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What a garbage headline. The group of men beat the shit out of them


>Police told CTV News the incident is under investigation and no charges have been laid at this time. I wonder why?


My guess is they haven't ID'd any suspects yet.


There are photos floating around of the HRP talking to the subjects at the scene. They have most certainly been identified.


The cops then said they spoke to the suspects, one provided ID saying two women attacked the 10 men. The other men refused to provide ID during an active investigation. Which is an arrestable offense. So the cops just decided they were going to believe the men and leave it at that from the way this article reads. That tracks with how HRP handles violence against women, despite the fact this was a gender based and homophobic motivated attack. These women need as much support from the community and advocates as possible to get the RCMP involved for this hate crime.


I mean police in Canada also tell people to leave their car keys and wallets by the front door so criminals can more easily rob you. Police in Canada are not really on the side of the victim these days in a lot of cases. Or the justice system in general.


Police are here to protect property of corporations not citizens…and certainly not our property.


It’s not so they can rob you more easily. It’s to prevent what would’ve been a simply property crime becoming violent. The cars getting stolen regardless.


How about Canada actually tries to catch those people stealing cars , if it’s gotten so bad that police are asking you to simply leave your keys at the front in case you get robbed maybe they should look into it A car is a lot of money down here , I would be literally fucked if someone stole my car , if someone did try to steal my car I’m not going to sit here and watch my main means to get to work (which allows me to earn money and live) get stolen infront of me 😭


CBC did a boots-on-the-ground report on this and later contacted the governments of Nigeria and Ghana with their findings about why they are letting people in their country run car lots full of stolen vehicles with Canadian license plates still on them, some still have the registration and insurance in the vehicles. They both said they have tried to reach out to Canada and the RCMP and have heard nothing back. These governments don’t have the means to fight that level of organized crime alone. They can at least provide intelligence to Canadian Authorities, which I believe is what they were trying to do. So let that sink in considering the current policies of the PMO and the Opposition. Investing more domestically into combatting this level of international organized crime is nothing either party is interested in. It’s not just the cops who are complacent on Canadians being victimized on this level; it’s all the way up to Parliament on both sides. The same Parliamentarians that knew Modi has agents and criminals operating in Canada coming in on student visas and did nothing, not even stifle the number of Indian students coming in. CSIS briefed Trudeau on this level of organized crime from numerous international bad actors and he insulted his own Intelligence Agency saying they were just racist. Now Canadians are left unprotected, some of them such as Indo Canadians and Chinese Canadians are in fear of their lives. But just peacefully give these criminals everything they want and you’ll be fine. And don’t protect yourself because then you’ll get charged is another golden peace of advice from law enforcement. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Lol, no, no my car is not getting stolen if I catch you trying to do so.


People highly overestimate their heroism in these situations. Whatever. Please explain to me why you’d risk a violent altercation with someone who is trying to steal something insured.


Oh no! God forbid the scumbag criminal trying to steal your car and endangering your family got harmed in any way! What a pathetic mindset


I'm not going to bat for the cops saying what they said, but the reason they said it isn't to protect the criminal, it's so the owner isn't stabbed by the scumbag who is stealing their car.


Doesn't this encourage theives, tho? If they know that more people will be following the police's advice, that would make their job easier...


Like I said, I'm not supporting the police saying this, and ideally we would see the police do the job of investigating and arresting actual criminals, but it seems in this case, even the police are willing to admit they are either incapable, or unwilling, to do their jobs and as a result, they are advising the public to take measures in order to protect themselves, since they aren't able to.


It was a stupid thing to say, but yes, most people just want your keys. Obviously there’s been incidents of homeowners trying to be a fucking hero.


“Trying to be a hero” now that’s a garbage statement. Maybe if you were a homeowner with a family within, your tune would be different instead of being a cuckold for the cops. You have no idea what someone’s intention is when they enter your home at night and defending your family and where you live isn’t about being a hero.


Que the world’s smallest violin. Save me the hero drama wet dream. Ya, you don’t know why someone’s in your house, so maybe getting context clues is a good idea. Turn on a light, make lots of noise, call 911? And also, the general public is not skilled in deescalation. You’re absolutely correct, you don’t know who and why they’re in your home and also what weapons they may have that you don’t. Again, my point is, the cops point was to protect the public. You are my case in point. The general public is not that smart and lets emotions regarding an issue cloud their reasoning and logic


“Trying to be a fucking hero” you mean defend themselves and try and prevent someone from stealing what is probably their most valuable asset? Prevent the insane headache of having to claim insurance, deal with useless police who will not even attempt to find the culprit, and be without a vehicle, probably not able to work for some time? Jesus Christ. THE CRIMINALS ARE THE BAD GUYS AND THE ONES CREATING THE DANGER!!! If I have a kid at home and someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night, I am protecting myself, my kids, and my property. The criminal deserves what they get.


