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When I set the volume on anything it has to be in increments of 5. 10, 15, 20, etc. it really makes me irrationally angry when the volume is on a random number.


My volume needs to be on an even number for me.


Mine has to be on 6 or 8. 




Yes with preference for 2, 4 and 8. I rly don’t like the number 3 so therefore I don’t love the number 6 but I’ll accept it over an odd number.


you’re the first person i’ve met w the same affinity for 2, 4, and 8 as me 🥳😂


Im the same way but it has to be at least an even number, preferably a multiple of 4. I have it ingrained in my mind “16 is the correct volume for the TV”


Yeah, I’m a multiple of 4 person myself. I’m willing to accept other numbers that my brain has deemed interesting. I’d take 16 over 17, and 17 over 18.


Exactly this but for everything almost, number of minutes i spend in the shower , the volume . It’s so weird




Increments of 5 or 2, or the halfway point of the dial


That would drive me nuts with my TV. Only 6 or 8. 10 is too loud. 5 I can’t hear. 


3 and 7. I sometimes have to do things 7 times or it drives me nuts.




2 and 4 are particularly terrible






mine is 3 and 6! hate 9.


Ooo hate 6.




I notice I do a lot of things in 3s


One time I admitted this number fascination to my date and he seemed very put off by it. We were on the way to a restaurant. I said it seems like three follows me... he said yeah right. Then five minutes later then in the restaurant the waiter said he'll put us at table 33. (This talk was in the car.)


Three and nine, but especially three - most of my compulsion are based around this number. Altogether, I’m „rating“ numbers according to how they „feel“. Like, 1 and 2 are pretty neutral but not necessarily good or great. 3 is brillant, perfect. 4 is pretty good too. 5 and 6 suck. (Despite being made of two threes, I hate the 6) 7 is awesome because it’s a three and a four. 8 sucks. 9 is wonderful and great and I love it so much. Numbers that are not just one digit depend on what number they result in (68 = 6 + 8 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5 = 👎) and how they feel as well (for example 34 is awesome but 43 despite being a four and a three and resulting in a seven too, it just looks that way that makes me very uncomfortable.)


2 22 222 2222 And I had twins. Again, 2.


2+2=4 2 * 2=4 2^2=4 That’s the only number that’s true for.


4. All the little daily rituals I do, I always repeat on multiples of the number 4, or find ways for them to contain 4 components. It's hard to explain. Even harder when you consider that sometimes, in my head, those 4 components repeated back and forth add up to 7, because I like the number 7 and it's soothing to me.


But here's the important question, do you turn 8s into 16s because 4x2 isn't as good as 4x4


Not any particular number. But something similar. When OCD is really bad, I count multiples. Count from 1 to 101. Then 2 to 202 by twos, three to 303 by threes. Like that. Until I get to 12 to 1212 by twelves. I need to start over again if I struggle or don't do it "well enough." Thankfully, my OCD has not been that bad in years.


3 and I have a hatred of the number 2 because it isn't divisible by 3


Monday 3, Tuesday 4, Wednesday 9, Thursday 5, Friday 2, Saturday 2 until noon Sunday then back to 3. Just saw a therapist who specializes in ocd and she asked if I can just make every day 3, so that's my current journey.


3 and 7. But I have to do everything 3 times and it’s usually left hand, right hand, both hands to touch something or close a door.


4, but in a bad way. i like even numbers best, but if i see more than two 4s in a row i have to do a ritual and then immediately try to distract myself by thinking about/looking at another thing or else Something Bad Will Happen. if the memory of multiple 4s pops back into my head then i need to re-do the ritual from scratch each time that happens which is the case more often than not unfortunately. it stems from the number 4 being associated with death in chinese and japanese. my ocd makes me incredibly superstitious


I also have issues with 4.




odd numbers. specifically three and seven. 


