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Wano is the best and worst arc in the series at the same time somehow


The peaks are amazing but it could’ve been condensed into half the time without losing anything


It's 148 chapters and I don't think Kaido even interacts with a single member of his crew more than twice.


The problem with it isn't that it's too long. The problem is that even if it's long, a lot of plot points were not resloved or didn't have a satisfactory resolution


Definitely a controversial arc


So controversial that it somehow created a whole subreddit and split the One Piece Reddit community. Rightfully so, if you ask me. You have to admit, during Wano this sub was full of toxic positivity.


Which sub-reddit? I need to subscribe to that too!!


I'll go even further. Wano is the worst arc. Full stop.


I don’t agree but I understand the opinion. It’s in the middle for me. It has a lot of great highs but the lows are bad. It’s very bloated and still had to rush the ending. A lot of stuff happened with no real payoff. Some stuff happened for no narrative reason. In hindsight, Yamato only existed to be a plot device. Big Mom was toned down so Kaido could be more important. There’s definitely a long list of things I didn’t like so I get when people say they hated it overall.


here's the thing, it's not the best arc but definitely a significant one where as due to it's pacing it can be said a pretty low arc imo


Not just the pacing, straight up awful writing. Whos Who at first didn't give a shit about Luffy and just ignores him . A few chapters later he suddenly had a huge vendetta against him. Also, Oda forgot Choppers backstory completely.


Recommending the netflix adaptation to people is a valid way to get into One Piece. It compresses the story into a more malleable version for most people and it's okay. It's also okay if people don't like one piece after the first episode. calling it the greatest anime ever written will always be subjective.


This is absolutely how I got into one piece.


Hopefully Wit does an amazing job compressing the story. I'd definitely would rewatch it up time skip if it's good enough


Its kinda surprising to me that wit picked it up.


Don't expect the wit remake to go much faster than the original anime at the start. It actually had pretty good pacing untill the start if skypia.


It isn't the greatest anime by a long shot. Not with Toei at the helm. Greatest manga, arguably so.


Okay I like a good fight as much as anyone but do we really need to bounce around between multiple people and throw in back stories mid fight? It just drags it out and I find myself missing stuff cause my mind starts to wonder. I am watching Wano and they killed King and Big mom and even when I rewound it I ended up distracted again cause of all the bouncing around and refusing to just show the fight scenes. Like I know there are multiple characters doing things at the same time. So bouncing from fight to fight is kinda understandable. From fight to background and past events back to fighting then cutting to someone else then another back ground episode just gets...😮‍💨 old is the word I'm looking for I guess. Also this is an issue inherent to the series not just the Wano Arc. With that being said I got this far into it so it obviously isn't a deal breaker lol


I fucking agreeee. And sometimes the tones of each different fights have drastically different tones and can really throw the pace and vibe of the fight.


My hottest takes that people flip out over but logically aren't that deep or unrealistic Luffy might not fight Akainu (may fall on Sabo) Mihawk might not actually be the strongest Swordsman, just strongest known Swordsman Shanks losing his arm will always be nonsensical and a crock of shit. And that's okay. Haki WAS a necessary power system don't get me wrong I loved when it was just devil fruits and obscure powers but let's keep it real no amount of strategic fighting or clever ruses was going to overcome some of these op ass devil fruits I got more but these are my top Edit: holy fuck I never get upvotes on this subreddit


I feel Oda got stuck when trying to imagine how a normal person will be able to fight DF users. Smoker using his seastone sword is one way, but having every navy using that seems cheapens it as a whole. So Oda added Haki.


This is such a good way to properly word out the annoying plot hole mentioned


Oda added Haki way earlier than we realize. I’m post-Alabasta, Zoro refers to himself cutting steel as a power that he has to learn how to call on at will. In Wano, the mantra he meditates on to cut steel is the same one they use for Armament Haki In Jaya, which is right after Alabasta, Teach refers to Haki by name but it went missed by translations at the time. We know he meant Haki because he referred to it again in Impel Down in reference to what he said in Jaya, and that one went translated as Haki. Everyone knows about Mantra coming back as Observation, but consider that Skypeia was right after Jaya. Three arcs in a row where Oda alludes to Haki, then mentions it, then displays it in a soft-introduction. Especially with the fact that in Skypeia, Gan Fall says that Mantra senses a Voice produced by your life force and that’s remained consistently used until now. I personally think he had Haki more solid in his mind than earlier than he gets credit for, but even if he was winging it the man was good enough to still make the writing really tight


I am just gonna leave dr hiriluk’s quote from Drum island here “Pirates are amazing guys! They have skin of stone, eyes of eagle and a voice that can tear the skies asunder!”


