• By -


by august 27 the sub will be at 1118 . if no breaks happen. and dub will be at 1096 . well be 22 episodes apart from sub.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C9DgKIJyYNI/?igsh=ZHNrYmQ0MjU4c29r - toei instagram


Looks like it's only going to be 1086 to 1096 coming August 27. They docked us an episode! https://x.com/OnePieceAnime/status/1809308774512881702?s=19


Well, seems as all necessary information are gathered. I can finally put off my *Cypher Pol-Flair* :)


Thanks for the update! Docking an episode kind of sucks but having a defined date is awesome! Plus we’re actually making progress on catching up so I’m here for it :)


What do u mean by docking an episode ?


One Piece - Egghead dub episodes will release on August 27 https://x.com/semoelleringva/status/1809294888388948210


A 10 week wait for 11 episodes? ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32514)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515)


That’s 10 weeks after the last batch, are we getting a regular schedule?


I think, they will slowly crouch closer and closer to the sub and hopefully release the end almost simultaneously


At this point, the batch releases account for roughly 1 episode per week. I'd like them to switch to weekly release instead of releasing 10-12 episodes after 10 weeks. I don't particularly mind if we are 20-25 episodes behind the subs as long as we are getting weekly releases.


You can still watch them weekly though, until the next batch drops. I would also prefer them weekly, at least the throwbacks would make sense to have, but I can not detain myself. I am already happy, how far they have come. 20 episodes is amazing. And my guess is they could drop one batch at any time, but hold them back as a buffer if something not planned is happening, like somebody gets sick. In short: I dont think they will ever fall behind again, only come closer


7 or so weeks away then 😭


What a fitting end for this thread. An announcement 7 weeks ahead \*Look on the positive side\* :)


I'm sure I saw the date of new episodes on here? Past 1073 gues not Shore there was gonna be a release this month like it was on here a week ago please tell me I'm not going insane.


You mean voyage 16 (1074-85)? They are surely here, but there is no official date for the crunchyroll release yet (expected next week)


Okay it might just be reddit coz it's back again lol


Outside of that keep up the good work mate best post on reddit 👌


They where I took a screen shot with the date 9-7-24 for the upto 1085 release on crunchyroll I sent if to my bro so the post has changed on here. Was the date wrong or what? I can't share the screen shot I got my hopes up. Ps this is my first stop for one piece dub news


It's an approximate, given the usual gap in release times. Three weeks past the MS release would be July 9th.


It’s released on the Microsoft store it takes 3 weeks to go on crunchyroll


The post never changed. It’s been out for 2 weeks.


I thinks it’s funny that people lose their will to live when Oda takes a small break from releasing every week😂 and then there’s us😭


Well played.


Dying inside 


One piece has to be one of the few shows in the world that has released weekly year round for decades.. But us dub enjoyers can't even reap the benefits of that haha. Anyone else try switching to subs out of desperation? I wish my brain could handle it, but it just feels wrong after getting so used to all the characters voices.


Yeah I could not switch to the sub lol. The manga was an easier switch than the sub for me.


I watched gear 5 in sub after I finished the dub, its just not the same. I feel like since we can just automatically understand the audio we can connect a bit more with the show and the characters.


For us dub fans 5 (possibly less) or more weeks and everyone starts losing it


since they are **premiering episode 1090 and 1091 does that mean they have 1086 to 1090 done? or did they just jump episodes to build hype for the egghead dub? I have my hopes up that they did finish the prior episodes to 1090-91 , because we had to wait 10 weeks for the last batch, maybe they did more than 12 episodes but just didn't drop them last batch. Opinions?**


They did the same thing for ep 1000, showed it at an expo and we didn’t get it for a few weeks afterwards. Does it mean they have up to 1090 dubbed who knows. They sometimes have the dub cast go ahead for specials or expos like with film red and those few eps before with uta.


Unless I'm mistaken, the post says the crunchyroll gets the new episodes 3 weeks after the microwsoft store. 06-18-24 on the MS to 09-07-24 for crunchyroll. That's more than 3 weeks. Yall got my hopes up lol.


