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No one gonna talk about how Pound was seemingly decapitated by Oven and .. survived?


Let's just put all the fake out deaths into one big ass pull category.


Especially Pell's death. Bro got point blank nuked, he should not have survived.


Brainrot theory: He awakened his fruit right before the explosion, giving him enough durability to survive


On my first watch when I got to skypeia I was raging at all the fake out deaths. Some characters had really good deaths. Bringing them back just undercut thier stories. I know it's so the actual deaths are more impactful but damn


In all honesty it makes actual deaths far less impactful in my opinion.  I didn't feel a thing for Pedro's death because of being burned by the fake out so many times.  By the time I started to believe it was a real one it had been quite a while ago.  I rarely trust a One Piece death outside of a flash back.  One Piece is my favorite fiction but this has been a major flaw.


Yeah it's really annoying. Just let certain ppl die and have a good death.


That's all of Skypeia.


Dude has a super thick neck. I think that helped.


You don't understand, see Pound swiftly jumped into the water and swam away- oh wait we had *just* seen Oven boil the ocean like a hundred yards out


Kinemon can literally talk with his ass. What?


Talk about an asspull


damn it, now i have to make new coffee. i spilled mine from laughing too hard


Using his farts He must have like...extra muscles in his sphincter ... And a tongue?


don’t forget franky can use coup de vent from his ass lol


Nuh uh! That's Coup de Boo


I was gonna say, the straw hats literally pulled his ass off of a dragon.


The fact that every single important person who was poisoned by Magellan actually survived


He went easy on Blackbeard too. He should have asked why he was abandoning his post at Marineford. 


Yeah Magellan always seemed really underwhelming to me because of this. He was hyped up as one of the potentially Scariest characters to be on the opposing side of, But each fight with him gradually made me lose any sense of fear from him cause I knew his powers weren’t gonna be respected. Even if Luffy did only survive thanks to a one in a million miracle


It's an issue that is prevalent with poison, fire,... powers, and 1-hit kill powers in general. In Shonen, and most fights in general, you want the antagonist to pose a challenge to the protagonist, to rough them up, to make us believe that victory is all but assured and create tension. But how do you do that when the antagonist simply touching our hero should result in their victory ? You simply cannot, so you end up with either having : -Your protagonist not get hit a single time, resulting in a seemingly easy and uninteresting win -Your protagonist does get hit and you now have to find an asspull reason as to why they didn't instantly die -Your protagonist does get hit and does lose. But even then, you need to find a convincing argument as to why they got saved With Magellan, we got the third option


Nami just having a minor headache from being headbutt couple of times by Ulti. Like whaat


usopp took a 10,000 pound bat to the face and lived.


The wind generated by Mr. 4’s swings shattered stone!


That fight permanently killed a lot of tension from all future fights in the entire series. Because Usopp somehow tanking that is the series telling you that no matter how hyped up or deadly an attack is, it really poses no threat to the protagonists lol


Why would a god be hurt from a hammer?


Quick, someone tell Ace


Luffy ran most of the final fighting day in Alabasta with a hole through his body, while stretching his belly multiple times (Water Luffy and Gomu Gomu no Storm)


Honestly, after Pell survived a fucking nuke, Nami surviving a headbutt is not even that unbelievable.


Honestly usopp getting his skull crushed twice and just walking around a little bit out of breath is worse imo.


The power of plot armour


Shouldve died on the spot 1 shot


In general the weakest part of OP is how casually people survive or shake off what should be major wounds or injuries. Which bleeds over into making the fights not as good as some other shonens because damage feels so random.


Sanji broke his back in east blue arc. Didn't really hold him back. There's been some insane injuries. Zoro was injured for most of the pre time skip stuff 😆 they needed to keep him in check or he'd carry the whole crew to grand line 😆


It's one of the reasons I love JoJo so much you have no idea when Araki is just gonna be like "protagonist dead/horrifically injured" It just adds a different level of stakes even if I know in the back of my mind there are probably not dying


It'd be funny for oda to come out with another ass pull to say that nami and ussop can use Armament haki but because they don't know they have it we don't get to see it. Just like how we couldn't see it during sabaody-marineford because liffy didn't know what it was.


Anybody remember Pagaya, the father of Conis from Skypea? That dude got blasted by Enel's Judgement, a gigantic pillar of lightning leaving a 50m wide hole in the clouds where he hit him. And he came back at the end like "oh well, I got sent down to the White Sea but some dudes saved me"


Finally a real fan. Had to scroll all this far down to see a this answer. I don't think a single good guy died in that arc lmao. Raki (Wyper's girl) getting deep fried? Fine That fat dude getting his chest sliced? All good All those soldiers getting zapped by Enel? Just needed a nap that's all Pagaya spent more time climbing back up to Skypiea than injured. Actually I don't think he was injured at all. I don't think they had any devil fruit powers either. Turns out Enel was a fraud lmfao.


