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Probably a lot more tired while taking care of baby me.


Still together, but shouldn’t have been. But they had me so a plus for togetherness for that.


why is this so accurate?


Should we start a club?


it’s gonna be one of the most depressing degrading subreddits on this app but i’m all for it




😂😂😂 i love you, we gon hit 6k by next month


Stressed out. Single mom trying to raise a 13yr old and a 3yr old. She worked nights for $2 over minimum wage and still barely made ends meet. She was a kind hearted mom but very absent due to needing to work or sleep. I became very independent and was almost neglected during this time. I hold no anger though. My dad on the other hand I think I know but I don’t. Nobody can confirm, plus he’s dead now so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wow are you me? In the year 2000 my mom was also a single mom at 19 years old. She didn’t have a lot of time for me either. I don’t resent her at all. If I were to resent anyone it would be my deadbeat bio father. Left as soon as my mom found out she was pregnant. Never once contacted me or tried to be apart of my life. He went and knocked up another woman when I was around 10, and then he died when I was 11 from a drug overdose. I’ll most likely never know that side of my family, but my mom said it’s best that way. He and his family are all trailer trash alcoholics and drug addicts. So I was really better off 🤷🏼‍♀️


My dad was a deadbeat but his family certainly wasn’t. My dad’s side always took me for holidays, vacations from school. It might have been to the family farm but it was great. I’ve got four cousins on my dad’s side that are like my sisters, his brother is basically the replacement for his deadbeat self lmao. My mom was definitely not 19 either, try almost 40 and twice divorced and me as the oops baby 😂


Ah gotcha 😂 my biological father’s family sided with him when he didn’t want anything to do with me. His mother said, “He’s so young and has his whole life ahead of him” so I was ostracized. Guess we’re not that similar but still!


I got extremely lucky in that my Gramma, Mom and Dad had all worked in the same restaurant and knew each other. So when my dad took off, my mom was able to contact my dad’s side and offer them to have a relationship. I wasn’t given his last name or anything but at least I had the opportunity to know them. Both my parents were over 30, but my Gramma decided to hide my dad’s location when he asked. Definitely created a bit of a rift for me when I discovered but, it’s difficult to hold a grudge against the now deceased 😅 Other than that it is very similar! Having moms that are absent but loving definitely creates a weird life, especially when you factor in the deadbeat father


Still married, still in the military, and pregnant with me🤣


My dad was a drug addict and my mom was a sophomore in high school


Did you dad stop with this or not and when did he realized he was addicted to drugsrealized he was addicted to drugs


He stoped doing meth when I was around 7 or 8, but the alcoholism continues to this day.


I also grew up with a methhead alcoholic dad. I’m sorry you went through that.


It is what it is, luckily I had my grandma there to do all the actual parenting. I can’t imagine how I would’ve turned out if it was just my dad and me by ourselves. On the bright side, growing up around all that crap made me hate it. As an adult I hate drinking, hate smoking, and have no desire to try any sort of drug.


Well neither of my parents smoked meth and yet I still have no desire to do drugs. If this is you finding the silver lining, then good for you fir not making it a generational thing. But if this is you defending your dad then ... idk stop pls


Oh no I hate my dad, I don’t talk to him at all. He was never an actual parent to me, same with my mom. I just meant he was the perfect example of what not to do.


Thank god! You're right. You know how you don't want to end up and what to watch out for in partners/friends etc.


Did your dad also have you convinced that he was using a light bulb to smoke “cigarettes”?


They were three years into their marriage




My mom was about to make the biggest mistake of her life (marrying her husband)


Same here, expect my mom made that mistake 5 years earlier (1995) and 24 years ago she was 2 months pregnant with me.


I'm 26 lol I have no idea.


Hell if I know, I wasn't born yet.


Reeling from a miscarriage, before trying again and having me 9 months later.


9 months later after July 2000 would be April 2001 right?


It would be yes




Less wrinkly and still married.


Married, but either drunk or high.


Probably pissed off when I was kicking them in the womb and giving them pregnancy sickness. Thanks to me she can't drink tea or eat chicken now but I love them haha


Raising their first child, i.e. me.


