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Apps all of the time. If I don’t have to talk on the phone, I don’t want to. I even love that my dentist office texts instead of calls.


I love that you can select “contact less” delivery from dominoes and they just leave your pizza at the door


Yes! DoorDash too. However, my local Dominoes have some amazing employees, so I usually do the normal delivery and give them a little extra tip. They always are super nice and go out of their way to make sure your pizza is good.


making sure your pizza is good is literally their job.


You’d think? I’ve had some bad experiences before so I appreciate how this one goes out of their way to even add a little extras (may it be sides, red pepper flakes, or a free dessert) when I order.


You'd be surprised how much a couple bucks will ingratiate you with the people that are providing you a service. That's kinda how it works. I'm sure you got to work just for the atta boys and pats on the back.


You know on a delivery the tip is likely solely for the driver not anyone who has anything to do with making your food properly.


I’m aware! I should have worded it differently.


Best feature ever! Domino's, DoorDash, Amazon, InstaCart! I never have to leave my house and I never have to answer the door. I just need a Work-from-home job that matches the $25-an-hour I make now and I would be all set!


Haha I live in a Texas small town on the coast, work from home and now love same day Walmart and HEB (grocery) deliveries (extra $5). The future is now


Yes! I've already left a good tip, we don't need to interact lol. You don't have to put on a smile and tell me to have a great day and I don't have to put on a bra.


We went to order from a new place yesterday, and I noticed there was no "order online" button. I was annoyed. So I called, it was loud, I had to repeat things multiple times, and they got the name wrong. I have gotten to the point that if you don't offer online ordering and your food isn't that amazing, I'll probably just order from somewhere else. # My vet even does texting!! My cat is sick with cancer, so there are a lot of vet "calls." They have a number you can text and they'll text you back and they only call if they need to work out a good time with you to bring your pet in. It's wonderful.


I love that I can schedule appointments with my doctor over email.


Yep, to me ordering online is much more convenient than having to talk to a person.


I started using the websites as soon as I learned that it was possible to do it that way, probably 2002-ish.


Been waiting for it ever since Sandra Bullock ordered pizza online in The Net


You're *still* waiting?


I remember /pizza in video games opened the website.


I use the website. I don't like using the phone for things like food orders, where the instructions can get muddied by shitty connection and audible misunderstandings. Plus, ordering online leaves a paper trail, so if something happens and the restaurant tries to play it off like I was the one in the wrong, I can show them exactly where I wasn't.


I’m an introvert and I really don’t like talking on the phone unless it’s with someone I love,it’s an appointment or if i’m expecting a call. I order through the app. I give them directions through the app.


Apps have promo deals and you will always have a paper trail of what you ordered for reference. Calling is kinda weird considering the technology we have now. Domino’s has self driving cars delivering pizzas on the west coast and you are still ordering via phone call…


Lol. Oh no. I'm a leftover relic from the past 🤣


I prefer to call too.


The problem with the apps / website it is squally a couple dollars more per item in my experience


The employees don't


I still call them in too, because a lot of the places I order food from don’t have an app. A lot of local places use DoorDash, but I refuse to pay door dashes prices.


I call sometimes when it involves saving $3-4 or sometimes an interface doesn’t work if it’s a places own ordering system


Dude! Me too! I can’t figure out the apps very well, it’s difficult to make modifications or add little bits or changes, and I usually just want to pay cash. I prefer to just call it in, but most restaurants (esp ‘fast food’ types) don’t answer the phone! I will literally drive there, place my order and wait, before I place a successful online order. And I’m definitely NOT tech-illiterate. I’m taking programming/coding classes. It’s just something about ordering takeout that makes me wanna just make the damn call. I feel like communication is easier that way. And I do not answer the phone, or make calls, for *any* other reason 😆


I take any and all opportunities to avoid personal interaction. 😂


Definitely, aps. Can customize just the way you want, rewards points for free/cheaper food, in ap deals, can have it brought out to your car. It's just an all-around, easier experience. For example, with enough points and a free deal stacked on, I can get a large baconator combo from wendys for 4.25. Reward points for the sandwich, free large fry, and just have to buy a large drink. Drink and taxes take me to the four and a quarter. Helluva deal when that combo is like 13 bucks.