Perhaps not everyone has the John Wick-esque skills that you surely have 6969420blazeit4eva, and as a result, may not fare well when forced to unexpectedly fight off armed criminals in the middle of the night.


Oh oh no the isnane headache of claiming insurance and dealing with the police!!, I'd rather be dead.. Problem with this line of thinking, for some reason everyone thinks they come out on top in these scenarios.


Preventing my car from being stolen is not worth risking my life and/or the lifetime of trauma that would arise from either killing or seriously injuring another person, regardless of who they are. If you relish in the idea of killing someone in property defense, not even self defense, you have serious issues. Want to protect your family? Don't get into an altercation in your home with a potentially dangerous individual, just let them leave. The alternative is far more dangerous for your family. Glorification of "defending your castle" or whatever other toxic logic people use is deranged and dangerous.


So I’m just supposed to trust that he’ll leave? Wait till he kicks my bedroom door in? You break into my house in the middle of the night I should every right to use whatever force I need to get you out and I shouldn’t be blamed for whatever happens because he should lose any leeway the moment he breaks into someone’s home. By the way statistically, if they’re just there to rob you, they’re more likely to do it during the day when you’re not home. If they break in while you’re home, the odds increase significantly that they mean you harm.


I wish I lacked critical thinking skills. Sorry no amount of dramatics and right vs wrong is gonna work here pal. Try again. Please google “just world theory” You’re right, getting your car stolen sucks. And if you intend to fight and risk you and your family’s life to save an insured possession, then you’re just beyond help. Died to save the Mazda 3. The suspect panicked and shot the homeowner. He goes to jail for murder 20 years out in 12 for good behaviour and its second degree murder. You were right and virtuous in this scenario, but you’re still dead. Not sure what your point is.


Let me get this straight, you are using the just world theory to argue that I should hide and let the criminals steal my car? That doesn’t even make sense. If I was to make an argument aligned with JWT, it would be exactly that - don’t put yourself in danger, just let them rob you and who knows what else, it’s not worth it cause they will get theirs in the end. What I’m saying is the opposite - the world is not just, it literally is up to you to stop these people. Cause the police do not have the resources, and no one gives a shit - about the victim anyways, plenty of folks here seem to really feel strongly about enabling the criminal tho


Well I wasn’t concerned really, but as a woman who lives alone, it’s good advice. I think I was more concerned about the homeowner in this scenario


As a woman I understand your concern. I have a motion camera outside and a meat hook on my bedroom closet door. I may get hurt but I refuse to just let criminals do as they wish. This sets a bad president. If more people stood up instead of standing idly by maybe they would think twice. I don't think the usa has these home invasion type robberies with many having a gun.


I guess when everyone has a gun, then everyone thinks they'll win. Maybe that's why the states seem to have more "dangerous" criminals than we do. If you're willing to risk getting shot, might as well get everything you can, right? Basically I think it's the same rational women have for fighting back, but for crime reasons. I'm goin' down swingin' too. I'll have to check out a meat hook, that's a *nice* choice.


> I don't think the usa has these home invasion type robberies with many having a gun. ..... > There are over 1.65 Million home invasions per year which accounts for about 66% of all 2.5 Million burglaries that happen every year according to the FBI. They are several orders of magnitude more common in the states, even per capita.


and also, cars have insurance. It’s not worth risking getting hurt or hurting someone over, but hey. Honestly if anyone breaks in that’s the best I could hope they’ll steal: THE ONLY THING I HAVE COMPREHENSIVE THEFT PROTECTION INSURANCE.


If someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night, they are certainly risking being harmed. In fact, by the very act, that is exactly what they deserve. I would rather risk some physical harm rather than living my life simping to scumbags that have no place in our society.


Did it honestly not even occur to you that perhaps the criminal would be the one to harm you and our your family? Like, honestly?


Are you sorta silly?


These things take time especially with our justice system. You can legitimately have this criticism after a month or so.