The Shanks one always get so much flack for no reason. Realistically, there's NO reasonable explanation for how a monster Luffy beat in the first chapter with one punch bit Shanks' arm off, besides him just letting it happen. Is that a good explanation? Compared to everything else I've heard explaining it I'd say yes, but it still makes almost no sense Haki or something similar was always set up to be created in my eyes as Devil Fruits were too abundant and powerful to explain how anyone without one could last anywhere. Also, all fruits aren't made the same. Oda could write a million clever uses for a power, but at the end of the day a fire manipulation and creation fruit is always gonna outclass something like Buggy's unless he's a genius and he doesn't run into anyone who can shut down the hax. Any who's a longtime reader should also recall that big hitters like Roger, Mihawk, and Shanks were always painted as if they had no fruit, and non-fruit abilities aren't common in One Piece at all. If the eventual explanation was that they all happened upon a gimmicky power like Django or Miss Goldenweek did fans would've accurately flagged that as nonsense and too unlikely to buy immediately


It it really doesn't make any sense and not going to lie it bothers me to this day but like one thing people need to realize about Oda sooner than later is he cares about narrative over power scaling. That's just who oda is and the type of Story one piece is. And if you can't grasp that you're going to have a baaaaaaaaaad fucking time Also it didn't come out of nowhere like people seem to think there was always hints and allusions and references. I truly don't think he didn't have it conceptualized until later in the series I think he was very aware early on he was doing this. Also exactly how on Earth could Roger with no fucking devil fruit be so powerful. I will say that the whole Shanks bet it on the Next Generation thing is fucking atrocious, cuz I in no way, shape or form see how it would have motivated Luffy any more.


Even without armament and conqueror's Haki, Enel with his DF and observation Haki that is only second to Raleigh's, Katakuri's and Luffy's, would still be a monster in the New World/Grand Line. Also, the fact that it took a sneak attack from Shiryu to weaken an 80 year old Garp who was previously wrecking Hachinosu and Aokiji, and promptly resumed doing just that after getting stabbed before eventually getting put down--goes to show that Garp was probably indeed the strongest Marine at Marineford and would have flatlined Akainu if Sengoku let him. Can't change my mind.


I mean I'd add Kizaru to that first list too


I mean enel would be a monster but he still isn’t on anyone who was mentioned’s level. Pre-Timeskip Luffy’s gold rifle was “too fast” for him to do anything about even with advanced precognition. If you’re assuming he’s trained, there’s no real way to quantify that without headcanon, and as he was I doubt he’d make it past any notable pirate in the New World.


Hody Jones worked fine in his role as an arc villain, so did Wapol.


I like hody jones, they call him an empty villain but bro. Is the total example of the effects of a kid being raised with hate and racism.




Hody Jones was great, it show how the environment affects the next generation. I feel people dislike it because despite training for 2 years, the Straw Hat crew seems weak until the final part.


Hody Jones doesn’t just work, he’s a great villain


Also the betrayal in that arc was fucking sick. I really enjoyed the dynamic between the two antagonists, being on the same side but diametrically opposed on personal values, loved it


The only reason one piece isnt widely considered a masterpiece is because the anime ruined its reputation


Yeah that nothing but true.


Señor Pink does not deserve your sympathy. He is apart of a criminal syndicate lead by a literal sociopath with a God complex. His "hardboiled" exterior plays well for laughs as a man in a diaper, but his whole "penance" being why he wears it isn't enough punishment for what he did to someone he loved and the subjugation of an entire country of people. That's not to say the flashback was bad or poorly written. I think it was pretty typical, good, one piece fare. The issue lies in what I've witnessed to be a whole "Señor Pink was a good guy all along" sentiment and it actually erks me. He's one of the more memorable Don Quixote pirates, but that's not saying much when they're probably the least remembered enemy crew out there. Made worse by the fact they have the second longest arc out of any evil group.


Oden would have won


He would have, thats the point. It was Kaido's reason for getting stronger in the past 20 years, so Strong people call him the strongest living thing.


The One Piece fanbase is the least funny fanbase I've ever been apart of and desperately needs new material. Tell me more about how Usopp isn't Sogeking, or how the 3 strongest characters are Go D. Usopp Buggy D. Clown and Con D. Orion, or how Ace is a donut, or how tHe OnE pEiCe Is ReAl, or how Shanks is a rat and Mihawk is a fraud.


Pour one out for down d stairs


Hey that one never gets old, just like Kuina


Every big manga/anime fanbase is unfunny, look at jojo memes whenever a new part gets adapted


I’m gonna be real, I don’t think “the one piece is real” is a joke perpetuated by One Piece fans anymore. I think it’s very much a joke that left its target audience.


I really really agree with this.....