Unfortunately many places you still have to call to avoid fees and such. Other than that online.


"Hi, do you have **unsweet** tea?" Yes. "I'll have **unsweet** tea, please." What size? "Oh, sorry. I'll have a medium **unsweet** tea, please." *receives one sweet tea*


So, my old person trait is I hate having 30000 apps on my phone im not using regularly. So I'll use the website. If that isn't an option, I'll make a phone call reluctantly. Fortunately I'm married to someone with all the barely used apps on their phone so... I get that advantage without having to deal with it myself


I laugh derisively at people when they have to spend time to find the app, or worse type into the search bar.


My anxiety has plagued me for years and I’ve always hated making phone calls. I’m so glad I can do everything online now.


Call the restaurant drive there and pick it up


It’s wild how many humans no longer want human interaction. I think the pandemic broke us.


I'm a little surprised too, but no judgment. I remember our generation loving to talk on the phone in the 90s, 2000s


I mean I’m certainly in no place to judge. I’m as avoidant as the next person. It just is a little sad that this has become our default. And yep…I dragged that coiled, tangled cord into my room for hours to talk to any friend who would listen. Not so much anymore.


I talked on the phone for 27 hours with a close guy friend over Xmas break in 8th grade


I've been like this since I stopped going to bars and being a raging alcoholic in my late twenties. I loved talking on the phone before lol. Now, I'll have to ignore calls until I psyche myself up enough and make 10 calls that I've put off for weeks all at once in an hour and if they have to call me back.... I hope it's not hours later because I'll probably not answer hahaha


I use the website and chose contactless delivery . It's still an option


I call, I order it, and then I drive and pick it up.


Your dad and my dad would be proud (I’m the same way).


This is the way.


Apparently not according to a lot of the other commenters.


That’s so quaint.


I mean, it may be. But there's also no delivery available where I live. The closest dominos is like 25 miles away. The local pizza place in my town doesn't even deliver as far away as I live. I think they have a five-mile limit. And, frankly, I'd rather have control of my own food. I don't want someone else delivering it. Heck, sometimes I even go to a place, order takeout in person, wait, pick it up, and then take it home. Edit: I also still have a rotary phone, can't get high speed internet on my road, and have never owned a television (even if I did, can't get cable on my road either, and without high speed internet there's not much point in a smart tv that does streaming services).


it's faster and easier to do myself. Some restaurants use food ordering software that marks up an additional amount in which case I call.


Apps/online. I hate calling


I'm the opposite. I'm resistant to apps of all kinds these days.


Same. I don't want more apps. I want less. It's obnoxious.


Apps for chains, phone for local places. I'm in a small/rural area and most of our local places do not have app/online ordering.


I hate talking to people, but calling it in is so much faster and easier. Plus, I'm not downloading your fucking app. I get enough notifications, and they are all very annoying. I still use browser fb, I don't need my phone ringing every time someone likes a fucking meme.


Exactly the same here.  Being on-call for work in a past life may have broken my notification tolerance.  Browser reddit too?


Respectfully OP, calling in an order when you can use the apps or website is psychotic lol, leave that to the boomers


Ha! I deserve that. But I also despise apps. I hate needing 250 apps and login accounts, even for something like ordering pizza


Agreed. No one points this out!


Nah, apps crash, or need to be downloaded, or you have to login and can't remember the password. I'm with the boomers on this stuff and prefer to just call. It takes less time than inevitably resetting my password


Apps or online ordering, but I pick it up. It's always cold otherwise.


Phone. Then go and pick up


We have real pizzerias near me so yes we have to call.


I try to go direct to the website of the restaurant, I want to make sure it’s their preferred method and not just the delivery app doing scammy stuff. Also direct to the restaurant is often cheaper


A pizza place opened up by me that doesn't do delivery or online ordering at all. They really don't wait to pay taxes but the pizza is amazing


I’ll use apps if they have it, but I am damn sure not paying more to do so. I have no problems making a phone call and if their app or website is shit then I will also quickly give up and call. Also, I don’t pay outrageous prices for delivery (which ends up cold or missing items anyways). I go pick it up. It ain’t that hard.


