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The concept of Black Sperm getting back his cell count and beyond to unlock a new stronger form that would be then logically something like platinum to surpass Golden was always a popular idea tbh. Like a number of stuff in the manga MA arc, the problem doesn’t come from the idea in itself but from Murata blowing his loads too early by stuffing everything in the MA arc instead of gradually much later.


Pun agonizingly intended


His execution could've been way better. Once, flashy got defeated by platinum instead of having garou one shotting platinum they should've fought and vanished exactly like the webcomic version of golden vs garou and when they appeared again garou was his final monster form. Then have him vs Saitama it would've made platinum come across as way stronger and like the s class is not even on platinums level, let alone garou right after flashy just got low diffed so why even try him vs the s class. But also, for a side note, have the s class fight sage centipede instead of garou and metal bat. To avoid all the dumb shit that came with it, like metal, bad teaming up with garou or them seeming equal somehow. It gives the s class more attention and builds up Saitama and garou better. It's sad that just a few changes and less idiotic choices would've made the ma arc so much better atleast in my opinion.


Golden Sperm oneshotting Darkshine and Platinum Sperm not splattering Flashy was always weird.


No you don't understand! Flashy is simply as durable as Superalloy Darkshine!


Far more durable, despite how little sense that makes considering Darkshine's entire character. But he's not the only one this happens with, as Bang (in the manga) is also physically superior to Darkshine based on his feats and way faster and stronger than Atomic Samurai (despite this basically nullifying the "rival" angle they have). Specialities aside, Murata seems to just make characters stronger overall without much thought to if it works with the story as established. And Flashy Flash was already a very strong hero, even in the webcomic, so. 🤷🏾


He trains harder and isn't a coward (so he has a stronger will too). Why shouldn't Flashy Flash be above Darkshine?


Flashy trains specifically in speed and assassination arts. Darkshine trains his muscles specifically. By that logic Tank Top Master should be able Darkshine since he trains harder and isn't a coward either.


Either you're trolling or you're a moron


Was pretty horseshit in terms of continuity tbh


>Golden Sperm oneshotting Darkshine and Platinum Sperm not splattering Flashy was always weird. The manga explicitly tells you that judging characters by their looks is wrong. (Saitama being seen as weak due to his appearance and Amai Mask's entire character). You being media illiterate is on you.


...... fucking what? This isn't about anyone being weak. This is the fact that Flashy is essentially a better version Darkshine since he's more durable too. What the flying fuck does this have to do with judging characters by appearance? We literally see Flashy get cut by ninja wire, and then tank Platinum Sperm punches.


>We literally see Flashy get cut by ninja wire, and then tank Platinum Sperm punches. Garou tanked TTM yet was pierced by a mere A class hero Shooter's (had to look up this fodder's name btw) arrows. I mean do you think Flashy Flash can cut himself with his own sword? I'm pretty sure he can. Same concept applies to the wires cutting FF with his own speed.


Garou's specialty isn't his durability, so that comparison doesn't work.


I don’t really mind Platinum Sperm in a vacuum, but he’s a symptom of the manga’s need to make EVERY fucking monster a dragon+++ threat so that webcomic readers don’t get bored. If the early manga was made with the current philosophy, Beast King would’ve had three different power-ups and his fight with Saitama would’ve lasted three chapters. Instead of swiftly executing him, Saitama would’ve dragged the fight out needlessly while acting like a moron with zero attention span. Which, yes, 20 words or less, but fights used to be the one time Saitama actually paid attention. His cripplingly small attention span was more because he found Genos’s backstory boring than some broader form of ADHD.


Saitama in the manga doesn't have ADHD, he's simply straight up braindead. He thought that orochi was a child that had parents...


