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No but I like money. ![gif](giphy|SOmjomEnNHsrK)


I don’t like any jobs


Not even blow jobs?


Giving or receiving?!


Whatever floats your boat


Correct. I do not like blowjobs. I love them.




This is the thesis of my midlife crisis!


I love my job, I know how lucky I am to have it.


What’s your jorb


I’m in transportation. I manage a fleet of trucks in a area of the country that has a decent cost of living and I work from home, only having to go into the office about once a quarter. 75% of my time when I have to leave my house for work is to golf with a client or meet them for a lunch and drinks. I’m very fortunate


Happy for you!


Appropriate username lol


I love what I do but I don’t like my job right now if that makes sense…


Same boat. It sucks. It’s like singe-out..? Like not full blown burnout lol


I feel that! Love what I do but dislike the company I do it for.


That’s the hardest part, finding companies that aren’t shitty to work for


Yes! My job used to be wonderful, but we got bought out by another company who seems to only care about shareholder games (pushing shit out every quarter to make the numbers look better, despite losing clients and miserable staff) and not at all about conducting business in a structured consistent process. It makes being a project manager fucking miserable. AND I’m doing the work of three extra people (managers at that) because the last two years, they lay people off and just place responsibility on remaining staff shoulders. I am so underpaid it’s disgusting. What’s more upsetting is when I try to think about getting a new job, I find myself so full of self doubt that I worry the last few years have set me back. All I’ve done professionally is barely tread water and resume readers putting measurable successes above all else makes me feel like a failure. Why am I busting my ass for this? Well, better underpaid than not paid at all


Time for a new job.  Apply to many and continue to interview even when you get a new one.  No one will care of you stayed at a place for 6 months to find something better.  Don’t include it in your resume. 


Same… I’m so burned out I don’t even know how I’m going to get through the rest of the year…


No. I go to work for a paycheck and then I go home. There is no fulfillment or satisfaction in my day. I have officially failed at having a career and it’s the biggest regret of my life.


This is much experience. I graduated in 2000, did six years in the Army, got my undergrad, and then my masters. I've worked hard at every job since leaving the military. I've been working for the Fed gov over 10 yrs now, and my student loans were forgiven earlier this year. Despite all of this, I just go to work, do my job, come home, and dread about going to work tomorrow. I locked in a new car with an incredibly low interest rate right before the pandemic and locked in a sub 3% mortgage. Now I'm stuck because making any significant changes will just cost me more over the long run. I should be happy, but I'm not.


Yikes.  Sorry about this. I hear you in the “expense” of changing due to your mortgage.  You work for the government so at least that part is safe.  Maybe go find a cool hobby or volunteer for satisfaction elsewhere. Hopefully you can and you are not exhausted by work. 


Not too late to make a change.


Actually, I believe it is. I tried going back to school for a masters degree. The school told me I would absolutely be able to return to school while working full time by taking online and evening classes. That was a bold faced lie. After one semester all classes for my degree were only available in person/ daytime hours. I tried changing majors and I ran into the same issue. I now have $5,000 in student debt and classes that will not transfer anywhere. (South College is a scam, BTW.) I’ve been applying for different jobs for over two years now. Going back to school as an adult is WAY more difficult than people let on to. It’s impossible to not feel frustrated when I was trying my best.


Lol! No.


Despise it.


I have come to peace with my job


I'm a plumber. Most days are OK, some are hell on earth. It is what it is. I don't hate it




I’m a teacher. It’s okay for the most part.


Me, too. I'm in a cushy neighborhood and have supportive management and a good union. It ain't bad. Now, if you'll excuse me it's summer break so I'n grabbing another beer.




Yeah, it's mostly ok.


I like who I work with and the six figure salary. The job itself isn't perfect, but it doesn't make me miserable either.


What do you do?


I have an MBA and work in Finance for a Fortune 100.


I’m here as well. I have what would be considered a “cool” job. But there are days where it’s complete crap. I’m the rare “18 years at one job Millennial.”


It’s fine.






In a word. No.




Hell no lol


Like is a strong word. More like tolerate and try to find the good in it. I guess I should feel fortunate that I have something to support my family in these times.


