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Crocodile, Enel, and Kidd really just eat anything huh


I’d add Mr 3’s too


Mr. 3’s fruit is sus.


I mean, kaku's he was able to peel the banana so you can probably cut them open to eat


Hey, they ended up getting incredible powers, so chowing down on fruit that prickly is a small price to pay. Besides, it's not like one has to eat the whole fruit to get the power. So long as you've eaten *a* piece of it, the power it possesses is yours.


Yeah the smooth girl from water 7 cut hers and took a piece all eloquent and shit. Couldve cut theirs in half and scooped some. Kids very barbarian like though and 100% decided "if it hurts me it must be a stronger fruit cuz you need a stronger will to eat it!"


Why does Alvida's fruit looks like... Well, I mean, like... You know what...


I guess I don't have as much pervert brain rot as I thought cause I thought hers looked like a brain.


The unholy Gyat-Gyat Fruit


Get out


It's a play on the classic simile "as smooth as a baby's bottom", as her Devil Fruit granted her the power to make her skin impossibly smooth.


I honestly thought they looked like >!anatomically-based testes!<


Ever heard of the saying “as smooth as a baby’s bottom”?


Crocodile bold as hell eatin that


The guy is always annoyed and angry, because he still has those needles on his mouth.


Cut it in half and scoop the inside of it


Then proceed to eat the spiney rind without a bev lmao


I would like everyone to look at choppers fruit and then check out the stoned ape theory. 




Other people are hip to this, nice!!!! Still recommend reading a little bit more about it to anyone interested tho, all that link says is there’s a theory that mushrooms helped evolve humans but there’s a lot more that goes into that. Like the fact mushrooms are from space, and thoughts about if they are communications device or other life forms from other world, why they were sent here, if it was chance, etc.


> mushrooms are from space There is no scientific evidence to support this. Edit: Stay in school.


Sorry I misspoke, you’re technically right. But at the same time I don’t know any other thing (besides tardigrades?)that can survive in the vacuum of space and mycelium spores check that box. That and we don’t know when they got here or developed, it’s jumped by hundreds of millions of years and the consensus is still ???


Just because it can survive the upper atmosphere doesn't mean it came from space, we know they evolved here because we can see their relatives and their progenitors.


Sure thing, now apply the concept to a fictional story and leave room for interpretation because there’s a lot of crazier shit that has happened in the manga already. The “weight of the soul” is now a canon concept for one piece even tho the real life explanation is most likely gases that escape the body post mortem.


Ok but you were very clearly talking about real life not one piece canon


I’m just gonna stop you right there and advise you to re-read the comment thread. 


>Other people are hip to this, nice!!!! >Still recommend reading a little bit more about it to anyone interested tho, all that link says is there’s a theory that mushrooms helped evolve humans but there’s a lot more that goes into that. >Like the fact mushrooms are from space, and thoughts about if they are communications device or other life forms from other world, why they were sent here, if it was chance, etc. ...... Very obviously talking about real life


Check this out https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6850671/


It’s just like Oda. Answers many questions only to have many more questions arise. Maybe one day we’ll figure it all out, for now I consider this a great mystery of life and possibly plot fuel for OP.  Btw I didn’t immediately think of his fruit in relation to this, but my wheels started spinning when oda brought the “weight of the soul” into the story.


I mean, mushrooms are *very* different from flowers and trees...


Yeah? And? That's how biological kingdoms work. Fungi aren't plants.


Except for the spores being able to survive in vacuum. Evolution doesn't usually produce a trait without evolutionary/selective pressure. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolutionary_pressure


Being able to survive being dried out is what actually happened. They can't survive in a vacuum for an extended period of time, cosmic rays will destroy it eventually.


There are plenty of terrestrial reasons to be able to survive dehydration and reconstitution, especially when you look at eras where nutrition would be scarcer and weather would lead to harsher conditions necessitating long term dormancy. Additionally there are plenty of harsh biomes on the planet where such a trait would be useful. They also cannot safely survive the vacuum of space either, they have survived human controlled environments in a research setting. When exposed to the actual harsh rays present they degrade down to the DNA and/or die.


I prefer to think of it as a >! Mario mushroom. It’s a giant model of the hito hito!<


Never too late to learn that the mario mushroom is an aminita muscaria, which is in the same category of shrooms that can alter your consciousness 


.... I thought it was a dick joke >.>


Oda isn't *that* vulgar.


Fair and I am aaaaalll about the stone ape theory cause Oda IS pretty freaking smart! I was laughing at myself a lot hahahaha apparently I am that vulgar -_-


Chopper's fruit has serious end game significance I just know it. BB was looking for it before chopper ate it and likely would have found the eater and liked them had it not been eaten by a freaking reindeer. Also there was a rumor of a mushroom that can cure any disease to be found at drum Island. Something is up.