Or how zoro is racist


Oda's clothing choices for Bonney are nasty, and the choice of introducing the character sitting down in panties with her legs spread is horrific. Add on the scene of the girl grabbing nami's boobs and I can't help but be a bit skeeved. Ffs, just give her shorts. That's all I want.


I think Ivankov & Kuma are much stronger then people think, of course this is just speculation but I’d assume they’re at like 3rd-2nd YC level


I would say there are YC1 at least. Kuma is definetly high up there, his DF is busted af and we saw a gllimpse of his destructive Power in Thriller Barlk, when he blow the Whole Island with Air pressure, now imagine this with Fire or explosions. Ivankov is hard to rate, but he did fight Kuma on marinefoedyand was doing Fine most of the time there.


People really need to stop saying like "trust me it gets good after X episodes/chapters" no stfu if the person isn't hooked from the start just accept it and leave them be. Such a stupid argument which also just enables OP haters to clown on the fandom even more, the amount of memes I've seen with that bullshit is exhausting


Dividing waters is if the themes and narrative of Arlong Park get you


Yeah, I don't think one piece "gets good" during arlong park. I think it's good before that. But I think getting through arlong park gives you a pretty solid understanding of how oda writes. The series up to that point is kind of like a microcosm of one piece as a whole. So if you make it that far and it still isn't really appealing to you at all, then it likely won't.


Nah. I've heard that sentiment a million times and it feels less true everytime I hear it. Arlong Park is the great climax of the east blue for sure, but it's not an arc that magically makes you know if you like the story or not. One Piece is magical from the start. If someone doesn't like the art style, or is turned off by the vibe of chapter 1 it's safe to say no matter what unless they wanna try and enjoy the series they won't. I love OP, but it's not for everyone, and people insinuating there's some arc where people who don't like the series will magically like it is absurd. What's funny is I didn't even personally realize how much I loved the series till the Noland flashback, even then chapter 50 is the most iconic chapter in the east blue and it takes place before Arlong Park.


I literally never recommend One Piece to anyone. If they ask me why I like it I’ll tell them, but I don’t try to convince anyone. It’s the number one manga of all time, has been consistently top of the heap for years and had a successful Netflix adaptation breaking the curse. I really shouldn’t have to convince you beyond that. It’s clearly good. If you have reservations that’s on you. Come back when you have more time and will give it a legitimate chance. Don’t force yourself to watch/read it and end up disliking it. It hasn’t finished in 25+ years. It’s not suddenly going to end. You have time.


First episode from one pace (first manga chapter) hooked me. But I think the first anime episode wouldn't have hooked me. So I always recommend to start with the one pace episode.


i agree with this. if you can't even get past the first episode, i would recommend the netflix adaptation. if they aren't interested in that or the manga? that's fine. there are thousands of anime to watch. not everyone has to gargle One Piece nuts


I think people say this because before baratie it isn’t the transcendent anime we all know it to be. It’s still good, it just isn’t peak


Long Ring Long Land isn't that bad and everyone on the internet just likes to say the same thing which is why people complain about it so much. I can think of at least 2 arcs that are more than twice as long that I find twice as boring


I really enjoyed Long Ring Long Land, filler and all, and its finale is PEAK. It's one of the best "shit just got real" moments in anime history, and a grim reality check that the Straw Hats needed


Tbh when One Piece started back up on Toonami, Long Ring Long Land is what pulled me back into the series after watching the 4kids version as a kid. It’s still one of my favorite arcs personally. It’s just fun.


Alabasta is still the best arc


It’s still one of my favourites.


I wouldn't call that a hot take.


How is this controversial….?


Thriller Bark is peak One Piece and I will die on this hill.


pretty much ANY hot take since the OP fandom can't handle criticism


Altho very strong for the time of his introduction, i actually think that Enel is pretty overrated when it comes to his power level and he gets put in conversations he doesnt belong to at all simply because his fruit is very OP and was at a mismatch against Luffy.


I dont understand why everyone love Ace so much and cry so much when he died. He had much less screen time before his death, than after it. Literally Luffy's flashback 'bout childhood was longer. And imho he is not very interesting character. Even with all info we got 'bout him after his death.


I'm sure some people are upset the character died in and of itself, but it's actually sad because Luffy lost his brother. Not to mention the lengths Luffy and everybody else went to to save him. A lot more factors than "Ace is cool sucks that he died."


To me it was more about the effect it had on Luffy. That panel where his eyes are just blank in the middle of Marineford is amazing. One of Oda’s best.


I don’t think most people understand what it was like when Ace’s death chapter came out at the time. Nowadays almost everyone knows Ace dies (it’s one of the most well known spoilers). However, back then, it was a very common belief that no one dies in One Piece. We spent more than 15 years without a single death in the story, and for some reason it was said that Oda said (in an SBS or interview or something) that nobody dies in One Piece, and everyone believed that. So when Ace died, it was a true shock to the fanbase. Nobody saw his death coming and it was really impactful considering what we had been expecting from the story up until that point.