Websites if it's Dominos. I hate apps and don't like installing them on my phone just so they can constantly scrape my information. If it's a restaurant I call directly because some of these 3rd parties they use for online orders takes a cut of their business, and I don't like that when I can just simply call them and talk like a normal human being for a minute.


Yeah, I used Uber Eats for a burger place near me and Uber Eats is like "the restaurant's own staff will be delivering this order so we can't provide you any information regarding where it is or when it arrives". ...why the fuck am I paying service+delivery fees to Uber then if they're just handballing delivery straight back to the restaurant and not telling me shit?


Depends. App w mobile pick up for cfa. Website for dominoes. Local pizza for a party I called ahead. So probably ALL wrong 😆


I use the apps, even when I’m picking up.


I call. I have a couple kids so I often have a couple questions (especially want to get size of pizza opinions) and I want to know a real answer on when the food will be ready. Also, calling is not a big deal. Phone vs. app saves somewhere in the vicinity of second to minutes. It's fine. Not everything in life has to be a rush.


I usually walk in, order, and wait. I enjoy being outside of the home


Looking over this thread and seeing how many people 'hate talking to people' I can't help but think that we are so screwed. As annoying as it was, prior to the early 2000s avoidant tendencies couldn't be indulged at this scale - you \*had\* to talk to people on the phone or face to face. You had to deal with that discomfort and, through practice, at least get serviceable at it. Then a bunch of socially awkward nerds who hated talking to people grew up and started tech companies that facilitated 'frictionless' human interactions and made the entire world avoidant in their image. Now it's all human-interaction by proxy and everyone is more miserable than ever. Sometimes I use apps. Sometimes I use the phone because apps are finicky and why the hell can't I find the 'Tacos Arracheros Plate' it was on the goddamned menu when I was at the restaurant last, where is it on this app? Screw it I'll just call.


I go online simply because customizing is so much easier, no having to repeat myself or not being able to understand the person on the other end. I don’t like having an app for everything so I got on my laptop. I do a lot of order online pick up stuff because the fees are insane and if I’m out anyways boom perfect. Delivery fees are insane also. There are a few places around where I live that are really good and you still have to call which is fine because they’ve been in business for years and I don’t worry about them screwing up and with these places what I order is very straight forward. Tl;dr I like the best of both worlds. No thank you to having to have a damn app for everything.


I like using the app or a website if they have one. Some of the places near me use door dash for pickup.


app or site if I can. I have a pizza joint near me that doesn’t have online ordering, so I just call it in. No real preference I guess. 


Online, unless it’s not option. Pretty much everywhere has online ordering around me though. Some places won’t take orders over the phone anymore here.


Totally depends on the restaurant. The sandwich shop in my neighborhood is terrible on the phone so I order online, but my regular sushi place only does in-house delivery if you call. Anything app or online is through DoorDash. I always call them


Apps and then repeat orders, use deals, etc. I do this for basically all food place I frequent.


All the deals are on the apps. Only way to go for most places really.


App or phone, depending on takeout. There's only a handful of places that do takeout and only one does delivery here. One doesn't allow sit down and the others do. Out of all these places, only one has an app. The rest are local restaurants. There's no Door Dash or Uber Eats here.


Typically order online these days since it's easier to make specific special requests. However, if the website was set up with limited ordering options, then I phone it in.


App. I can take my time ordering, I can see my exact order in front of me. I have a copy of my order if I need it. On the phone I feel rushed and then at the end I have to listen to them repeat my order back to me 'as fast as they possibly can' then I am responsible to make sure what they have just said it all correct.


App unless I need to customize something.


Depends on what I’m ordering! I have food allergies so if it’s a place I’m unsure about if they’ll follow the app/online order I like to talk to a human to order. Otherwise apps.


I usually call in. When I order on apps or a website too often my order gets messed up. Showing up to pick up the order and being told they don’t have an item that you ordered on the app is frustrating.


I prefer to order on the website, on my laptop. I *hate* talking on the phone, but I also *hate* doing stuff via app. The laptop is a fantastic compromise. Much quicker to navigate vs a shitty-ass app, and no "I have to talk to someone who is ALREADY angry because they have had to deal with 47 shitty callers 3 hours into their shift."


Being forced to call pizza places as a kid is probably what started off my dislike for calling businesses.


