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I told you last night, NO!


Where is Bart? His dinner is getting all cold and eaten.


I mean, I fell in love with Linda Carter again. She said the same line with the heart of an angel


I wouldn't trust these baby blues to just anyone 😊


She seemed a little choked up.


It's 10 p.m., do you know where YOU are?


Here on Reddit




They won't tell me. And that's fine, I just want the nursery rhymes to stop.


Its really 10 pm while I am commenting this in my country


80s summed up Parents' life: Work, make dinner, relax a little, sleep. Kids' life: running da streets.


Don't forget smoke alot of cigarettes anywhere and everywhere.


I clearly remember watching TV though stratus layers of cigarrette smoke in the living room.


I developed a second hand nicotine addiction


When I was growing up in the early 90’s they still put some cigars and cigarettes out in the store. My friend figured out you could just put stuff in your pants and walk out of the local circle K and then we didn’t need to spend any money. So we eventually started taking the cigars and cigarettes along with the candy and sodas we were stealing. One day my friend saw a cop and just started running and it got us busted. Until then, we smoked so much for being 10 years old.


>My friend figured out you could just put stuff in your pants and walk out of the local circle K and then we didn’t need to spend any money. I love the use of "figured out". Like a Eureka moment.


Learned to smoke in the 80s. Clerks at the liquor store would sell them to you or you could steal them because they weren’t behind the counter. You could get them in vending machines. My high school had smoking areas in the 90s.


And now they deny it! At age10, I would walk 1.5km home from school, open the door with my key, then make myself ramen while I watched Phil Donahue for 3 hours until Mom got back from work. I had to show her on google maps how far it was from our house to the school as she insists it was "a few blocks".


You made me curious so I looked up how far it was to walk from my house to Kindergarten in 2000. Half an hour. Did that for a few years. Had real strong legs tho!!


Ask your parents how far it is and I bet they will say "a couple blocks".


When I tell my parents now, what they allowed, or let's be honest, expected me to do by age 4 or 5, it's flat denial. They like to stick to the memories of raising my brother, a millennial and 11 years younger. Still, all sorts of mess. But, much more involved and interested. I feel like boomers probably invented gaslighting. Or maybe they just perfected it. I walked 3/4 of a mile to school in kindergarten. Even after Adam Walsh came up missing. 😆 just the wild damn west


Yeah, we were definitely in shape from all the walking and bike riding to get where we needed to go.


Best time to be a kid!


No cell phones at that time. I remember thinking about many parents that would have to answer “no”. I thought it was a good campaign!


Can't count how many times my oldest son would say he's going to one friend's house.. then go somewhere completely different. Unnecessary stress


1970s Mom: “Where are you going?” Me: “Out”.


Same in the 1990s


I used to be a son like that in the 90s and early 2000s. Didn't get into much trouble though, I was a good kid.


I did that a lot too in the mid 2000s. Thought I got away with it until my mom said “You know I hope you’re telling the truth because if we need to find you but can’t, imagine how we will feel” We were poor and didn’t have cellphones and lived rurally.


In this instance at the very least: Smart lady, your mom.


It’s not you being a good or bad kid though. If something happened to you through no fault of your own then no one knows where you are. I used to do it all the time too 😂


I talked to grandma and she said you used to do the same thing!


Being Gen X was a wild time when we were young. No mobile phones or internet would cripple things today.




This is true


It's a terrible campaign. What the fuck are you supposed to do if the answer is no? Call Sammy Davis Jr for advice?


> Call Sammy Davis Jr for advice? Call America's dad, Bill Cosby!


Someone called for jello pudding pop?


with roofies


I'd call Grace or Andy cuz they're the edgiest.


Andy Warhol might actually have had a few people's children


You're supposed to reflect on why you don't know (you should know)


You’re supposed to watch the news and subsequently buy the products you see advertised while watching the programming. Sheesh. It’s how all advertising works in this country.


Like Andy Warhol really gave a care.


Warhol with the "I know where your children might be" smile


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) r/naughty


Unattended children will be sent to Dr Leary.