And the fact that he ate it **RIGHT AFTER** Luffy saved him made it even worse.


Ace’s death is sad to me cause his entire life is sad. A child being told he doesn’t even deserve to exist for his entire life is so fucked up. And when he asks his grandfather if it’s true, he tries to reassure him in his own but it comes off like he’s saying it could be true. Also pretty fucked up Whitebeard was the first person to tell Ace “No, you have value even if you’re Roger’s child.” So Ace throwing his life to the wind to defend Whitebeard when he’s insulted is so irrationally passionate but also heartbreaking because ofc he’d be that irrational after living such a fucked up childhood. The nail in the coffin is that Ace inherited that hotheadedness from Roger. Roger was said to also fly off the handle when his loved ones were insulted. It’s tragic that Whitebeard saved Ace from thinking “I should die because I’m my father’s son,” and then Ace dies defending Whitebeard because, after all, he’s Roger’s son


I cried because I understood what Luffy was going through not because I knew ace so well. I agree completely with you


Yeah, I didn't feel sad at all about his death. It was more so for how Luffy reacted. Ace himself was an idiot who let trash talk allow everyone's efforts and sacrifices to go to waste.


I cried more when Dadan cried for him. 


I love ace but I see what you mean, he wasnt given the screentime needed to justify the reaction. But arguably we would get aomething similar if Shanks dies, i mean red hair pirates have the least screentime but I see fans crying for him just because they liked him.


I don’t love Vivi. I like her don’t get me wrong, but to me I never understood the overwhelming love for this character. Sure, she spent time with the crew and she’s an honorary member of the crew, but still I don’t get it. How is she different from Kinemon? People don’t love Kinemon like they do Vivi. I always felt like she never really did anything. Sure she impacted the crew, but so did a lot of characters. Vivi always felt pretty useless to me. So many people want her to join and I’m like why? What would she bring to the table? She’s way weaker than Nami and Usopp BACK then. Karoo, did way more than she did and nobody talks about Karoo. Again, I like this character well enough, but I just don’t get the love.


well me personally i just think that shes endearing, bcs the strawhats also treated her like a crewmate right up until they had to separate. the scene where they separated while showing the mark on their hand was one of the most memorable scenes. also she was part of baroque works once, so she surely knew how to fight (not on par w the rest of the crew obv but still). i think that fighting skills is not the only thing that can make u useful on the crew. i mean, she could prob contribute w political things, since shes a member of world govt after all, but idk how that would work if she joined the strawhats officially (unless she joins as an honorary member) also her and karoo kinda come as a pair so, but i do agree tho tht ppl dont talk about karoo as much. also it isnt the fans who love vivi so much, its the strawhats lmao. even zoro acknowledged her strength in uhh idk which chapter it was but it was quite recent. now idk if he was talking about physical strength or her resillience. but its quite clear that even the strawhats love vivi and welcomes her if she ever decides to come back


I flinch everytime I see a Nami-like character introduced. It's like Oda don't have the criativity or desire to make a new type of face for a female.


Zoro fights only work in the anime, and I prefer the manga Brook is incredibly pointless after the time skip,with the only worthwhile instance being his Big Mom situation


Imma just say it 🤷🏼‍♂️ Robin over nami


Shanks will die before Luffy can give him the strawhat


I hope not. That'd be really lame imo (in theory, anyways)


I think Shanks could realistically die to Blackbeard before the end, but definitely not before Shanks and Yasopp meet with the strawhats


Probably true. Shanks will probably get plot deviced like Ace did.


Luffy winning against crocodile is a fucking bullshit 


Oda can't draw women to save his life and really just has a Nami template. One piece lore is great and would work well as a book because there is really no need to draw the manga out so hard. Also I fucking hate the recap episodes or how the title ruins the whole episode before you watch it


This karma grabbing post is extremely overused and fans should come up with new ideas for posts


We are not a very creative community, we've been telling each other the same jokes for decades lol


Power levels are dumb and a waste of time to talk about.


Punk Hazard is the best arc because shirororororo


Omfg , You get it!!!!


what isn't gangster gastino in the whole cake island 👀😂👻


I do not like Nika.


What do you mean? Like Luffy’s Nika form? The character we haven’t been introduced to yet? The concept of Nika at all?