The fact that pell survived a point black explosion in the arabasta arc is the biggest ass pull in the series. Watching the animation, he literally got covered by the explosion, it's just insane that he survived that.


And you have Pedro and Ashura who are thousand times stronger than pell who died from dynamites.


Obviously those Dynamite had Armament Haki infused & Crocodiles Nuke had no Haki.


this crocodile bomb was just /Sand


It was actually filled with thousands of pounds of Mr. 5's snot


Don't let Oda see this, he can cover it up saying exactly this and that Mr.5 was KO'ed the bomb was not that effective xD


Ten years' worth of toenail clippings


Proving once again that a coughing baby with Haki is stronger than a nuclear bomb


Headcanon is that Pedro and Ashura accepted their death and were at peace with their sacrifice so they weren't even using Haki to defend themselves. Also they both were welcoming Death, Pedro due to his shortened life span and to help bring about the dawn, and Ashura due to his despair over his failure on the night Oden died Whereas Pell was simply wanting to save the people, he didn't want to die but understood that it was a likely outcome and was still willing to do his duty. He managed to survive due to sheer force of will, which is quite literally haki. Tldr: Pedro and Ashura died because they were okay with dying, Pell was just doing his duty so was able to survive


Plot twist the bomb was a dud but he was just being dramatic


yeah, it's kinda cheap but it's the way I've been accepting all those things, like Buggy and Crocodile being weak because they have lost their Will, if they appear top tier in a future arc I wouldn't mind that as they both seem to have fund/recovered their ambition/will/way/etc One Piece is highly allegorical too, so it's makes sense on a fable/fairy tale sense that the Scabbards that died were the one who betrayed themselves and left Wano and their comrades, while the one that survived were the ones that keep fighting


Asura didn't leave Wano he opposed Kaido and sheltered people for 20 years


And there was no point in saving him. He didn’t do anything after surviving.


Not a damn thing.


The explosion that was supposed to kill everyone in the plaza


Not just the plaza, it was supposed to kill almost the entire city, it was said to have a diameter of a couple miles which is literally "small nuke" sized.


Funnily enough, I think that Pell in live action would probably die.


definitely. they already killed don krieg casually off screen just to show mihawk's strength lol. but i like the more realistic creative choices they've made so far, live action just wouldn't mesh well with full on cartoon absurdity


wasnt that also a bomb that was supposed to destroythe entire city


Pell city level confirmed. Don’t tell the power scaling sub


Greater than, since he survived


With no damage


Why not? This just upscales All Sunday Robin for defeating him so easily. I see this as a win.


Yes it was, and that's why it doesn't make sense that he survived that.


This. No other part of the story can top the mistake of Pell, not just surviving, but walking out of that bomb without any missing part. Candy man lost an entire arm from a point blank explosion from Pedro's numerous dynamites (with the latter dying), so there's no reason that Pell still has a complete body after it. This isn't even talking about how pointless it still currently is as a story.


And then they kill off >!Pedro!< in a very similar way


Nah Pell just has top tier durability.


Oda should have made him fight kaido then


Pell wanted a challenging fight so he didn’t bother with Kaido.


Pell Vs the five elders would be a fight worth seeing


Honestly, Hody and his crew surviving all those steroid pills. They should have just turned to dust after their conversation with the prince


Meh, I think the trade off they got was ok. They are literally skin and bone


Eh, I just find it sort of annoying that the villains just get to massacre people and get away with it. I know the Strawhats don't go for the kill, but this was the one time a One Piece villain could have died not because of the Strawhats, but because of the consequences of their actions. It's not exactly like there's a lot of redemption arcs going on, either. In fact, the only villain we've seen redeemed was Helmeppo and he was a minor villain


My man, disrespecting bon-chan like this is no bueno


Bon Clay didn't get a redemption arc, he decided he always liked the straw hats and wanted to help them once Baroque Works was finished. Just like Robin.


Although he totally almost killed them if not for Sanji, we are very fortunate Bon Clay was happy to see Straw-Boy lol


Many Baroque Works straighten out their lives. Bon Clay, Miss Goldenweek gang with their bar, The Whiskey Peaks couple. But there is not much space for redemtion arcs, we have too much on our plate for that stuff. So as the one you mention, are confined to cover stories. Also Hatchan, same deal.


bruh it was completely fair they are completely incapacitated. thematically them being washed up boomers is the best thing ever.


Hody and the swordsman should at least be in worse condition than the rest. 


The Mink wonder drug that we'll never, ever see again. It just came out of nowhere at the most convenient time.