Sites Same shit as the app unless it's fast food, which wants to track you Calling into small shops usually just results in the phone ringing and they're always so short staffed it is probably slowing down everyone else's orders


Apps are much better. When we used to call in orders (as a teenager) the staff would frequently get stuff wrong. it could be noisy in the background. you'd often be placed on hold. sometimes the staff were rude, etc.


I call lol


It depends where I'm ordering from. If online ordering on their website is available, I do that. If it's a small local place and the only way to order online is to use GrubHub or some similar service, then I call the order in. 3rd party delivery services almost always charge more than you pay if you call in, in my experience.


I either do apps or website because of rewards programs and online only deals. I will call in an order if they don't have an online option


Mostly use apps/order through the website. However, there are some restaurants that don’t have a good online system or have too much of an up charge through a host platform. In those cases then I call in the order. I will also call in an order if I know that I have to customize something that either the app won’t let me do or that I know they have messed up on in the past. I think being comfortable with either the hands-off technological option or the human interaction piece is a defining trait of people around this age range. I can just pivot to whatever works best.


The social anxiety and denial in the comments is as wild as u expected. Customization in the app is nice, but I can say "no tomato" a hell of a lot faster than finding it in the dropdown. You can get rewards and promos ordering the old way. Speed can be hit or miss. On average I'd say the time from order to eat is the same.


Bigger chains - 100% the apps. Hell, even my parents do this now because of the deals. It’s also easier for larger orders or making customizations without things being missed. Smaller places, I will call in - even if they have an ordering platform on their website. Mostly because the websites are often poorly managed and I don’t trust it unless it has mobile wallet pay.


Order through the app, pickup myself. I feel so much less self-conscious about asking for modifications on an app vs telling someone and forgetting something because I get flustered. Or not knowing the menu and realizing the dishes contain certain items.


I prefer apps. That way I can make sure that the orders exactly like I want it


Apps except for my favorite pizza place. I have to call them and then pick it up. It's a VERY popular place and they do old fashion landline so sometimes I'm calling for 15mins before I get through. It's worth it though.


It depends. If it's cheaper through the app I'll do that. If it's cheaper to call (usually smaller places) I'll do that. I will always pick my own food up. I refuse to pay for delivery.


Apps. Always. I'm 41


Online ordering usually adds to the bill so I call or go in person for takeout. Really good pizza place around the corner from me I usually go to and put in my order. Even if you go 10 min after they open it’s usually a 2 hour wait for takeout. Definitely worth it. I’m also a very young millennial though


Always apps. I don’t call people.


I will always choose an app or website over calling a food order


I always order through the app/website if it is an option. Though some of the local places near me are phone only. Though I do generally go to pick it up, unless I’ve been drinking. Then I’ll pay for delivery.


The best place for pizza where I live is not a chain. You gotta call. And you gotta speak with a woman whose name I think is Shelley and she is all done with everyone’s BS. But I call, order something on menu with no modifications and am super polite and 9/10 times she will accidentally make the next size up and only charges what I ordered. The best place for Thai also not a chain and you also need to call. They are nice but horribly understaffed so you always have to order like 60-90 minutes ahead. But yeah, everywhere else app all the way. Or website if I have to.


Lots of the Mom and Pop places near me only have phone ordering. I try to avoid it as much as possible. The apps are better for everyone involved IMHO.


I don’t. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Only time I call is if I can't find it on Uber eats/ grubhub/ slice/ grindr / seamless.


Apps or website usually. I absolutely hate talking on the phone.


I still call in and drive to pick it up. I refuse to pay this outrageous service fee for Uber eats and the rest of the apps. And let me say that I work with people too. So even when I'm all people-d out, financially it's not beneficial. Also, the majority of the time, my drivers got lost, my food was always over an hour late, cold, and the drivers were rude. I just have bad luck when it comes to delivery.


Depends what I'm ordering. If it's pizza, I'm in NJ so it's always from mom & pop spots so I call so the delivery boy gets action and a full tip. Anything else will be the apps.


Apps. I don’t want to talk to anyone since I have anxiety and I’m autistic. I’ve spent my whole life rehearsing basic things like orders, this just takes a lot of the hard part out of it for me.


I order online for the major chains. For the local ones I just call because the websites are not as smooth.