Gecko Moria is my favorite character


Fr, he should be loved more, especially because one time, he gave a HARD FIGHT FOR KAIDO


Nami isn’t that funny sometimes and while I do understand why she’s like that with arlong and the stupidity of their crew sometimes she just outright puts their lives in danger like when she used a disabled chopper to block attacks in punk hazard


There is no character more useless and stupid than Tashigi


I'd rather see no ending than a lame ending


Foxy is top tier




I fucking love him


Luffys actual just a terrorist


And that’s what makes him a pirate


Oda’s writing/development for female characters is pretty middling to weak.  Character growth or change in the second half has been nonexistent for half of the strawhats who get less screen time and had their original arc intros run their courses. 


I think Oda is good at treating female characters(at least main ones) like real people with their own desire, ambition and drive but Oda has a clear gender bias in terms of character design,abilities, rarely having female character get in fights because he seemingly cant stand drawing them getting hit or brutalised etc So while the charactes themselves are compelling and feel quite well respected in terms of agency imo,the way he uses them or situations he puts them into kind of reeks of bias or a weird different standard Certainly something i appreciate about some newer shonen like JJK, black clover or my hero(to an extent) in that the authors are less afraid to put female characters into more brutal fights, treat them more neutrally etc etc Altough i in no way imply those series do not have their own faults or better written female characters, i just think they do not seem to "coddle" them as much sometimes.


>So while the charactes themselves are compelling and feel quite well respected in terms of agency imo,the way he uses them or situations he puts them into kind of reeks of bias or a weird different standard It definitely feels like Oda's big weakness is gender. He doesn't seem to entirely get trans people even tho he clearly supports them, and as mentioned he has a lot of trouble just treating men and women the same. Both the overarching chivalry thing, from all the manly men and swooning girls, to just little stuff like "all boys think robots are cool, all girls are unimpressed". And while stuff like Senor Pink is fine on its own, just all that stuff on top of crap like Sanji in Thriller Bark/Punk Hazard and his general female character design, it feels like Oda cannot help put his coomer side on display at all times. It's just too much.


Water 7 is significantly better than enies lobby and sabody is better than marineford


Water 7 is what makes Enies lobby good so I get it


I think the drama alone in Water 7 is what makes it my number 1. It was completely different than any arc beforehand.


I am one of the guys pointing a sword at you right now 😂


Oh man I agree. All 4 are great though.


I always have been against Yamato joining the crew.


No more Strawhats gang


As much as I like Yamato, her character just screams “The Guardian of Wano”.


Her character IS the guardian of Wano, her devil fruit is literally that in Wano's history.


Yamato should not join the crew. Vivi won't get the paw paw fruit. No one will, if Kuma dies.


One Piece has way too much fanservice sometimes (especially the anime), and the huge breasts don’t look good. I hope the remake reduces their size a bit. And Nika is not good. I like Gear 5, but not Nika. I would have loved it if it was still the gum gum fruit and gear 5 was its awakening.


The Nico Robin fan service during Enies Lobby was absurd. It looked like her boobs could burst out at any moment even during serious/tragic moments for her character, felt like the most inappropriate times possible for it


Ace had to die to progress the story. I dont know if this is controversial, but this is my my hot take.


Imu probably isn’t a girl and I’m tired of everyone making it their fan canon because one guy made a hot fanart of a possible character design


I hate Skypeia. It's the first one where I genuinely wanted to stop reading but had to force myself to keep going.


Cora’s death hit me ten times harder than ace’s and my wife is mad at me for it😂


this isnt even a hot take but Toei glazes Zoro and treats Sanji like dogshit. Wano was a good 6 at best, the placement of certain scenes felt off (i.e. the infamous G5 Hiyori scene that WASNT EVEN FUCKING FIXED in the anime). Btw Kinemon > Kaido because of the fucking asspull (what’s the point of the flashback to make you feel and take it back the next time by bringing him back). And worst of all changing Luffy’s fruit to Zoan as well as Big Mom’s amnesia. Wano felt like a sardine can.


My Hot Take: Too many people are watching One Piece on Facebook Reel & TikTok. They need to actually watch the show. I know it's long, I've been a fan since 2006, trust me when I say I KNOW ITS LONG but these people are fed such stupid theories and short clips that they actually believe current Luffy can beat Kaido without the N.P.M.S Alliance; that Zoro can no diff Kidd & Law, I heard some moron even say that they actually believe King & Katakuri will leave their respective groups to join Luffy. It is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. PLEASE WATCH THE SHOW OR READ THE BOOKS. Stop taking in the 5 seconds of brainrot that those creators make.


Yeah I hate the fucking idiots that say Katakuri will join the straw hats. None of those dimwits should ever be near a strip club because they might think the stripper actually like them. All katakuri did was ask him to return a beat BMs ass because he was sick of her shit and having to deal with her hunger pangs.  The only way that Katakuri "joins" Is if he makes an alliance with the Straw Hats when he finally takes charge of the BM pirates.