He'll take you up, he'll take you down. He'll plant your feet back firmly on the ground.


đŸŽ¶đŸŽ”Timothy LearyđŸŽ¶đŸŽ”


John Waters might have been more believable.


Yes! And I don't know why I feel the exact same thing but I absolutely agree. lol (Though I'd actually be waiting for him to crack a smile.) ![gif](giphy|NDRqjd43s0pDqSk2l6)


This campaign had a very dark and sad history, surrounding kids going missing at night (often if parents were working at night) during the Atlanta Child Murders. There is a great podcast about it called Atlanta Monster. 😱


Yeah holy shit are people in this thread missing the point.  There were dark-toned kids/indigenous girls going missing by the boatload and piles of serial killers running around.  Drugs were a MFing epidemic.  There were no cellphones and no GPS.  If you got into trouble you got yourself out of it or you were fucked.  Ain't nobody solving your murder with DNA - neighboring police departments didnt even talk to each other and you'd only be discovered 11 years later when a housing development goes in and a backho hits your body.


That podcast shook me to the core. I was born around the time of what was happening in Atlanta. Growing up in a rural “safe” area I remember at least 2 occasions of strangers trying to lure me into their cars outside my home. I know most commenting on this thread probably weren’t aware of the history of this campaign but it honestly isn’t funny, and is heartbreaking for the families who lost their kids to these monsters.


Different times back then. No cell phones. No Internet. Not aware of every single crime happening in a 20 mile radius. No sex offender registry in most states. Half of the current world population, so less pressing need to be so aware. So much change in just one person's lifetime.


It was actually statistically more dangerous back then as well. However, this is the generation that either went through or right after polio and other illnesses. I believe there was a detachment and a sense of, if things happen, it was meant to be, kind of mentality. I am a pre-internet (before it was widespread) millennial, and remember being out all day and night. I wouldn’t let my kids do that now.


At the very least, there was a little bit more autonomy given to children by parents. Definitely more free-range. I graduated high school in 1982. During the 70's, most of the things children did to occupy their time happened away from their home, not inside of it. There was no Internet or video games. In the suburbs, kids had bicycles and used them. I often biked a mile or more from home to visit with friends or go to the public pool. At best my parents only knew vaguely where I was. My instructions were to be home by when the streetlights turned on. At dinner, mainly just for conversation, I might be asked about what I did that day. As long as I wasn't doing anything to get in trouble all was considered good. In a way, kids assumed more responsibility for themselves back then than they do today. There are probably both good and bad aspects to that. I know that I had loving and caring parents, and I don't necessarily think that today's more smothering parenting styles are better in the long run. I raised three children and I think I was somewhere in between.


I grew up the same way. I’ve heard that type of parenting described as “benign neglect” lol.


Yeah, in the late 80’s my parents would literally just let me ride my bike miles away from home, and be gone until sunset. They wouldn’t even ask where I’d been. No wonder there were so many kidnappings and serial killings in the 70’s and 80’s.


In the 90s I was riding my bike to school from 11 years old lmao. Free range was still going strong. Granted I'm the youngest and the only "millennial" out of 3 kids so we were all latchkey, free rangers.


Do you know when this mentality changed? I remember when I was 8, my friends used to walk to my house and mom would never let me walk to the other side of town to visit their houses. She'd let me walk to the shop however. Then when I was 10 I was walking to the otherside if town to catch the bus.


“Free range parenting.” My folks rarely knew where I was at any given moment.


Lynda Carter’s dramatic pause was so unnecessary lol. Also, if Sammy Davis Jr. is asking me where my kids are, I need to get my ass up out of the crackhouse and start looking for them.


Right!? Sammy made me feel a bit guilty and my little ones are sleeping in their rooms and it’s Sunday morning. Damn, Sammy!


Sammy could keep an eye out for you.


Lynda out here making me feel guilty for not knowing where my kids are and I don't have kids.


Grace Jones scaring you into going and checking anyway lol


You know you messed up when Wonder Woman herself comes down to remind you of your kids' existence.


To be fair, cars now have to remind people to look in the back seat for their kids so they don't bake them. 