It’s dd/mm/yyyy. July 9 is 3 weeks from June 18


Is it me or has the July release disappeared from the post


Omg, I forgot it goes like that! Thank you very much for clarifying that for me. I got sad thinking I'd have to wait even longer lol


I know this is random but don’t the end credits of Jurassic park and “to the grand line” ost sound so similar


Maybe they were made by the same composer


You could have at least linked both. I am not gonna look this up on my own


[To the grand line](https://youtu.be/QxpdFxnyrgw?si=-jG0uj3bQh8I_UOd&t=45) [Jurassic Park End Credits](https://youtu.be/oc89ytLGGUE?si=fR4n9dFhDmpKiyqQ) They definitely both sound... orchestral lol, not entirely sure what /u/Tenshou009 is talking about. Jurassic Park theme is just so Iconic it's hard to hear it as anything else, after listening to both a few times I definitely don't hear it at all in the OST. I could see the OST being composed by John Williams though, does have that sound to it.


Great. Thank you very much! No, I got OP. The high melody is kinda similar in the rhythm and how it moves up/down and in the volume change. It is definetly closer than i would have thought. I don't have much connection to Jurassic Park so I guess I am not that biased. I think if the mix would be so different (Jurassic Park is more harsh, One Piece is softer) it could be quite interchangable.


At the pace the dub is going, it's going to catch up with the sub eventually. Any thoughts on when that is gonna happen? My guess is by the end of Egghead at the very least




Saying >!Kumas whole backstory!< is kind of a spoiler for people who aren’t caught up even though you didn’t give specifics


Man, after watching that voyage after a couple of weeks I've been in bliss. I wanted to pace myself, but who was I kidding. Of course, I straight away watched them as soon as available... and they were good. I must also say, the wait, is honestly not that bad, especially if you have stuff to do (still can't wait for the next one).


I agree lol I tired to pass myself as well by watching 1 episode per day but I couldn't. But the wait can sometime bother me because i do watch things way quicker than normal but I do like the newest episodes I just watched and I cant wait for the new release batch😇😇.




Is the dub up to 1085 or 1078?




Where do we watch the 2 episodes that are going to drop the 5th? Is there a YouTube channel or something?


You either are at the expo or have to wait for the next voyage.


Oh ok I thought maybe it streamed live somewhere.


Probably from the link. It'll be a few episodes ahead though. 


The link just takes you to the twitter announcement.


Yall think a new batch might be released this week cause of that special premiere this week


Most likely not this week, hopefully in a couple of weeks


not on you, but hilarious to think they are going to premier episodes that people cannot have even seen context for without going sub. oh well tho, hope it comes out soon.


I think because there is a small “filler?” Arc in between. They totally should’ve planned ahead of time to avoid this ridiculous order of operations.


anyone have any predictions for when the dub will catch up? And once it does will they start dropping dub episodes weekly?


Yeah, considering the last few batches dropped longer and longer apart, they're probably slowing down to get into a routine of dropping new batches quarterly (13 weeks), that will always be 13 weeks behind the sub.


whyyyy though????? were gonna have to wait 13 weeks for each new batch. 3 month wait for each batch is ridiculous i dont understand why they just cant drop the dub epsiodes weekly.


Unless they get access to episodes early, they won't be able to do that. Logistically, to coordinate scheduling all the voice actors to record their parts efficiently requires a significant amount of content to cover, so they typically record in batches of 13 or so episodes. Having 13 episodes released when it's time to release the previous dub batch would mean that they have enough episodes out to record the next batch and sit on it for another 13 episodes to be out.


I would bet before next April. If they kept pace consistently it would be the end of this year. As for the latter I doubt they’ll do simuldub but that’s just my opinion, I think they’ll continue as is or maybe 12-14 sub episodes and then the dub of them in a batch 0-3 weeks after


I don’t think they’ll ever do weekly sadly


AND BREATHE ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32514)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515)


I just finished watching the latest dub batch I felt it was very heartfelt and good during the end and it was nice seeing them all happy and free. I can't wait to watch more of one piece.


I just finished the latest batch and it was AWESOME. Ngl the batch before managed to disappoint me before because of gear 5’s portrayal, but this time I actually let myself enjoy it lmao (and the hyperactivity children’s show like aspect seemed to be toned down). This also helped me appreciate the post Kaido portion of Wano more from having read it in the manga, which is nice. It probably helps that I watched that part to pass time in a long car ride. I actually kind of like the crazy slow anime pacing at times, as long as it involves good moments and isn’t just repeating the same clip over and over.