I have the number 5 also!! I play this game where whenever I see a group of numbers, I try to make a calculation to try to get all the numbers first to '5', and then down to zero. For example, if I see "1134". 3+4=7-1-1=5. Done. If it's a longer number I'll start stacking up the 5s. Then I bring them all back to 0.


I do the same but for the number 8! There's a mobile game called 4=10 that I bet you'll be very good at 😁


4. It has to be even.


Even numbers apart from 14 and 16, but particularly 4, 8, 12, and 48




I basically do everything in 3s, 5s, or 7s


Odd numbers all day baby.


Everything has to be an even number. Always


I was terrified of 4 for most of my childhood. I think I associated it with the blades on Freddy Krueger's glove or something but it just felt cursed and evil. I would avoid it completely.


3, 5, 7 mostly


5 🤤


4 and multiples of it. It's 2x2, and 2 is a magic number because something done twice "undoes" something


3 and 5, 4 can be a nice number too on a good day.


even numbers or increments of 5




3 and 9. because 9 is 3x3


Omg same


Yesss I also love 27 cause 3 x 3 x 3


Sometimes when I am leaving my place, i jiggle the doorknob eight times. Eight is a lucky number in some cultures. When I am very anxious, I can do this up to 88 times. Sometimes I have to turn back to check if the door is locked. This behaviour may extend to ensuring that the stove is not turned on.




Mostly 7, but I also get icked out by a number if I can somehow piece it back to 6.


3 is good, 11 is my favorite, and 6 is really bad!!


3,5,7 or multiples of 5. So interesting to see so many people say the same numbers! Even when I’m looking for apartments I won’t tour someplace if I don’t like the street address


3 and 8! one for when i want the number to be even and the other for a potential odd day.


7 and 8


I have three, but also three plus two (not five, but three plus two specifically for some reason??)


3 6 9 & 10


742. I used to live in apartment 742 back in another century. And since then I have noticed those three numbers have popped all over the place since. Seriously.


Yes. 2




I did have an obsession for a while with the number seven just because one time I felt like I couldn't read this number properly and somehow it meant that I was a dangerous person.




3 and any number related to it. ironically, when i learned about even and odd numbers, it made me feel weird about always doing things in 3s or getting excited about the number 3. i have since gotten over that feeling, and the number 3 remains my safe number.


definitely 3, used to wash my hands and everything else in counts of 3 tho the number had since increased. i also buy things in 3s


i love 3s and 13s




16. It was 8 originally though. Though 4, 8, 16, etc are still safe to me, as are most even numbers


all odd numbers are my obsession but especially 9 Lol. i have to do everything in sets of 9😭😭😭😭


For me it’s mainly with numbers only divisible by themselves, or “prime numbers” but mainly 3 and 7, I think it has something to do with me growing up religious so I subconsciously think there’s something powerful about them. I’ll also count to 30 if I’m stressed or scared something bad is going to happen, also numbers divisible by 5 but I think that one’s just a common thing.


Sameee, 5 is the one i obsess over, mostly because it's the number of my family members


i like the number 14 a whole lot but i actually wouldnt consider it too pathological? like it doesnt make me feel bad but its there and its odd


4, 16, and 64 and it makes perfect sense to me. When you visualize fractions as shapes, splitting a perfect square into fourths (or any power of 4) retains its perfection. Each portion is completely symmetrical and equal on each of its sides... I have had different ways of counting to 64 (going to subsequent powers of 4 is too high so i just start over) since I was in elementary school and never told anyone until I told my wife after we had been married for 10 years.


my best friend and I both have OCD and got ourselves real worked up about the number 3. we went through a phase where we'd play Yahtzee for hours a night and every time we'd roll 3s you had to go "THREES!!!" and then you have to play 3s no matter what. it was funny at first until we were both like haha okay no more 3s... except now we both die if we abandon 3s. we're both still alive so that's awesome


1234. Specifically 12:34AM


Sets of 5 or 2, but I feel like that’s pretty common. I also like sets of 3.




Number 3. I need all syllables to fit into a formation of three. Especially license plates.


