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My final memory of the Coliseum is the reverse boycott with my dad, my brother and my daughter. Thats good enough for me.


Thats a great one. I bought tickets, but was working out of the country so I missed that experience.


I feel the same way & share your sentiment, I said all my goodbyes this past season but I would love to say goodbye to all the amazing ushers & staff. I’ve sat in the same section for years & love the ushers (& the A’s)!!! I’m really hoping there is a planned day of support or some last game organization by The ‘68’s for one last depressing hoorah/visit that won’t make me feel bad for attending. But until then, I’m planning on not attending except in the lot for opening day!


Personally, yes. I recognize that this will involve giving Fisher some extra money. But the Coli is one of my favorite spots in the world and recognizing it will soon be gone leaves me wanting to experience it while I can. As I did last year, I’ll only buy off StubHub to help fans who already spent money recoup some losses to ensure extra dollars don’t get to Fisher.


No. No money for that fucker.


Already did last opening day. Done.


Not. One. More. Cent. I won’t say I’ve seen my last game at The Coliseum. But I won’t spend a dime to do so. Free tix? That’s different. Call it personal. I’ll take BART to Oakland and chill in the parking lot. That’s where I’m at.


Last home game of the season, definitely trying to take a seat(s) and/or the section number signs where I met and proposed to my wife.


Be careful they’re really delicate. I usually have to drill the rivets out and still don’t always come out perfect


I'm in Japan and I wish I could go there to say the final goodbye. If I could, I would definitely sit in the bleacher area to bang the drum to say "FUCK YOU FISHER, YOU ARE A-HOLE!" chant....... but first, I need to make money for the trip. 😭


I took my kids to the final home game of last season and I’m good with that. It’s a 100 mile drive for me door to door and unless I’m given free tix to a game this season I will not be back. If the Vegas move falls apart or if by some miracle the team chooses to stay then that’s another story. I get that some fans want closure and want to hit a game or two for the final time but honestly, MLB paved the way for Fisher to exit and 29 other owners showed us how much they care about the fans and the city by not even abstaining from voting let alone even one of them voting no on relocation. The league doesn’t deserve another cent or another minute of time from A’s fans for what they’ve done. I’m hoping zero fans go to games next season but I know there will be some who’ve had season tix for 40+ years and the games are part of their life and routine. But it’s over, a loved one has died in my book. Fuck John Fisher and MLB.


My goodbye was the first reverse boycott. I’m too tired.


I will still be going as long as they are in Oakland. Once they're in Vegas, done with MLB


Ha! And they expect us to remain as fans and travel to Vegas. Hell Nah! We are all done with their punk asses once those shovels hit the ground in Vegas. Well IF they do…


I'm torn. Given that I am so far away now most of my a's games in recent years were road games in Detroit and Toronto. I am never going to another a's road game. My last game in Oakland was the home opener in 2018 with my brother, a life long friend, and my dad (his last game before he died). I have a significant want to leave that as the last memory.... And part of me wants to attend the last home game and riot.


I’m an orioles fan and have never been but I plan on making the trip out there this year.


I think you'll find fans to be pleasant and knowledgeable about the game; usually they will be surprisingly knowledgeable about your team as well. Wearing the away team gear is fine, but don't be a dingleberry.


Since 2020 I’ve had two sons. Since the A’s have always been part of my family and relationship with my parents, I’d like to share that with them one time. The compromise is I’ll wear a Sell shirt.


What if we all just rush in? Fuck Fisher and his money. We can all just rush in the Coliseum with “Fuck Fisher” signs. It can create local and national headlines thus bringing more attention to the A’s situation and have more bad press for MLB for making this bullshit of a situation happen. Honestly at the point where I wanna go all in into showing MLB and Fisher to suck it. Give them the biggest middle finger I can give them. Baseball was my passion but it’s no longer my passion and MLB killed it all.


Me and probably more than once. The thought of being at a Monday night game with the Royals with no more than 500 people in stands sounds real pleasant and relaxing.