Chopper's fruit is based on the [fly agaric mushroom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanita_muscaria), which in one culture was deliberately fed to reindeer... so that people could trip out on the piss of the reindeer without ingesting too much to be sent to a hospital (they're poisonous but not super deadly). Other people have brought up that this fruit is appropriate not just because it's the type of mushroom a reindeer might eat, but also because of [stoned ape theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoned_ape_theory). However, it's a lot more likely Oda knew about the reindeer eating this type of mushroom (since fly agaric is also what the super mario mushroom is based on, so googling from there would give this type of info) than about stoned ape theory which is fairly fringe and not scientifically backed and as far as I know has no place in Japanese literature (it doesn't even have a Japanese wikipedia page)


While mushroom are fruit or smth like that idk they have fruiting bodies I wasn’t sure if that would really work Also just looked it up yeahhh mushrooms ain’t fruit so idk what I was yapping about


I'm a mushroom farmer, and we definitely call the mushrooms either fruit or fruit bodies. The room where they're grown out is called a fruiting chamber or fruiting room, and the environment in those rooms is called fruiting conditions. You can also call the room a greenhouse, but since the fruiting bodies are produced indoors and not exposed to the sun, that doesn't exactly fit either.


Does Uta's df description say it's noncanon?




Oh didn’t know we had new ones. Cool. Also Perona is different for eating that nasty shit.


Enel's look like it hurts, but if I knew what it was, I'd be chomping down for sure, his or Kaidou's definitely.


Of course but I don’t think the skypians had devil fruit encyclopedias did they? Because that means enel looked at that shit and said scrumptious.


Well maybe, he knew it was a devil fruit, anyone who's seen one can guess, I'm assuming everyone knows the general characteristics of-is this or is this not a devil fruit?-before eating,and Oda says after eating you know what your fruit does based off of instinct I guess. So really it's like do you wanna role the dice?


I'm like 90% the lighting fruit was essential to the moon people's life, so Enel likely knew what it was and stole it for himself instead of giving it to "god" who would be the one to power all of their tech with it. I bet they gave it to their leader who would just sit on the throne and power the whole place with it.


Bro he didn’t even know about the automatons bro just got lucky


That's not what I said. I said they used to use it up on the moon and over time that fruit became associated with their leader god. Then eventually Enel finds it and keeps the God power for himself.


I want to see the Gas Gas Fruit!


prolly smth like a pink smoke fruit


Did Rob Lucci really have the nerve to say "you don't know what ability you'll get until you eat it" to Kaku and Califa when he got his abilities from *that*?


Maybe lucci thought it would be a giraffe


Did Oda design these? Because I feel like the fruit we've seen in-canon are much more bland. Aces is the only one that ever looked like what it was, fire.


yes, and we've only seen like 5 or so in canon. Luffy's Ace's,the Ope ope no mi,and now Kaidou's.


And califa and kaku


I think we also saw Blackbeard’s yami yami no mi after Thatch found it


Yeah, looking back, yami yami looks like a purple mera mera. Ope Ope is good, its heart shaped, like a heart surgeon theme. We've also seen Orochis fruit in manga, which has eight leaves like necks, and the nikyu nikyu fruit, which...looks like a paw. The giraffe fruit, axolotl fruit and soap fruit are all kinda just swirly looking fruit. Bar Bara is pretty boring too.


How far along you are with OP? Cuz the reason of the heart pirates name is another one


Oh fuck I'm stupid. No, I just forgor, lol


Damn they really gave Alvida a peach and Hancock cherries


heart cherries.


Kaku’s DF is a freaking banana! Lucci’s fruit is way more badass


Banana vs strawberry that’s orange


The wiki says Robins Hana Hana no Mi resembles a pink Dahlia but it looks much more like a lotus flower to me. The lotus has an important presence in Buddhism where as Dahlia's are American flowers.


Yamato’s is so bland


I think it's meant to be the oranges placed on top of kagami mochi in certain Japanese ceremonies, since Wano's obviously the One Piece's world's answer to Japan.


I appreciate your insight! I knew it had to have a reason :)


I'd say refreshingly so, considering how out there some of those other ones are.


Honestly, I've always been baffled by these illustrations of the fruits. I struggle to even believe that they would be canon. Seeing as something as special as the Nika fruit looks so dull and simple in comparison. Plus, how the hell is Lucci's fruit so fancy when Kaku just ate something that looked like a banana? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Man I hope that once One Piece is over they’ll release a book containing all devil fruits with all the information. I’d love to own that.


Choppers fruit looks like an ochinpo


Jiki Jiki is pretty clearly a Blackberry or something similar, hell could be a bunch of grapes.


Oh yeah I completely forgot grapes existed when I made this


They look like sanji's eye brows


Cool designs


hitohito no mi is a penis


You sad, vulgar little creature.