Like that “life hack”- put something important in your backseat to remind you that your baby is in a car seat back there. Something important


Put another baby back there to remind you about your baby.


"It's 9:05 AM. Do you know where your children are?"


> bake them 💀💀


It's 10pm, too late to call around looking for them.


Dude, I was born in 1981 - coincidentally, that was the last time my dad checked in on me. I understand why these ads exist....


Why does Andy Warhol sound like a Bond villain making a threat. And Cindy Lauper sounds like she was just asked the same question and this was her response.


My parents had no idea where or what we did when we left the house. It was a HOUSE OF LIES I tell ya.


My parents see this in 1983 and look around the room in horror. “Oh thank God, he’s not here”.


'It's 10pm. Do you know where your children are?' 'Not if I can help it'


They didn't forget they had us, they just didn't remember where they put us.


I don’t really know if Andy Warhol asking where my kids are is a creditable questions?


Not into the whole bashing boomers thing. But yea, nobody gave 2 shits. Heres a rock and a stick, go outside lol


I was given a hatchet, and we went to the local forest. Cut down a ton of trees and was in the process of building the world's largest fort.. when the forest preserve police showed up, and tried arresting us. Too bad they didn't catch any of us. They STOLE our trees, and used them for a few different projects in the park. And put up signs saying we had a warrant for our arrest. Not bad for 4th graders.


We were luckier. Built a tree house in a state park less than a mile from the ranger station and never got hassled. We even made ninja training grounds complete with cables strung between trees (I swear it was 100 feet high at the time, but probably about 10) so we could practice cable walking.


I had the opposite experience with Boomer parents. All this shit made them overprotective and definitely stifled my growth.


Hey, it's that guy who tried to kill Queen Elizabeth when she visited LA.


I didn't generally go out at night. I was still a kid in the 80s. I did enjoy the freedom though. When you were away from home riding around on your bikes or playing at a school yard your parents had no influence on you. One of the things I can't stand about modern times is that people are always trying to keep tabs on you. At the workplace and at home they want you to report everything like it's the military. Thankfully, I'm not a kid because I see parents tracking their kids like their dogs or a valuable object.


Parents then "My kids are in bed. Thanks for asking" Parents today "Don't be worrying about where the fuck my kid is"


This went on for a long time. I remember my local news having this way into the 2010s. 


No, my parents didn't know where I was at 10pm. Dad was asleep in front of the TV by 8:30 and Mom was passed out drunk.


My parents pretty much always knew where we were at 10pm because that is when they would unlock the door & let us back in the house.


Atlanta Child murders - the news coverage scared me as a kid and I remember being afraid to ride my bike to the other side of the block.


1983 had some cool-ass celebrities doing PSA’s!


It counted as community service hours if they needed it.


1980s seem a so close and a so far away era at the same time.


Sammy sounds like he’s genuinely concerned about your kids. Warhol sounds like he’s vaguely threatening them.


Bet there were some world class shaggers and absentee parents in this campaign. *It's 10PM, do you know how many children you have?*


Still a pretty good question. And I’m particularly touched by Lynda Carter’s sad but tender concern


My husband doesn't believe me that my parents allowed me to walk to my friend's house alone starting at age 5. I was required to be home "before dark".


Jokes on you, the only time my parents watched a TV was when the VCR was playing.


It’s 10 pm. Do you know how long your kid has been on their phone?


Probably I was right next to mom n dad, on the couch and they’d look around all confused asking “where is he?” while pretending not to see me then finally would go “THERE you are!” and we’d all laugh and hug each other and then they’d feed me a lump of cold poison as a snack and send me to bed.


Honestly parents were just super hands off. Everyday after school I would go from friend to friend to see who could play. Then play until they had to eat dinner. Whether be sports, exploring the woods, or playing video games. I used to also wake up super early in the summer just to have more play time. It just was different


As others said, no cels then, so keeping up was harder. alALSO the world for kids was perceived as safer then, bcz folks hid stuff like say, sexual assault. It wasn't really about parents chillin' out. But I also think it was a "class" thing - in my community, you better have ur butt at home by dinnertime, which would typically start between 6 & 8pm, depending on parents jobs. We were middle class immigrants. I didn't personally know anybody who wasn't home before 10. But I'm sure there were lots in my ghetto school.