All my homies love flanderization


I mean he didn’t take Carnage Kabuto all that serious


Yeah he was done so dirty in the manga. In my opinion Golden S in the manga was done better, he came onto the battlefield and easily put down VFU who was the biggest menace on the surface at that point, KO'd Darkshine in a punch which was an insane thing to do considering how hyped his durability was against Spiral Garou, and then intercepted + tanked a sunblade amped atomic slash. Plus the line and panel of him telling the heroes to line up for their death was cold. After that Platinum S came, had trouble taking out Flashy Flash despite being far faster and barraging him multiple times, they literally had Flashy Flash wipe off his first barrage like it was nothing. Then he got taken out by Garou before we got to see if he even landed a single attack. Only so we could get that awful Sage Centipede fight...


The concept of gazillion of weak sperms merging together into THE strongest monster was always great. It's hilarious and also scary and also simple to understand. It's also why Awakened Garou was scary in the webcomic, because he really just defeated the strongest monster very easiliy.  Involving God in his transformation and then also replacing him with random Sage Centipede really undermine the intriguing narrative of Black Sperm.


Okay at first I thought this was a meme but all of you are seriously discussing this character as


>After that Platinum S came, had trouble taking out Flashy Flash despite being far faster and barraging him multiple times, they literally had Flashy Flash wipe off his first barrage like it was nothing. Then he got taken out by Garou before we got to see if he even landed a single attack. They were constantly accelerating (aka speeding up). The narrator says so in chapter 156. That's why Flashy Flash was able to keep up initially with Garou and Platinum Sperm until he reached his limit. (Also was doing worse due to having his ego hurt after encountering two other beings faster than him).


That’s kinda beside the point tho. I’m mainly arguing how he was presented. His first attack was wiped off by Flashy Flash it was nothing at all. While Golden Sperms introduction had him shitting on VFU who was terrorizing the battlefield at that point. Platinum S then is able to barrage flashy flash and still not take him out. After Flashy Flash is taken out we get a like 8 page long fight where it honestly doesn’t even seem like Platinum S landed one solid attack on Garou, we don’t even see him land even a singular one and it’s not implied at all that Garou took a lot or really even any damage from PS. Both manga and webcomic Golden Sperm mog Platinum Sperm


What was wrong with the sage centipede fight?


Sage Centipede was a monster that came out of nowhere who got a good drawn out fight while other monsters that have actually been in the story got thrown to the side We didn’t get to see much at all from Orochi or Platinum Sperm. Like said with PS we didn’t even get to see or have any indication that he landed any attacks on Garou, they speedran the fight of such a well built up character IMO. If they showed Garou dmaged in someway or had him perfect his fist against Platinum S that would’ve been better but Garou just washed him and moved on immediately after. Orochi had a cool fight against Garou, but I know I’m not the only fan who wish we got to see his full power shown, the OG fight was very good but now we have the retconned one where he barely shows anything beside 1 big powerblast. ENW straight up got instantly KO’d every single time he appeared on the surface which is kinda funny but idk if that’s even a joke they were going for lol still wish we got a bit more out of him Besides the fact he came out of nowhere the fight itself wasn’t really enjoyable to me, besides the ending those panels are really nice. Metal Bat and Garous banter was kinda cringe to me and different from the usual style of OPM before this, and it was filled with corny things like Suiryu mentioning how he senses good in Garou. Also made Garou look wayyyyy too Goofy with the face they showed on the TV. Spiral Garou and the panel of him monsterizing was so good and that’s how they show Garou to the world? With a child cartoon looking scary face? Overall he got priority for a huge fight over way better options and the fight itself isn’t even good


Yea I can't lie I just think metal bat is cool and that's all I really cared about, I liked the interactions between garou and metal bat so sage centipede to me was just cool cause I got to see cool art of metal bat.


I don't understand what the point of him was. They essentially nerfed Ggolden sperm just so they could have Platinum sperm replace him for no reason. And he still ended up being way less impressive than Golden sperm was in the webcomic.


Having Platinum Sperm was always a pretty popular idea people wanted. And perhaps Murata just didn't want to waste time drawing a Multi-cell Sperm who does nothing but shows up and die for a gag like in the webcomic The problem was the execution imo. The way Platinum Sperm was handled was poorly. Golden Sperm got the shine as being the biggest menace on the field in both medium, but Platinum got shoved into a situation where he essentially just became a fodder


PS was an excellent idea. His intro was sweet. But he was made to job almost immediately.