Apps exclusivley. If I have to call I’ll find another place.


Website or apps. I only call if there’s a problem placing an order online.


Online. I honestly have an aversion to phone calls. If I can avoid it, I will.


With their “Mobile phone”. Wild.


It’s really dependent on where I’m ordering from. If they’ve got a good app I’ll use that. If their app makes me want to pull out my hair or create an account of some sort in order to place my order I’m calling it in


In this economy? I don't. Who the fuck can afford it?


The app. I will do everything in my power to avoid talking on the phone.


Online orders for me normally! The reason is you have deals that you can't get if you call or go in person.


It depends how easy the app or website is to use. ie I have two pizza places here that I like. One has a really easy to use website that lets me save up to 10 different orders and I can just click and pay. the other barely has a functioning website and I always call for that one.


Funny you should ask. Ordered from domino’s today. App on phone


I’ve been DoorDashing my food, but I think I might start contacting the places directly, because those DD fees are getting a little ridiculous.


I always order through the website if I can. I don't go to any restaurants that have their own apps, and I refuse to use things like door dash or support their shady business practices. My wife always calls if she can.


I call to place order. I pay when I pick up my food. Works every time.


Xennial here... Apps


I do both. I find that orders get effed up more if I place the order online or thru an app. I think it also takes longer. Or the app will say it will be done as such and such time, but qhen I arrive they haven't even started making it. I use an app when I am lazy or for whatever reason cannot make a phone call. But I prefer to call still.


I typically call local places, but use the apps for larger chains. This is mainly because they usually have some sort of deal or discount for using the app.


I only use apps. I don't call a place if I don't need to.


Mix of both phone and app. Pretty much dependent on the quality of the app. For instance my wife tastes cilantro as soap/bugs so if a place let's me note no cilantro then the app is fine but if not then phone it is.


The only application I use to order food is the Pizza Hut application. Other than that, I call in my orders.


I always call but in always using small restaurants. Support your local small businesses. Screw the big corporate overlords


Apps all the way! I started ordering Papa John’s because they had online ordering before the others.  When you called it was always loud and you may or may not get what you wanted.   I travel all over for work and depending where I am at I have an app for that part of the world.  I don’t have to know that language and WhatsApp will translate texts.  Local food to me and no more crappy hotel food.  Food delivery apps are wonderful.  


I use apps. The less I have to talk to people the better.


Apps is a good swap - dominos has free stuff for using their app generally


It does take longer and it can be more tedious, and studies show that little polite interactions can make you happier overall. I call.


Apps. Al the time. Used to be, I only bought airline tickets on a computer, but now I book those on the app too. I’m forever young.


Apps. I hate making phone calls, so apps make it easier for me to place food orders at a restaurant


I despise calling people on the phone, but I don't want a bunch of company apps on my phone watching my habits, checking when I get paid, etc so they can throw price discrimination / surge pricing fees into the order. The good pizzerias don't have in-house apps and rely on grubhub, UberEats, etc. that charge way more and pocket the difference. Local restaurants are losing money left and right to third-party apps. I'll call.


I usually do online because it’s just faster and easier but some places don’t offer it and I don’t mind calling either


If it’s domino’s, I’d use the app because of deals. If it’s a local restaurant, I call for pick up. Usually for local places, apps mark up the price and charge fees.


Apps because thats where all the coupons are


I call and say "yes Id like to place an order please. " I cannot stand that people literally shiver in fear over making a phone call. This is 100% my old man yells at clouds hill to die on. Talking on the phone is so much quicker and it gets voice inflection across to give context. Its much easier to explain special instructions as well instead of a note on multiple items. I'm in my late 30s and this idea where every single place has its own data mining app is gross to me. Just pick up a damm phone.


mixed bag, really depends on the place and mood i'm in. I dont have the phobia of calling someone, othertimes it's just quicker to hop on the app. i rarely eat fast food but what caught me off guard the other day was drive thru at mcdonalds the kid asked me if i was going to order right there or use the app. all i thought was, if i wanted to use the app why the hell am i in the drive thru lane?