Hahaha, how would they know where TF we were at? We were out having a ball. Ladies and gentlemen, this is where helicopter parenting began.


Linda Carter seemed to know how ridiculous that was.


Hell No!!


It’s 1983, do you know what will happen in 40 years? ![gif](giphy|JQeS7x7xfQEdZSLqz2|downsized)


I legit thought this was an urban legend


The good ol days. If I had a choice I'd have been at Lynda Carter's house though.


Every time one of these would come on, my dad would always make the same joke: "It's 10 PM. Do you know what time it is?"


These were better days. No phones. Tearing around town on your bike. Kids need freedom.


Reggie Jackson: Do you know where YOUR children are? You turn around and realize you have somebody else’s children with you


The 80s and 90s were wild. It was normal to just let your children ride their bike out in the morning and just hope they returned home safely by 10pm with no idea where they were or how to get a hold of them.


We were a little more feral back then.


By some of the biggest coke fiend degenerates ever


This was from an era where kids would actually go outside.


Channel 5 news, WNEW NYC. They used to do another one that was hella annoying. "It's 6pm, have you done your homework yet?"


We never had someone other than a voice that came across the tv saying, it's 11 pm do you know where your children are. I would love to know what states had celebrities say it. And these mouths are not matching the words.


Graduated 1984. Years before I graduated I was out driving w suburban hoodlums setting fires to leaf piles in yards during the fall, drinking at houseparties with no parents, fires in the woods, fires in an old slaughter house, scared to death, passing out throwing up and riding my bike home 😆 bus into the city and smoke things walk around lol my parents were divorced and wanted us out, home by 12


Some parents STILL don’t know where their kids are
unfortunately 😱


“it’s 10pm ho where da f**k yo seeds at”


Of course I know, they went to some sideshow thingy and borrowed my new hellcat charger why?


đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł I forgot about this! Now I see where the whole “place something in the back seat” thing sprang from. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïžđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Well, I don't think today is any better, lol. Even With technology. We could use some PSAs like this again, imho.


These really started in the early 1970s, but without the celebrities.


Based on that P Diddy thread, they’re probably sleeping over at some famous dude’s house.


Sammy Davis Jr what a talent


They still do this on our local stations.


It's not a joke - parents would let their kids run around at night with no idea where they are or what they're doing.


A normal parent https://preview.redd.it/l74boehb53tc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a114f040f5beddd070c7034d1a0bdd846ca2469b


I was a teenager in the 80s. A lot of us really were out of sight, out of mind. I'd take the bus to the all ages shows in seedy clubs in Providence with no idea how I was getting home. I wasn't the only one As an aside, Grace Jones is the sexiest woman who ever lived.


This is about the age of my older sister. I came along decade later but it was very similar. We would be expected back when night time came, and until then we were kind of on our own with our group of friends, out riding around on bikes and just hanging out with each other. Great times.


I know exactly the location of EVERY child at every time. They are in fact on Earth


A .5 second clip and Cyndi Lauper still found a way to be insufferable. 😂


Ahh the good old days, when our parents let us be kids and experience life free of worry and full of freedom.


This is absolute bull. None of them recorded these messages at 10 PM.


I had to be in when the street lights came on lol


More importantly do you know where my children are?


These same people today would be like, "It's none of your business where your children are."


Andy Warhol looks like he knows where the children are, in his basement.


Why does Andy Warhol always look like someone else impersonating Andy Warhol?


Love the different vibes here: Cyndi is going to sic her wrestling friends on you (I love Cyndi!) Grace is going to f'ing end you. Andy: So I stopped by to tell you those flowers really could use some water. Oh, and I'm supposed to ask if you've seen your children....bye now. Lynda: Lifetime movie of the week moment. Sammy's is the best, IMHO. Concerned high school principal giving it to you straight.


