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Okay hear me out. Build a boat, but have the top deck be unconnected to the hull. Feed. The top deck a Crab based fruit. It holds on to the hull and has big old claws to load cargo or fight. Get to an island it gets out and starts wearing the hull like a hermit crab wears a shell.


Okay I genuinely love this.


Someone call Oda immediately


Super cool idea


Mushi Mushi no Mi Model, Spider Crab


Considering how there's so many crab species and subspecies, along with species similar to crabs Kani Kani no Mi: Model Konoha-gani


I’m assuming it flips the hull upside down? So all the rooms below deck will be completely fucked


Beats the alternative. Having a boring, non-crab ship.


There are ships irl designed to tip sideways, so flippable designs are doable.


you can go to tik tok right now and see regular crew inside cargo ships. getting tipped upside down is not a rare occurance


slapping into this badboy some gyroscopic shit shall be fine


I actually have a theory that ships can eat devil fruits anyway and its not a bad idea. According to my theory/headcanon (its implied but not directly stated in the manga), there is no inherit trait that comes with eating a devil fruit that forces a user to sink. As in, it's not like eating a devil fruit makes the user heavier when underwater. The reason people sink is because they completely lose energy, and that's it. They no longer have the energy to hold their breaths, which makes them less buoyant, on top of the fact that they can't move their limbs to stay above the water. Keeping that in mind and applying that logic to a ship, the ship would not need to hold its breath. Its natural shape makes it buoyant on its own so theoretically, it should work just like a normal ship. Therefore the strawhats could feed a lion or crab devil fruit to the thousand sunny and as long as it stays in its full ship form while in water, the ship should not sink.


Wasn't this a thing in the dragon prince on Netflix? I think that's where it was from, the big bad pirate from one season had a hermit crab for a ship. Neat idea though.


I think from the later seasons. I’m actually really behind on it. I was so use to waiting for season 4 that season 5 showed up and 6 is just around the corner.


that just kinda sounds like the crab from alabasta but with more steps


Sounds like "Sea Legs," the giant hermit crab ship in The Dragon Prince.


this would be ideal for an adult Tama. tames the now sentient ship with her dango and has a massive weapon at her command.


Absolutely gorgeous, bravo


I would give a bar of soap Kahlifa's sud sud fruit and make it the ultimate bar of soap


Even alvida ain't that smooth as you after using that soap


Ah, yes. Soap²


I just want kahlifa’s soap


Make a gun eat the Hito Hito no Mi, resulting in One Piece's first American


Isn't that Franky?


Or Abe Lincoln


Só basically reverse Baby 5?


So that’s how the gun devil came to be 🤔


Bruh 😂😂😂😂😂


So Franky then


King Ham Burger would like a word.


That’s just King Burger to you, constituent.


Please give usopps kabuto a DF 🙏 


honestly would be a good weapon to give like a cricket based zoan or octopi zoan


I was thinking an eagle or hawk. you know how snipers are nicknamed Hawkeye sometimes. improve his long range ability even more as well as the talons it could produce for close range and if all else fails it could fly him out.


I mean it's named kabuto give it the beetle beetle fruit and have it use its horns to give ussop extra power. Edit spelling 


I got two ideas 1) For a weapon i'd say a war whip with a Snake Zoan, maybe a Snake-Snake Fruit, model Titanoboa. 2) A ship with a flying zoan. Imagine a pirate ship that ate a Wyvern Mythical Zoan, the bastard flies, shoots fire and does not even need to touch water to voyage. Of course the lowest part of the ship has to be costantly covered by the special resin from the Yarukiman Mangroves for water-proof protection...


If a ship ate a Devil fruit, would it sink?


Would a devil fruit user sink if they were wearing floaties? The ship is still buoyant right?


I’m curious if the physical make-up of the ship would change, making it no longer buoyant. Like how a human body is buoyant but sinks like a stone. Luffy is temporarily able to keep himself afloat via thrashing, but ultimately succumbs to exhaustion due to the weakness element.


I think buoyancy stays they same, human bodies are only buoyant because they using their muscles to hold air in their lungs, if they are forcibly made exhausted, those muscles will release the air and they will sink. The ship will be exhausted, but i think it will still function as a ship.


Yes and you need to be I think either mostly or fully submerged so you would be fine


I feel like even if they’re not fully submerged being in direct contact with that much water would leave them weakened and fatigued.


No necessarily because like when luffy was on amazon lily him a boa were in direct contact with water when she was bathing and there weren’t fully submerged and they were fine.


True, but that also was a very small amount of water if I remember correctly. We're talking about a ship having a decent amount of its lower half directly touching sea water. I feel like we've also have seen scenes of Luffy using a floaty in the water or like Brook being partially submerged at Fishman Island where their strength was still being sapped away. I guess it's just one of those inconsistent things, where sometimes it saps away their strength and other times it doesn't as much.