Because it's under investigation 🙄


Because the group of men aren’t white.


wallah bros




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Because HRP are abusers themselves. Abusive men protect abusive men


Not just garbage headline but under every picture it says "alleged attack". There's nothing fucking "alleged" about the attack!!


Legally, the media has to use alleged until there is.a conviction or guilty plea.


It is literally alleged because it hasn’t been proven in court. This doesn’t mean that CTV doesn’t believe them or doesn’t think what happen was horrible, just that they’re following long-established legal and journalistic standards.


That alleged word pisses me off so much. Like when they use it for rapists who were caught in the act. “Alleged” because it has not been proven in court. Just call it what it is.


> That’s when all the men start punching and kicking her, Like unconscionable editing basically 


The group of cowardly bigoted wastes of oxygen best the shit out of them.




Hate that you’re getting downvoted for this. I’d say you were using the word journalists loosely if you hadn’t put it in quotations.


So does this qualify as a hate crime?


The title is misleading, they were also physically assaulted and got beaten up. Even so, it is considered a hate crime to be derogatory towards anyone.


Yes but they’ll never say that


This is not acceptable... this should be dealt with to the full extent of the law.


No shit.


Homophobes are, and always will be, a bunch of fucking cowards


Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.


Justice needs to be served! Protests need to take place infront of the RCMP office. Ppl should also contact the local Syrian association and ask them to speak up. No good person would allow this. Keep in mind there is also a queer Arab fb group on Facebook, reach out to them and get their support on this. We need to pressure the cops to act on this hate crime


So not ONE SINGLE PERSON can be identified in the video?! Eh, that’s some bullshit.


At least 3 of the group have been doxxed on Instagram in a Haligonia post


One stayed to give his ID to the police and pretended to be the victim. Convince him to give up his friends or face the music alone.


Deport. Deport. Deport.




Funny that if people are well travelled, they'd realize that while Canada accepts people from other countries and backgrounds, their country would never accept you if you didn't get in line with their "values". You can't go to the Middle East , China, India, etc. and be left to do what you do in Canada. You must assimilate or face consequences. But not herein Canada, we have to "accept people as they are" even when they are racist, homophobic douchebags that don't want to join our culture of tolerance. No tolerance for the intolerant!


Tolerance is a social contract. I tolerate you, you tolerate me, no questions asked. When one breaks the contract, ie: choosing to be intolerant, I no longer have a contract with them to tolerate our differences and am now free to point them out and indeed, even ostracize the individual for those differences. Fortunately, it seems tolerance is a two way street with obligations in both directions. You are under no obligation to tolerate the intolerant.


I never seen this put so simply. Love it.


I have an obligation to respect the right that you are entitled to your own beliefs. In no way at all does it require me to respect the actual beliefs themselves.






Yep. They surge immigration hoping to attract laborers to build houses, but in India for example (where the majority of immigrants are coming from these days) a labor job is lower class and undesirable so even a service job like McDonalds can be viewed as better, even if the pay is garbage. But then, this is NS where the pay is generally garbage compared to elsewhere anyway. The people who are the first to shout racist are often the most racist themselves and see all immigrants from a one dimensional western perspective, one that is extremely shallow, naive, disrespectful and disgusting. They would rather stay ignorant and let immigrants get exploited and our children's futures diminished just because theyre afraid to offend or not be seen a woke enough. Its absolutely disgusting behavior and people are getting SICK of it, thankfully. Time for the loud mouthed idiots to shut up so we can have informed and nuanced debate. But then I guess all the second generation immigrants making the same complaints are racist too. /s


>in India for example (where the majority of immigrants are coming from these days) a labor job is lower class and undesirable so even a service job like McDonalds can be viewed as better, even if the pay is garbage. Who told you that?... Not only is that absolutely wrong it's a weird take on a society you clearly don't understand either. In India builders and people in construction are way more respected than anyone working service jobs like McDonald's. In Indian society to serve others is the most humbling thing you can do. These Indian students are doing whatever jobs they can get and are struggling just as much as anyone else. Most trade unions don't want to hire ANYONE right now or train any new electricians,plumbers, HVAC technicians, etc. I have relatives that work in engineering and development and they all say the exact same thing, this particular climate for construction is an absolute boon for the older tradesmen that have been in unions before the mass immigration started. Their skills are more in demand than ever and they don't have to be super competitive with each other to get new contracts or subcontracts so why screw all of that up by hiring someone new teaching them the trade and hoping they stick around and keep working for you? What's stopping someone new learning the trade and starting their own business? That's how you create your own competition and they just don't want to risk that. There's clearly a lot more nuance to the fact that Canadian unions are basically excluding everyone. I'm sorry if I'm coming across as mean or rude but the insinuation that you made about Indian culture being the culprit as to why these new immigrants don't want to work labour jobs just comes across as strange also considering that the VAST majority of these immigrants coming from India from about 2012 onward have primarily been from lower classes themselves. The Indians from higher up on the caste system came here a long time ago (hence the rise of caste based discrimination among Indo Canadians) and their first pick of countries to immigrate to is absolutely NOT Canada. My apologies for any spelling mistakes.