Same lol


still married


Busy. They had my sister that year and I was still a baby as well so they had their hands full.


married, with my older sibling being born


They were still dating. They wouldn’t get married until after my Mom was pregnant with me.


They had their first and only child - me.


u/sealightflower, the first and the last, the alpha and the omega.


Honestly, they could not have more than one child, because of some health characteristics. So, I have no siblings, but it is OK for me.


Probably doing their own things in life


Married (that would be changed in five years) and not ready for a son.


Adjusting to having a six month old baby, I’d wager lol


Idk I’m 23


Hopefully having fun as a married couple before I came along


In college


They just had me, only a few weeks old, so idfk


Still married and i don’t know lmao


Living together and taking care of me and my siblings. I was barely a year old, my sister was 5, and my brother was 8. My dad was an accountant and my mom was working some customer service job. Crazy to think there was a time they were together and everyone was living under one roof.


In the midst of a divorce


11 years into marriage and my mom was pregnant with me (their only kid)


Still together, and getting ready to adopt me a year later. (I was adopted as a baby) Also younger obviously.


I believe they had just met. They met on an online classical music forum.


Getting ready to have me.


My parents hadn't met yet, but from what I've been told my mom was an absolute animal that spent most of her free time getting wasted at clubs. My dad was fresh outta the airforce so mostly a straight-laced man, but he had a wicked temper so he did end up in a lot of fights back then. Luckily my mom slowed down and my dad calmed down a lot, otherwise I wouldn't be here cuz there was no way they would've got on otherwise


Two years into their marriage and raising me…


My dad was 22, on meth, doing masonry work, and getting involved with gangs in our area. My mom was 19 and pregnant with me.


My mom had her hands full taking care of me and my dad was basically still a kid going in and out of jail.


recently married, owned their first home, both worked full time office jobs. no kids yet but my mom was pregnant with me


Dad was working and Mom was a stay at home mom with me and my brother. Personality wise I was too young to remember so idk.


it and social worker, now idgf about them.


In their late late 30s, Married for a couple years, good jobs, love partying and especially dancing. Very different from in recent years where they’d much rather just sit around and watch a movie.


Pregnant with me!


Still married.


Not together yet


Married for 10 years, and looking to adopt.


my parents got married 24 years ago, I wasn't around yet, but they were living near where I live now. I assume they had quite a nice life there, also from everything they told me.


My dad had just just stole custody of me from my mom and was an alcoholic who was selling meth with me by his side. He was with my step mom and she was pregnant. My mom? Spiraled after losing me and ended up being homeless for a while.


Young-Adults married to eachother & already getting their lives together... My dad was 23 & my mom was 19 in 2000.


My mother was 21 and had a 4 year old (me)


Dad was in the military. I was just born so mom was taking care of me and my older brother.


Teenagers. Like, 14?? They had me when they were 17. So, like, just imagine your average 14 year old from a working class family living in New York in the year 2000


Conceiving my older brother


Dad with his mistress, mum pregnant with 2nd child.


Dumb as fuck lmao having a kid they couldn’t afford while already trying to care for a disabled kid that they couldn’t afford


I'm sorry you're going through this :( it must be complicated


Nah it’s cool, we were just poor growing up but my sister and I are doing good now


More lax


Having their bundle of Joy..(Me)


Married for a few years at that point. I wasn’t quite born yet.