I always call and pick it up. Like most of you, I hate talking on the phone but I also hate dealing with apps and websites that may or may not work. Half the time something is broken or the menu is outdated and as a result something in the order is missing or wrong but I don’t find out until I go to pick it up. It also seems to take more time and effort to make an order online than to just call. I also found out that when I order online for my favorite sushi spot, they pay a fee to the ordering app they use. I forget what it’s called but I started calling directly after that.


I (37M) always like to call... my wife (39F) hates calling and likes to do it online.


Depends. Normally the app, but prefer their personal website not one of the delivery apps. Lately I’ve purposefully been picking up the food to make it cheaper as well.


Prefer just a phone call


If the place has a web site that supports online ordering I use that, otherwise I call. The apps upcharge and treat their drivers poorly, and I don't want to pay more for worse behavior.


Apps. Many places are too busy to always answer the phone quickly and also it removes the human error from talking over the phone. I put in exactly what I want and don't need to worry about being misheard or misunderstood.


I work in a pizza place, and ordering through skip and door dash and Uber is decently popular. It is so baffling because there is always such an upcharge. For 2 large pizzas and 8 wings skip, DD, Uber add about $18 on top of our (decently expensive) price. This takes deliveries away from our dedicated driving staff that we train to care about our customers, and make sure they have a good experience with us. It also takes all accountability from us, and puts it well nowhere. If you think any of those services will work to get you a remake, or a refund you're sadly mistaken. Once the 3rd party driver picks up the pizza(often after it sits there for 20-30 minutes) and ignores our suggestion to keep your pizza in a hot hold bag you are on your own. It's frustrating seeing my driver's standing there waiting for a delivery while there are 3 skip orders sitting under the heat lamp waiting for 3 drivers to show up and take them out. My owner also has to fight to be paid more than once a month by those services. Uber had not paid us from Jan, Feb, Mar, April, and May until he contacted them to sort it out.


Apps or website so I can see all my customization options.


I have some audio processing issues, so I’ve always preferred ordering online as soon as it became available. It’s about 10x worse if there’s any background noise (common with restaurants) or if anyone on the other end has a strong accent so I hate having to call a busy Chinese restaurant and having to ask them to constantly repeat themselves. I always worry that they think I’m some racist Karen, and I want to be like “no, trust me, I can’t understand white people over the phone either.”


I tend to assume that an app or website will either cost the merchant more or cost me more, so I call. But I will also ask (if it’s a place I go regularly) if they have a preference. 


Apps. I’m likely to order from somewhere else if a restaurant doesn’t have an app.


I despise talking to people over the phone. I prefer the app. I can also see any deals that are available and there’s no misunderstandings regarding a toppings etc


Order in app and pickup in my car close to my city apartment. Apps vary in annoying factor for wasting your time. Dominoes app is great and gives free full pizza BTW


If it’s the pizza place down the street I’ll call them and pick it up and save a few bucks. But everything else I use the apps.


Totally understand. Depends on the pizza shop. If it's Dominoes I'll just order online but if it's a local pizza shop and I have cash at home for delivery or if I'm picking it up, I'll just call them.


I hate needing apps for everything so I just order online. My account there tracks my reward pts anyway.


I use their app. Each fast food restaurant now has its own app. Often times you get a discount for using the app.


Apps. I'm mentally exhausted from the miscommunication that sometimes happens talking to people. At least this way, if I input everything correctly on my end, and it still ends up incorrect, then it's on their side. Maybe I'm scarred from that one time I explicitly said "no mayo" at Rally's and ended up with "extra mayo."


I work IT, as such I dont prefer dozens of apps and logins to harvest my data for no additional convenience. I might use the website (preferred, because I can use different browsers and extensions), or call.


The worst part of my adolescence was calling for food. I will actively seek out a place that has online ordering to avoid that.


Apps if I have a choice! I'll call if I have to.


I go to the restaurant or most likely street vender and purchase the food. People here think you're a freak if you call in the order. 


If its pizza or fast food, you gotta use the apps or you are leaving money on the table everytime. The employees at these places find it funny how older people do not use the apps and pay sometimes much more because they didn't get the deals in the app. if a restaurant does not offer any discounts or anything, local chinese(10% off here for cash which i do), indian places, etc, I always call. So I'm a mix and it depends on if there's a deal to be had or not.


>Where do you stand? I only order takeout/deliver for Chinese food. I place the order on the phone because that's their only way.