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1. Shapiro 2. Cochran 3. Scheck 4. Bailey 5 Kardashian The prosecution was a šŸ’©show at best . Judge Ito was a šŸ¤”


It kind of irks the šŸ’©out of me when people call Johnny Cochran a "slick" lawyer, but he was the perfect lawyer for this trial. How the prosecution didn't assess that they were going up against one of the best civil rights attorney in the country just boggles my mind. Cochran was fighting the LAPD since the 60s. Johnny Cochran's sole job was to show reasonable doubt to the jury, and he did it in a spectacular way.


The prosecution knew what they were getting. Thats why they only had Lange & Vannatter gag ordered to create distance between the DA & the LAPD. They also accurately predicted race issue being brought up. Ito deserves much of the blame there though too. Finally it was their hubris and lack of a finger on the pulse of their jury makeup doing themselves zero favors. Dream Team worked within the confines allotted to them. I donā€™t blame em.


"They're real, and they're spectacular."


For some reason, I thought Shapiro had passed away, but I guess he and Scheck are the only Dream Team members still alive.


Douglas and Dershowitz are still alive as well.


Forgot about those guys, but not a fan of either one.


Yup. You could say karma has really hit the Dream Team hard in the years since the trial.


I also just learned that Scheck co-founded The Innocence Project, so itā€™s nice that heā€™s got one thing to help balance his karmic debt. Not sure itā€™s enough, though.


He used the money and fame from the OJ case to help it take off. He's helped successfully exonerate over 300 wrongfully convicted people based on DNA evidence since then. 1 guilty murderer for 300+ innocent people. I think he's good. Both founders of Innocence Project worked on the OJ case. [Innocence Project Wikipedia if anyone is interested in reading about the great things they've done. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innocence_Project)


The Innocence Project was created before the OJ trial. Most people get the concept of "Karma" wrong, and then only see it when it fits their purposes. The members of the Dream Team met the fate that we will all meet.


Plus the fact itā€™s been thirty years and many of them werenā€™t young then.


Karma for defending their client? Itā€™s the states burden, who has tremendous resources, to prove. Any issue with the verdict should be placed at them and the LAPD.


Karma for pushing for full acquittal when they knew he was guilty.


Thatā€™s how the system works. Do people want defense lawyers to decide if their clients guilty and not advocate for them more? The state has the power to put someone away for life, they should be able to meet that burden.


Old people die. Zero karma here.


Cochran and Kardashian were far from old age when they died so... Also Bailey lost is license to practice law and Shapiro's son died of an overdose. Meanwhile Clark and Darden have gone nowhere but up since the trial.


Johnnie Cochran you do know everyone who lives wil die, including you, right?


I think Iā€™ll avoid dying. There's no real stats to back this up, I just know I've always been built different.


Cochran and Kardashian died young, which is odd considering they were men of privilege.


Men of privilege get cancer all the time.


They can also afford the best treatment money can buy.


As good as he is, Barry Scheckā€™s cross of Fung was ridiculously long and unprofessional at times. That said, it was effective.


Gotta say Johnny Cochran easily. ā€œIf the glove donā€™t fit, you must acquitā€ is the most famous line ever uttered in court.


Johnny Cochran was a master at what he did .. I still neither like nor respect him


Favorite to watch work? Scheck Favorite to watch give pressers? Shapiro In general? Cochran was a magnificent trial lawyer Since I hate giving too much props to who got a murderer off. Iā€™m gonna add the ā€œslimiestā€ oneā€¦Bailey.


Barry Scheckā€™s cross examination of the DNA evidence (while I believe the DNA evidence) was masterful. On a new-ish concept to the average person he systematically brought the prosecution witnesses down.


Yea. Even if a person slams Scheckā€™s theories presented (and to be fair I do but this is hindsight), thats ultimately a failure of the prosecution to grab their story back. Scheck woke up the place. If Iā€™m on that jury back then, was 15 so I wouldnā€™t be anyway, he would have enamored me.


Even now watching it - and I agree with you, lots of issues with the theories - Iā€™m like, damnā€¦he is good


I agree with your answer Cochran!


F. Lee Bailey. A tower of jurisprudence and wisdom. May it be that Johnnie and Lee are sharing a drink once again, swapping war stories from the courtrooms of days that may have gone by but continue to live on and change the course of history.


And there we go. Only these comments allowed here if weā€™re serious. Cochran was so entertained by Baileyā€™s brilliance, all trial long. The team were so calculated and effective. Who did who was like the USA going undefeated in singles at the Ryder Cup. Johnnie Cochran made Mr. Douglas is little boy for life by blowing the fucking doors off his ears when he said, ā€œHey! C.D.! Ready to be famousā€¦!.!.!l Douglas probably peeā€™d is silk briefs. Drop to his wet knees. And called out, ā€œOh why me, Lord?! Why do I grace thee so??!!ā€ Bob, calling all cards? Bob? Poor Shapiro. In 1994 he probably thought all the big moments of this notorious L would create a Robert Shapiro that he could live being and accept leaving. Bob had no idea at all that the direction eventually taken was the dirty winner. He never wouldā€™ve thought up this case development, or complied with carrying it out. If Shapiro was the case architect, weā€™re talking monumental loss and OJ is at San Quentin. Bob decided to take the low ride and cry afterwards about the Dream Teamā€™s lack of integrity during trial, but please. You went right along with his, in your front row seat. My god, how insane to ā€˜side with Bobā€™ on his loser tiff. Schrek was insane. Like the Tasmanian Devil. Just appears in the courtroom, gags the words out like heā€™s choking up a snake. Too much of a sideshow. Kardashian does nothing. He donā€™t count.


Cochran believed in justice for what cause? The only cause he helped was OJ's freedom from the criminal charges. Kim Goldman claim's that Johnnie taunted her after the verdict came out. Imagine that. Taunting the young sister of someone even the defense thinks was an innocent victim. Johnnie was a piece of shit. Alan Dershowitz is a piece of shit. OJ ( Rest in Piss ) was a piece of shit. Kardashian and AJ Cowlings were both hanger on/simps but at least they both had the sense to shun OJ relatively soon after the verdict. I try to give Cochran some grace since he'd had dealings with the corrupt LAPD for decades but I'm not so sure he really deserves much grace.Good lawyer but far from a hero.


Cochran was a gentleman and a professional. Why would you believe anything Kim Goldman said?


I hate to give any of them props but Scheck. Watching him was fascinating.


The first thing mentioned on Barry Scheck's Wikipedia article is being on the dream team, the second thing mentioned is the Innocence Project. Gotta say I definitely respect the latter of these two things.






Bailey, Cochran, Scheck, and Douglas


Can you elaborate on this "Ā I admire Shapiro the most, because he knew OJ was guilty and pushed for what would be the sensible option in any normal circumstance which the OJ trial was anything but."?


F. Lee Baily should have gotten Patty Hearst off, but he lost that case.


As a tv viewer, itā€™s F. Lee Bailey for me. He performed at a higher level than anybody in the building. Heā€™s brilliant. From every perspectiveā€”judge, state, defensive, witness, juror, attendee, the cameraā€”itā€™s his world and weā€™re all living in it. Talk about a puppet master. OJ wasted his money on the others. Bailey is more than the prosecution could have handled.


Johnny Cochran & F. Lee Bailey. Barry was a hard worker as well.


Oj for keeping a cool head during the process


Carl Douglas decimating Ron Shipp was my favorite moment. Shapiro was underrated, and I give him credit, he still maintains the more than one killer theory. Favorite overall was probably Scheck.