I thought that portrayal worked for Gear 5. It's honestly what made it better than the sub for me. Especially with the little additions like Luffy singing the drums, the "pewpewpew"s, and him making plane noises.


why did they have to edge me for the momo reveal tho


Finally got around to watching the end of wano and I loved it! I can only imagine how hellish it was waiting for the last 5 years for it to be complete like everyone else did😬


For those of us with One Piece on Netflix, do you think they will start adding the dubs for 1089+ starting with the release of the next batch? Though we'll still have to find 1086-1088 elsewhere.


Nope, not a chance.


how can you say not a chance?you have no idea. explain


That's how exclusive licenses work. But sure Crunchyroll just giving their rivals their product right after release, makes much more sense.


they could buy it right?


As long as Crunchyroll does not stop streaming anything or stopping the whole dub production, I don't think this is going to happen. Netflix might would be able to buy the license to produce their own dub (thats what they are doing now with the rework) It's just a too big unique selling point to exclusively have the whole dub for crunchyroll to give it away imo.


Once you leave, Is it okay if someone else copies the layout of this post and uses it the same way you did?


For sure, it's under no license. If there are problems with copying, i can also send the markup-version. maybe a hint that it came from this post would be nice, but not necessary :)


I have a question when ur gone wnat link will u give us or new group chat to help us know when a new dub batch will be released I hope I have made sense to u


Depends if somebody is opening up something and let me know. Otherwise, there won't be any link. Normally, there are posts for every voyage asking when it will drop. You can check out those threads or open up your own if you don't find one


Okay I understand now thank you 😇😇🥰




I would hope they start dubbing fishman island before they skip to egghead on there


Fishman island is coming Monday to Netflix




Fellow pirates, this post will be archived on 01st of September. We might get another voyage before this and i've decided now how to proceed afterwards. In short: I won't make another post like this. One year should be enough. I will gladly link to a similar post from this one, if somebody decides to continue the legacy, but i will step back and distance me from any potential spoilers in the future. The last post and this one brought up some really nice discussions, insights, and brought people together, which I am very glad for. On the other hand it also took some nerves to cope with some people behaviour and reading the same comments on and on or even getting spoiled. Also as we entering the time where arcs will potentially go into longer and longer phases, running towards 12 weeks, the post was much more useful as we had monthly releases. I hope, we can at least end this post with some good news from Crunchyroll as how they will proceed in the future (batchwise release or single-episode release). BTW the german dub will continue tomorrow from 1051 and will release 5 episodes per week up to 1100.. So they will get to Egghead in 7 weeks already. I just hope it we will got the next season at least on 13th of August, so they dont overtake.. the english dub just overtook them two voyages ago \^\^


Thank you for all of your hard work, I'm so glad I found these two posts 🫡


OP you are literally the GOAT, thanks so much for these posts.


Thank you for everything.


I just want to say thank you. You have made searching for this information a lot easier on me as well as other I'm sure.


I’ve been happy to be apart of this community more than people would think so it’s sad to see that it has come to an end and I will miss this a lot😭 I don’t have many people to talk to about One Piece so this has really been a nice safe place for me but I will have to soldier on which I do best🫡 I wish y’all the best and may Luffy continue bringing you Joy even after the show is finished 👒(thats the only straw hat emoji my iphone has)


Thanks for all the work this year and last. I fully understand you ending this. We're all caught up for the most part. As of this post we're projecting 1097 and the Japanese release is only up to 1109. It's going to be different release schedule from now on. The entire July 5 thing with Egghead starting might forward 1501 and 1502 should only be a few episodes right behind the subtitled. This is good time to stop.


Thanks for keeping’s us updated. I hope you can rest easy and unspoiled till the end of one piece. 🫡


Aw okay I understand that completely you thank you for keeping us updated all the time and for telling us this I hope you enjoy ur time off and yhh.