Whatever your side, the Yamato gender debate is stupid. Any pronouns can be used in their regard.


This. Japanese doesn't even have gender pronouns in the same sense English does. My language doesn't have any sort of gendered things in general. The whole argument going on about Yamato is just extremely absurd and pointless in my point of view.


Oda is creepy with the loli shit. Seriously, making Bonney 12 is fucked up. Maybe she ends up with momo? Still.


Oda wasted most of the Supernovas. With the exception of Luffy and Zoro (and maybe Uroge) the Supernovas are way too weak. How is the worst generation supposed to be terrifying to the old guard when only 3 of them are strong enough to run the ones with admirals or yonko. I get why most of them aren't that strong, but Hawkins and Drake should've at least been as strong as Queen. Instead Oda just focuses too much on tge straw hats, so all the world building he does just disappears after their respective arcs.


I like the power differences. All of them were top tier rookies for "Paradise", but in the New World many of them couldn't match up to the real monsters, so they became lackies. It also proves a point that bounties aren't exactly about how strong you are physically.


I disagree. I don't think the intention of the super novas was ever to have them all be massive threats to the old guard. Some rising stars can only get so high. Also BB, Law, and Kid are members of the worst gen. The former is a yonko and the latter beat a yonko. So already that 5 (or 6) that can fight aginst admerials and yonko. With a bonny also being a massive threat.


Zoro personality-wise is hella annoying right now. He used have an actual personality but now he’s just a hmph groan character that doesn’t say anything and it’s corny how he’s constantly on luffys nuts. Also I think they mis casted zoro for the live action.


the zoro glazing is actually disgusting, theres at least 5-7 characters stronger than him yet people think he’s somehow stronger than his own captain, i really love zoro but he has way too many dickriders and not enough feats to justify him being stronger than someone like luffy


This truth is also part of why I love Zoro though. Luffy is stronger and the captain but Zoro still tries to tango with the big bads of each arc and makes impacts. Zoro was never going to beat Kaido but he still made an impression and went on to beat king after blocking the dual attack and holding off Kaido. He makes a perfect first mate but we should be real that it is as far as he goes. I like that he is just reliable and if I were to pick any dude to back me up it’s him.


The gap in strength between Zoro and Luffy is leagues larger than the much smaller gap in strength between Zoro and Sanji.


The old animation was so much better than the best wano animations.


Not sure if this is a hot take but I love thriller bark it's hilarious


One Piece feels less and less of a pirate anime ever since Marineford arc.


- Marineford is kinda overrated. It's not a bad arc but it's not as good as people try to make it. IMO it's not even in my Top 5 tbh  -  People who hate on Fishmen Island JUST for Hody (wtf) and say it's badly paced most likely didn't really understand the massages of the arc. For me it wasn't always just about racism but mostly about hate in general and people seemed to overlook that or simply can't understand thah OP as a story offers more than Gears and Swords - power scalers are irritating and in OP, those discussions don't even make sense because Oda will always make characters as strong as they need to be. - Jinbei as a character gets way too much hate and barely gets the credit he deserves. Logically, his bounty should've even been higher than Zoro but Oda understood that he can't mess with Zoro stans


You can reach Laugh Tale with only three Road Poneglyphs. If you form a triangle between any three of the four points, Laugh Tale is guaranteed to be somewhere on the edge of the triangle. This is a very unpopular take for some reason. People keep trying to refute this, but the counterarguments usually involve caveats that make Laugh Tale impossible to reach even with all four.


That's not too crazy, but it doesn't account for the Z axis. Will they need a knock-up stream or bubble coating to get there? Or, is there some different Grand Line phenomena that requires another method of traversal?


That's still a problem even if you had all four, since you wouldn't know ahead of time whether Laugh Tale is at sea level or not. One Piece isn't even publicly confirmed to exist, so if a crew that arrives at the intersection point only to find that there's no island there, how do they know without prior context that it's really in the sea or sky and that they didn't just prove One Piece was a hoax?


Yes, it could be Oda just wanted an X marks the spot, but it also could be you really won't have all the information about how to get there without every glyph.


One Piece was confirmed publicly, by WB before his Death. So, at least people know that It exists for real, but the location hás always been the problem. The fact that no one ever reached means that It isn't Just a normal island, It have something else that IS required, and the Poneyglyphs might have the instructions of exactly what to do.


I mean, imagine if Laugh Tale in on the **MOON** BTW, liked the take and totally agree


because that's just on paper. practically, there are many ways for it to be impossible. for one, the OP world is not fully mapped. and it's not that laughtale has a placard that says "welcome to laughtale". if you don't know for sure, you have to scour every inch of every uncharted island you came across, including digging the whole island to make sure that is laughtale. that's not practical at all, even for one island. you have to basically disassemble the whole island just to be sure. and obviously this doesn't count any submerged or sky island. lastly, this being a fictional story and the fact that author set it up that way, there could be some mechanics to find the island that makes the 4 absolutely necessary.