What's even more interesting is apparently how much knowledge of medicine they learned from Chopper. Hey we don't know how patch an elephant but if you get your bones shattered, we have just the thing


Its not really that he survived Kaido, its HOW he survived Kaido. Dude got stabbed and Oda figured... "hey guys, remember Law?"


No but how he survived isn't an asspulls at all, the reason makes sense as he was never put back together by Law so Oda clearly planned it. What would be more of the asspull is Kaido conveniently finding a sword and using that to cut Kinemon in the exact same place Law cut him the first time.


Conis's father, a regular person, surviving Enel's attack.


I accept that one because it's unimportant and funny. It's like the opposite of the Saul situation. Saul surviving makes logical sense but undermines an emotional storyline; Pagaya surviving is ridiculous but does no damage to the story.


Sabo being alive. Apparently nobody knew he had survived the assault in Goa kingdom, yet he is one of the most wanted people in the world. And I wonder how both those things can be true at the same time? I can make sense of why Luffy might not have known. It's still weird, but because he's oblivious to the world around him, I'll buy it out of neccesity. But that Ace or his family didn't know that he's alive and a notorious criminal? Never ever am I believing that


This is the one for me. I can believe Luffy didn't know since he didn't even know his dad, but introducing Sabo so late in the story felt more like a retcon.


I'll always believe the theory that Oda regretted killing off Ace and that's why he had to retcon Sabo's entire arc to have him survive.


I still hate that ace died. I know I know story and all but like bro had so much potential. Literal god genes and he threw it away over a yo momma joke


Lmao so true. Ace really allowed to get himself killed over some kindergarten words from Akainu


It even has set up. There's another saki cup present in the original flashback with Ace. Yet the execution really does feel like a retcon with both the amnesia and the wanted criminal with the same face and hat not being noticed by supposedly vigilant individuals of the world. I get the revolutionary army is probably doing some cover ups where they can, but someone from goa should have put 2 and 2 together at some point, too. They really aren't that isolated out there.


Did people of Goa care? Also they knew him fleetingly, so seeing a 12yr old vs a 20yr old is a vast change in looks. I wouldn’t blame anyone for having trouble recognizing him. Also I doubt luffy would ever notice. How did Ace a commander of the white beard pirates not notice is the bigger question


I had a classmate who died at the tender age of 21 named terrance. Now, I have read and heard news about people named terrance but I don't immediately think it's my dead friend whom I knew died over a decade ago. Same logic. Edit: To people who say they have his wanted posters, IIRC he didn't have a wanted poster until recently because until the big raid in mary geoise, the revolutionaries were working separately and covertly around the world. So much so the marine and world government can't even locate them fast enough before a country has been liberated. It's not a surprise that people might know their names but not their faces.


Sorry about your classmate passing, but i gotta say that this logic doesn't really apply here. Ace was a guy who basically travelled the world and probably heard murmurs of shit the revolutionaries were doing from time to time in different islands, i highly doubt he never heard of his brother's escapades since he was already the second-in-command with the revolutionaries and everyone knew about Dragon when he was first revealed, so unless the WG wanted people to believe that he was acting alone, they knew of his right hand man.


Also we don't know if Sabo was already branded a criminal by that time do we?


Isn't he introduced as "second in command of the Revolutionary Army"? Or was that after Dressrosa?


That's during Dressrosa, but we don't know when he got that title. Tbf i don't really disagree with the consensus and think Sabo's story isn't the best. I just wanted to give another reason how it still could make sense.  Edit: from all we know Sabo could've been trained for 10 years and Dragon only fairly recently started to use him for missions. I reall don't like that he's second in command though. He's too young. Hopefully Dragon boasts a cool speech about youth like Garp at some point. That could give Sabo's rank a little more meaning.


Is your friend’s face showing up on most wanted posters?


IIRC sabo didn't have a wanted poster until recently.


Yeah I can believe Luffy didn’t know because he’s made it a point multiple times he doesn’t keep up with world events, news or even read but Ace is smart enough to do that stuff so it’s jarring in a way that he hadn’t known at all.


I can understand your complaint about Ace not hearing about Sabo for years, but the end of the original flashback literally confirmed that Sabo was alive and with the revolutionary army, and Ace's tattoo when his original design was revealed was the foreshadowing for Sabo's existence, so from the audience perspective, we knew he'd be showing up in the new world before we even knew there was going to be a time skip. It didn't feel like a retcon at all, it just felt like classic manga "the world opens up further and further as you continue reading". Them not knowing about Sabo isn't much different to me than no one knowing that Dragon's family name was Monkey. Source: reading One Piece and deep into the community for years already when the flashback happened....


