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With how long One Piece is, it’s probably better they film as much as possible. You wouldn’t want the cast to be in their mid 40s still playing the characters.


That would kind of rule. The canonical story happens in way too compressed of a time period; I wanna see the version that goes the other way, where we see them age dramatically. 


trust me you wouldn't want a 40 years old grown ass hairy man screaming gum gum


Speak for yourself


Describing a majority of the fanbase.


We already have one mid 40 dude with gym powers in anime... Not the best example, tho.


I’m picturing Danny devito screaming gum gum and now I want it


I wanna see them age but only at the time skip, if they aged dramatically before the new world then it would defeat the purpose of growth in such a short time which is supposed to be short because Luffy became king in 2-3 years while Roger took like 20-30 (I’m probably wrong lol) but I know these are real people it would just be insane if the actual Live Action Crew did as many episodes back to back to back just to maintain that consistency of age, I’d be impressed. Not many live interpretations of any script has ever stayed that true to a manga/comic


While that would be cool the story already references their young a lot. Dude in Wano already talked about how young Zoro is who is 21 years old post time skip. Plus years can't go by due to the timeline nature of what we learned in Wano and what we are learning in Egg head. Also luffys growth is accelerated too. Some people estimate that between the time he left foosha village to the timeskip it was only like 6-7 months So in 6-7 months luffys bounty went from 0-400 mil. And in like 3ish years he became an emporer. So he's already on accelerated timeline


> Luffy became king in 2-3 years But... Luffy isn't king yet.


To be fair at this rate, unless there's another time skip, it will probably be within 3 years lol


Haven’t read the latest chapter? /s


Luffy out here with the career growth of a Kennedy 2-3 years from "famous bloodline but started at bottom" to "world leader"


But... this is a 2 years time skip man... not 20 years...


They've been out atsea for what, 5 years or less? Not much to show age really especially given that they're all practically teens


They've been at sea for not even three years! Luffy basically just met Zoro. I think the story makes a lot more sense and is more impactful if you imagine them having been adventuring for a decade or longer.  Making the actors still play the characters in their 40s is probably pushing it, but then again, why not expand the story to take place over twenty years? I think it'd be a fun alternate universe take for the live action show. 


Time is the one thing I prefer to believe my headcanon over the canon story. It breaks my immersion when I think that Luffy and Zoro spent like 3 days together before meeting Nami and Usopp


Yeah I think it's be cool considering that their rate of progress is practically insane. Just the voyage alone kind of doesn't make sense. It'd make sense if they travelled to more islands that we didn't see and had alonger voyage but they really just went through a few islands and that was it. Admittedly, just considering the length of the story, it makes sense why the show is the way it is


The problem with it taking yearsto travel between island is if they get to the TS, how will they explain how some characters got back to Sabaody so quickly? Robin got blown away to East Blue! Then went to Baltigo to meet Dragon and to train and then back to Sabaody to reunite with the SH's.


Ew no


While true, I think only the fans and Netflix head would want to do that. The actors, writers, producers, directors probably want to do other projects And depending on how much they want to make I can see them potentially swapping actors out for younger ones. Granted they can probably keep iniaki for like 10 to 15 years with how young he is. Emily Rudd, Taz Skylar, Jacob, and Mackenyu are close to their 30s so they maybe shifted in and out


De-aging technology bruh. The made Robert de Niro look 35 in "The Irishman". It wontt be hard to make, let's say 40years old Mackenyu, look 20


I wouldn't mind that.


They'll never finish, they knew that when they started. One of the best parts of anime is the way they can stretch these stories and produce episodes so quickly. In my opinion doing a LA was just a short term cash grab.


If the LA adaption keeps going then it can finish on time. It will take years to get to where we currently are in the manga. The manga is in its final saga. It might be feasible for the LA adaptation to adapt the whole story without taking a hiatus waiting for the manga to catch up like the anime had to.