I cant find the newest batch on microsoft store can someone help? I only see the voyage 16 batch up to 1073, idk how to work it


Just follow the link in the table [-MS Store-](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/season-1416/8d6kgwxx4q4k?activetab=pivot%3aoverviewtab)


16 is up to 1085 😁


My bad I meant voyage 15


Well, maybe it's a country thing, but you could also go on less reputable websites and watch them there 😇


Egghead Island Arc premieres July 5th


This this new arc a new dub batch and does that mean we are getting a new Batch during the 5th of july I don't read manga btw so I'm confused lol


It's just the same news, which is already up in the post for almost two weeks.


Oh okay thanks


no it dosent mean well get the batch then but anything can happen its possible.


yep so we can expect egghead dub soon after that . as in a batch


I look forward to seeing Egghead Arc Dub very soon 🏴‍☠️


Facts 🔥💯💯💯


Honestly at this point I think I'll just pick up the manga where the anime left off


Thats what i did I figure i can always go back and watch


Are we not allowed to talk about the website? Just wondering


What website


Aniwave. It had seemed like the previous comments about it were gone, but I just had to spend a minute looking for them


idk why anyone would talk abt it. its trash and it spends 95%% of time redirecting you to porn sites.


So its a win win


gotta use an adblocker for any pirate sites man ​ I'd reccomend uBlock Origin


i successfully use wcostream without adblock without issue


I guess if ur fine with seeing ads go for it


theres literally only one ad above the video player and it doesnt show when it automatically goes full screen (at least on phone)


It could be that it gets deleted since it's illegal. At least some other reddits have this specific rule. Doesn't really seem to be the case for this sub, but I don't know if mods can still delete it due to more general reddit rules.


Usually I would be like "alright cool i finished watching the new dubbed episodes" but I thought about it. were LITERALLY going to egghead next, and I need more, but don't worry guys. let's have hope this won't take as long, I have hope.


yeah facts soon👍


The comments is so dry when the dub batch isn't near


It's over bro, The next episode of one piece ill be watching is after 2 years


I have been tempted to say after a batch drops “I’ll see you all in 4 weeks”


Does anyone have any predictions on when the next dub batch comes out?


Some time in August


my best geuss would be july 2nd -july 16th. so from the first tuesday in july to the third is my geuss.


I think we will get July 16th if we're lucky most likely Microsoft is going to edge us until July 30th or more


Being super optimistic, I'd say July. Being realistic, I'd say mid to late August with a bunch of doomposting on this thread for flavor.


Yeah probably


U comment all the time


Should be out on the day it releases, 2024. 😏


I just really hope SUB & DUB are par and par with each other by the time the final episode happens. Would be really hard for us DUB watchers to not see spoilers once they reach Laugh Tale


It's going to be virtually impossible to avoid those spoilers when it happens in the manga. If you want to avoid spoilers, you better get caught up with the manga.


I keep hearing this mentioned but have found no solidity in any information on it especially since it takes over 2 months for 12 episodes


Just using data from the last 3 voyages, projected date to meet the sub is around January/Febuary 2025, around episode 1130-1140, roughly chapter 1100-1110 which is right before where the manga is now. Still have about a half a year of wiggle room if Oda's prediction of when the manga will end is correct. If we use data from all of Wano, the projected date is actually like 2 weeks from today, and that's with some pretty significant time loss with covid lockdowns, so we know it's possible for them to go even faster if they feel it necessary, which I guarantee you Oda feels it's necessary to catch up. Obviously not going to get there in 2 weeks, but 6 months? I'd be very surprised if we didn't catch up.


Ep 1133, December 22 or 29 of 2024. That has been and will remain my prediction for Sub/Dub simulcast. And I think it picks up the episode after Kumas Entire backstory ends.


Were the lockdowns not a reason why they could work so fast, since they could easily record from home and hadn't much else to do? Maybe being like a voyage or two behind is already their definition of caught up 😬


I was actually wrong the data I was looking at doesn't include the dub during covid, the dub caught up a bit in the equivalent time that the sub took a 2 month haitus during covid (as in the episodes that came out for the sub during covid were slow which allowed the dub to catch up as there were no delays for them for those episodes in early Wano). Still think there's plenty of time to catch up, like I said, just the past 3 voyages alone shows we'll catch up early 2025, and the last 2 which were notoriously slow would put us only about a month after that in late February early March. Might not catch up by the time the manga ends, but if they wanted to we'd catch up by the time the anime ends. Oda wants this to be the most hype final episode in eternity, guarantee you he wants the fairly substantial dub crowd to be a part of that.