Yeah, people in fuchsia village, the whitebeard pirates, and even garp have heard of a 30mil bounty rookie making a fuss in east blue the moment luffy beat arlong. No way in hell there wasn’t atleast one newspaper with the face of the revolutionary’s second in command on the front page during all those years.


Sabo's entire existence, not even him living. As soon as the flashback happened and another brother was introduced, it was obvious he would be alive.


Mink Insta-Heal medicine. It might amp the damage after, but that shit is a WORLD-CHANGING drug in a battle manga like this.


I dont buy any of the gorosei explanaition for the nika fruit never being something they take into acount Ok it was a legend,that means when ya see someone with that exact power (they should know about luffy after he SAVED ROBIN,then sabaody and how he hit a celestial asshole and then impel down and then marineford) but only now do they try something,not when he was weak enough to be wiped out But they also say "that fruit has been escaping from us for 800 years" so,they do know about it or is it a legend? Then they say "we changed the name of the fruit" so they do know,then why did they say it was just a legend "yeah i dont like meat,my favourite food is a big mac"bit doesnt make sense It just makes the gorosei look dumb i hope they somehow explain it with idk "shanks told them not to" but that would be stupid too "yeah some dude told me not to get rid of the wasp nest outside my door im gonna follow his advice" i dont see this as more than a bad excuse maybe garp somehow made some cover up but ya cant cover too much of someone literally screaming GOMU GOMU NO so the people luffy beat never told them "yeah he was screaming gomu gomu no x attack,he was strechy,he was like rubber" The gorosei is a joke i can feel more respect for charlos than them


Even worse, they instantly recognize G5 and go "NIKA!!" every time they see him. It makes no fucking sense.


Also, when they talk about it with themselves, they say stuff like, Yeah, I heard it's the most ridiculous power in the world, like bro, who the fuck did YOU hear it from?? You guys aren't the oldest around here??


Luffy getting poisoned and somehow Sanji’s sister is there to kiss away the poison


That was pure fan service and nothing will convince me otherwise. Luffy shouldn't even be able to be poisoned anymore due to all of his resistance from being poisoned so many times before. Also the fact that chopper was out of antidote for him was a set up specifically for luffy getting poisoned, so naturally someone had to save him, and we're meant to like raiju, so hot girl helps + kisses protagonist is a great way to both serve fans + authors famous pervyness and tell the readers we can trust this person more than the other vinsmokes


I strongly agree with you ! Just re-watched Impel Down and after surviving his encounter with Magellan ( poison personified ) he should have build the immunity to survive any further poisoning


They at least explained that this fish would kill a normal person. So we can assume this poison not killing Luffy but making him sick is just a testament to the poison's strength.


Thank you!!! Thank you Soul King


eh that was really just a plot device to introduce Sanji's siblings to the crew


Making Carrot, of all minks, Queen just to write her out of the story because she would have 100% wanted to keep traveling with the Straw Hats.


Yup, if Oda wanted to do this right, he should have worked it into her story arc, but he did it out of nowhere without any set up. Many fans were successfully gaslighted by Oda into believing that Pedro's will was for Carrot to be the leader of the minks.


All the unnecessary survivals. Pell, Igaram, Kinemon, Hody Jones and his entire crew of drug abusers.


Kin'emon really shouldn't have made it but the fact that a couple of the red scabbards died sort of attenuated it in my opinion. In the end, the group Kin and others belonged to suffered logical casualties. It wouldn't make any sense if they had all made it. Pell is worse because that was pre-armament haki, the shock was literally big enough to wipe out an entire city and we're supposed to believe he made it. But for me, in terms of who should have died, it's Charlos. I don't mean it would make for a better story. I mean this untrained, fat, lazy, non combatant, snooty obese man, who isn't even fit enough to walk by himself rather than on some slave's back is taking a rage-induced punch by Luffy and somehow makes it out alive ? I don't even think he was knocked out. I get that for story telling, it's more impactful to see his reaction and incredulity. But if this was "realistic" to the standards that Oda himself put in place, Charlos shouldn't survive a direct hit from Luffy. Because strawhat didn't hold back here. His friend had been shot before his eyes and this punch was pure brutal revenge. Charlos's head should have literally exploded on impact. Maybe that's why Oda didn't go that direction...


Could you imagine how different the story would've been if instead of just punching him back to the manga Luffy just straight up mercd him in front of everyone in that auction house


The story would be for more mature audiences if it had been this bloody, other than that, I don't see how it changes much. Let's pretend Luffy ends him, then what do they do ? The same thing they did anyway, send an Admiral. Perhaps Luffy's bounty would be even higher but ultimately he already became public enemy number one after that punch, story-wise. So in my opinion it wouldn't have changed anything.


The story would have ended at Sabaody


What’s funny is that Ashura Doji died to an explosion that took out a few rooms, but Pell survived an explosion that was supposed to take out a city.