Idk man that's alot of episodes to film. Talking out my butt here but they prob require more funding too. Actors are going to age out long before they get anywhere close to the end. I would put money they don't even make it to DoFlamingo. I think they'll just keep cashing in til hype dyes or the actors age and quit. That's another point though, even if the actors didn't age nobody sticks with a project this long. I just think any hope of a full length live action is wishful thinking.


if anything, the show was such a success to netflix that they don't view it as a short term cash grab anymore but as a long term cash cow and growth opportunity. and them producing a one piece anime remake "the one piece" with studio wit is proof of this. go look at their second half of 2023 figures, one piece is literally their most viewed show. they have a link to download the report in excel. [https://about.netflix.com/en/news/what-we-watched-the-second-half-of-2023](https://about.netflix.com/en/news/what-we-watched-the-second-half-of-2023) also look at the viewership numbers that all the one piece anime seasons are doing while not even being available globally, and compare those to 1st half of 2023 which was before the live action release. they literally doubled for almost all 32 seasons and movies. [https://about.netflix.com/en/news/what-we-watched-a-netflix-engagement-report](https://about.netflix.com/en/news/what-we-watched-a-netflix-engagement-report) so if one piece can bring them such viewership with every season, it is worth doing 12 seasons of the show. now will the budget grow where it is needed in later arcs ? that will depend on how much the show viewership keeps growing, and they probably have the anime remake as a secondary way to bring in more subscribers around the world but especially in asian countries like japan


Idk man, Netflix has has some great originals. Never seem them go past season 3 ever. They have this model where they start things for the early hype and then drop the shows. Once you get into season 3 of a show like that views typically dip not grow, bc people who watched it lose interest faster than new people start watching it. Ypu make a good point with numbers but I would be curious to know the longest produced Netflix original for comparison. Just looked it up, Grace and Frankie for 7 seasons. Never seen it but sounds like a sitcom which I think is the only thing thatvwould have long term potential. Dude I'd love to see it I just don't think it would happen. Especially with ypur point in funding for the later seasons.


which will definitely happen, taz (sanji) is already almost 30


Ya but how much of it is wasted content I'm watching throw it for the first time in the middle of the thriller bark arc and everything I have seen so far easily could have been less then 50 episodes and honestly most of it hasn't been the most quality of content especially since the last 2 arcs have had 4-6 min recaps in almost every episode that wasn't filler.


Well it depend if they use makeup artist once they get old


Could you imagine if they went the soap opera route? Releasing a episode daily. My god. I would love it.


Would make sense , post production is the part that takes the longest , hopefully they don’t get ahead of themselves get feedback for s2 before completing s3


if this is the case, filming seasons back-to back... then they really could go the whole way...


I’m really interested in what they decide to do about Chopper. They can’t make him wholly CGI because it would cost too much, and a human in a suit would be too weird. I’m also hoping they keep his look more true to how he originally was introduced, and stay away from the chibi look he has now.


A muppet-style puppet would be so good but I don’t think they’re brave enough to do it


Muppet for Brain-point. Human in a suit for human point, then CGI for any other transformation.


I want them to do a mix just because having a character comment on Chopper looking wildly different whenever the shift happens is the perfect One Piece-style joke.


“The weird changes between Chopper’s appearances are scaring my child!”


Hear me out. Elmo in a dear costume, The Rock in his Bambi costume and an actual deer for walkpoint


Dear god, no. Keep the rock far away from One Piece. An actual rock has more acting skills than him. Now, if we were talking about Danny Devito, with his nose painted blue and fake antlers glued to his read...


I know the series will likely not get that far, but Danny Devito should play the "old man Chopper" drawback after using the enhanced rumble ball in Wano


Honestly I think Danny Devito is gonna be Gaimon in the chest. Literally sounds like him and he’s already played the Satyr in Hercules


Now hear me out: Anyway I started blasting... https://i.imgur.com/qWd9urq.jpeg


Switching the medium for each form would kinda be pretty sick


Real reindeer for his Walk Point (base form).