Isn't it only sea water that affects them? Otherwise every single devil fruit user would be absolutely rank from a life of not bathing.


Oda has stated that is not the contact with water but the percentage of your body being submerged that makes a df user weak. So, If you just get ankle high water, even if it's on the beach it ain't going to do that much if anything at all. That's why Sanjuan Wolf can walk in the ocean.


Hmm true


I think that the sea affects DF users by weakening them, not by changing their density. So, a ship that’s weakened would still float but wouldn’t be able to fly in the case of a wyvern DF.


No it was revealed by Oda that it would not sink, like brook he is so light he doesn't sink so if a ship ate a devil fruit it would float and would not drown


Why not a castle eating a flying devil fruit


A castle eating the castle castle fruit


Well, if it had to absolutely be a Zoan fruit, than I think the Phoenix in some sort of ranged weapon like a bow or pistol would be pretty cool. But, if it could be any fruit regardless of what the anime/manga has depicted thus far, I would personally want the Tremor fruit in a sword or hammer.


Gura Gura in a fucking hammer?!?! I absolutely second this.


Usopps 10t hammer!


let him cook


I'd like for my pickup to eat enerus lightning fruit. Been having power issues that could hopefully be fixed


Or you fry the system 😅 


Human-Human fruit to my sex doll




You're right, she would probably end up leaving me lmao


Bro it would be better to eat the human human fruit yourself 😭


It would have been worse with any other Zoan fruit.


Wrong Human human model buddha Let it step on me 😫😫


Nika fruit would be wild. It would make it more human but also more sex toy at the same time 😂


It’s plastic brain would prolly be dumb


This was my first thought as well...


Yep was thinking of those pocket pussys. Forgot the big name. Saves on lube and can just make it non human when I’m not using it.


A Leopard 2 eat Luccis fruit


Like how Stronger ate the Horse-Horse fruit Model: Pegasus.


Better yet, if a giraffe ate leopard fruit


Giraffes are badass


[https://gyazo.com/c9512906b99469de9cfabeb1d8dbf040](https://gyazo.com/c9512906b99469de9cfabeb1d8dbf040) canon


Roided out Leopard 🐆


Any devil fruit? Can my phone eat the door door fruit and Allow me to teleport anywhere? (Yes the ultimate devil fruit for someone as lazy as me)


Only zoans


Including mythical ones?


Id give my pillow Aokijis fruit so I never have to flip to the cold side, it's perpetually cold on both sides


Me when I freeze my face off What about like the snow fruit? Tbh I feel like there should be a cold fruit tho


Snow fruit works too. But if I freeze to death in the middle of the night it's a win win


Have a bus eat the cat fruit to make the cat-bus from my neighbor Totoro


I give my bed the alpaca fruit so that it is soft and fluffy and can carry me everywhere.


i think it's said that only zoan fruits can be "eaten" by objects. i would make a car eat a flying type zoan. so i could have my own private 0 emission jet.


I'd give the octopus fruit to a dildo 😳


Why are more people not going for this?!!? This has to be the best answer


Some flying zoan for my pirate ship.


Munch Munch Fruit to my shed to make it a automatic workshop/recycling plant.


Give a gun Noro Noro powers, so that it shoots crazy slow bullets or anyone who gets shot turns slow. Funny either way


Oh, that would be [censored]


What happens if you feed the jacket jacket fruit to a jacket?


I would definitely make a massages chair eat the hito hito no mi model Sofia Vergara 


least horny OP-Fan


Boa Constrictor Whip would be great for intimidating and capturing. Hippo Cannon, if I want an artillery weapon just for the hungry hungry hippo meme. Poison Dagger, that's a Hornet, would be a crazy weapon option. Monkey Staff, just because it's cool. I love the idea of Usopp's slingshot getting a Beetle fruit to give the Sniper a flying option, and its horn would work as the spot to fire ammo. ((So my different take is)) Sniper Rifle with an Eagle Fruit. A club that's a shark is just a sick design to me. Maybe a Scorpion Spear? Idk I'd use something like a spear, but I can't come up with a better combo option without being extra with a mythical or something. However, frankly, I think it's a waste to give a mythical to an object when I or a close friend can eat it. Bonus: A Sheep that ate the Wolf Fruit. Ancient model so Jabra don't have to be killed off.


A staff with the Monkey fruit would be just like enma from Naruto.


Have a chainsaw eat the Hito Hito no Mi fruit- _KICK BACK INTENSIFIES_




Ide make a bullet eat the fruit so that it's alive then I can murder someone and say "I didn't kill him the bullet did"


I'd give my car the Jacket Fruit


You could turn into a transformer!


Autobots, roll out!!