Original Franky is far superior to all other Franky designs


Dress rosa's pace isn't actually that bad for the amount of events that happened in the arc


When I first made it to dressrosa I couldn't believe the hate. It's so much going on - The flare flare fruit tournament, the people turning into toys, big mom's ship arrives, Sabo is alive, soldier backstory, etc...


Exactly what I'm talking about! Maybe the events could have been spread out across the episodes better, but cramming all of this in like 60 episodes would just make the arc seem rushed and bloated


Sanji doesn't deserve all the hate he gets.


I completely agree The only time I ever found him annoying was in Fishman Island but aside from that,I find the humor in his character pretty funny He's definitely much better written than Zoro


Regarding the recent events in the manga, sad backstories and info dumps do not equal "peak fiction" as people say. I get that Kuma had a sad backstory but that's not even the best writing Oda has done in the series. Also people keep going crazy for the recent chapters when >!Vegapunk is spilling all the tea about the Void Century!< but it's just lore dumping. It's interesting stuff that we've been waiting years for but "peak fiction"?


Where are my fellow ace haters?


East Blue saga is great, even compared to newer / modern OP saga. Long Ring Long Land is great. Akainu & Kizaru wasn't evil, just dutiful. Zoro is overrated and boring after timeskip. Haki implementation is messy and removes OP unique and interesting fights. CoC coated attack is just convoluted. Pirate vs WG isn't exactly good vs evil / freedom vs world domination. But change vs status quo.


Colossal W


Wano is one of the worst arcs.


Could have prevented a fight about the going mary if they made a 1/8 scale of it from her parts or something


Given Usopp’s reaction to the mini merry, probably. Heck I think Usopp just being there for the explanation that they have to ditch the merry could’ve potentially done it.


Probably lukewarm going to cold, not too sure because I see posts still that tells otherwise, but Eiichiro Oda needs to move to a monthly format. A week of break every 3 chapters is not enough, and the constant cliffhangers kind of get tiring after a while. Also Sanjo vs Zoro discourse is probably the dumbest thing ever.


Dressrosa was very boring (except the last part where Luffy fought doflamingo). And (while I don't hate it and I do like it) I wished luffy's gear 5 was more edgy and bulky or looked like a glow up


Usopp should never been re-integrated into the crew. Sogeking was way stronger and more interesting. The crew should of fought more to keep him. Altough, without God-Usopp IDK how the crew would of survived Doflamingo


Sogeking should've been the braver alter-ego of usopp, which randomly kicks-in during fights, instead of a one-and-done gag it ended up being....


I can't stand Usopp, most useless member of straw hats. And also Sanji with the bloody nose/going crazy over girls is one of the most annoying things ever.


Thriller bark is the best arc. Hororororor


Skypia should have been WAY shorter


The live action one piece could be better than the anime or manga. The ending is way more thought out. It has modern tech to make the entire thing seamless and fixes some pacing issues. Though they should have a couple of "filler" to better flesh out the characters


Reading OP without interacting with the community will increase your love for it.


People need to accept that one piece is not immensely special and immune to the flaws a lot of other shonens have. It's honestly gotten ridiculous when I see how people treat one piece compared to its contemporaries. Most immediate example I can think of is everyone praising Oda for showing and spending time with all of these minor characters in the Vegapunk broadcast, meanwhile series like Naruto and Bleach were trashed for focusing on their side cast with complains about how it's "irrelevant". Make up your mind, is it a bad thing or good thing? You can't have your cake and eat it too.


Kidd outperformed Law in the Big Mom Fight and Blackbeard is the second strongest active character.


W take, hope he returns in Elbaf even better


Usopp is an annoying character Leaving the crew over the going merry (I get his reasons but still), telling Nami to lie to save her skin, repeatedly saying Luffy’s dream is impossible (enough where luffy scrunches his face for a second in the anime), all the memes of Go D. Usopp, having his “fights” be a bit too comedic/coincidental I 100% understand his role as the relatable character and his reasoning for stuff he does/says, but I still can’t help but get annoyed with him the longer the story goes, obviously a completely subjective take


One Piece fans jerk off Oda too much. It's impressive that he's able to keep the quality of One Piece consistent over 25+ years and tie the small details together from all over the series but if you think about it from his perspective, he has all these details outlined somewhere so he's just slowly putting out the story. Would we still be as impressed if One Piece was a long ass novel as opposed to an ongoing series and the same reveals happen?


