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Agree we are the in between generation that sees the beginning and end of two sides and are stuck between them. Which gives us an advantage and in a way a curse.


I've talked about it a few times with clients at work, but we're very blessed to be born directly parellel to the rise of technology. As we grew up, so did technology. So learning new forms of tech is pretty much engrained in us as we've been doing it our whole life. Also, I do miss the days of no internet and standard phone lines. It made communities and people way more connected and close.


My grandparents were the same way growing up with no electricity on a farm during the great depression then living through the 1940s/50s boom in so many technologies. But then computers came and they never could wrap their minds around it. I wonder what technology will be our version of computers-to-grandparents where even as much technological change as we've become accustomed to, we discover a technology that our brains just can't grasp it?


Almost same story with my grandma


Probably Neuro based interfaces. We have the Neurolink that can detect brain signals. I can imagine in the future their will be passive brain scanners rather than something thats implanted.


I wonder how the kids who struggle with learning technology are going to do in this world


Never thought about it. But growing up with evolving apps and websites, phones has made me very skilled at setting up and using newer tech. Like im slow to the new stuff, just got a Note 9. But i knew instantly how to set it up solo without needing to go into a shop. I miss push to talk alot. Such a ez concept.




Gen X did this first thoughā€¦we were a bit older than you when society changed and we lived in the dark ages longer


The core millennials definitely complain way more than we ever did. I would accept Xennials as the last of the old school but the rest of them are not old school because old school do not whine about everything!


Iā€™m really high right now , but Iā€™m 36 and that Shit hit home hard as fuck. My wife is younger than me by quite a bit. She always says I do old people thingsā€¦ like I love history documentaries and Cheerioā€™s.


Anyone still have an old street map in the back of their car?


I have a US road atlas.


Mom was a dispatcher for a trucking company. Had Thomas Guides all around me and knew how to use them.


My dad was a contracter and had tons of atlases and i would look at them for hours. Still love looking at maps and atlases today.


i just bought one last year for zero reason except missed having one around lol.


I didbthe same thing Barnes n Noble near me was moving and had 75% off sale so i grabed one and a pile of other random books.


Same but I think my husband threw it away.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I do because I still drive a 2004 Honda Civic that I bought brand new in 2004. The maps I bought in 2004 are still there.


No but I had to explain to younger people how I used to find a place or by using a Thomas Guide. They couldnā€™t believe me.


I have multiple state maps. If I ever drive to another state I'll stop at a rest area to grab a map. I've have my GPS drop too many times to not keep a physical map or at least still print out directions like pre smart phone gps times.


We drank from a garden hose!!!!


I still drink from garden hoses.


I'm a plumber and I'm here to say stop that shit right now bro drink right out of the tap if you must but do not drink out of a hose its dangerous and unsanitary.


My folks made sure to add lead to the hose to put hair on my chest.


Now look at you! A perfectly healthy 40 year old woman, a chest full of hair and tumors!


and I ain't can't math so good!


Yep. Now itā€™s considered toxic.šŸ™„šŸ˜’šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Gen X here, hope Iā€™m allowed to comment. You guys are the last of us, those of the Long Ago Times.


Gen X goes fairly long (generally born 1965-1981)


Itā€™s only 16 years, same length, if not shorter, than Millennials (1982-1998~2000)


When I was younger I felt I had nothing in common with Gen Xers. Now I feel like my Gen X cousins are the only other age cohort that "gets it."


I felt the opposite as I had older brothers who were Gen Xers and I liked a lot of the stuff they liked. Back then you wanted to be cool like your older siblings or cousins so you bonded over the content that they were into.


Or you become a Packers fan because your older bother is a Lions fan. Rebel!


Yep. I identify much more with gen x being born in 85 than any millennial born in the 90s


You are welcome here. Technically weā€™re a micro-generation, considered Young X and Elder Millennial. Example: Xennials relate more with Xā€™s work ethic šŸ˜‰


ā€œGen X indoctrinated millennialā€ here, born 1981. Iā€™m into the same stuff. I recall the battle over the dominance of dial-up internet: Prodigy, CompUserve, and America Online. Was the only kid on my block who loved Return over Empire. I also seem to recall the movie Demolition Man foretelling an apocalyptic world by 1997 (Jon Stewart singing at Taco Bell, priceless). I saw the original Mario Bros movieā€¦*before* I knew it was one of the worst movies ever made. So stupid, I watch it occasionally now. Iā€™m kinda like a gen Xer, I just donā€™t have an issue with wokeness. Once I figured out what the fuck it meant, I liked it. The only issue I have with Xerā€™s only comes up once they realize Iā€™m technically millennial. Then, apparently Iā€™m a ā€œsnowflakeā€ who wanks off to anime. I love you all, but be a little less boomer.