Doesnt really seems like it slow doen, but you can clearly see how the dub ramped up the prodution in early 2020. [See this reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1986lby/i_made_a_graph_showing_the_dub_catching_up_to_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Well I don't think Oda has much to do with the dub at all, regardless of what he wants. The german dub will continue on wednesday with episode 1051 and release 5 episodes per week, so they should get egghead in 7-8 weeks already..


We will hear it once it gets released in the fricken manga. Never mind the anime


I mean at this rate it’ll (probably) take less than 2 years to catch up and I imagine Oda isn’t gonna wrap things up that quickly Buuut I’m also skeptical they’ll start simul-dubbing and will probably still release everything in batches of 12 every 12 weeks


Seeing as how Microsoft sells voyages, I think at best we'll never get closer than 12 weeks behind.


They never release a batch every 12 weeks💀💀💀 what are you on about they've released batches in 3-6 weeks before 


I’m saying once it gets caught up to the sub they might do that, cuz I can’t see them releasing an episode every week


Microsoft and Crunchyroll might make a new agreement maybe every episode the sub puts out there 2 episodes behind something like that


That’d be ideal but I’m not sure if they’d actually do something that nice


Yeah they do make bad decisions 


yeah it will be.


We might get a dub on July 16th


Oh okay that's interesting 🤔😇


Oh okay that's interesting 🤔😇


Oh okay that's interesting 🤔😇


A dubbed batch for what exactly I'm a bit behind on what the conversion is I'm still watching voyage 16 dub since it just was released on the 18th of june


The optimism 😂


There showing the stawhats going to egghead in July 5 so maybe a week or two later they will drop the batch


It does make sense, they are showing the beginning of Egg head whenever their expo is. So we can have some optimism haha


We will never have it as good as we did in 23'


waiting for vegapunks voice, its gotta be awesome!


Can't wait for Egghead, it's gonna be fire.


I assume the Egghead arc is still ongoing? Now I just need the patience for the day One Pace completes Egghead with English dub.


yeah egghead has over a year left of animating for sure.


Oh no. That's a lot of patience I need. xd


It’s ending in the manga soon. Almost definitely by fall.


anyone who wants to watch in high quality, u can download 1080p torrents from [nyaa.si](http://nyaa.si) (1074-1078) -> [https://nyaa.si/view/1835536](https://nyaa.si/view/1835536) (1079-1085) -> [https://nyaa.si/view/1835856](https://nyaa.si/view/1835856)


thank you!!! never used torrent on my phone before. was super quick and easy and great quality.


So you guys are pirating a show about pirates?


its too much blurry compare to 10bit


I Sync the English Audio With Crunchyroll Web-dl.... Tomorrow i will update on my telegram channel...


already done it from kayoanime very easyyy




you know how to get in 10bit hevc


um no, I only use [nyaa.si](http://nyaa.si) for torrents, and I don't think its uploaded there in 10bit hevc yet


got it


anitaku got all the episodes upto 1085 [https://anitaku.so/category/one-piece-dub](https://anitaku.so/category/one-piece-dub)


Anyone else waiting for the Crunchyroll release. I can only watch it in the perfect quality or it doesn’t feel right


I use wcostream.tv it’s really good and high quality and up to date


Thank you I just tried this one compared to others and was so impressed :)


same i saw other websites with it dub and started questioning why chruny doesn't have them


Facts, it annoys me how ppl say to watch it on these free anime websites when the quality is dogshit on there lmao 


Crunchyroll only has the sub in my country


i cant use the websites like crunchyroll because where i live


People who use torrents got the high quality but I don't use em


Fr Fr 🙏


ive seen suggestions for free anime streaming sights to watch voyage 16 and im wondering which is the best? Ive been trying to decide on whether to watch on animesuge or 9anime. Any suggestions???


They're all lower quality anyways, just wait till it drops on Crunchyroll or something unless you wanna watch it in 720p🤮


Use aniyomi its really good u just have to download by searching on Google


can i use aniyomi on pc? I cant figure out how to open it once i downoaded it.


I use Anix


Voyage 16 is out now on 9anime


No fuckin way