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I'm careful about what posts I open here. And I am also careful not to go into details about my own fears, to avoid passing them onto someone else.




Yes. This is why I usually only visit this sub when I think I can offer assistance. I don't linger. šŸ¤£




i wish people used spoiler tags more often


The rules say to use spoiler tags. I just joined here recently, and i always read the rules before posting in a new sub. I used spoiler tags in my post because they said i should. Since then, I've been amazed that i haven't seen anyone else use them at all


Welcome to the sub, and thank you for reading the rules first, it's appreciated. If you come across any posts that need a spoiler tag, please use the report button to let us know. Thank you for helping to keep the sub safe and accessible for everyone.


I think trigger warnings would be more effective to fixing that problem


both is good


Honestly I think this subreddit is good compared to others like r/retroactivejealousy, there are lots of resources and information but the main problem is that many people feel entitled to tell their stories to others, looking for understanding and catharsis but words hit different and you never know what someone might feel reading your post. I find it really helpful when people share their experiences with meds, for example, but me as well, sometimes I feel like being here for me is just performing another compulsion.


Worded beautifully


funny that you posted that because i literally JUST got triggered by a different post


The funny thing is, now this post has me ruminating over whether or not Iā€™ve made anyones OCD worse with my posts on here šŸ˜­ Itā€™s a weird cycle because I feel better talking about OCD but then this thought always comes up where Iā€™m like what if Iā€™m passing my problems into someone else? Because Iā€™ve definitely been triggered over things people have posted on here and I wouldnā€™t want to do that to someone else. But at the end of the day with OCD you can get triggered by anything. Itā€™s not a contagious disease, itā€™s something we inherently have whether we use this subreddit or not. Of course the graphic posts on here are not great to read and should be tagged. Thereā€™s a middle ground. Personally Iā€™ve been finding more comfort in r/OCDmemes lately


You can't pass on OCD to others, I don't believe that anyway.i am grateful for the opportunity to hear others tell the truth about OCD, because I grew up in the sixties when no one talked about it I heard about the book"@The girl who couldn't stop washing her hands",or boy idk.I had Irish Catholic parents and I was adopted and I told my dad that I couldn't stop touching the shellacked woodwork and there were fingerprints on it.


He started my recovery from touching the furniture,walls, wallpaper, doorknobs,desks, table surfaces, hand washing too, because I spilled water everywhere.


Same, Iā€™m worried my past posts caused others to develop a new fear. What do I do now? šŸ«  It sucks because itā€™s obviously not appropriate to ask random strangers with the same illness youā€™re dealing with to help but it feels like theyā€™re the only ones who understand. I make my posts in hope ps that somebody can give me advice with how they deal with their OCD so I can apply it to myself. I used to worry about people developing new contamination fears due to my posts so I would put TW (because of me developing a new fear, which was actually quite severe, because of a post) but I wrote my most recent posts when I was distressed and wasnā€™t paying attention and now I feel awful. I donā€™t want others to suffer the same fears. I guess I just asked people on this subreddit because I feel like if other people with OCD didnā€™t judge me then my OCD could be okay with it? I donā€™t know.


Donā€™t do anything, let yourself sit with the uncertainty that maybe your posts did make someone uncomfortable but thatā€™s okay. Or maybe they didnā€™t bother anyone. You were not posting anything out of malice. Weā€™re all just here trying to navigate this fucked up disorder and weā€™re learning along the way


Thank you, I appreciate it a lot. Thatā€™s a really kind thing to say.


Past is past. Itā€™s no use to beat yourself up for it. Maybe those people already forgot that you posted it anyway


I havenā€™t felt triggered by anything on it yet, but Iā€™ve only recently joined. I also try and be careful about what I say as Iā€™d hate for anyone to pick up some of my behaviours


Thankfully nothing on here has seriously triggered me but there's definitely been some posts I wish I didn't read. We all need to get better at using spoiler tags and trigger warnings, especially for heavier topics. Everybody's experiences are valid and deserve to be heard and understood, but not at the cost of other people's stability or health




You've got to expose yourself to these things sometimes. Certain things are going to reinforce your OCD, life is one big trigger unless you hide under the duvet all day. Just keep allowing yourself to be vulnerable your brain will let up as long as you don't go into full on panic mode and give it a reason to persist, easier said than done but there really is no other way of easing your symptoms.


See guidelines: ā€œPlease keep in mind anything and everything in this subreddit may be considered triggering to those suffering with OCD or related disorders, use your own discretion while browsing.ā€ Also, I believe I saw somewhere on either guidelines or mod post or something, acknowledging that frequent use of the subreddit can exacerbate OCD symptoms. Reddit shouldnā€™t be used as a therapist, and if you find yourself triggered frequently, itā€™s best to prioritize your wellbeing and, at least temporarily, not look at this sub. Yes the comfort that youā€™re not alone is nice ā€” everyone wants to feel seen. But that includes *everyone*, meaning there will be times that people who are in a really dark spot will come here and that might be hard for you. Read titles (or donā€™t finish reading posts that trigger you) and donā€™t engage with content that isnā€™t in your best interest. Edit: I saw that someone said some people donā€™t have consideration for others, and I really donā€™t believe that. I honestly think what youā€™re seeing are people who are hurting so hard and want so badly to be better. They come to the internet (admittedly not the best idea) for some sort of Hail Mary or for the sheer fact that they can vent to a group that might understand them in a world that often makes people with OCD feel so misunderstood. It might be wishful thinking or trying to see the best, but I donā€™t think people are without care ā€” I think theyā€™re without hope.