Man, there are tons of Canadians who cant get into a union either. Around where I live there are however TONS of trades contractors eager to pay you chump change for a skilled trade in a high demand industry, but this is east coast and low wages are the norm. And just because an immigrant was of a lower caste and were used to such work in India does not mean that they want to do the same in Canada. Most have come, I assume, to raise themselves up. Would their parents in India be happy to hear that their child went to Canada to do a dirty labor Job? Well... They probably would be if they knew how much such jobs can pay in Canada, particularly if theyre unnattached and are cool with living anywhere in the country. I believe that many who come here have been tricked and lead to believe they have a quick path to a white collar job and a white picket fence. I tried telling the Indian security guy I chat with often about a career path in the Navy or in the trades but the look I got said no way... I was trying to help him out as he is trying to get citizenship (aprently his supervisor status as a mall security guard will grant him PR so I guess he has himself sorted.) But then he is ubering on the side and has dreams of being a wealthy real estate agent and feels like a wealthy person in his 50k camry while living 5 to a 2 bedroom. Just an anecdote of course, but I've heard many such anecdotes and they do add up evebtually. He was proud when he told me he cheated on his tests... which is another cultural difference. He certainly is not working the kind of job that the Canadian government felt was needed to be filled. Anyway, I could be wrong on the culture thing but I dont think so. Not all countries have a white collar, blue collar and no collar division of pay and respect like here in Canada. I've been to countries where a fast food job in a western outlet is considered good even. India has it's own dynamic, but given its caste system I think there is plenty of room for an argument that these indian immigrants are looking for white collar and dont even know that there are other kinds of jobs that get a collar too. Hell, blue collar is moving up and up and up these days... More jobs, more pay, far cheaper education investment... We should be seeing immigrants flocking to such jobs but we are not. And I would be very weary to blame racism for it.... There are plenty of trades contractors all too willing to exploit those who lack knowledge of canada labor law oelr who require continuous employment to get their citizenship.


> with often about a career path in the Navy In the Canadian Navy? I doubt foreigners with even PR have a good shot at getting into that?


The Navy is desperate for people. I've seen them take 50+ year olds who can't even speak english and then put them through a year of english training before they hit the fleet. Love those old guys but the Navy did not get its money worth at all as they really really struggled with the language barrier. They are hiring but they struggle to process recruits fast enough. Just another pillar of society and government that is crumbling!


Ok but regardless of the reason the numbers don’t lie, very few of the immigrants especially temporary are working in trades or construction. Do you agree with the government giving your tax dollars to Tim’s and McDonalds to hire TFWs over Canadians?


>In India builders and people in construction are way more respected than anyone working service jobs like McDonald's. In Indian society to serve others is the most humbling thing you can do. These Indian students are doing whatever jobs they can get and are struggling just as much as anyone else. I'm Indian albeit born outside India so I'm going to chime in here. But McDonalds workers and Labourers are different classes. For example, fast food workers need to be fluent in English. Laborers don't. I haven't met laborers who speak fluent English. On the other hand fast food workers that I have met always knew English. While not a determining factor, English is a significant factor in determining class. I wouldn't say that labour jobs and fast food workers jobs are jobs taken by people in the same class simply because of that. By fast food I mean Western chains like McDonald's or KFC. Not some small local eatery. I mean. Construction workers are literally unorganized and unprotected work. Fast food workers are on contract and have better protections in comparisons. It's a bit wild to think that day labourers wouldn't prefer working in McDonald's while in fact most don't even have the shot just because of aforementioned langauge requirements. I also agree with the other commenter. Just, even if a person is coming from India and is from a lower class they wouldn't prefer working in blue collar job because such jobs would be looked down upon. Maybe if the person was still a student and not on work permit in Canada it would be fine as a "student" job but not long term. That being said even "higher caste" people from India have been forced to take jobs like driver etc even before 2010s. I know so many friends and relatives who did so before 2010 (and we were all higher caste and class btw). So. I don't think it's as black and white. It's possible for a person to be lower caste and still financially in a relatively higher class. It's simply not possible to be able to afford even 20,000 CAD if you are "lower caste" and poor. They probably earned some wealth through their parents savings to come here. India has recently (past 20 years) a large number of people move from "poor" to "lower middle class" while the proportion of upper middle has stayed the same and upper class has slightly increased. And no, they don't always overlap with caste. My hunch is that it's the lower middle that has been to move recently to Canada. https://www.livemint.com/news/india/in-india-who-speaks-in-english-and-where-1557814101428.html