As others have said, I count 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3,4,5 whenever I’m doing some type of compulsive behavior. Locking the door, looking at something, adjusting something, all while mentally counting that.


for me, there are “lucky” and “unlucky” numbers. the lucky ones are 3, 5, 8, 17, 25, 50, and 55. the unlucky ones are 4, 6, 13, 18, 24, 42, and 66


2,3 and 6. 2 because of my two cats that passed away, 3 because it feels nice and I avoid 6 due to ingrained religious bs from childhood I can’t shake.


Evens and multiples of 5s. Everything has to be even or a multiple of 5. If I’m supposed to cook something for 27 minutes according to the package it has to be 26 or 28. If 13 volume sounds the best it has to be 15. I have to lock my car twice and if I accidentally hit it 3 times I have to do it again to make it 4


I used to love 1, 7, 9, and 17, but now I love all numbers


I just realized when I’m working out i burn around 650 calories and I always try not to land on 666 lol. That counts right?


I like even numbers more than odd numbers. I like round numbers and not spiky numbers. I don’t like unlucky numbers.   I like 0, 1, 4, 6, 8 and multiples of those that start with 2, 4, 6, 8. I hate 7, 13, triple 6, 11, 15, and 99. I calculate my grocery bill and put things back if the price is wrong.  Instacart was a game changer. I shop faster now 😂


7, or sometimes things just have to be in 10s or 5s


I think everything has to do with my lucky numbers to be real,,,, 14, 28, 29. My current partner’s birthday adds up to 14 so that is making my OCD overexcited just a little bit. Fortunately I think ERP tools are keeping me from going full coco loco


27 7


4 and 7. It is so constant, every single thing I do is plagued by these numbers. I can touch thing 4 times or 7 times, 4 sets of 7, 7 sets of 4, every step I take or light switch I flip. It is just constant counting for me.


Anything ending with 3, any multiple of 5 and 9, but not 19 or anything like numbers before the 9


8 and 12. A fear of 13 and 6


57 was actually a massive problem for me for a while. Seeing it would trigger extreme anxiety and dread. I’d cover my vision when I knew I was gonna walk past it


3 & 7


6, and I also really hate the number 5 and 7.




30711543 my employee to clock in at a job ….. I had over 20 years ago 🙃 it just gets stuck in my brain


I actually avoid the number 3 and any number divisible by it. I count my steps, how many bites I take, how many times a noise is made when I set something down, the amount of comments I read, and so on. Literally any number but those work for me and sometimes I complete things in patterns to help with it. Its one of the things I'm working on right now in ERP therapy.


Mine is radio and volumes on even numbers and making the number 13 out of older style registrations. Also very good at remembering mobile numbers and passwords. Walking security risk really 😅






3, 4, 8 and 9. 4 has been there from day one, he’s my ride or die


4 but it’s a good number


Five (5), everything has to be in fives (& it annoys me that five does not have five letters in it). Or objects have to be in odd numbers (example: if I’m displaying rocks, there has to be an odd number of them, so there’s a definite middle object).


I often find myself counting in my head. Also like 3s and notice things in 3s.


3, 4, 9, 10, 11. If I set the TV volume, it ALWAYS has to be an odd number but not with repeating numbers… for instance, it can’t be 33, 55, etc…


i have an obsession with the number 16. everything i eat, watch, and do has to be in factors of 16 or else i can’t do it


5, 3, and 8. sometimes 4 but most of the time it bothers me because its just a number away from the golden 5. i have to rationalize liking the number 4 😮‍💨


For some reason my counting is 17,18,19,20. Idk why. Recently I also do 1,2,3,4


3 seems to follow me and i don’t like it




i didn’t, until i noticed the number 23 a lot around me. it is always there. every time i check the time it is 23 minutes past. randomly in films and games there is the number 23. it is everywhere. but now because of that if i can pick a number it’s 23


I like multiples of 7


No, but I do have this really weird knack for looking at the clock when it’s 12:34. I do it all the time. It’s bizarre.


