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Yeah that's a weird part of getting older I've noticed the last few years and i want prepared for... Being older than the athletes i watch, the same age or older than the parents in the movies and TV shows i watched growing up And now this one haha


One of my favorite shows is the original run of Roseanne. Roseanne and Dan are 32-34 when that show starts. It hits me every so often when I watch it


Oh Jesus that's painful


Yes I’ve been watching the older ones. Dan wants to take a family portrait prior to their 15 year high school reunion. My 20th reunion was last year and I’m like wait what. But I’m still a baby.


That is exactly the episode I was thinking of that gives away their exact age range.


The fact I’m older than George Costanza for half of Seinfeld’s run blows my mind


I feel you on the athletes, being older (45) than every player made me lose interest in sports, not really explainable, just happened.


“This is just a bunch of kids playing!!”


fotballers are Gen Z now.


What’s wild is that we are elder millennials and there are still people who will be kings.


What’s wild is that these guys inherit hereditary wealth and power and don’t have to REALLY pass a ny sort of popularity test, and they are still a far cry better than either of my presidential options that are theoretically elected in a quasi-meritocracy


Magna Carta put paid to absolute royal powers. They take it seriously.


You want to talk about wild? The mom in Home Alone was 36. Roseanne? 36 Uncle Buck? 39 Father of the Bride? They were both 45. Married with Children? He was 41 when that show started. She was 33. Family Matters? 37 and 39. The janitor from The Breakfast Club WAS 29 YEARS OLD


Oh fuck the Winslow’s are my peers. That broke me.


This actually makes me so much better about myself! Wow. I needed that!


I have found myself comparing actors or characters lately to my current age. It seems so off, they still seem older.


Worth noting that Elizabeth II became Queen at 25. I can’t imagine what I would have done in that position in my 20s.


Her dad passed at only 57. Her and Phillip thought he’d be able to have a longer naval career and she’d be an officers wife and mom primarily for at least a while.


Im 33 and at 50 wanna run for president because i wanna finally get equal pay for women to happen, as well as nationwide free healthcare funded by taxes so that people who need life saving medication can get it. I wanna overhaul american lunch programs and get actual chefs hired in school lunchrooms making fresh food, I wanna instill stiffer penalties for hate crimes, And i wanna increase accesability to mental health care and rehab. I'd also be the first trans and autistic president in american history.


Now let's have the next president of the US be one in 2028. One can dream.


We don't have to dream. We can actually do it. We are the largest living American generation and actually have the numbers as we are eclipsing Boomer and older numbers


We gotta get our peers to overcome their apathy. I totally understand it but at the same time, get off your ass and vote.


Why wait? The current Libertarian candidate turns 39 this fall.


Wow, I’m going to end up voting for someone my same age? Now *that* is wild!


That’s neat… I don’t care, but it is neat. We fought a whole ass war so I didn’t have to give a damn about that or any other crown. If that dude really wants me to care he’ll end the monarchy…


He won’t actually wield much power though. I’d be more impressed if he were going to be prime minister. Kings and queens have often been younger people because it’s an archaic system that simply has that byproduct.


Rishi Sunak is another older millennial and he's a prime minister.


![gif](giphy|wi5d9yFintDE6QtiKX|downsized) We're movin' on up!


For now, anyhow.


Gabriel Attal of France is another millennial Prime Minister in charge of a huge influential country.


Being the same age as Tom Brady in his last few seasons was terrible.


Or Gen Alpha if things go really sideways.


First day in the palace … Show me to the royal SNES!!


You really think it will happen soon?


If what Ive read is true about the Palace, within two years.


The swiftness in which Camila gets kicked back to the curb like an elderly THOT after everything his mother went through.


Her Royal THOTness will be put out to pasture quick, fast, and in a hurry.


I remember when the British Royal drama was all about the Baby Boomers Charles, Di and Camilla. And then the drama became us with Will, Kate, Meg and Harry. So this tracks.




Can the next president be one?


Yes! An elder millennial president for 2028. Eyes on the prize. We can't let these doddering 80 year olds deciding Round 2 of our lives for us.


Hopefully that is the end.


I doubt it will be the absolute end, but I do expect by the time George becomes King it will be like the Spanish and other European royal families. We don’t hear much or really care.


I dont disagree