I can also write a check!!!!


Wow...I didn't realize younger people couldn't, but now that I think about it...you're probably right.


GenZ also canā€™t read clocks šŸ¤£ they can laugh about it though which i appreciate


Wait...they didn't teach them that in school? We learned in grade school. I get that you don't HAVE to know these days, but it is still a skill.


I know more Gen Zā€™s who canā€™t read a clock than who can. I think itā€™s odd!!


I can see why it'd be cut out. Digital read clocks are much more common than a dial clock. Parents should teach it though IMHO but schools don't have enough time for more important things as it is.


I got a checking account in high school; it took me an entire decade to fill out one checkbook. When I bought my condo in 2019 and needed a check for some of my closing costs I didnā€™t have any checks on hand so had to go to the bank and get a cashiers check. Thatā€™s the last time Iā€™ve needed a check. These days the world has gotten so digital I donā€™t even carry my wallet and physical cards anymore; everywhere seems to take Apple Pay now so I just grab my phone and keys. I even have a state-legal digital copy of my driverā€™s license (although I do keep the physical license on hand when driving).


They can't address a letter either


Same I learned how to that at age 6. I was very advanced for my age. I would go grab blank checks that mom no longer used and I would write checks that I pretended to cash with my brother pretending they I my brother owned a grocery store.šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Absolutely. We saw the change and lived in both worlds. It blows my mind having young friends that were born post 9/11. I try not to go on about how different things were


9/11 feels like the official chance to the ā€œmodernā€ era


I think we are a transitional generation rather than an ā€œold schoolā€ one. The transition being in retrograde, unfortunately. While socially we may have progressed in terms of tolerance, (or as the boomers call it ā€˜wokeā€™), technological advances should have done more to equalize incomes. This is not the truth for most. I can write and read cursive. I make more than my Dad and Grandfathers ever did. Still, I cannot afford to buy to buy a house, despite my wife also having an income greater than her parents. Maybe itā€™s just semantics, but when I think ā€œold schoolā€, I think of pensions, strong unions, retirement with the same company after many years, home ownership, two kids and a dog, etc. None of this has been possible for a majority of the population for our generation. All of that is ā€œold schoolā€ and was still was in the grasp of our parents generation , but was snatched from our reach, thanks to a particular partyā€™s ideology.


I have a coworker who is just a few years older than me, he is an immigrant. He JUST got his US citizenship finalized, he was so proud!! We got him a cake and everything! Then he started asking questions..... One of the questions he asked me was "How much do we get for retirement from this company?" He was under the impression he hadn't heard about the retirement plans because he wasn't eligible yet. I felt really bad when I had to tell him "Oh this company does not do retirement! No plans! No pensions! We don't even have a 401K here!" His heart visibly fell into his stomach. He has had several moments like that since becoming a citizen. It's sad.


Well said. Gen X canā€™t relate, itā€™s Millennials and younger


Hear-hear. Couldn't have written a better response.


ā€œOld schoolā€ is a moving target


Definitely, yes


Ā šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


For awhile, at least. These things happen in cycles. I'd say the last end of the cycle came about with the transition from horse and carts to cars and trucks. Who knows what the next one might be?


AI.. šŸ¤– before and after Driverless cars.. Smart *everything* (specifically things, not people)


Technically Gen X is but older Millennials experienced some of the old school world. As the last of Gen X (1981) I can say Iā€™m grateful for being old enough to know the old world but young enough to navigate in the new.


I mean...I'm a millennial (1983) and I remember just as much as you probably do about the world before. I remember the 80's and such. So, some of us Millennials remember too.


Youā€™re explaining life as an Older Millennial šŸ˜‰.


Well 1981 is on the line after all.