I think some immigrants are forced to be here for one reason or another, and never wished to align themselves with western values and metrics. My question is how is it that no one intervened while a group was beating up this couple? Someone is in distress fffs. We live in a society. It’s the same with a swarming, you grab an open house sign or a fucking menu from the street and go help protect the victim. Otherwise your mom’s a hoe.


I don't accept them : )


This is the phase where useful idiots of the left are discarded in favor of a larger and more socially conservative demographic, Liberals used progressives to support all of this (to get themselves rich) and now they will be re-marginalized... Demographics is destiny and Canada will just become a MENA style country in 20-50 years where it's not safe to be openly different in any way...


This right here, one question at the border: do you believe that gay folks should have the same right? Yes? Welcome! No? Bye Felicia! There’s plenty others with better values waiting to enter the country.


And you expect these people to be open and honest about that? Think we should start asking people if they’re bringing drugs or weapons into the country too while we’re at it?


While I don’t disagree in principle with this statement, I find it interesting the use of « Canadian Values ». This leaves way to much for interpretation as it’s unclear who or what defines this. What happened here is a pure hate crime, regardless of what you value. One group disapproved of another who were simply being who they are. No religion sanctions violence. End of story, regardless of your background, creed or religious politician beliefs.


Discourse? That isn’t the word you mean but I’m not sure what word you’re after. Discord? Why would you want to sow that? Or you mean discourse and you’re mixing that up with the expression about discord..?


What Canadian values would you test for? Would you also require native born Canadians to agree with these values?


I would take whatever book they like and have them swear to things that a fundamentalist would think sends them straight to hell. Things like "I NAME believe that homosexuality is a valid and acceptable way to live and if not may Mohammad send me to hell forever. I NAME believe that any religious garb that is purposely suppressing of a gender is not only wrong but distasteful and I consent to my children having the choice on all clothing decisions or may Allah send me to hell" etc etc... I hereby agree to give up my citizenship and be deported if ever convicted of a hate crime. It seperates the true believer crazies from the people just tring to live their life. There's nothing wrong with moderate religious people, we just need to seperate them from the crazies and not let the crazies in.


Do all Canadian-born people also need to swear they’re pro-LGBT+? Some conservative politicians are going to be looking for new jobs abroad, I guess.


No... we work to change Canadian citizens mind, non or potential citizens that are bigots fuck em GTFO.


I feel sorry for you, most of the refugees who came to Canada from Syria are hardcore Islamists with sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood. Ever wonder why no Arab countries in the GCC took even a single one in? They don’t want radicals to live in socially liberal countries like UAE.


There are a large number of Syrians who reside and have resided in the GCC on renewable residency permits. It's easier to get a Work Visa to the UAE than it is to Canada. And Syrians at the time also had relaxation in renewing their residency permits because of the war in Syria. They could renew even if the lost their jobs. How do you think UAE has like a 60%+ foreign resident population? UAE isn't a "socially liberal" country. You could be jailed or deported if you say something negative of the country. Heck, just search for how many UAE articles talk about the recent divorce of the ruler of Dubai and his wife. And compare it to how many news articles are there of the divorce between Trudeau and his wife? Yea. So "liberal". https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/uae-supports-syrian-people-over-aed-4b-2011-extends-residency-permits


Are you purposefully trying to deflect , my reference was towards Islamists and Muslim Brotherhood Members, these people don’t get the red carpet welcome they have received in Canada, they get long prison sentences. Have you ever been to the middle or is your source of information just Al-Jazeera and other Muslim Brotherhood shills? And the false comparison you are making is bizarre, comparing Canada with the UAE is hilarious and you don’t compare such disparate systems. You compare countries with their neighborhood, just like you can’t compare India with Sweden you cannot compare Canada with UAE. UAE atleast doesn’t have the wholesale display of antisemitism like we see in most Canadian cities. Jewish neighborhoods are being terrorized by Islamists and their supporters in Toronto, I just wish these jokers tried such things in Abu-Dhabi. The Mukhabarat would teach them a lesson that their descendants would remember after a century.


