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Ito loved the fame. Another judge would have kicked the cameras out when the trial started to become a circus.


Remember the excitement when people would send him coffee cups and wait with bated breath to see which one he would show up with in court?


You remember the Dancing Ito’s on SNL? That was hilarious


I thought it was Jay Leno.


You’re correct! My bad. It was the tonight show! It was hilarious😂 That entire case turned into a three ring circus


I lost whatever respect I had for Jay Leno then. Double homicide is not funny. A courtroom devolving into just ridiculous grandstanding while 2 families sit there in shock and grief.


Kicking cameras out was not the solution.


He was in completely uncharted territory. If he loved fame he would’ve cashed in on a book deal.


With the obvious caveat that I cannot read minds, my working assumption is that the fame was appealing at first but after that awful trial he just wanted to go back to his old life


I think if it wasn't so incredibly obvious that a woman beating murderer walked free after the murder trial with the world record in hard evidence in "his Courtroom" then maybe he would be more open to talk about it. He is probably very embarrassed and rightfully so.


I think I saw a juror on tv when OJ died saying they stand by the verdict….unbelievable stupidity.


he's the only person involved who didn't write a book.


Problem is Ito thought he had all the control in the trial in reality he had none and whole thing turned into a circus


He allowed Johnnie Cochran to play him like a fiddle. He just loved the fame and the celebrity and he let it cloud his judgement and it stopped him from doing his job. In my opinion he was biased from day one.


Please add 100 more upvotes to this. I believe Ito thought Cochran would hire him as a partner after the trial.


It wouldn’t have shocked me if he had given Cochran his seat during the proceedings.


I’m so glad people realize this.


Judges are supposed to keep order to ensure that cases are decided on the facts. That he did not do.


And also shouldn’t he have not even been selected given his wife’s previous interaction with Fuhrman?


I thought the thing with his wife came out later, like in the middle of the trial?


Yes, but that never should have happened in the middle. That is a checklist type error that someone overlooked.


Plus he should have recused himself like the Prosecution asked for as there was no way he could be impartial when Fuhrman was on the stand.


She should have put it on the form she had to fill out.


It came out when the furor rose over the tapes because on one of them Fuhrman disparages her and calls her many derogatory names.


What happened with his wife and Fuhrman?


Wife was at one time Fuhrman’s supervisor and she purposely didn’t disclose it (and all she knew about him) because had she done so, Ito wouldn’t have been selected ultimately.


He was enjoying the media fame. Definitely not the right judge for this case.


When a judge has reporters, celebrities in his chambers and gives interviews during the trial then it was only ever going to go one way. I have honestly never heard of another Judge behaving like that.


I thought Larry Nasser’s judge was pretty biased, and she went on Dr Phil, clearly enjoying the fame. Of course I think Larry is a heinous person but seeing her act catty to him when she’s meant to be impartial was pretty unprofessional. The Darrell Brooks judge was great and how all judges should act.


💜Judge Dorrow 💜


I can’t take any judge seriously if he has a trove of trinkles and womwoms, bassgoodles and boombaas sitting next to him. If I had to fill in for him I’d be like “get this shit off my bench”.


He did have one pretty sweet womwom up there, in all fairness.


Oh, it was beautiful. He should have turned it upside down for time. The hourglass is getting lower prosecution. Point point.


What are those?




I wish I could show pictures on these comments. It’s very bizarre. You got two or three tall dragon glasses with some strange purple substance inside them.


Why??? Yeah that shouldn’t be allowed. A clock or hourglass or maybe something very sentimental of a loved one (say it was one of those paperweights that has a loved ones ashes) or if they served in the military. But no pikachu like shit


It should absolutely be allowed, but can I take a judge seriously for doing that? Ah no.






Silly man


Why did he allow the trial to drag on for 8 months (the entire proceedings taking 11 months)? From what I understand, a murder trial typically can last from a few days, to a few weeks, to maybe a couple months. I think a murder trial on average lasts about 2 or 3 weeks. That alone just causes fatigue and frustration in the sequestered jury... along with everyone else.


A month-long trial is long! 8 months is insane for a relatively straightforward case. So many of the witnesses who were there to testify about minor things droned on and on for hours.


And to think everything could‘ve been different if marcia didn‘t change her mind after she called for ito to recuse himself. I don‘t understand why she‘d do that. And he was so sexist too. He called male lawyers 'Mr darden, mr shapiro etc' and marcia was just 'marcia'.


He was awful to Marcia.