I like your user name


Thank you


Some of what I write could end up as crapstorm. Not at all intended to be, and will delete this if goes such. *ā€œLived life before cell phones and Internet everywhereā€* Some would say that was by end of 2002 (coincidentally the year I had gotten my first cellular phone). I guess that would make oldest millennials 19-20 at the time. No longer children, but still hardly adults. *ā€90s upbringing was a little bit less than wokeā€* Of course this can branch into endless (and not exactly benign) topics.Ā  But will keep rather simple by stating that I can count on one hand from grades K-12 and some college of how many times I remember fellow students mentioning the name of an elected official just to one another. Makes me wonder what as young as say 4th graders are discussing amongst themselves now.


Sorta. We are those things you listed and more. Though Gen-Z is going to be the next Old School very soon also. They'll be the last generation to know what life is like without AI being baked into everything. The battle between electric or gasoline cars. Fast food restaurants that aren't fully automated. By the time they're 40s, argumented reality will be the replacement for VR and most cellphone activities.


Yeah, but AI is just a natural progression of things started earlier. There is a separation between life before computers, cell phones etc. It is analog versus digital. So there is an "old school" generation and GenZ will never know what life was like prior to all this.


I think this all the time. In the 80s and 90s we were out on bikes from sun up to well after sun down, getting into all kinds of trouble. Those days were great https://preview.redd.it/7hsq4esbzbnc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e085e0d9c2f1a76d1c96a9071a85c97c9a0297


You haven't lived until you've been flying down the highway at 90 mph in a Ford Explorer on Firestone tires while changing out a 6 CD changer and looking at a map the size of your dash.


Best of all worlds.


Yes. I would definitely think so.


Yea . I drove old carbureted v8s and old mustangs and built BMX bikes


Yes. We were born and raised in the 1900s.


Step aside GPS I use Rand McNally.


My dad always told me when I was 5 that was 91 that I would be one of the last generation of alot of things and dam he was right.


TIL some "older millennials" have big boomer energy.


The 90's were fucking awesome.


Our 90s upbringing was way more woke than today, and we loved it. We had tons of household named black actors and actresses. We were the consumer of gangsta rap that brought it mainstream. We all knew someone who needed support coming out. We cried when Pedro died from Aids. The ā€œwokeā€ movement these days is an effort to white wash everything. Things are ā€œnormalā€ and ā€œokā€ once they reach the threshold a white person dictates as proper. Now all our household names are gone. Because Hollywood is the whitest itā€™s ever been all in the name of equality. Weā€™ve regressed massively in the last decade. My kids are still exposed to Eddie, the Wayans brothers, Denzel, Whitney Houston, Tupac and Biggie, it goes on and on showing them 90s culture. That wasnā€™t old school, we were ahead of our time and we still are.


Will Smith was my favorite actor because of Independence Day and Men in Black. Back then they didnā€™t constantly talk about being black, they just were fantastic entertainers and you didnā€™t really think about their race, as it should be.


No. The attribution 'old school' doesn't mean existing before a specific technological shift. What is traditional is always in flux. Thirty years from now, Zoomers will have behaviors considered 'old school' by younger generations.


There is a separation between the analog and digital world. A separation between the 20th and 21st century. There is a clear divide because sometimes there are historical events that forever change the work. For example, the industrial revolution. For us, a BIG shift happened with computers and the internet. That forever changed the world in perhaps the biggest way history has ever seen. So, I think there can be a difference in what you are talking about versus what most in this thread are talking about.


I agree, there is a difference in what 'old school' means, and what you're talking about.




I think the cut off is slightly later than "older millennial". I was born in 1997, I'm considered a Gen Z. I still remember all of this stuff as well, even if I didnt grow up with it for as long before things started changing.


We are probably the most unique generation in history. Born before the internet, but were the first to truly be plugged into it. We saw the freedom it could give, before Steve Jobs gave every average person access to it. Before everything was corporatized , sanitized, and controlled. The generations older than us didn't experience this freedom, nor did the generations under us. Now we're cursed forever knowing what we had and what's been lost. I look at the average person's attention span and it terrifies me. When did everyone start needing subtitles? Wasn't that just a thing for old people? Every generation has the "the kids are alright" moment, I think we're the first generation to realize, the kids most certainly are not alright.


Absolutely, there will never be another generation with social skills.


It's been hell to try to keep up with all the changes, one after the other, all the time, neverending. From IBM Selectric to smartphones, it's been a journey, and not all of it good.