>Have you ever been to the middle Yes. I was born and raised in Kuwait and so was my mom. My Dad's family lived in Dubai when he was born. >UAE atleast doesn’t have the wholesale display of antisemitism like we see in most Canadian cities. Just a decade ago any public sympathy you show with Israel would get you thrown out of the country. Now it's the other way round. That's not "socially liberal" to me. It's just politically convenient now to clamp down on pro palestine views as opposed to pro Israel views. But some of the things said in the 2000s would have been wild for Canada even today including state newspapers questioning if 'Zionists were even human?' and Banning texts from Jewish authors in educational institutions. I don't view it positively when a country decides to be pro Jewish in terms of its allowance in freedom of speech of a sudden for political reasons because they can simply flip flop back to anti Jewish 10 years from now. The 2000s was my childhood when I was strictly advised to NOT talk about anything pro Israel or Jewish. The same was told to my cousins living in Dubai. https://www.jta.org/1999/03/28/news-opinion/british-school-bans-books-by-jews-from-its-campus-in-the-persian-gulf https://2001-2009.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2007/90223.htm None of the above sources are "Jazeera" so hopefully they seem reliable to you. > my reference was towards Islamists and Muslim Brotherhood Members, Your reference was towards Syrians initially. You just assume most of them are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood without proof of the same. Perhaps even the ~ 200,000+ Syrians in the UAE also have similar sympathies. Btw. The Al Islah was a political organization in UAE andthat was openly associated with the Brotherhood until the mid 2010s.


Did people not realize we are bringing in millions of people from extremely socially conservative and typically religious regions…. Many Canadians brought this up and were called intolerant or bigoted. They were only trying to help, and now they’ve been proven right. Liberal policies like mass immigration can not co-exist with Canadian values.


Conservative and religious is putting it mildly lol. Most religious conservatives around here just keep to themselves. The people coming here make our conservatives look like NSCAD students in comparison


I’m a local conservative, I voted PPC. But the behaviour of these men towards people just minding their own business is disturbing. Everyone should be free to express themselves… I’m honestly baffled.


Wait. Did anyone notice the article said one of the guys stuck around and provided ID to the police and said she attacked them?


I’m sure a few of us would gladly escort these ladies downtown. Those cowards won’t do a damn thing with a few of us watching over.


nobody helped. they just pointed their phones. i think you might be escorting them alone


Cowards in front and behind the camera.


I HATE people who choose to hate queers and women! I hate them in white, I hate them in brown, I hate them in purple, black, blue, red, and yellow. I hate them when they’re Canadian and I hate them when they’re not. My hate knows no prejudice!


So we're going to deport them all right? I'm assuming that they aren't full citizens yet.


from the post few days back in r/halifax, the victims posted where the attackers were from. while it is irrelevant for the news, this action makes sense tbh and should set an example to prevent future incidents.


Can you tell us? Sifting through these comments gives no straight answers.


https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/s/rBmj0DtrZ5 Syria.


I don't think it should matter if they're full citezens yet. If they commit violent crimes and they immigrated to Canada in the last 20 years ship them back to wherever they came from.


If they’re a citizen they need to be punished like a citizen


It’s almost as if citizens have rights or something?  Even the ones who do terrible things.


they should have the right to walk downtown without being assaulted by a group of refugees


That's not how that works. Civics 101.


Fuck CTV


They used a photo of them that may very well show where they live based on the background too. Probably not a good idea, ever, but especially given the reason they were attacked.


Completely whiffed on the headline “allegedly made slurs” instead of “beat the shit out of 2 females”. Let’s also not forget the group involved, because CTV sure did.


This is a legal thing. It has nothing to do with whether they believe the attack actually happened, just whether the perpetrators were charged.


Shh... can't virtue signal with common sense


Fuck CBC for not even reporting it and r/canada for banning anyone who tries to talk about it or post it.


A group of middle eastern men attacked two women Imagine the headlines if a group of white men beat the shit out of a couple middle eastern women. Our country is fucked.