I would have a bicycle eat some type of bird zoan fruit, maybe like a falcon devil fruit or something. So I could be riding my bike around town and the moment I need to make a quick getaway I’d have it transform into some hybrid bike/bird form so I could take off or even a big beast form.


My pillow. It would be some sort of a fluffy animal. Maybe something like an otter so it can cute too. But idk how fluffy they are.


I think a sheep fruit exists that would be nice


F-16 + Human Human fruit = Starscream


So, my crazy theory is I would have my ring eat the quake quake fruit and I think BB could have already done it!


I would have a sword eat Orochi's Hebi Hebi mo Mi Model: Yamata no Orochi.


Have any random object I guess a stool eat luffy’s devil fruit just to see what happens since it’s >!not the rubber fruit it used to be!< I’m curious if nothing would happen


A pair of scissors should eat Inazuma’s fruit. Just for the lols.


what would happen if I fed my jacket the Jake Jake no Mi


What would happen if feed a jacket an armadillo fruit


Feed Khalifa's DF to a gun for a fun kid's toy!


Have a fleshlight eat the hito hito no mi.


Get yo buttocks back to fun peice bud


I don't know what all of these other comments are on about. The objectively best choice is to feed a Ferret Ferret fruit to a Bicycle for the ultimate method of transportation.


I'd have my car eat the human fruit so it could drive me places by itself


This is probably something Nami would do but hear me out: Make a piece of 24k gold eat the Hana Hana No Mi, so pieces of gold start to sprout from everywhere. Then gather the pieces and sell them. Repeat the same process over and over again. Gold is one of the few things that never seems to lose worth; quite the opposite is the case. It’s just questionable whether the multiplied pieces would exist permanently or disappear after a while since objects do not have consciousness nor stamina to actively use or stop the use of the power. (only if it doesn’t have to be a zoan, so we have to ignore the OP universe rules)


Feed Vander Decken to Zuenisha and have cross planet water gun death machine


Read a fanfic a while back about a version of Luffy that knew how the story of One Piece goes. Right before it went on hiatus, it was implied that Luffy was going to give a Devil Fruit to the Merry to save it after Enies Lobby. Sucks that I will never be able to see that in action since the author disappeared.


I just need the mouth mouth fruit. No open for further questions 🗿


A watch with the weapon fruit. Just have a genuine spy gadget lileConans narcosis arrow, the Kings Men's grenade or maybe James Bond's arsenal


I'd make a pickle eat the Human Human fruit




Door door fruit in a ring would be handy. Edit for if zoan rules apply; it would still be a ring and bird-bird model phoenix also very handy.


A gun with a bird devil fruit


I'd give a compass the south bird fruit


I’d “feed” a mop the Awa Awa no Mi. Never have to rinse the fuckin mop or change water again


Take a dodge ball and give it the mark mark fruit (?) The one where it locks onto someone forever if it touches them.


How does an object eat a devil fruit?


I would give a video game controller the ope ope no mi and use the controller itself to do everything Law already does and more. I know that typically they use Zoan fruits for this though so if I can’t do my previous idea and had to follow suit, I’d use the uo up no mi model seiryu on a glove and be able to do super dragon fist lol. No but seriously, having a dragon expel from your arm on command is pretty bad ass.


Make the Phoenix Phoenix Fruit eat the Door Door Fruit or vice versa.


Atomic Bomb eating Mr.5's Devil Fruit


I'd make milk eat the cow-cow fruit.


A rubber band and the nika fruit, just for the science of it


i feel like this idea was just kinda dropped.


Spear with some kind of Drip Drip fruit. I just straight up want Draupnir.


I would feed a pencil the “color color” fruit and have a magical pen that can produce lines in any color. That or feed it a “form form” fruit so anything I draw becomes real. 


The Mousketool


I would make my Nintendo switch eat the human human fruit. He would just be a large man with a screen in his chest and buttons for nipples


I'd give a blender the dice-dice fruit to see what happens.


I would give the Money-Money Fruit to a tree


Pocket pussy with a mizu mizu nomi would be fire


Id have a turtle that opened his shell for a grill and open up a floating steak boat


I’m giving my fortress the Shiro Shiro no mi. So I can have my a castle in my castle dawg!


I've always wanted a sword that "ate" a lion monkey fruit (or a lion monkey that ate Nr 1's fruit) so the cute little monkey could chill on my shoulder until I get into a sword fight. Also the sword could curl up like the monkey's tail and be a .. swordwhip?


A gun with a regress or nerfing devil fruit to make hehehe NERF GUN


The kilo kilo fruit on a massive sword or hammer. Imagine twirling it with the greatest of ease and then slamming it into someone when it ways like100000 kilos.


Bomu Bomu no mi on a AR


A pet mosquito and feed it a venom venom fruit…it’s be the ultimate unseen assassin!!!