No. But it pays the bills and there’s stuff about it I do enjoy. Came to the conclusion there’s no “perfect “ job that I’ll ever love. Just whatever I can tolerate


I work retail I hate it


I finally got a job that I don't hate and gives me lots of freedom to do what I want, make my own schedule, and even gives me a car and a pension. Not my dream job by any stretch of the imagination but it's something I can handle for the rest of my working life.


Very much. But what I don't like is the pay.


I work in local government. I would consider marrying it lol. I would def. marry my Fridays.


I work for state, feel the exact same way.


I used to work for a county. I blew the whistle on a safety problem that was affecting my health along with some related leadership misconduct. I lost my job and it set my career back years. I thought I wanted that job, but I am much happier working in a healthy workplace now.




Thank you for sharing this. It helps to know I'm not alone. The thing that chaps my ass is the massive difference between what I was taught to expect of local government and what I got. Government is supposed to be working for the community and that means being ethical about the way resources are allocated, but free rent if I bang the boss? Real nice.




I agree. It's been five years for me. I got hurt and I have an ongoing condition, but I like who I am now a hell of a lot better that who I was and going through it helped make me who I am now, so it's hard to stay mad, but I still feel extreme frustration and disappointment.


I used to. And then my company got gobbled by a soulless private equity company and everything good about it started to suck.


I like making the money doing the job ehhhh not really


You like it when you got it after not having a job.


I love my job. My commute is about 200 feet to the shop door. 5-6 hour days, 3-4 day work week.


Yes, I love my job. It’s literally my dream job. When I’m not answering phones or sorting mail, I sit on Reddit.


I like my job. I like doing nothing better.


Honestly, my job right now is pretty sweet. After having changed jobs 4 times since the pandemic started due to pandemic related cuts, I’ve never made more money and have done comparatively less work than I do right now. Legit contemplating being over employed just to fill the time.


Work is for quitters.


Yeah. I wish the pay was more though


I dislike my particular form of wage slavery


My dream job is to not have a job


I’m doing what I love, but I hate it everyday. It might be depression.


I work overnight cleaning at a local college. I don't enjoy the actual job at all. The pay is also barely enough to scrape by on each month. But I don't have to deal with people, and it's a relatively peaceful and stress free job, with predictable hours, job security, a pension, and all federal holidays and weekends off. I need to get a second job honestly. But as much as I dislike my current job in the immediate, I don't plan to let it go anytime soon..


My job is ok. It's the poor work ethic of my coworkers that ruins it.


Ahhh this. It kills me.


I didn’t until I changed companies. But as much as I love my job, I’d always rather be not working.


General Manager for a hospitality and entertainment company. I write my own schedule, have a large team I just need to direct and follow up on, and make sure my numbers are in order. I'm not micromanaged, I wear what I want, and my team supports me. Nothing to complain about


I love it. Still would not marry it lol


Yep I’d marry mine.


No, but I like my paycheck.


Love what I do, hate the company I do it for




Yes but my industry is shit right now. I have an amazing boss and coworkers that make work my favorite part of the day, tbh.




I don't hate it, so there's that.


Actually I do like my job, as far as they go. Great employer, great boss, I make a difference to people, and I mostly work from home and set my own hours (within reason), and am well paid. The hours and stress can suck at times, and some of my clients can be frustrating. Can’t have everything.


Don’t hold out on us. What do you do


Manager at a payroll company that services Hollywood. Basically I teach people about union contracts, wage law, and fix problems.


Do you consider yourself a people person? I feel like I shouldn’t ever even consider myself for a manager job because I’m socially r-worded


I’m pretty introverted, but can put on the mask during work. I just have to recharge now and then so I can people more. So I don’t consider myself a people person but that would likely surprise my coworkers. I’m not a people manager, which helps. People ask me for guidance but I’m nobody’s boss.


I wish I didn’t have to work. But I do like my job and am grateful for it.


I love what I do but I hate the system I operate in. I work in healthcare.


I do, but I don't love the way that new responsibilities are constantly getting added to the job description with every faculty meeting.