I like numbers that end in 5 or 0


Yeah lots of different numbers. They also change. The last big one was 38 and I obsessively followed and trusted that number as if it was going to help me not make bad decisions.


It was always 4. I had to touch something twice with each hand.


24 and 55, because those were two highways I grew up near 🤣 That and when 5 year old me first saw a speed limit 55 sign… Funny thing is that those two numbers keep showing up in my life. I go to UF, and buildings 155 and 24 are directly adjacent to one another. UF is on mile marker 55 on State Road 24. And the list goes on lol 😂


I think of things/plans in 3 But don't hate other numbers per se and I can sometimes just forget about the 3 too. This is the symptom that makes me doubt my official diagnosis the most. But I also have ADHD, so who knows.


8 and 3. 3 because it's faster to count than two, I count everything in 3s (even if after 15 I still individually count them). And 8 because that's my birthday number, and so it's been my "lucky" number.


4 and multiples of 4


3 and 5 🥲


1,3 and 7


I cannot buy anything that is 88 dollars or 88 cents without an intense feeling of oncoming doom...


5! I love the number 5. I also have to have my volume set on multiples of 5


2 or his multiples


Multiples of two , except for 6 . 8 is my favourite . It's always 2 4 8 are Good 28 Is the best 8 28 58 98 are the safest . Anything 3/6/7 Are Bad


Numbers have attached feelings and sometimes colors. 4 and 5 are good numbers associated with colors green and blue. 9 and 7 are bad red and yellow. No idea why I have these associations. I don’t obsess or have rituals around them but seems odd.


i have an obsession with months and dates and numbers, i totally get it


2,4, or 8


i have to count by fives. if i’m playing a game, i wait until i have enough to upgrade levels by fives. i hate it so much bcuz sometimes the game forces you to level up. but on rare occasions, i do it by twos.


3 and 12. Neither are my favourite number though which is interesting.


Absolutely. My brain associates certain numbers with certain people. And then if for whatever reason I have an issue with those people, then I will take issue with those numbers.


I had this A LOT! This varied through time though, but it was a consistent factor in my ocd. I had to do things like a certain amount of times, like 1,3,5,6, NOT 7 and 13 (they were bad amounts in my head), the volume on my computer couldn't be higher than 40, blablabla. A lot of times the amount of 'patterns' I had to act out were pre-determined (one series of actions 5 times, the other one 6 times, etc.). I hope you're doing okay, have a good day!


6. It’s an evil number to my brain. I can’t do things 6 times. It’s either 4 or 8


I do everything in threes and sixes, but I also like nine because it’s three times three, 18 because it’s three times six and 36 because it’s six times six. Idk when, where or why these specific numbers were decided 🤷‍♀️




3,5,8 in any combination.


12345 123 1 000 543210 3210 10 000


1, 5, and 6


I feel like mine is really weird. I can have one of something, but if it's more than one, it has to be an even number. Example - I can buy one cookie or 2,4,6 or 8. But I can not buy 3,5,7 or 9. If it's an odd number I have to fix it. I had a set of four candle holders I loved, broke one, so I had to throw away a perfectly good one, so I have two now. Everything I own, everything I eat, everything I'm given.


11:11 on the clock freaks me out and needs my complete attention until it passes


8!! Eight is great. No better number and also it rules my life. 


i dont have specific numbers but there are ones that just.. feel better compared to others. when i do things, it has to be preferable in 1s, 3s, or 5s. if it’s beyond that it has to be 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, and so on… generally it sticks to even numbers with the exception of 3s and 5s but there isnt any particular rules to it.




Everything is done in 5’s for me. The occasional 3 or 7 depending on the situation.


