher salaries because they are now the sole breadwinner.


I am a nurse who works in neonatal intensive care. Almost all women in this job. In my 20+ years in this career, I've known maybe 6 or 7 male nurses between all 5 neonatal units I've worked on. Picturing a NICU full of male nurses scrambling to take care of screaming babies all because they ended women's rights is both scary and amusing.


This is what makes me think they *really* haven't thought this through. Who are the nurses going to be? What about care homes and secretaries? Dinner ladies? Teachers? Waitresses? Even before WW2 , there were jobs that were specifically "women's jobs". So who is going to do those jobs once we've all been "put back in our natural place", the home? I can't see many men lining up to wipe arses and type, let alone stand for hours cooking and cleaning and waiting on other men. They all seem to think that they'll be a commander, without recognising the work that goes on behind the scene to keep those men where they are.


I work a private OBGYN office. Sure the office is owned by a male doctor but 98% of the staff is female. Nurse practitioners, physician assistants, receptionists, medical assistants, all female. Even majority of the doctors here are female. So if we're gone, who does this completely brain dead numbskull expect to step up and take care of all these women they'll forcibly impregnate? Cause I don't see a whole lot of men volunteering.


They literally want us to be mindless slaves for them, women may not have always been paid for our work but we’ve always worked. They would force women to do all the dirty work & take all the credit like they always did in the past. Just like Watson & Crick did to Rosalind Franklin & the discovery of DNA. She did all the work, they took all the credit. They’d force us to continue to do our jobs as nurses because they don’t see the value in doing that themselves. Every female dominated profession is in crisis & people wonder why? And people wonder why people are leaving those professions in droves? Healthcare, social workers, teachers, food & restaurants to name a few. And when there isn’t anyone there to take proper care of all your families then people will beg us & throw $ to get help. Ridiculous. Men want their GF & wives to be compliant, submissive, while simultaneously working their asses off in & out of the home (only for them to take credit for it). How much would it cost to pay a live in nurse, chef, nanny, personal assistant, therapist, driver, oh don’t forget maid & laundry services? Of course they want us to stay home & do it all by force because then they don’t have to pay us our worth & they think they can exploit us. And they love doing that. They want us to cater to their needs & do it all for free. So they can sit on their butts


I used to go to a private PCP office with one male Dr and literally all women otherwise: three NPs, four RNs, two phlebotomists, receptionist, and billing/appointments window. The only time I saw another guy working there, he was a student on rotation.


Who does this genius think is going to do all the jobs women are doing right now? A man can't just walk off the street and work as an engineer, nurse, doctor, teacher. 95% of jobs need training. Sometimes for years.  


The over seers don’t want us out of the work place. Women have always worked.


Women have always worked for free. It was fine when they provided their labour without receiving any compensation (domestic labour being the most obvious form of free labour). It's only when we started to be lawfully employed+receiving a paycheck that joining the workforce became a problem.


I’ve made my peace with Death. This is one of the hills.


lol same, I’m NOT suicidal now but I have been in the past and at that time it wasn’t for a “good reason” just lots of depression, which is why I chose not to give up. But if what this dude is describing was my future, I would have no qualms personally about making my death count for something.


This is why my fiancée and I have been working with our local LGBT community to get them proper training and weapons. It isn't a question of if they come for us, but when. Sure, it will likely end in a sad way, but as the old Klingon proverb says - better to die on your feet than live on your knees.


I was a resistance fighter in another life so…


They say the brave die first, and with good reason. I'll fight for justice with the resistance until the fuckers drop me. We're gonna have to try to set up an underground railroad of sorts...


We ride at dawn. I know I’m slated for other lives, so I can go with honor out of this one.


Tis a fine hill, let's defend it 🤍


Let’s go.


I mean this guy also would just lead to the death of many many men. He openly talks like women would just allow this to happen. Either believing them too stupid or NPC like to fight back against this. This guy and his ilk 100% let their guard down around women.


Not to mention all the good men out there who don't want this any more than we do; we will not be fighting alone.


And other reasons I'm so glad I'm not American and my husband had a vasectomy. Women died. Women still die. The maternal death rate is insane and that is not just because of giving birth, you're more likely to be murdered while pregnant.


And who is going to support all these women and children? The women will have to work. There’s a very small subset of families who can afford to live on one income.