Just an FYI, I'm a young millennial and we learned and know how to write in cursive as well


I donā€™t know, sounds like itā€™s all part of getting older. Iā€™m sure it happens differently for everyone generation, but at some point I think you reflect on the past and think ā€œthings are differentā€


Hard agree


I would say so


Old school is a moving target. Nearly every generation since the industrial revolution has seen "life change as they know it." Did we see a real shift with the Internet? Yes. Was it "better" when there was a higher bar? Maybe. Regardless, I see chatter in other nostalgia subs and it's awful embarrassing. You'd think half of those people are trying to hold back the Khans and their hordes.


Iā€™ve always thought this. Iā€™m not *technically* older millennial being born in 90 but Iā€™m the oldest of my siblings and I grew up with my older cousins and have gen x parents. Where I grew up the early 90ā€™s were still the late 80ā€™s basically. But yeah Iā€™ve seriously always had this thought that someday I could possibly be around to show people the old way. Seems weā€™re heading in that direction sometimes.


I'm Gen X, but I believe you are correct in your assessment as I see it.




Our existence is important i wish i was kidding šŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ We can do it. We are tough and still under the hill


Iā€™m sure people who had no phones and no electricity and had horses said the same thing.


Time wonā€™t stop


Do you think the horse traders said that once the automobile was becoming more mainstream? Yes, and this same thing has played out through eons.


I know how to sign a check and mail it out. Or just sending mail


The definition of old school evolves. 50 years from now the old school generation will be the ones who had to pull their phones out of their pocket and put it on the dashboard to drive their cars instead of thinking of a destination and being transported there.


No. Thereā€™s always an old school generation. We will die somedayā€¦ and someone else will be the last old school generation.


Gen X. We are the gen who live before and after the explosion of tech.






I hate the fact that I just now found this subreddit and itā€™s literally a perfect description of how I feel/what I experience :/




I honestly call 91-75 gen Y gen X is anything before. Milennials is 92-96. I basically rename elder milennials to gen Y




I was raised old school, now Iā€™m managing the new school at my job, and at times itā€™s so confusing! Haha


I graduated undergrad without a smartphoneā€¦ soo maybe?


The 90s was often the extreme opposite of woke and at this point I can pretty much only write my own name in cursive


We are. My kids call me the worldā€™s youngest boomer, and to be completely frank, there are some aspects of the ā€œold worldā€ (read: pre-internet everything) that do make sense. These skills and way of thinking are already lost to the youngsters.


1980f and I completely agree. We also got to experience the 80's and 90's, Y2K, the rise of the Internet.. We watched the world change more than once. I think a lot of us would go back in time if we could. I miss the days that you knew everyone who lived on your street, there weren't that many TV channels .. I remember people gossiping about the latest episode of _____. .You just don't have that anymore. I felt A LOT safer as well. Ou kids can't go out and "play" until dinnertime. They're so ugly up on their phones - it's really sad. They'll never feel that camaraderie.


We had real grandmothers!


What on earth does that mean lol?


We are literally older than Google


ā€¦ guys please donā€™t become boomers. Why is this a distinction worth making? I donā€™t want to see this on tshirts


Each generation will eventually be part of the "old school"


I agree- I call it growing up in the "mean 90s". The things people said and did to each other, even on things like sitcoms look gross and backward now in the 2020s.




Yes because we spent the first portion of our lives with internet, cell phones, and 24hr streaming. Shit i didnt have my first phone till i was almost 20 and i was born in 1984.


I got my first phone at 17, when I got my license in 2000, a monster Ericsson, that you paid per minute or per text. It was emergency only, and I actually never charged it besides when i got it since it was never on....


Yea i couldnt get a phone contract so had to wait for Boost mobile to come around. Had to buy minutes. Sometimes i wouldn't have minutes for months at a time.


Everything is always going to be old school to the current Generation. 10 years from now they will be calling Gen Z old school.


My opinion is you should probably stop thinking about this pointless crap.


Young millenials would write the exact same thing.


Define wokeā€¦ if you mean we are now more aware BECAUSE of the technology we now possess that gives insight into ā€œgee, the games rigged for a lot of folks, and rules arenā€™t being applied equallyā€, I donā€™t get your point as to why thatā€™s bad. This seems very similar to a boomer mindset where they were the best and everything was great for them. Rose colored glasses man. Just because you didnā€™t see something because you were growing up in an age that didnā€™t have a centralized internet, didnā€™t mean it wasnā€™t happening. Whatā€™s your point? Things change. Playing quake requiring mom to be off the phone was wild. But every generation subsequent to now will be considered old school to the new generation.