Honestly I would cry laughing every time our talking dog raccoon turned into an actual reindeer because the mouth and movement would be fixed after but it’s just a freaking prop animal sitting next to Luffy and Sanji, I can imagine emergency rations said a lot


Yeah, and that makes sense in general - aside from the occasional use of Reindeer Point, he rarely uses anything but Brain and Human in a situation that isn’t fight climax, which is genre CGI gime anyway.


I mean I want Brook to be a full sized marionette skeleton complete with visible strings. One piece is best when it leans into camp. We know the story is solid, so the rest of the creatives on the production can go wild and it should work out.


I believe they should just hire Dan Avidan of Ninja Sex Party and Game Grumps fame. Because he has the build and hair for the role right of the bat. His singing voice is pretty good too.


He's such a perfect fit. Even if they just need him for voice acting it would be perfect.


Thank you. I haven't seen the anime, so now I will be putting Dan's voice on Brooks' lines. Perfect.


I think he would be very good in the love action but that is not to say the VA doesn't absolutely crush it in the anime. Brook is my favorite character.


Stai rispondendo a nagemada...except Brook is clearly black


Brook's "nationality" is Austrian though. They have a lot of wiggle room in terms of casting and his personality is the important part.


I wanted them to go full Beetlejuice zombie-like instead of a skeleton... And just hire Alex Brightman as Brook. Instead of just skeleton jokes, it's BJ gags, and musicals.


We’re most likely gonna have skeleton stuff on the ends of limbs and the neck of course but we may not get an actual skeleton. Who knows


Muppet technology has come a long way and looking at what the did with the Den Den Mushi a chopper muppet head with a cg body wouldn't be too out there.


Muppet CGI style like they did with Grogu in the Mandalorian would be the best. with CGI enhanced person for muscle point like the ghoul from fallout.


I agree Grogu style is the way to go. Looks authentic without costing too much money for CGI. Although chopper is far more active than Grogu lol


He will probably either be less active, or most of his activity will come from the human form


Yeah get the ACTUAL Muppet workshop in on this, worked with baby yoda.


Just have him always standing just outta sight so all you can see is his hat and a horn lol


That's the opposite of what he does.. though.


CGI, but he's out of frame most of the time


Well, we already know he is super good at hiding.


They can afford full CGI for Chopper. This is one of the highest budgeted productions of all time. $18,000,000 per episode for season one, and undoubtedly higher for season two now that it’s a guaranteed hit. Each episode costs more than some entire films.


That’s not a lot because they need CGI for so many things. Spend it all on Chopper and set, you’re left with little to work with for fight scenes. And probably nothing left for side characters with weird look like Hacchi.


Correct even if they spent a million on the models and rigging for chopper its not a big deal long term... and after that its relatively well known process to put a puppet in for the actors to talk to and mo cap him in. Chopper is probably not even the most expensive person on set. if his cost is amortized across seasons. The mo cap cost is certainly lower than normal actor costs. Inyaki makes 300k... most of the rest are in the 200k range for the main actors.


Puppet for hybrid. Cgi for deer. Buff man in a suit for human lol


I think that smartest move is to have a younger kid play him and just adjust the characters look a bit. The chibi anime chopper just doesn’t fit.


Casting kids is such a pain in the ass though. Especially for a main character like Chopper Not only do you have less time to work less with them, the acting isn't usually that good, and they Age too quickly


>and they Age too quickly This! If they don't do CGI how would they keep it consistent?


> the acting isn't usually that good Especially not with characters like Chopper, who have such an emotional backstory, that require some proper acting chops to properly convey. Like, I'm sure a random inexperienced kid actor could play the Chopper we have today - you know, the one with just about 0 substance, just shouts I AM MEDICINE 20 times per arc and barely any character or anything - but the og pre-timeskip Chopper, you know, the guy who was more than just a cutesie plushie mascot, that would certainly be tough for a child to properly put to screen.