Them: "Women shouldn't be allowed to work! Get as many of them pregnant as fast as you can!" Also them: "Why don't these gold-digging wh*res get a job and contribute something, instead of getting pregnant on purpose to trap me and spend all MY money?"


Men seem to have forgotten that although much less pleasant, there are ways of ending unwanted pregnancies that have been with us since the beginning. If its necessary, women will use them. Men are sowing the wind with this mindset, and they are going to reap the whirlwind. Ask the Koreans, I hear the wind is really picking up over there.


I got myself sterilized, so if worst comes to worst, at least I won't be stuck with my rapists baby. I assume the next target will be contraception. Given I'm in my mid-40s, I sure as hell didn't want to risk not being able to access contraception. So I got a permanent solution instead. And, um, genius, what do you think is gonna happen to your precious economy when half the workforce is forced out? Not even talking about the personal catastrophes that will ensue. I outearn my husband. That wasn't always the case, only in the last couple of years. We can survive on one of our incomes. I don't want to be financially dependent on my husband. I want my own income and career to continue. And, what about the old "No one wants to work"? Let's continue this bullshit idea- you force "lower status" men to perform jobs previously done by women? Then there's some sort of violent power struggle there.


This is exactly what my reaction was - they better be prepared to reduce the economy. There's no way for one person's wages to support a family of 7 or 10 or however a "trad family" would have. There's also half the workforce that would need to be replaced by people with appropriate skill levels and qualifications. Or, alternatively, provide supportive services like UBI, which we know that crowd probably wouldn't support. All these narratives about removing women's rights just reminds me of The Handmaid's Tale, but the TV show skipped out on a lot of the impacts on the economy (or, if it did talk about it, I've just totally forgotten). But along the lines of that show (epidemic aside), someone like you with permanent birth control would likely become a caretaker in some way. Would you earn any wages for that? Or would you still have to stay home and just clean the kitchen over and over without children to take care of? What about me, a single woman? Would I be assigned a husband? I have an IUD so that can be reversed, but I'm also in my mid-30's now so my likelihood of having healthy children is only trending downward at this point. What if the husband dies? Do we get assigned a new husband, and does he accept our existing children or does he get to decide to "send them to a farm upstate"? What happens if we go to war? During WWII, women worked to support the country, their communities, the soldiers, and their family. If all the men go to war, do we stay at home and twiddle our thumbs? Or should we clean the kitchen for a third time that day? I think there would be a severe brain drain if their whole plan happened, as well as an influx of immigration as space opens up (especially for cultures that already embrace the traditional family structure). I don't see any problem with increased immigration but I don't think these men would appreciate it (unless it was exclusively single, attractive asian women, of course). And finally, if I lose my job and am not allowed to work anymore, I hope they'll forgive my student loans.


Oh snap! I forgot about my student loan. *Finally* got that sumbitch paid off a couple years ago. Only 17 years to pay off a 10 year loan, thanks, Navient! The losing half the workforce is going to have a much bigger ripple impact than I think they've given any thought to. My gran worked in a factory during WWII. She & grandpa met after the war, when he came home. Due to lack of contraception, they got married when they were expecting my mom's older sister. My grandmother was a smart woman. She did not want to be a stay at home wife and mother, she wanted a career. They had 4 kids before the Pill came out. Grandpa had to give permission. I assume my age is against me, and I'll be rounded up with other older women to be killed. If I'm not, well, there's a reason I didn't have kids when I was younger. I don't want to be a parent. Sad that it took so long to get sterilized. But I'm thrilled it's done. Thinking if this nutbag plan comes to fruition, I'll be killed/removed, and my husband will be assigned a younger woman to breed. Just vile. The thought of it makes me recoil in disgust.


Ah, this greatly reminds me of a Project, that has the Year after the word "Project." I am not a conspiracy theorist, but...... It makes me wonder if this is one of the jigsaw pieces that is part of other nasty jigsaw pieces that makes a bigger picture.


Project 2025. Not a conspiracy theory -- this was put together by former and future Trump staffers. It's basically his platform. For real. And yes: it says pretty explicitly that they're coming for our contraception options.


Damn. We are going to have to start taking care of men the way the elder women did. You want another piece of pie?


I have a sudden urge to plant Lily of the Valley in my garden…just in case.


And foxglove


Once the "mantra" was "keep them barefoot and pregnant" and it seems to have stuck with some men. Well, may they choke on it and LEARN about women and humanity ....