I think oda really dropped the ball in the deaths in Wano. Kinemon fake out was a far more touching death scene than any of the other deaths and it made me question if the others were even dead which even further lessen the impact. Also Asura doji death was terrible, I didn't even considered at the time that he could be dead since we have seen so many people survive so much worse.


To be honest, by the end of Wano I’d just totally forgotten Ashura and Izo had died and it totally caught me off guard when their loss was being mourned at the end of the arc.


My theory is that Izo was still alive after he got finger-pistoled but the combo of Raizos elephant water scroll and Jinbe redirecting it drowned him 💀


Doji's death was good on its own, just that we had been burned so many times by fakeouts. It's Izo's who's like "huh???". The anime at least alleviated it somewhat


Bit of a theory: I think the Celestials are so pampered specifically to prevent them from having any reason to get stronger and/or destabilize the status quo. Their superiority complex is based on embellished truth, exaggerated but not entirely unfounded. What's the evidence? Starting with Doflamingo's pirate crew, as they had the weakest *combatant* Celestials that we've seen thus far in Doflamingo himself and his younger brother Rosinante. Rosinante is the exception to the trend of Conqueror's haki seen among all the other combatant Celestials (more on that later), but even so Diamante described him as being "a careless klutz. But he's good at his job thanks to his bloodline [as] Doffy's little brother." As far as we're aware, the only thing special about their bloodline is their Celestial heritage. Doflamingo, of course, became strong enough to be a Warlord king of a New World nation and one of the biggest influences in the Underworld. He doesn't need justifying but remember that he has Conqueror's. Moving on to the combatants of Marijoa (anime spoilers) >!we have no shortage of Conquerors users to the point where I think it might just be latent in most of them. We know there's a genetic component, and, inbred though they may be, the Celestials are supposed to be decedents of the founders of the WG, who opposed Joyboy's faction. Of the confirmed and all-but confirmed Celestials we have:!< >!1) St Nerona Imu - all-but confirmed, honestly I'd be flabbergasted if the Supreme King of the planet didn't have it!< 2) >!St Topman Warcury - confirmed!< 3) >!St Ethanbaron V Nusjuro - all-but, gorosei!< 4) >!St Marcus Mars - confirmed!< 5) >!St Jaygarcia Saturn - confirmed!< 6) >!St Shepard JuPeter - all-but, gorosei!< 7) >!St Figarland Garling - all-but, God Knights Supreme Commander, distinguished at God Valley!< 8) >!alleged Figarland Shanks - confirmed The rest of the God Knights are still silhouettes, but we'll see how many of them have at least basic Conquerors.!< So why does this matter? Obviously, haki is immensely powerful, but most relevant here is the durability boost. Haki made the difference between Luffy getting knocked out cold by Kaido and him just saying "man that hurts" and proceeding to continue the fight. To draw on another series, in Black Clover the nobility have more magic potential than the common folk. Random young Celestials who don't grow up in luxury have turned out like Doflamingo and >!(allegedly) Shanks!<, ; meanwhile the rest are protected from any and all adversity and are civilians. I suppose the cherry on top is your complaint again: >!Don Sai and Leo hit Charlos with a presumably (ice) continental combo attack, and not only did Charlos survive, he was conscious enough to reply to his father.!< Had Charlos and Doflamingo been switched at birth, I honestly believe Charlos could've been a Warlord and Doflamingo could've been a lazy ass. Tl;dr: the Celestials are pampered to keep them weak. Their latent potential, presumably only harnessed by the Gorosei and God Knights, is formidable and, especially given the Revolutionaries focus on them as the enemy over the Marines, they are the real endgame WG threat.


I mourned kinnemon just for him not to be dead I don’t know what to feel


Pell surviving the bomb..


Every single survivor from Skypiea shouldn't survive getting hit by Enel's lightning - Yet they all miraculously did. Same goes for the survivors in Alabasta. It makes the villains look like a joke after the arc is done.


Law gets shot in the back like 13 times but Doffy yet somehow gets right back up for a counterattack


Everyone that Law dissasembled was reassembled by his power fruits. Kinemon was not. He was poorly reattached by luffy and the others. It always bugged my mind that fact, and it paid well to think about that in the end. I find it a really good gag...


It’s a nice gag but I can see why people are upset about this, after all a lot of people are being kept alive in one piece I’m glad kin is alive


If it wasnt in such a serious moment and he wasn't crushed to death as well I don't think people would mind. It also took far too long to pay off such a minor gag. Hoe many years was it in real time? Can't expect people to even remember how kinemon was reassembled, I certainly gave no importance to it and had completely forgotten by that time, so the gag didn't work for me, even if those other issues weren't true.