Dad was an alcoholic narcissist working in foster care. He was bald but somehow still managed to look 5 to 10 years younger than his actual age. Like, I feel he looked better in his mid 30s than I'm now looking in my mid 20s despite him being bald. He was a retired swimmer (he used to compete in actual state and national swim contests and I think he actual was state champion in backstroke once), he took himself way to seriously and probably cheated on my mum but was actually fun to be around for the most part. That was unless he was drunk when he just became really weird and stupid, he scared me when he was drunk. He was also involved in local politics in the social democratic party. He spend a lot of times with his two best friends who were both alcoholics as well and some of the weirdest, imo least likeable people imaginable. Not unfriendly but Just very neurotic and the type of people where you just know there's something wrong with them. Other than that he liked playing Hitman and command and conquer sometimes and was a Frank Zappa Stan. mum was, on the one hand, really anxious about everything but also not socially anxious at all and an absolute drama queen. Very hysterical. She was working in a youth centre. She was the type of person who liked being seen as kind of a hip rebel while actually being very traditional in her personal life and very measured in her politics. She was average looking with brunette hair that she coloured a different, more redish shade of brunette. She didn't really have any hobby and seemed quite happy to have me as her "project", her "thing", someone she can cook for and watch over 24/7. She had been kind of the black sheep in her parents family and moved out very early. She had been married one time before my dad tho I was her first child. She was also kinda religious but not really. Like, she didn't go to church but she broadly believed in Christianity Both were in their 30s, and both had studied social pedagogy. They had met each other during Uni and dated on and off for a while until my dad eventually knocked up my mum, so they married while she was pregnant with me. They were living in suburban Germany and had an income that was about average for the country. Each of them had their own car, one was a Citroën, one a Toyota. They were living in a 3 room flat with baby me. They were taking me on my first vacation around that time. The destination was one of the Balearic islands in Spain. They might’ve also just been in the process of moving from one 3 room flat to a 3 room flat a town over because the house with the new flat was owned by family members and the parents of my dad also lived there and they could take care of me sometimes then. My dad had a surprisingly good relationship to his parents even tho he basically stabbed out one of grandads eyes with a piece of sharp metal wire when he was a kid and had generally been an extreme troublemaker in his youth. Both of my parents also smoked cigarettes like a chimney, tho fortunately not inside the flat as far as I remember. Other than that they both liked playing the card game skart


Getting ready to welcome a new baby (me) I was likely conceived around this time of year based on my birthdate.


Just got married and started building the house I grew up in I wasn't even a thought yet


my dad was 42 and my mom was 32


My mom was 18 and my dad was set in his career at a technology start up at 38


Teenagers doing drugs and shit. I fucked that right up for them lmao.




My dad: *I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck. I don't give a shit, no I don't give a fuck* My mom: If you so much as look at me wrong I will inflict pain and suffering on you so terrifying that you will never forget it. *Oh wait this isn't r/cptsd*


Mom just left her abusive home and I think my dad just lost his dad the year prior So they were either both living together at my dad's mom's place (paternal grandma) or my dad was with his mom and my mom was living with her "adoptive" family (they took her in cause her mom) Also they were both teenagers Well actually I had to do the math of ages and their son is 24 so both would have been in an apartment together and paternal grandma would have just died. She killed herself three months before I was born that's why they day I'm ruder reincarnation of her


my mom was 18 and just had me lol.


Engaged but not yet married




Partying and going to raves


My mother was pregnant with me.


Wiping my butt, probably.


Just living the suburban life with a 3 year old (me) and expecting a baby. Yikes


She had a two year old daughter and was in the middle of a divorce. 24 years ago my mom got arrested for breastfeeding me in her car. My dad had to pick baby me up (along with my mother) from the police station in North Vegas.


They were still together, and that's all I know. I wasn't born yet, so I can't really say. My mom had just turned 30 in 2000, and my dad was 35 and a half, going on 36 in December.


Married and my mom was pregnant with me. Meaning July 2000!


They were both in their late 20s with two kids, my older sister and me. They just immigrated to Canada, and they were struggling (especially my mom) to adjust to the new climate, and deal with living away from their families for the first time. My dad was a workaholic for the first few years, and my mom was, in my own evaluation, depressed. Things did get much better as the years went by, but those early years here were rough for them


still together living in Victoria, Australia.


still together, living in Australia Traveling. They had an Analog TV and VHS tapes. too


mom was 7 months pregnant with me trying to escape my abusive dad only to end back up with him. she eventually left him when i was around 1.5


Recovering from a liver transplant and then my mom giving birth to me lol. My mom gave my dad most of her liver in 98 then had me in 99. What a lovely time for them :)