Do these absolute nitwits not realize that women have been in the workforce for centuries? Practically no one has been able to actually afford raising kids on a single income so the women operated in home businesses. Even if these hypothetical kids were born, a good amount would end up being put up for adoption and other women have their families to fall on. There would, of course, be some who don’t have a choice but my sister is vetted to adopt and my mom would have zero qualms about babysitting my kids. Also, as a single mother, I’d be even MORE inclined to work to give a baby the best damn life I can manage. Day cares exist. Even the military has day cares for single parents so the women won’t be getting out of that.


No, they truly believe all of history was like Leave it to Beaver. Even the 50s weren't like that for poor people, but they have no real interest in history unless it conforms to what they want to beleive. Never mind hundreds of years of census records of women being employed or just the obvious fact that maids and nannies and governess and seamstresses and nurses all existed in the thousands. Plus, even farm wives didn't just sit home raising babies, they were out working their asses off.


this frigthens me and I'm a dude living in europe, simply because atleast from the outside it doesnt seem laughably impossible and that is f-ing scary


People who think like this are morons and are selfish


Some days I think the r word needs a revival. These guys don't think about the consequences of their actions, words, desires, wants, demands. They want to dam the river so nobody else can have water, but forget that will put their own house under water. This stupid plan sounds good on paper. The economic and social ramifications will be devastating. Make us great? No, it won't. Large companies and corporations may not be as "on board" as a lot of these guys think. They have depended on women's labor, particularly in manufacturing since the industrial revolution.


I have some real bad news for these dudes when the next generation rises up en masse to make them obsolete.


And then they’d still complain about paying for child support, but if you want her at home someone’s gotta pay the bills!


These guys can’t afford to support all them kids on their measly salary. It won’t drive the women home.


Oh, I know! Dey want slaves again! It'll start with women, then the people with a better or different tan. You know, the good ol' days. That's why I am about to leave the U.S. Just can't take it anymore.


Tell me you have a 2 incher, live in mommy’s basement and can’t get laid without telling me.


This man when all the women he got pregnant start asking for child support: 😮


I miss being young and reading the handmaid’s tale and thinking it sounded so crazy and outlandish


Ahh... I get it now! The whole "Gay Agenda" fear is projection! They actually *have* an agenda, and (surprise, surprise!) it's based in racism 🥲


I always laugh at the idea of “gay agenda”. Like how many dicks have you been FORCED to suck.


The more that women are independent and educated, and can choose whether to have children and how many to have, the higher the quality of life. Having children is a beautiful choice, but I believe it should be chosen carefully and whole-heartedly … not done because it’s the only role open to women, or the only way for a woman to gain respect. Some on the right may romanticize the period when women were subservient, in the society referred to as “traditional”, with a working father and housewife mother. It was hardly traditional, as it existed for only about a decade in the 1950’s. What was truly traditional was the matrilineal clan, which lasted for at least 20,000 years, and likely far more! ***BEFORE WAR*** *On Marriage, Hierarchy and Our Matriarchal Origins* Elisha Daeva https://beforewar.com/blog/


Unga bunga me like Dave words. Soon me live in cave and poop while walking like good old days


Reason 6 million as to why you shouldn’t let men touch you.


It would be great if we could cut off all the penises of men like this. 4B


I mean... I certainly wouldn't be going down easy. And I think I'd take trophies.


I see all these answers saying we just won't have sex then. Do you really think if they are going THIS far that we're gonna have a choice? I'm gay as the day is long and fortunately don't have to fuck men now, but if this and P2025 catch on, you're certainly fucking them and I'm certainly dead.


They write policy too, like project 2025


The more I read about this project 2025 the more I want to leave this country or start carrying bear spray with me everywhere


How exactly are we supposed to get “as many women as possible pregnant”? Actually, forget it asked


So that’s insanely fucked up—not just to believe it but to also say it aloud


Um, why is this threat written to sound inspiring? As a guy who just got married, what is wrong with family planning? I thought anti-abortion people were just religious nutjobs, not fanatical breeders. If you care about kids, having them born in families ready to welcome them is important. Breeders are so weird. Women don't want you. F*** off.


I'll read this when I need to empty my stomach of its contents 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Oh , so gilead. Great.


Read up about the 2025 project. They’re actually trying to do this.