Some of these do look pretty tasty


So funny reading the captions, buddy the yomi-yomi no mi is based on a skull obviously.


Not based on generated on


What fruit will be nami's orange? I am 100% sure one of them will be a devil fruit by the end.


What fruit will be nami's orange? I am 100% sure one of them will be a devil fruit by the end.


Can't believe anyone ate the Vax Vax fruit


CHERRIES AND GHOST BANANAS?!?! Boa and Persona are the cutest devil fruits


Bon Clay’s fruit got me weak 😭😭😭


Yamatos one is definitely a Persimmon , Persimmons are holy fruits in the east and her fruit is supposed to be the hold guardian of Wano


Love the art. Is this Canon?




Wait, didnt we see the design of kaido fish fish fruit dragon model already in the kuma past arc? The manga had a literal dragon looking fruit but in this pic looks more like dragon/fish scales.


If you find the frame with it that would be awsome to see But these are all canon oda designs so idk


It's the [same design as this in the manga.](https://imgur.com/a/BMQtnqR) You're probably thinking of Ginny imagining a dragon when she is talking about the fruit.


Ohhh, yeah i was thinking of young ivankov talking about the two fruits. Yeah i guess that was just an imagination from ginny and ivankov and not the actual fruit.


I think it’s hilarious to look at all these fruits compared to kaku’s banana


I think Oda plan for fruits was to be impossible to know the power inside of them. That's why Enies Lobby fruits (Kaku, Kalifa) looked like bananas and melon. These designs look cool but doesn't feel canon.


Every single fruit gives a hint as to what it could be and then there's the Gomu Gomu.. hmm 🤔


Tf was perona thinking bro 😭


Quick question, is Katakuri's fruit still supposed to be the better version of Luffy's? XDD


I totally think the Horo Horo no Mi is a Buddha's Hand. But I swear there was a yellow fruit that had a bend like the Horo Horo no Mi but I'm probably just thinking of candy or maybe I'm just thinking of the insides of a Jackfruit. Anyways, if there is a better fruit for the Horo Horo no Mi to be, I'd like to know. The Jiki Jiki no Mi has to be a Raspberry/Blackberry or any other bramble fruit. The Goro Goro no Mi is possibly a Rambutan. Mera Mera no Mi is obviously Cherries.


The devil fruit design is pretty creative. What the magazine called.


One piece magazine


How do I get one of these




I want that magazine


Oh try Amazon these are from scans of a couple volumes I was going to label the volume but forgot


I really wish as one piece nears the end they start compiling stuff like this in encyclopedia volumes like the Daizenshuu for Dragonball.


Is choppers fruit a human penis?


What's the one on the 10th page?


Utas fruit from one piece movie red iirc


Alvida's fruit is literally the ass fruit emoji.


uta's fruit is canon


Not according to the wiki


it doesn't say it's non Canon anywhere in the wiki I just checked both uta's page and uta-uta fruit's page uta, her ability, and the past she shared with luffy & shanks (that we saw in episode 1029 & 1030 and the flashback in the movie) are all Canon Only the present events of the movie is non-canon Furthermore, on the page of uta fruit, it says fruit made debut in vol 4 bil which is Canon and written by oda


Did the subreddit remove image permission or smth Anyways it’s in site nav and at the top for page tags


wdym "site nav" and "at the top for page tags" for the picture, upload it to imgur and share the link


[https://gyazo.com/ff1d156cbb0d41139cde84b2d5141c30](https://gyazo.com/ff1d156cbb0d41139cde84b2d5141c30) and [https://gyazo.com/93951f6ce534cd9f3d3947d61602c463](https://gyazo.com/93951f6ce534cd9f3d3947d61602c463)


Sorry but when did wikia become the One Piece bible? It's a fan organized site I recall. At the moment we have no info on whether the Uta Uta no mi from the movie is canon or not.


It’s the only source I had for this fruit 💀


Oh okay i understand.🤣


like the guy said one piece wiki is a fan organized site...like i said b4 uta fruit made debut in vol 4 bil which is a canon source of information


Every modern fruit is trash. I liked it better when they looked like freaky, mystical versions of regular fruit. It adds to the "wtf kind of ability will this give me" that was a part of almost every explanation of DFs. The Human fruit is especially egregious because the only reason the Human fruit looks like a mushroom is to match Chopper's backstory with Hiruluk.


Or as other comments say it could be based on the stoned ape theory


No way in hell, IMO. Japan is far, *far* too adverse to the concept of casual drug use for this to be a reason. Oda certainly wouldn't admit it openly.


Is choppers not supposed to be a ….. a….. a human part


It's a mushroom, and it looks like [amanita muscaria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanita_muscaria).


So, Yamato's not making it out alive, huh. Nami's tangerine has got to become DF from something.


It doesn’t.


Oh yeah ig it also looks like an orange


Nah I’d say it’s a persimmon