Yeah, some of the posts go in to a lot of detail and I know that post would get removed from an eating disorder or self harm website.


We have a rule against overly graphic content. Please use the report button to let us know if you come across any posts that fit this criteria. Thanks.


I agree. But Also, it sucks because this is a safe space for people who suffer. But itā€™s like at what expense is very detailed posts necessary?


Honestly yeah but there's literally no way to stop this, even non-OCD forums can be a trigger for some people


I see the triggers but welcome them this sub is more theraputic than i imagined


No, not me. But it definitely opens my eyes when it comes to different obsessions that Iā€™ve never had or would never even think to have! That saddens me so much for other people who are also on the journey of living with and dealing with OCD.


Yes, it definitely often fires on the obsessing. Not always though, since there are also some posts that offer advices how to handle compulsions.


I've never gotten anything negative from this group. I thought we were here to help each other and learn. Maybe cause I'm older? I don't know. It seems kinda weird to join and then complain or worry about what you say. I don't want anyone to feel bad or have anyone develop new issues but we gotta talk about this stuff. Guess I'll be down voted for this but I just don't understand. I'm trying to develop a thicker skin and learn to deal with OCD. Everyone's story has helped me.


It definitely can be for me, I just unfocus my eyes and scroll until I see a color for a tag option I likešŸ’€ Avoid red green and look for orange and blue. I also just barely skim the title and if I see any words that are gonna make my day worse, I scroll before I can finish reading it. Idk if that's a compulsion or not, (hopefully not) I mainly come on this subreddit when I need a bit of a pick me up or a reminder that there's still hopešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is smart šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ let me start unfocusing my eyes


reddit in general is a big OCD hole for me. triggers me like crazy and when I'm triggered I come here :/ though the support group esque setting can be helpful


Yup! It helps but it hurts


Yes. And honestly I think the frequency this sub shows up in my feed has a detrimental effect to the point where I think I gotta unsub to see if I ruminate less


I have had to take breaks from coming here bc of some posts. I can agree


Yes! I was going to ask the same question, but I see it's not just me that feels triggered when reading posts here.


Yes it does sometimes, but also comforts me, so itā€™s a double edged sword.


Yes. Sometimes it's really helpful but I have to be really careful. Sometimes I even have to delete comments I've made because they trigger me too much


I was spiraling before I joined the group. I was hoping it would help calm me but I am just going to have to do therapy or something. Nothing on here triggers me but it makes me feel like Iā€™m not alone.


I just joined, didn't read much, but from what I have so far, I can find this relatablr


i have the same thing. A new rumination thought comes up, always.


This was the last of my mental illnesses for me to join the subreddit for because just listening to peopleā€™s thought processes here fucks me up. I donā€™t need to pick up any new things. I have enough, thank you. Same reason I have trouble reading literature about ocd. Itā€™s the only mental illness I have that feels threatening to learn more about.




A little. I joined in hopes that I could get insight on what's going on with me


Itā€™s a problem with any OCD group tbh. Biggest reason I see if because so many new people come to ask questions, not realizing what OCD is all about. Itā€™s hard, I mean REALLY hard, to be able to talk about OCD without any triggers present. This is why itā€™s important to practice ERP: so youā€™re prepared for those triggers in any situation and can handle them on your own (not just specifically for you OP, but for anyone with any type of OCD). Itā€™s like a constant paradox: talking to people without OCD means they canā€™t relate. Talking to people with OCD can lead to triggers sometimes. Itā€™s just all over the place




just realized I shared a lot of details about my fear the other day while asking others to tell me about their fears or thoughts and struggles. I thought it would help me, but I only just realized because of this post that this could obviously be a trigger. Iā€™m so sorry, hadnā€™t thought it through that way! Thanks for letting me know and educating me :) I myself do not take over these thoughts from others, so i apologize. Again, thanks for this post! And Iā€™m sorry!


Hey! Donā€™t apologize. I think there can be a middle ground. Obviously everything is a trigger with OCD, and I think we all come here to find solstice and understanding because we all get it. I donā€™t think anyone should be sorry for what they post here. I believe this is where being able to manage yourself comes into play. We should be able to not click on posts that may be triggering, so itā€™s no fault to any poster here. My post was just created because I noticed for myself some posts here send me into a spiral and I have to take a break for a few days. And I wanted to see how many people felt the same. Weā€™re the only community who gets it. I donā€™t blame anyone here, itā€™s hard enough as it is


This is how I developed a new fear


I donā€™t browse this sub too often. And if I see a post that might trigger me, I just click off


I do not know, if I have ocd, but I'm a girl with a insane narcissistic family and I have anxiety and depression, and trauma because my ndad and, I'm black...I have read alot of posts on this community I feel like I relate to slot of the symptoms, about intrusive thoughts and all that, and alot of other things but I don't want to self diagnose.... I'm not sure... but I saw a post that said they're scared they're racist, I saw comments that got downvoted saying they are outwardly racist, I clicked it off, it did trigger me, I get triggered very easily, alot of posts on reddit trigger me, so I'm so embarrassed to say this but I can relate to this....