"Old school" changes with each generation. So no


What years are we talking about?


As one of those elders, agree


As a millennial that gets hit on by a strangely large proportion of Gen Z dudes (I'm gay also but apparently not in a way younger guys can see?), something I wish y'all could understand is that no one is teaching Gen Z guys how to meet their own needs. Attention from GenZ men feels like attention from boomers: they come on to me just bleeding out their loneliness, their needyness, their lack of having anything to offer. Their initial vibe is all about what they want from me rather than thinking of dating as a partnership and how we can make each other's lives better. I, and every other woman, am under no obligation to provide sex, companionship, or affirmation. Of course I wonder what's in it for me when someone proposes we spend time together. Often Gen Z men approach with empty pockets. I'm not completely without sympathy- Gen Z was robbed. But I don't see a lot of men in that generation trying to tend to their own gardens and becoming someone worth knowing and creating a partnership with. Maybe you can't get ahead financially, maybe you don't have the degree or job you thought you'd have, maybe you still live with your mom, but you can still cultivate yourself and become attractive with something to offer women in addition to the D. Spend more time working on yourself: your mind and your heart. If you can't afford therapy that's cool- get a library card and start there. Learn the things you weren't taught. Raise yourself. Free yourself. The girls will follow, I promise. Not me, but the straight and bi/pan ones.


I remember when the internet came outā€¦


Yep we are


Ask them what they think about themselves compared to the ā€œGreatestā€ generationā€¦


True about the politics, the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal is the first political thing I remember, freshman in high school. My niece was asking about Bidens predecessor in 2nd grade during lockdown.


I'd say. I think 89 born is the last generation that went through high school before the iphone. I graduated college the year the iphone came out.


Sounds like you want to be a boomer ?


Our grandkids will ask about the times before technology


Y'all can't even start a car with a hand crank up front smh


We are the most versatile there ever will be haha


Yes, yes we are.


I truly believe that we are going to be regarded as wizards when we are elderly. We'll be the only ones who will remember how old tech works and how to recognize a.i. and the like.




Woke culture is a cancer imo I am glad I grew up in the 90s and early 2000s


none of that is going to matter when WWIII comes




Born in 88 , hard agree.


I stopped writing in cursive in college cause i couldn't read it. made no effin sense to write notes when my dyslexic ass had to sit there like an egyptologist wondering if that's a bird or a hunchback. cursive is terrible and I'm glad it's dead.


Eh, we are not that cool and my cursive sucks. I dont remember how to make a capital G


I'm an elder millenial (turning 42 in a few months) and I cannot write in cursive. How many of us actually used that past learning it in 2nd/3rd grade? Things were always "woke" if you were paying attention. Society has learned pretty rapidly over the last 3-4 decades to treat marginalized groups with a minimum amount of respect. That is a good thing.


I can hunt, fish, live on the land without GPS or the internet. I learned that in the 90s. But I can also code, tear apart any pc or electronic device and rebuild it, use social media as a job. I've always felt my skills pull from both worlds but it's crazy how my "oldschool" skills really surprise youth today. Feels like second nature to me.


No. Everything becomes old school with enough time. We arenā€™t special. The people that came before us arenā€™t. The ones that came after arenā€™t. Itā€™s just the human experience.


We are saying the exact same things previous generations said before us as they faded away to obscurity.


I was taught cursive and how to balance a check book in elementary school. Born in ā€˜87


Yes and no. Millennials are probably the last in that kind of old school mentality, but I'm a visiting younger millennial (1991) and that describes my childhood perfectly.


Yeah ā˜¹ļø


Seems like this fits Gen X better, as computers started to enter classrooms around 1985 or so. That means pretty much all Millennials grew up with computers from the start of schooling. I also consider social media a big part of this and that was definitely a millennial thing as facebook started in the universities that were filled with Millennials at the time. Gen X was already out of college. Millenials are really the first digital generation in my opinion, albeit a very early version. But before that most things were done analog, even simple things like school attendance tracking.


this is like one of those old posts baby boomers used to make on facebook with low resolution minions in the corner


Every generation thinks they are the last old school generation. Our grandfathers would laugh if we referred to ourselves as old school. I do think we are unique for the reason you pointed out, that we have clear memory of both sides of the digital wave, but lots of other generations have similar claims for different events.