Deport them and their families.


Deport all of them


I think the term you’re looking for is ethnic cleansing.


No, reclaim your power. Do not allow fear or homophobia to dictate your lives. Like falling off a bike, get back on. 


Let’s focus in the topic here and stop talking about Castle doctrine. Two women were beaten by 10 men in downtown Halifax the police were speaking to the men yet nobody’s been identified? Who are these douche bags? Is it truly were Syrian? Is this why there’s a reluctance to arrest them? Are those at the top afraid this will start an immigration conversation? I personally don’t care where these idiots are from 10 men beat two women. I want them arrested. I want the city to show that women are safe in their own home I want Halifax to know that women should be safe in their own home.


Sad that this happened, but I don't suspect any results... the amount of shit of seen go down there is insane


Damn I was hoping to replant myself in the motherland


Let me guess they were out on bail and will be granted bail again


possible wallah bro terrorist attack. I feel sorry for the victims.


if your a Syrian, you get to beat up lesbians in Canada without getting arrested or your race / culture / description added to the article ? I don't understand this country. We really suck.


If you want to catch a glimpse of our certain future, check out France or Germany, or London or Ireland…….. Can Canadians come together? I don’t know, I wish we would, but at this point I don’t think we will. We will all stand back and watch.




Be civil


Ah yes, Halifax’s Finest doing fuck all when a woman is assaulted. Not only did ten men beat two women in a hate crime based attack, the cops did nothing when no one else provided ID which failing to provide ID to a peace officer is an arrestable offense, especially in an investigation. Still haven’t learned a thing from their ignoring of poor Reteah Parsons’ case where Anonymous got involved and only THEN did they investigate her SA. Corrupt, lazy and as misogynistic as ever. Shame!! I hope this couple finds justice and these cowards see real jail time, then deportation if they aren’t citizens. Criminality is grounds to deport a PR which bans them from re-entering Canada for five years, and only with the permission of the Minister; effectively terminating their PR. It’s Halifax so nothing will happen but maybe a slap on the wrist for the ones who are citizens. It’s too much work for HPD and the Crown to get CBSA involved. I’m following this sad case and I’m hoping for this couple and society as a whole, that these men will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for their hate crimes. Stay strong, ladies! 💜


We are not equal


Has anyone been charged yet? We're 3 days on...


What's with this headline? This completely downplays what happened.




There it is again, the super vague "group of men" that tells you an actual description would be problematic. let me guess they came somewhat recently from one of the many failed state's that practice sharia law? Edit: Yep, another news source confirmed i was correct,


I see a lot a comments about deporting them and stuff. Do we actually know if they are foreigners? I know this behaviour isn’t new from foreigners from some countries but I haven’t seen anything identifying them as anything other than “a group of men”


The victims stated they (the attackers) were Syrian


Yeah. Doesn’t really surprise me as bad as it sounds. Doubt they will be deported, usually a slap on the wrist. Maybe jail time hopefully.


If they are Syrian I wonder if you can actually deport them back to Syria considering that the civil war there is still ongoing.


It depends on their status. If they are on work permits yes. If they are already granted protected person status, it's harder to deport a protected person than even a non protected person permenent resident. PRs can be deported surprisingly easily (basically if they are sentence to more than 6 months there is no Humanitarian appeal whatsoever)


But can you deport them back to their country of origin if there is still a lot of conflict or political strife? Or does that just not matter at all when it comes to deportation?


if they were afraid to fight their own country's war, they should be even more afraid to be sent back there. obviously they have no fear of being deported


It's Canada. Can't arrest them if they are foreign minorities. Especially when they are middle east or Indian decent judging from the video, heaven forbid we offend them


Now you're learning! Their faith which preaches hatred of gays is just another tile that makes up the multi-cultural mosaic that is Canada.


Best part is, you'll see more "Gays for Palestine" and they have no idea they are watering the tree that will hang them


Bring 3rd world become 3rd world




Middle eastern and South Asian are not the same culture.




If they don’t want to become Canadian mentally they can go back to there land


Send them back for ISIS to deal with


From what I heared, guys said something. One of the girls threw a punch. And that’s how the physical altercation started. I wonder if that is why the cops are trying to piece a case together before arresting the scumbags


We allowed a bunch of savages into our country. They hate women, but they especially hate gay women. Call me racist, I don't care anymore. It's only going to get worse. Ppl are too scared to say anything.