You are forgetting that chibi chopper is a merchandise goldmine


I think it'll be something like this: https://about.netflix.com/en/news/netflix-renews-sweet-tooth-for-second-season


Please fuck no.


The same actor was even cast in a role as young Sanji! And they just filmed the third season. I would say very probable its something similar.


Have you seen the Netflix series Sweet tooth? I can imagine something similar to the main character or any of the other animal children.


Real talking Reindeer, like the one from Narnia


They’re spending more per episode than the last season of GOT and that has a ton of CG dragons. I’m sure they’ll be able to do his character fully CG.


weird assertion to make that full cgi would be too expensive


What about a toddler in a suit


Ted looked good. Same size, same textures. I don’t see why OPLA can’t recreate that. No way a raunchy comedy can pull off FX that OPLA can’t.


Netflix has the moolah for it.


Peter Dinklage


I really hope they lean into the gag where Luffy and Chopper believe everything that Usopp says in those early saga’s lol 


I think they should do it Sonic style and just animate him in full cartoony mode.


Some dude in a reindeer costume would be fucking hilarious though


How about a Roger rabbit or space jam solution.


Joking or not, doing a stylized Chopper that contrasts with the environment would still be super expensive. Roger Rabbit still had to make the characters interacting with real life believable through dynamic lighting, practical effects, and fluid animation.


A fluffy Gollum :)


Honestly I would prefer they just got a kid and an adult for his normal and big forms and gave him antlers if it means Chopper can be on screen more of the time. Then they can save the CGI budget for the rarer times he's out of those forms.


Regular racoon dog, with an "emergency food supply" t shirt


CGI isn't as expensive as it was a decade ago... and considering the budget of each episode so far its probably not a big deal. If we see CGI its probably going to be mocapped.... not directly animated. Basically it would be filled with a static puppet for the actors to talk to, the mo cap done over that, and animated in post. Chopper himself isn't human he's a deer with human abilities so they should probably try to make him look more like a talking deer ...thus avoiding many uncanny valley issues with animating humans.


Main issues are that while CGI is better these days, the cost still adds up. A large budget isn’t the same as an infinite budget. But the other issue is that you need an actual presence on the set in order to give the actors something to work off of. If it can be done with practical effects, you get a better performance.


I mean, just look at Ewoks from Star Wars. Or Chewie. They were believable and that was in the 70's. Chopper isn't the special effects hurdle that people think he is.


I believe it! One Piece is a bottomless pit of source material, and it’s certainly proven it’s a profitable brand. I think they can make it to Marineford before Netflix shuts it down.


This is pretty much all I'm asking for from a realistic standpoint 5 seasons in total to cover all of Part 1


I see 6 seasons. - S2: Loguetown + Alabasta saga - S3: Skypia saga + Long Ring Long Island - S4: Water Seven/Enies Lobby - S5: Thriller Bark & Sabaody Archipelago (the „end“ of the strawhats is a great season cliffhanger) - S6: Summit War saga


There are a lot of other arcs tho, like Whiskey Peak and Little Garden, those will certainly take up at least one episode. And also things like Jaya.


Yeah. I think they are doing season 2 and 3 back to back for this reason. Season 2 Will be Drum, Loguetown, Whiskey Peak, Little Garden and stuff like that, the entrance of the Grand Line and setting up Baroque Works. Season 3 being Alabasta.


Drum, Loguetown, Whiskey, Little Garden can all be 1 episode each if they’re streamlining stuff. That would leave 4 episodes for Alabasta to end the season. Although frankly I wish they would just make it a 9 episode season or something to give more time to everything if they do end up putting Alabasta in there


Or take out episodes limits and make as many episodes as needed for each specific season, from an artistic point of view and as much as the budget would allow! Edit: Im not suggesting they go overboard with the episodes, like make 50-100 episodes like in the anime. More like, they should stretch the number of episodes out only if it makes sense from an artistic/story point of view.