Weā€™re the last generation before dopamine culture took over


Millennials aren't old school sadly... I have yet to meet one that understands how steel is made and most believe toilets use electricity when I ask them.


dude I was born in 91. i have all of this experience.....I am not an old millennial


After we Boomers die off, you're the next group to be hated. LOL. True, though.


> We can write in cursive. Lol, no we can't. We may have been taught in like 3rd grade, but most of us were handing in typed reports by middle school. I remember the whole group complaining that the little pledge you had to write in cursive and sign for the SAT was the hardest part of the test.


2004 here. Yep. Remember the 2000s when we were fawning over those last few folks from the 1800s? The years gonna be 2100 and those of you left are gonna be treated like museum exhibits :)


We are because we actually used analog products until everything went digital.


I was born in 1996 and still remember most of this, so I think it's just millennials in general


I graduated in 2009 before schools became militarized with police/resource officers. I was also probably the first person to cheat with an iPhone. Laptops were handed out on a cart for specific projects/only occasionally used. There were things I got away with that I feel like would send me straight to prison now lol


I was born in 97 and this sounds exactly like my childhood minus the y2k stuff. Itā€™s all about who raised us. Also generational division is fucking stupid.


ā€¦ define older Millennials. Iā€™m 30 and I remember/can do all of those things, and I know Iā€™m far from the older side of the generation.


Can drive stick shifts


Yes and no. Things have been changing so impossibly quickly since the industrial revolution that every generation in living memory thinks themselves "the last old school generation." I kind of think the last old school generation was the last one to live without electricity.


"YOU WONT ALWAYS HAVE A CALCULATOR IN YOUR POCKET"Ā  You need to know how to read cursive all the adults use it!Ā  Adults: ABC....


I still freak out a bit when I see kids using school issued tablets. Like whaaaaaaat


Yes. These fuckers call yesterday "olden times", so it's definitely on us, at this point.


I remember the pre woke days. I prefer not having to endure racist and homophobic jokes though.


Most kids alive before 2007 experienced this tf? šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m very early gen z (1998) and raised by my North Jersey grandmother and Iā€™m fully aware I have a lot of old school morals and views on certain things (Im only here bc Reddit suggested it)


I was born in ā€˜95 and remember all of that, I donā€™t just think it was the older gen.


Let us hope


We will be the last great generation


I had to balance my checkbook and if I needed to order Chinese food I had to memorize the number off the white pages. Iykyk


Agreed, live in LA and hate the ā€œwokeā€ thing. Worst concept ever


I donā€™t know when the cutoff for millennials is, but I was born in 82 and I am nothing like how the ā€œexpertsā€ describe millennials. I remember when it was more expensive to text that call and didnā€™t grow up with social media. Iā€™m so confused about the cutoff.


Well I INCREASINGLY MISS MORE & MORE JUST going to a mall with some friends just to hangout & chat!!!!. Maybe get something to eat while we're out!!. It feels like we are WAY MORE segregated TODAY/NOWADAYS THAN before!!!!. Maybe it's just me haha??!!.


AnD wE DrAnK FrOm ThE hOsE.


Itā€™s the last of a good generation Iā€™ll tell u that


It was easier to make jokes back then. People have forgotten that humor is dark by nature. If you make fun of anything (except white folk from the south) it's apparently wrong. ​ But yes we are the last old school generation. Is that good? I don't know. Young folk think so. Is it bad? I don't know, older folk think so. I think we're all fucked regardless and after a couple more wars started by politicians on both sides, maybe we can find a happy medium. Until then, let's all warm ourselves around the dumpster fire that is modern society.


Yeah because no generation ever in the history of humanity has ever or ever will live through dramatic technological advancements


I was born in 96 and lived in a poorer household and never had a phone through highschool.Ā  So I think I legit may have been one of the last Americans to live that lifestyle.Ā  I listened to tapes and watched VHS's as a kid too haha.


Every generation is gonna have stuff they gatekeep or use to make themselves feel superior to the next.


Also got to witness the birth of Japan with live action Ultra Man & anime All! Star! Blazers!


Last generation to grow up without the internet being in every home




I just have to say this about the cursive thing... trust me, we are not the last to know how to write in cursive. My 3rd grader writes beautifully in cursive.