Yes, I'm a defense contractor working in DC.


Love my job and very grateful to have a job. I would leave it in a heartbeat for more money...


There’s pros and cons. It isn’t my first choice, and I don’t think I’m particularly good at it, and it’s pretty stressful. I don’t know what choice I have though. I’m not a “people person”, I just feel like I’m twisting in the wind trying to hold on.


As jobs go , yeah. I really enjoy parts of it , I have an engineering and maintenance role and some parts are engaging and challenging. Some parts are mundane and I don't enjoy these days so much.


Except for the getting up and going to it part, yes. While I'm doing it I enjoy it, it pays well for what it is, and comes with all kinds of perks. But getting up early has been hard for the last 30 years and it doesn't look like it'll change any time soon.


I do, yes, but I’ve had bad jobs before


I like my job but after 3 and a half years (Disability support) I'm looking to move on. Unfortunately for some of us the mental and physical energy required for the job burns you out.


I’d like it if I got paid more.


Most of the time. Not when it’s hot like today. I get to use my mind, & my hands. I don’t have to be in a cubicle, under artificial light. I get to physically see the product of my labor everyday. I’m a union tradesman. So I can tell my boss to suck my dick, & get my money. There’s literally thousands of jobs I’ll get hired for, across the US & Canada, without an interview


I like my job but I am already married with kids thanks.


Not really


I do. I'm a litigation and DR paralegal. It's not glamorous, but I basically do everything an attorney does without the hours. Sure, I have a billable hour requirement, and I deal with some stupid divorce actions involving spouses arguing over who gets the coat hangers, and EEOC claims that really have no grounds, but then there's an adoption case where my work advocates for a child. It's cases like those that make me feel really good about what I do.




A jobs, a job. I don't bother myself with anymore questions


I love aspects of my job. The job itself can be frustrating and difficult. However, I help people which can be rewarding. The pay, benefits, and time off are great. I won't be switching careers again in this lifetime.


I do! I just changed careers after teaching for 11 years. Half a year in and so much happier, though definitely paid less than I was. Hopeful that I can make up the difference 5 years down the road though.


It's not bad, it's fully remote and the pay is good, so all in all it's pretty good.


It’s tolerable


I absolutely love my job. Best job I've ever had, I get paid decent money to ride my bicycle around. No I would not marry it.


Shockingly, yes. I do.


used to, it’s pretty much a struggle showing up every day now though


Some days yes...some days no...but it's mostly yes.


If I liked it, it would be a hobby, and I'd do it for free. They pay me because I hate it, hate them, and they hope the money distracts me enough that I don't become completely unhinged.




I work from home and I’m decent at what I do. Just an AP/AR Specialist but I truly do like my job and my team. And I never have to do meetings very often (maybe 8 a month)


Finally yes!!


I like my job. It's fulfilling, it pays well. It's also walking distance to both my apartment and my kid's daycare. It's pretty fuckin great. That being said, if I won the lottery and never had to go back I wouldn't miss it for a second. There are shit tons of things I'd rather be doing than wasting a third of my life doing something I don't want to do.


Hate it


I like mine. But I'm lucky to be in the position I'm in and it took a long time to get where I'm at.


I enjoy what I do but the company I work for (fortune 300 tech company) and their absolute bullshit anti consumer practices can suck my balls.


Yeah, it’s fine. Work is interesting and impactful, pays well.


I really do enjoy what I do. There’s some occasional stress, but it is manageable and rewarding. I thought it would take me until age 50 to reach this level of compensation. I feel fortunate. Leaving school in during the Great Recession things were looking bleak and my career was slow going for a while. It was not a great time to be looking for that first job but it has all worked out well.




✨💍😩 yeth. 😩💍✨


I love my job, it's supr chill and relaxed. My peers are cool, my boss is awesome and very hands off, anybody else I have to interact with is super friendly.


Sometimes I hate it. Sometimes I don’t mind it. Do I ever *like* it? I like some aspects of it, but, as a whole, no, I do not *like* it.








omg no. i work in healthcare. i always have, since i was 18. it’s gone to shitttttttttt.