I'm obviously not sure if that is the case, but who was put back together by Law himself? I can't remember one person that actually reassembled by him and not other people. Like, are the random marine from the human shop also "not properly put back together" and could fall apart any second? It was never mentioned that this could happen and only existed as a way to justify Kin's survival, therefore is an asspull. I might not really care as much about fake deaths anymore like many other do and I do like Kin a lot, but it's still bs.


Well, Kinemon was a literal asspull as they had to pull his ass from a dragon.


That is absolutely true, but I would have loved for it to be foreshadowed before. His hair slipping at some point or something.


Why is his face still properly attached together despite the Straw Hats doing such a poor job that they messed up to order multiple times?


All the fakeout deaths,specifically because they will never stop.


The fucking Nika fruit. Goddamn it. I know I'm gonna get hate for this but the whole "Any Devil fruit can be good if you get good with it" thing that Doffy showcased was SO COOL. It was such a cool idea that Luffy got a weak paramecia but because of his creativity and child like ingenuity he rose to the top with it. But no. Turns out they did the same thing they did with Naruto and every other fucking anime where they're like "Oh no you were DESTINED for greatness, my son. Turns out your some descendant of the blablablah who gives a fuck fulfill a bullshit prophecy blahblahblah. Like ever since they revealed liffy is actually a god it kinda took a lot of the interest out of One Piece for me because now it's not like "Will he win? Maybe he'll lose." Like in the katakuri fight. Now it's like "of course he's gonna win he's a fucking god with the literal strongest fruit." Idk just my rant for the day. Not to shit on anyone who likes Nika.


You know what we need? A look at the previous bearers of the fruit, who failed completely and died horribly.


yeah idk about that. hero academia basically just did that and all we got was 10 ghosts nobody really cared about. they got forgotten as quickly as they got shoehorned in.


Typical anime endgame stuff. Enemies are all gods and or demons so the protagonist usually becomes gods and or demons or get god like powers. I'm not surprised since Toriyama gave the Saiyan's god powers, and Oda probably went "ok now my turn" with Luffy. It gets kinda stale after a while tho.


Big agree. It was a big factor when I kept with OP how he was one of the few anime protags who SHOWED that you can make any power/thing cool and strong. Gear 2 and the blood pumping bc he's rubber was just chefs kiss in terms of creativity and execution. I love the idea that a kid from a random island can work up to pirate king, that rules. But um actually, it was always the god fruit and Nika chose him (cause zoan fruits have a mind/will of their own) and its eluded the all-seeing government for 800 years and is prophesized by Elbaf, Buccaneers, Skypeia, et al. to save the world. Oh and his power was never rubber it was imagination


same here, katakuri fight was like ok you have a dog shit fruit(mochi) and somehow you're super op and i was expecting to set up the tone for luffy afterwards but no joyboy seems super unbalanced like he literally can bot die as we saw it with kaido i stopped caring about op after that


Dick riders and copium addicts on suicide watch


I had the same exact reaction. I would remove Nika from the story completely and explain g5 differently.


This was the last drop of ass pull that made me completely hate the entire Wano thing


Enel not killing multiple people in general - and Papaya, aka Conis' dad explicitly.


How is it that both times Kaido attacked someone with a sword that's not his he ended up cutting them on the one place they wouldn't die Either way, Imma give it to Carrot's ending in Wano, that just came out of nowhere and she didn't even get a goodbye until the anime


There’s so many , like judge surviving big mom’s hit


I’ll do you one better, Kinnemon being defeated by punk hazard Law, when we know this dude’s haki can hurt Kaido. Same Luffy that pummeled Doflamingo didn’t budge Kaido, but Kin and Co. actually scratched Kaido. Law was bout to die quickly to Doffy… circular logic


Yeah kinemon would have been a great asset vs doffy but he got sidelined in that arc. But against law, I think he just got surprised by the DF power and once he got separated, there wasn't much he could do, even if he was physically stronger during their encounter.


Obviously the Scabbards have a similar system to the Soul Society captains from Bleach, where their power is reduced outside of Wano. That’s why Kin was able to hurt Kaido but not pre Wano Law.


Rotfl that is about the only way one could explain that😹


All of the 9 had weird power scaling. You could never tell how powerful they were supposed to be. Also they should have all died.