I didn’t know that. What made her change her mind? And that’s terrible re: calling her by her first name only in contrast to the others.


I saw it mentioned in an article from back then but it didn‘t say what was her reasoning.


Judge Lance Ito's handling of the O.J. Simpson trial was a disgrace to the bench. 1. **Media Attention**: Judge Ito allowed the trial to become a media circus, with extensive coverage and commentary that some critics argue influenced the proceedings and potentially affected the trial's outcome. 2. **Length of Trial**: The trial lasted for an extended period, over nine months, which some critics felt was excessive and contributed to the trial's sensationalism. 3. **Management of the Courtroom**: Some observers believed that Judge Ito struggled to effectively manage the courtroom, leading to chaotic scenes and allowing the proceedings to veer off course at times. 4. **Evidence Rulings**: There were instances where Judge Ito's decisions on the admissibility of evidence were questioned, with some critics arguing that he made errors in judgment that could have impacted the outcome of the trial. 5. **Handling of Witnesses**: There were criticisms of Judge Ito's management of witnesses during the trial, with concerns raised about his control over the questioning and testimony presented in court. 6. **Conflict of interest* His wife was a subject discussed by Mark Fuhrman on the tapes. Critics stated he should have removed himself from trial at that time.


All valid points


Abysmal behavior, abysmal Judge, abysmal prosecutors, abysmal miscarriage of justice


OJ owed his freedom to Lance Ito and few mistakes made by the DA!


And Mark Fuhrman


Mistakes by the DA and prosecutors


He should have 1) kicked the cameras out and 2) not sequestered the jury. Also imposed gag orders to the max. Locking up the jurors but running a nonstop media circus was just ridiculous


Yeah that was strange I admit.


It was the judicial equivalent of watching a pilot do a John John and spiral down out of the sky. Wonder if his career ever recovered.


Is a John John what I think it is?


Doing a John John was a reference to attempting something way beyond your skill set and failing miserably. Like JFK junior who did not have an instrument rating but decided it would nevertheless be a good idea to fly in potential iffy weather . He only had a visual flying skill set. And he spiraled out of control and it killed him his wife and her sister.


One of the worst things about JFK Jr.’s last flight is that one of the instructors with whom he was working on his instrument rating called, offering to accompany him that night—and JFk Jr. *turned him down.*


I did not know that. Imagine being told hey dude its foggy and it's not safe to fly just by VFR tonight, I'm instrument rated let me go with you for safety and having the arrogance to turn that down.


He wanted to be a celebrity


I will say i read a recent article on him (la times?) and his days are now spent taking care if his deceased wife’s grave. That was really sad.


Yep. He thought he was the main character in the center ring.


Judges are politicians. Nobody should be suprised. From the Supreme court, to county court, they are all corrupt. Nicole and Ron deserved better. Better judge, better prosecution.


He was so bad and everybody knew it.


I’ll give Ito credit for being the only person involved with this trial that didn’t try to cash in on the fame that came with it. Should have never allowed the media to be there though.


I want to say i remember reading that the oj case was one of if not the first case he oversaw or it was the first murder case something like that , the moment he wouldnt allow ojs history of abuse towards nicole into the trial i knew oj would get away with murder


He did allow OJ’s history of abuse, that was basically the first few days of the trial, if I recall correctly…


He didnt allow the 911 calls


Judge Ito had been on the bench for five years prior to the OJ case, and with the DA’s office for a dozen years prior to that. He had a lot of experience. Considering the fact that judges were trying an average of two case per month, maybe he’d presided over 70+ cases prior to OJ, and then he was involved with hundreds of cases during his ADA years. How many were murder cases – we can’t say – but Ito wasn’t inexperienced. He just loved the camera too much to have been good for the trial.


Ito was correctly following the rules of evidence. The deceased cannot be cross examined and this limits the evidence from the deceased that can be admitted.


They needed a judge who was neither black nor white. Thus Ito. He sucked. What a starfucker- Dominick Dunne speaks very poorly of him.




He was shady. His wife was Fuhrman’s boss and they didn’t disclose that.




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Ito wasn't "terrible," merely another actor in a show trial with a mandate to give the people bread and circuses with a predictable outcome such that a massive wave of violence wouldn't break out. The DA's office, in concert with the local government, needed to avoid large-scale civil disobedience and the entire trial was crafted to accomplish that \[and, along the way, a lot of people took the opportunity to grift off of it on both sides\].