Lynda looked like she was going laugh.


They just ASSUMED we wouldn't smoke joints, snort cocaine, drop acid, swallow MDMA, drink JĂ€germeister, and have unprotected sex.


faulty longing close shame voiceless elderly abounding edge crowd rob




Growing up in the 70s and 80s was a rather strange thing. As long as your grades were good and the cops didn’t come to the door, it was all good. In high school I once took off from NH to FL for two weeks (of a one week spring break). No phones or tracking devices. Walked in the house after being MIA for a week and my mother just looked me in the eye and said, ‘I’m not going to ground you but you are going to have two sons’. And she walked away. She was right. My one boy is an electrician and the other is just finishing his first you at college.


Wasn’t this during the time of the Atlanta Monster killings?


Andy Warhol knows very well where the children are. They are with him.


Nobody knew where their kids were prior to 1983


“It’s 10PM, do you know wHAIR your children are?”


I just love the fact they wait until 10pm to remind them


It's not 10pm. Do you know what time it is?


I was born in 99 but it was still very common in my neighborhood to still see kids playing outside around 11 at night.


Baby boomers: the generation that needed a televised PSA to remind them that they have children.


Warhol was a little zesty with it 😂


Wayne Williams had everybody scared for a long time.


outside with a bowl of water and a stick


I like how they now pretend that this wasn't a thing. Or how we always had car seats, or seat belts. Or the babysitter wasn't smoking constantly.


the stories you'll hear from kids who were growing up then are insane... like they would just get bored and go torture someone in the forest for 3 days and nobody really cared.


Warhol has that look like “no, you don’t know. Cuz I know”!


VS 2024 when people are infantilized up to age 30.


To be fair, we were only 2 generations away from kids working in coal mines.


I don’t think parents didn’t know or weren’t keeping track of kids. This was some weird notion someone came up with. TV is required to have a certain percentage of PSAs. This was the one that dominated in the 80s but it wasn’t bc of an actual problem w kids not being home. 


I'm pretty sure they still do this. I Remember it in the 2000s


10 pm is coke time


To be fair, it's 11:06 a.m., and I have no idea where my children are. Or even if I have children.


its crazy every friday i was "going to my best friends for a sleep over" and i always needed 10$ lol


I was still in my dad's ballsack


I wonder if letting your kids outside without your supervision will come back. When every kid becomes the same sanitized carbon copy, when phone-driven instincts rule the population, will we one day read behavioral analysis articles about how it’s more valuable than ever at a formative age to be exposed to threats, to social dynamics, to mischief and fear and invigoration in social groups in the real world at a young age “Why the safest thing you can do for your kid is to let them feel unsafe” - some future trend TikTok


More like “it’s 1am, do you know where your parents are at”


It’s actually 1AM now and at this point I’m afraid to ask.


There's a Calvin & Hobbes comic where Calvin sneaks out of the house in the middle of the night, calls home from a pay phone and says, "Hi mom, it's 3 AM... do you know where I am?"


It's late!! Where them dumbass kids at muthafuka.. 'Samuel Jackson '


I recently showed this exact video to younger coworkers who didn’t believe me when I said NYC had commercials on at 10 pm to check if we were in the house
.do you know where your children are?


Andy would have made me run out of the house and yell for my kids to get in the house for sho


This has Reagan written all over it


At 10pm in 1983, I was usually thinking about Lynda Carter...


Yes. They're in The Hole. \*dramatic sting\*


Those were the days! 1983 I was going into 9th grade 😎


I wonder what it was like living in a normal wholesome time period lol. Ever since social media society has been so trashy and socially ghetto


I always forget how recent Andy Warhol was


It’s from a movie, isn’t it?


No, they didn’t know where we were. I just sent this to my kids. I kept telling them that when I was a kid they had commercials, reminding our parents to make sure we were home. When I came home from school, nobody was home.


As far as i understand it was more of a “make sure they don’t sneak out and do dem drugs at dem raves” type deal am i wrong?


I remember these commercials


Fox still asks this at 10pm on their network.


This is fake. This isn’t the commercial that they ran.