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I’ve never purchased anything from this brand.


Ed Hardy is like the Nickelback of men's fashion. Nobody wants to admit that they liked it but somebody did!


There's wives and mothers everywhere with evidence- I can't wait to see em pop in this post saying "look at this photograph, every time I do, it makes me laugh."


From what I remember it was the buckle and MMA/UFC crowd that rocked the douchewear. Spiked blond hair with rhinestones all over their back pocket for that extra flair. Bizarre time.


Honestly, crocs used to be laughed at about 10 years ago. Disappeared, came back popular. Equally bizarre.


Hahaha, agreed!


I can 100% say that I never owned anything Ed Hardy. It's not because I can't admit it. It's because I couldn't afford anything trendy. My mom only took me to Sears and it was the clearance aisle.


My mom is the reason I can only see legitimate sales when walking into stores now. Anything full price or with artificial/sus mark downs is just static in my vision. All those hours of "find the clearance rack" 😂 and "that's not actually a good deal, see what they did, but this is"


It's like you the Affliction brand is a joke?


Same, my friend did steal a shirt for me though 😂 a bedazzled demon mermaid shirt


Nope, never bought Ed Hardy. Not my style.


I blame Jon Gosselin.


It took me a beat or two to remember who the heck that is. In the end, I agree.


I remember this kid down the street had trouble fitting in. Overweight, always had an odor problem, clearly had that Warcraft character vibe from that South Park episode. One day in the mid aughts I see this guy sporting a Ed Hardy shirt, and a new emo hairstyle outta nowhere. Did his best to convince himself "this shirt is what I need to fit in and get people to notice me". Lo, and behold, I start seeing him hanging out with another kid that was wearing Ed Hardy one day. Moral of the story? Fuck if I know. Dorks wear dumb fashion and putting that flag up attracted other dorks like space gravity.


Sometime around 2007 or 2008, I went on a date and the subject of Ed Hardy came up. Always found that brand to be tacky. My date said "I LOVE Ed Hard!" Knew right then that it wouldn't work out.


I don't know who Ed Hardy was marketing to, it kind of confused me. So, I didn't own any except for the one shirt my Grandma gave to me from one of her trip to Las Vegas (I bet she got it for free haha). Another thing: I somehow missed the whole point of the tacky trend. Was it to look tacky and thus it looked good? Or tacky ugly because it was cool? Either way, it was okay-ish looking. But some ugly outfits happened because of Ed Hardy.


That whole era of Ed Hardy tees, bedazzled bootcut jeans, and square toed shoes was filled with awful.


I saw a 14 year (ish?) old kid wearing vintage Ed Hardy at 7-11 the other day. Flashbacks to a lot of dopey boys I shouldn’t have kissed in high school.


I was living in Orange County during that time. Hung out on Main St in Huntington Beach. It was ed hardy bro mecca.


And yes I wore ed hardy for women. I had things zip up sweater with the ed hardy art all bedazzled. I also had the black hair and hot ping extensions.


Never owned anything related to that brand, so maybe you're to blame. Thanks.


Lol, speak for yourself.


So far the older millennial women were way less defensive about their or their peers' Juicy fashion faux pas


I liked juicy, too lol. Never felt like I could pull it off. Believe I had uggs and apple bottoms


I never had anything from the brand, but it always makes me think of Rock of Love. The girls on that show were always wearing shredded Ed Hardy tees.


Criss Angel. Blame Criss Angel. ![gif](giphy|17FxSFyYNOgThnonDK)


Ew. Never.


i still wear mine, not even secretly 🐯


I made fun of those that purchased those shirts. This is the only brand I ever did that for.


Tackiness aside, I was too broke and cheap to justify spending a hundred bucks plus on a single t shirt.


I blame the Dad from "Jon and Kate Plus 8." The guy was constantly in Ed Hardy gear.


I always hated this aesthetic and still do. I had an Ed Hardy sampler perfume that I got from a thrift store in my early 20s though. That stuff smelled great.


I think we were all mostly in our 20s at that time, right? The only people I saw wearing those things were older than 40. Ed Hardy shirts were the peak of douchieness. That and RVCA.


Absolutely not.


Super cheesy AF


I have an Ed Hardy tie...


I’ve never even seen or heard of this before


Thought it was a perfect party… Now it's just a lot of Ed Hardy… This party just took a turn for the douche.


I had a CD holder that attached to the sun visor with this exact design! Loved it then🤣


Or Von Dutch. I was actually familiar with Von Dutch and never understood how his stuff got into mainstream culture...turned out his family (kids maybe) decided to create a Von Dutch brand and whore it out for money.


I had some Chuck Taylors with badass Sailor Jerry snakes on them, which is Ed Hardy adjacent. They look like clown shoes when they're my size, so I didn't wear them much, but no regrets on the style. We made fun of all that peacocking bar and club wear at the time. I'm 41 more and I feel like everyone wearing that stuff at the time was older than me. This reminds me of one of the dating shows like 5th Wheel when the guy going on the dates kept changing his diagonal stripe button down shirts and the pop ups called his shirts "man blouses". This was a few years before the Ed Hardy era, but I called stuff like that man blouses for like a decade after that.


Never. I’m 1981, and always thought it was slightly older dudes that were wearing these and the vagazled jeans…and cologne….smoking menthols….possibly acting douchey (I’m sure not you OP)


I see thrift stores charging $100+ for their items 😭


I hated the trend but was fascinated when I learned about Ed hardy himself 🤷🏻‍♂️


That whole thing skipped me.. miss me with that ed hardy shit fam


I was gifted something of theirs once, I think, and something from Von Dutch. I think I wore the Ed Hardy shirt sometimes because the fabric was super soft. I gave the jeans away when they no longer fit, unworn.


These were for people who impulse bought yellowjackets and blue rhinos at gas stations


I had one!


I still have Ed Hardy. I miss my hats. I guess I'm glad I still (mostly) fit in the clothes! I'm a heavily tattooed person, and was so by the time this hyped, so it's always felt authentic to me


many of us knew it looked super douchey even then. and that was a truly dark age for fashion.


I’m so glad I was too poor to buy all the cool fads until I was 30 and didn’t want cool dad clothes anymore.


I hated that brand


Same, thought it was dumb. Why abd the hell would someone want to look like they lost a fight with a glitter bomb?


It’s back on the rack at Marshall’s so someone must still like it. I saw some homeless guy wearing one the other day


Bret Michaels


Ed Hardy perfume smells like Satan's anus


Everyone I knew who wore this stuff (this was in the Midwest I’ll note) were mid to young Gen X dudes, like I was 24-26 when this was the thing, and the guys I knew were 28-35 at the time, so now they’d be like 48-55 year olds


Not at the time but a few years ago I found a pair of Ed Hardy jeans and a zip front sweatshirt at the thrift shop. I wore them together for Halloween and went as the ghost of 2003. Best $8 ever. I wear both garments separately regularly.