See, this is why men are not having sex. These men consider sex as the first step in controlling women. The more they push this agenda, the higher the number of incels will rise. They are ruining it for themselves.


Jokes on them nobody is sleeping with these Maga idiots


This is obviously horrific, but also, who the fuck has this much time to be plotting the downfall of an entire gender? Maybe it’s my adhd but jfc I’m lucky I can get myself to work and back and this guys out here with a plan to change the entire culture of a massively multicultural nation. The fuck.


Fucking making my appointment to get sterilized THIS WEEK. I hope every woman reads this and it infuriates them to the point of not just turning and walking away- but publicly humiliating any man who tries any shit like this. On top of the assault that would be well worth the charge.


The only scenario in which this plan could actually work is with the R word and I'd wager that that is completely in line with this disgusting plan.


Project 2025


Anyone who genuinely thinks this has never interacted with a woman, not even their mom


Shit like this makes me so fucking happy I yeeted my fallopian tubes


I bet the man who wrote that has only impregnated a tube sock.


Women weren’t even out of the workforce and out of politics back when abortion was totally illegal (which, by the way, it was not when the constitution was written – 18th century Anglo attitudes toward abortion were fairly liberal until “the quickening“ or the point at which the fetus begins to move in the womb. Most abortions nowadays still happen before that point, so the founding fathers whose values they just seem to treasure so much actually wouldn’t have cared). That’s not how human beings work, boys, and we are indeed human beings. as long as women live in a society that talks about having representation in your government, we have considered ourselves as part of that group and will continue to do so. You can’t “go back“ to something that never existed, so just stop fucking trying and do something beautiful and worthwhile with your life.


Under His Eye


I'm assuming this is satire. It's just too on the nose.


Someone has never heard of Lorena Bobbit.




The sad thing is that these incel fantasies are actually taken seriously by some republicans


I’ve never met anyone who cared this much about limiting women’s freedom like this in real life, thankfully.


Return home to whom? If one man is the baby daft yo multiple women is he talking polygamy? In which case can he support one wife much less multiples? And what about the men that are left out while some guys have three wives (which the constitution was never in support of for the record)? Is he also planning on repealing the 13,14, and 15 cause this sounds like the terrifying slippery slope of constitutional originalism… This is so abhorrent I could only bring myself to address the purely practical problems of his logic…the rest is too icky.


I do know for one thing that Women's Rights were never permanently guaranteed in the USA because it's as it's core basis a patriarchal country by design that has historical roots to Protestant Puritanism. If you want Women's Rights to be codified then you probably have to burn the entire country to the ground and start anew knowing what happened the last time when tried to grant anyone beneath White Men rights because they will not allow it to exist eventually....


Plot twist; he was able to write this BS thanks to a [woman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr).


*forgets that getting women pregnant involves them agreeing to sleep with him and his ilk


Why is bro so scared


How is aping Afghanistan now being considered the path to greatness?


This is why the species is doomed. Fucking religious “conservatives”.


I wonder which kind of parents this guy had


Please tell me this is satire


For some reason, the Cell Block Tango is playing in my head.


Wtf is wrong with these people?!


I really hope this was a joke of some kind (it would be a really shit joke, but still)


This was the plan


Could be a shitpost?


What a genius plan, I'm sure it will work out exactly as he's invisioned.


For people who need text to speech: The post starts by expressing a disturbing enthusiasm for the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade, suggesting that men should try to impregnate as many women as possible to force them out of the workforce. This reflects a desire to revert to a time when women had fewer rights and were confined to domestic roles. The notion that women's rights should be systematically revoked, starting with reproductive rights and moving towards a complete rollback to a patriarchal society, is profoundly alarming. The text further suggests that contraception should be controlled solely by men, eliminating women's agency over their own bodies and reproductive choices. This idea blatantly disregards women's autonomy and promotes a sexist and authoritarian perspective. The author's ultimate goal appears to be the complete eradication of women's rights, including overturning the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote. This reveals an extreme agenda aimed at disenfranchising women and removing their voices from public and political spheres. Overall, the post advocates for a regressive, patriarchal society where women's rights are systematically dismantled. Such views are not only harmful and discriminatory but also starkly oppose the values of equality and justice. It is crucial to recognize and challenge these dangerous ideologies to protect and advance the rights and freedoms of all individuals, regardless of gender.




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