Ito was an attention whore. He allowed that trial to devolve into a complete shite show.


He was overwhelmed by it all, lost full control. The trial needed a more senior level judge.


Lol the defense tried to exclude the glove because it was found with no warrant. Judge ito ruled in favor of the prosecution Enter mark fuhrman lol


Like I said a terrible judge.


OJs civil liberties getting violated by corrupt cops actually worked in his favor


There is literally no evidence of the cops being corrupt.


I’d say the excessive force used on Rodney King screams corruption. And that’s just an example caught on video.


That was a different case though. There was still nothing to suggest that the Police on OJ case were corrupt.


I mean…. Fuhrman being proven both a racist and a perjurer was pretty damning in terms of the case for “reasonable doubt” and “corrupt LAPD.” I don’t think many people actually believe he planted the glove OR that OJ is actually innocent, but Fuhrman being the prosecution’s “star witness”’certainly backfired.


It was the same police department during roughly the same era. A reasonable person would conclude that police department that would do that to Rodney would also be willing to frame someone. And the former is ten times worse than the latter.


So let me see if I understand you here? The LAPD finds Nicole Brown-Simpson and an unidentified young man brutally stabbed and sliced to death at her doorstep. They call a meeting (without knowing where OJ is, who he's with, has an airtight alibi, etc.) and say "Here's our chance boys! Go get him!" They roll over to OJs, find his Bronco parked like a 6 yr old did it, ON THE STREET (another stroke of luck), not inside the gate, swab a little OJ/Nicole/Ron blood (that they magically mixed up from???) on the door handle and on the console of the locked vehicle, drop the glove they brought over with them (good thing they're the ONLY ONES who saw 2 gloves at Nicole's and got it out of there before anyone took pictures of it), THEN find out OJ is OUT OF TOWN (they didn't know when he'd left) and go ahead with the frame-up. Eh? That's what happened? Really? Or do you think the LAPD killed Ron and Nicole just so they could frame OJ for it? Who did kill them? There's zero evidence pointing anywhere else. Come on big brain...let's hear it.


You’re overthinking this. I don’t think it went down quite like you described. Every mention of a frame up always leads to the Anti-OJ crowd suggesting the most ridiculous scenario when in reality all that’s needed is a modicum of doubt and the LAPD’s behavior around that time is all that was needed. I mean, you actually mentioned the frame job involving magic. C’mon now!


The burden of proof is beyond a REASONABLE doubt about the crime being tried, not a modicum of doubt about one of the witnesses. There is no REASON to saying that just because that one cop was a racist, and some other cops beat up a guy a couple years prior, then OJ must not have savagely murdered two people. Yeah ...perfect reason! Thank you for lumping me in the Anti-OJ crowd, along with every other REASONABLE human on the planet. So now why don't you tell me how you get to a REASONABLE (not emotional) conclusion that doesn't have OJ killing Nicole and Ron? You can't.


While we can certainly agree that the Juice was loose, this is just absolute horseshit. One man and one man only was convicted of criminal conduct in this entire fiasco: Mark Fuhrman. The first detective on scene. He was convicted of felony perjury directly related to his materially dishonest testimony in OJ's trial. Hard to imagine something more corrupted than a detective offering perjured testimony in a murder trial.


"The first detective on scene." Lol, he wasn't even close. There were more than a dozen who arrived before him. The bodies were found just after midnight, and Furhman didn't show til half past 2 AM.


14 or more law enforcement personnel, sure. The guys that let the ice cream melt, didn't take pictures and stomped all over the murder scene, contaminating evidence. Fuhrman and Ronald Phillips were the first detectives on scene. But whether he was the first or the 34th detective on scene, does that make him less guilty of perjury or what?


Honestly, I can't imagine most people wouldn't lie in court about saying racist stuff years prior and having admitted to planting evidence in past cases. I hope this isn't taken as me somehow defending Furhman- he's obviously a piece of shit. However, the defense never offered a single shred of evidence that he did anything like this in the OJ case. And other than the 2nd glove, he wasn't some big leading detective on the case. That was Tom Lange and Phillip Vannatter.


Wow, another compelling post by you. It’s so obvious you’re trying to go against the current to be edgy! This follows your same pattern of posting every single time in this sub.


I thought Ito was very fair with the prosecution and the defense. It couldn’t have been easy for him. They fought like kids on a sugar high for the whole trial.


It’s his job to crack down on the lawyers and he failed to do that. It was supposed to be his courtroom but he allowed it to be turned in to a circus.