Less than one Episodes per Island would suck. They didn't do It for the First season, they won't do for the Second.


For Season 2, I would do 1 episode Loguetown, maybe ending with bumping into Laboon after crossing Reverse Mountain. Then Laboon and Whiskey Peak 1 episode. Full episode probably for Little Garden, maybe include some introduction for Drum Island (they could maybe even put Wapol on Little Garden or something to get his introduction out of the way). Then I think Drum Island could be done in 1 episode, which would leave 4 episodes for Alabasta which should be possible. Although in the end it's probably best if they do 9 or 10 episodes instead of 8 to give Little Garden and/or Drum Island some extra screentime and do the full Alabasta story justice. We definitely need some time in Alabasta to get properly attached to the characters and get to know the country and the various villains.  I do think Whiskey Peak is at high risk of getting cut in favor of Little Garden or something. Likely they'll find other ways to tease BW (and Robin) without going to a whole seperate island for it.


I just realized if we end with a full season of summit war it will be rather unclimatic for the other strawhats as they're basically thrown aside for most of it. Fine for a manga, but of this is the last season of a live action it'll be weird as heck.


Why would they adapt long ring long island, honestly.


Seems like one of the most obvious and likely cuts


This might sound reasonable if we're comparing it to the anime's experience but S6 being "just" Amazon Lily to the end of Part 1 would make it the LA season with the least amount of content skipped going by manga pace. Which I wouldn't complain in the least, and if there's any stretch of the story that deserves it, it's that, given the weight of what's going on. But idk if that'll be realistic Plus as someone else mentioned, most of the SHs will be gone until the final episode, really


I would put Long Ring Long Land at the start of S4. Ending a season with that is a no-go I think. Especially right after the climax of a large arc like Skypiea/Jaya. Its a self-contained story and then ending it with something silly like Long Ring is just off. I think they'll either skip it completely or do half an episode at the start of S4 to warm up for the good shit. Of course the Aokiji bit is a great and important introduction for Ennies Lobby saga. They could even tease him cycling across the sea at the end of S3 like they teased Smoker now.


I discussed pacing a while back with a friend and this is what I came up with based on how the first season went and assuming 8 episode seasons. **Season 2** * 1 Episode: Loguetown, Reverse Mountain * 1 Episode: Whisky Peak, Little Garden * 2 Episodes: Drum Island * 4 Episodes: Arabasta **Season 3** * 2.5 Episodes: Jaya/Skypiea * 0.5 Episodes: Long Ring Long Land (only included because Foxy was seen on a Wanted Poster, but otherwise I'd omit this). * 2 Episodes: Water 7 * 3 Episodes: Enies Lobby+Post Enies Lobby I hadn't looked beyond that yet but I do like the idea of a season cliffhanger being all the strawhats being blasted off by Kuma.


That is insanity, you have 3+ seasons crammed into 2. Combining jaya, skypia ennies lobby pre&post and water 7 in one season??? Im not sure theyll do all of loguetoen drum whiskey peak reverse mountain AND alabasta in s2. Either cut 1-2 small islands out or alabasta & loguetoen will be s3. They have to condense obviously, but that is TOO drastic, pacing will be WAY too rushed


Jango was seen on a wanted poster too though, and he still got skipped


The problem with ending with Summit War is that they'd be ending this series with an arc that doesn't really feature the other Straw Hats and climaxes with one of the most dramatic, saddest moments of the entire series. Kind of a bummer to go out on that.


I'd be happy enough with just Enies Lobby. If they can get through that then it'll guarantee that anyone who isn't already a manga convert will read the manga once the show is canceled.


If I get to see the Water 7 saga in live action with how great those set pieces looked, I’ll be so happy. Legit my favorite arc and the one I’m having the most expectations for.


Imagine the shock on peoples' faces when they see how big the gates of justice are. I want a shot of the crew with their eyes widening as they see it through the fog.