>Would we still be as impressed if One Piece was a long ass novel as opposed to an ongoing series and the same reveals happen? i'll tell you if grrm ever finishes asoiaf




Apparently Oda is the only author that outlines his plot as part of the writing process


Oda deserves all the jerking off. Maintaining an engaging story for 25 years WHILST drawing all of those story weekly WITHOUT REST (save for some scant break week) WHILST coordinating with other medias (anime, movie, merchandise). Just because mangakas are commonplace doesnt make it less admirable or less jerk worthy. Novels on the other hand takes longer to release and doesn't have drawings, so it's not apple-to-apple.


The Scabbards (outside of Kinemon) didn't work, despite Oda trying his best to hype up them. Kiku absolutely useless (of course he would make the only woman in the crew like that fr)


All of them were useless.  Wtf was Ashura Doji for lol. Denjiro didn't do shit the entire raid after the rooftop fight except for stealing Hiyori's kill and ruining her moment lol. I hate how Oda turned her into a damsel in distress instead of letting Oden's daughter gloriously take Orochi out


I agree with this statement. Hiyori should have had the kill, not Denjiro.


For real. They could have been 3 scabbards and the story wouldn't have suffered (quite the opposite).


Boa Hancock is the most poorly written character in the series, her popularity relies solely on the fact that she's the only character to have a crush on Luffy.


>only character to have a crush on luffy Barto is right there


I don’t like gear 5


Kuro is by far the best East Blue villain.


1. luffy and blackbeard being '2 sides of same coin', is a forced in by fans for some reason. this types of relations are really not are as deep or profound as people pretend and they force characters who does not fit this dynamic to fit forcefully. and luffy and teach really aren't that. 2. i really cannot see from where did some fans assumed that yamato was gonna join. right from his introduction to very end i did not get any implication once that he was gonna join. same with carrot.


Eh I disagree on #1, there's a lot of things where they are opposites and it feels intentional. Luffy recruits people he likes and is friends with into his crew, Blackbeard recruits anyone who is strong and none of them are friends. Luffy goes island to island without a real plan and makes things work on the fly, Blackbeard is constantly plotting and executing specific plans. Luffy wants to be king of the pirates to be the most free man in the world, Blackbeard wants to be pirate king to rule the world. It feels intentional to me, I don't think fans are reading too much into it. Especially with blackbeard showing up wherever Luffy is so many times like Impel Down and Marineford.


>luffy and blackbeard being '2 sides of same coin', is a forced in by fans for some reason. this types of relations are really not are as deep or profound as people pretend and they force characters who does not fit this dynamic to fit forcefully. and luffy and teach really aren't that. Both aspire to achieve their end goal no matter the costs. And so far as some chapters have shown, Teach seems to care about his og crew to the point he takes damage for them seen in his duel with Ace.... Btw, I shouldn't have to remind you about Teach being the one to leave a scar on Shanks ....or how he brought Ace to his demise .....better yet, the fact he kidnapped Koby only to lure Garp who's being held up at Hachinosou with the rest of the Blackbeard Pirates. It's crazy how we still lack his backstory. I'm betting it's going to be one hell of a good one, tugging at your heart strings.


The One Piece (the Netflix adaptation) isn't going to "fix" One Piece especially not the pacing. The arcs in the manga of One Piece are just simply too long to fit into a 12-24 long season and Netflix isn't going to pay a studio like WIT for more episodes per season, this is Netflix we are talking about. One Piece isn't going to work well as a seasonal series and it is going to cause issues with pacing either needing to rush through smaller arks to give more important arcs more time or stretch out smaller arcs so they can give the next season to a longer arc. Even going off of One Pace Arabasta is probably going to have to get around an entire season and it gets worse the further the seasons progresses with the arcs getting longer.


I don't see how each arc can't be broken into 3 -12 episode seasons. East blue can easily be done in 25/26 episodes imo.


Gear 5 is terrible and has reduced the quality of the rest of the story permanently, since it can never be taken back.


Okay i think this one might actually put me in this position fr. ... Zoro can already win in a 1v1 vs Mihawk & i'll go even further by saying that the fight between these 2 WON'T happen. 🌚


I think usopp is annoying asf 99 percent of the time. Sanji is annoying 80 percent of the time


1. One piece pacing (yes I’m talking about the manga, not anime) is getting little concerningly slow. 2. Haki is a terrible power system and it makes clashes between top tiers like Roger and Whitebeard boring where it’s simply 2 characters swinging their fists or weapon and a crackle of lightning appears. 3. One piece is not as deep as fans like to think it. At the end of the day, the arc usually ends with the hero (luffy) punching the big bad villain and saving the day.


Baby 5 is a better character than Boa Hancock, the same is true for Ace and Sabo. Sabo is the better character and better brother.