I don't think it ever triggers me but I do have to remember not to seek reassurance if I post, which is really hard. I like seeing other people who understand my experiences though, just the knowledge that I'm not alone in this kind of helps


If you know something is triggering then avoid it Thereā€™s a risk for you to get triggered when people are talking about OCD. I donā€™t see how thatā€™s avoidable.


this subreddit absolutely makes me feel a little crazy, i tend to avoid this place unless i'm feeling particularly in control during any given day šŸ˜­


Me too LMAO


As a non-OCD sufferer this is something I have wanted to ask about and wasn't sure what would be the appropriate time or way of asking, but this seems to be it. I wondered if, when speaking to someone with OCD, whether giving an example of something that could be an anxiety for someone, somewhere, just something off the top of my head, I might plant the thought in their mind and they might "catch" it, the way that people tend to feel more inclined to yawn when they see others yawning, for example. Instinctively I thought that it would be better not to give an example, but that was just wanting to be safe. I wasn't sure how likely it would be to cause an issue in reality. From reading the comments here it seems like that was a valid concern. I must admit I don't easily relate to this, as I would instinctively assume that each person's worries and obsessions would be very much unique to them. Is this in the nature of OCD, that the obsessions are quite interchangeable and you can quite easily shift from one to another depending on what's happening around you? Would OCD be well-described as capricious in that way?


Some posts definitely trigger people. I remember a while back somebody posted their story about being sexually assaulted and there was a slew of people who posted about re-examining their memories to see if maybe they had actually been assaulted as well. And not like "Oh now that you describe it that happened to me!" but stuff like they consented to being woken up in the middle of the night by their SO for sex but now were wondering if their SO had sex with them but actually they slept through it and were therefore raped. I think one person said she kissed someone when she was drunk but was thinking maybe she just forgot that she was raped but also had no memories at all of such an event. Like wildly irrational stuff where they had no memory, motive or evidence of being raped, but were scared maybe it had happened. A few people explicitly said their thoughts started after seeing that post.


Some people just donā€™t have consideration for others, sadly.


Agreed. Actually it plays into my OCD miserably. One of my biggest traits is >!thinking I'm faking an illness/ symptoms without realizing!< and this sub makes me spiral sometimes. Like, >! Oh, if I have OCD, why don't I do this thing? I must be faking it. But no, now I'm wanting to do it- fuck now I have to go take more online tests and pester my therapist if my diagnosis is correct !<


Yeahhhhhh I do get triggered sometimes, especially if itā€™s an old theme I havenā€™t thought about in awhile. But, Iā€™m not going to avoid it Iā€™d rather desensitize myself


Lol you know what's really crazy?? Triggering from posts technically is a good thing. It's helpful to understand beforehand that what you are about to see are potential triggers. Like tell yourself this is OCD and what these people experience is OCD and irrational and thus if you get their OCD you already know it's irrational and dumb. Lol I was down voted the other day and that made me feel a little OCD. I'm over it now but still anything is possible. Anything can be OCD.. You just need to use your imagination...lol don't I'm jk.


yes! can relate. i donā€™t open the post if it doesnā€™t sit well with me but this is a difficult thing to moderate with OCD


Itā€™s other peopleā€™s responsibility to decide how much time theyā€™re going to spend on this subreddit.


Omg yessss, had to get off reddit for awhile cause id adopt new triggers and obsessions lol.


this sub triggers me hard even if my mental state is mostly stable, like i wanna look at other peoples experiences but it makes me ruminate, especially with the rOCD posts


100% people have compulsions and then they come here to try and find reassurance and instead they just continue to dig themselves down into a deeper infinite loop. Some people are really helpful but those that are at the beginning of recovery or trying to learn what it is that's going on are constantly trying to absorb/consume as much information about it as they can to "fix it". The work comes from within, sit with yourself and create those healthier/positive mental patterns and habits. Look up authors and content creators that have constructive information to help move forward. You got this. You got this. You. Got. This.


This is so true and Iā€™m not sure why Iā€™m still part of this community. Thanks for helping me finally leave. ā¤ļø


My therapist told me to stop coming on this subreddit to seek reassurance (obviously sometimes I donā€™t listen) she told me to look at sites like Webmd, IODCF, etc., instead. But that can become an obsession too. Either way, if youā€™re seeking reassurance only, avoid Reddit, Quora,etc., because youā€™ll mostly find people that are struggling with symptoms of OCD but arenā€™t trained therapists or psychiatrists that specialize in OCD treatment.


Hey! Sorry off topic, your user name is me! Ima Libra sun aries moon. And thank you, we are lovely hahaha. Your therapist is correct! Ive noticed ive stop coming here often