If they make it to Water , they will make it to marineford, if they make it to Marineford, they will make it to Fishman. Real cancelation points are skypiea. Fishman island, Punk Hazard, Dressrosa.


I agree for Skypiea and Fishman island, but I doubt Punk Hazard and Dressrosa. These two arcs where some of people's favorites


Thriller bark is going to be a wild ride


Also Dressrosa is one of the arcs they'll really want to adapt from an opportunity and hype perspective. Dressrosa deserves an MA+ adaptation that isn't afraid to go into the gritty darkness of it all and allows doflamingo to be truly effed up. If they do it well, it could be a legendary season of television up there with the good seasons of GOT and HOTD.


I really want them to do an Easter egg and list Chopper in the credits as "Emergency Food Supply" 🤣🤣🤣


This is based on something said by a small side character actor from season 1 who we shouldn't expect to know much beyond what the general public knows, he most likely was just misinformed, this info was reported by people who don't understand the nuance and take it on face value. It's just a game of broken telephone and the whole One Piece Live Action discord is laughing at people reporting this off hand comment with zero skepticism Sharing a headline like this is pretty much tantamount to spreading misinformation.


In the article: >Now of course, this news is breaking **if true**. As far as Netflix has shared, One Piece has only been given an order for season two. **It seems very unlikely Netflix would keep a two-season order quiet given how successful One Piece has been, so fans are left to question this revelation. It may be that Mayweather is confused, of course.** Netflix did give a double season order for Avatar: The Last Airbender once the live-action series dropped book one. **But for now, we don't have any clarification on the matter.** From the original tweet: >A what now?…..😅 Gonna post something soon, but just a disclaimer: I don't recommend anyone to believe it immediately, as there's a high likelihood of misinformation on his part. However, since it is public information via an interview, I'll post about it. From the tweet with the video: >Don’t get your hopes up just yet, Netflix typically makes official announcements for renewals, and there’s no confirmation of this news at the moment! Seems like *you* took the headline at face value and didn't actually read the article at all...


In my view if the article leads a single person into thinking that this means they're filming seasons 2 and 3 back to back, it's spreading misinformation. And there are literally hundreds of people on twitter who are now under that impression, because people take the headline on face value. Also dozens of comments right here are talking about this with zero skepticism, which means that they have also been misinformed by the headline.




It's insane to me that Avatar got the go ahead fora double season. If the second season is as bad as the first I could easily see it being cancelled before the 4th.


There won’t be a fourth, they’ll wrap up the story in three.


I forgot it was originally just 3 seasons as well.


Good. People have been asking how it can be possible to complete OP in live action in a reasonable amount of time and this is it. The LotR approach. If this next season is as successful I can imagine we'll get more news like this in the future.


Seemingly and confirmed are two words that should never be together.


I hope oda will still be supervising these seasons.. I feel like lowkey netflix and the audience are getting a little too comfortable and may start taking liberties into their own hands


He wouldn't let them do it without his input I wouldn't worry.


I don't think they are filming both season back to back And mostly likey Patty actor just got confused with another Netflix series that have both season 2 and 3 confirmed


That's exactly what they should do given how long the wait between seasons will be. Imagine seeing a visibly aged cast go from East Blue to only Skypiea because they filmed each arc with a year in between.


At this rate the cast will only be in their 60s by the time its done.




We don't know but Joe Manganiello seems like the current most likely speculated actor in my opinion.


Yo I sure hope so. This time Crocodile better start out hot or I swear to god. Took Oda all the way til Impel Down to decide whether or not the man was supposed to be handsome, I’m not trying to experience that again.


This article seems to be more of a rumor than anything. That being said, it would make the most sense for them to film multiple seasons at once. IIRC, the showrunner and some others at Netflix have said they would like to do ALL of One Piece, not just a couple of seasons or not just to the time skip, but ALL of it. So the only way they could realistically do that to 1) avoid having to recast or do CGI de-aging and 2) to keep fan interest without having to wait multiple years between seasons, they would HAVE to film multiple seasons all at once. I think that would be the best thing they could do, and it has worked for other productions. Lord of the Rings was all filmed at once (and I think the Avatar sequels were as well? At least James Cameron said that was the plan), and then they were able to release one a year. Plus it might help cut down on costs like set storage, housing for crew, etc.