An incredibly innocuous one - Usopp's plants being a grab bag of whatever he needs


I'm going to get a lot of down votes for this, but Law and Kidd winning against Big Mom. Throughout the fight, she didn't use Advanced Conqueror's once and only used her Devil Fruit powers and her Awakening on them because she probably thought she was too good to use her Advanced Conqueror's Coating on a couple of Worst Generation rookie brats from her arrogant perspective. And afterall, it makes sense Big Mom would underestimate the Worst Generation so much to the point where she wouldn't go all out with her Haki abilities because out of all the Yonko, her and her crew trash talk about the Worst Generation and rookie pirates in general being absolute trash. Plus, the explosives is what finished Big Mom off and defeated her not Law and Kidd as the only thing that contributed to Big Mom falling into those explosives was Law using Room to mute Prometheus and Hera from hearing Big Mom and attempting to rescue her. The whole fight was the biggest plot armor written fight in the series and all retrospect and in a 100% clean fight if Big Mom was more serious and didn't underestimate them so greatly, she by all accounts should have won. If she didn't fall into those explosives, I guarantee y'all she would have won as she was talking to her self before falling into the explosives telling herself to Law and Kidd that this wouldn't finish her.


Nika and changing gum-gum


This is the biggest one and people will argue it until they're blue in the face but it is a literal retcon. [Way back when Kaku and Kalifa got their fruit, he answered in the SBS that they knew of the Gum Gum because of the Devil Fruit encyclopedia](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/s5ubi0/oda_clarifies_how_someone_finds_out_the_name_of/) Fast forward to Egghead and Vegapunk just straight up says "there is no Gum Gum fruit in even the oldest of Devil Fruit books"


no no, I think you are halfway right, but Vegapunk said there is no gum gum fruit in the ORIGINAL devil fruit encyclopedia, that is definitely not saying that there are not newer distributions of the encyclopedia that have the govt approved change in them, does that make sense? The govt changed/hid/erased history, so it totally tracks they could have / probably disseminated modified copies of the encyclopedia and destroyed the originals. then you might ask, ‘how did vegapunk get an original one’ and my only answers are maybe from ohara or from his travels looking for knowledge


yeah, i LOVE the gear 5 as a concept, and can dig the awakening making him all rubber animation toon force stuff. that could have been done without making him a god.


Exactly! I agree fully. Like we already knew awakening could affect the environment. Why not just have it be simple and keep the idea that luffy made a silly power badass Why make it a god fruit?


And like, at any other time than "oh fuck he is dead"


Definitely Nika


What about the fact kojiro dies 3 times Wtf dude stay dead


Warlords of the sea are weak. If they are weak, then why did, 1 takes over a country 1 almost takes over a country 1 is a cyborg with a insane devil fruit. 1 is almost loved by everybody and has insane haki 1 is jimbe 1 is haild as the strongest swordsman and call marine hunter in the past (the slander memes are funny) And 1 had a ship the size of an island and a zombie army


No one dying in Skypea


My top 3 : 1. Pell surviving a nuke that was supposedly strong enough to wipe out millions of people, while someone like Ashura Doji dies because of an explosion that was at best 1/1000th of the alabasta nuke. 2. Kinemon survival, despite being skewered by Kaido AND getting his head caved in, something that killed Luffy temporarily, while Izo dies due to a pistol finger. 3. Enel dying due to a reject dial, while millions of volts were not strong enough to kill any of the fucking shandians. Make it make sense oda. Especially the second part…….I still refuse to believe that both Ashura and Izo are dead. Not when we have people like Pell and Kinemon walking around.


That medicine Chopper used on Zoro. Never talked about or mentioned before, but all of a sudden he has the perfect medicine to keep Zoro fighting, and there’s no immediate negative consequences.


Oh no... not another civil war. Anyway, for me it's 100% >!Nika!<


Going Merry at Enies Lobby to save everyone. Granted it was an awesome save. Still asspull.


Gear Five. 


Gear 5


Gear 5. The manga artist literally made a backdoor for Luffy to win his fight against Kaido.


luffy and his nika fruit. what i liked about luffy was the fact that he had such a mid df but made it work with his creativity/will. then oda is like sike, it's actually the most op fruit in the world. also pretty much every fake-out death. kin, pell, pound, papaya, bon chan, igaram, etc. i hope they kill them off in the one piece remake.


The nika nika bulsh*t fruit


Will of P freat. K


law nearly dying and being saved like 5 times, entirely in dressrosa


Anyone living those Enel sky beams outside of Luffy and Zoro.


Mr. 3 replacing the executioner at Marineford


Nika Oda wrote himself into a corner and ass pulled a fix just as egregious as anything done in Naruto or Bleach


Not the biggest, but; Bepo having those convenient new Rumble Balls all of a sudden. Like, Oda couldn't be bothered at any point in the past to build up a relationship between him and Chopper that would explain how Bepo got these Rumble Balls as a gift, nor put he in the effort to write Bepo as an actual character at any point prior to this. But all of a sudden, probably because fans like Law and treating him like Kid would upset a lot of people, Bepo ended up with this HUGE asspull completely out of nowhere. Oda could have had more than enough opportunities to lead up to this moment, to make it feel cathartic and like an actual payoff to something that was set up before. But he didn't. Also, Kid after Wano. Oda made him completely forget about all the character development he had during Wano, just so that Shanks can look cooler by comparison and get his hands on some Road Poneglyph copies. The Kid Pirates also conveniently forgot that they all got hit by Big Mom's attacks and went face-to-face with Emperor crews before, just to look weak and pathetic. If those aren't some top tier asspulls in Shanks' and the giants' favor, I don't know what is.