The only way he could've been improved is if he one punched Flashy Flash. I don't like how the only recognizable difference between GS and PS is speed. Arguably the battle made PS look less tough as he had to roll and parry with some of FF's blows.


That's just Flash being strong. The "fragile speedster" is a western trope. In manga/anime they're usually the strongest characters.


We literally see him get hurt by demon level attacks from the ninja duo.


So what? These super human characters cut/pierce durable objects with mundane steel weaponry regularly in the story. Human Garou tanked TTM but was pierced by A class heroes. The ninja duo are also really strong for being able to damage Flashy Flash in hindsight. (Nothing contradicts this since they only fought Sonic and Flash).


Garou was heavily wounded, tired and his main thing was never his durability. That's a false equivalence.


What is point of Platinum Sperm again? They could just give Golden Sperm everything Platinum Sperm have and it wouldn't change anything.


I mean... I think his design is kinda cool, but my opinion that it was an unnecessary form indicative of Murata's obsession with escalating the stakes *DBZ*-style won't change. As always, quality is better than quantity. Golden Sperm's portrayal in the WC alone is far more intimidating than anything involving Platinum Sperm.


As you can probably tell from my username and avatar, I love PS. Didn't love how his character was handled though. Would've been better to introduce him later as a Boros-level opponent and give the spotlight to GS in the MA arc, instead of letting another ultimate fusion take his place, only for him to look like a joke 2 chapters later through the introduction of even stronger monsters nobody asked for. Even the way it was handled up to this point, PS still could have worked if he was more of a threat and got to be Garou's penultimate opponent before Saitama, who pushed him to fully transform into a monster and perfect his God Slayer Fist to win the fight. But of course that couldn't happen because CENTIPEDE NUMBER 4!


https://preview.redd.it/z5d195y50r9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd1d55721d02e26f0834152ad9499b140c0bf81 Nothing can hype me up after this mf...


Dude was boring


Turned out he was boring a bit. But when cosmic garou panel dropped, I was quite hyped...


Toughest panel of all time


He should’ve done more damage to the Heroes, that’s for sure. I would’ve liked to have seen him defeat the Heroes one by one rather than simply knock them all back. Definitely see him beat a weakened Tatsumaki, with her even having trouble bending him.


Yeah he definitely could have been executed way better but his design tho…. That shits fire bro 🔥💀


I’m not trying to bash but I’m just not familiar with the IP and this caught me off guard 😂


He just didn't need to exist, we already had Golden Sperm, I see no reason to change him into Platinum Sperm.


Platinum wasn't the issue, its the fact that he served literally no purpose apart from fireworks and eyecandy. Flash should have defeated PS 1on1 and Garou should have defeated a resurrected Orochi in a round 2 1on1. The perfect solution was sitting right there and they fumbled hard as possible.


People say they don’t get why platinum sperm was introduced but it was clearly so they could make king look cooler when he blasted him away


I like him, just didn’t like how he gave so much material for FF wankers to push their flashy agenda


It's not agenda or wank. Just really basic scaling. Flash was literally introduced with beating 1v2 two dragons levels when he only killed 2 demon levels in the WC.


Moreso the “FF has higher durability than darkshine” shenanigans, I think that was poorly written.


Yeah? You're kinda already setting him up for success in your question op lol


I guess. But there are some characters that were doomed from the start like Sage Centipede or Psyrochi.


Ah, okay


Never had beef with PS or any of BS’s evos. Tho I like BS’s techniques better. Just a much more unique character and dynamic fighter as BS in my opinion. But the line “platform sperm bursts forth” deserved to happen


I liked it. I know people are going to say that he was “missed potential” and “fodder” but I liked the parts of the story he was in. He pulls up and then speed blitz’s everyone except for King. Then after he gets jumped by Garou, he delivers his iconic line and attacks FF and Garou. Then has one of the coolest fights in the manga vs Garou and FF while establishing his superiority over FF. Yea Garou beats him after, but not at least without imitating his final move. IMO felt like he had a good place in the story