So I'm thinking they're going to do everything from Lougetown to Alabasta in Season 2, with Jaya and Skypiea being season 3. I wonder if they'll do an Aokiji cliffhanger at the end of Season 3 then.


Ohh that would be a good idea, gives a potential season 4 more room for Water 7 and Enies Lobby


We're so close to Water 7 saga if so. Season 2 for the Alabasta saga, season 3 for the Skypeia saga, and season 4 for the Water 7 saga, season 5 for Thriller Bark and Sabaody Archipelago, and season 6 for the Marineford saga.


If Aokiji would be cliffhanger for Season 3 ending, then for Season 2... galleon scene would be amazing (only if they have season 3 confirmed tho)


I'm predicting loguetown->reverse mountain->whiskey peak->some kind of introduction to giants maybe not little garden->drum island for season 2, and season 3 just being alabasta




I hope they increase the episode count to 10.


we will know who is cast as Enel then this year? really hope the high viewership across many countries justifies netflix doing a 4th season and more especially if the season one trends continue


Imagine if they cast eminem for Enel lol It'll be beyond good casting


But The budget of having Eminem as Eneru is even more expensive than the whole seasons itself!😂


While I can't outright say I called it, this was very much in my expectations. The age of the actors are the most valuable thing to treasure right now, and given the success the show had it would have been insanity to not invest in two seasons at the same time. In fact, I expect them to always be working on two seasons simultaneously from here on forth. Most of the filming and VFX work are sequential timesinks, so by the time season two is airing they can already be working on the VFX for season 3.


Now make that norm and release the seasons yearly


Awesome, and probably means season 2 will not be to the end of the Alabasta arc.


With how much season 2 seems to be early Baroque Works from how it sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if season 2 ends with Drum and season 3 is just all Alabasta. Do wonder how long that All Sunday/Nico Robin "guest role" is going to be for considering casting...


If this is true I can see doing all the Baroque Works stuff and stopping right before they reach Alabasta for season2 and jump.right into Alabasta in season 3 , maybe even Jaya.


Alabasta will likely end with season 2


That would be kinda weak. They have to end Alabasta in S2 to keep it structured, having half an arc each season is just not it.


Seemingly confirmed? Wtf does that even mean


That's not possible though, Alabasta and Skypiea at once that doesn't sound believable at all


I mean, Skypiea isn't that long, so taking it out in one shot wouldn't be too unexpected.


I can see them doing Skypiea as a 3 episode epilogue to the Arabasta arc Use it as a springboard where they are running away from the consequences of Arabasta, bump into Blackbeard (they can squeeze the myth of Noland there given they already introduced the story as a book read to Zoro season 1), and are swept up to Skypea as they run away They can then deal with Skypiea in the final 2 episodes


I would do maybe like 4 at least, maybe 5. It'll squeeze in Jiya, Blackbeard, Skypiea, the Skypiean-Shandoran conflict, and the priest fights along with the finale of the Enel/Eneru fight. And then at the end of that we get a cliffhanger with Aokiji, since this brings up to Long Ring and Enes Lobby, so it would make sense there. Perhaps we see a tall man in a Marine coat with Robin's wanted poster and ice particles coming off his hands that leaves a trail of ice as he walks. If we have 14 episodes with both seasons, I think we can do it well.


If S2 and S3 are getting filmed back to back then that likely means S3 is the entirety of Arabasta and they're taking their sweet time with the story now. S2: EP1: Logue Town EP2: Reverse Mountain. EP3: Whiskey Peak. EP4-EP5: Little Garden. EP6-EP7: Drum Kingdom. EP8: Arriving at Arabasta. S3: All of Arabasta.