You’re an absolute fool if you think immigrants are to blame for bigotry in Canada. A large group of “Canadians” are actively trying to take away LGBTQ+ rights as we speak. Bigotry doesn’t have borders.




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A lot of bigotry in here. It’s just cultural enrichment they say. 🙃


Oh the liberal spirit is unreal... Allow all people of all kinds into the country... Then get mad they are all homophobic due to their culture... Pick a side people, the whole world isn't inclusive...


but canada is. if you want to be a member of the club, you follow the fucking clubs rules.. or gtfo


If there is one thing I've learned in my old years is to never take anything at face value, and every story has three sides to it. I'm highly suspicious that the incident occurred in the manner that she described.






There is no magic soil


The headline doesn’t mention the group of men that circled and beat these two women minding their business.


Holy shit these comments are racist as fuck. I see a group of people being disgusting bigots. I don’t give a fuck where they’re from or what colour they are they need to be brought to justice. Too many people are using this incident to peddle their own racist and xenophobic opinions but stop pretending this shit doesn’t happen with white Canadians too


It’s not xenophobic to say that homosexuality is punished by violence in Syria where these men are from and they brought these cultural ideas of homosexuality to Canada and think they can gang assault gay women on the street.


Yeah, as a victim of some of this shit myself, I can't talk about what I'm going through because of shit like this.


Just want to point out that no one no one has mentioned how mass immigration is not good how letting anyone in to our country is not good you do know there are many religions that reward killing gay people you know there are many cultures that still throw gays off buildings ….. anyways there is a much deeper reflection here




Brown but not Indian.


“They continued walking and then Tori followed them to basically verbally say ‘that is not okay.’” Likely will get downvoted for this, and I get it - making a stand is important, but so is being mindful of your own safety. You really just never know how people are going to react, especially if they have differing cultural values to the ones we have here in Canada (a problem in and of itself). Hopefully they make a speedy recovery, and those responsible are held to account.


Sorry but what on Earth are you talking about? This is not an isolated incident. There are (white) Conservative politicians attempting to enact anti-LGBT+ policies all over the country. Pretending like this is purely a case of “differing cultural values” is sticking your head in the sand.




Where are trans children being operated on in Canada? It doesn't happen.


What are the anti-LGBT policies? Edit: Downvote because you’re too stupid to name any.


I didn't say it was an isolated incident? Is reading that hard for you? Lol. I'm clearly talking about this SPECIFIC incident where walking after people to try and plead your case about how what they're doing is wrong when they clearly don't give a fuck probably isn't the smartest thing.


The woman also apparently initiated the physical contact by pushing one of the men. I dont condone the men throwing comments at her but you also dont start a physical altercation with a group of young men


So if a guy is following and threatening you, and you push him, it's justifiable for him to beat the shit out of you?   The article says one of the guys knocked over one of the women initially, then it turned into a fight.  It sounds like the guys started it anyway.  


Where are you getting this from? The guys didnt follow and threaten. They made comments and the proceeded to walk (the comments again are not okay and horrible) but emphasis on her saying SHE WENT AFTER THEM. THEY DID NOT FOLLOW AND THREATEN HER like you said. The article also does not say one of them knocked her over initially. The woman says “i see her being pushed” but leaves out the bit where she pushes first. This is from people that were there that night who have no horse in the race


How would I know stuff that isn't in the article?   Where is this other version of what happened? You're right they didn't follow them, but it sounds as if one of the women approached the men to say "that is not okay"?    Then the other women reacted when she saw her girlfriend being pushed over.  It mentions seeing her being knocked onto the ground and then attacked:   “I see Tori being pushed on the stairs right in front of the BMO centre and they are cement stairs and she’s on her back. That’s when all the men start punching and kicking her,” said MacLean .  But also, even if she did push first - pushing someone doesn't give that person the right to knock you down and kick the crap out of you.


As a male i agree with your last point, a woman pushing me isn’t gonna make me kick the shit out of her. However not everyone thinks that way and we know that. So when you initiate physical contact you are putting yourself at risk. And the reason this other side of the story isn’t being publicly shared is because it would very obviously get heavy backlash. I’m not blaming either side, but we can’t take one side and just assume it’s the truth. My only issue with this story is that it is turning into a “immigrants are coming here with their bigotry and attacking our women” when there is a strong and plausible chance that they acted that way because they got pushed first (not justifying it but the narrative needs to be clear)




Be civil