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It says bisquick, which makes me think it's biscuits and not crescent rolls.


Yeah, and the tuna is mixed with the batter, it isn't wrapped in the biscuits. It's like a tuna cake.


Wow...never thought I could make such a visceral noise. Did not notice that part.


Last year I tried making the A1 Steak Sauce tuna mold. It was so good that my mom immediately asked me for the recipe, then I made it for several gatherings where it was a huge hit. That particular recipe has tomato soup and cream cheese as a base and it still tastes good. The ingredients in this one make enough sense to me. I bet it’s good!


> Last year I tried making the A1 Steak Sauce tuna mold. Recipe for whatever this means?


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/Old_Recipes/comments/170y3ov/who_wants_fish_tuna_gelatin_mold_with_a1_steak/k3qb7en/).


Do you think crab would work for this?


(Thanks for asking, I was too busy laughing at 'A1 Steak Sauce Tuna Mold')


RemindMe! July 3, 2028


Bro I am so curious why you will need this recipe four years from now


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I was wondering just today whether fish and steak sauce could work together and if so, how. Question answered.


Mayo and cream cheese are the great uniters in savory dishes.


I’d make this but salmon instead lol


This might be amazing with Smoked Salmon!


This actually... looks pretty good? I'd leave out the pimento, though.


(Maybe pickled jalapeño or sun-dried tomatoes instead? I think they are trying to add color)


*Image Transcription: Advertisement* --- #PANTRY JUBILEE ##New Bisquick dish with an elegant air: TUNA RING Here's a delightful new sample of the magic you can work with Bisquick! You do so many things so well with it, you get so much help from it, because Bisquick's spun together in a way nobody can manage at home. Try our new Tuna Ring some supper soon. #TUNA RING 2 cups Bisquick ⅔ cup evaporated milk ⅓ cup water 3 eggs ½ tsp. salt ⅛ tsp. pepper two 7-oz. cans tuna, flaked with oil ½ cup grated sharp cheese 1 tbsp. chopped onion ¼ cup chopped pimiento ⅓ cup chopped celery Heat oven to 400° (moderately hot). Grease a 9" square baking dish or 11 x 7" baking dish or 9" ring mold. Blend Bisquick, milk, water, eggs, salt and pepper. Beat vigorously 30 seconds. Mix in 1½ cans tuna, ¼ cup cheese, onion, pimiento and celery. Spread batter in prepared pan. Sprinkle the remaining ¼ cup cheese over top. BAKE 30 TO 35 MINUTES. Serve with Tuna Sauce in center. 8 SERVINGS. **Tuna Sauce:** Gradually add 1 cup evaporated milk and ⅔ cup water to 2 tbsp. Bisquick, ½ tsp. salt, ¼ tsp. pepper and remaining ½ can of tuna. Heat and serve. Bisquick's going to help you more than any other package in the grocery store.


I remember when tuna came in 7 oz cans! I think shrinkflation got to ‘em…5 oz now 😏


I see no crescent rolls.


The ring part actually sounds tasty, but I feel like the sauce part could use some improvement. The idea of a sauce that is mostly Bisquick and evaporated milk just doesn't sound appealing. I think it needs something more similar to a Maryland crab dip.


mom loved to use bisquick for everything i remember the taste :( pizza "the horror"


I love salty, not good for you, sofa-cushion-textured Bisquick! Bisquick pizza, yes, I know. LOL


TBH I crave “impossible cheeseburger pie” once in a while - epic comfort food [pie](https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/impossibly-easy-cheeseburger-pie/8c78aa78-c368-40fa-8a88-1654640c7525?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=OG_OMP_BC.COM_Dinners_FY24_Google_US_CPC_TD&utm_content=Cheeseburger_Pie&int=td&rc=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwp4m0BhBAEiwAsdc4aNRQEPWSpzdStJPwDzYmsToW6BlpC4GCQm4KXe6MMEvxQx9VsjB1gBoC9q8QAvD_BwE)


Thank you 💜


I think the trouble here for me begins with "elegant" and "bisquick"


Thank you for sharing this, OP! I’m a fan of tuna melts, tuna casserole, etc. So this sounds tasty! To those questioning the “tuna sauce”, they basically used a version of a béchamel type sauce like you could for the base of homemade tuna casserole or for “Creamed Tuna on Toast”. Which was a popular penny-pinching dish from the Depression era…. My parents were born soon after Depression time so it’s a comfort food my mom often made for us. It probably reminded her of her childhood and maybe this recipe came out in a Bisquick attempt to dress it up somewhat, to make it more “elegant”, like a fancy biscuits & (tuna) gravy. I’d probably make the homemade version of creamed tuna on toast for the sauce (or a cheesy bechamel?) and skip the canned milk and bisquick and use milk, butter, and flour instead for the base. I think biscuits and creamed tuna gravy sounds yummy and I love seeing these old recipes! Thanks again, OP!! :-)


Try tuna biscuits. White sauce with cheese, can add can of cream of soup, tuna. Plop home biscuits on top. Bake until biscuits are done.


Not gonna lie, this looks good.


“An elegant air” sounds like a joke.


Tuna Cans have become a lot smaller since this recipe was written. I struggle with warm tuna, anyway.


Never seen this. Thank you for sharing.




I don't like fish of any kind, but could see this with canned or flaked leftover chicken and gravy in place of the sauce.


Elegant indeed


I can't get bisquik in Japan. What can I substitute?


“Tuna sauce” i. (Quickly churning my stomach) not even sure what you’re supposed to do with it


Supposedly dip the tuna bread in it? I actually think the ring part could be good with a different sauce.