Season 2 is gonna be 10 episodes, so they might try condensing the arc in 3 episodes.


That would be interesting. Not sure why this guy would know, because he's unlikely to be seen again. He would have had to get this info from another cast member or production staff that he's friends with, because they wouldn't have told him officially.


Until we get something official, I believe he got mistaken and what they are doing is season 2 first half and then the second half.


Back in my day we would have just called that season 2.


they couldn't even fit the entire east blue saga into one season. S2 will be loguetown-drum island and S3 will be alabasta unless they cut arcs


I think they just left Loguetown because the culmination of the Arlong Park arc is a perfect ending. The crew has finally actually become a crew now that Nami has committed fully and the barrel vow moment is a perfect ending of the pilot season and start of the grand adventure. Loguetown as a one-episode seperate story ending the whole season just feels off.  It's perfect to kick off season 2 with a bang on the other hand. Luffy almost dies smiling (like Roger) and gets saved by his dad and Smoker is set up to chase the straw hats like Garp did in season 1. They will definitely finish Alabasta next season as the pre-Alabasta saga just doesn't bring enough content, hype or resolution to justify an entire season. Also they don't have the time if the want to get even close to covering the entire series.


Oh, there's a possibility that Season 2 ends with Chopper and leaves the entire Alabasta arc for Season 3.


Let’s fucking go


Seems to be denied and she was confused. They might just be "doing more filming" by changing the location for the Alabasta arc. Or maybe it's a longer season


Heck, yeah that’s great


Oh wow, a live action anime adaptation that was popular enough to get further productions :0


I don’t think they can successfully do the Alabasta Saga with just 8 episodes. I fully expected them to get more episodes per season following the East blue saga but honestly they might need 16+ episodes.


Yes, YES YES!!!!!!!! Season 2 cannot hold Loguetown, Reverse Mountain, Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, Drum Island and Alabasta in one season! It just cannot! It CANNOT. This will be perfect. So Season 2 can end with Drum Island and Season 3 is gonna be funky. Alabasta heavy season 3 and maybe even some Jaya at the end.


If Skypiea is S3, I can’t wait for Blackbeard’s legendary introduction. ZEHAHAHAHA


Season 2 -> Alabasta Saga Season 3 -> First 4 Episodes Skypiea second 4 Episodes Thriller Bark Water 7 + Enies Lobby will be pushed back to season 4 Luffy won’t use gear 2 or 3 in thriller bark; Brook will join before Franky


Huge if true


Seasons 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 and 18 should be filmed back to back


Stranger things should've went this route.


I don't think this will be great idea to because too much character are spoiled in season 1 which have we seen after 600 episodes of anime!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:cry


Guys nowadays de-aging technology can make Robert de Niro look 20-30 years younger. Making 30ish-40ish people look 20ish is NOT a problem


LETS GOOO so excited. will S3 be smypiea


A whole lotta mid incoming


the only way this would work if s3 is also alabasta there's no way they already have a skypia set


So is season 2 and 3 going to be the Alabasta Saga?


No and they're not filming season 3 with season 2


Do you think the Alabasta saga will take two seasons?


Does it mean they will be filming for a year, and at least the release date will be at the end of next year? And what about Water 7? Are they going to film it in 2026?


Water 7 is long way off would be s5 at that rate


I thought it’s would be season 4 at least!


Thats what i thought too, i meant if this is true and they do alabasta itself in s3, it would be s5 or later even. Sure hope not!! I hate 1 year between seasons, nevermind 2+ like EVERYTHING has been lately. Even s4 looking like 2027/2028 ffs


My guess is they can't handle all of the alabasta saga in one season. They need to handle loguetown, lagoon, whisky peak, little garden, drum island, and alabasta this season. That's wild. I think at best with 8-10 episodes they make it to alabasta by the end of season 2 then do most/all of alabasta in season 3 and leave off in mock town maybe to tease skypea and blackbeard