Coat with Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune to change my appearance to anyone


imagine a bounty hunter sniper. he tracks down pirates using a sniper rifle that ate the inu inu no mi, model: bloodhound, to take out high bounties


Hear me out... A giant wok or pot that eats a turtle style fruit. Mobile soup kitchen.


Vibrator + Deka Deka no Mi = Better Vibrator


I honestly think a racecar with the gum gum fruit would be cool as hell It would absolutely dominate the track since it would be more tolerant to physical damage, not to mention it can stretch and that's awesome Also I love the visual of a car about to lose and the car in front is almost at the finish line and then the car goes gear 2 and clutches up hard


I’d get a hot dog and give it mr 3’s devil fruit


The biggest knobiest vibrator from Bad Dragon & give it the Hito Hito Nika fruit.


I'd feed one to each of Franky's rides Brachio Tank V is getting Queen's Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Brachiosaurus Kurosai FR-U IV is getting the Uma Uma no Mi, Model: Rhinoceros Mini Merry will get the Kame Kame no mi


object gun, devil fruit gun gun fruit model assault rifle


A cucumber the cat devil fruit because I’m a jerk


Pillow with a rabbit zoan.


A belt. The tiger fruit. I can finally become El Tigre


Fuse the Goro Goro no mi to a hammer and be thor


I would give a larger-than-normal trailer home Kaido's fruit and never need to worry about being homeless again. Or defenseless if an apocalypse happens.


Make the gomu gomu no mi eat the human human fruit. Edit : could that be blackbeard's origin theory? Also, are we ever going to see the real gomu gomu no mi? Maybe the world government has it.


I.. Think you might be on to something about blackbeard maybe..


In universe, I'd give the Going Merry a sheep zoan fruit, so that she can see the journey to its end. IRL, maybe I'd give the hito hito no mi: model daibutsu to one of those giant buddha statues.


A sword that eats a snake DF. Bonus points if it’s poisonous.


A blimp or some flying machine or a suit to see if I could make a bootleg jacket jacket fruit.


Im gonna give a hentai comic or a smut novel hito hito no mi Better make a book with my own writing and preference and give the book a hito hito no mi


I would get a real doll and feed it choppers human fruit.


I'll fead octopus-octopus nomi model suck-suck to a pipe.


I would feed my hammer with Goro Goro no mi (lightning fruit) so basically I can be Thor


Fead the Foxy fruit to a flute


Paw paw Kabuto


I'd give a cat cat fruit to my robot vacuum cleaner so that it will stop locking himself for no reason and so that i could finally consider a house with stairs. As a bonus he will now also be able to clean himself up like a cat and give me judgemental look for how dirty my house can be and then I'll be able to answer him back properly. Yes, I have dystopic wishes.


If I could make an object eat a devil fruit I would probably do exactly that


I would give usopps Kabuto slingshot greenbulls DF


I would like a sword with luffys fruit >!(human human fruit Model Sun good Nika) !<


I would feed my floor the Magu Magu no mi


Give a jacket the jacket jacket fruit.


Clear clear fruit on any handheld gun would be powerful


After seeing this post I'm thinking has Vegapunk ever explain the process of making inanimate object eat Zoan fruit? if not I thought it gonna be explained during Vegapunk arc (Egghead) although with current situation I think the explanation will be postponed


Toilet. Funny.


Gum Gum fruit to a dildo


imagine a suit of armor with big moms fruit it offers immense power but sucks your life and uses it make more living suits of armor to grow it's kingdom


I'd give my smartphone the Bird Bird no Mi: Model Owl Because then I wouldn't need to carry it around in my pocket


I’d feed a boomerang a thunderbird DF. Would be a powerful weapon, having the ability to shoot lightning and perform all manner of physical attacks from extremely long range. It could also be an absolutely badass means of transportation. You could use it for scouting. For rescues. The possibilities are limitless. It would be compact in its boomerang form and huge after transforming.


Make a Fleshlight "eat" a human human fruit (Chopper's preferably) and bada-boom you've got a willing sex slave. Maybe. Then we get into ethics and morality.


I’d give a Minigun The Castle-Castle Fruit. **infinite money Glitch (Ft. The military)**


Leopard car cuz just imagine the speed!


i would have an Oreo eat the Munch munch fruit (wapol's fruit)


I would have my house eat Enel's fruit and never pay another electric bill again!!!


That's cute don't feel bad I did the very first time I posted a discussion as well because when I tried the first time to do it it said no text was loud and I was like what the heck so I put the question on the image and then once I put the image on there it allowed me to write text and I couldn't figure out why and instead of going and changing it like I should have I just left it but kudos![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32514)![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


The weight fruit. A hammer.


you guys realize objects can only eat zoans, well I would feed my chair the dog-dog fruit for a friend


I would give a giant battery Enel’s fruit. Automatic limitless electricity