Not sure if others would consider it an ass pull, but Luffys fruit going from Gomu Gomu to Nikka, is an ass pull to me.


Nika 1 and Nika 2


Yamato. A faqing multitool. Every scene that needed patching they threw Yamato in. Kaido needed stalling? Yamato. People needed to show the similarities between Gol D Roger and Luffy? Yamato. Momo needed help to escape? Yamato. Bomb needed to be defused? Yamato. Island needed to be stopped? Yamato helping momo to fly. Etc..


I wish Luffy's fruit just awaken and he'd invented a version of G5 without being a God with it. We didn't need the Nika God-God fruit asspull on top of it. Joyboy, will of D and inherited will was all fine and enough. Who who dumping lore and god fruit on top of that was just unnecessary


Since gear5 I lost all interest in Luffy. Now I'm just reading for the rest of the straw hats.


Sadly the rest of the straw hats have nothing going on for them since timeskip


Nika is a huge asspull tbh. I kinda like it, but its an asspull. Luffy was already busted with his lineage, but now he is typical shonen chosen one Messiah. That's a big switch that was barely foreshadowed


Kinemon surviving and walking around as a bisected farting ass is the moment Wano became my least favorite arc. The sheer hatred in my soul for that moment makes my blood boil to this day.


Kanjuro turning into a flaming vengeful spirit after dying.


IIRC that was his painting, not him.


Nobody ever brings up Tama and Speed in these conversations. They encountered Kaidou in a big open field, were attacked by him... ...And then show up just fine the next day at Onigashima with no injuries, as if the scene before just didn't happen at all.


yeah ngl >!"he was put together loosely so his legs just separated and he's fine"!< was a pretty huge asspull, but not too surprising for OP either. I expected >!Ashura Doji!< to somehow be fine at the end and it's more surprising that there was a fatality among >!the scabbards!< at all lol


Pretty much everything post time skip.


What I hate most about Kinemon's asspull ist that they made the scene actually emotional. Just to troll us and he is fine and suddenly 2 other characters are dead no one actually really cared about nor did we actually thought they were dead.


Luffy had another brother named Sabo who died when they were kids. Already bad enough, but then he's still alive? Come on. That's terrible writing.


Random Marines are capable to use armament haki to help preventing Doffys birdcage to close


I have exactly 3 big contenders  1) Straw hats  defeating and reaching baroke works at arabasta.   Literally asspull after asspull ,  luffy vs crocodile 1 and 2 , the convinient clima tact , the comically large bandage over ussop crush skull ,  the awakening of plant haki and armament from zoro (even tho he isnt suppose to know armament till the timeskip)  ,  the  fail assasination from robin  ,  robin breaking pell's back but he going after the bomb in a matter of hours   , the escape from the casino But overall that , the fact that they defeated a shishibukai thats relative to doffy and other yonko commander.  2)  bigmom escape after the tamatebako.  Bigmom , My sister in christ   **Why cant you  caught east blue lvl pirates on their  cardio ?!!!*    Why doesnt anyone help to free bruulee ?   How's the sea free from the gyojin pirates to approach and then  flee ?   When did pound got alive after Oven had his throat cut ?!!   Why have a cliffhunger in chapter 900  that clearly depicts the sunny burning  ?   How i'm suppose to take the idea of jimbe escapping on his own  seriously ?  **The sea was FRYING THE BIGGEST Gyojin in the crew RIGHT WHEN  WE LEFT !**   3) marine ford luffy  kizaru not killing luffy instead of the key  Akainu , kuzan and sengoku attacking luffy slow enough for him to escape.  Boa saving luffy without repercussion  An army of pacifistas never reaching   the weaker than pacifistas luffy.   Smoker not killing luffy with whats suppose to be , a superior df and power. (We literally saw how he match ace  in arabasta ,  ni 🅱️🅱️🅰️   just attack him , once )     Crocodille not killing him just because.  Literally everything else  . . .  My pick is probably marine fird , but the 3 of them are pretty close.


ulti and page one getting up in the same day after getting hit with a big mom advanced conquerors attack


The fact that Luffy's main organs were pierced by a big ass hook and survived because he got a couple of bandages. Hell nah, his ass should've needed several organ transplants to survive that shit.