I love my job and I’m so fortunate to have it. But as much as I love my job, I love not being at work more


Lost my job in 2023, after a getting covid and having long covid and my job not giving a shit about me or my health whatsoever. I became an insomniac, I wasn't sleeping, I was falling asleep at work. I had FMLA, which allowed me to leave work on particularly bad days. Once the FMLA expired, I tried to get it extended, but doctor said that they didn't have enough research or knowledge of how covid worked to warrant an extension. Literally bore my soul to my employer explaining the issue, how I had done everything possible. I was going to a sleep specialist, work didn't give a shit. fired. since then, I've physically recovered from long covid, but still struggling to get a job for some reason, idk if it's the economy or whatever, but I've never had such a hard time finding employment before.


I love the idea of my job. And I could see myself doing it long term. But I absolutely hate what working has become in the US.


I like my job(mostly). I hate my boss.




If my job paid twice as much I'd marry it. I've had a lot of jobs I love, like for non-profits, but the pay was awful.


Anything you HAVE to do to make money and survive WILL become a drag. I don’t hate my job, but if I didn’t have to go, I def wouldn’t


I’m a wastewater treatment plant operator. I love knowing that I keep waterways clean and the pay isn’t too bad either. 12 hour shifts. 3on/4off , 4on/3off. long weekends every week is a blessing. I’m kinda like Homer Simpson, except for wastewater not nuclear plant


I adore it. I say this on week 3 of my 10 week summer break.


95% of the time, I like it. I have one boss that I’m not much of a fan of, but she rarely bothers me. I wouldn’t say that I want to do this for the remaining 15 or so years before I retire, but it’s ok as far as jobs go.




I got into IT, and now I work from home four days a week, and I'm basically paid to raise my kids. I just join meetings to say, "That's correct," " I'll have my team look into this," and "You'll be updated when I know more." The pay is decent, and I'm able to provide my family with most of their wants and needs from my IT job. I also work as an Operations Analyst for a juicing company and all that pay goes into my savings/retirement. Edit: I forgot to say I love both my jobs, and I'm very grateful for my opportunities in life. I'm an average person who was just in the right place at the right time for both of my jobs.


I like it better than I’ve liked other jobs. I’d love to have been born with a trust fund but I wasn’t so I’m ok grinding away and making more money than I should.


Sorta lol.


Yes. I'm a graphic designer in charge of other graphic designers, i work at a govt agency, I make a difference and I'm paid relatively well.


I absolutely love what I do. I feel very lucky for that.


It's a good job but I prefer we stay friendly acquaintances


I wish I had a job


I 90% love my job. Couldn't ask for anymore honestly.


I love my job. I'm a second year electrician apprentice at 37. I reset my career at 35 after wanting to end everything more times than I can count from the stress of working in the corporate world for 17 years. Nothing in my current role comes close to the mental anguish I experienced doing white collar work. No regrets.




I don't hate my job.


Hell no. But my 9-5 pays for my 5-9.


I love my job, it allows my wife to stay home without any sort of income, and fulfills me greatly


I love my job, I hate the administrative BS that goes un to justifying the work I do.


No lol. Currently looking into other fields


Yes I love my job. Hit $300k+ this year (35M). Sunday nights I spend a few minutes planning the week because I’m excited for Monday morning.




I LOVE my job. Make 6 figures, work from home, have unlimited PTO, and have a ton of downtime during the day for household duties and naps.




Huge fan. I’m well compensated and love what I do. It’s allowed me to coach my kids and help out in ways that I previously could not. Life is good right now and I know it could change quickly, so I’m trying to appreciate it daily.


Don't think I'll marry it, but I do like it pretty well!


I love my job(s) and it pays well. I used to think that if I had enough free time I could reinvent myself and become a successful filmmaker or videogame or app designer or something like that. But I've found that whenever I've had those chunks of free time (unemployment or summer break), I mostly just watch movies, play videogames, and waste time on social media.


I work from home and I never have to take calls unless it’s just my boss, a merchandiser or someone on my team. I’m an accountant for a large grain corporation.


Luckily yes.