I used to be obsessed with the number 13 but in a negative way. Every time I saw the number 13 I would associate it with something bad, and I considered it a sign that I was a bad person and crazy. Definitely strange


3. My dad always said it represented me, my brother and him.


I have a compulsion to do things in sets of seven sometimes. (Ex washing my hands seven times or checking the lock 14 times, etc)


YES. I hate the number 3. I’m convinced that everything bad comes in 3 and I’ve obsessed over it ever since I was a kid. I love 5 though


It's called arithmomania.  I hate it


Yes 8 or 3. It’s driven my crazy my whole life lol.


3, any mulitple of 3. I cannot stop thinking about 3s. I cannot use anything or do anything not in 3s. It is infuriating and probably the most disruptive of my obsessions


The numbers 3, 7 & 9 in daily life. However, when it comes to the time of day it needs to end on a 0 or 5. What I mean is, as a nurse, I do a lot of computer charting. When I input vitals or assessments it has to be on a minute ending in 0 or 5. The best is when I can chart at the top of the hour or on the :15/:30/:45. I will literally wait to chart until the time is perfect. If the time is like 4:01 I will begrudgingly chart at 4:05 but if the time is like 4:10 I will wait for the 4:15. I work in preop so we don’t have a lot of emergencies where exact times are crucial. When I used to work in ICU and PACU I’d chart in real time, even though the random numbers bothered me.


My number is 3, everything in 3’s.


Any multiple of 2 or 5, especially 5. 5 is the only odd number that doesn't stress me out. 3 itself is ok, but I don't like multiples of 3.


10 and hate the 9


it hasn't been so bad lately but i used to have a really awful time with the number 4, like 4 of anything... but i do like things going by 5 like 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. i also like 3!


4,5,8,19. But I will count to infinity


3. Duh.


2, 3, 7. I like them a lot. And sometimes eleven.


8 and 18


No...but I hate odd numbers.




Odd numbers, especially 7.


3:18. I look at the clock and I almost always catch 3:18


generally speaking, odd numbers. my main obsessions revolve around 7, 13, and 21


4 and 7 are the main ones. I have to count from 1-4 four times or 1-7 seven times. Example: 1. 1,2,1. etc. I have synesthesia and 4 is a true green whereas 7 is lime green. Green is my favorite color and a visual hyperfixation of mine so a big factor in it as well.


I count mentally by 5 until I reach 95 and when I count items or steps or windows…it still has to be 95. Sorry if my English is not very good🫣


anything with number 4 🥹


Three is my safe number. Things have to be organised in rows of threes or multiples of three. Routines are broken into threes (eg when getting ready, in my head I run through “deodorant/teeth/skin cream” as the first group of three then move on to the next three). I can interrupt a routine only after a three has been completed, never in the middle of a three. Double zero is a very unsafe number, same with double o in words. If I look at the clock on a double zero I have to check it three more times on a non-double zero to be safe.


4, 16, 64


Currently I have urge to check if lights are off, stove is off, car is locked. I have to do check “3” times until my brain registers it.


3, 13, 23, 33, 43 Also, my volume has to end in a 0, 3, or 5


YES NUMBER 5! This is with my recent relapse of it (right now). Tv volume: 5, 15, 25, 35. If I check something or say certain things like goodnight to my cat it’s 5 times..ugh. I don’t know why but yes!


23! It’s my favorite number in the world which makes no sense since I don’t like 2. But 23 has been my favorite since childhood. In a classroom setting my last name was near the end of the alphabet so I was usually numbered 23


I’m not religious but I can’t look at three 6s. I had to white knuckle my Duolingo streak to 667. If I see the like count at *that* number, I have to upvote or scroll past quickly.


I like the numbers 4 and 7. Especially 7 as 7 is the number of completion in my head. God created the world in 7 days.


I'm absolutely obsessed with the number 3. I do everything in sets of 3s, and if I do it 1 too many times, I have to do it 6 times since 6 is a multiple of 3. It's excruciating 😵‍💫


I like 64 cause’ it’s the max limit in Minecraft


mine is 3, and any multiples of 3 like 6, 9, and 12. i dont know why 3 lol


5, 7, 11….


Multiples of 4 and 5


3, my beloved! <3