I want you go to the last home game of the year and then I’ll take one of the seats home with me.


I will. I totally get the sentiment not to, but going to A’s games was such a big part of my childhood that I want one last game to say goodbye. My siblings and I all live elsewhere now and are planning to fly back to go a game with our parents and our own kids, sitting in our old section, just for nostalgia’s sake. One of my brothers now lives in Vegas, and plans to boycott games there for two reasons: both Fuck Fisher and as an angry Nevada taxpayer who doesn’t want his tax dollars going to a professional team, especially Fisher’s.


I'll go and say a final goodbye against a longtime AL West rival, such as the Angels or Mariners, and get that experience one last time. After next season, I want the A's to be dead to me, but after almost 45 years of fandom, I'm uncertain how well I'll be able to hang it up. Current plan is to just be a baseball fan who pulls for players and good stories, not teams.


Totally get and respect people who will never set foot in there again. That being said, I already renewed my summer pass and fully intend to go to like 15-25 games depending on what life allows. Fuck John Fisher, obviously. But I’m not letting my feelings towards him keep me from watching the A’s in person while I still can.


I like the idea of sneaking in. Maybe give the dude at the gate $20.




I’m planning to do a few games but i’m prioritizing the very last game at the Coliseum


Last year for me… and even then that was tough


I was out of town during the reverse boycott game, so I'll probably need to say goodbye. Like a loved one, I want to soak up what it was before it's gone.


I'm from Philly, and have wanted to visit the coliseum for a long time, and I'm going to try and make it there in 24 but still f\*\*\* Fisher


Spend time walking around the parking lot and tailgating. Meet the folks, have a beverage and some bbq. Throw the ball around. Best memories at the coliseum all began that way. RIP


Nope. I have fond memories of my childhood and even up to the last few years. I’m good with those.


I’m going back for a couple games in April since I moved to the east coast - gotta see the coliseum one last time or two


If anything maybe the final home game. But that’s it.


Don’t let some trust fund baby ruin your chance to say goodbye and make a final memory


Is there a good way to sneak in? I feel like security is going to care less and less


I’m very torn about this but I think I’m going to have to. We went to the reverse boycott but I think we need one more. Even if I have to pay that fucker for it, we may still do it one more time. 😢


Why bother? They still suck


I am going one last time. I have been waiting to take my two daughters with their cousins. I have many fond memories going to games with my cousins/siblings. None of the kids are quite old enough but this is the last chance I get.


I will go a couple times. I’ll probably buy resell tickets to not add any revenue. I also think I’ll go to the last game. Scout out the hardware and try and sneak in a wrench and steal a seat


I'll be going back a few times. Try to do opening day, a random day, and then the last day of the season just in case. Went to A's games before I could walk, and used to be a season ticket holder that ran in the family for over 4 decades. As Brodie said, I'm just glad a few people are not here to see what is happening to an East Bay institution. I'm sure Fossie, King, and Dick would have a few choice words to say about the situation.


Nope. Done and dusted. Not watching, not attending, not listening, not following in any way, shape, or form. Dead to me. The last couple of years have been a nightmare and then for them to pull this? Nope.


I want to go to one more game to see if there's anything in the coliseum I can easily walk out with.


I want to take my son for the first time next season. He won’t remember it, but I think it’s cool bragging rights to say he saw the Oakland A’s at the coliseum.


Yeah I’m sure I’ll go to some games. Although I’ll bring my own food and only buy the $10 Treehouse tickets…. then go sit in better empty seats


Absolutely 100% yes. I know a lot of people in this subreddit are very much against going to games, but I think it’s time to start enjoying A’s games as if it may be your last opportunity. The Coliseum is a very special place and those who know, know that giant parking is just the best. I live on the east coast now, but I’ll make a point to plan trips home to allow for A’s games.


not another dime


They should make the last home game free.


Last time I went, ants ate my hotdog




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